Reunions: Part 2 | Critical Role: VOX MACHINA | Episode 33

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MATT: Instead of using the table, though, you use Grog's knee. You just run, jump onto his knee with one foot, leap off, blade in the air, go for the strike. MARISHA: That's cool! LAURA: You can do it, Scanlan! (laughs) SAM: What do I add? MARISHA: Your attack bonus. MATT: Attack bonus for your weapon. SAM: I don't know what that is! (laughter) TRAVIS: It is never used. SAM: Okay. It's a plus seven! MATT: Yeah, so? SAM: 15. (laughter) MATT: As you rush in the air, you hesitate for a moment, remembering the Pike thing, and you see this burning arcane rage in the face of this entity. At that moment, that hesitation was all it needed. It takes the shield and almost knocks the weapon out of your hand. You catch yourself, land on your feet-- yeah, your fingers sting a little bit. (laughs) Worth a shot. All right, in retribution, it's going to strike at you twice. That's a 15? SAM: That fails. MATT: 21. SAM: That is successful. MATT: That is seven points of slashing damage. SAM: Okay. MATT: All right. Keyleth, you're up. MARISHA: Ugh. You guys, I thought someone was going to kill him! SAM: I tried, but he hurt my wrist really bad! MARISHA: I know, because I don't want to fucking burn any spells on this asshole. TALIESIN: Just hit him with your stick. MARISHA: Just-- ugh. God. MATT: Roll for it. MARISHA: Goddamn it, this hopefully works-- nope. TALIESIN: No! Wow! MARISHA: Nope, that didn't work. (tink) (laughter) MATT: Heavy armor on these guys. All right. Vex, you're up. LAURA: Oh gosh. I guess I shoot him. Can I see him to shoot him? MATT: I'll say yeah, you can see him all right. You can move over there and get a better view a little bit. Just around this corner, off the table. LAURA: And I'm going to Hunter's Mark him. MATT: Hunter's Mark him? LAURA: And then I'm going to shoot him. MATT: Okay, go for it. LAURA: Oh gosh, I'm just so nervous about picking the 20. No. 19? MATT: 19? The arrow hits the armor and shatters across the side. LAURA: Shit. TRAVIS: 19? LAURA: 24. MATT: 24 does hit. LAURA: Okay. TALIESIN: Yay, you hurt it. LAURA: Well, maybe. TRAVIS: That's a high AC. Because of the shield, right? MATT: Because of the shield and the armor. LAURA: 18. MATT: 18 points of damage? With that, the second arrow strikes into the center of its chest armor. It hits some sort of core where its arcane form is held and the reddish energy blinks out, and the armor just (impact noise) crumples to the ground. TRAVIS: That's two of them! LAURA: What's up, bitches? TRAVIS: That was tough. MARISHA: Okay, I immediately turn my attention to Cassandra. Can I do a medical check on her to make sure she's okay? MATT: Go ahead and make a medicine check, yeah. TRAVIS: Where's Ripley? SAM: I start running out the hall to Ripley. TRAVIS: Me, as well. LAURA: Oh, Trinket is still running after her, too. MATT: All right, make a perception check for Trinket. LAURA: Oh. (laughs) Okay, is it his smelling? MATT: Yeah, it's his wisdom bonus. LAURA: I'm rolling a big dice for Trinket! Oh, that's good. 26! MATT: 26, okay. LAURA: 25. MATT: 25, okay. Trinket is giving chase best it can. LAURA: Except wait. Hold on, I get advantage because he's got advantage on smell perception. Oh, it's the same thing. MATT: Okay, so Trinket is keeping track, but is having a hard time fully keeping up at this point unless you're giving full attention towards him at this point in time, but is keeping a track. He is rushing as fast as he can down the stairs and is currently out of your sphere of personal influence at the moment. LAURA: I should have Hunter's Marked her. (sighs) TRAVIS: I grab Scanlan, and we're taking off after her out the door. MARISHA: I rolled a 17 on a medicine check. MATT: Okay, checking Cassandra, there is no sign of a wound now. She seems to be not in any danger. MARISHA: Okay. MATT: So, she's on the ground, dazed. TALIESIN: I'm going to collapse in a corner for a minute and start using my ascot to clean some of the gore off my weapon and my clothing and my mask. MATT: It is a lot of gore. Okay. LIAM: Are we out of combat now? MATT: You guys are currently out of combat. LIAM: Okay. I'm going to, clutching my bleeding belly, walk over toward Keyleth and say, that was a close one. MARISHA: Yeah. You know, I feel like we've been here before-- oh, right. We have been here before. LIAM: You know I'm in love with you, right? And I kiss her. SAM: Oh! TALIESIN: (coughs heavily) SAM: Persistent cough. MATT: (laughs) And on that note, we're going to go ahead and take a quick little break! LAURA: What the fuck?! MATT: (laughs) All right, quick break! TALIESIN: I want to see what color you turned. Oh my god, yeah! (laughter) MATT: All right, awesome. Quick break, guys! See you guys back here in a few minutes. TRAVIS: Dude, what?! [break] ZAC: Couple quick things, guys, or I could just sit here and talk for a good ten minutes, make you guys wait before we come back to the bombshell that was dropped. I'm just going to keep going. We are 15 away from doing a giveaway, if we hit that 15 we will be doing that giveaway at the very end of this stream, right whenever Matt says that's it. We will open up the chat for everyone and do that giveaway. I also want to say for all the people wondering what in the world was the No Survivors thing, Snakes on a Plane number one was this last Monday, and it's up on the website right now if you guys are curious and want to check it out, it's probably the funniest thing we've ever done on this channel, and I don't say that lightly. But we're doing Snakes on a Plane 2 this coming Monday, so thanks, guys. MATT: Hell yeah. TALIESIN: Snakes on a Plane 2: More Snakes, More Plane. MATT: All right. So. With the chaos that has ensued through the battle in Anders's study in the castle of Whitestone, the party looks about, Cassandra de Rolo recovered, and pulled from seemingly the brink of death. Vax pulled seemingly from the brink of death, and Percy managing to squeak in a second killshot on a member of his list. As the rest period kicks in, Vax stepped across the room, holding his wound to his side, admitting his affection for Keyleth, and reaching out and kissing her. TRAVIS: Or attempting to kiss. LAURA: Roll for contact there? SAM: Roll for tongue action. MATT: No. LIAM: No. MATT: So, as he breaks from the momentary, unexpected embrace, you catch yourself off guard. LIAM: You know, the way you turn into animals and stuff is really cool. TALIESIN: I'm going to collect some of Vex's arrows. MARISHA: Are you sure you're-- LAURA: I leave the room and look for Trinket. MARISHA: Just... let me. And I Cure Wounds him. I'll do a 4th level. Shut up, Sam. I just can't find my spell. Yeah, I'll do that 4th-level Cure Wounds. MATT: Burn all the spell slots. Go ahead and roll. LIAM: Folks, we don't know what we're doing. None of us know what we're doing. MARISHA: I feel like in the moment I would just do it really at a-- shut up. SAM: Sure, overcompensate. MARISHA: Right. What do I roll? Hang on. 1d8. So I'm rolling 4d8. I need d8s, goddamn it! Give me d8s. TALIESIN: You can't have my d8s. MARISHA: Why can't I have your d8s? TALIESIN: Okay, fine, have my d8s. MARISHA: That's fine, give me one more. MATT: All right. MARISHA: Okay, 14, 18. (counting) MATT: What are you doing? TALIESIN: I'm collecting three or four of Vex's arrows from the ground and getting them in my hand, and I'm staying back from all of this and letting it happen. MATT: Okay. Collect the arrows, Vex has stepped out of the room to pursue after Trinket, Trinket is currently pursuing Ripley. Grog, you watched that happen. TRAVIS: No, Grog and Scanlan ran out of the room after Ripley. MATT: Okay, have you guys bolted out? Okay. TRAVIS: We're yelling out, Ripley! SAM: Ripley! TALIESIN: Vax, are you all right? SAM: We shouldn't yell, Grog. TRAVIS: Fuck that. I yell anyway. LIAM: Was there a total? MARISHA: 33. LIAM: Yes, I feel better. Thank you. TALIESIN: That's good. I'm going to now take my handful of what is now basically a switch, and I'm going to start whacking him with it really hard on the chest. LIAM: Who? TALIESIN: You! Don't go into rooms by yourself, god damn it! MARISHA: I back into a corner upon seeing this, as Percy ruins the moment. LIAM: Percival, he had a knife to your sister's throat. He was going to kill her. TALIESIN: Thank you, but count to ten. And now I drop them and go over to my sister. LIAM: I was afraid she was going to die. MARISHA: To be fair, you did get her throat slit, but it's okay. MATT: As you're saying this, you turn around, you can see she's sat up and she sees this conversation and goes, "Percy?" TALIESIN: Hi. MATT: "Percy!" TALIESIN: I'm so sorry. MATT: And she gets up off the ground and runs up and just grabs you and embraces you tightly. You can feel all the muscles tense in her body as she just holds you with a slight shake to her body. TALIESIN: I'm so sorry for leaving you. MATT: "I thought you were dead." She pulls away for a second and just looks at you, and there's a coldness to her face. She's happy, but even for her young age, you can see there's lines at the corners of her eyes. She's probably been through a lot. She smiles and looks up at you again and you can see there's the white shocks in her hair, and she looks up and touches your hair and goes, "I see "we've both survived quite a bit." TALIESIN: I wouldn't trade. MATT: She laughs to herself, and you see another tear curl at her eye, and then her face goes cold for a second and she, not breaking this gaze, steps back. "You shouldn't be here. They were "using me to get to you. I'm so sorry." TALIESIN: Are you all right? Did they do anything? Are you yourself? MATT: She reaches up and holds her neck. "I'm good. I'm good." And she steels herself for a second, and even more so, you see there's an intensity to her. TALIESIN: Perception check? MATT: To...? TALIESIN: Insight. I want to make sure she's not holding anything really important back. MATT: Okay, go for it. TALIESIN: Insight? Do I get a bonus for that right now? It's a wisdom-- yeah! MATT: No, because you were concentrating. TALIESIN: This is not a saving throw, though. MATT: Yeah, and that's wisdom, not a saving throw. TALIESIN: 11. MATT: 11. Okay. Best you can tell, she seems very honest. She seems forthright. You're used to the memory of your sister being this bright-eyed, cheerful, youngest of the bunch, and definitely a woman who sees the world with fresh eyes. These eyes are different. They're colder. They're hardened. In ways, you're impressed; in ways, you're also immediately sad to see that that memory of your sister probably is no longer there. TALIESIN: We're putting an end to the Briarwoods tonight. Before the sun sets. This is the end of them. It's all going to be over, and we're going to stop whatever it is they're doing under the city. MATT: "You say this. We've tried twice." TALIESIN: I know. This is it. MATT: "That's what the others thought. You left me, you know." TALIESIN: I know, and I'm so sorry. MATT: "Good. Well, if we're going to do this, let's get ready." TALIESIN: You're going to your room. MATT: "Yes, I am." TALIESIN: To wait until this is over. MATT: "No. No, I'm not. I'm going to my room to get my things. To get my mother's armor." TALIESIN: (sputters) You're-- I don't think that's a very good idea. MATT: "You've been fighting them for what, a few days? I've been fighting them for nearly three "years. You have no power over me, brother. And if our goals are aligned to free this city, let's do "it together. But I don't have to listen to you." TALIESIN: God, you're irritating. Fine. Ugh! MATT: She walks out of the room. MARISHA: Percy! TALIESIN: She's so obnoxious. What? MARISHA: You have a sister. TALIESIN: Oh god, I do. MATT: You guys, charging off. Trinket's keeping trail. She's run down the stairway, he is beginning to slowly gain on her. She reaches the front doors, does remember the caltrops. Jumps over them, grabs the door, opens it, and rushes out into the daylight. Go ahead and roll a perception check for Trinket. MARISHA: Oh, come on, Trinket. LAURA: He saw it happen! He's got really good vision. MARISHA: Come on, Trink. TALIESIN: Yay! LAURA: Oh yeah, that's like 24. MATT: Yeah, Trinket just jumps over. The door's only slightly open so Trinket has to stop and wedge his way through. LAURA: Can he cannonball into her? To try to catch her? MATT: It's the same speed as if he dashed. It would be the same speed. LAURA: All right. MATT: However, it takes a moment to get through. You guys now get down the stairs. As Trinket opens the door and wedges through, there's a scent out there, but she's nowhere in visible range. She's either darted off the path or possibly off the actual sides, and you can see now the struggle that's happened. You can now hear in the distance the sound of yells and fighting and there doesn't appear to be any one side or the other pushing. LAURA: I whistle at Trinket to get him to stop. MATT: Okay, as you get to the landing you whistle out, and Trinket is just now pushing through the door and gets out for a bit, looking back and forth. Looks over the shoulder, and runs back to you. It appears that Ripley has scattered into Whitestone somewhere. SAM: Damn it. TRAVIS: We stop. MATT: Okay. LAURA: We need to find the Briarwoods. TALIESIN: I'm still upstairs. Are you going to come meet us again upstairs? SAM: We'll get Trinket and go back upstairs, wherever they are. TALIESIN: Taking a short rest. MARISHA: We're taking a short rest? TALIESIN: We're waiting there. They followed her down; I'm waiting on Cassandra. TRAVIS: I could stay down in that foyer. TALIESIN: Come up. MATT: Are you waiting in the study? TALIESIN: Yeah, waiting in the study. MATT: Okay, she goes off to her room. You're there for a few minutes. TALIESIN: Does Grog show up? SAM: We come back and say, that Ripley is very talented. She got away. Talented Dr. Ripley. TALIESIN: We have bigger issues than Anna at this point. Grog, do you have the Bag of Holding? TRAVIS: I do. TALIESIN: Can you scoop up what's left of Professor Anders? LAURA: Can I loot him first? I mean, just see what's on him. TRAVIS: Like, his head bits? TALIESIN: I don't want any of him sticking around. MARISHA: Do we have to put him in the Bag of Holding, though? TRAVIS: Why can't we just set him on fire? MARISHA: Yeah, stuff him in a closet or something for now. TALIESIN: Fire will do. TRAVIS: Is there a fireplace in the room? TALIESIN: There is. Throw him in. Fine, we'll throw him in the fire. LAURA: Wait. Let me see what's on him, first. MATT: Okay. Make an investigation check. TALIESIN: We don't want him coming back. MATT: He's crumpled up against the desk in the corner, there's all these papers that got pushed off the side, there were a bunch of random scrawlings. LAURA: 24. MATT: 24? Okay. You search his body. You find 120 gold pieces on him. Not a whole lot. He doesn't keep his important shit on him, for the most part. You do find, however, the boots that he's wearing are very finely crafted, and unlike the rest of his wear, have a hand-stitching in it that is exemplary in construction and doesn't match with the rest of his ensemble. So it seems like something you'd wear more for function than for actual style. Pardon. LAURA: I take them. MATT: You take them. TALIESIN: Take his shoes. MATT: Okay. LAURA: Does anybody have magic? Can you see what these are? SAM: Sure, I can look at them. LAURA: Look at these, Scanlan. SAM: I look at them. MATT: Okay, if you're taking a short rest, you can take the short rest to inspect the boots, get the feel for them, they are indeed enchanted. They are a pair of Boots of Levitation. Once per day, you can trigger the levitation for up to ten minutes as per the spell. You can't actually move as part of it, you just levitate in the air, and you have to push off to get space. TRAVIS: So like zero-G. MATT: Zero-G. TALIESIN: Like Willy Wonka. MARISHA: Zero-G boots! Oh, hell yeah. SAM: Who do they fit? MATT: They fit anyone who wishes to put them on. Magical items alter themselves. MARISHA: Oh, we're playing with that later. TRAVIS: I'll just hang onto it. I'll just hold onto it. MARISHA: Can we all just try them once when we get back to Greyskull Keep? MATT: Anything else you want to do while you're waiting? SAM: Anything else in the room? Can I sniff around the room and investigate? MATT: Yeah, go ahead and make an investigation check. TRAVIS: I drag Anders over to the fireplace. LIAM: I'll look with Scanlan. SAM: 12. TRAVIS: He doesn't quite fit, so I have to snap some joints. LIAM: 27. MATT: Okay, good. As you're looking through and finding papers, papers and ledgers and tough discussions of old classes, untouched on the side, you go through one of the bottom drawers, and there's a lock to it. LIAM: Well, let's unlock that. SAM: Vax, do you need my help to unlock it? LIAM: No, Shorty. Hold on. Are there any traps in there? MATT: Make a perception check. LIAM: Oh, that is 20. MATT: It does appear to be trapped. SAM: It does appear to be trapped? LIAM: So what do I roll to undo that? Dexterity? Lockpick? MATT: Thieves' tools, as well. So same check you did. SAM: Oh, I can open it for you. LIAM: That's a natural 20, so that's untrapped. MATT: As part of that, you notice that this mechanism is when it opens, if there isn't a switch underneath it held that's hidden, it will cause a poison dart to launch out in the direction of whoever's in front of it. You hold the button, you find it, you open it up without an issue, and you find the spring mechanism, snap it, and remove the little poison-tipped bolt, and chuck it to the side. LAURA: No, wait. Give me that. I take it. MATT: Okay. You have a poison-tipped bolt. LAURA: Okay. MATT: For a tiny little hand-crossbow is essentially what it is. LIAM: So now I've got to unlock it, right? MATT: Yeah. LIAM: Yeah. Hey, 20. MATT: Natural 20? LIAM: No, not a natural 20. MATT: Oh, okay. Easy enough to unlock at this point, you get it open, you pull it open, there's a collection of letters. LIAM: Percival, come here. You're probably the best person to know what to make of these. MATT: You glance through and inspect them, and you take the next ten minutes or so to get the gist of these letters while Cassandra's away. Many of them talk about a slew of things that are disconcerting to you as the information hits you, and you relay this information to the group. Notes on the removal of key magical defenses during the political meeting at Emon. The discussion, as in making sure that certain individuals and safeguards that are usually made during political meetings like that were not present during that endeavor. LAURA: Evidence is what that is! MATT: Notes on best construction methods using the mined whitestone and repairs for the manse in the ziggurat. MARISHA and TRAVIS: The manse? SAM: As in a mansion? MATT: A manse is a place or a home; it has many different meanings. They're warning Anders, and there are multiple letters at different periods of time over the past few years that are warning Anders of an arrival of Seeker Asum's spies. SAM: He's a good guy. LAURA: Oh! SAM: No, he's a bad guy? MATT: There are letters talking about plotting, diverting political attention away from Whitestone to leave it a political enigma during this period of time. There are letters talking about planting information within Wildmount that would lead their investigation team to believe the Briarwoods had been found dead. SAM: This is a whole paper trail! MATT: And occasionally there are mentions in a lot of these letters that speak of, "The Undying King "shall return, we are his blood." MARISHA: Jarl? What? MATT: The Undying King shall return. LAURA: Where did she get Jarl from? MATT: We are his blood. LAURA: Oh, "we are." MARISHA: The Undying King... TALIESIN: Shall return. TALIESIN and SAM: We are his blood. MARISHA: Which is what he said. SAM: And then it says Jarl. TALIESIN: Jarl. Maybe he was dictating. MATT: The letters aren't signed. SAM: Okay? Are they all of the same hand? MATT: They are all of the same handwriting. In the cluster, there is one completely unrelated letter that talks about business ledgers and construction of the bridge. It appears to be a simple discussion on the future plans to construct the bridge. SAM: Is that in the same hand? MATT: It is in the same handwriting. SAM: And is it signed? MATT: It is signed a Lord Riskel Daxio. MARISHA: What! Who? Axio? TRAVIS and SAM: Riskel Daxio. MATT: Riskel Daxio. LAURA and MARISHA: We know him! MATT: Yep. LAURA: Who is he? MATT: He's on the Council of Tal'Dorei. LAURA: (gasps) Oh, motherfucker! He's a spy. MARISHA: He's our fucking spy! MATT: He's technically also the one that helped designate the construction of your keep and plotted the construction stuff-- LAURA: Oh no. SAM: He built our keep! MARISHA: He's the construction guy, he's like our head builder. LIAM: He could be spying on us around the keep. TALIESIN: He could have a secret entrance to our Keep that he built and didn't tell us. LAURA: Holy moly. SAM: As soon as I see that, I go down in a crouch and I shit-scry on our keep to see if it's still there. MARISHA: Oh my god, that's right, you did that! And I put an elemental there. It's babysitting. MATT: Yes, you did. MARISHA: Hopefully still there. 30 days. MATT: 30 days. Glancing within the kitchen, there doesn't appear to be much that catches your attention. TALIESIN: You shat in the kitchen? SAM: I put a mound of shit in a jar in the kitchen and I told them, don't clean it up. MATT: Like you do. SAM: You know. LAURA: Like you do. SAM: Thursdays. TRAVIS: I've got Anders in the fireplace, and I light the Firebrand War Hammer with the magic word, bacon, and I hit it and set him on fire. MATT: There was already a fire in the fireplace, but you just stoke it a little further, and pretty soon the delicious scent of burning human flesh fills the room. LAURA: Bacon? TRAVIS: Yeah, bacon. Did you not know that's what the word was? SAM: So everything's fine at the keep? MATT: At the time. SAM: At the time, okay. MATT: At least, there's nothing on fire, there's no screams, there's no movement. It just seems like the cold kitchen is untouched. SAM: Guys, my shit saw no movement. (laughter) LAURA: Good to know, Scanlan. TALIESIN: You've squeezed all you're going to be able to get out of that. TRAVIS: Percy. Can we get into the underground caverns from here? TALIESIN: Can I think of a way? I'm assuming I know a way to where this might be. MATT: As you have this conversation, a voice from the doorway rings out. "I can take you." You look over, and it's Cassandra. TALIESIN: She's going to take us. SAM: Is that your sister? TALIESIN: Apparently. MATT: She's currently now dressed in armor you've seen as ornamental before. It was armor that your mother trained in when she was young, but was unused for a long time. It seems to be serviceable; it's been updated and such. She slides a shortsword into a sheath at her side, and her hair is pulled back and tied off, and she looks at the rest of the room. "So are we ready?" TRAVIS: Let me see your neck. MATT: She steps up and lifts her chin up towards you. SAM: By the way, this is Grog. LIAM: I'm going to insight check as he does that. TALIESIN: These are my friends, by the way. TRAVIS: Do I see anything on her neck? MATT: No. It seems fine. There's no signs of any puncture wounds. Rolling? LIAM: It's a 15. MATT: Okay. She seems as determined as the rest of you. LAURA: All right. TALIESIN: Lead the way, sister. MATT: She turns around and she begins walking back down the hallway. LAURA: Can we expect any more traps that you're aware of? MATT: "That I'm aware of, no, but I'm certain that there may be. They know you're coming, it seems. "So be wary. Be careful. I'll take you to the undercroft." LIAM: Did we just have a short rest here? MATT: You did. LIAM: Going to heal up. SAM: Hey, Percival. Any chance you can load up one of Ripley's guns for me? TALIESIN: I don't know if it will actually-- I would have to probably train you in how to use it. SAM: Really? I've seen you use it. You just pull your finger on the finger part and the big boom part goes out. TALIESIN: It's a little more complicated than that, actually. SAM: Well, you have to point it at the thing you want to be boomed. MATT: He could use it, he just wouldn't be able to add his proficiency bonus to the attack rolls. TALIESIN: I'll load one for you. I'll give him her boomstick. MATT: Okay. You take it. You inspect it as you guys are walking along. TALIESIN: Just making sure it functions, too. MATT: It seems pretty functional. It's well-constructed, it's sleek. Your Pepperbox has a bit of flair to its design, this is your background. Hers is just streamlined, simple, much like the decor of her room when you saw it. She doesn't mess with anything fancy or unnecessary. The ammunition she does have are made specific to size to her pistol. They will not function for the Pepperbox, unfortunately. They will only work for the pistol. TALIESIN: Doing okay. Not doing great, but I'm doing okay. MATT: It does act as a pistol for rules-wise, which is on your sheet here, so yes, you would have that. LAURA: Do you want it? Just in case yours misfires? TALIESIN: I'll steal it back from him if I need, but it should be fine. SAM: I'd like to make an athletics check. Athletics. See if I can spin it around and put it in my pocket. LAURA: Wait, where did you get it? I had it in my belt. TALIESIN: No, if you have it. LAURA: I have it. SAM: Okay, give it to me. TALIESIN: Give it to him. MARISHA: Put your eye out. MATT: All right. Go ahead and roll dexterity, roll a d20, add your dexterity modifier. LIAM: Don't roll a one. TALIESIN: This is literally how she lost her hand. SAM: Wait, what's this? Why does it say plus four? LAURA: This music is awful as you're checking. MARISHA: Yeah, the violins plinking. SAM: Well, it's zero, but it says a big plus four next to it for some reason. MATT: I don't know. Add zero. What did you roll? SAM: It was 14. MATT: Okay. You manage to get it in there. Thankfully it's not loaded, because you feel the trigger go off. But there wasn't a bullet loaded, so it's like (click). TRAVIS: Yeah, we took out the ammunition. SAM: Okay, now give me a bullet. TRAVIS: Maybe don't do that. TALIESIN: I hand him the ammunition. I load four of them. SAM: Yeah! LAURA: Giving him a loaded gun? SAM: I'm a big boy. Well, I'm a little boy. But I'm a little big boy. LIAM: I would like to walk past Scanlan and grab it out of his hand. SAM: I will prevent him from doing that! MATT: Okay. MARISHA: You guys are fighting over a loaded gun. MATT: Sleight-of-hand check. Athletics check. LIAM: You go first. SAM: Is this a skill check? MATT: Yeah. Add your athletics to your roll. SAM: 17! LIAM: Shut up. 27. MATT: As you go to be, "No, what are you--" It's already gone. You don't even know where it went, you didn't see him take it, you just all of a sudden see it in his hand as he walks past you. LIAM: And I walk over to Cassandra. I don't give her the gun, I just say, you're Cassandra? MATT: "Yes." LIAM: I was at the door. He had a knife to your throat. He wanted you to say something to us. What did he want you to say? MATT: "He wanted me to shout for help. He wanted me to draw you in." LAURA: Can I insight check her to see if she's telling the truth? MATT: Yeah. LIAM: You've been living here. How did it come that he had a blade to your throat today? How did it all unravel? Have you been living here? LAURA: 24. MATT: 24. She's telling the truth. LAURA: Okay. That's good. MATT: "Well, after the arrows felled me-- I guess I should start at the beginning." And she's walking along with you guys as she's leading you down the stairs and down to the bottom floor. She doesn't look to you. She's still looking ahead, very intent. LAURA: I take that pistol back from you. MATT: "After the arrows felled me, I recovered. Father Reynal found me. Brought me from the brink "at the temple of Pelor outside of town. Things hadn't fallen quite that far back then. We had "more people in the city. At the time, the Briarwood rule was fresh and folks were eager to "speak out against what they had wrought on this city, the fall of the de Rolos. "We still thought they had fallen to plague, but through some unfortunate political business, they "had come to power, but we began to question it. I knew better. I told the truth once I'd recovered. "We began to build our first rebellion. Two years we built up the resistance before we made our "first move. They seemed to know exactly what we were plotting. Cut us off at every angle. "Couldn't see who it was who was giving up our information, but I knew it was close. But before I "had the opportunity, I was helming a group that was traveling to utilize the escape route that I "took you through when they first attacked. It was just after dusk, and Lord Briarwood was there "waiting for us in the forest. He slaughtered most of the men, but he recognized my face from the "dinner we had the night they took the castle. "They did not harm me, strangely. They treated me like a guest against my will, in my own house. I "seemed to ascertain that by keeping me there, having a member of the house within their grasp, "they could use that as leverage. I don't know. "Sylas, he had his charms, and there were many that worked beneath them against their own will. "It did not work on me. My hatred was too strong. So instead, they tried to provide me with wealth. "Power, here in Whitestone. I just took to reading and ignoring it all. I don't know why they kept me "around, but I wasn't going to question it if it gave me a chance to possibly undermine them." She grabs the side of her sword as you guys have now reached now down the long hallway towards the back of the castle. You know the direction she's taking you. It leads to the cellar, to the undercroft and the de Rolo mausoleum. "Three years of reading in that library. Father's library. Strategy. Tactics. Old lines of "information, as well as the myths and history of Whitestone. I found allies within the castle. I "contacted Yennen, and through him, Archibald, who helped me build the first rebellion. "Archibald still lives, Percy. He's been completely necessary for what we've built here." She looks down at her armor as you guys reach the edge of the cellar, and she pulls the door open quietly. There's wooden stairs that lead down into the cellar. She taps her armor. "This was "Mother's. It's good to know I'm not the only tomboy in the bloodline." Brushes the hair out of her face, and for the first time really looks at you with a smile since she first saw you. TALIESIN: (sighs) Can we do one thing before we go down into the cellar? This is the best day of my life, and I can't help but be suspicious. MATT: "I completely understand." TALIESIN: Is there any way to check if she's being controlled? TRAVIS: I was thinking the same thing. TALIESIN: Can we put your helmet on her? MATT: The only thing you really have seen work is the Greater Restoration spell you cast on Seeker Asum when you guys were with the Council of Tal'Dorei. That did seem to remove any sort of charm effects, if that's what you're asking. LAURA: We don't have that? MARISHA: I didn't learn it. Not for today. I thought Pike's magic would hold up. TRAVIS: I can try and jog her memory. MATT: "What can I do to make you trust me?" SAM: Punch her in the face? TALIESIN: I do trust you. That's the problem. MATT: She smiles a little. "Whatever you need." TALIESIN: I've got nothing. (sighs) MATT: Does anyone have any creative means with which they would want to check? TALIESIN: What would happen if we put your helmet on her? MARISHA: If she's already controlled-- TALIESIN: This would disrupt it, maybe. MARISHA: We could try it. It doesn't hurt to put a hat on. LAURA: It has to be attuned over a short rest, though. MARISHA: It does. TALIESIN: Does the hat need to be attuned over a short rest? MATT: In theory. LIAM: I want to suggest something to you. We rest here for a half hour, and I give this to you. This came from a very strange creature. It will help you resist any control, if there is any control, and one of us-- you could even choose-- could strike you and try to take you out of it, and if you are not being controlled, then you are being struck across the face, and I'm sorry for that, but if you are, there's a possibility we'd pull you out. I know that would hurt, but it would go a long way to earn our trust. MATT: "If that's what it takes." She takes it from your hand and inspects it for a second. "Shoddy "craftsmanship." Places it on her head, and it's a little big at first, then it conforms to her head. LIAM: Your choice. MATT: She sits down a couple of steps deeper into the cellar. Curls around a corner; ushers you all over into the shadows. MARISHA: Can I see, before we leave, are we near any windows? MATT: From this location? No. All the windows that would be here would face out into the north side of Whitestone, which is forested. MARISHA: Backyard? MATT: You guys are on the north side of the castle now. The city is south from you. MARISHA: All right. MATT: So you take a moment and sit. While you guys are waiting, she takes a moment. She's adjusting it and feeling it and inspecting her hands. (sighs) "I don't feel any different. "While we wait--" LIAM: What if the little one struck you? SAM: Struck her? LAURA: Give it some time. MATT: She gives a wry grin. "Whatever you choose." SAM: I could try to tell if she's evil or not. Would that help? LAURA: Yeah. LIAM: I don't know. I don't think she's evil. She could be a puppet. MARISHA: Can I try this? This is a long shot. My-- actually, our fey ancestry, from being half-elves. We're immune to charm effects. Or we have resistance. LIAM: Resistant to it. MARISHA: Advantage against saves. Since we have that, can we use our fey ancestry, the three of us, to tap into her and see if we can detect a charm? MATT: Your resistance doesn't make you attuned to it. Unfortunately, it's just a natural ability that's inherent. Her being human, there's not a way to really correlate with that. I mean, you've read over her a few times, doing insight checks. TALIESIN: Wait, it was Greater Restoration? MARISHA and LAURA: Yeah. TALIESIN: Ah! SAM: You have that? TALIESIN: I have a potion. This should solve all of our problems. SAM: Or you could save that for when one of us becomes a vampire. TALIESIN: No, it will be-- And I'm pulling out a potion bottle. This is if you are controlled. This could fix it. MATT: She puts her hand out. Her leather glove's pulled over it now. You've never seen her militant before, and it's a really interesting visual to you. TALIESIN: I look at her. MATT: She drinks the potion. Whole thing down. (coughs) TALIESIN: That was actually a minor healing potion. I was just seeing if you did it intentionally. (laughter) MATT: She gives a wry grin and wipes her mouth. "I thought I recognized that terrible earthy taste." She tosses the crystal decanter to you. LIAM: Clever boy. MATT: "Huh. You always were the clever one." TALIESIN: I figured it was worth a shot. Best we're going to do. SAM: Am I supposed to punch her in the face now? LIAM: No. MATT: "Do you need this thing?" LIAM: I'll take it back, yeah. MATT: She hands it back to you. TALIESIN: All right. MATT: There's a fascination she has with her armor. "I've not been able to wear this before. It "feels good to have something close to Mother." TALIESIN: It's been a long time. (sighs) MATT: "Simon repaired it for me when he was working here. I haven't seen him in a while. I'm "worried." TALIESIN: Let's go down and take care of this. Cass? MATT: She leads you down through the cellar-- MARISHA: Wait, hang on. Before we enter: it's safe to assume they know we're coming, correct? SAM: If they're there. LAURA: Yeah. TALIESIN: Yeah. LIAM: Better safe than sorry. SAM: Can I ask Cassandra-- MATT: You can ask her anything you'd like. SAM: Are the Briarwoods going to be down there? Are they here? MATT: She goes, "I have no confirmation of it, but they spend most of their time down here. They're "preparing for something." LIAM: Have you ever been down here? MATT: "I'm not allowed down here, by their orders, but I've snuck down a few times out of curiosity. "I've only gotten so far before I had to return, but I've made it through the undercroft, through "most of the tunnels, and I've gotten to the distillery, and that's about as far as I've "gotten. But I've followed them down here, and they usually come with a group of guards, "four or five strong." LAURA: All right. TRAVIS: Are there sentries? Can we expect to find traps, lookouts? MATT: "It's definitely a possibility, so move quietly. Be careful." LAURA: What is Lady Briarwood? MATT: "What is Lady Briarwood? She's a wicked beast of a creature, is what she is. I'd use less "savory words, but my brother's here." TALIESIN: There's a first time for everything, I suppose. MATT: As she leads you guys down the stairs towards the undercroft, she goes, "She's not like "her husband. That I know. As far as I can tell, she's human, but she has a very powerful control "over life and death. She's a practitioner of the arcane, definitely, but her focus seems to be "necromancy on a wide scale. And while Delilah and Sylas are man and wife, they speak of another." SAM: They speak of another? LAURA: The guy that they're trying to bring back. MATT: "It's as if a third party completes their union." SAM: Oh, this is the king that will rise again? MATT: "They don't say any names. They refer to him as 'him' or 'The Whispered One.' No reference "beyond that." LAURA: (gasps) SAM: What? LAURA: (whispering) What if it's the guy in Percy? SAM: What if it's what? TALIESIN: I'm having that thought, as well. LAURA: Percy's smoke monster. SAM: Oh shit. MARISHA: Oh boy. LIAM: He's playing both sides, possibly, Percival. SAM: Oh, another question for Cassandra. The duke, Negmeyer? Vegmeyer? Venkman? TALIESIN and MARISHA: Quagmire. MATT: "Vedmeyer, yes." SAM: Vedmeyer. Have you seen him around the castle today, or recently? MATT: "I've only seen him in the castle maybe three times since we've been here." SAM: Because Grog? He's a goliath. TRAVIS: He's-- wait, what? SAM: He's a big goliath, so if he's here, you should just, you know-- TRAVIS: How did you see him? SAM: Oh, when I was a dinosaur and I burned down a house and killed a bunch of people... TALIESIN: That's a series of words that I know individually, but he strings them together in ways that don't make any sense. SAM: I wouldn't say fought, because I beat him really easily, and then I ran away. TRAVIS: Oh, you killed him? SAM: No, I just pushed him off a building, then I thought that was enough for the day, so I went home. MATT: Cassandra looks over her shoulder at this. "It's a shame you're not as tall as your tales, "small one." SAM: Well, thank you. I'll take that as a compliment. TALIESIN: No! SAM: Don't worry. MARISHA: (laughing) No. (laughter) SAM: Before we cross the precipice into this-- what is it, undercroft? MATT: Undercroft she was referring to, yes. SAM: Percival, we all have fought with you this whole time, and you know that we have your back and that we're with you in this 100 percent. But I'd like our enemies to know that, as well, so with your permission, I will cast Seeming on all of us. And I make the girls look like Cassandra, and the boys look like Percy. So I give us all the gray hair. TALIESIN: You crazy motherfucker! SAM: And if possible, I'd like to emblazon the sign of the rebellion on our chests in sort of an awesome Superman glowing thing. MATT: With a flicker of Scanlan's arcane mastery, all of you form into a small battalion of Percys and Cassandras. LIAM: Is he a big Percy? MATT: He would have to be, yeah, because he still stays similar to his actual size, so if Percy was a little thicker and a little taller-- MARISHA: Percy's been hitting the 'roids. MATT: Yep. LAURA: What is Trinket? SAM: A bear with two streaks of white hair. (all laugh) LAURA: And he's wearing little circle glasses. SAM: Yeah, with the little glasses. We are all de Rolos today. MARISHA: He's a Hello Trinket! TALIESIN: Hello Trinket? MARISHA: Hello Trinket. MATT: Cassandra looks around very confused for a second. "Curious, yes." MARISHA: But abrasive. Right? You're put off by it, so it works. It's working. SAM: Possibly confused. TALIESIN: Abrasiveness is his most powerful weapon. MATT: "So I'm beginning to see. Well, then." She pulls her shortsword out. "Shall we?" LAURA: Are we going in to fight now? TRAVIS: We're going into the cavern. LAURA: I'm stealthing. MATT: "As are we all." Everyone roll stealth checks. LAURA: Should I cast Pass Without a Trace? Yeah, I'm going to use Pass Without a Trace, because I don't have a lot of 2nd-level spells. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: Oh yeah. Please. MATT: Plus ten. LAURA: Yeah, plus ten to your stealth. SAM: Oh, really? LAURA: Yeah. TALIESIN: Thank god. TRAVIS: Boom! LAURA: Natural 20! LIAM: You're welcome. TRAVIS: 26. Natural 20. LIAM: 30. Natural 20. LAURA: Oh, natural 20. MATT: 30, plus whatever your bonus is. LIAM: That's with the bonus. MATT: I thought you rolled a natural 20? LAURA: That's 29, that's 39. MATT: Oh, you? LAURA: 39 for me. MATT: 39? Your sister just out-stealthed you. LIAM: I gave her my fucking cloak, Matt. SAM: Do we all get plus ten? TALIESIN: Yeah. SAM: Oh, then 29. MARISHA: 28. TALIESIN: 21. MATT: You all (whoosh) vanish. MARISHA: Before we go in, I go, Vax? LAURA: How do you know it's him? MATT: Solid point. MARISHA: Vax? SAM: Yes, it's me. TALIESIN: Yes, Keyleth? MARISHA: Vax? (laughter) SAM: Yes, it's me, Vax. What do you need? It's me. LIAM: Kiki, I'm over here. MARISHA: Goddamn it, Scanlan! LAURA: This is really creepy because it's brother and sister talking to each other right now. It looks like Percival and Cassandra. MATT: She's very uncomfortable right now, by the way. TALIESIN: Is there anybody who is not made uncomfortable by this? MARISHA: This was supposed to be a passing comment, and it's turned into a thing. (laughs) Be careful. TALIESIN: Of course, Keyleth. LAURA: He will be. MARISHA: God damn it! I can't do this anymore. TALIESIN: Carry on. MARISHA: Just go. Let's go. Can we go? SAM: Sister Vex? Do you mind giving me that gun again? MARISHA: Shut up, Scanlan. TALIESIN: It will be no problem at all. LAURA: No, you can't have it. SAM: Why, because I'm three feet tall? LAURA: Because I want it. LIAM: (imitating Grog) Is this the body-switching episode? TALIESIN: Right. SAM: Let's go. TALIESIN: Let's go. MATT: Continuing down, a long set of whitestone-constructed stairs descend for about 45 feet before they level off into the de Rolo mausoleum. A long hallway continues forward that contains two ten-by-ten stone structures that contain the entombed bodies of previous generations of de Rolos, with six passages-- three on each side-- that split off of this main hallway that contain their own stone-encapsulated corpses. This is a place of silent prayer and showing appreciation for the previous families. Not all of them are full, and there were extensions planned as the family grew, but the first thing you notice is all of the tomb doors are open. Is anyone holding a torch light source, going through this? LAURA: He's got his flaming war hammer. MARISHA: Yeah, and I'll light up my hands. TALIESIN: I think I still have a torch, actually. MATT: Have you been carrying it with you throughout this? TALIESIN: Yeah. MATT: Okay. LIAM: Dagger. MATT: Okay, so you have enough light sources to keep a general idea of what's going on, and I know a lot of you guys have darkvision, too, so you have a pretty decent range. What's the marching order here, guys? Just so I know, continuing down this path. SAM: We'll go Percy, Cassandra, Cassandra, Percy, Percy, Percy, Percy, Cassandra. MARISHA: Boy girl, boy girl, boy girl. LAURA: I'm going to perception ahead, so I'll be towards the front. MATT: Towards the front? LIAM: How about Grog in second place? You big sponge. MATT: Is Trinket staying with you or staying in back? LAURA: He's going to stay further back. MARISHA: Put me in a happy middle. MATT: Grog's second. Keyleth is, you said, in the middle? SAM: She's lucky Pierre. MATT: All right, the rest of you guys? LAURA: Trinket's staying close to Scanlan. MATT: Okay. Scanlan, you staying towards the back? SAM: I guess so. MATT: All right. Percy and Vax? LIAM: I'll be behind Grog, as well. TALIESIN: So I'll be in the back with my sister. MATT: All right, and this is Cassandra. LAURA: Oh no. She's so drunk. MATT: Okay, so it's like a flying V formation you guys are pushing in here. TALIESIN: Go home, de Rolo, you're drunk. MATT: All right, so. You progress through the undercroft as quietly as possible. You notice as you get past the first section, you look to your right and left and the inside of these small like cubby offshoots that contain these separate ten by ten stone tombs. The walls have shelves burrowed into it, in which there are urns and small gems and offerings-- things that were buried alongside the family members as part of a remembrance. LIAM and LAURA: (make snatching noises) MATT: Yeah, no. Don't go Skyrim on me. TALIESIN: Yeah. Not fun. MATT: Once again, you see the doors are open, and from what you can tell, the stone lids on the tombs are pulled off and to the side. Across the way, as you move towards the center of the room to the second set of openings, you can see the far wall which, the room ends in the far side, but there is about a 15, 20-foot wide and about a ten to 15-foot tall hole burrowed into the far wall. And the closer you get, you see large piles of dirt that fill one side of the room were put off to the side as if pieces of this dig were discarded and there is a trail of dirt across the ground that appears to have not been very well cleaned to show that dirt was being moved in and out of this area. You also see, as you push two-thirds into the room, broken pieces of whitestone that had been carved into what looks like parts of walls or pillars. Support things that failed in their construction and just broke and were tossed and discarded to the side. Make a perception check. MARISHA: Oh! TALIESIN: Oh! Natural 20. SAM: Jesus. TRAVIS: What the flipping fuck, man. TALIESIN: I had a one today. MATT: A one. TRAVIS: And four 20s. TALIESIN: I had a one. MATT: One of you Critters out there has to get Taliesin a really, really pretty new d20 that he has to use going forward. TALIESIN: That's MATT: Not that one! (laughter) MATT: All right. So what did you get? MARISHA: 29. SAM: 12. LIAM: 26. LAURA: I don't remember. It wasn't very good. MATT: Okay. TRAVIS: 13. MATT: Okay. Those of you with about 25 or above, you glance and you find two of these slivers of this material you don't recognize and part of this broken stone. It's like a dark green glass. About a half an inch to an inch thick in slivers. You only find a small scattering few, and it has a grainy texture to it, and you take a look at it, and it's transparent. You can see shapes through it, but it's opaque enough to the point where it distorts a little bit of the visual and color behind it. MARISHA: Can I do a nature check on this? Is this similar to the broken glass that I collected before? MATT: Which broken glass you collected before? MARISHA: I don't know. I just have broken glass shards. TRAVIS: I feel like that was the red stones or something from before. MARISHA: I feel like there was some sort of-- TALIESIN: There was that sea of glass. MARISHA: Yeah, we were in some cavern. MATT: Oh, the sea of bone and glass? Okay. Yeah, it is not similar to that, no. However, those who are trained in arcana, you can go ahead and make an arcana roll. LAURA: Trained in arcana? MATT: Trained in arcana. LAURA: How do you know if you're trained in arcana? TRAVIS: Negative two. MATT: You would have filled in, if you have a proficiency. SAM: The dot? TALIESIN: The dot. LAURA: Oh. SAM: Oh. 11. MATT: You have really no idea what this glass is. LIAM: I grab it back. MATT: Okay. SAM: That was just me? I'm the only arcana-trained person here? LAURA: That's it? SAM: Wow. Sorry, guys. Sorry. MARISHA: Can I try a nature check on it? MATT: Sure. MARISHA: He's like, "It's not going to tell you shit, but sure." 15? MATT: It's glass. Most glass you understand is designed by usually sand or other materials that at a high temperature or some sort of process is melted and fused. MARISHA: So it's manufactured. MATT: It appears to be, or naturally occurred, and the structure of it has this bumpy, wavy-- it's not like smooth glass. MARISHA: Like when lightning hits sand? MATT: Kind of. But you're not sure what it actually is. LAURA: I wonder if this was holding that acid. TALIESIN: I wonder if something very, very hot... MARISHA: I'm wondering if it's a symptom of something. SAM: When they burn the whitestone with the acid or something? LAURA: Do I see any recent tracks around here? Does it look like people came down here? MATT: Make a survival check with advantage because you're a crazy ranger tracker. LAURA: 13. MATT: You see tracks here and there, some fresher than others. Yeah. LIAM: How many of us found this? MATT: Well, two of you saw it. LIAM: I've got one. MATT: Yeah, you've got one piece. LIAM: And Percy's got the other? MATT: Second piece, yeah. SAM: You want to burn one? LIAM: I walk away from the group all the way to the back, and I take it-- MATT: To where you came from? LIAM: Yeah, towards where we came from. What's behind us? Is it just tunnel back that way? MATT: You mean on that path you're going? LIAM: Yeah, I push through the back of the group to the back. MATT: Okay. LIAM: What's behind us? MATT: Where you just came from is the stairs that lead up to the castle. LIAM: I was going to throw it, but... TRAVIS: I see Vex looking around. Can I look for tracks as well? I'm proficient in survival, and I never use it. MATT: Sure. TRAVIS: Natural 20! I swear to god. MATT: While you sit there inspecting the dirt-- LAURA: It looks like there's some tracks here, but I don't know what it's saying. MATT: Grog, you immediately see a cluster of recent footprints, probably a day old at most, that lead in towards the tunnel. Looks like the prints are of seven individuals. Feet are fairly wide, masculine and heavy in step. One gait appears to be smaller, thinner, and more feminine. TRAVIS: How many tombs are open around us? MATT: Eight total in this room. TRAVIS: Should we check the tombs? LAURA: They're already open and empty. SAM: They're open and empty. MATT: You all make a perception check. MARISHA: All of us? SAM: Ten. MARISHA: 28. TALIESIN: 25. LIAM: 20. LAURA: 11. TRAVIS: 18. MATT: Okay, 20 and above that'd be just you two? LIAM: 20. MATT: Oh, yeah, three. All right, so you three, you notice the temperature drop ever so slightly in the room and in the darkened shadow. you look around and you see what appears to be some sort of ethereal mass drifting away. TALIESIN: Damn it! MARISHA: God damn it! Here we go again. LIAM: We've got company. MATT: There's one round that you three get to act. The rest of you have a surprise round right now. MARISHA: What kind of mist? SAM: Bad deadly ghost mist. MARISHA: What kind of mist? SAM: A miasma. MATT: Grog and Vex are out here checking this. You guys are back here. Keyleth is here. Vax, you're back here. Trinket's up with you, and Scanlan you're-- SAM: I was in the back. MATT: So you're over here with these guys. You see one drifts out from this side, another drifts out from this side, and another drifts in from this side. MARISHA: Undead ghoulie guys? LIAM: Ghosts. Wraiths. MARISHA: Wraiths? MATT: There is a cold chill that runs down the spine of Keyleth and Vax, as they've encountered enemies similar to this in the past. MARISHA: It's that fucking shit that turned us. MATT: All right, let's roll some initiatives. TRAVIS: Just those three, right? MATT: Just those three. TALIESIN: I feel like an asshole. MARISHA: Shut the fuck up! TALIESIN: I feel like an asshole. MARISHA: Get out! TALIESIN: I'm changing dice. This is bullshit. MATT: Yeah, I'm banning that d20 for the rest of the game. TALIESIN: I'm changing dice. MARISHA: It makes no sense. Yes! It's a hollow die. TALIESIN: It's a hollow die. There's nothing to be weighted on it. It's a wiffle die. MARISHA: And I rolled a one! MATT: So it's just you. Okay, so! Initiatives. TALIESIN: 28. MATT: (giggles) Okay. MARISHA: 14. MATT: Okay. LIAM: 15. TALIESIN: Thank you for that. MARISHA: (laughing) I can't believe I did that. Rolled a one on it. MATT: All right. Percy, you're up first. You glance around, and you can see the two entities going (hiss) towards you, towards Keyleth, and you glance over your shoulder and see one drifting out of the distance towards Vax. TALIESIN: I yell, "Look out!" And I take several steps toward Vax. MATT: To there? TALIESIN: Actually, on the other side of the pillar so I can actually see the one that's getting towards him. MATT: There? TALIESIN: Yeah. MATT: You won't be able to see this one, just those. This one actually will block your view to that one. These are about ten feet tall. These are the little sections here, so right now, you would be able to see these two here and barely see this one. It would have three-quarters cover. Which you ignore, with Sharpshooter. TALIESIN: I know. I want to back up into that corner, though, just to get away from them. MATT: Over here? TALIESIN: Yeah. MATT: Okay, so you can see one of them right now. TALIESIN: I'll take-- fuck. Yep, screw it. I'll take shots with the Pepperbox. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: I'll take my first shot. MATT: Go for it. TALIESIN: That can't be right. Just checking. 20. Natural 20. MATT: Okay. LAURA: With a different dice? TALIESIN: With a different die. Of course, with a different die. MARISHA: Shut the fuck up! TRAVIS: Who are you? TALIESIN: I'm the devil. I am the devil, and I have come to do the devil's work. MATT: So all of you who are going to conventions to meet Taliesin in the future, make sure you get a nice long hold of his hand so you can roll better, too. TRAVIS: Yeah, would you touch my dice? TALIESIN: I will lick your die, because that is how I bless them. MATT: All right, so that's your first attack. Second attack? TALIESIN: First attack. MATT: Both at the same guy? TALIESIN: Yeah, all against the same guy. MATT: Okay. Go for it. TALIESIN: First attack is 22 points of damage. MATT: Okay, is this with the element, or not? TALIESIN: No, no element. MATT: Okay. You fire. Just passes through it with no effect. MARISHA: Yeah, fucking misty dudes. TRAVIS: What? MARISHA: Damn misty dudes. I'm mocking them. TALIESIN: I spin. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: Shoot with fire. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: What the fuck?! MARISHA: Get out! MATT: Take a picture. Take a picture right now. TALIESIN: Taking a picture. MARISHA: Get out! You're the anti-Wheaton. SAM: He's had, like, eight tonight. MARISHA: How many is that? TALIESIN: I don't know! MARISHA: CritRoleStats, how many is that? Tell us! I know you've been counting. LAURA: Ridiculous. SAM: Go to Vegas! TALIESIN: I'll put it on Instagram later. MARISHA: Go to Vegas! LAURA: Yeah. TALIESIN: I go to Vegas. I don't gamble! LAURA: We need to go. MATT: You need to go find the D&D casino. SAM: D&D casino? MATT: D&D casino. Make it happen, guys. I know one of you can. TALIESIN: All right. MATT: So which one is this? TALIESIN: This is fire elemental. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: That's 14 points of damage, plus three damage of fire. MATT: That's including crit damage? TALIESIN: Including the crit damage. I rolled really poorly on my damage. MATT: Okay, so this one, the bullet does (impact noise) hit its form with a burst of flame, the bullet converted to magical due to the nature of the chamber. You can see its form (raspy cry). It disperses for a second and then re-forms, continuing its movement. TALIESIN: We need magic! I'm taking my last shot. MATT: Okay. MARISHA: That was seven, by the way. Seven 20s this game. MATT: That's stupid. TALIESIN: Okay, see? That's better. 15. MATT: 15 does hit. TALIESIN: All right. They're easy to hit, at least. That's such a shitty roll. 12 points of ice damage. MATT: Okay. The ice shot (gunshot) tears through it, doing additional damage. You see part of its form crystallize from the little bit of ectoplasm that's floating in the air, but it's not enough to actually disperse its form. It continues pushing forward. You would have to reload to use those again. TALIESIN: Yeah, I'm out. MATT: Okay, that ends your turn. It's now their go. This one drifts forward to Keyleth. This one drifts forward to Grog. MARISHA: That's with our surprise round? You said we have a surprise round. MATT: No, you guys were aware. Everyone else is surprised. MARISHA: Oh, we're the only three that aren't surprised. Oh, that sucks. MATT: So. Unless you do anything against surprise? TRAVIS: Not unless I'm raging. MATT: That's true. All right. Keyleth, I need you to make a constitution saving throw. Sorry, no, a charisma saving throw. MARISHA: A charisma saving throw? That's not great. And no saving throw bonuses, okay, so that's ten? LIAM: (quietly) Oh, she's gone. MARISHA: We've been here before. MATT: Did you roll already? MARISHA: I did. MATT: What did you get? MARISHA: Ten. MATT: Ten. Okay. The ghost reaches out and embraces Keyleth. It disappears into her form and she shivers for a second, and it is no longer visible. LAURA: Oh, he's taken over her body? MATT: Keyleth's eyes all of a sudden flare up with a ghostly blue glow, and she turns around, looking at the group with a hunger you haven't seen in her eyes. For those who see it, as well-- I should have made this happen before-- I need you guys to immediately after seeing these ghosts make a wisdom saving throw. TALIESIN: What for? SAM: Everyone? MATT: No, just the ones that see it. LAURA: We're all immune to fear because of the feast. MATT: That's right, so never mind. That doesn't matter. SAM: (laughs) Yeah! MATT: Good reminding. So I was right, then. I didn't forget anything! All right, charisma saving throw? LIAM: Charisma saving throw? MATT: Correct. LIAM: Okay. MARISHA: This isn't a charm thing? MATT: And Grog, charisma saving throw. LAURA: Is this charm? MATT: Nope. This is not a charm. LIAM: Okay, so a 12 for me. Am I caught, as well? SAM: 12? MATT: 12? LIAM: Yeah. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: God damn it. SAM: That was your last Luck, too. LIAM: No, that's two, isn't it? MARISHA: You did two. LAURA: We're going to die! TRAVIS: Grog is batting for the other team. MATT: What did you roll? TRAVIS: Four. LAURA: (muffled) We don't even have a cleric with us! SAM: Wait, this is against charisma? LAURA and MARISHA: Yeah. SAM: Jesus. MATT: And with that, three of your teammates turn around, their eyes intensely glowing with some sort of a weird ghostly glow. MARISHA: Three v three, man. Battle royale. Let's do this. TALIESIN: Oh god. SAM: Wait, we have to fight them? MARISHA: He's going to call it at eight. He's going to call it. MATT: Everyone else roll initiative. SAM: We have to fight them. How is that going to happen? TALIESIN: This is going to go so poorly. TRAVIS: Not us. Not the possessed ones, right? MATT: No, you guys are already on the initiative. Oh, no. Grog, you still do. TRAVIS: I still roll initiative? MATT: Yeah, for yourself. LAURA: What? TRAVIS: I'm possessed, though. TALIESIN: Roll your initiative. LIAM: What just happened? LAURA: You have to roll initiative to see when you attack all of us. MATT: Yeah. TRAVIS: Well, then it's good it was a one. MATT: (laughs) Okay. MARISHA: Do we roll initiative, too? We're re-rolling initiative, the three of us? MATT: Everyone who hasn't rolled yet rolls now. MARISHA: Oh. SAM: 15. MATT: 15. Okay. TRAVIS: Unless I have to roll with advantage. SAM: Do you have to roll with advantage? MATT: Technically, you would, yeah. TRAVIS: Two. MATT: All right, and what did you get? LAURA: 13. MATT: 13. All right. Percy, you're up first. MARISHA: Help us! TALIESIN: I don't know what to do. LAURA: We don't have a cleric! SAM: You have-- ugh. MARISHA: I think you guys-- SAM: No, it's up to us to figure out, right? LAURA: He cast Turn Undead. We don't have that. MARISHA: Was that when Kashaw was here? LAURA: Yeah. MARISHA: That was Kashaw. Yeah, he cast Turn Undead. TRAVIS: Awesome. He's not here right now. What are you going to do? TALIESIN: Okay! What are we going to do? MATT: What are you going to do? TALIESIN: (sighs) All right, who's the most dangerous? TRAVIS: Does Cassandra have any-- TALIESIN: That's my first action. I'm going to use my bonus action to turn to my sister and go, what the hell do we do? MATT: She looks at you, a little bit frustrated. MARISHA: Please tell me she trained in cleric. Please tell me she multiclassed. MATT: She looks about, annoyed, and goes, "I'm sorry. I'm not a holy woman. I have no symbols. I "have no power. I have nothing. Let's see what we can do." TALIESIN: All right. I'm-- MARISHA: You guys have that holy water, right? TALIESIN: I'm backing up. I'm going to do my best to back up into the tomb right here. MATT: Right there? TALIESIN: Keep going to my right until the drop-off behind me, and I'm going to back up into the tomb. MATT: Okay. Into there? TALIESIN: No, up. Towards you; the other side. MATT: There we go. TALIESIN: There we go. I'm putting my back against the wall. MATT: Okay, so you're up against the stone? TALIESIN: I mean that column. MARISHA: Take the damn laser pointer. TALIESIN: Yeah, there. MATT: There you go. TALIESIN: Yeah! MATT: All right. TALIESIN: I'm unloading two shots. I'm reloading and unloading two magical shots at Vax. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: I'm going to burn some fucking points. What am I going to do? SAM: We're fucked! TRAVIS: Do your worst. TALIESIN: First shot-- fuck it, I'm using the old die. I've already rolled two 20s on that one. First shot, I'm shooting to get Vax to drop his knives. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: Burning a grit point to drop his knife. MARISHA: Good idea! MATT: He has two, so you only knock-- TALIESIN: One of them out of his hand. The one that doesn't auto-return. LIAM: They all do. TALIESIN: They all do? LIAM: Yeah. MATT: That crazy belt, man. TALIESIN: Shooting him in the face. Fuck it. And my gun jams. You did that! MARISHA: I touched it. I'm sorry! MATT: (laughs) You turn around and holding your gun out at Vax, even with this ghostly form, it's so hard to do so, and you close your eyes for a second and you pull the trigger, and in a weird way you're both immediately distraught and at the same time relieved that the gun jammed. (mechanical noise) TALIESIN: (frustrated noise) MATT: So that's your turn. TALIESIN: Yep. MATT: All right. Vax, you're up first. The ghost drives you to turn up to him as he's trying to fix the gun. Daggers out. Go ahead and make your two attacks against him. No sneak attack damage. LIAM: The first was a 13. The second was a 22. MATT: Pretty sure the 22 hits. TALIESIN: 22 hits. MATT: Okay. Go ahead and roll damage against Percy. LIAM: Eight. MATT: All right, so you take eight points of piercing damage. You feel the blade (pained cry) pierce into the side. It doesn't get too far in, but you haven't been on the receiving end of his daggers before, and it's not fun seeing what they do to others. All right, at the end of your turn, I want you to make a religion check. SAM: Check? TALIESIN: Oh yeah! MARISHA: Come on. TALIESIN: Magic fingers. LAURA: Magic glove. MARISHA: Do you want Taliesin to lick it? LIAM: 18. MATT: 18? That gentle glow left behind, that slight sliver of Pike's essence that went into your symbol of Sarenrae, flares for a second. It flares again, and for a moment, in your head, in which darkness has taken your vision, you feel your body moving on its own, but you have no control. You hear Pike's voice whisper in your ear from a distance. It says, "Vax? It's okay." At which point, suddenly you feel the coldness sucked out from you. The symbol flares for a second, and the ghost is thrust out of your form. MARISHA: (excited shout) TALIESIN: Yeah! MATT: That is your turn, however. All right. Scanlan, you're up. SAM: I read my Scroll of Spirit Guardians. I call them forth to protect us in this moment. TALIESIN: Treguna mekoides-- SAM: Hakuna matata. TALIESIN: Trecorum satis dee. SAM: I don't know how this works. (laughter) MATT: That's okay. SAM: (silly voice) They attack bad things around me, and they don't like bad things, so I thought maybe that would be good. (laughter) SAM: Spirit Guardians. The thing I bought from Gilmore. Right? Didn't I buy the Scroll of Spirit Guardians? LAURA: Yeah, you did. SAM: They attack anything evil within 15 feet of me. MATT: Indeed. SAM: Necrotic damage. MATT: There we go: Spirit Guardians. So you call forth spirits to protect you for the duration, for up to ten minutes. Your alignment is...? SAM: Good? MATT: Good, yeah. SAM: Good-ish. Sort of devious good. MATT: Okay, so here's what you do. You actually use this to create these guardians-- this spell hasn't been used, either. To a distance of 15 feet. You have to choose things within 15 feet of you, so you have these two right here. SAM: They're both within 15 feet of me, aren't they? MATT: So, these guys. Their speed is halved. SAM: When they take their turn, they get 3d8 damage. MATT: Yeah. SAM: It's a very confusing spell. MATT: Yeah, when they move within 15 feet of you, their speed is halved, and at the start or when they enter the area, they make a wisdom saving throw or take radiant damage. SAM: Is that now or when they move? MATT: That will be at the end of their turn. TALIESIN: Yay, radiant damage. That's awesome. SAM: I know. TALIESIN: You made a good call. TRAVIS: Nice, dude. MATT: All right. Does that end your turn? SAM: Do I get a bonus action? MATT: You get a bonus action, yes. SAM: Okay. Who's not undead right now? You? I've already inspired you once. Sure, I'll inspire you again. I've got nothing. This time, I'll just go, (harmonica noises). LAURA: I feel really inspired. MATT: Take the lamest d10 you've ever accepted, because harmonica's not your favorite instrument. All righty. Great. That brings us to Keyleth's turn. TALIESIN: (squeaking noise) MARISHA: Did you just squeak? TALIESIN: Maybe. You don't know. Shut up! MATT: So it turns towards Scanlan, having cast that, and you make a staff attack against him. MARISHA: (grunts) SAM: I do a little doo-wop. (vocalizes) And that's my Cutting Words to try to distract her from her attack. MATT: Okay. Go for it. MARISHA: I rolled a 19. SAM: Do I roll now? MATT: Yeah, you roll a d10 and subtract that from her attack. MARISHA: I rolled a 19. SAM: Two. MATT: So it's a 17. MARISHA: What's your AC? SAM: I have a 17 armor class. MATT: Roll damage. SAM: Oh, wait! No, that's a ten. That's right. MARISHA: It's not a lot of damage, I promise. Oh, see? Even better. Four damage. SAM: Oh. I shouldn't have even wasted it. TALIESIN: It's "ow." LAURA: It's just your little staff? SAM: You're adorable. MARISHA: I'm still doing my granny routine. MATT: Okay, now it has to make a wisdom saving throw, which it succeeds. It still takes half as much damage, so roll 3d8. SAM: Who, me? MATT: Yes. SAM: Oh. Yes. Of course I will. I will do that right now with these d8s that I have. 12. MATT: Okay. All righty. So this burst of radiant energy burns around her. You take 12 points of radiant damage. MARISHA: 12 points? MATT: Yep. Vex, you're up. LAURA: All right. MATT: You see Grog turn to you with this wicked grin on his face, eyes glowing a pale whitish-blue as he brings the hammer up in the air. LAURA: Oh god! Am I close by him? MATT: You are. You're right next to him. LAURA: I'm right next to him? MATT: You're right there. LAURA: Oh no! I back away from him. He's going to get an attack on me. MATT: Yep. LAURA: But I really needed to put some distance there. MATT: Make an attack of opportunity. LAURA: Wait! Okay, that's good. TRAVIS: 13. LAURA: You don't hit me! MATT: Whiff. (impact noise) The hammer hits the side of the stonework, cracking it a little. TALIESIN: Oh, that's my mausoleum. MATT: What are you doing, Vex? LAURA: I'm going to have Trinket-- is he lined up with anybody? MATT: Just Keyleth right now. LAURA: He can't cannonball through to Grog and Keyleth? MATT: He can, but he'll hit Scanlan, as well. LAURA: Can you dodge, Scanlan? SAM: We'll see. Let's do this. I always loved that bear. LAURA: Right! You deserve it. He's doing it. MATT: We'll say Trinket backs up a little bit to get enough room on it. Keyleth, swing an attack. MARISHA: Oh, to Trinket? MATT: Yeah. Trinket has to get enough distance to actually build up momentum. MARISHA: Oh, I think that hits. 20 total? MATT: 20 total is exactly the AC. Roll damage for Trinket. MARISHA: It's okay. It's not a lot. Nine? MATT: Trinket takes nine points of bludgeoning damage from the staff. LAURA: Halved? MATT: Right, yeah, because it's bludgeoning, so five points. Trinket then rolls forward, (thudding noises). Roll attacks on Grog, Scanlan, and Keyleth. MARISHA: Trinket bowling. LAURA: Eight plus 16 is 24. MATT: For who? Keyleth, Scanlan, and Grog. LAURA: Okay, so Keyleth is 24. MARISHA: Hits. LAURA: Scanlan is 18. SAM: Hits. LAURA: And Grog is 18. TRAVIS: Misses. LAURA: No, Grog is 20. TRAVIS: Hits. MATT: All three hit? All right, so no attacks of opportunity against Trinket. Roll damage, and everyone takes that damage. LAURA: I don't know what to roll for cannonball damage because I've never actually gotten to hit. MATT: Oh, I know. I have this. It's 2d6 plus four. LAURA: Okay. For each person? MATT: Yep. LAURA: Oh, okay, so ten for Keyleth. MATT: Ten points of bludgeoning damage. LAURA: Seven plus four is 11 for Scanlan. SAM: Okay. LAURA: Oh, less for Grog. Eight. MATT: Eight points of damage for Grog. LAURA: And while he's doing-- I don't get to shoot an arrow. Yes, I do! I get to shoot an arrow. MATT: Bonus. LAURA: I'm going to shoot an arrow as Trinket is hitting Grog. MATT: Okay. LAURA: Oh god. 14 doesn't hit him. MATT: Nope. It hits the shoulder and gleans off and carves a little wound across his chest, but not enough to do any damage. That ends your turn. Grog. LAURA: And now Trinket is close to me, then. Did he go through them and get back to me? MATT: Trinket, due to the line, slams into Grog at the end of it, so he is now between the three others. LAURA: Shit. MATT: Grog. As a ghost, you just got shot and slammed by a bear. I want you to roll one d20. MARISHA: Oh, he's going to see if he raged. TRAVIS: 15. MATT: 15. Your attention goes to Vex, as opposed to Trinket. You move out of the way. SAM: And he takes 3d8. MATT: That's true. SAM: Eight plus nine is 17. MATT: Well, the creature has to make a wisdom save. Fails, so yeah, takes 3d8. Yep. SAM: 17. MATT: 17. TRAVIS: 17 to hit? SAM: No, I just hit you with 17 points of damage. TRAVIS: Okay. MATT: All right. You're feeling the ghostly form-- you take the damage as soon as the form inside; you're feeling this dissipation. All right, so you make your two attacks against Vex. LAURA: Shit. TRAVIS: Oh, that's not awesome. That's 17. LAURA: Doesn't hit. TRAVIS: That does. 24. MATT: Yeah. Go ahead and roll damage. The first hammer swing you're ready for. Swing backward. It goes long. LAURA: Grog! Grog, no. No! TRAVIS: 20 on the first. MATT: 20 points of damage. (impact noise) First one didn't hit, did it? LAURA: The first one didn't hit, so you only get the 20. TRAVIS: Oh, just the 20! MATT: Just 20, so as the first one misses, you pull back, trying to stop him, but the hammer still slams you in the side; you don't have time to move out of the way, and it pushes you up against the wall. You land on your feet, and you can feel the pulsing of the blood broken beneath the skin. That ends Grog's go. Percy, you're up. TALIESIN: (gasps, sighs) "Hi!" I saw what just happened, right? MATT: Yeah. TALIESIN: I'm going to try to fix my gun. MATT: Go for it. TALIESIN: That fixes. MATT: All righty. TALIESIN: (sighs) Are you better? Good, then let's deal with this. I'm going to start diving around the columns to get away from the wraith. MATT: Around here? TALIESIN: Yeah, because I don't have a shot this round. MATT: Okay, so you move around that way. TALIESIN: Yeah, cool. MATT: All right. That ends your turn? TALIESIN: That ends my turn. MATT: It's now their turn. This one currently loses interest in you and drifts two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight-- it (whoosh) passes through the stone. Moves through and appears on the other side. I need you to make a charisma saving throw. TALIESIN: I have advantage on charisma saving throws right now, do I not? LAURA: Oh, yeah, because she cast-- MARISHA: It's not there anymore. Sorry. MATT: Yeah. She dropped it when she picked up the concentration spell. TRAVIS: Roll high, golden snitch. MATT: And that was ability checks, not saving throws. TALIESIN: Oh, then never mind. What's my charisma saving-- oh boy. Nope. I rolled a natural one. You did this! This is the third natural one. You touched it. LAURA: That's why I'm superstitious about my dice. MARISHA: I touched it. LAURA: He also touched mine, and I rolled a three. TALIESIN: I'll come back to you after Thanksgiving, baby. MATT: And with that, it goes dark and a spiritual intent takes over your body. You feel like you're being puppeted, and you have no control over yourself. You're hidden, captured within your own form. All right, that ends his turn. Vax, you're up. LIAM: Okay. MATT: You still feel the residual warmth in your glove pulsing. LIAM: All right. I'm going to click my boots together. I'm going to move towards him. MATT: Towards Percy? LIAM: Towards Percy. Shit. I'm going to take the keen dagger and stick it into his gut, and I'm going to take the glove with the symbol of Sarenrae and punch him in the nose. MATT: Okay. LAURA: I like that you're violent instead of just going, "Healing hand." MARISHA: Yeah! LAURA: You go, "fuck you!" SAM: Can I just say, this is Percy beating up Percy right now. (laughter) MATT: Yeah. You're being attacked and stabbed by yourself. It's weird. LIAM: 20 for the dagger. TALIESIN: I'm not reading too much into this. MATT: That hits. LIAM: The punch is just strength modifier, right? TALIESIN: This is not a metaphor! LIAM: 17 for the punch. MATT: All right. Roll damage for the dagger. What's your AC? TALIESIN: 18. MATT: 18. Okay. LIAM: Nine. MATT: You take nine points of piercing damage as the dagger stabs into your stomach. As you swing to haul the punch off, the body ducks out of the way. MARISHA: Take the punch! MATT: All right. That ends your turn. LIAM: Wait. How far did I go? MATT: You were there, so that's 15 feet. LIAM: I want to spring back and run as far as I can in the other direction, around the corner towards the rest. MATT: All right. That brings us to Scanlan. SAM: I walk between Grog and Keyleth, maintaining my 15-foot distance. Even more between. MATT: There? SAM: Yeah, and I'll Thunderwave them both. Oh no, and I hit Trinket. (laughter) MATT: All right. Constitution saving throw from Grog and Keyleth and Trinket. TRAVIS: Do we roll something? LAURA: Yeah. MATT: What did you roll? MARISHA: 12. MATT: (thud) Grog? TRAVIS: I rolled an 18. MATT: What's your DC? SAM: 19. MATT: All right, so roll damage. What's Trinket's? LAURA: You have a constitution saving throw of eight. TRAVIS: Oh. 26. MATT: Okay, so you take half damage. LAURA: Trinket rolled an 11. MATT: Okay. (thud) SAM: Eight points of damage. MATT: Okay, so you take eight points of damage. Grog takes four. Trinket takes eight. SAM: Are we trying to kill our friends, here? TRAVIS: Yeah, get us. LAURA: Get them unconscious so they come out. But then if they're unconscious, the ghosts come out and they could possess us. SAM: That's great. MARISHA: But they take radiant damage. MATT: Keyleth, top of the turn, roll-- MARISHA: Did I get radiant damage from that push? SAM: No. MATT: You take 3d8 points of radiant damage. MARISHA: Oh, I do. SAM: From the spirit guardians. Oh, and I'll also inspire Vax. (sings) Rip out someone's tongue and I'll know you. Cure someone dead and I'll show you've got those moves with dagger. You've got those moves with dagger. You've got those-- ALL: (sings) Moves like dagger. SAM: Okay. 13. MATT: All right, so 13 points of radiant damage to you and to... okay. MARISHA: 62 hit points. MATT: All right. Scanlan, that's your turn. Keyleth. MARISHA: Yeah? MATT: You turn around as you see Vax rush up with a look of fear and intensity on his face. You see her turn around with this twisted grin on her face, and she brings her staff up and swings it towards your head. Roll an attack. MARISHA: (whoosh) Baseball. 17. MATT: What's your AC? LIAM: It is 18. MATT: 18. As she swings, you duck, and her staff (impact noise) smacks against the stone wall of the mausoleum. That ends your turn, bringing us to Vex. LAURA: And I'm in a fight with Grog. MATT: Correct. LAURA: Okay. This is totally awesome. SAM: Wait! We have Cass. Does she get a turn? LAURA: She's not doing anything. MATT: I forgot to add her to the initiative. That's my own fault. LAURA: I just thought she was being a bitch. MATT: I'll give her a couple of rounds here in a second. Anyway, finish up. LAURA: Trinket runs forward and tries to pull Grog's focus so that I can back away. MATT: Okay, so Trinket moves up to there. LAURA: He tries to grapple him, or something. Can he do anything to make Grog not be able to attack me if I run away? Can he try to knock him down, or something? Jump up on his back and knock him over. MATT: Use an action to make a trip attack. Sure, why not. Roll an athletics check. LAURA: Okay. Yeah, no problem. TALIESIN: I'm imagining a bear doing mild calisthenics. LAURA: An athletics check for me? MATT: No, for Trinket. LAURA: Okay. 12? MATT: Make a strength saving throw, Grog. TRAVIS: That's a 26. MATT: Yeah, Trinket rushes over and tries to knock you off your feet, and you just (thud) no effect. You still have a bonus action and your movement, if you want to. LAURA: I'm going to try to roll out of the way. I'm going to try to duck down and roll out of the way to make him less likely to hit me. SAM: Yeah! The old "less likely" trick. MATT: Make an acrobatics check. LAURA: Okay. Oh, my dice suck tonight! SAM: You're inspired. MARISHA: He's sucking up all the good energy. LAURA: That's good! Acrobatics. 28. MATT: 28? Grog, roll an attack with disadvantage, just for the hell of it. TRAVIS: 23. MATT: Okay, roll damage against Vex as she pulls away from you. TRAVIS: The first one was a natural 20. MATT: Be glad it was disadvantage. TRAVIS: 21. MATT: You take 21 points of bludgeoning damage. As you pull away, Grog (whack) backhands you with his hammer. Now you can take your bonus action, if you want to. LAURA: As my bonus action, I'm going to cast-- TRAVIS: Kill Goliath. LAURA: Right? I don't want to use any of my shit! TRAVIS: Can you conjure a keg of beer? SAM: That would distract you. LAURA: I can't, but that's a really good idea. For my bonus action, I'm going to go, help! SAM: You can use your bonus action to throw me the gun! LAURA: Oh. No. MATT: All right, that ends your turn. Cassandra is going to rush up angrily with her shortsword out. Rushing up behind Grog, she's going to make a strike. That is going to be 18. What's your armor class? TRAVIS: 19. MATT: 19. She goes to strike and whiffs, unfortunately. She's going to attack with her dagger she pulls out in her off hand. Rolls a three. Yeah. I'm giving her a second round because I missed the one. She's going to angrily pull up again and attempt to strike with both a second time. That will be a 20. TRAVIS: That hits. MATT: All righty. Because Trinket is adjacent, she gets sneak attack damage. LAURA: Yay! Oh, she's a rogue. LIAM: Rogue. MATT: So you take 27 points of piercing damage. Well, it's slashing damage from the shortsword. The offhand attack is another three. Going to miss. TRAVIS: Okay. MATT: All righty. That brings us to Grog. Roll another d20. TRAVIS: 11. MATT: 11. Your attention switches to Cassandra. Roll two attacks. SAM: Do I get my radiant damage on him? MATT: At the top of his turn, you do, yeah. Actually, before that happens, roll radiant damage. SAM: 21. TRAVIS: 21 points? MATT: With that, as you're reeling up your hammer to strike Cassandra, a burst of radiant energy disintegrates the ghostly presence within your body, and you find your mind come to you as you're about to go into a downswing to smash Cassandra's head in. You catch yourself. SAM: Do it anyway, Grog! (laughter) MARISHA: Don't! SAM: She's one of us. MATT: You have your turn now. TRAVIS: Oh, I have my turn? MATT: Yes. SAM: Grog, I know you don't know what's going on right now, but kill Keyleth! TRAVIS: Okay. I turn and walk over to Keyleth. MATT: Over Cassandra. TALIESIN: Poor Cass. TRAVIS: I'm going to swing my hammer at the middle of her chest. SAM: Oh, you're scary. She's so cute. TRAVIS: 15. MATT: What's your AC, Keyleth? MARISHA: 18. MATT: She ducks out of the way with this preternatural speed. TRAVIS: Wow. 16. MARISHA: (cackles) MATT: Keyleth's ghostly form is too fast for you. The confusion of the whole sequence caused you to not be able to think straight in the moment, and you miss twice. That ends your turn, Grog. Percy. LAURA: Oh, right. Percy's still-- SAM: Jesus. And he's got guns. MATT: Your gun was just fixed, correct? TALIESIN: Yeah. (laughter) TALIESIN: Would he use the gun or the sword in phantom mode? MATT: You just finished fixing this, and you have a gun before you. It's going to use it. Make three attacks against Vex-- Vax. I mean Vax. TALIESIN: I'm going to use this die, because it's been-- MARISHA: Failing? Yeah, I touched it. Use the one that I touched. TALIESIN: That's-- I can't talk. 21. LIAM: That hits, but what's applicable? Uncanny Dodge or Evasion for a gunshot? MATT: Whatever reduces the damage to half. It's not a saving throw, so it would be-- which one reduces the damage by half? LIAM: That's Uncanny Dodge. MATT: Then it would be Uncanny Dodge. All right, so attack two more times. TALIESIN: 21. MATT: Hits. And? TALIESIN: 26. MATT: All right, so roll damage three times. The first one is halved. TALIESIN: All right. 13. MATT: So you take seven damage. TALIESIN: Fuck me. 15. MATT: 15 piercing damage. TALIESIN: And 11. MATT: Okay. (three gunshots) SAM: We are so strong! We should never fight ourselves. MATT: All right. That ends Percy's turn there. Vax, you're up. LIAM: Am I able to slide around Keyleth closer to you, into that little alcove, or am I too pressed against the wall? The other way. MATT: Currently, it's just enemies, so you can't move past them. LIAM: Okay. MATT: I could make you roll an acrobatics check, if you wanted. LIAM: That's all right. I flip the daggers over, and I start to whale on the back of Keyleth's head. MATT: Okay. LIAM: Pommels of the daggers. SAM: Kiss or kill. LIAM: 18. MATT: Are you doing sneak attack on this? She's adjacent to Grog, so yeah. LIAM: Definitely. MATT: 18 hits. LIAM: Second one is 20. MARISHA: Hits. MATT: They both hit, so roll damage on both. LIAM: And then 32 on the last. MATT: Oh, that's right. So three hits, with sneak attack. MARISHA: Oh, sneak attack is going to take me down. LIAM: Three. Plus seven is ten. And the ten gets doubled? Or everything? MARISHA: Dice rolls get doubled. LIAM: Ten, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 50. SAM: 50? LIAM: 50 for the first hit. MARISHA: (laughs) I'm still alive. MATT: Was it doubled because you rolled a critical? MARISHA: Sneak Attack. MATT: Sneak Attack, you just roll the dice. LIAM: Well, then no. 25. MATT: 25. LIAM: Thank you. MATT: No worries. LIAM: Plus nine, plus nine. MATT: Okay, so 25 plus 18... LIAM: 38. MARISHA: 38? Okay. MATT: 25 plus 18 is 43. MARISHA: 43? MATT: Yep. MARISHA: What was I at just now? SAM: 62. So you're at 19. MARISHA: 19 hit points. LIAM: I'm going to use-- I don't care. I'm going to slide around Grog, to the side. Towards Scanlan. Right there, yeah. MATT: Okay. SAM: What's up, brother? MATT: All right, that ends your turn. Scanlan, you're up. SAM: I'm up again? MATT: Yep. SAM: I feel like I just went. All right. We're trying to kill our friends, right? LIAM: Yes. SAM: Okay. Thank you for moving, Vax. I'm going to blast them both with lightning. Straight shot through, 100 feet. MATT: Through those two? Yeah. Okay. SAM: Yeah. What do I do? 8d6? MATT: 8d6, and I need Keyleth and Percy to both make dexterity saving throws. MARISHA: Just the two of us? I actually have disadvantage on dexterity stuff because of corruption. 20 for me. TALIESIN: 21. MATT: You both take half damage. SAM: 24. MATT: You both take 12 points of lightning damage. The bolt strikes through, hitting both of you in the chest, but you both manage to pull out of the way just in time to reduce the impact of the spell. SAM: And as a bonus action, I'll do a Healing Word on Vex. Right? You're injured badly? LAURA: I mean, not badly, but-- SAM: Oh, well then fuck it. Oh, you're injured badly? Would I know that? MATT: You could glance over and look at him as he pulls up to you, and see him (pants). LIAM: I've got gunshots in my back. SAM: Okay. Yeah, so I'll Healing Word. MATT: Roll the healing points for that. SAM: What is it? Shit. It's right here: d4 plus five. That's it?! So lame. Seven points. MATT: All right. That ends your turn. Keyleth, at the top of your turn, roll 3d8 radiant damage. SAM: Ooh, yes. Oh, this is going to knock you out. MARISHA: Hopefully. SAM: That's nine already. MARISHA: Yeah, I'm down. SAM: Six more is 15. MATT: Keyleth falls unconscious to the ground as this blast of radiant energy bursts around her as this spiritual radiant form that's been surrounding the area and stalking the various individuals. It slams into her form. As she collapses, the ghost is jettisoned from her body and looks like it's been taking the radiant damage and is having a hard time keeping its corporeal form. All right, that ends Keyleth's turn. Keyleth, I need you to roll a death saving throw. MARISHA: Nope. Six. MATT: You take one death saving throw failure. All right. Vex, you're up. LAURA: I see the ghost come out of her? Okay, I'm going to shoot it with my Blazing Bowstring. MATT: Okay. LAURA: 16? MATT: 16 hits. LAURA: 17. I want a good one. 17. 25. MATT: 25. As you pull back the arrow and you see the flames ignite around the shaft, you release it. It slams into the ghost, and you see its form (raspy cry) disperse from the impact, the arrow hitting the wall behind it and shattering against the stone. Ghost destroyed. LAURA: For my second attack, I'm going to attack Percy. Can I see him? MATT: Yep, right over there. LAURA: All right, I'm going to do it. 21. MATT: 21 hits. TALIESIN: (ghost noises) LAURA: 16. MATT: 16 points of damage to you, Percy. TALIESIN: 16? MATT: Yep. TALIESIN: Cool. LAURA: That was also through my Blazing Bowstring. MATT: So you're using both Blazing Bowstring abilities right now? LAURA: Yeah. MATT: Okay. A flaming arrow (impact noise) sticks into the shoulder, and you can feel the flames burning into your body-- LAURA: Plus another five. That was another five burning damage. TRAVIS: 21. TALIESIN: 21? MATT: There you go. TALIESIN: I'm still doing fine. MARISHA: I hate these things. MATT: It's now Cass's turn. Cass, who's having a weird time with the whole process of seeing a bunch of herselves and her brothers stabbing each other and getting possessed. LAURA: How do we even know who's who? MARISHA: Stop hitting yourself! TALIESIN: Thank you for that. I was almost going there. MATT: She's right there, and she brings herself around the way. She's not able to do any actions, so she sees another of her brothers possessed but clutching the gun in the hand, and is steeling her blade for the moment and doesn't do anything with her turn. Grog, you're up. TRAVIS: "Percy!" And I run towards him. TALIESIN: (creepy voice) I'll swallow your soul! TRAVIS: 25. TALIESIN: Is no one a Sam Raimi fan? Never mind. SAM: That was Donald Duck, right? TRAVIS: 18? MATT: What's your armor class? TALIESIN: 18. MATT: Yeah, hits. Damage on both. TRAVIS: 17 for the first one. 19 for the second one. MATT: Okay, so 36 points of damage. (two impacts) You're thrown up against the wall and almost pushed over off your feet from the sheer weight of the impact. TALIESIN: It has to be magic damage, though. LAURA: It was. It's a magic war hammer. TALIESIN: Okay, so it's taking damage, too. That's good. Maybe. MARISHA: They have to be spells. TRAVIS: There was fire damage. MATT: Yeah. It seems that the radiant damage from the Spirit Guardian spell you're doing has been doing the bulk of damage to them while they're inside the form. Most everything else is going straight to the individual. TRAVIS and SAM: Oh shit! SAM: We've just been killing our friends for no reason? LAURA: Good times. TRAVIS: Let's pass our-- SAM: Hold our wrath. MATT: Percy. You have three more shots with this gun, two of which are magical. TALIESIN: I do. MATT: So you pull up the gun, you take a step back. TALIESIN: Does he get an attack of opportunity? MATT: You do. Attack of opportunity against Percy, if you want to take it. MARISHA: Come on, take him down. LAURA: Oh no! TRAVIS: That's a natural 20. TALIESIN: Yes! MATT: Roll damage. TRAVIS: That's actually the first time I've critted on this show. MATT: You get additional dice. TRAVIS: It does additional damage. MATT: It's the first time you've critically hit on this show? TRAVIS: I think so, because I've never doubled my dice. MATT: That's absurd. TRAVIS: I know. 14. TALIESIN: 14? I'm already out. MATT: Roll damage. I want to know what it is. TALIESIN: Yeah, go ahead, but I'm out. TRAVIS: 18, so-- what was the first one? 18 and? MARISHA: You said 14. MATT: Okay. You are out. Percy falls to the ground, unconscious. The spirit is jettisoned out the side. That ends your turn entirely. The ghost is going to shift over. It does not get its possession back. TALIESIN: It was just a crit. It wasn't hit twice. MARISHA: It wasn't when he was down. MATT: Percy, I need you to make a death saving throw, by the way. TALIESIN: Yay! MATT: Okay. The ghost gets pushed out of the body. With you on the ground and its possession not returned, it reaches down and strikes at you with its withering touch. TALIESIN: Oh, for the love of-- MARISHA: With its withering touch? MATT: You take two death saving throw losses. TALIESIN: Whoa! LAURA: He rolled a crit? MATT: It's an auto-crit because he's unconscious. LAURA: Oh, jeez Louise! MARISHA: But you passed your first one. TALIESIN: I passed my first one. MARISHA: So you have two failures on you? TALIESIN: I have two failures and one success. So guys? Heal me. Heal me now. MATT: Vax, you're up. LIAM: I start sprinting around that open hallway near Cassandra. I stop by Cassandra and dagger, dagger, dagger. MATT: Do it. LIAM: First one is 30. Second one is 15. Third is 28. MATT: All three hit. LIAM: They all hit? Good. Ten plus seven is 17. 27 total. MATT: 27 damage, total? LIAM: All magic. MATT: All righty, so all daggers strike through its form. You see it tearing through its ethereal physicality, but it's still holding its form together. It looks damaged, but it's still holding its form on this plane. Scanlan, you're up. SAM: I vault over Keyleth-- LIAM: Wait. I ran 20 feet? 30 feet? MATT: You were here, so 35. LIAM: 35? Can I run the "west" of the way-- LAURA: The "west" of the way? LIAM: The "west" of the way through it in front of Percy. Yeah. MATT: There? You can, yeah. LIAM: That's what I want to do. MATT: All right. Scanlan? SAM: I vault over Keyleth's body, using the right part of a buttcheek to launch off. Grab a little feel as I go. MATT: Creepy gnome. SAM: I try to get within 15 feet of the thing. MATT: Okay. SAM: And as my first thing, I will Healing Word Mr. Taliesin Jaffe. Percival de Rolo de Monico de Chico... TALIESIN: (sings) It's delightful, it's de-lovely. SAM: Just at normal level, so that's nine points. TALIESIN: Thank you! MATT: Your death saving throws are fine. TALIESIN: Nine. Nine points! Ah-ah-ah. SAM: Jesus. I don't want to burn another fucking thing on this guy. TALIESIN: Your aura thingy with 15 feet should do it. SAM: I know, but that's when he moves, not when I move, so I will mock him! I will say, you're not even corporeal. You have no substance. You're a nothing. You're a nobody! You won't amount to nothing in this world! (laughter) MATT: Okay. TRAVIS: (laughing) You're a nothing. You're a nobody! MATT: What's the DC on that? SAM: 19. MATT: It fails its save. Roll 3d4. MARISHA: Kill it, Scanlan. Kill it. SAM: Six. MATT: (laughing) How do you want to do this? (cheers and laughter) TRAVIS: A mocking kill! SAM: (giggles) I would like it to cry. That's all. MATT: (laughs) As you're shouting this, you can see its ghostly form. Its face suddenly shifts into the face of a person. SAM: You were nothing in life, and now you're nothing in death! MATT: It recalls its memories. You can see its physical form become that of a young adult wearing robes that hold the symbol of the de Rolo crest. You see it look at its hands, and you see it look at you and look at Percy on the ground, unconscious, and it moans out in horror as it suddenly dissipates. SAM: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! TALIESIN: Which one of my ancestors did you just shame to death? Again? SAM: The one who possessed you! TALIESIN: Okay, fair. MARISHA: Again! (laughs) TALIESIN: You're going to say it, aren't you? LIAM: I double back to Keyleth and start trying to administer some sort of aid. MARISHA: Hi, I'm dead. LIAM: Medicine check? Is that it? MATT: You can make a medicine check to try to stabilize her, yeah. LIAM: 18. MATT: 18, yeah. You stabilize the bleeding. She's no longer making death saving throws. She is still unconscious. You all reconvene. Take a breath. SAM: Wait, is Keyleth alive? MARISHA: Nope. SAM: Oh Jesus! Keyleth, I'm sorry. MARISHA: I'm stabilized. LIAM: She needs help. Scanlan, come here. TALIESIN: Let's pull ourselves together. SAM: I will sing a song of rest, which will give us 1d8 for everybody. MATT: For hit dice spent, or just for the rest? SAM: I don't know. It just says 1d8. It's my song of rest. MATT: Song of rest. TRAVIS: I've got a lot of health potions. MARISHA: You do? TRAVIS: Yeah. MARISHA: That's good. TALIESIN: I've got three. TRAVIS: Would you like one? TALIESIN: Probably. LAURA: What if we take a short rest? MATT: At the end of the short rest, everyone gains an additional 1d8. It's nice. Doesn't hurt. MARISHA: I come to consciousness by Scanlan's singing? SAM: (singing) You're down with more HP. Yeah, you know me! TALIESIN: That's nice. MARISHA: What? TRAVIS: Hit dice? LAURA: Yeah, we can roll some hit dice. MATT: You guys take a short rest here to roll some hit dice. MARISHA: (groans) Wait, how much did you heal us, Scanlan? SAM: Just one extra d8. Do I roll that, or do they? MATT: Everyone rolls it on their own. It's fine. SAM: Holy ba-Jesus, guys. LAURA: That was insane. SAM: Can we never do that again? LAURA: Well, we're about to, I think. LIAM: Who feels like making camp? SAM: Making camp? LIAM: Yes. SAM: We're in a tomb with ghosts. We have to continue on. LIAM: I'm exhausted. TALIESIN: We'll heal, but I think we need to continue down. LAURA: We need to keep going. MATT: Cassandra looks about the rest of you, still seeing a group of herself and her brothers. She shakes her head for a second. "We can rest a moment, but I don't think we can stay here much "longer. The more time we spend here, the more chance they have of returning. If they get the "jump on us, we're done." TRAVIS: Let's go. LAURA: We need to press on. SAM: Yeah, aye. MARISHA: Yeah. SAM: Let's continue. TRAVIS: Yeah. SAM: Into the tunnel. Into the dark. MATT: She sheathes her sword and her dagger. (sighs) "Let's do this." As you all climb into the beginning of the excavation tunnel leading to the south, slowly making your way towards-- SAM: Wait! Sorry. Percival, any point in looting? TALIESIN: Don't loot my family's crypt! SAM: Sorry! Forget I mentioned it. Let's go kick some ass. MATT: Making your way towards the tunnels beneath the city of Whitestone, towards whatever this ziggurat construction project has been, we will pick this up the week after Thanksgiving. LAURA: Oh man! We're taking a whole week off from this. MATT: Yeah. We went a little late tonight to try and give a little extra since we're not going to be here next week, but that's it for the evening. MARISHA: We almost got our ass kicked by ghosts! SAM: No, by each other. LAURA: We really need a cleric. MATT: There were some really bad-- everyone rolled poorly on those saving throws. That sucked. Oh, yes! LAURA: Oh, man. Right. Giveaways. ZAC: We've got to do a giveaway, so I am opening the floodgates. TALIESIN: Welcome, all! LAURA: The whole time. TALIESIN: This is Twitch. Holy cow. MARISHA: I might need to burn a Cure Wounds or something. TALIESIN: I'm not at a hundred, but I'm okay. MARISHA: I burned almost all of my hit dice to bring me back up. TALIESIN: Ashley is getting home right now, in case we need her. LAURA: Yeah. MATT: We're good. TRAVIS: Are we? TALIESIN: Can she come in for 30 seconds and heal us? MATT: (laughs) It doesn't work that way. TALIESIN: I know. MARISHA: Guys, I got a little bit of a connection! And gone. That's all. ZAC: We also got up to $6,000 total so far, raised. LAURA: Oh wow, that's great! MATT: Incredible! ZAC: So we will continue that throughout the weekend, all the way up to Monday. MATT: Thank you all so much for helping out. TALIESIN: Holy cow. MATT: You're helping a lot of wonderful people do a lot of amazing things in places that need it. ZAC: So the floodgates are open. We're going to let that build up for a little bit and then do the giveaway. MATT: Oh! Chat room explode! ZAC: Oh shoot, that's true. The next episode is Critmas, as well, isn't it? LAURA and TALIESIN: No. ZAC: Is there not? There's one before it? LAURA: No, there's another one before. ZAC: Are you sure? TALIESIN: No. MARISHA: No, we're doing the Christmas Critmas a little bit earlier, so we're going to do the next one before we go on Christmas break, right? MATT: No, the 3rd is the next Critmas. Because the 17th, our last show, is also the opening night of the new Star Wars movie, we can't go late that night because everyone's going to be gone. LAURA: Oh. So yeah, we can't do Critmas next week. ZAC: Next week's Thanksgiving. LAURA: I mean, on the 3rd. ZAC: And we've already told everyone the first week of the month is-- SAM: So the Christmas Critmas is going to be the 3rd. MATT: It's going to be the 3rd. LAURA: December 3rd? ZAC: Yes. TALIESIN: Yeah, that will be the Crit-- ZAC: Math is hard, guys. MATT: Welcome to our late-night meetings. (all laugh) ZAC: All right, pull in a winner. MATT: We've got a winner coming in. LAURA: Can't we just do it the second week? It's going to be a long episode. We'll have to cut it super short. MARISHA: That's what I was thinking. Can we move it to the second week? TALIESIN: Move it to the 10th. MARISHA: Christmas Critmas is going to be the 10th. ZAC: Before we officially say that, let me check the schedule, because we've already told everyone the first week, so before we say that officially, let me check the schedule and make sure that's okay. LAURA: It's going to be really hard to do it on the 3rd. ZAC: Okay. TALIESIN: I'm literally leaving the studio on the 17th for a road trip. ZAC: IEShoemaker is the winner. MATT: IEShoemaker, congratulations! ZAC: We're sending you a message right now. Send back with your address and we'll send you all sorts of great shit. Tune in tomorrow, guys, for Group Hug. Hector's bringing a couple of comedian friends of his, and they are playing all of the Jessica Jones Alias characters tomorrow, and nobody wanted to play Purple Man. MATT: Understandably so. TALIESIN: Creepiest character in the Marvel universe. ZAC: How do we do this? TALIESIN: He is the creepiest creep. ZAC: Whoever plays him has to know you're going to get your ass kicked. MATT: That's Tennant, right? TALIESIN: That's Tennant. That's also who I dressed up as at the superhero party. I painted myself purple. ZAC: You did Purple Man? Why would you do that?! TALIESIN: There's an amazing photo of a friend of ours dressed as Luke Cage, just beating the shit out of me. It's amazing. ZAC: Well, that's good. MARISHA: He also sang Gogol Bordello's-- MARISHA and TALIESIN: "Start Wearing Purple." MATT: It was good. TALIESIN: It was creepy. MATT: I'm just excited to see all the Doctor Who Tennant fans watch the series for Tennant and then be like, "Oh no, no, no!" ZAC: Yeah. Sorry, guys. No bueno. TALIESIN: It's just going to be bad. ZAC: Sweet. That's it for tonight, guys. MATT: Thank you guys so much. MARISHA: See you in two weeks! MATT: For the next episode. See you guys in two weeks. TALIESIN: Happy Thanksgiving! MARISHA: There will still be a new comic next week to hold you guys over. And playlists. Guess whose playlist is next. TRAVIS: Oh, is it mine? MARISHA: You're the last one, right? TRAVIS: Oh, I'm the Thanksgiving playlist. SAM: Does the DM get a playlist? MATT: I get one. MARISHA: He does, but he'll go last. Because you always go last. MATT: All right, guys. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful evening. We'll see you in a couple of weeks. MARISHA: Bye! SAM: Happy Thanksgiving. TALIESIN: Happy Thanksgiving!
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 2,142,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, fvid, critical role, matt mercer, dnd, dungeons and dragons, rpg, role-playing game
Id: iP1gylnxfLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 39sec (7779 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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