Revelation Studies pt. 35 - The Beast, Atheism & LGBT

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this is what we have been discussing and trying to dissect for the past two two weeks that we were we were looking at this diagram and um I should say this chapter of Revelation always gave me a very difficult time for you know for years I have been studying Revelation and when I say years I mean from the time I became a Christian back in 1975. and for the next 20 30 years I I read through Revelation many times studied through the book many times and I mean many I mean like 30 times I probably read through the Book of Revelation and I mean I went through with a fine-tooth school me to time but Revelation 17 I just couldn't make sense of those um five are fall and one is the other has not yet Come Those heads on the horns really bothered me now what I've been sharing is is how the well I don't want to say the Lord because I don't want to to be when that person says the Lord shows me there's no room for enemy stick and I'm not saying that this is how I view my understanding of this but what I'm saying is that it finally I finally came to see the whole picture in a way that makes sense to me okay it makes sense to me whereas before I couldn't make any sense of it so that is what I've been presenting and that is what I'm going to keep presenting unless I see something that is better sometimes you know people make comments on YouTube or other places where they come up with some interpretations and and I I usually read through all of them but most of them I I have to put them aside I have to say I don't agree with this you see whatever we we believe in brothers and sisters it usually is based on other things that we understand you know one truth links to another so I believe this because I believe that and I believe that because I believe something else and you put them all together and you come up with a picture that makes sense in light of your previous conclusion so Revelation is like this what do you think the woman riding the beast is it depends on who the Beast is what do you think the Beast is you have to go back to chapter 11 chapter 13 you even go back to the Book of Daniel to kind of get an idea of the identity of the Beast and who is a woman the woman sits on seven heads you take everything that you you are already understand into consideration then you come to a conclusion so sometimes somebody comes with a different interpretation and there are so many places where it is out of sync with what you understand your background understanding so you have to just reject that idea so I'm saying all of this because I know that there are people who look at these presentations on YouTube or or otherwise and they they do have their criticism criticisms and they do have their interpretations but at the moment I still find that the way I'm seeing it as far as I'm concerned maybe I'm biased but the way I'm seeing it still makes the most sense to me all right so nobody think I'm saying I'm infallible or that they are not any problems with how I understand it but I'm saying as far as my understanding goes it makes the most sense and that's the best I can ever do until one day God says to me I want to give you the gift of Prophecy I want to give you a vision I want to tell you what this means until then I have to go by what in what comes to me as I study the word of God and I still believe that God is leading and directing but I won't go so far as to say that it's inspiration in that biblical sense no I won't say that so anyway this is what we have been looking at we've been trying to we've been trying to identify this Beast and we said that this red rectangle here at the bottom represents the Beast and we have seen that the Beast has had the Beast has had five heads the green heads and that they fell and the redhead one is and the yellow head one is yet to come we also saw that a woman was sitting on the Hedge it says clearly the woman sat on the head so therefore when there was the the the first green head the woman was there when there was the second one she was there when there was a third one she was there she's present on the red head she's present on the yellow head that is to come so the woman is associated with the Beast for all of its career so whatever the Beast represents whatever these heads represent the woman has been there and this makes us have to identify the woman accordingly the woman cannot be a power that just arises at a certain point in time when one of the heads exists he has been there all along and since this Beast is a composite who spawns many generations Millennia thousands of years then we understand that the woman is also an entity that spans thousands of years so this determines how we identify both the woman and the Beast then what else we saw was that there comes a time when the last head Falls the yellow head the question mark and there's a question mark because at the time when the prophecy was given the angel said this head has not yet come so there was a question over the identity of that head according to the Bible when that head Falls the Yellowhead the Beast will become king number eight there are seven kings that the scripture says seven Kings five have fallen one is and one has not yet come seven Kings but it says that after the seventh head Falls the Beast is is the eighth King so there are although there are only seven heads there are eight Kings so while the seven hits are ruling the Beast is not ruling himself he's he is these seven heads are like his his vice jirens right he is he's ruling vicariously through these seven hits but when the last one Falls then the Beast emerges in his true identity and he he becomes king number eight at this point ten minor Kings ten smaller Kings receive power at the same time when the Beast becomes king when when the Beast becomes king number eight and the seven heads are all gone what you have left is a beast with his ten horns and he becomes the ruling power and he the Bible says that at this point these ten horns these these these ten black spikes these ten horns at this point they will hate the woman now the woman finally the romance with the Beast comes to an end well maybe it's more a romance with his seven heads Maybe because when the seven heads are gone the nature of the Beast changes the Beast is said to come from the bottomless feet and the ten horns emerge along with the Beast and what they do is that they they hate the woman before the ten horns came into power that the Beast the woman was was okay the Beast was getting on with a woman the woman was not hated but now these ten horns hate the woman they eat her flesh they make her naked and they burn her with fire so these ten horns which are a part of the Beast turn around and destroy the woman no I'm going to I'm going to dwell on this a little more deceiving but I just wanted to look at it superficially and you have to understand while the super hits are are ruling the woman is not offensive to the Beast or to the heads she is cooperating with the heads she is in uh an adulterous relationship with the seven heads but when the seven head Falls and the Beast comes up out of the bottomless pit there is something about these ten horns and there's something about the nature of the Beast that is antagonistic towards the woman and what the woman stands for what is it that a woman stands for the woman stands for religion the woman stands for religion and during the the period of the Civil heads religion has been always acceptable to the Beast unto these heads but when it comes to the the fall of the seventh head and the ten horns come up why now does the Beast and why why does the Beast and why do we stand horns hate the woman because for all the ages before they did not hate the woman they did not eat her flesh they did not make her a naked and burner with fire but at the end they hate the woman and they set out to destroy the woman why I'm going to suggest to you that the reason is because something about these ten horns and the Beast is antagonistic towards religion that's the reason why in the end of time after the seven heads fall the Beast and the horns will turn against the woman and destroy the woman now let's go to the Bible and see I hope that that that that explanation everybody understood exactly what was laid out there hopefully they they the illustration helps us to see clearly now I said something and I'm going to come back to it I'm going to dwell on this this evening it says the Beast shall Ascend out of the bottomless feet all right it says in Revelation 11. that when the two witnesses have finished their testimony when the two witnesses have finished their testimony the Beast that comes up out of out of the bottomless spit will make war against them it says in Revelation revelation 9. that um there is a police called the bottomless Spirit it says that a a star falls from heaven and he is given the key to the bottomless feet and when he opens the bottomless feet there comes a smoke out of the pit as a smoke of a furnace and the Sun and the ear are darkened by reason of the pit now we understand that Revelation is a book of symbols so I'm not looking for a literal pit to be opened anywhere on the planet and for for smoke to come out of the pit it says There came out of the smoke Locust upon the Earth and they were given power as the Scorpions of the Earth have power and they have power to torment the people who live on Earth for five months I tell you frankly and honestly that I I have no clear idea of what that means some people believe that it represents a demonic invasion that demons are going to invade the planet other people believe that um it represents some kind of War they even say that when you look at these Locus it's a description of helicopters right they they they they're they look like horse is prepared to battle on their heads it was like there were crons of gold somebody was explaining that this represents the the symbols they have painted on the helicopters why they say this helicopters is because a little later on it says their their wings was at the sound of Chariots of many horses running to battle and they had tails like scorpions they say helicopters of a of a box section that look like a scorpion's tail I mean it says there were stings in their tails it means that they had guns at the rear as well as at the front and the guns were firing now that's how I've I've seen some people try to explain it I don't I don't accept any of these ideas I don't think any of them fit perfectly and if somebody asked me why don't I think so sometimes sometimes it's just that things don't mesh right I I I'm not saying that that my theory my understanding is correct because as I said I don't have a clear idea but I I have a I have a I have a reservation to the idea that there are going to be demons released on the earth like smoke like God is going to open The Dwelling Place of demons and he's going to let out demons upon the Earth and they are going to come out like a great smoke because if you take if you take it literally you have to take everything literally and and the air is darker and by reason of the smoke of the pitch so like the demons come out and they even called cause the air itself to become dark I mean it says there comes up Lucas upon the Earth what are these are these demons being described as locusts and what are we looking at are we looking at a picture of demons that that they look like horse is prepared to battle and they have on their heads chromes of gold and their faces like men and they have here as they hear of women and teeth like lions I don't think this is a description of demons so again I'm going to repudiate that I don't think this is what it means so I'm still looking for an understanding of what some of these trumpets really really mean but at the moment I can say it's not clear to me but the point I wanted to highlight is that it says that this happens when the bottomless spit is open okay an angel a star falls from heaven and this star is given the key of the bottomless feet and he opens the bottomless feet who is the star I suppose the the most the most logical interpretation is that this star represents Satan a fallen star or a fallen angel because it says a little furthermore when he talks about these Locus coming out of the pit that they had a king over them who is the Angel of the bottomless feet who is the Angel of the bottomless feet it says his name in the Hebrew tongue is but in the Greek tongue his name is apollyanna Napoleon means the destroyer and I guess means the same and and the king of the of these Lucas is the Angel of the bottomless speech so it seems like when you say that his name is abadan and his name is apollian the purpose of these Lucas is is to cause destruction an angel who is in charge of them is the Angel of the bottomless speech so whatever these these these locusts are they they are designed to do a lot of Destruction on the Earth and what I want to highlight is the fact that they come from a place called the bottomless spit the bottomless speed the bottomless speed so so the question I'm really highlighting and I'm really trying to get at is the question what is the bottomless pit that's the point because whatever that place is that's the place where the Beast finally comes back from because the Bible makes a big point of it God makes a big point of it it says the Beast that the woman is riding shall come out of the bottomless feet that's a very important point because right now we are not able to identify the Beast as he was in the past in the past the the Beast Empire was always a clearly definable political power that was antagonistic towards the people of God right now you can look and say that this is not very clearly defined we can say the Beast arose in in Europe in the in the whole world but you can't really point and say specifically there's a power there today that is carrying out great persecution against God's people now when the Beast comes back when this Beast emerges again to become a major political power it says it will be coming back from the bottomless split from the bottomless speed so it will be an Empire or a political entity that exists on Earth that came from the bottomless pit so the question is what is this bottomless speed because wherever it is that's where the Beast comes from that's also where the locusts come from and so on right so you you will remember that I have put forward the idea that the bottomless fit is not a place last week we discussed it you know um we know that demons are confined in a place called Tartarus in in in the Bible when they had an encounter with Jesus they refer to it as the the Deep Jesus they ask Jesus not to cast them out into the deep but clearly that is a a material place a place of isolation it has to do they're being confined to a certain area God put demons there in the in in this place and he doesn't allow them to come out and ruin about among human beings because like I said if he did we would not survive so the the angels of Satan even though they are able to move about in another dimension around us they can't break through into our dimension except every now and then they find people who are so so locked into Satan that their faith in Satan or their relationship with Satan opens a pathway into this world and they are able to come in and possess those people that's what demon possession is they possess these people and so they obtain a body and in this body they can function in this world these angels cannot function in this world outside of our body let me put it that way they need a material body in which to function and God has kept them in this deep so they are not allowed to come into human beings under normal circumstances you you have to open the door for them to come in and you do this by close association with Satan and his ways and that is how they get into this world but that's a that's a material place it's a place of physical or actual confinement now I don't believe the bottomless speed is the same thing why don't I believe it because clearly when it says that the Beast shall come up out of the bottomless this would suggest this would suggest that the Beast is a demon and that the Beast has been locked up in this place called The Deep and that the Beast is unable to come out of the deep until this this point in time when somebody opens the Deep no I don't think so I believe that the bottomless bit is referring to a a state a spiritual State on on planet Earth if you go back and look at all the places where it talks about the bottomless bit there's it's always associated with an angel opening it or locking it or a star coming down from heaven or something happening to Mark a certain point in time there is a certain point in time and a certain kind of a certain kind of situation what am I talking about let me see if I can find a page to write all right let me bring up [Music] what I see in common in all these references to the the the the the bottomless feet it's a certain place it's a certain place and it's more than a certain place it's a place it's a place where certain conditions exist and what are these conditions it's it's a place of hopelessness this is what I see instead of referring to a place I believe it refers to a state and by this I mean you look at the Book of Revelation and it would be a wrong approach to assume that we are talking about physical things the the the proper approach to Revelation is to first of all consider that we are talking about a spiritual as spiritual things because Revelation is a book of symbols and it deals with spiritual issues so when he talks about several places in Revelation it mentions a place and it means a state and I believe this is one of them because it refers to the bottomless spirit in actual fact in the Greek it's it represents it's referred to as they abis okay but it really means a place of hopelessness and why do I say this because if you drop into an abyss or you drop into a hopeless State what is the point what is the point that the Bible is making if you fall into the abyss what does this mean it means that you're in a condition from it you can't get old it's a condition it's a place where once you get in there you don't you don't you have zero hope of getting out like if you fell into a bottomless pit which is what the abyss implies if you fall into this bottomless pit you your hope is gone you have no chance of ever getting out it's a hopeless state so you take that physical concept and you apply it in us to a spiritual situation what do we understand about a hopeless state in the last days we actually have a name for it we call it the clues of probation there there is a concept that we have there's a concept that we have where we believe that the world is coming to a place where it will be in a hopeless state right we believe this and what we refer to this hopeless State as they clues of probation you know somebody might want to refer to it as the um at the end of Grace this means that there's no longer any opportunity for anybody to be saved all right we have come to a place in time in the history of the world where there is no longer any chance the the spirit of God is is no longer working among men we have come to the place where there's no longer any element of good restrain Humanity um I will say the spirit yeah the spirit has Departed so it's a clues of probation it's the end of Grace it's not the spirit of God has departed all right all of these things are what we're looking at and this is what I understand to be implied when we talk about the bottomless spit if you look at all of this it's a state it's the end of prohibition it's the end of Grace it's when the spirit of God has departed from the world there there is no greater expression of a hopeless condition than what we see on the screen there's no this is like Where We Belong before Christ came where we belonged if there was no Christ this is what happens the spirit of God has Departed the only time this ever happens in the history of the world is at the end of time the end of Grace it is it is when the two witnesses are killed when God has done everything he can for Humanity and there's nothing more nobody else will change this is when the spirit of God leaves the planet our lives are ungodly and that is what I believe is referred to as the bottomless pit it's a spiritual condition of utter hopelessness right so I believe that that is called the bottomless feet or the obvious Okay so what is this saying what is this saying if we go back to our screen what we can see is that there Comes A Time there Comes A Time in the history of the world when the spirit of God has left the spirit of God has Departed Grace has come to an end and at this point the conditions are perfect for this Beast to emerge in its true condition he shall Ascend out of the bottomless feet this is the first time in the history of the world that we have ever seen this beast in his true nature and I wish I could put my finger more perfectly on how to describe this beast but what I what I'm seeing is that this Beast comes up in his true nature it's the first time we're going to see the full embodiment of the kingdom of Satan this this this Kingdom this political entity is the kingdom of Satan in in its perfect state and this is this this this this everything fits together perfectly it's a manifestation of the satanic Kingdom without the spirit of God around to restrain it and that is why in this condition this entity hates the woman because the woman still still is a has a religious element about her and Satan and the Beast they hate everything that has to do with anything that has a smell of God about it there's something about the fact that the woman is still connected to religion and the Beast comes from the bottomless feet and there's something about those two relation to Natures that that comes into conflict they are antagonistic and that is why the Beast turns against a woman and eat your flesh and makes her naked and burns her with fire so I want to explore a little further this evening what is they the nature of this Beast what is it about this Beast what is it about this entity that is so antagonistic to the woman why does the Beast turn against the woman in the end time and destroy the woman after these centuries after this millennia of harmonious cooperation what is it at the end of time that is so antagonistic and that's what I want to look at um let me go back to my Bible and we we get a clue the things that I want to say that we are not able to say in a brief moment but let's proceed anyway we get a clue because as soon as we mention the bottomless bit I I'm going to say straight out I believe that this represents this this was a thing that helped me to begin to get an idea as to how to resolve this Enigma this this bottomless bit of the spirit of God has gone if they if probation has has closed if Grace has come to an end and the world is spiritually in a bottomless speed what is the spiritual condition of the world at this time if the world at this time if the beast at this time and I am assuming that it is it is the same in other parts of the world where the two horned beast is ruling if this is the condition of the Beast what condition would we say the Beast is in and I would say that it is evident that if the Beast hates religion because he he wipes out the woman if he hates religion then it seems to me that it is the most likely thing that this Beast is a is a beast whose predominant characteristic is that it is an atheistic power all right so I'm suggesting to you that this Beast is primarily an atheistic power let me actually put it on the screen too so that we can um it's an atheistic power now I should make this I should make this clear I'm not saying that the Beast is an atheist don't don't get me wrong I'm not saying that the Beast is an atheist I'm not saying that they anybody in particular is an atheist I'm not saying that atheism is the Beast I'm saying that the Beast is a political power but that this political power is atheistic that means that the mark the the chief characteristic of this this power is that it is atheistic that means it it does not have anything to do with religion most likely I'm saying most likely most likely it it is atheistic it is it is strictly antagonistic to religion most likely the the ruling principle behind this power is that that they hold the theory of evolution and all of you know that this is something that is taking over the world right now I I I could hardly say taking over the world because everybody knows that the entire planet in the halls of learning in the halls of Education the entire planet is so loved to this Theory of um evolution the doctrine of evolution which began close enough to the year 1844 sometime back in the 1840s 1830s 1840s I believe when when Darwin wrote his book when Darwin presented his theory that doctrine that philosophy has been growing and growing in power for the past 100 plus years 170 and 80 other years that philosophy has been growing till it has taken over all the universities the high schools that it's the scientific establishments it has completely taken over to the point where vast numbers of people who control the reins of power are completely atheistic they have no belief in God and they are antagonistic to people who believe in God they are pushing very hard in the world today for this this philosophy that religion must be abolished from the planet and they are educating the children in this way um the the the brother who came on this morning and gave his testimony I think by the hoe I didn't hear properly what he was saying but what he said was that his daughter came home from school and told him that she was descended from ape-like creatures it wasn't his wife he was talking about he said his daughter came home from school you have your wife she's a Christian maybe not exactly the same caliber like you you're a Christian and your daughter comes from school and says that she descended from apes well honestly if that were me I have no idea what I would do but but it's happening in houses in homes all over the planet because the point is even in a place like Jamaica that is is a much more religious country a backward third world religious country even in places like this they are pushing it in in the schools it's a part of the scientific curriculum when I was going to high school that was that was what that was 50 50 something years ago and my biology teacher was in class teaching about Evolution and you know I was I was very aggressive with my my religion I wasn't a Christian but I mean I grew up in a Christian home and I was opposing him in class and you know he said Clinton you're dumb fool okay he was he was Indian but it was a part of the curriculum and even from then 50 something years ago in a place like Jamaica that was the response I got the universities in Jamaica you take University of the West Indies that is what they teach you you have to have a strong home background to stand against these influences but what I'm saying is that atheism is is is is is tied the spread of atheism is connected to the spread of The evolutionary theory and these two things together are going to be a major factor in bringing the world to a place where the spirit of God has to depart because you know we're going to go to another another Passage and we have been through this passage so many times but I mean I just feel like well we we do have to to to to to go there because we're not going to isolate what we're we're looking at this evening from the rest of the Bible and you know I'm going to Roman Street the one Brother David a quick thought yes do you think that do you think that um with Evolution and paganism and all these things that are that are that are out there it's mixing up with Christianity right now do you think that is like the club that they're using um to disguise themselves into looking like Christianity that maybe one day is just gonna come out like they just don't want the clock no more because it's just a guys right now to make them appear Christian but one day they're just gonna say we we now can take off the clock and we want we want nothing to do with with religion anymore so we can now take off the clock because when you watch the Catholic church and all these um Evangelistic um Evangelical churches they're they're just wearing a guy's a form of Christianity so at the end you know um I'm just thinking that maybe they're just gonna get rid of the of the um the disguise and just embrace all these things that they have you know um the LGBT the evolution TV analogies all the things that just kind of embrace it and just go full blown out you know okay um well let me tell you what I think I think what I'm modest um the it is clear that at the end the Beast will turn around and destroy the woman all right this is not um something that we need to speculate about where at all that the Beast will destroy the woman so it seems to me not that the woman is going to change and that she's going to become a part of the whole Beast system she has been doing that applying her religious influence she has been doing that for for the past many millennia so it doesn't seem to me like she changes because if she did why would the Beast destroy her there's something antagonistic and different between between where they are heading and that's why the Beast turns against her it seems to me like what you're saying is truth the woman has been compromising and she has been increasingly becoming more and more like the system of the beast but the point is that how far she never goes all the way she still retains every every church still by by definition must maintain some kind of belief in God they might have perverted ideas of God but from your college of a church especially if you call yourself a Christian body you have to have somewhere some belief in God some connection with God and that is what atheism hates because you know the teaching of evolution and Atheism today that because of all the problems in the world is religious belief you know this and you know that there's strictly secular secular District secularization of the poets that if you if you look at America as an example of what is happening they took prayer out of the school because religion has no place in education they have they have taken the The Ten Commandments out of the courthouses because you know more and more you can see you you don't pray at public events you don't create sporting events you are frowned upon if they they they are secularizing the society and what they are doing they are not even allowing perverted religion to have a say because from their perspective it is religion that is the cause of the problems that exist on the planet so it will come to the place where they will eventually we're going to look at what it means that they they they they hate the they make her naked they eat your flesh and they burn her with fire we look at what that means but for the time being what I want to say is that I think they're going to really turn against these religious bodies and they're going to completely lose their influence on their power completely so I don't think all their changes that they're making all the compromises they are making I don't think that is going to affect anything and make the Beast be more favorable towards them they are churches they are religious institutions and as long as they exist there are there are an offense to atheism and to and to Evolution The evolutionary theory well some religions manage to embrace the Revolution and they try to fit it in with what they they hold to but but they are definitely not atheistic and that is one of the things that I believe is a major uh in a major element in this world Warfare of the Beast against the woman but um where I wanted to go is to Romans chapter one and we have been through here many times so I I understand that we are all familiar with a positive but I want to remind us of this little little thing because this this is where this is this is what led me and my thinking in a certain direction when it comes to the identity of the Beast the nature of the Beast and even the mark of the beast let me let me repeat that the nature of the Beast when you look at the bottomless bit you you see my thinking where I've come to the conclusion that this bottomless it represents a hopeless State and probably an atheistic State probably because if it's not anti-god why do they turn against the woman that's my reasoning but when I go to Romans chapter 1 for example Romans chapter one is a massive chapter because Romans chapter 1. makes a connection between atheism and evolution and another type of behavior okay let me show you it says beginning from verse all right let me start from verse 20. it says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and divinity godhead means Divinity so that they are without excuse what what Paul is saying here what the Bible is saying what inspiration is saying is that the the the the existence of God the existence of God is is clearly Illustrated or clearly revealed by the things that are created you can look at creation and find the existence of God now you know that Evolution denies this Evolution says you can look at you can look at nature and find evidence that there is no God Paul says the exact opposite you can look at nature and know that there is a God and he says furthermore the Revelation is so clear that they are without excuse if you have no excuse it means that you have no justification for what you are doing and I believe that too I believe when any rational sensible honest person sits down and looks at creation it cannot be an atheist he cannot even be an evolutionist when Paul says there without excuse I believe they are without excuse but Paul explains why they get to this place and he says it is because when they knew God they glorified him not as God and what he means is that the knowledge of God has come to them the the truth about God's existence have impacted their minds but they refuse to accept it they would not glorify him they would not acknowledge that he's God and it says as a result they became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened if you believe the scripture you don't have to be a psychologist you just have to believe the scripture and the scripture here outlines a pathway look we say these people's hearts are darkened according to the scripture there's a reason for that darkening of the heart they didn't just get there because God spoke to them there are moments in their lives when they have had this conviction but they choose to resist this conviction and so when you resist the convicting of the spirit of God your heart becomes darker and darker this is the path the inevitable pathway of life and so Paul says that because of this they become fools they become fools even though they think themselves to be wise you have two perspectives you have their imagination and you have reality in reality they are fools everybody who believes in evolution is a fool everybody who looks at creation looks at nature and comes to the conclusion that there is no God you're a fool okay that's what the Bible says and what did they do now verse 23 as far as I'm concerned is written two thousand years ago but if you if you translate it into modern Society it is clearly focusing on The evolutionary theory it says they change the glory of the uncorruptable god the things that God created they changed it into an image made like to corruptive a man and the birds and forfeited beasts and creeping things now in Paul's day they made Idols in this in these images but you could say almost in in exactly the same way but certainly a more sophisticated way they have taken God's creative work and they have they have given credit to the evolution of four-footed beasts and creeping things they have said that we came from microbes that came from chemical soup and by a process of billions of years we we gradually were transformed by some incredible Act of nature into the sophisticated magnificent things that we are today this is what they they conclude because they have become fools now here's the part and I think most of us are familiar with my with my thoughts about this but this is this is why I can't help making the connection because the Bible makes a connection that when you turn to Evolution and when you turn to atheism what is the result and the result God says that because of this God gives them up to uncleanness through the desires of their own hearts and the result is they begin to dishonor their bodies between themselves how can anybody look at what is happening in the world today and miss the connection how can anybody miss the connection unless you don't read your Bible see what it says about them they change the truth of God into a lie and they worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen when you turn your focus on the creature instead of the creator something happens and I tell you there's a connection with what is happening today for this reason when they change the truth of God into Allah and worship the creature instead of the Creator God gave them up to vile affections what this means is that the consequence I don't know I'm not a psychologist I'm not a psychiatrist so don't ask me the process by which it happens although I can give you some ideas but at the same time it says that God abundance these people and the the consequences that is that they develop vile unclean perverted affections for even their woman did change the natural use into that which is against nature it's a clearest statement in the Bible against same-sex activities the Bible is not is not shy to talk about it like people are he says likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burn in their desire one toward another so this is the Bible and the Bible says that when you turn away from God to to to to atheism and when you turn away from God to evolutionary theory the natural consequence read the Bible do not blame me and I I I I I I I I am sorry if this is offensive to anybody because sometimes it is but if it's offensive to you you're offended that God you're not offended at me all I'm doing is reading the scripture and I think the scriptural emphasis is as clear as the we can hide from it but it is there in the Bible there's a reason why God puts us here because God wants to show us there is a connection between certain things that are happening in the world and the evolutionary theory and the development of atheism in other words this activity is a part of the process of the development of the bottomless speed condition when the Beast emerges from the bottomless feet these are the conditions that surround the coming of the Beast and I I can show you that clearly if you go to Revelation um revelation 11. in Revelation 11 look at what it says when they kill little Witnesses when they kill the two witnesses it says when they shall not finish their testimony this is the preaching of the word of God this is the one 44 000. this is the The Three Angels messages and when they shall have finished your testimony the Beast that comes out of the butt on the street they have finished their testimony that means that probation has ended that means that the the preaching of the Gospel has gone through all the world and the last person has made this decision so what happens the spirit of God departs so what happened probation has ended so what happens Grace has come to an end and this is when the Beast comes from the bottomless feet it comes from the bottomless because conditions are perfect for the emergence of this Kingdom a Godless and and evolution believing Kingdom and it makes war against the two witnesses it it it's fights against the word of God and the spirit of God and so it says it kills them nobody can kill the word of God and nobody can kill the spirit of God but by by creating this atmosphere of Godless unbelief all over the world the word of God becomes impotent and the spirit of God is helpless to change anybody so effectively the word of God is dead and the spirit of God is dead but see what it says their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom spiritually it is called Sodom it is showing you in my opinion this is saying clearly that the conditions on the world at the end of time when when probation closes it will be sodomy will be Rife will be rampant and you you can add transgenderism and all the other all the other letters of the alphabet that they want to add to it but this is what the Bible is saying it's going to be rampant sodomy spirituality conditions the conditions in which gods will come to an end spiritually it will be like Sodom and if you're an honest person nobody has to tell you what Sodom is about it also says Egypt and if you want to think of Egypt it's Egypt is not being used here in a positive sense we're talking about ancient Egypt and ancient Egypt in the past was a symbol of resistance of God okay when you think about Egypt you can think of many things what the primary negative connotation of Egypt yes they enslaved God's people but you usually think of Egypt in the context of how pharaohs stood against God at the time of The Exodus um bare-faced blind resistance of God that is Egypt and that is the condition of the world at the end of time at the time when the Beast comes from the bottomless feet and thirdly it says we're also our Lord was crucified three cities in one I I I I I understand it to mean the condition of the the world at the time when when Grace comes to an end Sodom Egypt and the place where the Lord was crucified was Jerusalem but it wasn't just Jerusalem it was Jerusalem at the moment of Christ's crucifixion and when he was crucified Jesus made this statement concerning Jerusalem your host is left unto you desolate in other words Jerusalem was a place at the time when Christ was crucified Jerusalem was a place from which the angel of Mercy had Departed it was a place whence the spirit of God had left it was a place where there was no more grace for the city for the city as a place as a condition you know they said to Jesus his blood be they said to the the pilate his blood be on us and on our children so this is the condition of the world at this point in time and it is a condition I believe this is what is referred to as the bottomless pit it's a spiritual state where did rampant sexually immorality with an emphasis on homosexuality it's a place where there's bare-faced Defiance of God and finally it's a place where the spirit of God has departed this is the condition of the bottomless feet this is the condition from which that the primary element is that the spirit of God is not present that's a primary element but we also see that it's accompanied by this beer face the Defiance and this this immoral practice so it says this is connected with The evolutionary theory this is connected with men rejecting God when they have come to see God it says men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat or which was fitting now I'm going to try to I'm going to try to psychologically I I don't like to use that word I'm going to try to to analyze why is it why is it that when people turn against God why is it that when people reject the knowledge of God it seems like there is such an outburst of homosexual behavior and all of these perversions why now I I need to say this I mean I mean in the past I've made statements about about homosexual behavior and maybe even homosexuals that were unkind and that we're harsh I've said this okay there are times when I when I when I I spoke without thinking carefully about all my words might be perceived and I want to just make that um caveat I want to just say that before I go any further this evening that I have I have met people and I understand I understand that we have seen I understand that we have Adam I'm at the place where I know and understand that there are people who are who are very early in life for one reason or another they are victims like I'm a victim of sin they're victims okay sometimes people take them out and train them in this way of life sometimes they're they're abused and assaulted as children and I understand this and that's why I can understand and I can sympathize and empathize with many people who have the this homosexual practice But please understand what I'm saying the Bible is not unsympathetic towards sinners whether you are an adulterer you're a fornicator or you're a homosexual God loves such a person and Jesus died for such a person this is not what I am commenting on what I'm commenting on is the the the the dramatic and a sudden explosion of homosexuality and transgenderism if if you if you observe the world brothers and sisters you really you realize that the past 10 to 20 years there has been an outburst of this kind of thing all over the planet incredibly why you think people are eating eating more more hormones in their food and that is the cause of it no the God tells you clearly that it is because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge and God left them to their own devices now I will tell you this if you don't believe in God if you don't believe that your body is the temple of God if you don't believe that you were designed but you are an accident okay if you believe that you are no different from monkeys there there is a they have found a set of monkeys that they call a set of Apes they call them bonobo apes if you if you if you have never heard of them you can go on YouTube and look for b-o-n-o-b-o bonobos and all they do through the day they sleep and they have sex all day right if you look for those Apes and there's no discrimination the little the little babies have sex with the big adult females and the the adults have sex with the little young ones and support all day okay there's no discrimination all they do is eat and sleep and have sex if you look for them and the these scientists these evolutionists are fascinated they are studying these apes and they are they're they're they're learning lessons about them for Humanity and they they have used these Apes I was talking to an atheist who use this as an example of the natural way of life if you don't believe in God let me ask you a question what is there to prevent you from from pursuing every fantasy that is in your mind now I know that for for men it takes a special kind of brain to desire sex with another man okay that brain I have never been able to understand okay because the act itself is so offensive and distasteful I just don't understand but I I understand perfectly why there are so many women becoming lesbians and so many of them who say that they they are bi-sexual and so many of them who when they are in college they experiment and they try lesbianism later on they come out and they get married to a man because it's it's something to do with the state of your mind that has no restraint you want to experiment and try everything when I was a teenager and I didn't have sense I I tried marijuana I tried I tried wine I tried rum and I tried other things too that maybe I don't want to I don't want to repeat but I did it because I didn't have any sense I did it because my friends were doing it I did it because there was no restraint there was no Godly restraint though I grew up in a Christian family I was I was breaking those restraints I told myself that there was no God it's interesting because between 17 and 20 22. I told myself I didn't believe in God and those were the years that I live my worst life those were the years I live my worst life because I I didn't want to believe in God I told myself there was no God and if there's no God what is to stop you now when when when you lose the controlling element of God in your lives what happens carnal desires take over and there are two things about human beings that are natural there are they are natural desires and they become perverted as readily as you can snap your fingers one of them is food and the other one is sex these are the two greatest cravings in a human being so that the people eat and they eat without restraint and they eat anything I've even seen anything cockroaches and and and and worms and all kinds of things but not only they say eat to the to exist till they become part and their brains get heavier and they can't think that's one thing but the other thing that God emphasizes is sexual perversion this is what God exercises because the only thing really honestly the only thing that that stops a person from indulging in sex as much as you want is the word of God when Solomon Solomon had no no restraint he had 700 wives and 300 concubines even David had had multiple wives every king in Israel because they could afford it they had multiple wives even the good man Abraham had had a wife on a concubine and later on he got another wife well that was okay because Sarah was already dead but Jacob himself ended up with four so it's a natural part of man's nature and the only only thing that restrains us is God and his word God's word teaches us to be to be to be sober and to be restrained in our Behavior take God out of the picture when I when I was a boy back in the 1960s they had something they call this sexual Revolution okay the whole world the whole American world and the English world were turning into hippies right they were there they call them the flower children they would go around and they would have orgies and they would have um they would just go around and and build themselves freely you know what happened that's there started to be a great increase in sexually transmitted diseases And Then There came AIDS and they had to slow down but the point I'm making is that the Bible says that there's a connection between this kind of behavior and the fact that people reject the knowledge of God and that is why that is what made me come to the idea that the the gay Lifestyle the homosexual movement as a major part to play in the end time scenario now I have suggested and I I'm going to say this I have suggested that the homosexual movement the homosexual the gay movement has some connection to the mark of the beast I've suggested it but I want to make it clear that I have not put this in stone I've not said it is so definitively I've just said that there is a great that when I when I look at all of these points and I put them together they seem to be pointing in the direction of the homosexual movement the sudden movement furthermore when you put this with the third Angels message that that focuses on Sodom there's a lot that points in this direction but I am not bold enough and I'm not presumptuous enough to say I know absolutely that it is so it's a thought it's an idea and I put it out there there are still many questions but one thing I know is that the Bible suggests what I can see clearly from what I've said this evening and I say I see brother Michael who seems to have a a point I'm going to stop in a little bit and then you can ask the question by the market or make the point but there seems to be in the Bible what we have looked at deceiving there here are the things that I would say we can know for I would almost say absolutely certain based on what we have looked at this evening maybe I should just scribble them on on the screen what I would say is that the the beast from the bottomless fit the Beast it suggests that he is he comes from a condition of hopelessness that's Point number one the Beast comes from a hopeless state and this hopeless State arises from a hatred is Affiliated to a hatred of religion and um it furthermore seems to be associated with a state of pure atheism when you go to Romans 1 you see that atheism and evolutionary theory leads to the place where people reject God they reject God and when they reject God God abandons them and then God abandons them they turn to sexual perversion no it says more right it doesn't just say they turn to sexual perversion there are other things that they turn to as well but it's interesting to me that this is the first thing that the Bible identified so you you have a sequence here all right first of all we're talking about the B stand this is not a part of the sequence it's the end result of it the Bible says that the Beast comes from the bottomless bit and I understand this to suggest that it comes from a state of hopelessness the world is in a state of hopelessness spiritually spiritually hopeless and that's the perfect condition for this Beast to arise it's a beast that hates religion it's atheistic most likely it's an evolutionary beast and when Evolution arises people turn to reject people reject God of course and God rejects them because they reject him and the consequences that they turn to sexual perversion this is what we see this is a sequence that we see happening in the world today all of this anybody who doesn't see I have to say you are kind of blind this is the course that the world is taking and and the powers the the powerful nations are pushing these ideas upon the less developed countries very powerfully you know I saw I saw I saw a little it's not really a cartoon it's a little joke a comedian not making a joke but he said when he came to America um if you were homosexual you would be arrested and then he says five years later they said if you're a homosexual they would do something else to you and then five years later if you're a homosexual everybody would accept you and then five years later they made it a rule that you had to homosexuals could be married and then a little later they made another Rule and he said look here I'm leaving America before they make it compulsory for you to be a homosexual and it was a joke but he was pointing to the fact that over in a few short years it turned from where this practice was a mental disorder it was a crime a mental disorder then it became acceptable then he came to the place where they were pushing it was acceptable and then it comes the place where they are pushing it in the face of everybody and they are taking it into the schools and they are infecting and indoctrinating your children and to be honest it almost like the next step is that they should make it mandatory for everybody to have it to be a homosexual that's the only step left for them to make it compulsory for you to be a homosexual but in everything else it has just come 190 degrees turn above and God says the reason for it when this is set it turns to do it like this is because they have rejected God and the knowledge of God so that is the background what we looked at last week and the week before that this is where this is what is associated with just to explain the bottomless bit as I understand it and next week we will continue
Channel: Open Face Fellowship
Views: 778
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Length: 69min 55sec (4195 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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