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hey you guys it's Christina and today we are going to be talking about how to reverse diabetes eating fully raw I have a special guest here to address this important topic that is very close to my heart over 115 million people in the US have diabetes or prediabetes in 2012 the total cost of diagnosed diabetes was 245 billion dollars in the US alone many of you know that I went fully raw because I had hyperglycemia which is the onset of type 2 and I was able to completely reverse it by going fully raw one of my best friends Robbie is a passionate advocate for diabetes wellness Robbie is a type 1 diabetic who's been eating fully raw for eight years now we've known each other for over seven years and we found each other because we both approach this lifestyle because of our blood sugar issues we have shared in this passion for years together now and we've become so close and I can honestly say that it is hard to find a friend that is better than the one who is sitting next to me here today Robbie is now known as the mindful diabetic and he's here to show the world how diabetics can increase their help eating fully raw Robbie I am so glad to have you here today it's great to be here huge in Houston hanging out with you we're making delicious food going to co-op enjoying quality time and just watching you do your thing it's it's great I love it so as you know I also love talking about diabetes sharing some positivity so thank you for this opportunity absolutely all right so let's talk a little bit about the difference between type 1 and type 2 you are a type 1 diabetic can you tell us the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes that's right so type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that's where the body attacks its own insulin producing cells in the pancreas so my pancreas does not produce insulin right now and I inject insulin to keep my blood Sugar's in a healthy range every single human being needs insulin to survive it's a hormone that allows sugar to get out of the bloodstream and into the cells to power ourselves now type 2 diabetes is more of a lifestyle condition the body is still producing insulin but it's not being used efficiently so when we talk about curing diabetes this is the type we're talking about and the good news is 95% of all diabetics are type twos so you haven't been able to stop taking insulin but you have had a lot of success with eating fully raw can you tell us a little bit more about that absolutely that's correct so your condition was the precursor to type 2 diabetes so you could completely reverse it in my case I've been eating a fully raw diet exactly as you teach for eight years now and getting amazing results so I have not had an a1c higher than six point one and a1c is a measure of how well somebody's been managing their blood sugar over the past two to three months so a normal non-diabetic will have an a1c between four and a half and 6.0 so for a diabetic anything arounds a type one diabetic anything around 6.0 is really great my latest a1c was five point eight so I've been able to do this eating a lot of carbohydrates whole food carbohydrate about seven hundred and fifty grams a day compared to the American Diabetes Association recommendation of somewhere around 250 on the high end so I eat a lot of carbohydrates Whole Foods healthy carbs but I don't cover it with insane amounts of insulin so I take about 40 units of insulin a day which is very healthy for a type one diabetic the reason I can do this is because my diet is low fat and the carbs I eat are from whole foods that contain lots of fiber and water so you're saying that fat is the problem and perhaps that low fat is a solution that's beautiful I'm always making videos about how important a low-fat diet is and how show recipes can be delicious and beneficial but maybe you can explain a little bit more about why low-fat is important for diabetics in particular exactly too much fat in the diet leads to insulin resistance that is the problem for diabetes so fat inside the cells prevents insulin from doing its job so for type 1 diabetics you clear out the fat you're going to need less overall insulin the blood sugars are going to be more stable and your insulin to carb ratio will improve significantly for type 2 diabetics it's a 1 on the story you can actually completely get off all your medications of course working with your doctor but essentially diabetes disappears so let's talk a little bit about fruit and blood sugar one of the things that I hear most frequently asked from people is how can you eat fruit and be a diabetic and not have your blood sugar go crazy I get these comments all of the time what do you say to people who ask you know I'm so glad you brought this up I mean this is a very important issue I get the same to issue questions all the time the problem the issue is accumulated fat inside this house the accumulated fat is not going to get cleared out overnight so how long it takes for the extra fat to be cleared it varies from person to person but usually in a matter of days so let's talk a little bit about you being the mindful diabetic you've just started your own YouTube channel you are sharing your life you are sharing your pictures and your knowledge you're sharing how much insulin you take and everything can you tell us a little bit more about that yes so I just started YouTube and it's fun I love it and yes so I'm making videos sharing what my girlfriend and I are buying to keep our apartment full of healthy foods you know I'm going to share testimonials about type 1 diabetics type 2 diabetics highlight a lot of the research and scientific journals where the foundation of this comes from and also probably making few simple recipes in the kitchen so it's called mindful diabetic and the definition of mindful is to be conscious or aware of something and I want every single diabetic to be aware of how powerful is lifestyle is for us so let's talk a little bit about reverse diabetes eating fully raw and so for those of you who are watching maybe perhaps you could give us three different tips or ways that we can get started we all know how powerful this lifestyle can be so let's ask the real question is it possible to reverse diabetes eating fully raw the answer is absolutely yes no question about it we just visited a former type-2 diabetic that ulid coach and she was on meth morphine for over seven years and you coached her and after two months of following a fully raw diet she was off her medications and now to this day she's eating all the fruit she wants and doesn't even think about diabetes it's just not an issue for her so of course I think fully raw is the goal it's the gold standard we both unnecessarily love which we believe is best but I want people to be aware of all the options of what they can do so I have three steps to reverse diabetes the first one is to get yourself educated watch the documentary Forks Over knives and then read two books dr. Barnard program for reversing diabetes and the 80/10/10 diet this intellectual understanding will be very important as a foundation while you're going through the transition period there's so much confusion in the diabetes community about carbohydrates so and fruit and all that so you really need this education step two is to establish a baseline take the time to document your current diet so you know where you are this is a very eye-opening experience for most people because they're very surprised to see exactly how much fat is actually in their diet so you combine one and two now it's like okay I'm really going to do this so step three is to jump in 100% for 30 days but I understand the whole kinds of progress not perfection you know just change the meal at a time but if you already have diabetes you're already diagnosed you already have the motivation so you owe it to yourself to see what you're capable of and I promise you you're capable of more than you think you are and sticking to a low fat high carb diet it's not that hard it's actually a lot of fun and you can do this so you can you can start out with just following a Forks of a nice style diet eat some starches or you can go hundred percent fully wrong you can do some combination in between it doesn't matter the point is used to keep your diet low-fat Whole Foods high carbohydrate you're gonna see amazing results in 30 days 30 days that's it and some people they might get concerned you know what that's a lie I can't do it they're scared but listen if you let's pretend you were 20 years old you got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and you change your diet for 30 days that's literally less than half a percent of your life so for 99.5% of your life you did the things that led to this condition and I'm telling you I'm promising you in 30 days you will see amazing results in most cases type twos will be off their medication I always tell people take it one day at a time one fruit at a time one step at a time whatever you need to do to keep yourself inspired motivated and moving forward towards greater health so Ravi I am so honored and excited that you came here today with me we're able to share our experience and our knowledge with people so that maybe perhaps they can take greater strides to get healthier as well for those of you who want more information on how to eat vegan or go fully raw or just get healthy if you have diabetes please check the links in the description below this video we'll put some great information down there for you we also encourage you to comment on this video and ask questions because both of us are going to be responding and trying to answer as many questions as we can for those of you who want to follow my dear friend Robbie here you can find him at YouTube channel is mindful diabetic Robbie awesome he's sharing his life how much insulin is taking what he's eating he's doing an amazing job of inspiring others you guys want more tips tricks or recipes on how to go fully raw you can also subscribe here to fully rock Christina as we have fun learning about this lifestyle and getting healthy together if you guys want to follow me daily you can also find me on Facebook Pinterest Instagram and Twitter all at fully rock Hristina alright you guys we are going to go and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day and eat some delicious fruits and vegetables and we hope that you get to go and do the same sending you all our hugs and our love hi Trixie recipes how'd it go fully raw all right so we'll start we'll start at sit with ah those were some epic persimmons man not for Simmons persimmons I think he give you a little bit of gas though yeah I do suck so to get reading this persimmon Oh silly what ya doing pretty good sounds good she says I win
Channel: FullyRawKristina
Views: 188,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diabetes, Reversing Diabetes, Cure for Diabetes, Plant based diet, vegan, vegetarian, raw food vegan, raw food vegan recipes, healthy recipes diabetics, low sugar recipes, high carb food, Raw Veganism, Neil Barnard, hyperglycemia, fullyrawkristina, reverse diet, fullyraw, fully raw, raw food diet, raw vegan, vegan recipes
Id: oyBlnJsivKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 16 2014
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