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I done good I have a guitar it's a locally made guitar and it's also signed by kid Wow signed by Kid Rock right made in Michigan right and it's also pimped on the side and on the side they only did that to a certain number of guitars we're in Detroit there's probably a lot of guitars signed by Kid Rock but this is a limited-edition one of one and I have the paperwork for the guitar as well and how did you get this I bought it off of a collector look I know the person who actually wanted in the contest how much you looking for I'd like to get around 2800 just for the guitar itself you're asking a crazy premium because of his signature Detroiters love Kid Rock there's a huge mark in the city of Detroit for this item I know I can sell this for big money and make a profit but only if I can get it for the right price you're looking about $700 no yeah that's just too low I so whatever I dude 22 22 22 this is what I can offer you I can offer you 1,200 bucks now I can't do that 16 yeah 16 I can't do we're closed I mean we're right there I'll go 1350 for two and a half oh we're so close you're gonna walk over 100 bucks are you gonna walk over 100 hugs I got lots of stuff here I got lots of stuff I know so 13:50 1360 there's strategy behind negotiating at some point someone has to walk away 13750 1375 this guy might not realize it yet but this is gonna be my guitar 1380 1380 1413 75 1380 1380 cosmic comes in with a limited-edition guitar signed by Kid Rock I have a guy 1380 he was walking he wasn't gonna accept the money that's it you know how to go for twenty bucks give me the word to run listen there's two things that I know about music and Detroit there's a huge market in this area for Kid Rock memorabilia if you're gonna do it I'm not doing that no no forget it he's back I knew it see ya that's how we do it listen I've been at this game a long time I knew exactly what was gonna happen 1380 right now 1313 80 it's yours to walk away with 1380 I already walked with it I know and then you came back 1380 all right well he lowered his price $10 I knew I was gonna get four 1380 if I decide to sell tomorrow I could make some serious money on
Channel: cosmotherobot
Views: 1,454,377
Rating: 4.5716696 out of 5
Keywords: pawnrev
Id: eqPwan-kzF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2012
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