Returning to Ourselves for Inner Balance and Wisdom | Insight Meditation

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[Music] so today I'm titling this returning to ourselves for inner balance and wisdom and this is our fasana or Insight Meditation and I am coming back to our lovely book by Sharon salsberg finding your way uh meditations thoughts and wisdom for living an authentic life so that's what we'll be sharing in today and we're going to be using traditional vosa techniques like the deep breathing the body scanning mindfulness of thoughts but we're going to be uh using uh Sharon's uh wise words uh to help us to reflect on personal values to Foster equinity and Clarity and so uh it's really the essential practice of returning to ourselves right and our busy lives we know how busy we are are all the time uh it's easy to become disconnected from our innermost values and swept away by all the external demands myself included at times so uh I'm going to I have it up on the screen here because the print in the book is very tiny so anyway returning to ourselves uh from finding your way by Sharon salsburg so she says here take a moment to mentally step away away from the pressure the chaos and the demands that may be surrounding you and Center your attention within yourself coming back to ourselves we come back to our values we come back to what we most deeply care about and we can then return to action in a wiser more balanced way and then she gives a few now you could say tips uh for doing that just in your everyday life and I'm going to share those uh one of the the first one she says is stop and follow your breath for a few moments as you wait for the microwave to ding as you're heating up your lunch or even the tea kettle to whistle as it boils now here's one before replying to a text that may provoke a reaction take three mindful breaths and consider what you truly like to convey put a free minute on the calendar before every meeting for a short follow the breath break how about this one when you get into your car take a moment to slow down feel your body touching the seat before you Buckle in and start the engine here's one if you're uh taking a walk somewhere if you pass a b bench take a moment to stop and actually sit for a mental breather and finally at night as you ease into bed take a moment to appreciate the opportunity you have to get some rest so those are nice tips from finding your way meditations thoughts and wisdom for living an authentic Life by Sharon solsberg so as we heard in this that this practice invites us to pause to step back from this chaos uh that we deal with every day externally and reconnecting with ourselves and that's what meditation helps us to do as well so with that all said let's find a quiet and comfortable place to sit and as you're ready uh gently close your eyes and we'll get started in just a moment so let's take a deep breath to ground yourself in the present let go of any immediate concerns or pressures as you prepare to delve into a deeper understanding of yourself let's do some deep mindful breaths inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly and with each exhale feel yourself becoming more grounded and present and use these moments to Anchor yourself firmly in the now preparing to explore your inner world and slowly scan the body now from the crown of the head down to the toes pay attention to any Sensations that you may feel and in these couple of minutes just use this scan as a tool to reconnect with your physical self and acknowledge each part of your body with gratitude and of course awareness and we do this practice to help center the in the attention inward centering it away from the external chaos e e e e refocus now on your breath observe the natural Rhythm and feel how each breath is both a physical and a mental nourishment allow this Simplicity of breathing to bring you back to what's fundamental and true your essential life force and inner C e e e reflect on the values that are most important to you what principles guide your life reflect on these values deeply allowing them to resonate within your heart and mind this reflection helps you to reconnect with what you deeply care about grounding your actions in your true self e e e e in here notice any thoughts or emotions that arise and observe them with a gentle curiosity without judgment each thought and emotion is a signal guiding you back to your core values and concerns and approach them with openness learning from them e e e embrace the insights you've received from reconnecting with your values and emotions allow these next moments of Silence to deepen your sense of inner wisdom and balance e e e e with a renew connection to your inner self cultivate that sense of clarity that sense of balance and imagine this Clarity and balance influencing your future actions your decisions anything at all let it enable you to to interact with the world a wiser and certainly more compassionate way e e e and I'll take a few deep breaths feeling centered and refreshed as you bring your awareness back to the present moment and as you're ready you can gently open your eyes whenever you're ready carrying forward the clarity and the calm that you've called C at it today ready to engage with the world from that deep place of authenticity within and certainly with wisdom so thank you my friends for joining with me today for
Channel: Meditate with Deb
Views: 30
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meditation, mindfulness, singing bowls, meditate, deb phelps, peaceful wellness, yoga nidra, guided rest, restorative yoga, chair yoga, chant, mantra, yoga, sound healing, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, iRest, guided visualization, guided imagery
Id: zinuOqCkqf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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