Revelation 2:18 to 29 and 3:1 to 6 THE CHURCHES OF THYATIRA AND SARDIS

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all right good morning we're continuing our verse by verse Bible study through the Book of Revelation and so far what have we looked at well we've looked at Ephesus so we'll put a little check there we looked at Smyrna check that off we saw pergamus today we're going to look at thyatira and Sardis and then maybe not next week but the week after when we come back we'll be looking at Philadelphia and laodicea so we're getting through these seven churches remember the threefold application of the Book of Revelation and I think today we'll really see there's a lot that points to this the tribulation in some of these verses so we're going to be looking at uh at this today and what has the main problem been with the churches do you remember so far as we looked at these churches what was the main thing that God said he hated number one was idol worship but what accompanied idol worship with the pagans how did they worship through fornication so what an amazing thing and as we get into the book we go to chapter 17 what's it about a a that fornicates all the time so God doesn't like fornication I didn't realize how much against God was how much God was against fornication until I started doing this study and then realizing wow and it doesn't really you know jump out at you until you look at verse six in chapter two the Nicolaitans and we looked at who they were and who were the Nicolaitans the people that ate things sacrificed to idols so they worshiped Idols it sounds like and they were in fornication and just about every one of the churches it's fornication the doctrine of Balaam and uh to commit fornication verse 14 again the Nicolaitans verse 15. then verse 20 this is where we're going to be today looking at this again to seduce my servants and to commit fornication and eat things sacrificed unto Idols so God hates that why because that's being in the flesh rather than walking in the spirit it's being carnal rather than spiritual now before we get into what we're going to study today and like I said a goal is to get through dietera and Sardis and we'll look at those two today but before we get into that let me back up and talk about this well first of all a lot of people are excited about this study so we might be a small group here but you realize thousands of people are watching this and for like two years they've just I can't wait and now we're finally getting to do it so it's encouraging to a lot of people and it's encouraging to me as well but let me remind us of what we're looking at here because the thought struck me this week that a lot of times when we think of a church we think of a building do you know the building is not the church remember when you were a kid in Sunday school here's the church here's the steeple open it up and there's all the people right well no that's the church is the people so kind of a little bit that's taught wrong in a way so as we're going through these seven churches let's back up again and look at exactly who Jesus is talking to he's writing to the seven churches in Asia Each of which is in a specific town so as we're going through each one we're seeing the names of the town and this is not to a church building he's not putting a letter in the mail and saying on such and such an address and such and such a street here to this church there were no buildings that were for believers back then so the church is not a building rather the people who were in that town who were meeting together now if these were pretty big towns you would have had several groups of people meeting probably and where were they meeting in homes so I think it's important to remember that because today people think it's not a church if you don't have a building they think oh well you know oh there's no building so they're not a church they're they're just a group they're a cult you know well there's another thing it's a corporation you know where's the corporation in the Bible and uh since you went there what is incorporation Corpus is body when you incorporate you're saying we want to be a different body than the body of Christ almost so I kind of look at that and go no no God's the one that's ahead of our body but when you incorporate who are you making the head of the body I'll stop right there because you know who you're making the head so people today think that the church is the building now I wanted to start on this and say this because recently I get attacked all the time and I could care less what people say about me unless I can edify somebody with it somebody said this and this is the big thing that they're going around saying about breaker and again it's not about me I could care less but you know what this is this is a teachable moment if you will guess what they said Robert breaker doesn't go to church you're laughing because I'm like what I'm a missionary I've started several churches in Honduras and that's what we do we travel around and start Church where do you start a church usually you meet together in a house well they say things well he doesn't go to an established church building so he's not a true a Christian or whatever and I'm like what do people even read the Bible anymore do they know how the church was started people meeting in homes usually for fear of their life because why we looked at the Ten persecutions of Rome they were trying to find Christians so they could burn them at the stake and throw them to the Lions and kill them what about the secret underground Church in China when Communists take over they outlaw it so you got to meet in homes you're telling me that's not valid you're telling me no that doesn't count we went to a church a long time ago and we we just didn't feel like what was going on there was what was was there before it felt more traditional and so we left and we started meeting in a home and we heard that that Pastor said that's not good that they're doing that but yet that's what they do in the Bible they meet in a home do you realize meeting together in a home we are at church did you know that so they'll say well it's an unincorporated Church yeah but we're part of the body of Christ which is two yeah well there's my verse right there he's you jump ahead I mean it's right there literally in my notes what did Jesus say in Matthew 18 20. amen good minds think alike in Matthew 18 20 Jesus said where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them so do you have to have some huge giant monstrosity on the side of the road what I saw in Honduras really bothered me I went to Honduras as a missionary and I saw all these Bible Believers that went there and started a church and usually they built the building before they had the people and I saw so many times the church went belly up and they sold the building and they sold it to a different denomination usually a cult and so it's like they were helping Stark Cults because they were more interested in the building than the people so I recently heard someone say well bro breaker doesn't go to church and I'm just like what so people meeting together in a home is a church do you know that we're a church right now because we're meeting together and let me show you that in the Bible First Corinthians chapter 16 it never ceases to amaze me how people will believe the opposite of what the Bible says and they'll fight you to the end and claim they're right and you're wrong the way I look at it is if you say something against the Bible you don't have a leg to stand on God's right so there's nothing wrong though let me say this with a church building nothing wrong with that we can do that we can have that we can um you know the old days they used to call it a chapel nowadays they call it a temple that's more Jewish Sanctuary are they all these different names but in the Bible they didn't have that so this time period that we're talking talking about where God is talking to these people he's talking to the city and the Christians in the city and the Christians that are meeting together in homes and let me show you that First Corinthians chapter 16 verse 19. the churches of Asia salute you well that's the seven churches in Asia that we're studying right now Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord remember aquil and Priscilla we saw they helped start the church in Ephesus and then he says with the church that is in their house hmm do you think that was a 501 whatever no they were scared to death of the government that's killing Christians but they're meeting together in the Name of Christ and they were a church let's go over to Romans chapter 16. so I just it's amazing to me how so many people follow tradition rather than the Bible and boy tradition is powerful now Romans 16 verse I have three through five I hope that's right yeah verse 16 3 greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ who have for my life laid down their own necks unto whom not only I give thanks but also all the churches of the Gentiles churches verse 5 likewise greet the church that is in their house salute my and he goes on and on there so a church in their house let's go to Colossians 4 15. so if you want to be biblical you'd want to meet in a house wouldn't you um there's like I said nothing wrong with having a building but guess what it's biblical to meet in a house I've met a lot of people that say oh you have a house Church well you're not right with God it's not right to do that and I just go what because in the Bible that so we're all these guys were wrong Paul was wrong even missionaries go to the field and that's what they do they open their house up and have service there eventually they'll build a building later perhaps but it's the people that's the church not the building Colossians chapter 4 and verse 15. salute the Brethren which are in laodicea and nymphas and the church which is in his house so there's a church in his house now let's go to Philemon Philemon so it's interesting to me just to see how far away from the Bible we are today and if things continue the way they are they're going to attack Christians like they did in the early church and we're going to see a lot more people having House Church because the government's going to start shutting down did you hear about this law they recently passed in which they said they protected marriage of same-sex couples and it's getting to the point where the government's going to say no you can't say that if you say something that they don't like and so how are we going to have freedom how are we going to meet how we're going to get together and talk in home so it's it's getting to the point of how it started persecution of Christians and that's why they met in secret usually in home and I think it's going to go back to that and you're really going to see who the true church is and who the false church is because many of the false churches are established religion joined with the state okay and uh we just need to be careful not that it's wrong to have a building I'm not saying that okay you can't have a building and meet in a building but be careful because a lot of times to do that you have to do something else that now you can't say certain things because you've given over to the government certain things and so I like to be able to be free and have freedom I think that's a blessing let's see I said Philemon Philemon chapter 1 and verse two and to our beloved apaya and our chipas our fellow Soldier and to the church in thy house so I went to an extreme there to prove my point and like I said we've seen it work well when churches are in a house and we've seen it work not well so sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but I could say the same about in a building we've seen it work well we've seen it not well a lot of times when you get a building you get a world of problems you got to have money to keep up this you got to pay the bills you got to do this I think it's better in the house it's just I like that that feeling of of knowing everybody when you get into a big building you're just a face in the crowd Laura and I we went to some downtown churches in Pensacola one time just to see what it was like how the other half lives if you will and we went to Marcus Point and we went to that big huge one downtown with the little Fallen cross out in front in the stained glass window you know what a fallen cross is right that's a symbol of the occult but um we went into those places and while the man is I guess he called it preaching well the preacher was in there preaching there's people out outside just walking down the Halls not going to listen I saw one guy reading a novel just sitting there in the hall and I'm like why do they go to church if they're not going to hear the preaching it's weird it felt like a college campus rather than a place for so meeting together what is the reason we're meeting together to hear from the word of God that's what we want but a lot of people they don't want that they want the ritual they want the the atmosphere they want I call it a country club a lot of people want this country club atmosphere to where it's oh I'm part of the group well no I'm a part of Jesus and I don't need that I don't need that so I went off on a tangent a little bit but I just wanted you to know that in the Bible they met in homes why because they were being persecuted they're being killed for what they believe because they were separated from the world and weren't trying to do what the world was doing so it's not wrong to meet in a house the body of Christ started that way and I've heard some say well it's not right to mute in a house others say it's not right to meet an established denomination with and I can't read my writing here so I don't know what that word is but that's true too some of the Traditions that got into the church from our study we're seeing are from paganism all right I gave you all a worksheet we're going to look at that worksheet here in a minute I'm going to show you how Pagan is a mixed in with Christianity but some of the churches the traditions of those buildings I don't know if you've ever thought about it where's a steeple in the Bible you ever thought about that it's not there do you know what a steeple is from here we go I don't want to talk about this kind of stuff you know people say I'm too crude it's an obelisk and Obelisk goes back to paganism and it represents a phallus symbol there's a phallus and there's a what's the other one Giannis or Yannick I forget but the phallus is representative of the male organ of reproduction and it goes back to Nimrod who we'll talk about a little bit today so I'll just be crude I'll just say it it's a giant penis so you're going to Worship the Lord in this big building and there's a giant penis staring right down it what is that people don't think they've joined paganism with Christianity and I think that's offensive to God I don't like seeing things like that but you know I'm not going to go overboard and talk bad about it I mean but we should think about these things and we shouldn't want that tradition because tradition well look at look at this go to Mark chapter seven tradition isn't good and when Jesus showed up Mark chapter 7 he showed up to a religious people who claim to be of God following God's book which would have been only the Old Testament in those days and you know what Jesus rebukes them because they had their tradition rather than just simply following the Bible Mark chapter 7 verse 5-9 then the Pharisees and scribes asked him why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders why don't they do what we do what the men came up with oh no they're following God manifesting the flesh following him and eat bread with unwashing hands he answered and said to them well hath Isaiah's prophesied of you Hypocrites as it is written this people honoreth me with their lips but their heart is far from me well that's the modern so-called church today and many of those big huge buildings are full of people that go there Jesus Jesus Jesus but their heart is on fornication on evil on wickedness and and doing wrong how be it in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the Commandments of men huh for laying aside of the Commandment of God what do they they literally lay aside God's commandment and they follow their own Commandments we don't see that today do we in many churches no a lot of it is all but man does and they don't follow what the Bible does as the washing of pots and cups and many other such things ye do and he said unto them full well you reject the Commandment of God that you may keep your own tradition a lot of people are so in Tradition that they reject the Bible to follow tradition and we see that in many churches in the world today look at verse 13. what does that do when you lay aside the Bible and you follow man-made tradition in the name of religion rather than the Bible what does that do verse 13 making the word of God of none effect through your tradition which you have delivered and many such like things you do so it makes the word of God of no effect when you follow the way the world does things or the way many so-called Christians do when they're doing their traditional way in rather the Bible so I'm always looked at as an oddball and a Maverick and a weirdo because I don't go along to get along and do things the way other people do it fine I just want to get as close to the Bible as I can and do it that way so this shouldn't happen we shouldn't follow tradition rather than the Bible but uh Traditions can usurp the Bible and in many churches they do when this happens we call that apostasy apostasy means falling away and of course what is the last church laodicea and that's where we are today we're in this time period where many are falling away from what the Bible says and they're following their tradition rather than the Bible oh many other things I could say during communist rule there was always an underground church and they always met in homes we met some folks oh a couple months ago from Ukraine before all this stuff happened in the Ukraine they grew up there in the 60s and 70s when it was uh under Russian Rule and the house church was the way they met as Christians in homes and they told us all about that and the spies everywhere and how did you watch out for the spies because oh they're spying on you if you're meeting in a home to have church and things like that that's true Christianity to me because that's people that are willing to Hazard their life for Christ who loved us enough to die for us they're willing to die for him and so that's the early church and so I wanted to get that out there and explain that because I don't think we think enough about that in your mind when I'm talking about the seven churches were you thinking there was some building in each one of those that they met or were you thinking of the people it's the people so the church is the people and not just the building now on to thyatira let's go over to Revelation chapter two we're going to start and read about the Church of thyatira and it's pretty interesting to me what this church is like and again I put up here the number of verses to each one of the churches and for some reason and I still haven't figured this out this is the one that God gives the most verses to and you would think well if it's got the most verses that have the most rebuke but I don't see a whole lot of rebuke here it sounds like this is a pretty decent Church but the rebuke is there's a certain woman who has come in and is changing things and uh should I go there what does the Bible say about women preachers or women pastors well okay maybe we won't go there right now but we'll see so we start here in verse 18. and unto the angel of the church in thyatira right these things saith the Son of God who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass so each one of these churches Jesus is speaking and he's telling you who he is and what he's like and here is Jesus and he's got eyes like fire as flame of fire and his feet is like fine brass obviously he looks a little different in heaven than he does down here because I'm sure he didn't look like that when he was here on Earth other passage it talks about Jesus's hair is white up in heaven so I don't know why that is but that's what the Bible teaches Jesus looks a little bit different up in heaven that he does here but he's called the son of God did you know Jesus Christ is God we've read that before we've seen that you know I am the Alpha and Omega the beginning of the end Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh but he's also the Son of God how can you be God and be the Son of God at the same time well because We Believe in a Thing Called the godhead or the Trinity we call it and go to Psalms chapter 2 it's possible and it's not only possible it's what happened Jesus Christ is God who came down in the form of a man born of a virgin and he came and he has called the Son of God but he's also God manifest In the Flesh and in Psalms chapter 2 verse 7 Psalms chapter 2 and verse 7 through 12. interesting passage Psalms 2 7. I will declare the decree the Lord has said unto me thou art my son this day have I begotten thee ask of me and I shall give Thee the Heathen for thine inheritance in the uttermost parts of the Earth for thy possession this is God the Father speaking to Jesus Christ the son and he's going to have everything in the millennial Kingdom right he's going to rule for a thousand years and even after that in the millennial Kingdom Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron Thou shalt Dash them in pieces like a Potter's vessel be wise now therefore O ye Kings be instructed ye judges of the earth oh if the politicians in the world today would just obey Jesus right serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling kiss the sun lest he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him trust in who Jesus so Jesus is the son verse 6. now in Hebrews chapter 1 Paul tells us a little bit more and he he uh kind of quotes this a little bit Hebrews chapter 1. Hebrews chapter 1 verse 5 and 6. Hebrews chapter 1 5 and 6. for under which of the Angels said he at any time Thou Art my son this day have I begotten thee and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son and again when he bringeth in the first begotten unto the world he saith and let all the angels of God worship Him Jesus why would the Angels worship Jesus if he wasn't God right he must be God now skip down to verse 8 but unto the son he saith who's he God the Father unto the son he saith thy Throne o God is Jesus Christ God yes is forever and ever a Sepulcher of righteousness is the Sepulcher of thy kingdom so we have God the Father God the son because the son is God and God the Holy Spirit and first John 5 7 says these three are one as that three different gods it's one God and three and these three are one some people nowadays I don't understand why people do what they do or say what they say but they say no if you believe that you believe in three different gods it's like no I don't I never even thought that that's the dumbest thing I ever heard where are you getting this stuff from I don't believe that I believe in one God who can manifest in three different ways and those three are one now back to Revelation chapter 2 in verse 13 talking about Jesus Christ and how he has eyes like a flame of fire and feet like fine brass do you realize this isn't just here there are some other passages that talk about that let's go to Revelation 1 14. and even in the Old Testament Revelation 1 14 his head and his hairs were white like wool told you earlier white hair and as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like into fine brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice is the sound of many Waters also in chapter 19 of Revelation and verse 12. 1912. his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself of course what is that name the word of God the next verse so here's Jesus in the New Testament up in heaven after he lived and this is what he looks like his hair is white for some reason feet like brass and ice like fire go back now to Old Testament in Daniel before Jesus showed up before Jesus came in the flesh so Jesus is able to take several different forms I guess I don't know I don't all I know is in heaven he looks a little different than he did here on Earth on Earth he looked like a human being but look at the Book of Daniel chapter 10 and verse 5 and 6 when I found this I was like Wow cool So Daniel is speaking to the same person that is speaking to John who wrote the Book of Revelation and it's at different times Daniel chapter 10 verse 5 and 6. Daniel 10 5 then I lifted up mine eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with fine gold of eufas his body also was like the barrel and his face is the appearance of lightning and his eyes as lamps of Fire and his arms and his feet like in color to Polished what brass and the voice of his words were like the voice of a multitude so this is before Jesus came born of a virgin and in heaven he took that form so this must be a form that Jesus likes to take and that he came down now when we get to heaven how will we see Jesus well we see him like that or we see him like he was down here looking like a human either way he could do what he wants because he's God so it's interesting though how when he appeared to these two prophets if you will this is how he appeared to them and they thought enough to write it down so back to Revelation chapter 2 it says in verse 18 unto the angel of the church and thy Terror right these things saith the Son of God who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass I Know Thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works the last to be more than the first twice he says works so God says I know your works and by the way I know your works and by the way your last works are better than your first Works what a funny way to say it so it sounds like they went from bad to Better is what it kind of sounds like because thy works in the last to be more than the first so they did more works toward the end and when they started wonder why what does dietera mean odor of affliction so it seems like when we're Afflicted that's when we get closer to the Lord sometimes that's when we do more for the Lord and patience so if you want to be a good Christian you need to say Lord please teach me patience and please Lord send Affliction to me so I'll be a better Christian now who wants to start who wants that prayer no we we usually think no please don't do anything bad but it just seems like the more we go through stuff the closer we get to the Lord I'll tell you that's happened in my life many times you go through some things you get away from some things and then you just wholeheartedly go for the Lord and he uses you even more it's just amazing it's incredible so I want to be used by the Lord I don't like going through stuff but I know that God can use what I go through if I have the right attitude and the right heart if I'm a baby and I go make it stop make it stop make it stop is that the right attitude no the right attitude is Lord I don't understand but I know you can get Glory out of this so if you can get Glory out of this then do it and I'll go through whatever you want for you to get the glory what a hard prayer right but that's the right prayer as a Christian so I thought that was amazing how he says I know your works but then I know your works and the last ones were better than the first ones it had to been because they got better as Christians because they grew going through something which in the time was what what were they going through in this time period it was the beginning of the Dark Ages and in the Dark Ages there were a lot of suffering of true Christians because the church that formed began to harass and ridicule and put down and even persecute true Christians and there was a lot of persecution as there was in most of the seven different Church periods so interesting now let's go to verse 19 again it says I Know Thy works and charity charity what a thing for sake of time I won't turn there but did you know that both Peter and Paul said that the most important thing Above All Things both of them said Above All Things is Charity that's first Peter 4 8 and Colossians 3 14. new versions change charity to love I don't like that because love isn't usually an emotion charity is an action charity is like sacrificially giving or sacrificially putting up with someone because you love them so charity is the better word and I just oh it's so sad that new versions change things to to mess things up I wanted to well let's go real quick First Corinthians chapter 13. so I want charity and do you have charity charity is like long-suffering it's almost the same thing it's putting up with people Laura and I recently went through some things which I don't want to talk about but we put up with it one time and then two times and three times you know after about the sixth or seventh time it's like wow I guess we're pretty long suffering and uh well usually you got to get away from it though so you don't keep getting it but how many times have you put up with somebody else just a question do you have any charity someone with Charity will keep putting up with them to as long as they can um some people don't I mean the first time they they just you ever have that happen you ever meet a person like that that just jumps all over you and just has no charity and just oh oh it's just scream holler yell at you oh man well we see a lot more of those nowadays are called snowflakes is what they call those and uh unfortunately it seems like that's what colleges are for is to teach people how to be like that and what church is for is how to teach people not to be like that let's have charity amen but uh First Corinthians Chapter 13 Verse 1 though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling symbol and I was going to read all the way down to verse 8. I don't have time you read that when you get a chance at all the things that Paul says charity is and again charity not love if you have a new version it says love read it in the King James it's more powerful with charity charity is just it's more powerful word and then verse 13 and now by the faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is what so if you want to be a great Christian one that God says hey I I I appreciate you is if you practice long-suffering or charity boy that's hard it's hard but you've got to learn to do it now it says here verse 20. so back to Revelation Chapter 2 and verse 20. notwithstanding that basically means nevertheless so he says I know all the good you've done now notwithstanding or nevertheless this is what I have against you notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit Here We Go Again fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto Idols so here he says here's the problem I have with you now before we can continue let me give you a little bit of information about thyatira thyatira now is a Turkish city called akisar which means White Castle and there's a reason for that the word thyatira means the castle of thyra and if you were to go there and see the ancient city of thyatira it's all ruins it's not there but I'm sure it had walls around it so you would have seen you would oh looks like a castle up there which is kind of interesting and we see God telling them I have a problem with you because of a woman now that's very interesting because there was a worship of a woman there and I'll tell you that here in a second but there was also a oh what do you call it Oracle there have you ever heard of the Oracle of Delphi in Greece all the people in Greece would go this long distance to go up this mountain and there was an oracle of Delphi and there was this woman that said on the other side and they would talk through a hole and the woman would talk back to them and give them like prophecy but the woman was demon-possessed so basically that's where they went to talk to demons and demons would tell them things well this is the same thing happening in thyatira and God tells the name of the prophetess Jezebel is that a good name you know anybody that named their kid Jezebel to this day very few people well you do but very few people named their kid Jezebel because Jezebel in the Bible is a bad woman and if you're you're basically you're probably a bad person to name your kid that because you want them to be bad because that name is so connected with bad and evil that it's awful so they were going there to hear from this woman and she claimed to be a prophetess who do you think was in her a devil or what's interesting to me it says to seduce my servants what does Paul tell us seducing spirits and doctrines of devils devils like to seduce people and seducing someone is to make them take their clothes off so you can do stuff with them fornication so again very very carnal and not spiritual except for the fact that it's the wrong kind of spirit if you will but this place thyatira was a wealthy town in the northern part of the Roman Providence of Lydia on the lycus river I gotta do it I Gotta Do It Like Us you'll love us you don't get it unless you're from here Bobby like his car you know that's on the radio all the time like us you're gonna love us anyway on the lycus river near the border of mycia it's early history is not well known but it was refounded by a man named SE Lucas nikitor in about 290 BC it was not on the Greek trade routes then it was very small so it wasn't like these other towns it was really rich and you could get to them easily walking on the trade routes and it was kind of away from things but it there was a road from it to pergamus and Sardis so you'd go to Perkins you go to Sardis oh let's go way over there it's way out of the way kind of to go over to this place so why would you go there except to go there to see Jezebel and hear your future told right like the old um thing and big or whatever you know it tells you your future remember that put the quarter in or whatever so thyatira means the castle of thought but it also means odor of affliction now you're gonna get your hand out here in just a second this is going to bring it all together are you ready for this here we go before it was called thyatira the names of the Town were palopia and semiramis at one time that place was called semiramis now you know all about samiramis I forgot to bring that thing again so just tell me to post it and I'll post it online because this will go along with this but semiramis who was samiramis who is she well you should know who samiramis was she was a historical figure she was the wife of nimrod who was mentioned in the Bible in Genesis chapter 10. now I printed these up for you and I guess I'll put this on for people look at this old Nimrod came from Babylon and it is known that from Babylon is where all idol worship came from and according to history here on our page here according to history Nimrod married samiramis and had a child named tammuz an idol was worshiped of her and her child in Babylon and this idol worship spread all over the world in Egypt she was Isis in the child Horus note tammuz is mentioned in the Bible in Ezekiel 8 14. so this is not just stuff that I'm pulling out of my rear end this is historical and it's in the Bible here is samiramis and tamus and it's an idol of a woman with child one of the oldest Idols about 2200 BC is a woman with a child and look what the woman looks like she looks like a lizard or a reptilian perhaps that's weird then you have Idol of a woman with a child from around 1700 BC ancient Pagan statue of woman with child old Pagan Idol of a woman with child African Idol of a woman with child we're going through thousands of years and everyone's worshiping the same Idol this can't be coincidence Isis and Horus in Egypt what is it a woman and child here's the goddess and child worshiped in India here's a medieval statue and they say it's Mary and Jesus but they worship it maybe it's really simmeremis and tamus when you look at the Roman Catholic Madonna why are they worshiping a mother with child why aren't they worshiping the Risen Christ why did they make him just some little baby could it be they mixed it paganism with Christianity here's an Egyptian drawing of simmeramus killing a snake well look below and whenever you see Roman Catholicism you see them and they they often draw Mary and they call her the Queen of Heaven I'm going to look at that here in a second but what is she on top of a snake this can't be coincidence we're seeing where they mixed their Pagan teaching with Christianity and oftentimes your Roman Catholics when they would come into a place to try to evangelize when they came over to Central America and South America they see an idol of a woman with child and then they tell them the name and they go no no that's just Mary and Jesus and then they'd worship the same Idol but it goes back to samiramis now let's look at the next page here samiramis was worshiped under many different names by many different cultures during the time of the Israelites she was called the Queen of Heaven now Catholics call Mary the Queen of Heaven that is not a modern thing that is ancient paganism as you see in Jeremiah 7 8 Jeremiah 44 17 18 19 and verse 25 and as they worshiped her they poured out drink offerings to her in order to take a drink what do you need to have a cup so interestingly enough they worshiped her and she was the woman with the cup we've looked at this what was it when we looked at the introduction to Revelation that little coin out of Rome Roman Catholic coin and on the bottom it says fighties fighties was a goddess and she's holding a cup when you look at the other coin there what is that that's supposed to be the holy mother church and she's holding a cup what does that remind me of oh revelation 17. a woman who's a with a cup now the Roman Catholic Church worships what they call Mary she's a woman with a cup and she has a son around her head you see on that coin where she has looks like rays of a son why a son well let me read from an online Source about the temple in thyatira remember all these cities had temples two false gods and the demons were behind that and worshiped through the idols before the time of nicotor Nick Couture remember was the guy that refounded the city the place was regarded as a holy city for there stood a temple of the ancient lydian sun god hmm the god of the son named tyremenus about it games were held in his honor so you see the pagans worship the sun god do you know Nimrod was the sun god you look at the ancient Worship in ancient Babylon here on the bottom left they would bake cookies to their false god the Sun God and they ate them hey I know of a church today that that does little Wafers that look like they're in the shape of a sun and they eat them as they claim to worship their God hmm who would that be it says in ancient Peru they worship the Sun God now even the Egyptians what do they always see the Egyptians always have a son they're worshiping in the Catholic church to this day when they do the mass they use the Eucharist and they put it in a little thing that's usually in the shape of a sun now you're telling me this is tradition from God where's this in the Bible it's not there this is them mixing Pagan tradition with Christianity and the same way the pagans worship back then they're worshiping today but they claim to do it in the name of God here's a statue of simiramis an ancient statue of her and here's a Statue of Liberty look how they both have their hand up just coincidence or could it be like I told you I think it was last week that they're trying to go back to worshiping these false gods the same way they did it back two thousand years ago I think that's what we're seeing today now I was going to go to Genesis chapter 10 verse 8 through 14 but I won't go there there's not time but that's where Nimrod is mentioned and he's it says Babel his kingdom is Babel from where we get Babylon by the way Babylon means confusion God is not the author of confusion so God's not the author of that amen so what we see is a worship of a woman in paganism it was always the divine feminine it was always worshiping a woman of course you could have a man God too but it seemed like they always wanted to worship more of the woman isn't that weird I was going to print up a picture of Baphomet but then I'm like nah I don't want to look at that but have you ever seen that picture of Baphomet he's like sitting he's like this it's a goat God it's really Satan and it's got boobies Satan is a hermaphrodite half man he's he's should I say it trans he wants to be woman and man because he wants to be worshiped as both isn't that interesting huh so worship of a woman has always been worship of samiramis with this in mind Revelation chapter 17 makes a lot more sense why would you worship a woman because you can fornicate with her and you love her and that's the way you make love and so in your mind you're doing a good thing when you're not you're doing a bad thing oh but it makes me feel good it makes God sick you ever think of that who do you care about yourself or God God doesn't like whoredom God doesn't like these things so a lot more I could get into but I find it amazing because going back to Revelation Chapter 2 this is the first time we see God addressing a church and saying to the church I don't like that you have a woman there who claims to be a prophetess in charge now that would get us into women pastors or preachers does God allow that does God want that well verse 20 there in Revelation chapter 2 notwithstanding a few things against thee because that thou suffer us that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed in Idols notice what it says to teach anywhere in the Bible does it say that a woman should teach in the sense of in a church from the pulpit well if you know Paul let's flip over to First Timothy uh I read my Bible and I don't see women pastors and I was I don't have time to take you to a Titus and the other place in Timothy where it says if a man's to be a bishop or an elder which is a pastor he used to be the husband of one wife he doesn't say he's to be the wife of one husband you see that the world is twisting things in first Timothy 2 verse 7. First Timothy 2 7 we're unto I am ordained a preacher and an apostle I speak the truth in Christ and lie not a teacher of the Gentiles and faith and Verity Rarity is true so Paul says I'm a teacher that God Called to be a teacher I will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting in like manner also the women Adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame-facedness and sobriety not with broadered hair or gold or pearls or costly array but which becometh woman professing godliness with good works let the women learn in Silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach Nordy serp authority over the man but to be in silence a world today hates that but it just boils down to do you love God and want to follow him or don't you it says for Adam was first form then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression so now let's turn over to First Corinthians chapter 14. so we're seeing this was written by Paul if they had the Bible and they would have if those early Christians would have made copies of it they would have known better they would have known these verses they wouldn't have listened to a woman named Jezebel who would claim to be a prophet would they have no First Corinthians Chapter 14 verse 34 and 35. let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience is also saith the law and if any will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church wow so now that we go back to Revelation Chapter 2 we can see why this woman is so evil now what was she doing was she still claiming to be a pagan or did she suddenly say I'm a Christian now so all you Christians come to me and let me prophesize to you was she trying to usurp the position of the church and become a woman pastor almost sounds like it I know one thing I wouldn't follow a woman named Jezebel that's for her that's scary so look at verse 21. now we know we're under Grace today right Paul preaches all about Grace I don't know how God can have Grace because I wouldn't have had any but look at what God says in verse 21. Revelation 2 21 and I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not how long I don't know how long did God he didn't say I gave her time he said I gave her space I thought that was interesting you know if you're married and you have maybe an argument or something he said just give me a few minutes give me some space that means you go to that room and I'll go to this room and we'll cool off all right so notice it doesn't say I gave her time it says I gave her space I find that amazing was God saying okay I'm just going to go over here for a little bit just watch from a distance see what you do and they didn't come to God they kind of just it's weird how when you're reading the Bible think about the actual words that are used there God's like okay I'm gonna just back off give her some time and some space see what she does she didn't repent because she didn't repent boy what we read next is crazy isn't it and what we read next sounds like tribulation not Church age it says here in verse 22. so it almost sounds like the space he's given her is almost 2 000 years that's a lot of Grace behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation you know what the Great Tribulation is the tribulation is seven years long but Jesus Calls the Great Tribulation the last three and a half years so somebody who claims to be a Church of Jesus is not going at the Rapture and they're going to go through here who does that sound like to you every so-called denomination that claims to be a Christian but doesn't believe in grace through faith like Paul said they believe in the works gospel so they're claiming to be Christians but they're not that's why they're left behind will there be Christianity in the tribulation yes there'll be people that claim to follow Jesus but were they saved no how do they get saved in the tribulation he that endureth to the end shall be saved so they got to endure to the end or die as a martyr with their head cut off for not taking the mark of the beast so what a place to put this we're talking about seven literal churches in the time of Paul and then Jesus says I'm gonna give you some space and then you're going to the Great Tribulation wow he jumps from beginning to the end like super fast of the church age and it says now you're going to go through that so it's basically it sounds like you're not going to go with the Rapture is what it sounds like doesn't it and I would go into more about the Great Tribulation how it's the last three and a half years I'm trying to to cut down on time here um Matthew 24 21 if you want to write it down Revelation 7 14 talks about the Great Tribulation that's Matthew 24 21 Revelation 7 14. so now God says this to her and this is like wow this is scary go back to where he says verse 22 behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds by the way that reminds me of chapter 17 a woman who's a and she claims to be a church holy mother church and what have they done they've committed adultery with the kings of the earth so it must be talking about that church and I will kill her children with death what a scary thing now it's just God is just and and if you ask me she deserves much more than that but if God waited two thousand years to do that well that's a see people read this and go that's a mean God but then if you look at how long he waited that's not a mean God that's what a lot of Grace doesn't the Bible say the goodness of God leadeth to repentance so I will kill her children with death now when did that happen in the Bible I think of a time when that happened that was when the Exodus when when the last plague was it when the firstborn was killed of Egypt interesting how we would see that later it's interesting I don't know and I and uh all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works okay now that's wow that's amazing God says that so he's talking to these people he's talking to this time period but that doesn't sound like the church age that sounds like tribulation doesn't it so remember the threefold application of the book continuing there look at the next verse but unto you I say verse 24 and unto the rest in thyatira as many as have not this Doctrine what is the doctrine the doctrine it's mentioned is verse 20 the doctrine of going to a woman letting her be in charge listening to her Prophet being seduced commit fornication eat things sacrifice to idols is have not this Doctrine and which have not known the depths of Satan that is a scary verse right there that church that came out of this that established religion they're in the depths of Satan now which church is this that I'm talking about in Revelation chapter 17. you know what I believe I think that's the Church of Rome because it's on Seven Hills so we would call that the Roman Catholic Church are you telling me the Roman Catholic Church is the depths of Satan have you ever been to the Vatican remember vatica was a false woman God see how it's all coming together when you walk inside the Vatican there's four giant pillars and they go like this they look like they're surrounded by four huge snakes and I've seen lots of videos on YouTube of all the different decorations and everything and how they're just looks like demon here demon there staring at you there was some guy I can't remember his name who was in the Church of Rome and he was an illuminatiist or whatever those are called and he says the devil is in the Vatican he said they practice witchcraft there they have so you know I'm reading the Bible and I'm like I don't think I want to be a part of that church can you be a Christian and not be Roman Catholic yes there are many people who are Christians who aren't Roman Catholic and to me a true Christian is a true follower of Christ who is also a follower of Paul does the Catholic Church like Paul oh we follow Peter oh no they say we follow Paul too no but you put Peter first and you don't follow Paul's gospel which is salvation by grace through faith alone and they preach no it's faith and works so I caution you watch out for a church like that because they worship Mary a woman more than they worship Jesus and you've got to wonder about that because here's a church that's worshiping a woman more than Jesus and God says man I don't like this and this is the depths of Satan what a thing to say as they speak and will put upon you no other burden but that which you have already hold fast till I come hold fast till I come we read that today we say yeah when he comes at the rapture but is he saying how fast till I come here at Armageddon see how it can have a double application to the church and the tribulation verse 25 but that which you have already hold fast till I come and he that overcometh and keepeth my Works unto the end that's a Works gospel right there that's not Paul I can't be Paul so what must that be that must be he's applying this more to the tribulation unto the end to him will I give power over the Nations well we can spiritually apply this we should do good works today and go up at the Rapture and come back with Jesus and and and we'll get rewards and and Rule with him over the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to Shivers even as I received of my father okay so Jesus is speaking remember all red and he says as I received of my father that's God the father Jesus is God the son and I will give him the Morning Star now there was a guy remember John Wycliffe and he came around this time so it's like when you look at it in a period somebody reading that between 500 and a thousand they're reading that and wanting to do that and they're like oh we can't wait for the morning star and then up shows a guy around 1300 that translates the Bible into English for people to read and in history they call him the Morning Star but who is the true Morning Star Jesus Christ so he'll come back so I just see a double application there or actually triple application there so many different ways verse 29 he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirits say into the churches now the next one is Sardis and I'd like to get through Sardis very quickly because there's really not a lot to say when it comes to Sardis and a lot to get into so we're going to look at Sardis here so Sardis means red ones Sardis would correspond to what thousand to fifteen hundred that's when we see a lot of persecution against true Christians that's when we see a man coming in and and starting what we would call the Spanish Inquisition where they begin to murder people so when I see red I think Martyrs they gave their blood it's also though when a church was led by a lot of people that wore red that false Church they're called Cardinals isn't that interesting so you have the True Church of God being killed and so they're red in God's eyes because their blood is being shed but the false church that's persecuting them are wearing red so you can kind of double apply that and it says here and under the angel of the church in Sardis right these things saith he that hath the seven spirits of God and the Seven Stars I Know Thy works that thou Hast the name that thou livest and are dead what a thing to say you're all dead now that I don't understand so I've got to get through this quickly I lost track of when we got started so one of the oldest cities of Asia Minor is Sardis it was the capital of Lydia until about 549 BC it was on top of the northern slope of Mount tamolis with the river packed tollis below who cared right but maybe someday you'll go there and go oh that's not one River I don't know we'll see but in 334 BC the city surrendered to Alexander the Great in 17 A.D it was destroyed by an earthquake and Roman Emperor Tiberius rebuilt the city it had a temple to Guess Who you think it was a male God or a female god a female god named sabelli a female goddess who who's really who semiramis No Doubt and it is 48 miles due east of Smyrna now why did God say you're dead what a horrible thing to think if God looks down on you goes yeah I know what you're doing but to me you're dead you're dead to me what a horrible thing to say well it's interesting because that City doesn't remain anymore it's ruins um the city endured till about 1402 when it was destroyed by tamerlin whoever he is and it's only a bunch of ruins now now are there people around there yeah there's a little town called cert so is Jesus saying you're spiritually dead or you're physically dead in 1402 the town ceased to exist quite interesting that that fits in our time period here doesn't it another coincidence so that city is no longer a flourishing City but it lasted that long and it's right I mean I just find that incredible you can't make this stuff up so pretty interesting pretty interesting but God says you're dead are they how are they dead I guess he means spiritually verse two Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die hmm strengthen things which remain that are ready to die now in this church period the true church they were ready to die for Jesus many many Christians were killed by the state for being Christians during this time and they were killed by a state-run church religion Rome that we're killing true Christians if you ever read or studied about the Spanish Inquisition man that's sad they killed people burned them at the stake because they didn't agree with Catholic Doctrine yet they claim to believe in the same Jesus that those people did that is horrible if you're ever burned at the stake you need to know this here's what you do when they light the fire around you because they have all the brush there and you're tied you don't want to feel the pain so what's the first thing you should do breathe in as much smoke as you can until you pass out then you don't have to feel the pain I mean I hate to have to give you that little counsel there but you can endure all that pain if you want to not me I'd be like breathing all the smoke so I pass out and I don't feel myself burned to death all right so I don't I don't think I like suffering too much so just a little extra note there in case this ever happens to us God forbid you know but uh what a what a thing that someone would do that to someone isn't that horrible in the name of religion is that a Christian that sounds Pagan to me again I must say in the Bible nowhere does it tell us as Christians to go kill people only in the time of War and even then you can make an argument as a Christian I don't want to be in war you know I'm a conscientious Observer or something like that so continue here we got Sardis is pretty short so we'll just get through this quickly and we'll be done but Sardis only has six verses pergamus and Sardis only six verses so this is a very short one Be watchful verse two now it was a city up on a hill and because they were up on this hill and they had big uh Gates and and uh walls they they were always supposed to be watching because someone would come here and try to attack like Alexander the Great but often they they put their faith in their walls and their heights nobody's gonna attack us we're way up here and you know how they were overthrown several times because they quit watching nobody's going to be dumb enough to come up this high and come over these walls so they quit watching and that's how they came in and took over so it's amazing how does this show you that God in heaven knows what he's talking about he knows these places he knows where do we get to laodicea and how he says they're lukewarm it's going to blow your mind what that means because Jesus knew so be and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die for I have not found thy works perfect before God now it says remember therefore how thou Hast received and heard and hold fast and repent if therefore Thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee now let me go into this really quick notice what it says if you're not watching then you won't know when Jesus is coming back what would the opposite of that be if you are watching then you would know when Jesus is coming back I find that incredible now which one of the coming backs is that remember we got triple application is he saying if you're not watching in the tribulation you won't know when he's coming back here or she's saying to us if you're not watching for the Rapture you won't know when the Rapture is coming well we basically you can apply it to both but I hear people say all the time and you've heard it and you've heard it and you've heard it nobody can know what the Rapture is and you say why do you say that well Jesus said and they go back to the gospels back here before Jesus died here's where Jesus said that here is where the Book of Revelation was written could something have changed from here to here quickly let's go to Mark chapter 13. people will go to the Bible and their masters at taking things out of context and they will go to a verse and quote half a verse to you and then tell you you don't know what you're talking about and you're like but but but oh and they a lot of times they don't even listen but Mark chapter 13 and verse 32. Mark 13 32 Jesus says but of that day and that hour knoweth no man no not the Angels which are in heaven and they stop right there so no man knows when Jesus coming back um can we read the rest of the verse please and it says neither the son but the father so the father knows right take ye heed watch and pray for ye know not when the time is all right now let's go back to Matthew 24. so yes Jesus said no man knoweth the day or hour that's what he said you can't deny that but when did he say that before he resurrected and went to heaven to the father okay so that's what he said back then to them we're reading way over here and he says now if you're not watching you won't know so if you are watching you will know so you see how things can change that's called dispensations Matthew 24 36 look what he says but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only okay they always leave out but my father only they just said no man know what the day or hour no man know we don't know when Jesus is coming back all right turn to Revelation chapter one Jesus says that before he dies Jesus says that here on Earth then he goes up to heaven when Jesus went up to heaven sat down on the right hand of the father today just kind of look at each other and they haven't talked since it's kind of Nod father son and they've just been sitting up there quietly watching us all for the last two thousand years or do you think they talked do you think maybe the father told him then when he would be coming back do you think maybe that's why we have the Book of Revelation Revelation chapter 1 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God that would be the father gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass so God the Father spoke to the son and told him some stuff do you think in the Book of Revelation it tells us when the Rapture is no well you turn over to other passage it says there will be 1 260 days and then there's going to be I think it's there I haven't figured it out but I think he told us and I think it's in the Bible and if we get in our Bible and study it more and more and more I think the closer we get to the coming of Christ at the Rapture the more it'll be just blatantly in our face this is what it is and we'll get it from the scripture so all those people out there says no man knows dared no matter there Revelation 3 3. he said if therefore thou shall not watch I will come on thee and he says as a thief and thou shall not know what our shall come upon thee the opposite of that is if you are watching then you would know and I think we can know that's why I think it's fun to read the Bible and try to make guesses but make sure we don't say don't say it the Lord on such a day he's coming I've never done that people try to accuse me of being a date Setter I'm not a date Setter I said hey people are thinking this day let's look at what they say maybe it is maybe it's not and I guess it wasn't but Harold Camping set a date remember that guy Harold Camping on such and such a day Jesus is coming back nothing so you got to be very careful not to be too dogmatic to where you're prophesying but there's nothing nothing wrong with studying your Bible and getting together and talking about it and saying hey wouldn't it be cool if it was this year and this date for this reason I personally think it's probably going to be on a feast day because it's a marriage we're going to be with him what do you do you ever did anybody here ever gone to a marriage where they go sorry we will not be eating afterwards usually that's the best part because you get the food and you Feast together all right so Revelation chapter three let's finish this up Revelation chapter 3. and verse 4. thou Hast the few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments now I read that and I thought man that's one of the saddest verses because here's this church and he tells this church by the way there's just a few of you left What a Sad thing to say just a few of you isn't that sad to you I wish he'd say there's a lot of you but in my life my short 40-some years here on Earth I remember when I got saved and how many more Christians there were true Bible Believers and I'm seeing less and less and there's just a few of us left I find that sad and then those that are left all they do is fight each other separate if we could just all get together you know but uh how sad there's just a few thou Hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy now wait a minute for they are worthy we don't get to heaven because we're Worthy this doesn't sound like Paul when is the time when a person could be worthy the only time I can think of is when they go through the tribulation and if they die for Jesus as a martyr or they endured the end then if they've served God and live for him then they would be worthy we're saved by grace here not by worthiness we're not worthy to get to heaven that's why we need to be saved by grace so do you see the wording as we go through here how we can apply it to the church then we can apply it to the seven Church periods but a lot of it sounds like he's talking to people over the tribulation sounds like a Works gospel doesn't it it's it's so we can't base our Doctrine off of this we've got to remember the heart of the New Testament Doctrine comes from Paul got to finish got to finish back to chapter three he that overcometh there it is that's the tribulation gospel he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of The Book of Life when we get saved can our name be blotted out no you all know the difference between the two books right there's the book of life and then there's the Lamb's Book of Life do you know that I was going to go there we don't have time the Lamb's Book of Life is mentioned twice Revelation 13 8 and Revelation 21 27. it's the book of eternal life all right The Book of Life is anybody who's born into this world alive there is an angel up in heaven writing down their name and if they lived in this world their name is in that book they will go before God if they weren't saved and they'll go before the great white Throne of judgment and their name will be blotted out if they didn't get saved because now they're going to the second death because they didn't want eternal life but there's another book probably written in red ink the blood of Jesus called the Lamb's Book of Life and when you get saved you get eternal life and that can never be blotted out of there so does this say out of the Lamb's Book of Life no it says someone's going to be blotted out we can't be blotted out of a book so does this sound like it's to us or does it sound more like tribulation see all these things where you're going through and go man sounds like tribulation sounds like tribulation but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels well here you have confession are we saved by confession today no so we're going through and looking at this um what is this confession thing well again tribulation period you confess Jesus instead of confessing the Antichrist because the Antichrist wants you to take his Mark and worship him so you either confess I'm of the Antichrist or you confess no no I reject him I'm of Christ and to do that is a death sentence beheaded for not taking the mark So sounds so much like a tribulation gospel verse 6. well actually verse 5 2 he that overcometh don't have time don't have time had other verses um confess is the Tribulation message Matthew 10 verse 32-33 if you're looking this up that's the kingdom message Luke 12 8-12 cross-reference to Jews during the tribulation period so that's the kingdom gospel do you all know what the kingdom gospel is Jesus came preaching the kingdom message if you accept me as Messiah I can bring this in for a thousand years they rejected him as Messiah so now we had two thousand years of church age still got to finish Daniel where it talks about the 70th week then Jesus can come back so the kingdom message is hey I'm coming as your King well that's going to be now after the tribulation so the kingdom message is going to be preached in the tribulation hey Jews your true Messiah is Jesus trust him and he'll come back and rule over you for a thousand years Jesus said his ministry was to Jews only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel Matthew 15 24. Paul's Ministry he says is mostly to Gentiles now Jew first but also to the Gentile at the end of his ministry he says from henceforth I won't go to the Jews anymore so Paul's Epistles are the ones most to us I don't have time to go to Romans 15 8 but that tells us what Jesus's Ministry was to the circumcision and Romans 15 16 Paul says he was more to the Gentiles is the gospel of the tribulation the same as the gospel of today there's no way and this is another thing they'll attack you on oh no it's the same gospel in the whole Bible everyone saved the same okay so Noah trusted in the blood of Jesus when he built the boat yes I mean they say ridiculous things no God told people things that were different in different dispensations and as soon as their Rapture takes place it's a different dispensation and that's he that endureth to the end he that overcometh that's you know die is a martyr for Jesus or endure to the end it's very different and Galatians chapter 1 verse 1 through 12 and 8 and 9 though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel let him be accursed you go to Revelation chapter 14 and verse 6. behold there's an angel in heaven preaching the Everlasting gospel how on Earth could he be preaching Paul if Paul said no he's cursed there's got to be dispensations in the Bible and a lot of people don't believe that so finish up here in Revelation chapter 2. and tell me if this sounds very very tribulationy to you verses four through six and we'll be done but thou Hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with me and wait for they are worthy sounds like the reason they're Worthy is that they live for him in the tribulation he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of The Book of Life well that's impossible for us who are saved today according to Paul we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels must be because they either lived for or died for Jesus in the tribulation he'd have an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches so why should we listen to this well because this is good for us to know God doesn't like fornication God doesn't like a lot of things and we're learning how we can apply this spiritually to us in many ways and we see what applies to us and what doesn't but we always got to go back to Paul because where we are today in the church age it's Paul in that Revelation to Paul so amen that's that's uh those two next time we'll finish up with Philadelphia and laodicea which will be I guess two weeks from now and I can't wait because what a contrast these two are because Philadelphia is the good one the best of them all and laodicea seems like the worst of them all and to have that comparison of those two is amazing so any questions or anything all right we'll close there and like I said we'll see you in two weeks and I'm excited about Philadelphia I love this church of Philadelphia and so I can't wait to get into there all right let's close in a word of prayer thank you Lord for the opportunity to study your word thank you Lord for for knowing how to rightly divide that we be not ashamed and thank you Lord for salvation by faith alone in the blood of Christ please help us to have a good time afterwards and please bless what we're about to hear and the singing as well in Jesus name amen amen okay all right
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 54,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Book of Revelation, Revelation, Revelations, King James Bible Study, Verse by Verse Bible Study, Verse by verse bible study through Revelation, Robert Breaker
Id: 2o8Bttp_5OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 25sec (4465 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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