Retro Playstation 1 Console Restoration
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: TysyTube Restoration
Views: 1,499,138
Rating: 4.8794203 out of 5
Keywords: retro console, playstation 5, playstation 1, playstation (ps1), game console, ps one, playstation 2, odd tinkering, retro tech restoration, playstation 1 games, playstation 5 review, playstation 5 game play, playstation 5 vs xbox series x, playstation 5 digital edition, playstation 5 experiment, tysytube restoration, asmr, retrobrighting, retrobright uv light, sony, Junk Playstation, old, asmr restoration, playstation 1 repair, retro playstation console restoration, tisitube
Id: 4HBr8NE17oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Is that discoloring from cigarettes?
An ad embedded into the original video?! Lol, get fucked.
Ah, the limited mustard edition Playstation