Revealing Truth From The Inside Out

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well in the world that you and I live in people want to talk about truth they talk about Justice they talk about getting down to the bottom of things let's launch an investigation let's find out what really happened well listen we're going to do that today in our study revealing Truth Listen revealing truth from the inside out you see Jack what does that mean according to God's word this is what the law was intended to do the law of God the Ten Commandments for example the law of God God's law was given to us according to Moses that it might show us where we fail yes the law of God is awesome and spectacular and it is those guard rails to keep us in line however none of us started with me are perfect but the Apostle Paul before he knew the Lord Jesus Christ he thought that he had kept the law but what happened was when he began to understand the law truth was revealed to him from the inside out outwardly Paul looked fantastic he saw himself keeping the first commandment the second commandment the third commandment he put himself in his morality maybe you're like this up against the rules and regulations or laws and you say boy aren't I good but listen when you put yourself up against God's truth something happens from the inside out God kind of guts you with his truth and what happened was Paul got to the Commandment that said Thou shalt not covet and that got him it nailed him trust me my friend The Ten Commandments have been designed to point you to Jesus not to Salvation of The Commandments by The Commandments no but to Jesus the law points you to Jesus Jesus Rescues you from the law this is very key so grab your Bibles open them up and let's dive into what God's word is saying to us about revealing truth from the inside out [Music] Mark Twain said that a lie goes around the world twice before the truth ever gets its shoes on but don't worry don't worry for truth truth will always Prevail in the end everybody needs to know this here's a fact for you lies will always always be exposed if not in this life in the day of judgment and the life to come lies will fail a life of deception and and mirrors and smoke as it were to deceive or to trick or to portray something else will always fail truth is revealing God's truth gets at you and the Bible says in Romans chapter 7 verse 7 I would not have known sin except through the law for I would not have known covetousness unless the law had said You shall not covet that's what got Paul that's what got him it's absolutely remarkable what's he referring to Exodus chapter 20 verse 17 mark it down Exodus 20 verse 17. here's what God said this was on this is uh on the stone tablets right uh this is number 10 by the way it's interesting so there's a reason why Paul didn't mention the second commandment or the seventh Paul but got Paul listen because what gets you might be different God's law got Paul at number 10. there's suggestions we can't prove it but Paul's religious activity may have led him to believe this deceived but led him to believe this number one first commandment I got that I love God with all my heart second commandment Third Commandment fourth Commandment fifth I got those he's good something happened that imagine yeah eight nine I'm can you imagine just getting right to the edge you're like half an inch scoring and then number 10 is revealed what'd you say number ten what is it Thou shalt not covet and you can hear his self-righteous breaks slam and skid marks happening you shall not covet your neighbor's house something we know about Paul this was his problem this is what got him you shall not covet your neighbor's house you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or husband nor his male servant nor his female servant nor his Ox that would be pickup truck F-150 something I don't know nor his donkey that would be his sports car nor anything that is your neighbors looking over the fence oh honey did you know that they got it in a lot more how old is our lawnmower have you noticed our world is is set for this number 10 if number one doesn't get you and you should be we should all be busted at number one it's going to come back and get you again at number 10. these two bookends of the law The Ten Commandments they just says squeeze you squeeze you into confession and what's the confession I can't do it that's what the Commandments are for they're perfect and I got a problem because on the outside you can't tell if I'm Covenant look right now look at me right now I'm standing here you can't tell if I'm covenanting or not can you but God knows all of a sudden that just blows up the religious performance of an individual is what are you saying I'm saying it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside God knows what you're thinking on the inside you know listen determined more keeping up with the Joneses Jones says you're right there we're going to keep up the Joneses for this for a part of this crowd that means uh well he got a new car we got to get a new car oh they go to they they got a new house we gotta get a new house it's called keeping up with the Joneses for young people I don't know what it would be today you got the iPhone 13. now you gotta get iPhone 14. it's like wait what is that you were doing fine until you saw something different that someone else had and you went um that is so dangerous that it's number 10 and the number 10 is very close to the number one because it just comes back around and to fail at number 10 is to fail at all of them because to fail at 10 is to fail at one and you shall have no other God before me and when you sit back and you go I want one of those really bad have you noticed how rotten stinking worthless your car is now and all the TV commercials all of our cars are worthless I don't care what you just bought according to Lexus your car stinks you got to get Alexis if you're going to be somebody and those clothes you've been wearing what's wrong with you you don't have any trees but you'll buy a chainsaw because it's being pitched and you'll see wait a minute we need to get one of those but honey we have no trees what is going on Truth reveals us from the inside out and what happens when it goes out it strikes us and Paul's failure realized because we've all failed all the Ten Commandments every single one of them because God sees your mind he sees your desires he sees what you're pondering and and what imagining and um we're guilty and for Paul it was this one of covetousness and he was left as it were spiritually bleeding in a sense Galatians chapter 3 verse 21 Galatians 3 21 says is the law then against the promises of God certainly not for if there had been listen a law given which could have given life truly righteousness would have been by the law stop right there everybody this is amazing verse 21 if you could get to Heaven by keeping rules and regulations and being a super person then Jesus wasted his time at the cross if you could get there by keeping verse 21 the law here in Galatians 3 21 then God made a big mistake all of his prophets are wrong and his Apostles died in vain but most importantly Jesus wasted his time on the cross if you can keep the law and this is very offensive to some friends of ours because they think they're keeping the law right now verse 22 but the scripture has confined all under sin that the Promise by faith here it is that the Promise by faith in Jesus Christ or faith in Messiah might be given to those who believe that's it the law is out here to those who believe is when God takes it and writes it on the inside of your heart you don't look at the rules to see what you keep God puts the rules in your heart and says I'm going to do this through you you don't have the power to do this Jack but my spirit inside of you as a Believer he'll take over from here I'm going to make a statement it's going to sound crazy it's 100 true you can be the most religious line item keeping religion is known to man but the born-again believer follower of Jesus Christ is more right with God than you'll ever be why because if you're going by the rules God's on the outside if your life has put faith in Christ then God's doing it all from the inside and that's all the difference in Time and Eternity listen Mark this down if you would just when you thought it was over reality strikes you at the heart and it does so when reality awakens you to yourself that's what reality does friends listen the Bible says in verse 8 but sin taking opportunity listen to this it almost like a personify sin think about it like a thief but the thief taking an opportunity now watch by the Commandment produced in me all manner of evil desire for apart from the law sin was dead leave us on the screen for a second you guys still with me I need you to okay watch this again remember Paul was being accused of teaching people wrong Doctrine because the judaizers said that he taught this Faith thing in Jesus and the merits of Jesus and it didn't do anything we have our critics today oh you Believers somebody told me recently um I suppose you want every I suppose you want everybody to believe in your religion and my answer to the guy was nope no I don't let's be honest first of all it's not going to work number two God didn't say that's how it's going to turn out but the most important thing is we're not talking about religion you can't join but sin you circle the word sin and it means to miss the mark of perfection if you're shooting arrows it's to miss the bullseye the strange thing about this word sin is that great Scholars throughout Millennia have tried to get a definition we can Define the word it means to miss the mark But the origins of sin are cloudy and shrouded what's cool about that truth is that it wasn't supposed to be this way that's why it's hard for us to grasp see what do you mean well the first thing that we know about Sin is that it was in the heart of Satan read later Isaiah chapter 14 and Ezekiel 28 it will blow your mind about Satan Lucifer he was called back then it was in him now you might want to mark this down humans and Angels according to the Bible have been given a will a will the ability to choose and to decide willfully it's built in God built that into us so the Bible tells us that Lucifer said in the day that Pride was found in his art pride is sin probably the greatest of all sin if you could rate sin he said I want to be like God I want to have my throne above his I want the Angelic host to worship me this is what Lucifer said read those chapters I told you a moment ago the Bible says for his sin of Pride he was cast out he fell do you know what that is covetousness he couldn't have wanted a throne greater than God's Throne unless he had seen God's throne and realized I want that do you see that he looked over the fence and said I want angels to worship me and the Bible says we don't know the number but the Bible says he deceived one-third of the Angelic hosts we don't have any idea what that number is it's just one-third covetousness how about this this is cut covetousness um you know you're talking a lot about Sin and you're going to be talking more about that verse here in a minute and all that stuff and I agree with you Pastor Jack this whole lot of sinners in here so I'll just tune out and come back next week the Christmas message you know what that's the sin of Satan it doesn't matter apparently if you're a human or an angel when you take your will and you supersede that of God with your will that is coveting a state or a position that is not intended to be us yours when somebody thinks there's something it's sickening isn't it sickening to see someone all puffed up with pride and yet that is a gross manifestation of Satan's heart remarkable so back to that verse ape look at on the screen verse 8 but sin taking Opportunity by the Commandment so watch how this let's unpack this but sin there it is or origin originates in Satan he takes it and reproduces it because he knows it worked against him he reproduces it in the Garden of Eden to Eve Eve just peek over the fence and see God's holding out on you you can have a throne too isn't that what he said but sin taking opportunity so notice sin takes the opportunity how does it do that how does sin have power to take advantage of this the Commandment oh then the commandment's wrong no the commandment's perfect here is the point God's commandment is perfect but God's commandment doesn't tolerate sin but sin exists so God's commandment does this look what I'm doing to you I know it's not polite but you'll forgive me in advance see what I'm doing don't Point yes I'm pointing at you and you I'm pointing that's what listen the Commandment points and says this is wrong sin takes advantage of that and the Commandment is like this saying Thou shalt not sin takes advantage of that Upon Our human lives and look we realize it produces in us all manner of evil desire you and I wouldn't have known evil desire unless the Commandment would have been given Thou shalt not govern it it's like really I thought I was doing pretty good yeah well that's a sin for thinking like that [Laughter] [Applause] but you know how you've been looking at that over there yeah so I'm just looking not touching sin well I don't want my kids to think we're growing up poor or something so we did this or we did that notice the motive to covet apart from the law sin was dead is that amazing for me sin was dead the word actually means dormant not dead dead sin was dormant sin was held in check because there was no law that stirred up within me the conviction of desire so for example if I say whatever you guys do don't think about pink bananas as soon as I said that you had a pink you saw a pink banana right about here in your head if if I say now it's stormy outside and the last thing you'd want to do is take a drive down to the beach today and go down Coast Highway and see the incredible crushing waves and and all of that turbulent water beautiful sound and all you know don't do it you're already saying honey that's a great idea I don't want to sit inside all day let's do what he just said it's that old thing that I mentioned last week don't step on the grass witch grass this grass right here [Laughter] that is in us that's our sin nature and to say it doesn't exist is to deceive yourself that God's commandment is given so that it might become obvious when it becomes obvious then we realize whoa and Paul woke up and he found out that he was very very much awakened to himself that he needed God man isn't that true that when reality hits it it makes the headlines right reality when it hits uh it makes international news reality when it hits it causes United to pick up the phone and call people when reality strikes when reality hits it causes everything to be shaken to the point where we look around and grab to see what's stable when God's reality strikes it hits us right in the stomach it takes our knees out and that's by Design God's reality causes you and I in a world of so much deception and so much falsehood to come to that place where I've been believing a lie I've been I've been listening to things that's really a non-reality I've been listening to things that have been leading me astray and reality hits and it causes you and I to grab on and when it happens it causes you and I to experience something that might even drive us to the Bible somebody might even say it's time to pray or somebody might even say I'm going to go to church listen friends when reality strikes I want you to know something of if your life right now is shaking and you don't know what to do and where to go you may think that there's been some horrific accident that's taken place and what I'm saying to you today is God does not dwell in the realm of accidents God may not cause all that's going on but what he capitalizes on is what is going on he sends messages he sends downloads to you he drops you the thought in the midst of your reality being shaken here's true reality here's true hope and stability listen friends right here at real life we want you to know that reality through Jesus Christ you can go to and find out more much more of what we have available for you to study God's word and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus you are watching real life with Jack Gibbs where did life come from it's one of the big questions right is there a Creator or are we here by random accident in his book he who thinks has to believe AE Wilder Smith takes a look at the origins of Life using a unique allegory a plane crashes in a remote corner of the Earth where a group of primitive humans have existed for centuries Untouched by outside influence when the rescue Expedition Encounters this unique group of people a fascinating dialogue develops giving rise to debate about creation and the Creator walk the path of Reason using logic and sound judgment in this intriguing one-of-a-kind book he who thinks has to believe will be sent to you as a thank you gift for your generous donation to Real Life Ministries today to get your copy go to or call 877-77-2346 order now [Applause] [Music] welcome to real life radio with Jack Hibbs God's word never will return void God's word is spirit it's power and it has its effects encourage you to grab your Bibles open them up and get ready to learn from God's word god did not give us Bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us but I think you're going to get a lot out of it in one of the Great you are the light of the world Jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit you're going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and through you [Applause] Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful no-nonsense presentation of the Gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and Truth will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of Jack Hibbs where the gift of your choosing simply go to and there you can simply follow the instructions of how to give a one-time gift or a recurring gift if you would prefer to call our toll-free number is 877-77-2346 again that's 877-77-2346 and of course you can write us our address is real life with Jack kibbs box 1273 Chino Hills California 91709 your gift will be Faithfully put to work because it's our desire that through Jesus Christ you will know real life
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 55,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calvary chapel chino hills, inside out, jack hibbs, pastor jack hibbs latest sermon, real life with jack hibbs
Id: 3RSgUl5scGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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