Retro Replay #7: Nick at Nite (part 2)

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Nick at night's regularly scheduled programming will not be seen at this time so that we may bring you the following special [Music] presentation what do dve Jones Fred MZ Andora Ralph mouth and Dr B have in common would you like to know they're all coming to Nick at night's block party summer what about me sure everyone's invited it's a backyard barbecue in your living room serving up fre hours of Nick at night Classics monkey Mondays Lucy Tuesdays Bewitched be Wednesdays Happy Days Thursdays and Genie Fridays come on stop foring around and give us a date block party summer All Summer Long on Nick at night welcome to Nick at night's block party summer get ready for groovy tun mob threads in far out fast motion you're about to spend three happening hours with a preab 4 monkey Mondays is next you dig well that wraps up another laugh Riot monkey Monday is over but now get ready to and watch Lucy Tuesday tomorrow night only on Nick at night this summer Nick at night's throwing a wild and swing and block party every single week night but sometimes too much partying can wear you out that's why when the weekend comes comes you need Nick a night summer weekend getaway a Carefree pleasure trip to that secluded place where they keep the shows you don't get to see in block party summer like The Odd Couple taxi Dick Van Dyke and new har boy have we got a show for you today take Nick at night summer weekend getaway All Summer Long at the summer home of classic TV Nick at night hey it's me Marty and tonight Nick at night's block party summer is proud to present for witch for Wednesday stay tuned for six to back bewitching nose twitching episodes of Bewitched right here on nicked night every Thursday night this summer Nick at night uncorks the most celebrated bottle in the classic TV Celler with Genie Thursdays yes every Thursday during Nick at night's block party summer sip from six different vintage episodes of I Dream of Genie full bodied fruity television that's never pretentious with just a hint of pink smoke so raise your glass and make a toast to Genie Thursdays all block party Summer Long here on Nick at night back to back is back monster Mondays locy Tuesdays be witched Toby Wednesdays Genie Thursdays and cotter Fridays Feast your eyes on six episode blocks of your favorite classic TV shows during nicod night's block party summer all summer long just remember monster Mondays Lucy Tuesdays be witby Wednesdays Genie Thursdays and conter Fridays her Lucy Sam Genie and conter it's Nick at night's BL party summer and it's all summer long remember this up your nose with a rubber holes and this I well finally Nick at night is collected every classic catchphrase from welcome back conter you'll get off my case toilet face and H the catchphrases the TV generation Knows by heart phrases like s de's mother very impressive Mr conter what where and much much more all original it's original Hogs catch classic catch braces on Welcome Back Cotter only on Nick at night Travolta the dancer travola the actor Stella Travolta the phenomenon alive stay aive tune in for the sweat hog voted most likely to succeed I feel like this is just the beginning week nights at 11:10 Central only on Mick at night you want real police drama go to real police officers their stories are part of our television Heritage the stories on draget were true officers would submit story ideas from their patrol reports if an idea was used the officer receiv received $50 technical advisers ensure that the gun the badge even the telephone and Joe's desk were authentic Dragnet was so realistic citizens would come down to Police Headquarters and ask to meet Sergeant Friday the standard reply at the front desk sorry it's Joe's day off naked Knight is preserving our television Heritage from from County jails to maximum security prisons convicts everywhere are raving about Dragnet the cop show Classic on Nick at night it's Non-Stop full tilt Ratatat comp action that put me in the slamer for 15 to 20 Jack H Burns Barton correctional facility for men even though I bludge in a man with a hammer they were very polite when they busted me I got to give them credit Hub bream Death Row San Quenton Dragnet it's the cop classic to watch while you're doing time or anytime every night on nicked night look for the classic scene where Lou makes a sandwich at Zena's apartment have you ever said to yourself dear Lord help me I'm wacko well you're not alone join the happy wacky people of Taxi Sundays at 8:30 7:30 central on Nick at night its geometry is Tim its power is Mystical and it's great at parties it's the triple and it's part of our television Heritage Mel can I get you something cup of coffee donut two pain a triple is when two words or ideas set up a pattern a third interrupts it with a punch line and the result is a joke he's a hawk you're a dove head too easy to learn fun to use and the triple it's part of our television Heritage look for it on Nick at night do you have trouble sleeping at night as a matter of fact I do well Nick at night has the solution don't even try to sleep just keep watching watching Nick at night overnight instead recent studies show that staying up all night watching classic TV is so rejuvenating that it is actually better for you than regular sleep I remember reading something about that so say goodbye to lumpy pillows and keep watching Clark and Donna Emily and Rob Mary and Max as Nick at night overnight continues with more classic TV on Sunday nights you start to think about Monday for gentle soothing relief from pre Monday stress relax with Sunday night on Nick at night yes Sunday night when everything else is stock docu drama and made for TV Mayhem Nick at night is your safe haven no bad guys no scary guys the worst that can happen is Lucy will get fired again wake up Monday feeling good spend Sunday night with Nick at night friendly programming for a friendly tomorrow is that for real only her hairdresser knows for sure and the answer is part of our television Heritage her hairdresser did say the hair may be brown but her soul is on fire born a brunette Lucy's hair color changed often in her early movie career from blonde to Brown and finally red in the Affairs of Annabelle when Lucy moved to television viewers took it on faith that she was indeed a Carrot Top America got its first television view of her true color on The Lucy Show part of our television Heritage week nights on Nick at night I just got out of isn't it curious that Lucy's trademark exclamation is w why we want watch with Nick at night's Dr will Miller W it's the Cry of a baby Lucy is completely in touch with her inner child we watch because we unconsciously relate our own inner child longs to join Lucy when she dresses up throws a pie or get shot from a cannon thank goodness our Mr Mooney within sets limits to keep us safe Roger Healey NASA pilot swinging Bachelor Tony's best friend Howard bordon Airline Navigator swinging Bachelor Bob's best friend and now Nick at night presents Roger and Howard together at last we're hosting an evening of this gentleman's great work on The Bob newart show yes and your great work on I Dream of Genie well you were always much funnier than I was yours is better well you look funnier that's true your nose looks much smaller in person a television event only Nick at night could create this Sunday at 98 Central all next week Nick at Knight proudly launches the Bob newart show with Better Living Through Bob it's an8 Night marathon of the classic TV shrink hosted by Nick at Knight's own shrink Dr will Miller I think we all need this Bob all night every night all 142 episodes it's your path to self- knowledge how many of you know yourselves watch Better Living Through Bob the Bob newart Marathon starting September 13th only on Nick at night be more articulate sound intelligent watch Green Acres on Nick at night it's 30 minutes to a more powerful vocabulary in just one episode you'll learn words like 4 202 us or 202 us and cosmetal cosmetical cosmetical cosmetical costic cosal he's going to have a temper transom a temper trans words your key to communication learn them on Green Acres now you're talking my language every night on Nick at night a chil vixen a radical old man a cool blonde her juvenile cousin and an old coup they call Grandpa hang with the gang who call themselves The Monsters every night on Nick at night there's no better way to enjoy classic TV than with Nick night's blood party summer it's more than perfect it is inspired let Nick at KN fill your plate with Hardy six episode blocks of your favorite show every week night all summer long no goody goody goody goody goody monster Mondays Lucy Tuesdays B Wednesdays Genie Thursdays and cotter Fridays hey that's a great idea so come back for seconds thirds fourths fifths even six during Nick at night's block party summmer starting July 3rd here on Nick at night when was the last time you flipped your lid fainted onto a d or crashed through a window went down a ladder head first and burrowed into the ground all in fast motion well now now Nick at night will have you enjoying these activities again with monster Mondays yes strap yourself in for six back-to-back episodes of the monsters so straighten your tie and glasses and watch monster Mondays all block party Summer Long here on Nick at night some people think the monsters are scary but you know what would scare me the world without the monsters stay tuned for another classic episode I'm serious think about it from the darkest corners of a twisted world comes a family of Nick at Knight Rebels who won't play the game you know it man Untamed unwanted unwashed weigh out Wild Ones TV Land Renegades on the outskirts of life doing their own thing and laughing at squares like you and me ringing ding hang with the gang who call themselves The Monsters every night on Nick at night how long does Monster Monday last I don't know two maybe 3 hours stay tuned as Monster Monday continues on Nick at night's block party summer Runners Take Your Mark get and with one look at Herman they're off the monster Runners on Nick at night energetic powerful lightning fast and this is the man who knows how to motivate them I guess I do have a certain touch watch the monster Runners racing nightly on Nick at night hungry for another episode of the monsters well get ready to stuff your face with another helping of Herman as Monster Mondays continues here on Nick at night 250 million people in this country 250 million different ideas of what it is to be an American what makes us one what keeps us together what puts the united in the United States it's television our shared television Heritage and who protects and preserves that precious Heritage Nick at night affirming our common bond with the shows that mattered then that matter today and will matter tomorrow Nick at night is preserving our precious television heritage why should you watch maximum smart someday you can tell your grandchildren about it maximum smart all next week on Nick at night it's maximum smart the complete get smart on Nick at night love it every episode ever made nothing but getsmart all night every night for seven straight nights each on new maximum Monday turn on maximum gaty controls most ingenious devices Wednesday experience maximum celebrity get Smart's greatest guest stars Sunday we propose maximum matrimony the married years it's maximum smart the complete getsmart all next week on NE night a master of Espionage yes a ruthless assassin perhaps but Max is so much more handy with a pool Cube an artist musician one stroke of my bow and this violin will play its song of death and a snappy dresser there's just one problem don't tell me there's a bomb in my purse there's a bomb in your purse I asked you not to tell me that watch get smart every week night at 87 CBO on naked night tomorrow during day three of Lassie Unleashed lass can't be dead don't miss a single day of the Lassie Saga on Nick and now a TV Land weather bulletin as usual early patterns will be warm and Mild with light patter and sunny skies later tonight TV Land will turn cold and dark with Alfred Hitchcock Presents look for some partly dead patches with a 30% chance of murder and an almost unbearable increase in suspense this Sinister pattern will persist night after night after night viewers lock your windows stay indoors and watch Alfred Hitchcock Presents every night on nied night Nick at night sends you warm holiday wishes from our family Mary and Dick and Lucy and Max and Bob and Bill and blue boy and Keith and Lois and mor and Donna and Lou and Viv and Joe and Roa and Clark and Alfred come on Alfred get in the spirit ho ho ho there you go happy holidays for Nick at night and rest ye merried too good night would you like to see a sneak peek of Nick at kns TV Land hosted by Pat Paulson as a daughter no as an American citizen yes then watch vote for TV Land this Sunday starting at 87 Central only on Nick at night take a look at this face just drink it in Donna Donna the most beautiful word in the English language and Nick at night is bringing her back to 9:30 8:30 Central a wise decision so you can get the Donna read you need when you need her most we roast marshmallows and tell ghost stories so go ahead soak her in let's just sit and stare at each other the Donna Reed Show now at 9:30 8:30 Central on Nick at night they're all coming back 36 different classic shows all back on Nick at night for one week and one week only it's Nick at night's 10th anniversary week all this week at 87 Central for 10 years now Nick at Knight has brought America classic TV but more than just shows Nick at Knight has devoted a decade of service to the TV generation we were the first to talk to the back of Patty Duke's head the first to celebrate St Patrick's Day with TV tinted green the first to honor get smart by bringing together 9999 in Time Square classic TV always served up the way you like it on Nick at night America's first and only classic TV network Nick at night celebrating our 10th anniversary by putting together the single greatest onewe lineup in the history of Television yes you'll get hand selected episodes of virtually every show we've ever aired everything from the episode of Make Room for Daddy that launched The Andy Griffith Show to the Laughin that featured Richard Nixon socket to me don't miss our 10th anniversary week all this week at 87 Central only on Nick at night for Nick at night our 10th anniversary is a time to say thanks to all the folks that helped us along the way thank you BT Ward and Adam West wink Martin Dale and pixie thanks Milkman and Dr will David Cassidy Bobby Sherman Bill Dy Casey kasm and the two Chris partridges Jim Brooks Mary Lou Henner and Carol Kane and of course the chairman Mr Dick van djk and last but not least thanks to you our viewers we couldn't have done it without you tomorrow Nick at night continues our week-long celebration of classic TV we start with the monkeys and then bring you the monkeys of Lancelot Link Secret Chimp plus you'll get the very best episodes of car 54 the Smothers Brothers laugh inctv and I spy it's our 10th anniversary week for one week and one week only here on Nick at night serving 40 Years of classic TV for over a decade [Music]
Channel: FredFlix
Views: 1,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7Enn3AbnguQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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