REVEALING My 90-Hour Work Week | Habits to Avoid Burn Out

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the truth is I'm a dictator I feel like we've got to a stage now where everyone wants to know how I managed to do 100 different things all at once girl how do you work full-time how do you study a masters at you see at one of the best universities in the world and the best for Education policy humble brag how are you writing this book how are you trying to do YouTube at the same time how are you a school Governor how are you doing this how you doing that and I can't even remember all of the other things but how do you be doing all of this my work week look looks like 80 hours 80 to 90 hours I'm going to say and I am going to explain everything how I manage that how I do that and still look so good period period period period period period how I do that and still have a social life how I do that and just still you know Thrive still I'm okay like I'm literally I'm okay mentally I'm okay emotionally how am I still getting on with life how am I not burning out Etc the truth is I'm a dictator I act like an absolute ruthless dictator when it comes to my time this is an absolute full dictatorship no questions no ifs no buts the problem is a lot of people let lots of different insignificant things control their time as opposed to being the full dictator of their time think about social media sleep laziness they let these things control dictate influence their time when really it's just meant to be you and your plan this is not a democracy guys those other useless interests that are trying to control steal and influence your time they are not freely elected representatives they don't have a say you alone are the dictator so why do you keep saying yes to them I'm going to cut this video into three main parts I'm we going to just bang this out in 10 minutes Bish bash BOS so number one is health habits the fundamental idea here is that you need energy absolutely need and rely on energy to be as productive as possible to be able to just smash out all the things that you need to do essentially what you're doing is that you're taking all the hours that most people spend napping I don't know sitting on the couch doing nothing scrolling on social media engaging in meaningless conversations but you're taking that time and you're doing something with it you're utilizing it instead this is how we get ahead but in order to do that in order to utilize the time that you usually spend basically being lazy you need energy and this is the health habits eat sleep move that is it that's all you need to remember so eat cuz girl you got to eat but it's not like necessarily just like you need to eat it's what are you eating in particular if you are just consuming ultr processed foods greasy fatty food every single day then you will end up with the itis you will just want to sleep and you won't have the energy required to utilize the hours that we just spoke about however Whole Foods are known to give us lots of energy and allow us to be able to just get through the day and just exist and plus these are the foods that were meant to eat anyway but I digress but then what does that actually look like for everyone it's different and there's a lot of trial and error required I know that it's good to eat porridge or at least it's recommended to eat porridge and Oats Oatmeal whatever you want to call it in the morning but I found that when I was eating it I was feeling slumpy and I know that it's like a slow like energy releasing food but I just wanted to get into bed like I did I did not want to be productive I even wanted to just sleep I tried different variations of it I Tri Tred to have less oats in my bowl and I didn't even do anything crazy you know how people add like Lotus and all these different things I didn't I didn't add nothing crazy to it just a little banana then I started to eat um avocados eggs and spinach instead and I just felt so much more lighter I had protein I had fats I had veg and I just felt so much better felt lighter I felt energized and obviously they were all Whole Foods as well so that's why I say eat so eating Whole Foods eating foods that genuinely energize you and you have to assess what that feels like number two is sleep we all know that rest is required just to exist and I know they recommend like 6 to 8 hours of sleep but that may look different to you I know for myself I need 6 to 7 hours at the very least and I do not negotiate on that I must get six at least hours of sleep every single night and the last one is move move your body it can be stretching it can be walking it can be doing five star jumps or running around the house or it can also be going to the gym and going for a jog science has proved time and time and time again that any sort of physical activity will certainly boost your energy all you need to do is get your heart rate up get your heart pumping and just ensure that you're doing this every single day if you'd rather not hit the gym that's fine go for a walk do some stretches I don't know do something but just move your body so those are my health habits they allow me to get a lot further in the day than most people because I have energy like I genuinely have energy I've gone to the gym in the morning I've ate good food I have rested and if someone doesn't have those things if they haven't moved their body if they've own if they're working on 4hours sleep and they just eating junk like literally like processed Ultra processed foods who do you think is going to be more productive who do you think is going to be more inclined to have a nap and to sleep and to be sluggish and the second part it looks different for everyone but it's to just make it easy give yourself the best chance to win and for me that literally looks like creating a no phone zone for you it might be different have a think about what it is in my environment in my work environment that really just distracts me so for me it's definitely my phone like I can just be checking my phone all the time is it your new fixtion book that you just desperately cannot let go of and every time you see it in the corner of your desk whilst you're doing your work you just see it and you want to grab it and you just want to read it is it that is it a human is it your annoying sister who won't stop coming into your room every 5 minutes with despite no one asking her to and also goes by the name of Rose lock the door give yourself the best possible chance of getting this work done of being productive because if you know that these things on your desk they distract you then why wouldn't you change something about it for some people it's literally just to leave the house all together and go to a coffee shop or something like that again these are perfect things to do it's just essentially making it a lot more easier for yourself and giving yourself the best possible opportunity to be productive so if yours is similar to mine and it is your phone that distracts you create a no Phone Zone put your phone on airplane mode remove the whole device out of the room put it in a box switch it off give it to a relative but get whatever it is that distracts you out of your work environment maybe if I looked at my phone right now I would see a notification I'd reply to it end up on the phone or doing something and that can just take away hours and hours and hours accumulated of my day these small distractions that they seem small but they're not they're very significant did you know that one one small distraction can decrease your efficiency by 40% and it can then take 15 minutes to reorient your mind back into what it was doing initially a study on employees found that 22 to 28% of their work days were completely wasted on distractions and it was literally because of like small like a small slack message or whatever it is or a small ping nearly 30% of their days that's wild because it has been proved time and time again that human humans cannot multitask what we do is we task switch we go from this to that our brains are not made in a way that we can focus wholeheartedly our attention on two things so get that distraction out of your room and the last point is the Eisenhower Matrix I cannot plan my weeks without it and I think it'll be easier to just show you how I do it using my iPad so let's just get into it I'm going to explain to you what it is how I use it and how you can use it as well Dwight D Eisenhower former president of the US is basically named after him he said this really famous quote right I have two kinds of problems the Urgent and the important the Urgent are not important and the important are never urgent Dwight Eisenhower was known to be this like really great productivity kind of guy and I guess you would hope so for a president and I think this might be a good place to pause and actually think about what is the difference between urgency and importance urgency looks at something that is time Cent positive it needs to be done right now or at least you're being told that it needs to be done right now and then for your tasks that are important importance is basically something that is important to you there is value in it and it will help you to get further in whatever area it is in life that you want to get further to so it's not necessarily important for others and others may even see that thing as not important because it's it's Unique to you but it's valuable and it's going to help you move forward in the direction that you aspire to move into now that that's clarified this basically looks at the tasks that are Urgent important not important and not urgent and it splits it out into this Matrix where we've got urgent and important so if you have a task that is both urgent and important you need to do this as sub so basically I would just say put these tasks right at the start of your week if you then have a task that is not urgent but is still equally important you can schedule it for later in the week put these tasks in different free blocks that you have later so now let's look at tasks that are urgent but not important so this one is called just get somebody else to do it excuse me can you record me real quick huh can you record me real quick m- get somebody else to do it you can just basically delegate these tasks to someone else or you can Outsource that task so it's urgent in that it needs to be done by Tuesday today it's Sunday it needs to be done by Tuesday it's got a deadline that is H coming quite soon but it's not important to you like it's not going to help you improve in different areas or help you get further to where you need to get to and then for tasks that are not urgent so they're not time sensitive they don't have like this uh deadline that's coming really soon and they're also not important then these get absolutely binned okay these are the tasks that do not make it to your schedule we don't think about them we completely dis record them now okay so that is basically the eisenh how matrix it's really help helpful cuz a lot of the time we just have these large to-do lists right these huge huge huge to-do lists and we just go and we take them off and we take them off without really considering okay does this need to be ticked off right now right now today is it urgent and even if it is urgent well is it important does it actually help me so with this planner you then write your task stamp so you write all your to-do I need to do this I need to do that I need to do this I need to do that and then you can also look at how you will improve by 1% this week but then the most important thing now is that you're taking all of these tasks here all of your to-do list basically your task done and you're putting it into these different categories that we just looked at is it urgent is it important is it this is it that and if if it is then what do we need to do do we need to put these tasks at the start of the week do we need to do them ASAP or can we sketch them later when we have some free blocks or can we actually just delegate SL Outsource them or do we need to just throw this in the bin this is something that I did a couple of weeks ago and as you can see I had a lot of different tasks that I needed to do that were on my mind I also thought about how I'd improve by 1% that week and I said I want to get out of bed not just wake up like my eyes wake up I want to be out of bed by 510 a.m. anyway so now I looked at all these tasks I wrote them down literally like just dumped all the tasks and then I split them into the eisenh how Matrix and I considered their urgency and their importantance and then I split all of these tasks that you can see here into all of the various different uh boxes and I found something that I needed to completely bin was an end of module survey that um my uni kept asking me to do I literally didn't have the time to do it and it was not urgent and it was also not important to me I then found like for example I had an assignment due that was urgent cuz it had a looming deadline and it's also important to me cuz like girl I needed to get that a I put it here at the top it was urgent and important so I scheduled it for the start of my week and then there was some things that just weren't important but they were urgent for example I needed to sort out this uh this hairstyle that I wanted to get and I was like I don't need to do that myself I can get someone else to do it although it's urgent and there was an exact summary that needed to be done for a report it there was a looming deadline but I didn't need to be the one to do it I could delegate it it wasn't important to me so I put it in that box I wanted to do some wider reading for my dissertation it was definitely important cuz it will help me later down the line but it wasn't necessarily urgent so I slot this in for different times where I had fre blocks throughout the week also the school that I helped govern uh they were just considering different things with trust and I needed to do some wider reading on this so again it wasn't urgent there wasn't a deadline but it was important and that's how I go about that I think with without the Eisenhower method I could have been very stuck because let's just think about stealing lots of time back into your day right if you have the this really really long to-do list that spans across two pages you will basically waste your time doing all of those things in this day or trying to do all of those things in one day or two days or whatever it is but you're not utilizing your time properly because maybe the stuff that you've put on your to-do list they don't need to be done by you maybe the stuff you've put on your to-do list are neither urgent or important and you've just wasted your time completing a task that won't help you move forward in the direction that you need to and isn't urgent anyway like no one's really no one needs it like that instead you should split your to-do list into the Eisen how method and establish what needs to be done first establish what needs to be done later what can be absolutely bined and then what also can be delegated you're going to save yourself so much time by doing this the secret to my 80 to 90 Hour Work Week firstly is my health habits making sure that I'm eating food that will genuinely energize me making sure I'm getting at least 6 to 7 hours of sleep per night and also moving my body these things give me so much energy and some people may look at me and think how are you able to do X Y and Z I need to nap so many times a day I feel tired I feel lethargic I just always want to scroll on my phone and look for a quick dopamine hit I'm the opposite because I've made sure that I'm doing I've I've literally put things in place I've put habits in place and secondly I'm giving myself the best possible chance to win I'm giving myself the best possible chance to be productive and be able to squeeze out more hours than most people and for me that is creating a no Phone Zone but for you that might be different there are other small things that you can do in your work environment most of the time I leave the house and I go to a Costa I go to a coffee shop to get into a new environment where other people are working or with my degree I might take myself to London to go to um to UCL and go to the library there are different things that you can do to just give yourself the best possible chance to win at this thing and then the final thing that helps me is splitting my tasks my lengthy to-do list into the Eisenhower Matrix this is what it looks like to act like a ruthless dictator with your time not allowing other things to come in and try and influence control steal your time no no no no no I have another video here practical steps on what I do to save myself over 20 hours a week yes I did say save myself 20 hours per week so if you want to check that out and if you want to know some of my secrets check it out thank you so much for watching I hope this video has blessed you in the way that I needed to bless you and I will see you in my next one bye
Channel: The Grace Marie
Views: 5,081
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Id: G38xMQsZH3M
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Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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