Revelation 14:1 to 20

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all right welcome back we are in Revelation chapter 14 today we're moving right along in this book and uh someone sent me an email and said brother breaker do you realize what will happen if you continue doing this every week and I said no they said you'll finish the Book of Revelation by May 14th well it's May 14th the anniversary of Israel as a nation being founded so I yeah I planned that yeah no I had no idea but wouldn't that be amazing if we got through this book and then the Rapture came or something like that but um we got we got a lot to get into today in Revelation chapter 14. we're going to look at the 144 000 but I need to back up and look at something that I forgot to mention last week last week let's go back to Revelation 13 and verse 18. I got a phone call from a guy and I get lots of phone calls from interesting people I'll just leave it at that right this was the most interesting phone call and I'm just sitting there and the guys just not letting me get a word in edge white he's just going I'm saying okay I'll just listen to this guy and he brought out some interesting stuff until he got to the end and then at the end he said I've been laughing about it all week he said and that's why Bigfoot is the Antichrist and I said okay sir thank you it is time to hang up I I don't know how you can talk that I just thought that was so funny yeah but what if he's right you know but he said the yeti or the Bigfoot is the Antichrist but some of the stuff that he was bringing out was pretty good so remember we ended last week in Revelation 13 18. and what does it say there in verse 18. it says uh here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 603 scoring six and we saw how there's a man in the world today and he's got a patent zero six zero six zero six that's kind of creepy but whatever this thing is the Antichrist is going to have this number as well so as a Christian we look for that number to try to figure out who the Antichrist is now we don't have to be under them we believe we're getting out at the rapture but this guy said well what about this number in the Bible have you ever looked in the Bible to where 666 shows up and I remember there was a couple of places in the Bible where it does mention 666 and he said well you should have brought that out more and I said well amen because it all ties us to Babylon and we're going to get to mystery Babylon in Revelation chapter 17 soon so I thought let's back up and let's look at this let's go to Daniel chapter 3 and verse 1. and I I did mention this part last week Daniel chapter 3 and verse 1 and how there was the King Nebuchadnezzar now he was the king of what Babylon so this whole thing is pointing us to Babylon in the Babylonian system and in Daniel chapter 3 and verse 1 Nebuchadnezzar or Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold well we talked about that last week an image of gold whose head was gold whose height was three score cubits that would be 60 and the breath thereof six cubits he set it up in the plane of dura in the province of Babylon so he set up this image but it was 60 by six by six so there's your 666 tied in with Babylon now let's go to the book of Ezra Ezra chapter 2 and verse 13. Ezra 2 13. this is kind of interesting Ezra 2 13. now the Bible gives us all these numbers and I think it's for a reason I don't think it's just on accident Ezra chapter 2 and verse 13 and the children of adonikeem 660 and six now these are some of the people that came out of where look at verse one Babylon so they came out of Babylon and there were 666 of them so every time we see this reference to to 666 it makes us think of Babylon that's weird and by the way Adonai we know that means Lord and Kim I don't like him you know what that means that word Adonai Kim the Lord of rebellion that's an odd thing that that number 666 is connected with Rebellion now let's go to First Kings chapter 10. First Kings chapter 10 and verse 14. here we have another 666. First Kings chapter 10 and verse 14. now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 603 score and six talents of gold Solomon was the king of Israel who built the temple so that makes us think of the temple there doesn't it and it reminds us of Babylon why well because he built the temple and for a couple hundred years there they got to Worship in the temple and enjoy it and then Babylon came in and they took all the what the gold and there was 666 talents of gold every year given to him so they got that goal of Babylon so it's very interesting the Jewish temple the gold and then later Babylon takes over and steals this gold and it all seems to point to Babylon now is that important well as we go farther Into the Book of Revelation God calls the world Antichrist system mystery Babylon and it's something that the devil has set up throughout history to rule and if you go to the new Babylon which sits on Seven Hills guess what the Seven Hills are there's a one place in the world that sits on the city of Seven Hills I wonder who that is yeah that's right the Vatican in Rome and did you know if you go to Rome there's just gold everywhere and they put gold in their clothes have you ever seen the Pope's robes it's intertwined with thread of gold isn't that crazy they got the miters or the helmets or whatever they call it hats that they wear and uh it's just they're gold gold gold isn't that crazy Peter said Silver and Gold Have I done the Pope says I got it all right so you look at that and kind of all points to that so I just wanted to share that I thought that was fun to to go back and look at those verses and I appreciate that guy for bringing that out reminded me to tell you about that but also uh I don't know if I can teach that Bigfoot is the Antichrist I don't know if I can go that far I thought that was interesting so all right let's go to Revelation chapter 14. you know you hear some funny stuff Revelation chapter 14. my thought is does that mean Bigfoot's gonna have to learn how to ride a horse because you know the White Horse is the Antichrist comes on so if you ever see the yeti on a white horse you know that's the Antichrist that's all I'm saying all right so Revelation chapter 14 and verse 1. now here we're going to look at the hundred and forty four thousand we've already looked at them in chapter seven and what I forgot to do is tell you about this this is what was interesting to me this week studying on this is how often we see something in heaven and something on Earth someone having something on Earth and so chapters two and three are the seven churches that's on Earth chapters four and five are in heaven so he's seeing stuff up there he's seeing stuff down here and so it's going back and forth chapter six the seals are open in heaven but they affect things on the Earth chapter seven something takes place on Earth and then in heaven chapter 8 9 6 of The Seven trumpets are blown in heaven but they affect things that happen on the Earth chapter 10 they're in heaven chapter 11 on Earth the two witnesses but then the seventh trumpet in heaven is blown chapter 12 The Man Child goes up and then Satan is cast down isn't that interesting chapter 13 is on Earth the two beasts and the mark of the beast chapter 14 is in heaven and we're going to see also today not only the 144 000 we're going to see Three Angels chapter 15 is in heaven chapter 16 as the seven plagues or the vials are poured out on Earth from heaven chapter 17 through 18 is this mystery Babylon and it's here on Earth chapter 19 is in heaven then Jesus comes down to earth so see this thing Heaven Earth it's like it's like you're going like this in the Book of Revelation you know my head hurts again Whiplash or something and then uh 20 is on Earth but then it goes to heaven and everything's destroyed and then it's the great white Throne of judgment then there's a new Heaven and a new what Earth so it's all about heaven and earth Heaven and Earth as you go through the Book of Revelation so Revelation chapter 14 and I looked and lo a lamb stood on the Mount Zion and with them 140 and 4 000 having his father's name written in their foreheads and I Heard a Voice from Heaven as the voice of many Waters and as the voice of a great Thunder and I heard the voice of Harpers harping with their Harps and they sung as it were a new song before the throne and before the four beasts and the elders and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand which were redeemed from the Earth these are they which were not defiled with women for they are virgins these are they which follow the Lamb with orsoever he goeth these were redeemed from among men being the first fruits unto God and to the lamb and in their mouth was found no guile for they are without fault Before the Throne of God now we'll stop right there because then it starts the Three Angels the three Messengers so this is these hundred and forty four thousand and again we looked at the 144 000 in chapter seven we might turn back there in a minute and read that again to see them because there they're on the Earth here they're in heaven so something took place to get them up there what were they raptured who knows but it's an interesting thing but before we get into that let's look at the very beginning of verse one and I looked and Loa lamb stood on the Mount Zion now it says cyan s-i-o-n but also it's Zion z-i-o-n either one where is Mount Zion well if you go to Israel there's Jerusalem and they have a place there they call that Mount Zion in Jerusalem so that's on Earth but did you know there's a Mount Zion in heaven so it seems like as you go through the Bible all the stuff that's in heaven there's there's something that corresponds with it down here on Earth so up in heaven there's Mount Zion let's look at some verses on this let's go to Isaiah 24 okay I'm going to show you how Mount Zion here on Earth is around Jerusalem but in heaven heaven is called Mount Zion so there's a mountain in heaven hmm you ever think about that Isaiah chapter 24 well that gets us into the shape of the universe Isaiah 24 is a good example of Mount Zion here on earth Isaiah 24 21. and it says and it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high and the kings of the earth upon the Earth where is that going to be taking place that's Armageddon and they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many days shall they be visited then the moon shall be confounded and the sun ashamed when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously so what is this well this obviously is when Jesus returns at the battle of Armageddon and defeats the Antichrist but notice what it says he will be reigning in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem so Mount Zion is over there close to Jerusalem so that's where Mount Zion is on earth now where is Mount Zion in heaven let's go to Psalms 48. Psalms chapter 48 and verse 2. Psalms 48 2 tells us there's a place up in heaven called Mount Zion so it's on Earth and it's in heaven just like there's a Tabernacle in heaven and a tabernacle down here on the Earth Psalms 48 2 beautiful for situation the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion on the sides of the north the city of the great king sides of the north what is that what does that mean sides of the north do you know another passage where it talks about sides of the North yeah Isaiah 14 let's turn over there when we get an idea of what the shape of the universe is the Bible makes it sound like the shape of the universe is like a pyramid and God is at the top of that pyramid he's the head in Isaiah chapter 14 and verse well let's go to verse 12. Howard they're fallen from Heaven oh Lucifer son of the morning Howard thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the Nations so Satan has fallen from heaven for thou has said in thine heart I will Ascend into where heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation so there's a mountain in heaven and in the sides of the north I will Ascend above the heights of the cloud I will be like the most high yet thou shall be brought down to Hell to the sides of the pit amen so the Bible talks about this and it talks about it looking like I guess some sort of a pyramid and so God would be the top or the Chief Cornerstone if you will and in the Bible we read a lot of verses about Jesus Christ being a Chief Cornerstone have you ever seen the pyramids over there in Egypt do you know what's missing that is missing they say that there was one there at one time and that it's missing right now and it was some sort of beautiful white stone or something so it sounds like let's say the Earth is here and you're trying to go to North due north to where God is in heaven there would be sides on either side wouldn't there now does the devil try to uh I don't know counterfeit stuff yeah I gave you your your handouts today we just got two and look how the devil is the great counterfeiter what does he want to be he wants to be God so here we have the back of a dollar bill and what is that it's a pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye On Top now what does all seeing I mean it means you're omniscient an omnipresent and omnipotent I always get those three confused it means your omniscient means you see all and you know everything well this is the symbol of Satan and the Occult and the Illuminati why is it on our dollar bill why was it put there in 1933 that's Mason's love the number 33. well if you take that symbol and around it it says anuit coaptus Novus ordocyclorum that's Latin do you know what that says announcing the birth of the New World Order it says that on the back of your dollar bill so what is the devil doing he's saying Hey I want to be the guy that makes you buy and sell and he puts it on your dollars doesn't he and uh isn't that crazy but if you'll take and you'll draw out this hexagram and Satanism that's called a hexagram the Jews also use that as their Star of David in that weird but if you take it and you put that right here you draw it out with a pencil each point lines up with a letter and guess what it spells out Mason isn't that wild so who would be behind putting this symbol on the dollar bill and why was it a group of Masons the devil has always used secret societies and he's trying to point people to him as the Savior when you get into these secret societies you get into masonry it's called The Craft by the way did you know that and in masonry they try to tell you that the true light bearer the architect is Satan or Lucifer not Jesus Christ so we can see how and they call this the Great Seal and the Great Seal is this why is it a pyramid with an eye is Satan counterfeiting God could the universe really be in a shape like that but Satan wants to be the one up here instead of God now what is that called that's called the Capstone or the Cornerstone of a pyramid let's look at what the Bible calls Jesus Christ let's go to Ephesians chapter 2. I just want you to see this because I could never be a Mason it's been funny people have accused me of being amazed and I'm like what there's no way I know better than that I had uncles that were Masons a lot of times people get into masonry they only go to the level two or three or four and they have different degrees well they don't tell you that the great architect is really Lucifer until you get to about the 30th degree so a lot of people that are in masonry they'll say I never heard that well what degree are you well I'm sixth degree well wait till you get to the 30th degree that's what Albert Mackey says that's what Albert Pike says that you have to get to the higher up when they reveal that to you and that's what they tell you is that Lucifer is the light bearer and the true worship is for Lucifer not for Jesus I don't know how more satanic that could be that's pretty sad and the Bible says that the devil is an angel of Light so he would appear like that and try to make people worship him instead of God Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 20 and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief what Cornerstone now a lot of Masons build buildings you know what they do the first stone they put in they call it the Cornerstone and they put something inside of it they hide stuff there's buildings all over the world that Masons have built that they've hidden stuff in there's in New York City a couple of obelisks that were built by Masons and there's four crabs around the base of it and I've read stories that they hid stuff inside when they built it so I went over to New York City with a friend one time and I looked at it and I was just like let's go get let's go get a sledgehammer come on man let's get a sledgehammer just knock it over and see what's it could be gold coins for all we know no you can't do that brother Rick oh come on I wanna you know but who knows maybe they hid in their uh evil occult books or something for all we know but you got to watch out for stuff like that but Jesus Christ is the true Chief Cornerstone it's not Lucifer it's Jesus and you need to know that if you're a Mason they've LED you to the wrong one let's go to First Peter chapter two it's not just one time the Bible says this it's many times First Peter chapter 2 verse 6 and 7. Peter says wherefore also it is contained in the scripture behold I lay in cyan or we just read that Zion a Chief Cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded oh amen unto you therefore which believe he is precious who is he Lucifer no he is Jesus but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner so if you choose the wrong head you're going to be in trouble let's go to Acts chapter 4 and verse 11. Peter says again who this Chief Cornerstone is Jesus Christ acts 4 11. speaking about Jesus verse 10. verse 11 this is the stone which was said it not a few Builders which has become the head of the corner now before masonry there was the Knights Templar before that there was the Elysian Mysteries before that they were the Babylonian Mysteries huh isn't that interesting how there's always been secret societies that indoctrinate people and Mysteries to try to point them to the light bearer but who is the true head Jesus Christ then verse 12 says neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved so it's Jesus who's saves now let's go to Isaiah chapter 28. so if you are a Mason and you're watching this you might need to go back and read the Bible and you might need to go back and rethink who the Chief Cornerstone is it's not who masonry says it is it's not Lucifer it's Jesus Isaiah 28 16. here's an amazing prophecy by Isaiah about Jesus Christ therefore thus saith the Lord God behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone a tried Stone I find that interesting Jesus was tried wasn't he and they declared he was guilty and when he was really innocent and they killed him but he rose again a tried Stone a precious Cornerstone a sure Foundation he that believeth shall not make haste so should we believe in Jesus or should we believe in Lucifer Jesus amen Lucifer is the imitation Lucifer is the counterfeit Lucifer is the false god not the true God so we go back to Revelation chapter 14 and I looked and Loa lamb stood on the Mount Zion so where would that mountain be this must be up above in the third heaven there's the first Heaven that's the atmosphere there's the second heaven where all the stars are and then there's the third heaven and so this would be the third heaven this is where Jesus Christ is and Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone and that's where he sits and the Bible says there's a sea of glass so that's what when the Rapture comes we'll be going straight up we'll be going up there to be with Jesus and that's where John is when he's seeing this in a vision and so that's Mount Zion did you all know that there's a Mount Zion here on Earth and Mount Zion in heaven so that's the Mount Zion in heaven and it stood with him how many and with him 140 and 4 000 having their father's name now does your Bible say father's name on their foreheads or in their foreheads if you have another version besides the King James there's two names there you know what it says it says their name and their father's name and their foreheads so they got two names in their foreheads why would you change it but it changes it new versions change things that's a lie the true text says their father's name in their foreheads doesn't say their own name and their foreheads somebody's messing with the Bible what does the Bible say about messing with the Bible you don't do it so that's why we don't want new versions of the Bible that just insert now you've got two names on their forehead so let's look at verse two and I heard as a voice from heaven and I like this this is really cool a voice from Heaven I Heard a Voice from Heaven as the voice of many Waters as the voice of a great Thunder and I heard the voice of Harpers harping with their Harps I like that harping Harper's harping with their Harps so they're up there playing Harps so it sounds like it'd be a beautiful place beautiful music but then you'd hear a loud voice that sounds like Waters and Thunders now who are these 144 000 let's go back to Revelation chapter seven real quick and read verse one through nine after these things I saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the Earth holding the Four Winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the scene or on any tree and I saw another Angel ascending from the East having the Seal of the Living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the Sea saying hurt not the Earth neither the seat nor the trees till we have sealed the Servants of our God in their foreheads with what with two names no sealed with one name and I heard the number of them which were sealed and they were sealed 140 and 4 000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel so these are Jews and then it goes through and tells you each one of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of GAD and then it gives you Asher Nephilim and Manassas and Simeon and Levi and issachar and zebulun and Joseph and Benjamin so here is your 144 000 but in this chapter they're on the Earth in Revelation chapter 14 there in heaven how'd they get there were they raptured I mean something took them up there how did they get up there when did they get up there well I'm not going to go into that go back if you're watching online to our verse by verse through chapter seven because we saw how there's two theories on that one is they have to do with those around the time of Jesus so probably the babies that Herod killed or perhaps they might be in the tribulation sealed another 144 000 but that gets a little hard because the Bible tells you who these are and I tell you it'd be kind of hard to find that today so let's continue reading there and let's go to uh Revelation chapter 14 and let's see exactly what it says about these who are these hundred and forty four thousand well first of all they're not the church it says they're Israel and secondly they're not the Jehovah Witnesses okay I one time talked to a Jehovah Witness and he told me he was one of the 144 000. I said really are you married he said yeah so really then you're a liar what how dare you I said so we read this together what I'm about to read and then he went oh man I go what's wrong he goes I'm one of those defiled ones I'm not one of the 144 000. that's what he told me I said well I'm just reading the Bible but the Bible is very specific it's not the Jehovah Witnesses the Jehovah Witnesses they started in the early 1900s and they claimed that only 144 000 people would ever be saved well in about the 1970s they got three million people in their denomination and they went I think it's time to change our Doctrine yeah you think so that was it be careful of Cults and that's one of the biggest Cults in the world because they do not believe that Jesus Christ is God I believe that the people that started that were Masons and part of that is to get people away from trusting in Jesus you're not ashamed if you trust him to trusting somebody else but um and I've got a video on YouTube why I'm not a Jehovah Witness and I go into that and show you how that guy Charles Taze Russell he was I was going to say killed he died on October 31st did you know that there's a lot of occult people who are sacrificed on Halloween so there's a lot of weird things about the Jehovah witnesses that you need to look into and uh very very concerning but here's what it says here verse uh three and they sung as it were a new song before the throne and before the four beasts and the elders and no man could learn that song with 140 and 4 000 which were redeemed from the earth okay these are they which were not defiled with women now if you're a woman man are you offended right now you're just so defiled dirty women no that's it's it's he's saying they weren't defiled with women in the sense that they were kept pure I don't think it's a put down or anything like that he's just saying they never had women for they are virgins these are they which follow the lamb withersoever he goeth these were redeemed from among men being the first fruits unto God and to the lamb and in their mouth was found no guile for they are without fault Before the Throne of God so we see five things about them they are virgins all right if these are 144 000 Jews during the tribulation that God picks out how many are from 12 tribes a lot of Jews don't even know what tribe they're from nowadays so it'd be very hard to find these today not defiled with women how many Jews in Israel today can you find that are twelve thousand from each tribe that have never had sex and are still virgins very few very few redeemed from among men so at one time they were among men but they're not among men anymore so it seems like we have to go back to that first fruits part right and the first fruits ties them back to the Cross to the time of Jesus so it makes more sense that there probably have to do with those babies that died in the time of of Herod that would make more sense and maybe God lets them come back in the tribulation and and witness to the Jews and they can't be killed like the two witnesses well two witnesses can be killed but for their three and a half years they can't be killed until the end of that then they're killed but it doesn't say anything about them being killed we're just given chapter seven they're on Earth and then chapter 14 now they're in heaven and so a lot of questions a lot of questions how to get up there you know more about who are they you know but it's very specific who they are just doesn't tell us how they got to heaven but they're the first fruits there's no guile in their mouths and they're without fault before God okay so maybe they're redeemed through the blood of Jesus but if so is it back then or is it in the tribulation well the tribulation has a different gospel and we're going to look at that next and I want you to see that the gospel and the tribulation is not the same gospel as today and you've got to see that and if you believe your Bible you will see that and we're going to show you that in the Bible there is a thing called dispensations so back to um Revelation 14 so verses one through five deal with the hundred and forty four thousand they're sinless and they were never married and uh there's just so much more I could get back into but but uh go see that online chapter seven if you want to know more about who they are now verse 6 starts these Three Angels so verse 6 through verse 11 there's three angels in heaven that are going through heaven and they're shouting and they're announcing and they're and they're preaching now do the people on Earth hear that I don't know some people I've talked to they said yeah brother breaker when that when that first Angel goes through and says this everyone on Earth is going to hear it that could be um it doesn't say that people heard the trumpets that they blew and other things so I don't know I know the spirit world hears this but does the physical world hear this so verse six and I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven having the Everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell near Earth now is the Everlasting gospel the same gospel of Paul if it is Everlasting means forever so it must have existed before Paul so so Paul's gospel isn't Paul's gospel it's somebody else's no you know there's seven gospels in the Bible that was a fun video that I did on YouTube you can look up so he's preaching another gospel now Paul tells us something interesting we're going to look at here in a minute and he tells us if you ever see an angel in heaven preaching something other than what I preached it's a cursed so we got a little conflict of interest here don't we Paul says one thing this Angel says something else and I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven having the Everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation in Kindred and tongue and people so what is that gospel well he tells you what it is verse 7 saying with a loud voice well if he's preaching this to everybody then it makes it sound like everyone on Earth hears that and I believe this is taking place in the tribulation so after the Rapture can you imagine the world be like where'd they go I don't know and then all of a sudden did you hear that yeah what is it they go outside to look up and see how it'd be strange but look at this saying with the loud voice fear God now is that our gospel today Ray what's the verse that I ask you to look up Do You Remember second Timothy 1 7. thank you what is second Timothy 1 7. Paul says God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and his sound mind that is not our gospel Our Gospel is not fear so fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come that's pretty specific it's like in an hour's time something's going to happen and worship him that made Heaven and the earth and the Sea and The Fountains of waters so there's a lot packed into that but it's basically the Everlasting gospel and it's hey you better be afraid why would you be afraid because God's about to pour out his wrath upon the Earth and he's about to come back and worship him so there's some worship involved worship Jesus instead of worshiping the Beast but the world wants to worship the Beast instead of Jesus that's what this whole masonry thing is secret society steal the worship from whom it's supposed to go and get somebody else to be worshiped instead of the one that should be worshiped so get them to Lucifer so God literally sends an angel to come from heaven and preach to the Earth and it's going through the heaven and so I guess if it's to every nation and tongue and people I guess that angel is multilingual he's speaking it in different languages or maybe they're just hearing it in their own language that was in Pentecost that was the uh the the miracle as people heard it in their own language so what an odd thing man the Rapture takes place and people are sitting there watching CNN or some silly show oh the report today that something was flying through heaven and saying this and people like oh what was that I don't know and they'll probably have some guy from Berkeley well that was just a hoax you know there's nothing to that you know and they just uh they'll they'll try to explain it away I'm sure but it's going to happen because the Bible says so so this is interesting now is this Paul's gospel it can't be let's go to Galatians chapter one let me show you where this is um never ceases to amaze me how people love to attack me online I don't care but it's not me it's it's the doctrine that they're attacking and I guess I'm the poster boy for the pre-trib teaching or whatever and somebody sent me this week a video in which they showed this Southern Baptist preacher he's like I want to warn you about Robert breaker the gospel has always been the same in the whole Bible everyone saved the same way this guy he claims it's a different gospel than tribulation that's not true and I'm just chuckling going all you're doing is exposing yourself that you've never studied the Bible and you're supposed to be a pastor I felt sorry for the guy I really did it's not about me I don't care what he says about me it's just seriously you don't know your Bible let's go to Galatians chapter one and I say that because I know he's probably watching so I hope he learns I'm trying to teach you bro okay Galatians chapter 1 verse 8. Paul says but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed so though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel let him be accursed he says the same thing in verse 9 but he says if any man preach any other gospel let him be accursed so you better make sure you're not preaching another gospel so what is Paul's gospel well Paul has a gospel that he said was given to him by god let's well we're in Galatians go to Galatians Chapter 2 I believe it is and look at what Paul says that the gospel was that was given to him these guys say nope it's always been the same gospel through the whole Bible all right then Paul's a liar is that what you're telling me so we got to throw two-thirds of the New Testament out because two-thirds of the New Testaments about Paul chapter two I believe it's around verse two yeah verse two and I went up by Revelation and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles all right now back up to chapter 1 and verse 11. but I certify you Brethren that the gospel which is preached of me is not after man Paul says I'm not preaching a gospel that everyone else preached he says for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ so Paul the Apostle says Jesus Christ revealed something to me to go preach to the world and it's different than what was preached before so I can't be a good Southern Baptist because I read my Bible and it says no Paul had something different and Paul tells us now if you see that angel coming preaching that's different and that's not for us so how do you explain that are there contradictions in the Bible well that's what people will say that's a contradiction not if you believe in dispensations the word dispensation is in the Bible four times if you believe in dispensations then it all makes sense okay and I don't want to get too deep into dispensations check out my video on YouTube about dispensations but you have the identic dispensation with Adam then you have the anti-diluvial dispensations starting uh before Noah but no in the wrong place he should be over here you have human government you have the patriarchal you have Abraham and then the Jews you've got the legal the Moses the law but then you have the church age as soon as the Rapture takes place it changes it goes back to Israel again and guess what now it's a different gospel because now it's no longer Paul now it's this angel and you've got to listen to what it says so this angel from heaven preaches and this Angel preaches fear and worship so that's very different so how on Earth can you say that it's the same gospel as today you can't because Paul said that's accursed if it was in our dispensation but if it's a different dispensation there's no curse it's changed now are there dispensations in the Bible yeah that's what Hebrews is all about this Hebrews starts out God who in Sundry times in diverse manners spoke to the people in times past but now he speaks to us so it was different back then here's the law the law was the Old Testament are we under the Old Testament law if so throw your new testament out no we're not under the Old Testament law we're under the New Testament so I throw out my Old Testament no you read the Old Testament because it's the school Master to bring us to Christ it's a bunch of types of things for us that are today but today we're in the New Testament that's a dispensation that's two different time periods so dispensations are different times in which God deals with people in different ways and how is God dealing with people in the tribulation it's not by grace through faith alone in the blood of Jesus Anymore it's fear God and worship who Jesus and don't take the mark of the beast if you take the mark of the beast can you be saved somebody sent me something and I don't know if this is true or not so I won't mention the man's name but they said there was some famous preacher who's going around now saying that you can take the mark of the beast and still be saved if you miss the rapture how because we saw last week when you take the mark you worship the Beast how can you worship Satan and worship Jesus at the same time I don't see how you can't walk around with a with a tattoo here and here or whatever and say oh I love the Antichrist but secretly out of Jesus I'm a secret Jesus person they'll probably make a movie the Jesus secret Revolution or something right about these secret Christians that have the mark of the beast right I mean it's just it's silly that people think that it's going to be the same in the tribulation as it is today that's not how it works not at all how it works Paul calls the gospel that he preached my gospel in Romans 16 25 second Timothy 2 8 in Romans 2 16. he calls it my gospel and Paul's gospel is the gospel that saves us today now some people Even in our group in our crowd of King James Bible Believers like I guess you could say ruckmanites they don't want to accept this they say no no Paul just preached the same thing that Peter did all right I don't have time to get into that even do I but Peter preached that Jesus died so he mentioned the death of Jesus he said he was buried so he mentioned that Jesus was buried and he'd said that Jesus rose again so he mentioned that Jesus was resurrected so I've heard guys from our group say Peter and Paul preached the same gospel in the sense that they all preached the death burial and Resurrection and that's true but what is missing here that's in Paul's gospel do you know what it is let's go to First Corinthians 15 1-4 moreover Brethren I declare unto you the gospel and then in verse three and four it says how that Christ died four our sins that's what's missing here yes Peter James and John mentioned Jesus died was buried in Rose again that's only part of the Gospel they didn't say for your sins at the beginning of the book of Acts they were saying be baptized in water and you'll receive the Holy Spirit it was a water baptism thing over here Paul's teaching was no faith alone and it's not through works so this is what's revealed to Paul it's the message of justification and we're losing time now but if you get a chance go to Acts Chapter 13 Verse 38 and 39. and when you read acts 13 38 39 you see clearly what was revealed to Paul and this is where it all it comes down to and this is what's the most important thing is what was it that Paul said was revealed to him we just read in Galatians the gospel he preaches and not after man but by revelation of Jesus what was the Revelation it's in Acts 13 38 39 that men and Brethren you're not justified by the law you're justified by faith not by works so the teaching that was given to Paul was not of Works lest any man should boast and yet you have churches All Over America and all over the world that claim to be Christian and they tell you no you got to do good works to get to heaven they've missed the gospel of Paul how sad how sad Galatians 2 16 what does that say Justified not by the law but by faith alone not by the law so the Old Testament was a covenant with the Jews through the law the New Testament is Jesus blood shed for us all and those who receive it are the body of Christ when we get saved through faith faith in the blood that the blood is so important and I believe the blood was the message that was given to Paul and it's hey trust the blood Romans 3 25 through faith in his blood so you've got to trust the blood do you just trust the blood in the tribulation oh I got the mark of the beast yesterday but I trust the blood we're going to see here in a minute no you're going to hell still because it's a different dispensation and here it's don't take the Mark or else and that's what that angel says oh so much more I'd like to get into but when we get saved I just have to say this today when we get saved we're part of the body of Christ and did you know that the body of Christ is also called the bride of Christ now again Ephesians no time to turn there but Ephesians 5 22 through 25. in Ephesians 5 32 Paul tells us that it was the mystery marriage is a type of Christ in the church and Paul says in second Corinthians 11 2 I have espoused you to Christ that means he's my fiancee that means I'm going up at the Rapture to marry him at the marriage Shepherd of the Lamb so the church is the body of Christ the bride of Christ why would we go through the tribulation then in the tribulation you could lose your salvation if you take the mark of the beast so just another of the many reasons why there must be a pre-tribulation rapture so now we go back to Revelation chapter 14. and he says here this angel came and it's preaching fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him that made Heaven and the earth and the Sea and The Fountains of waters that's not our gospel that's a very different gospel and the tribulation gospel is a faith plus Works gospel did you know that Faith plus works over here it's faith alone now before under the law there were some Works involved now sure there was some Faith the Bible talks about in habakkuk their own faith but they had to follow the law and do what it says doing something is a work so under here there was some Faith what did I write here I wrote it wrong it's it's faith and works under the law so there was some faith in it as well but you had to do the law you had to do what the law said so faith and works faith and works here we are without any works now if we're saved we will do works but it's not the works that save us I work because I'm safe not to get safe but here he that endureth to the end shall be saved does that sound like a work to you here it's don't take the mark of the beast I think that's a work don't you let me show you some verses on that let's go to Revelation 12 17. and the dragon was wroth with the woman Roth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the Commandments of God keeping the Commandments that's back under the Old Testament law and have the testimony of Jesus Christ so keeping Commandments Works testimony faith faith plus Works tribulation I believe it's in chapter 14 as well someplace down farther let's see verse 12. here is the patience of the Saints here are they that keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ Faith plus works now why is that because Jesus came and when Jesus came in his Earthly Ministry he preached the what the kingdom gospel the gospel of the Kingdom the kingdom message hey Jews if you accept me I will come back here as your king did they accept them no so God went to Paul and the other Apostles he went more to the Gentiles so they could get saved to provoke the Jews to jealousy but as soon as the Rapture takes place it goes back to the kingdom message and the kingdom message is hey if you worship Jesus and you overcome you endure to the end and you make it to Armageddon you can get in here and you can be with Jesus for a thousand years so I see a very different dispensation I do not see everyone in the Bible saved the same way how are people in the Old Testament safe through faith in the blood of Jesus if he hadn't shed his blood yet it doesn't make sense their faith was in the blood of an animal which was a type of the blood of Jesus but they were trusting in the blood of an animal and this is something very important because a lot of your churches today they love to argue and you'll go to churches and they'll say oh those heretic independent Baptists that believe in dispensations all those Heretics that believe it's faith that works in other dispension no everybody saved the same in the whole Bible really you must not know very much a Bible how did Adam and Eve get saved were they even saved before God said here's the law don't eat the tree period there's your one commandment and they did it they could have been saved by works just don't eat the but so that's very different here's the one commandment Noah build a boat what if Noah said uh I think I'm saved by grace I'm trusting in Jesus blood I'm not going to build a boat then everyone in the world would have died and none of us would be here right it was different are we supposed to build the boat today see it's not the same so I just get so frustrated with people that don't understand the Bible is very clear here it's faith and works here it's faith alone so get safe today so you don't have to go through that amen and I make no apologies for what the Bible teaches I believe it so that was the first angel now what is the second angel Revelation 14 8. Revelation chapter 14 and verse 8. and they're followed another Angel saying Babylon is Fallen has fallen that great City because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication so the second Angel comes and the second Angel is talking about falling of Babylon and how Babylon has fallen what is Babylon that's mystery Babylon and that's in Revelation chapter 17. and if you get a chance read Revelation 17 verses 1 through 9 and also Verse 18 because it says that it is a city with Seven Hills and it rules over all the kings and things like that well you study church history for the last two thousand years the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome has ruled over the Earth and they are the revived old Roman Empire they are a political system and a religious system and they have ruled over the Earth and so I believe that the Antichrist is going to use that to bring in his one world church if you will or his his uh his satanic religious system which will join all religions together through ecumenicalism and it's kind of interesting that the pope is already behind all that how many of the last couple of popes have all been trying to unite all religions together how do you do that when many other religions don't believe in Jesus and we read the verse that says there's no salvation under any other name under Heaven except Jesus Christ so here we have this now let's continue and go back you want to read about Babylon falling you can read that in Revelation 17 and 18. now verse 9 and the third Angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worshiped a beast in His image and receive his Mark in his forehead or in his hand now listen to this then he'll be saved is that what it says because he just believes in Jesus no if any man take that the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb and guess what it doesn't stop there colon and the smoke of their torment has sent it up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the Beast and His Image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name how could any person claim to be a pastor and say no you can still be a Christian and take the mark of the beast after reading that Passage that man has not read the Bible or else he's denying the Bible that man is probably a Mason and he's trying to get people to this guy rather than somebody named Jesus so I don't know how it could be any more clear than that if you take the mark of the beast you're done for get safe today before it's too late and there's a lot more we can get into on that but let's continue here in verse 12. here's the patience of the Saints this would be the tribulation Saints not Church age Saints here they that keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus so Faith plus works in the tribulation period And I Heard a Voice from Heaven saying unto me right blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their Works do follow them okay is it of works well not today Paul says not of works but there will be a time what it is of works when will it be a time of works well it's faith that works here but what is Faith Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen when Jesus returns at Armageddon the whole world sees them where's Faith I guess there won't be any more faith because you can see him so they'll have to be works so the people that make it through the tribulation without taking the mark of the beast they're blessed because they get into this Kingdom and they can live here with Jesus blessed are they but they're going to have to do Works otherwise they'll be cast into hell so that's what the Bible teaches I believe it's a different dispensation very clearly the tribulation period and what's the dividing line it must be the rapture and then it's a different gospel and it's a gospel preached by an Angel which Paul says if that happened today it would be accursed so it must be a different dispensation okay and so we continue here verse 14. now verse 14 down to verse 20 is the battle of Armageddon and here we see the battle of Armageddon when Jesus comes back so here we go chapter 14 this is man this is some powerful stuff here man I get goosebumps when I read this here we go verse 14 and I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one set like into the son of man having on his head a Golden Crown in his hand a sharp sickle now do you know what a sickle is a sickle looks kind of like this and it's it's a blade and it's for reaping have you ever seen one of those in Spanish they have one that's a little different they call it machete Taco it's for cutting sugar cane I should have brought that with me I think it's in my truck I'll show it to you later but here's a sickle now you know who uses the hammer and sickle hmm they put it like this communism so Communists want to take over the world with that Sickle and God's in heaven going jokes on you buddy I got a sickle too and I'm gonna get rid of Communism won't that be a blessing when communism is gone communism is the most horrible system of government over a hundred million people dead in the last hundred years from communism and you want me to believe we should all be communist it kicks out God in the Bible it's and it murders people it's a bloody revolution of existing government is what communism is that's what starts their communist rule is overthrowing the law so this lawlessness it's evil and so it continues there and it says verse 5. and another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice so I guess there's actually four uh Angels here but there's the three ones that are that seem to be crying to the world to listen to this one is just coming out and just crying hey here it comes and it says here crying with a loud voice to him that said in the cloud so he's not crying to the world he's crying to Jesus thrust in thy sickle and reap for the time has come for thee to reap for the Harvest of the earth is ripe and he that said on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the Earth and the Earth was reaped and another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven he also having a sharp sickle and another angel came out from the altar which had power over fire and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle saying thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the Earth for her grapes are fully ripe and the angel thrust in his sickle into the Earth and gathered the vine of the earth and casted into the great wine press of the wrath of God and the Orion press was trodden without the city and the blood came out of the wine press even up to the horse's bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs now Furlong is an eighth of a mile so this is you know close to 200 miles imagine a river of blood 200 miles long wow but this is what the Bible says this is talking about battle of Armageddon when Jesus comes back let's go to Revelation 16 16. and he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon okay Armageddon the mountain of megiddo which is over there Revelation Chapter 19 Verse 11 through 21 we see this again and I saw heaven opened Revelation 19 11. and behold a white horse and he that set upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he the judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had the name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed in a vesture dipped in Blood and his name is called the word of God now watch this and the armies which are in heaven who would that have to be us who are saved so guess what we must have been raptured out in order to be able to come back right must be a pre-trib Rapture which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword and with it he should Smite the Nations and should rule them with a rod of iron and he treaded the wine press and of the fierceness of the wrath of almighty God and he hath on his Western on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords now verse 17 and I saw in heaven standing in the sun I saw an angel standing in the Sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of Heaven Come and gather yourselves together into the supper of the great God that you may eat the Flesh of Kings and the Flesh of captains and the Flesh of Mighty Men and it continues there talking about what happens and how they gather the Beast and the false prophet and they are cast into a lake of fire so this is all the battle of Armageddon now do you know this is also in Joel chapter 3. amazing that it's in the Old Testament it always something the Old Testament that lines up with the new so let's go to the Book of Joel chapter 3. and I love finding stuff in the Old Testament to me it's just fun Hosea and then Joel Joel chapter three and verse 9. 9 through 17. so we're going to read a little bit here but this is definitely having to do with the battle of Armageddon and Jesus coming if you want to be a Mason and follow the one that loses you help yourself but Lucifer is not the one that's winning it's Jesus on the White Horse verse 9 Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles prepare War wake up the Mighty Men let all the men of War draw near let them come up beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into Spears let the weak say I am strong assemble yourselves and Come All Ye Heathen and gather yourselves together round about thither cause thy Mighty ones to come down O Lord let the Heathen be wakened and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat for there will I sit to judge all the Heathen round about put you in the sickle for the Harvest is ripe come get you down for the Press is full the Vats overflow for their wickedness is great multitudes multitudes in the valley of decision for the day of the Lord is near to the valley of decision the sun and the moon shall be darkened and the Starship withdraw their shining the Lord also shall Roar out of Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem and the heavens the Earth shall Shake but the Lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israel all right where's the church with him because we're not here so shall you know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion my Holy Mountain then shall Jerusalem be holy and there shall no strangers pass through her anymore so that's the battle of Armageddon and it's Jesus Christ coming with a sickle cutting down the grapes and things like that but also it's like a wine pressed you know what a wine press is look at your other hand out here in the old days they would crush grapes with their feet and that is how they would make juice to make the wine there's new wine in the Bible That's grape juice and old wine which is fermented but it's interesting that it was made by crushing with your feet and we have a prophecy in the Bible in Genesis 3 15. let's turn over there real quick and what is it well Satan has sinned and caused Adam and Eve to sin and they fell and so the Lord tells Satan something this is one of the first prophecies in the entire Bible it's a prophecy of something to do with the foot Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15. and we read here and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel so the devil's head is going to be bruised but Jesus's heel is going to be bruised isn't that interesting now let's turn over to Romans chapter 16 and verse 20. this is one of the greatest verses in the entire Bible that proves that there must be a pre-trib rapture and all these people to say there's no pre-trib Rapture no preacher Rapture would you shut up after we read this and would you never email me again and say there's no pre-trib Rapture because this is one of the greatest verses in the Bible that proves there must be the Rapture first because when Jesus comes back at Armageddon we have to be with him and Paul tells us that we will be in Romans chapter 16 and verse 20. and the God of Peace shall Bruce Satan under your feet shortly he doesn't say under Jesus's feet did he but in Genesis it says Jesus is healed so when Jesus comes back in Armageddon he's going to stop on the head of the devil and then I guess he'll turn back to us and go go thou do likewise and each one of us will walk right around and go and the devil's like oh I ain't getting his head beat in because it says your feet is that what it says so we must have gone up at the Rapture in order to come back in Armageddon and step on the head of the devil and guess what I guess we'll be stepping on the head of the Masons too because they're going to be with Lucifer rather than Jesus but do you read that under your feet that's what it says shortly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you amen now let's turn back to one more verse Deuteronomy chapter 32. so I'm excited I love reading verses in the Bible about how Jesus wins maybe in this world we don't win before the Rapture maybe they'll put Christians in concentration camps and kill us and do things like they've communist countries have done all the time you know they're wanting to put an ex-president in jail over nothing you know and all these things that we're seeing we'll probably see a lot more persecution before Jesus comes but we win in the end Deuteronomy chapter 32 and verse 14. look what it says okay so it's the picture is a wine press so you have all these grapes in here and you get in there excuse the stick figure but your feet you're stomping and and it's making all this wine come out and so Jesus says that it's like that like I'm stepping on grapes making juice I'll be stepping on the heads of my enemies and look what it says in Deuteronomy 32 14. the end of the verse says and thou thou dis-drink the pure blood of the grape in the Bible grape juice is like blood so figuratively it's like stepping on grapes but it's a literal thing too he's going to come back and step on the head of the Antichrist he's going to destroy his enemies and under his feet he'll be walking on them because they rejected him as the Savior and they chose to adore and worship the Antichrist rather than the true Christ Jesus Christ so sometimes I feel like I'm preaching not just to this dispensation but to the next one because if the Rapture was you know today or tomorrow or whenever these will still be on YouTube won't they and people can watch this maybe they'll be like oh yeah he's right we shouldn't take the mark of the beast or we'll go to hell maybe we should be decapitated or beheaded for Jesus or something like that but let's go back to Revelation 14 and finish this up Revelation chapter 14. I hope this has been a blessing to you today I just I get excited knowing that Jesus is going to win amen and that's why we need to get people saved but look at verse 20 and the wine press was trodden without the city and the blood came out of the wine press so what is that well it's the idea of a wine press but this is the battle of Armageddon so this is Jesus destroying his enemies and it says their blood came out of the wine press even into the horse bridles the horse's bridles how tall is a horse okay so here's a man right here and I can't draw horses too well but what a horse would be like like that tall right if that was a horse so how high would that be like almost neck level could you imagine going to a battlefield and there was that much blood how many soldiers is the Antichrist going to have some people think 200 million well we looked at the 200 million were those creatures that came out of the pit it's not 200 million people but we live in a day and age in which if you mix China and Russia and a couple other little Nations you could easily have a 200 million man army and if they were all in a one little Valley called the valley of megiddo that's where Armageddon will take place who was it that famous guy the short guy Napoleon Napoleon went there one time and he stood up on the mountain of Vegito and he looked down he says this is the best Valley I've ever seen for a war he said this was the best place in the world to fight a war this Valley right here it's like hey stupid the Bible says that's where lives war is going to take place he didn't even know his Bible but uh if you put 200 million in there and they all died you could have their blood up to the neck level literally swimming in blood and they're going against the true one Jesus Christ probably with their flags with this on it and yet the one with the true sickle takes them out isn't that something isn't that amazing and then it says by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs which is about 200 miles so imagine all that blood going 200 miles or maybe it's squared I don't know how that works I tried to do the math but I'm not good at squaring things I don't know how many square feet that would be or whatever but uh could you imagine and no wonder when it talks about Jesus on the horse and His Garment dipped in blood no wonder he's probably got blood all over him and he's defeating his enemies and then he rules for a thousand years so Jesus we look at Jesus as the lamb and he's this wonderful caring lamb who wants to give grace to the whole world today but as soon as the Rapture is over and the tribulation he's coming as a lion and there's no more grace he's coming back and he's coming back to execute judgment on all those that are against him and I tell you what they better get safe today or they better make sure they don't take the mark of the beast or their end is fixed all right so that's chapter 14. anybody got any questions or anything what a blessing huh it's weird how I like to Freemasons right now they're really affectionate Christianity one thing you know you got a lot of celebrities like Kanye West and Justin Bieber like now Christians Freemasons like the ones I talked to they all Believe In The Blood like just not the blood of Jesus they really believe in the power of blood but just not using his blood so I'm starting I'm starting to see how like a lot of celebrities are converting to Christianity in a Freemason kind of sense yeah so ecumenicalism is bringing together all these different religions and what's the main so-called religion in the world Catholicism and you ask a Catholic you trust the blood they'll say yeah but what are they trusting in they trust the mass and they're trusting in this little cup and that's the blood that they're trusting in is the blood of the cup and they're trusting what's in that cup at the mass which is that is that blood it's wine the drink of the wine of fornication you know the mystery Babylon she's drunk on the blood of the Saints the wine of her fornication it's interesting so just because someone says they're a Christian doesn't mean they are there are a lot of false Christians but there are a lot of so-called Christians that are masons and masonry always tries to get into Christianity I was raised in southern baptist churches I could tell you so many stories about how many of the deacons were Masons and in comes a good pastor that preaches the gospel correctly and the Masons would vote them out because they don't want to hear it and so I just man I can tell you so many stories about pastors I knew in Texas and all the battles they had with the Masons coming into their churches because Masons go there to try to get men into their group and then they take over the cities and the counties and a lot of your judges are masons a lot of and masonry that secret society it's all the good old boys Country Club type thing to where they take over so if you're ever in trouble and you have to go for a judge just go is there no justice for Widow son because that's one of their little key things that they say that if you say that they'll go oh he's a Mason I better let him off I've heard stories of that in my life where my grandpa saw it another saw it how some guy came just as guilty as he could be before a judge said yeah judge I'm guilty I plead guilty but is there no justice for widow's son and the judge goes dismissed yes that's the the key term that Masons say is there no justice for a Widow's son that lets you know that the other one's a Mason and they'll let you off and so so if you're ever arrested wrongly just turn to the cop goes there are no justice for Widow son maybe he'll let you go because if he's amazing he'll be like wink wink okay but it's just an evil society and um because it all points to Lucifer and doing wrong and in masonry they do a lot of wrong and they get away with it it's not about trusting the blood of Jesus for salvation it's hey we're we'll help each other out I'll scratch your back you scratch mine and let's all look for the grand architect light bearer and then they find out that's Lucifer in Albert Pike have you ever read Albert Pike's book Albert Pike was one of the biggest Masons in the world in his day in the 1800s and they say he used to run around naked in the woods and fornicate all the time and yet he built the national Masonic Shrine in Washington DC only the best right what a nice guy well you get his book and I've got it at home on the Shelf he says masonry is the oldest religion it is the worship of Lucifer he confesses that and he actually wrote some other books and stuff how he said there must be so many different Wars and everything that we see happening in the world today and what it's all leading up to is all the way he wrote it out years ago of how he said things are going to happen it's probably because he had communication with Devils that showed him the future or something it's it's scary so I don't hate Masons I just want them to get saved because I I don't know what I did with it but I went to a garage sale one time and I bought a masonic book and I found in the back there it says fill this paper out to become a Mason and it was actually an application and it literally said we don't care if you believe in which God as long as you believe in a God you can be a mason so they want you to believe in any God you want because they want to eventually make you believe that their God is Lucifer and so if you're a Mason and you don't believe that get to the 30th degree and then we'll talk because that's when they tell you that Lucifer is the light bearer and he is the one that they truly worship Yeah question I I even saw like yesterday while I was working there was literally the Freemason logo and right next to it was a Christian fish yeah yeah and that's something so just because someone says they're a Christian doesn't mean they are because they could be trusting in their works and just because someone's a Mason doesn't mean they worship Lucifer because maybe they didn't get high enough in it but even if they're down low you need to you need to caution them hey watch out for that because there's a lot of bad things um there's was a group several years ago on the news they they found a masonic lodge and the cops were called because they're a bunch of guys in the Masonic lodge and they were um like raping women and stuff it all goes back to the Babylonian religions you know masonry they have this symbol like that and G is in the middle and they say well that's G stands for God no you know what that g stands for generation to generate life is the goal so they want to how do you generate life well through what fornication if you fornicate then you could get someone pregnant and what did the pagans do they did that on purpose so they could sacrifice the babies now I'm not saying every Mason sacrifice is a baby I'm not saying that but I am saying it's the occult it's secret society they don't tell us what they do so connect the dots you got to kind of wonder if there might not be some things like that going on if anything it's definitely pointing you that direction to go to Lucifer and most of these people in the Illuminati that are in Hollywood and places like that that get up into those things started out by getting into Masonry and then from there they got deeper into other things so I would caution you about Freemasonry what else can I just add one thing sure people that are listening you know I saw a Robert breaker's Ministry actually convert a Freemason out of it to the have you trusted the blood video amen so if you know any free I hope they can hear it if you know they're in Freemasons like the one that I saw them get converted out of was have you trusted the blood which is the one that I converted I was never permission but that's the one that saved me and so like when I said when when I saw somebody else I was a Freemason they watched that after that they were like now I'm not a Freemasonry anymore I'm now putting my faith and trust in the blood of Jesus and he converted out and ever since then he's been like chased and almost murdered and you know like he woke up in a hospital at Freemason Hospital one time like there had been trying to find him and kill him you know but it's worth it because now you know maybe they might get him one day maybe not but at least not his eternity is not going to be in hell you know no one takes him in heaven so that's a video if you have a Freemason friend to send them to have you trusted the blood awesome there's a free there's the oath that you take to become a Mason and I wish I had that with me but if you've ever seen it you have to take an oath that you will not reveal the secrets of Freemasonry under penalty of having your guts like ripped open and pulled out under penalty of like you know your tongue cut out it's like oh and so they're very much against telling what they do in secret and it's all a counterfeit of true Christianity what's the first thing you do to become a Mason they take a coffin and they lay you down in the coffin and then they let you out and they say now you've been Reborn into this new life does that sound like being born again it's a false being born again out of the darkness into the light but the light is Jesus now you're trying to get them into a different light and so a lot of the things they do um all they claim it's Christian and they'll sucker again like oh we're Masons we're Christians too but no they're they're getting people into accepting the light bearer which is who the angel of Light do you remember where that verse is is it second Corinthians 4 I think it's second Corinthians 4. let's look real quick what it says about Satan where he's an angel of Light okay maybe it's 11. second Corinthians 11. yeah it is second Corinthians 11. and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of Light now look at verse 15 therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the Ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works Satan has ministers did you know that in that wild so he's an angel of Light so if Satan were to show up to somebody they think he was beautiful but you're just seeing the outside you're not seeing inside if you saw the inside of them and terrify you how evil he is anybody else all right well thank you for coming today
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 104,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Book of Revelation, Revelations, King James Bible Study, Verse by Verse Bible Study, Verse by verse bible study through Revelation, Robert Breaker, Daniel, Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon, Revelation verse by verse, 144000, three angels, dispensations, Masonry
Id: 16RFEm_AuEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 40sec (4540 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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