Revelation 15 // Victory Over The Beast

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we're in the book of Revelation that I haven't what was the last time that we were in Revelation was it last month this is crazy I went back in you know I get I get into what I'm doing and I'm kind of a day-to-day guy and so there are times when I have to go back and look and see where I was last and so the last time it looks like I taught Revelation was in January so that's where that's Steve diseased and all that kind of stuff we're in Revelation chapter 15 Revelation chapter 15 let's pray before we start the Lord again we come before you we thank you Lord for who you are what a blessing you are to us it's it's so good to know you and to walk with you and and just be saved by You Lord Lord as we're going through Revelation there there's a lot of times in this book where it can just get scary in in the sense that we see a vision of not only you in your goodness in your grace but also you and your discipline in your judgment and we're about to enter into another part of that in the book of Revelation Lord got a I like the Bible because it just plainly states who you are and as we're going through these things Lord I like it that you're a God who loves your God of grace but you're also a God who finally comes to the point where you say that's enough and that's a good thing too so Lord we just pray that as we're getting into your word that you would speak to us that you would work in our hearts God that you would give us a fear of you a right a righteous fear a real fear in the sense that the Bible talks about not being afraid of but a fear of disrespecting you a fear of dishonouring you a fear of displeasing you and and that kind of thing Lord anyway we just pray that you bless the study of your word I'm just rambling here and just ask that you do this in Jesus name Amen sometimes I ramble in my prayers okay Revelation chapter 15 let's let's just go through and I want to read the whole chapter real quick it's kind of a precursor to the last series of judgments the bull judgments that take place right before the second coming of Jesus and so revelation 15 is a setup for Revelation chapter 16 it says verse 1 then I saw another sign in heaven great and marvellous seven angels having the seven last plagues for in them the wrath of God is complete and I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire and those who have the victory over the Beast over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name standing on the sea of glass having harps of God they sing the song of Moses the servant of God in the song of the lamb saying great and marvellous or your works Lord God Almighty just and true are your ways o king of the saints who shall not fear you O Lord and glorify your name for you alone or wholly for all nations shall come and worship before you for your judgments have been manifested after these things I looked and behold the Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened and out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues clothed in pure bright linen and having their chests girded with golden bands then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of wrath of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed and so you have this passage start off with the phrase then I saw another sign and this is one of those things that you see in the book of Revelation when symbolism is about to be spoken about the other signs that you see in the book of Revelation are the sign of a woman in Revelation chapter 12:1 remember the woman clothed with the Sun and the moon and the stars and standing on the moon and and that whole thing and that's a picture of Israel then you have a sign of the dragon and a kingdom in [Music] revelation 12:3 and then you have this sign seven angels divine judgment upon us a satanic system and the political power of the beast in fact when we get to chapter 16 I titled chapter 16 God gets personal because what he's doing is he's specifically pouring out judgment on the beast and on his followers and on the kingdom of the Beast and it's uh it's it's kind of a cool thing in any case when you when you get to verse 1 of chapter 15 he says then I saw another sign in heaven great and marvellous seven angels having the seven last plagues for in them the wrath of God is complete and I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire and those who have the victory over the Beast over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name standing on the sea of glass having harps of God say this sea of glass again in Revelation chapter 4 when you first have the vision of the throne room of God they're standing on a sea of glass it doesn't say mingled with fire in that passage but they're standing on a sea of glass and that is a phrasing that kind of kind of pushes you back harkens you back to the old testament in the book of Exodus one of the things that that we see when we're going through the book of Revelation is you see all the elements of the tabernacle in there I can't say all of them because not all of them they're mentioned but a lot of the elements of the tabernacle are mentioned in the book of Revelation and so you have the seven-branch candlestick in Revelation chapter 4 it's the seven spirits of God it's a the candlestick as a representation of the work of the Holy Spirit and so you see that and heaven earlier on we saw the Ark of God well that's talking about the Ark of the Covenant and you know when we think of the Ark of the Covenant we think of what's the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones we think of Indiana Jones and the in the box on TV and that's what I think of anyway and that kind of thing and it's a box it was here on the earth but what the Bible says is that when God had Moses build the tabernacle when he had him build all the articles of furniture were modeled after things that were in heaven so the these are the real things up in heaven we're down on earth is just a box covered with gold or it's tables like a table of showbread covered with gold or it's a it's an altar that's covered with bronze that kind of thing and so we see these guys sitting standing on the sea of glass whether it was a sea in the Old Testament fact that's what it's called in the King James Version it's the bronze Laver the bronze sea is what it was called and so when you went into the tabernacle you went in through a gate that by the way represents Jesus you went in through a gate and when you got into into the inside there were two things that you saw outside the tabernacle proper the tabernacle is a tent okay and the two things that you saw outside of that were the bronze altar and the Bruns Laver or the bronze sea and the bronze sea was a big sink basically it's a big bowl of water and during the time of Solomon we have the measurements for that and it was 10 cubits across it was 15 feet across this thing and so you know 15 feet is like from here basically from here to that piano right there that's about 15 feet that's how far how far across it was and it was another you know it was 30 cubits around and you know and this whole thing and so it's a big bowl and they apparently had spigots that came off this and that's this is where the priests would go and wash themselves before when they were doing the sacrifices or before they went into the tabernacle itself to offer up incense they always had to wash themselves and so they're washing themselves with water that points to the New Testament or in the New Testament it says that Jesus washes us washes his bride with the water of the word and so you you have the bronze altar where the sacrifices made the sacrifice being Jesus you have the bronze Laver that represents the washing of the water of the water of the word and then you go into the tabernacle proper and you go in again through hangings that represent Jesus all the colors represent his ministry in his life and even the pictures that are on the hanging represent his ministry in his life again even though they're talking about cherubim and things like that you get inside and there's very three articles of furniture on the right hand side is the table of showbread on the left hand side is the seven-branch candlestick and right in front of you right in front of the the veil that hides the most holy place or the Holy of Holies is the altar of incense then inside is the Ark of the Covenant and so a lot of these in these implements this furniture all this stuff is found in the book of Revelation except for you don't have a big bowl which we have you still have a a see but it's something that they're standing on which is kind of cool okay because if that corresponds and I don't know for sure that it does but I kind of think it does if that corresponds in the Old Testament you have this bronze see this bronze Laver or this bronze sink with water in it and when you get to the when you get to heaven they're not washing in it they're standing on it and so if it's a picture of the Word of God in the Old Testament you're washed in the water of the word New Testament same thing washed in the water of the word but by the time you get to the head get to heaven you're standing on the fulfilled Word of God something that's something that's solid now something that doesn't move and in this instance they're standing on the sea of glass and it's mixed with fire in this passage when you when you look at that fire is a symbol of judgment and so this would be a picture of God standing on the word not only just standing on the word itself but on standing on the word mingled with fire and in other words the wrath of God expressed in his word the whole symbolism behind this whole thing is what God says comes to pass and so the promise of promises of God come to pass the goodness of God my life comes to pass the judgment of God comes to pass to and and again a solidified type of thing here's another thing about the labors in in the Old Testament when when they were in when they were wandering in the wilderness the bronze Laver doesn't have any dimensions in fact it's the only thing in the tabernacle that has no dimensions and when you get to the time of the temple all of a sudden you have dimensions I gave you some of them okay and so it's 30 cubits around 10 cubits across and all you math guys do you see the problem if it's 10 cubits across what should it be around it's based on PI so pi times pi times the diameter so three point one one four one five you know and so you times that times 10 it should be 31 cubits around and so you go back to the old testament you figure out what's wrong with that what's going on there's there a Bible contradiction there stop he just told you the answer inside dimensions and outside dimensions that's what that's talking about so the inside dimension was 30 the outside dimension was 31 and so again you you have that but you had you have it there's the there's a difference between the wandering and the wilderness and the settled temple itself it's a great picture of the difference between the time where we're kind of wandering in the wilderness where we're living here right now and we're waiting for the things in the Word of God to be fulfilled and then the settled time when Jesus comes back and we have the kingdom age when the Solomon's Temple represents the kingdom age and the tabernacle and the wilderness represents our time before Christ comes back and sets up the kingdom and so the reason that there's no dimensions is because there's going to be people ending up standing on this whole thing and that group of people who are going to end up standing on it is not a fixed group yet and it's going to be a group that's innumerable but after Jesus comes back then that group is fixed and so now you have dimensions and so that's all typology and again it's not something that that it's not a hill that I would die on but it's kind of an interesting picture that you have out of the Old Testament and then in the New Testament and so now you have this whole thing pictured up in heaven and again see if glass mingled with fire it's a picture of the the fact that the Word of God is going to be something that is fulfilled in its judgment as well as in the grace that God gives over us next thing that you see is the the talking about the people who are standing on the sea of glass having the harps of God verse 2 again I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire and those who have the victory over the Beast over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name standing on the sea of glass having harps of God and so those who have the victory over the Beast back in the previous chapter in verses 12 through 13 it says this here is the patience of the saints here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus then I heard a voice from heaven heaven saying to me write blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on yes says the spirit that they may rest from their Labour's and their works follow them and so in that in that passage it's it's talked about the the the period of time when the Beast is on the ascendancy and he's causing everybody to take a mark on the right hand or their forehead he's killing off people who won't take the mark and this this section right here talks about the patience of the Saints and the fact that they keep the commandments of God and that they have faith in Christ and that they die and it calls that victory so you know a lot of times when we think of victory you know we just think of winning you know it's like we we get the highest score we we end up overcoming anybody that comes up against us or enemies are bowed down before us we put our feet on their necks you know that kind of that kind of thing and that's not necessarily how God sees victory you know the ultimate victory that we're gonna have is when we go home to be with the Lord and so how I get there you know I kind of don't care I kinda don't care you know and so I've been a pastor for a long time and you know I do Hospital visitations and I've watched a number of people go home to be with the Lord you know you go to the hospital and you're there with the family and you see people pass on and you know when when when that first yeah you know I never liked that stuff it's my job and so that's it's actually it's all our jobs to weep with those who weep but it's my job and so I do it I've never actually liked it but when I when I was first going I remember my first hospital visitation with a with a guy who was dying it was just awful all around and I was trying to make the best out of it and share the Lord with them and and and and things like that but obviously didn't like it I didn't like it and a lot of times it's it can just be a bummer but the older that I get the more I'm like you know what again I don't care how I go you know if I though i I have some favorite ways to go I've always thought that jumping out of a plane would be an awesome way to go you know parachuting and the parachute doesn't come out come open ops yeah it'd be a lot of fun until you until he stopped at the end I'm not really I'm not weird but I just kind of think that would be cool I like the whole thing of the whole idea of flying in any case you know it's I've seen people of died of cancer I've seen people just keel over I've you know I've seen people just pass away really pleasantly you know that kind of thing obviously the best way to go would be Jesus comes back he calls you to go up to be with them and you slip out of your body and you're immediately changed and you're in heaven with the Lord that would be the best way to go I kind of think that I've had some friends who've died of heart attacks that kind of stuff and it's just like they're breathing one time and you know one moment next moment they just keel over and there they are in heaven facing face up with the Lord but you know what whatever it is you know where we end up is in a place of victory we play ended up standing before the Lord we end up standing there worshipping Him honoring him and a lot of times we can have worship here that's just awesome and it's just a blessing to come into the presence of God you know I've been I've been doing some work on mobile home that I own so that my daughter can daughter and her husband can move into it and one of the things that I miss about construction is the radio so now it's not the radio anymore now it's my my telephone my my cell phone and I put on Pandora or something you know one of those one of those apps and then I blasted out through like a Bose speaker or something like that and I'm just in there working and the worship music and is going all day long I cannot work without music my wife likes to do that she likes silence and I'm like you're on my job chick and so we're we're cranking the music and I just sit there and worship the whole time and it's just it's just a blessing you know you're nothing but worship music the whole time that's what that's what Heaven's gonna be like it's gonna be the best worship session ever and so I'm planning on the day that I keel over you know the day that I drop dead or the day that Jesus comes back the net the next moment standing in his presence looking him in the face having my hands raised probably sitting on my knees I'll have the knees to do it yeah I can't kneel anymore but sitting on my knees and just honoring him that's victory and it doesn't matter if I got there through persecution doesn't matter if I got there through cancer doesn't matter if I got there through a heart attack doesn't matter if I got there just because I got old it doesn't matter if I got there because Jesus came back and got me doesn't matter in any way any way that it works I'm standing in front of Jesus and I win I win you know there's a passage in Revelation chapter 12 that says that the way that they overcame the devil is by the word of their testimony and actually there's three different things but one is but their word of their testimony and that they did not love their lives to the death they did not love their lives to the death I think that's really important that that we figure out these sometimes people can have an overwhelming fear of death and I'm not I'm not saying that that's tweaked and I'm not you know if you have that kind of fear I'm not picking on you but if you have that kind of fear it's because you don't have the assurance of what's going to happen after death and you need to get it you need to know your Bible well enough to know what God said about this you need to understand that death even though it can be a scary thing and a dark thing it's just a door into the presence of God and so if you're if you're afraid of that you need to spend some more time with Jesus you need to spend some more time in his word and you need to understand that because if the devil can use that against you he will he will and what we all need to understand is that when the devil whether he you know whether he's doing it himself whether he's hassling me in my mind or whether he's using somebody else and they come up and they say we're gonna kill you that's not something I fear that's a promotion you're gonna you're gonna send me into the presence of okay go for it Bucky you know that kind of thing and so again you see this these are people who've died for their faith these are people who've died because of the fact that they will not bow to what the world system says that they they need to be doing and they're standing in victory before the Lord on the sea of glass it says verse three they sing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb and it goes on there actually you know one more thing I left a verse out that I wanted to share with you about the whole death thing Paul said this in Philippians chapter 1 sorry I'm sorry to get ahead of myself ian's chapter 1 verses 20 through 24 he said this according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed but with all boldness as always now so now also Christ will be magnified in my body whether by life or by death for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain but if I live on in the flesh this will mean fruit from my labor yet what I shall choose I cannot tell for I'm hard pressed between the two having a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you and so towards the end of Paul's life he's in prison at the time that he's writing this and he goes I don't know which one I want I don't know whether or whether or not I want to stay here in the flesh or go to depart and go be with the Lord by the way when you depart you go to be with the Lord to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and he says that in this passage also so you immediately go into the presence of God and so again Paul had that had that kind of attitude and he looked forward to the fact that he was gonna be with Jesus and that doesn't mean that every you know I'm not sitting here going gosh I wish I could die today I'm not thinking that but death doesn't have the the the fear that was connected with it that I had before I was a Christian again because my life is going to start the real life is gonna start the day that I stop breathing so very very cool stuff anyway victory there then you have the song and when you talk about the song of Moses there are a number of passages that you could go to Moses wrote a song I don't know if you knew if you knew that Moses wrote a song but there's also two passages where Moses in the book of Exodus and also in the book of Deuteronomy sings a song to the Lord and to Israel and so most likely when it's talking about the song of Moses it's talking about the book of Exodus and we will go you can go back and you can read it yourself Exodus 15 1 through 21 but I just wanted to take a couple of excerpts out of the song of Moses and access Exodus it says this who is like you O Lord among the gods who is like you glorious and holiness fearful and praises doing wonders you stretched out your right hand the earth swallowed them you and your mercy have led forth the people whom you have redeemed you've guided them in your strength to your holy habitation and then in verses 16 through 18 it says fear and dread will fall on them by the greatness of your arm they will be as still as a stone till your people pass over O Lord till the people pass over whom you have purchased you will bring them in and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance and the place O Lord which you have made for your own dwelling the sanctuary O Lord which your hands have established the Lord shall reign forever and ever those are good those are good words and they're totally appropriate to the situation here because the judgement the last set of judgments is about to happen and what they're saying is God you're gonna judge god they're gonna fear you they're gonna stand in silence they're gonna become like stone we're gonna pass over we're gonna get the inheritance that you've got to given to us and so song of Moses and that passage is totally appropriate then you have to do the Deuteronomy song of lo Moses and in that passage I'm gonna give you deuteronomy 32:39 through 43 it's basically most of chapter 32 it says this now see that I even I am he and there is no God besides me I kill and I make alive I wound and I heal nor is there any who can deliver from my hand for I raised my hand to heaven and I say as I live forever if I wet my glittering sword and my hand takes hold on judgment I will render vengeance to my enemies and repay those who hate me I will make my arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh with the blood of the slain and the captives from the heads of the leaders of the enemy rejoice o Gentiles with his people for he will avenge the blood of his servants and render vengeance to his adversaries he will provide atonement for his land and his people and again song of Moses has a lot to do with judgment and so that's most likely well why these guys are singing this one one other thing actually if you look over in chapter 16 we're gonna get to this I think tonight but if you look look over in chapter 16 starting in verse 4 it's the third Bowl and what happens is an angel pours out the bowl on the rivers and springs of water and they become blood and then an angel of the waters says this you virt in verse 5 you are righteous O Lord the one who is and who was and who is to be because you have judged these things for they've shed the blood of saints and prophets and you've given them blood to drink for it is their just do I think that a lot of times what people think about people in heaven is that they're all sweet and nice and people in heaven look like they're rowdy like they're pretty intense and so that angel is saying you know their blood thirsty you gave them blood to drink and you have some of the same things in connection with this and so when when I look at where my heart's supposed to be with the people who around me I always I always watch it because the Bible talks about the fact that God will judge and I need to watch out for a venn you know having a vengeful heart but judgment is part of the work of God and so I don't want to take that just dismiss it and say that everything about Jesus and Godin and all this stuff is just sweetness and knight's niceness because it's not and there are a lot of times when when God gets pretty intense and and so I need to recognize that when I'm dealing with people who around me obviously I'm P I'm dealing with people who don't know Jesus they don't know how to act like a Christian they don't know how to walk with God and so I need to be pouring out grace on them and giving them grace in certain areas but then on the other hand I need to recognize that there's coming a time when God's going to say enough enough and that again is what the song of Moses whether you're in the book of Exodus or you're in the book of Deuteronomy is all about enough we're not going to do this anymore I'm going to take out my glittering sword and I'm going to wet it wetting means I'm going to sharpen it you know and and obviously you sharpen it to use it is the is the idea behind that and so again there comes a time when God just goes no we're not doing this anymore and this is one of those times then it says that they sing the song of the Lamb and it looks like verses 3 & 4 maybe talking about the song of the Lamb here it may be what what's being referred to it says great marvelous are your works Lord God Almighty just and true are your ways o king of the Saints who shall not fear you O Lord and glorify your name for you alone or wholly for all nations shall come and worship before you for your judgments have been manifested and so again talking about the might of God the holiness of God and and the fact that that you know he he does what he wants I think I think that a fear of God is a really good thing for Christians to have I think a fear of God is something that's important I think that when we when we don't fear God we do things and we say things that are just completely out of line completely out of line you know that passage in Matthew chapter 7 where it says judge not that you be not judged for by what measure you meet it's going to be measured back to you and in the passage that what Jesus is talking about in that passage is that God's watching and he's going to treat you the way that you treat others it's it's that kind of idea behind it and so if you're always condemning if you're always judgmental if you always have you know the the most rotten thing to say about somebody behind their back or even to their face that's the kind of judgment that we're talking about we're not talking about hey that's wrong we're talking about a condom Norcom condemn natori judgment towards people and we're not supposed to be having that kind of attitude everything that happens on facebook all the little comments that you see on social media all the little snotty comments that you see in those arenas that's that kind of attitude and it's not something that should be coming out of a Kris mouth I was actually again I was getting ready for this and so I go on our website and I get on the YouTube channel where I did the last study I want to make sure that I remembered where I left off and you know I just go down on a glance at the comments you have any snotty people there are and snotty over nothing I was reading the comment one time and and you know it's it's it's just talking about you know the study and stuff and the student goes well we know that guy's not of God he prayed with his hand in his pocket what what are you yeah well it's like we're in the scripture does it say thou shalt not put your hand in your pocket you what is wrong with people and and they're so motivated to put that in writing to stick it on the internet so it stays there forever you know and again one of the things that we need to keep in mind when we're talking about the Lord is that not only does God look at the internet he does he look at your social media here's everything you have to say Jesus said every idle word that men speak they're gonna give an account of it and the day of the judgment and so you know I'm not perfect you're not perfect I understand that there are times when you get frustrated or you lose it or that kind of that kind of thing but this whole attitude where I can say anything to anybody that I want and I can be as snotty as I want and then claim to follow Jesus are you kidding me are you kidding me that is not what God's called us to write and so I'm just I'm just venting about social media you know there's there's a lot about social media that I just hate with everything I've gotten I understand that there are good things about it and my my staff is always getting on me to be more socially active on social media and I kind of just refuse I just ignore it you know I'll do that I'm busy but again the reason I don't like it so much is because the snottiness and God again sees all this stuff Christians need to have a fear of God because I am gonna stand before God I am gonna give an account of all the things that I've had to say when I get done at night when I when I lay down to sleep one of the things I'm doing before I'm before I'm going to sleep is I'm going over my day and I'm going God if I've done this if I've done that if I've done this if I've done that you know I just want to come before you and apologize you know you know I want to I want to make this right before you there's times when I'm I'm going to bed at night and I realize I said something to Mitch out of it you know just you know I'm busy he comes in he's he's bugging me and I you know say something I'm busy you know or whatever I do something like that and I have to go back and apologize to him because the by you know the Holy Spirit brings that to mind when I'm praying do you pray at night if you're go to sleep do you go over your day do you go over the things that you've done then you go over the stuff that that has happened do you ask the Lord to forgive you for these things because if you don't do it now you will be doing it later if you don't do it now you're gonna be dealing if you don't do it now privately you're gonna be doing it later publicly in front of all heaven we give an account before God of everything that we've done in our bodies whether good or bad whether good or evil and so it's a good idea to keep the list short oh I'm not gonna be able to cover every stupid thing that I've done cuz frankly I don't remember a lot of the things that I've done there were stupid God has to bring to mind so you know it's like I'm not going to cover everything but at the very least I'm gonna cover most of it so when I stand before the Lord it's like you know I'd rather have it be you know a 45 minute session than a 20 hour session before God correcting me on all the nonsense that I've done and so again a fear of God is a good thing it goes on and says verse 5 after these things by the way lots of singing in heaven once again lots of singing in heaven hell I got to you know I've got an OK voice I can carry a tune and when I get to heaven it's going to be perfect and you're in the same situation you may be able to carry two maybe you got a really good voice but when you get to heaven it's gonna be perfect choir in heaven it's gonna be awesome whenever whenever I think of this you know I came from totally non-christian background and I remember going to Calvary Chapel for the first time and it was only a church with like it probably had three four hundred people in it at the time that I was going but you walk in there and especially the ladies voices walked in there I never heard congregational singing like that you know I went to my grandma's church a couple of times and they're singing out of hymnals and you know they're they're singing it in high keys and it's like nobody nobody can hit the hit the key and that kind of thing and so it was kind of a mess and when I went into church it was just this whole thing where you you have all these people singing it sounded like angels to me I was just overwhelmed I was overwhelmed by it and I was like this has got to be what Heaven's like and I still think that I think that that's what Heaven's like there's times when when I hear you guys singing and and I just closed my eyes and you know just think of standing before the Lord lots of singing so if you don't like singing now you better get used to it because you're gonna be doing some when you get to heaven there's some words to songs here might want to memorize them alright verse 5 after these things I looked and behold a Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened so the testimony is the Ark of the Covenant the Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony is the Holy of Holies and so you remember in the in both the temple in the Old Testament and the tabernacle and the Old Testament had a division with a curtain and that division was the veil and then on the inside you had the Ark of the Covenant that's the picture that you have here and out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues literally coming out from the presence of God having the seven plagues clothed in pure Breitling and having their chests girded with golden bands and again something that you see with angels when you're looking at whether you're in the Old Testament or in the New Testament is there I'm always modeled after Jesus and so in the vision that you have in Revelation chapter one one of the things that you see with Jesus is he kind of is he's wearing a white robe and it's a high priestly robe and he's got a golden band about his chest and this is basically a copy of this and so a lot of times when you're looking at angels they're glorifying Christ not only in their words but in their literal appearance and sometimes in their literal form we talked about the four living creatures face of an ox face of a man face of a lion face of an eagle representing the before Gospels representing the four of the Ministerial aspects of Jesus the the Son of Man the Lion of the tribe of Judah the ox being the servant of God and finally the eagle being the one from heaven and those correspond to again the four Gospels and so you have this this same thing with these angels coming out looking in some small way like Jesus when you go into the presence of God and you spend time with him when you're walking out whether you're walking out with seven bowls of Wrath or whether you're walking out with the word of the grace of God you should look like Jesus on some kind of level right so spending time in prayer spending time in the presence of God is going to make you more like Christ if you walk out of the presence of God and you look less like Christ there's something wrong there there's something messed up there been times when I was single I had lots of free time I didn't have anybody taking up my time when I got home because I just walk in close the door world's outside turn the phone off do that whole thing you know back then you just took the phone off the hook or you unplugged a phone it was back in those days they used to have phones that had little dials on it did you kiss no yeah anyway you know you shut everything down you get in there and you can just spend time with the Lord you can do what you want then I get married and all of a sudden I have a wife and my wife wants my time and so you know normally I just you know I could go into a room or you know do whatever and I you know go into my bedroom and I just closed the door I spent some time in there with the Lord and now I got a wife and she comes and knocks on the door and goes what are you doing what are you doing and you know you know the first time she and I'm kind of a private guy so I don't like to say well I'm in here as the holy man of God the priests of our household praying before the Living God you know I'm not going to say then and when I say I'm praying that's what I feel like I'm saying and so I don't want you to know that I'm praying I mean my I'm in my my room how about myself you know me and the me and the Lord and so it was one of the things those things that I had to get over and one of the things that happened a couple of different times as you know she kept doing it and so I disappeared going the room closed the door or you know I sometimes I would hide in the bathroom you know that kind of thing what are you doing in there pounding on the door they're trying to get my attention oh well that's not something that should be happening if you're in the presence of God I'm in the presence of God she asked me a question I prayed can't you see I'm praying I'm trying to spend some time with God you know when you come out of the presence of God you should look a little like him right and not all frustrated I used to I actually I've done it I don't do it so much anymore because I just don't but when when we were first in Big Bear I used to get up in the middle of the night and try to sneak out of the house and there was a dry lakebed that was within basically a block of our house and I go sit out in the middle of this dry lakebed big bears about 6,500 feet and so the stars are really bright at night and there's not a lot of light and so it in the summertime you know the weather was usually pretty decent and I'd go out there and I'd sit in the middle of the lake bed not the middle but you know out in the lake bed and look up at the stars just lay on my back look up at the stars and I'd spend time praying just talking to the Lord there's it's it's great for perspective you know I'm very the universe is very big God holds it in the span of his hand and so I'd do that but every time I could get up my wife sleeps really lightly and I I you know and we had a waterbed at the time roll out of the water bed and she'd immediately wake up and go where are you going I go god I'm not going anywhere I'm just you know I just I don't want to tell her no why are you gone and she'd make me she'd make me talk I'm going to pray I'm going to go be holy and spend time in the presence of the Living God you know that kind of you know and again but and at my house you know there have been times when when I've gone out in our field we have four acres gone out of my field laid back in the grass and just look up at the sky and and spend time with the Lord you need to spend time with the Lord but when you're spending time with the Lord you need to walk out looking like him right and if you're not there's a problem right usually usually it's your flesh and so they come out having their chests girded with golden bands verse seven then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever and a temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed and so you have this last situation where the tabernacle is closed when it talks about the smoke of the glory from the glory of God and from his power that again is the Shekinah it's the cloud of God it it's the the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud that led to Israel through the wilderness it's a symbol of the presence of God you have some situations where the glory of God filled the tabernacle and where the glory of God filled the temple and that the Bible talks about the fact that the priest could not stand a minister because of these things that was overwhelming it's overwhelming and so you have some passages that speak about that but here's something that I I just like to throw out to you obviously it says no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed so God fills the temple with its glory and even people in heaven aren't able to enter until the judgement is completed and that that might be an instance where God is so angry that he doesn't want anybody around him that could be the case but that is not something that you see throughout the the scripture that really goes along with the nature of God God will judge but the Bible says that God's judgment is as strange work it's something that he doesn't want to do it's something that he doesn't like to do he warns people off all the time why o Israel will you die why will you not turn and live he says in Ezekiel and so you see God constantly warning people but when judgment comes it's time for the judgment God doesn't he puts it off a long time but it finally comes but god takes no pleasure and I'm quoting from Ezekiel again he takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked and so I'm a man and most of the eyes that I know don't like to cry right you know it's like you know and I don't care what you say about me I don't care if you think that I'm emotionally flawed I don't care I don't like to cry I don't like to cry in front of people and so if that's gonna happen usually I'm going to be by myself and I'm not gonna be with my wife and I want my wife they're sitting there petting my head while I'm crying that's not a picture that I like right and so if I'm gonna if I'm gonna cry over something what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go into the shower because when you're in the shower the water is dripping across your face nobody can see it alright that kind of thing and usually you know I don't cry a whole lot you know I'm just not kind of built that way and I you know I don't care if you are you know that's that's fine there's people who are more emotional than me there are there are things that cause me to weep every time I lose a dog I'm just crying about Berrien I'm gonna cry right now good grief I'm out I'm up burying them and I'm crying it's the only time that my kids have ever seen me cry and so every time I'm burying a dog it's been like this since I was a since I was a little kid um any any you guys remember Lassie the series lassie do you remember the end of the show it goes dun dun da dun dun dun dun dun dun it's got this nice music and there's lassie and she's lifting up her paw she's kind of whining like that it always made me cry know what's wrong with poor lassie you know I'm a three-year-old crying at lassie and it's been like been like that ever since there's been obviously I'm I'm kind of doing a caricature of myself there there are things that I cry about I just lost my mom when I lost my grandma you know there's there there are people that I love when you know I've lost friends and that kind of thing I don't like to be around people when I'm crying and I don't like it when people come up to me and try to comfort me when I'm prank what I like to be is alone and so that right there is something that I would do if I was God and I was crying over people just fill the place with your glory fill it up so nobody can come in so you can be alone with the pain and with the sorrow and with the regret of the fact that you have to do the things that you've got to do so that's what I think God's doing I think he's in the in the temple crying over the fact that he's got to bring it bring across these last judgments and all the pain that's gonna come from it just because people will not stop they will not turn they will not repent and so God's got to bring that down we're a little early but let's that's this is a good place to stop the end of the chapter don't you think so let's pray get you out of here thanks Lord again for your word thank you god I love your heart you know one of the things that that we see in Scripture is the the fact that you care about the people of this planet there there's a passage in the Book of Luke that talks about you looking over the city of Jerusalem knowing that judgment was coming it's it was in the hour of of your exaltation they're all proclaiming you to be king and and asking you to save now and you know that within the week that they're gonna turn on you and they're gonna rebel against you and they're gonna call for your death and you look over the city of Jerusalem and you weep and you say o Jerusalem Jerusalem you've stolen the prophets and kill those who are sent to you how often I would have taken you under my wing as a mother hen takes her chicks but you would not and so now your house is left to you desolate and you wept over the the city of Jerusalem judgment was coming but it wasn't something that you wanted and you have a heart even for the people that you judge I like that about you Lord I like the the fact that you care about us and that you're never vindictive Lord we pray that you would help us to be like you that whole thing that we were talking about Lord with being in your presence and coming out looking something like you do Jesus we pray that that would be real in our lives that we become more and more like Christ or more like you that people would be able to see Jesus in us and that our walks would be all the better because of it Lord I know that you love these people and I know that you want to bless them and so god I just pray that you do it I pray that their week would be something that's honoring to you we were reading in Psalm 19 this morning the words of our mouth the meditation of our heart we want it to be acceptable in your sight Lord and God I pray that that would be something that's true for each one of them and that because they honor you Lord that you would pour your honor out on them and God that you would make them good witnesses bless him Lord go before us all and we ask that you do this in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 6,581
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Keywords: The End of the World in the bible, Truth, Jesus' Return, The rapture, the second coming, The book of Revelation, The Revelation Of Jesus Christ, The last book in the bible, The Bible, Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities, Steve Whinery, Gosphel, God, Biblical Prophecy, The End Times, End Of The World, The Millennial Kingdom, Revelation's meaning, Jesus
Id: qKT2gD-_1GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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