Retracing the steps of a mum who disappeared after a run | Under Investigation with Liz Hayes

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it's the case that's horrifying a nation where is Samantha Murphy a missing mom who's just going for a job the questions the clues a great place to conceal a body and the digital evidence that may solve this mystery she's getting tracked by a range of different ways it's almost like we're running with her our investigation Starts Now [Music] good evening I'm Liz Hayes and this is under [Music] investigation this Story begins in Ballarat Victoria it's 700 a.m. on Sunday the 4th of February the last known image of Samantha Murphy provided by police shows her outside her home before she sets out on her regular morning jog she was meant to be back by 11 for brunch but never returned instead the 51-year-old mother of three ran to an unknown end it's our number one investigation at present her disappearance is now the focus of a massive police operation we're looking at absolutely everything in every possible scenario it's a case that may turn on a single clue and that's what we're chasing for somebody to just vanish out of life in a community people feel it and they also sort of will deep down they think it could happen to any one of us joining our investigation tonight former Victorian detective Damien Meritt missing person specialist Valentine Smith forensic psychologist Dr Peter ashar and speaking to us exclusively tonight Austin who ran the same Trails as Samantha Murphy and who survived a brutal Ambush attack in the same area we're both women we're both Runners and I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that Sam's disappearance is a result of men's violence tonight we'll examine the scenarios that might account for Samantha's disappearance and for our special investigation we've also traveled to the town at the heart of this mystery Ballarat to see firsthand where Samantha went missing I think a 13k run she was going for she usually does 20ks and takes about 2 hours so she was going to do half of that Damen Merritt's Mission here is to talk to the locals and investigate why someone might want to Target Samantha Murphy well how long before she disappeared would that be Valentine Smith will examine the Forest Trails that so many women in ballerette take on their daily run this is a perfect spot for an ambush as she's coming through here someone could be hiding off here to the right I think there could be like anywhere between 4 and 5,000 gold mines just underneath the town and we're joined by Raymond Shaw a renowned M shaft Explorer he knows the bush and the countless abandoned mines in the area and he's been helping in the search for Samantha that's the whole a bat underneath it's incredible I mean you know 4 or 5,000 that's like putting it lightly yeah yeah I believe there's a lot more a lot more that's amazing well I've had a look at the maps too so I think we're good to go together our team will build a picture on the ground of the day Samantha went missing and what or who she may have encountered has Samantha lost her way has she had a medical episode has she had an accident or has there been some human intervention there are all [Applause] possibilities so what do we know about the woman whose face has become so terribly familiar to us all Samantha and her family have strong local Connections in Ballarat she and her husband Mick have three children and the couple own and operate a car smash repair business Samantha is a dedicated mother and according to her daughter Jess someone who would fight fiercely to be back with her family mom's a really strong woman and she's far too determined to give up this fight I know she's out there somewhere so if you could please continue to search for her to give us something to work with we didn't really appreciate it Mom we love you so much and we miss you and we need go him with us for our experts tonight is about grappling with scenarios that might explain Samantha's disappearance the theories which police have had to probe please come home soon I and for forensic psychologist Peter ashkar the first is whether Samantha Murphy staged her own disappearance Peter this is a a daughter who is obviously quite connected to her mother so the the thought that she might have just wandered off uh or made a decision to leave which is one of a potential theory is hard to uh fathom as we all know in our hearts mothers do not leave their children except under very extreme unusual circumstances the daughter is clearly very attached uh to a mother and by um on that basis I would assume that the mother's also very attached to her so the idea that Samantha has actually um willfully left the family is just unfathomable and just implausible to me and it's clearly not what the community of Ballarat believes a strong showing of support as The Surge for the mother of three began for another day turning out in their hundreds to search for Samantha day after day now week after week and Austin has been one of them let's talk about Samantha and give her a bit of a voice here from all report she was highly connected to the community she was involved in the community yeah I'm really conscious of not speaking on behalf of Samantha but um yeah definitely Samantha's you know close friends family community you know I met someone out on the search last week who used to Ser serve Sam her WPS daily in the restaurant who was in tears out there searching for her so it's like extended Beyond family friends it's down to you know people that have served Sam her food her coffee in the community that are out there searching which says a lot about her it says there are a lot of people in this community that felt for her and felt great empathy and and connection to even if you didn't know her you felt a connection yeah a lot of people are placing themselves in Samantha's shoes and also you know saman's family shoes and really putting themselves out there to find Sam like many of those searching Austin doesn't know Samantha personally but the trauma of being viciously attacked while also jogging almost exactly a year ago compels her to help find Samantha it was a really hard time for me given it was the anniversary of my attack but with my pain and my hurt I felt that you know the best thing to do with that energy that I was experiencing my body was to you know be out there and assisting with the search as as best as I can so you know whilst it's been really hard it's um I I don't you know regret it no and I'll be I'll be back out there once I'm finished here tonight Sissy's own terrible experience will help inform our experts and our investigation into what happened to Samantha Murphy we know Samantha loved running and she was training for a 21 km Fun Run most morning she set out on a hearty 10 to 15 km job she took her iPhone wore an Apple Watch and we understand airpods but on the ground there's a unique and troubling feature of the terrain around balarat that perhaps opens a tragic window into this mystery the thousands of disused mine shafts in this awful situation if Samantha has found herself in a mine mhm the chances of making a call for help are limited are very limited no one's going to hear you crying for help there's no phone there's nothing it's very dark damp down there oh that makes me feel terrible yeah makes you feel sick to the stomach coming up if you fell down your chances of survival would be very very slim the death traps just off the track it might be a very convenient place to dispose of a body you'd probably never find it again was Samantha Running Scared this is a perfect spot for an ambush here that's next on under [Music] investigation did you hear tonight we're investigating the mysterious and increasing Sinister disappearance of mother of three Samantha Murphy who vanished while on her morning job and we need you home with us please come home soon I don't wa to see you the case that has Australia bracing for the worst but still hoping for the best everyone in relation to Samantha is a person of interest um in our investigation we have speaking to everyone that was in her life we're examining all the possibilities police have had to consider the idea that Samantha has actually willfully left the family is just unfathomable and just implausible to me we're both women we're both Runners and I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that Sam's disappearance is a result of men's violence boret Samantha Murphy's Hometown carries a dark and violent path it's hard to see the light shine in so bright the Eureka Stockade and the Rebellion bloody confrontations between Miners and authorities during Australia's biggest gold rush in the mid 1800s so this is lited with gold M correct it left the district pitted with thousands of deep and deadly shafts and tunnels and it's possible one of these May hold the secret to Samantha Murphy's fate can be semic collapsed full of foliage or you know that foliage on top can take you down to the depths of like about 40 or 60 M it's the concern of M shaft expert Raymond Shaw and if you fell down yep your chances of survival would be very very slim on a deep one you'd probably break your neck you know the first few meters into it some shafts can be as deep as 100 m where the air is barely breathable this is a terrible question but um if uh if Samantha Murphy is in a m shaft in this region what are the chances of finding home probably Buckley are none it's very difficult to like walk around the terrain out here and you know cover every little bit of you know surface workings it's absolutely impossible Damian they offer a unique part to this mystery don't they well they do um look they could be a great place to um conceal a body or a crime after the fact if something did happen in that Park uh F play um you know you could put stuff down that mind shaft including a body and you'd probably never find it again investigating Samantha's disappearance the police have had to Grapple with a number of possible scenarios including whether she could have fallen into a m shaft by accident although s Aon believes that's almost impossible local joggers she says are well aware of the dangers especially if you deviate off the track everyone who's grown up in Baler and particularly your mother who's raised children in balat would you know know about the M shafts obviously like you don't go off the tracks and when I've been out searching for Sam the only time you do go off the track potentially is to like go to the toilet as a runner all the locals know how to navigate the terrain without falling down a m pet rashka of course um the psychology of a community knows about M shafts they know that that they're dangerous from a psychological perspective Samantha was an experienced Runner she knew the area very well she was running during daylight hours I certainly agree with Damian that it might be a very convenient place to dispose of a body if something like that has occurred but certainly would not expect an experienced Runner like Samantha to who have accidentally fallen down one police have also had to consider whether Samantha has suffered a sudden medical event or even a snake bite Damian reasonable no cuz I think she'd be uh smart enough to stay in the same position on the track yeah and even as we've been searching you there's phone service everywhere like it's not completely out of town there's no point where our phones have gone to like SOS only and even if she um was to have a uh health issue like a heart attack I mean you don't you you're not going to crawl into the bush that's like crawling away to die you know because you know your only chance is for somebody to come along those tracks and seeing the track Samantha ran it's clear this is not remote Bushland I'm still surprised at how easy and open the run is and so I'm I am thinking for for something to go wrong it to be major for you not to be found absolutely we're never far from a road which makes her complete disappearance despite nearly 3 weeks of intensive searching deeply suspicious to missing person's expert Valentine Smith the cover is there in places I know but it's still quite wide open they had a lot of searches in here and there searches going on today as we know some very experienced people in here today yeah and and the dogs they had here were exceptional and nothing nothing which I find very very unusual but Valentine believes it is possible Samantha would leave the track if she'd been suddenly confronted this is a perfect spot for an ambush someone who's had her running for her life someone could be hiding off here to the right and and as she saw would have coming through here and then jump out in front of a whack what a spot right here would not have a hope if Samantha was attacked that scenario brings with it some chilling assumptions someone who targeted possibly stalked and almost certainly followed Samantha that morning just as happened to Austin almost 12 months before in the same area this is what happens when you go before a run in the bush in Borat on February the 11th last year on her usual jog was ambushed by a Barefoot man she barely saw striking her viciously with a rock and leaving her for dead once I'd been knocked unconscious it wasn't until I got back to my car I was searching for my phone and realized that I actually have my phone on me the entire time and it's I I it's not something that crossed my mind at all when I was trying to find my way back after being knocked unconscious so I think it's cuz I was trying to get out there it was cuz probably cuz I was scared like I was disorientated well your you're escaping an attacker you know you're out there you're jogging it's early morning it's hot and you've been attacked and seriously injured yeah it's an insight into what potentially Samantha might have faced yeah and I don't want to make assumptions of what you know Samantha has gone through it's my own experience that I've you know um mostly kept to myself throughout these last two weeks but it's like definitely a place where my mind is continuously um you know wandering yeah yeah uh Valentine uh that is um it's difficult as that is that's a great insight for uh what happens out there in that situation I just thank you for sharing it with us just a question um in relation to your attacker the attacker you reported was barefoot yeah okay I think that's very interesting I mean who walks through terrain Forest terrain uh Barefoot and a hypothesis that I would draw from that is you typically see people with serious mental illness uh unclothed disheveled not wearing shoes so that's the first thing that comes to my mind about your description of your attack was ambushed near the halfway point of her regular run where she planned to go back an indication perhaps that her attacker knew her routine I knew in my mind that I was doing 8ks that day and I knew that I had my watch and I knew at the 4K point that that's where I'd turn around and run back and I was almost at the 4K point when I was attacked I hadn't quite made the turn around so yeah the point at which was attacked has a chilling parallel in what we now know of Samantha's disappearance she'd apparently planned a 15 km jog that day but according to police data obtained from her iPhone and Apple watch indicates she only made 7 km what would have been close to the halfway mark in her run theyve analyzed that data and Something's Happened at that 7 kilm point that is so significant that they believe that's the point that something happened and From This Moment On It seems Samantha Murphy is in trouble we have to assume do we that someone knew that she was on that run that morning somebody either knew where she'd run past and waited or there were more than one person one was behind following uh another one was waiting up further um or you know she was followed in there what I believe is this was targeted and 7 km in an incident has happened and obviously that's a pretty important incident because that's where police have told us that um she got to and that's where searches are continuing so what happened after that and who was involved coming up they will slip under the radar and appear no different to to anyone else in the community the case for a psychopath who else had access to apps on her phone a predator with a plan they would be able to see where she was moving and how she was moving it just feels like a targeted attack that's next on under [Music] [Music] investigation we are the hunter Samantha Murphy loved jogging the hunter but on Sunday morning February the 4th she literally ran out of sight and at the 7 km Mark Digital Data from her Apple watch and iPhone indicates something occurred theyve analyzed that data and Something's Happened happened at that 7 km point that is so significant that they believe that's the point that something happened for our experts tonight there are a number of difficult areas to examine including whether the Samantha has been attacked and if so the inescapable question who's responsible and there are two options the two main hypotheses that we'd want to follow and and test if if it's not someone they know it's going to be someone who's operating perhaps under a psychotic delusion or somebody who is actually a psychopathic Predator we've looked at the parallels the attack Austin suffered almost a year before while also jogging was ambushed and viciously beaten by a man Midway through her run and as it's believed with Samantha too was wearing earphones how can you get something caze down the track and not necessarily know someone's behind you um would your earphones disconnect you from other sounds yeah they could I think like it could be that it could be there's a certain feeling that you have when you're running where you feel like you're on top of the world and you can't feel anything else around you other than hearing your own breath hearing your feet on the track and sometimes that's all you're you know focused on yeah you're in with your own body then another important thing to know is like as women often we can feel if something doesn't feel right and um that's also like really important to acknowledge you know even walking down the street even you know going somewhere at night you can sense if something isn't feeling right or if someone is following you but if it's somewhere that's been a place of safety that I certain ly before like my attack wouldn't have been looking over my shoulder you provide such an incredible insight into the experience of running through that Forest if Samantha had cause for concern became worried about noises or her experience of running my question is this why did she not call someone she's a strong woman she runs a lot she's very fit is her psychology that she's in control and she's but you know in times of fear like you can freeze you like I I I personally forgot that I had my phone on me um did something happen so quickly that there was actually no time to call someone and in terms of a predator do you surmise that they've checked out the location if it is the case that Samantha has been involved or prayed upon by a predator if they were the psychopathic type of Predator they would know that area like the back of their hand and as he sifts through the information forensic psychologist Dr Peter ashka can't dismiss an early hunch if I were to you know lay my cards on the table it would be towards it being a very organized and planned Psychopathic patp they're usually very damaged psychologically they're cold they're callous they're bold they're daring they're usually very intelligent very often they will slip under the radar and appear no different to anyone else in the community and that allows them to get very close to the victims the question for our experts is are the two cases the attack on and The Disappearance of Samantha connected I see it like this you've got Sissy's case you investigate that case you investigate this case and if they connect you connect them and if they connect you just keep an open mind yeah we're not not saying that um you know you can't connect the cases what we're saying is that not there's not enough to suggest that it's possibly the same person cruy Austin is still waiting for justice and for the man who attacked her to be identified but our team believes it's more likely he's not involved in Samantha Murphy's disappearance and then there remains one other painful scenario that she's Fallen victim to someone known to her someone perhaps with a grudge against her or her family who has turned hate or anger into a terrible act someone who may be seeking a solution to a problem it's the scenario veteran detective Daman Meritt is turning to if something happens to a victim uh whether it's a disappearance a murder the first thing the police are going to do is build up what's called victimology and that is what that person was has been up to in their life every single aspect of it the police are going to analyze their social media their devices the schedule they kept uh where they worked who they associated with where they've been lately and then that goes on to the relationships that they have in their life you've got to look at everything the earily precise location police have identified at the 7 km point in Samantha's run suggests to Damian this could well be a targeted attack by someone who knew or had access to Samantha's movements who else had access to apps on her phone like find my phone and so good point very good point so she could have been being tracked without those people having to physically surveil her when we look at this particular track Liz incredibly amount of resources searching it having viewed the local Bush and the running trails and spoken with the locals probed all the scenarios the same theories police have had to investigate our experts agree Samantha Murphy has most likely Fallen victim to Foul Play people just don't disappear without good reason and they also believe there is a high probability she has been taken by those who may have tracked and ambushed her it just feels like a targeted attack somebody who intimately knew the tracks that she takes or had access to be able to track her runs the final answers May lie in critical evidence our experts are about to examine coming up from the second that she walked out of her door she's getting tracked by a range of different ways the revelations it's almost like we're running with her from cen's digital Trail it was an anomaly a change in the behavior of what the device was collecting how reliable is that very prec down to down to the meters that's next on under [Music] investigation accident predator or someone she knew they are the scenarios for one of Australia's most unsettling missing persons cases in recent years the mystery of what happened to Samantha Murphy got a lady who went missing in a rural area and there's been no Chace of her thus far so it is a complex investigation well as this case is developing the Digital Data from Samantha's devices is becoming more and more important former detective Nigel fa who headed investigations at the Australian high-tech crime Center has been studying Samantha Murphy's digital Trail we're joined by Nigel Fe he joins us in the studio tonight Nigel thank you Samantha Murphy's disappearance seems to be relying now heavily on data yes Liz digital evidence will form the Primacy of the police investigation all their Avenues of inquiry will start with digital evidence and indeed it'll flow all the way through to any subsequent prosecution that they may take as she went out that morning Samantha had two incredibly powerful devices mapping and tracking a range of Digital Data her iPhone whose location can be accurately triangulated by the multiple cell towers in the area and her Apple watch measuring her Biometrics heart rate stride length even if she has had a fall it's almost like we're running with her is that what you're suggesting yes from the second that she walked out of her door went out on the street it would be able to see where she was moving and how she was moving and they would be able to understand as she moved into the forest her altitude changes and then that might relay to different stride l and both devices generate precise GPS data technically able to place her within a few meters it's information police have been quietly Gathering since their investigation began but now we know a critical fact from what I'm understanding it was probably at that 7 km Mark that there has been some different pattern all was seemingly normal for Samantha until she reached this seven kilometer point but then there was apparently a disturbance her biometric data and other digital evidence speaks to an incident something presumably related to her disappearance approximately an hour after she left home she red the man clear area and that evidence most likely a package of Telltale information including the last registered contact from her iPhone the last digital ping has refocused the police investigation and search that search is based potentially on the last known ping yes either the last known ping or the last known ping where there was normal activity if she's running at a constant speed and we know that she was a fit person other data being stride length and those type of things heart rate was all constant then I think at that stage there was an anomaly a change in the behavior of what the device was collecting how reliable is that that's hugely reliable and precise very precise down to down to the meters if they've had this data you think from the start why has it taken 18 days for us to search the 7 km point it's a really good question putting my ex police had on maybe they wanted to see if the perpetrators went back to that spot good answer Fair believes the sudden absence of Digital Data from Samantha's devices is not only a powerful pointer to the possibility something sinister has occurred it could also be an insight to a predator's sophisticated technical knowledge I'm intrigued if everything stopped at that 7 km Mark and we just had nothing that means someone's done something active against those two devices and you have to know what you doing to think I'm going to completely take these outs not just turning them off it's destroying them and then getting rid of that piece of evidence tell me Nigel is it possible that the towers and this acquired data tell us if the phone and the devices are being moved and carried by someone other than Samantha I well it it can if we relay it with existing run data of hers Nigel says criminals have been known to remove or replace the SIM card in an iPhone but the mobile can still be tracked because each phone has an individual identification number a hardware code called imy even if you've passed that phone on and you cleared it all would it send out the imy and how do they track that without a number a device has two signifiers it has the phone number which you can change um call that the software signifier and it has a hardware identify which is the imy number and that's what we will always remain the same regardless of how you clean the phone it always has its Hardware signifier it means police have been able to track the movements of Samantha's phone even if it's been cleared of the SIM card and taken from her regardless if you swap Sims or don't use a SIM at all and just use it as as a Wi-Fi only device in a Wi-Fi era it will always broadcast that imy number onto the network and it isn't only Samantha's digital footprint police can track investigators can also detect the data of others in the same location and that includes digital devices Predators might have with them including technology built into a car if we can track Samantha's device into an area what other devices were in that area at that same time and it would be I would argue quite a sophisticated criminal would think not to bring their own digital evidence into to that type of crime scene Digital Data and its intricate detail has focused the investigation and it's given police incredible information including that something happened 7 kilm into Samantha's run but it doesn't bode well that the search for Samantha is [Music] continuing if there is not a sign of Samantha there not a body what does it tell us I think it tells us that she's been moved um whether it's a long way or a short way whether it's down to M shaft whether it's to some other location the other thing is is there any parts of of her devices there either they've been broken and there's some remnants or they've been thrown down the M Shaft or they've been carried off um the best thing going really for police would be if they weren't disabled and they were just carried away and there also might be other forensic material there like there could be blood there could be abely weap pie of material Tor material as we know Liz she's a fighter so there there could be a you know a fight that's gone on from your knowledge from what you've investigated and seen is there a probable scenario that you would lean towards as to what has happened to Samantha Murphy I think she's met with Foul Play by at least two other people at that location at that 7 km location in or around there and How likely is it that police have the data on potential predators and uh police are tracking those Predators too I think it's highly likely yeah um how important do you see this Valentine the digital Trail oh it's of incredible importance Digital Data and its ability to draw us closer to finding Samantha is extraordinary but missing persons expert Valentine Smith believes that the most potent investigative resource is still the general public and he implores everyone to remain motivated and involved it's important that that the community listen to what's being said here uh tonight and to really focus on on what's happened and make notes and think and report it to the police and report it to Crim Stoppers that's what there for coming up there'll be more than that one person that knows what's happened a crucial clue this is so important because they didn't just say a car they said a damaged car is a breakthrough imminent a resolution that finds peace in our hearts and allows for healing that's next on under [Music] investigation [Music] tonight we're investigating the fate of Samantha Murphy the mother of three who left her Balor at home 3 weeks ago for a morning run people just don't disappear without good reason but now despite a massive police operation it's our number one investigation at present and an entire Community rallying to find her I met someone out on the search last week who was in tears out there searching for her there seems faint hope she'll be found alive this was targeted and 7 km in an incident has happened so what happened after that and who was involved I'm still not convinced that we're looking at a homicide forensic psychologist Dr Peter ashka is still considering the alternative possibility that Samantha may have been kidnapped napped at the 7 km point where her digital trail ends I still would like to believe the very real possibility that it's a kidnapping and that she's still alive and that's my hope but I absolutely feel that this is Whoever has taken her and abducted her they're very systematic and well organized and very knew very well what they were doing the kidnapp scenario gains added weight with police now indicating their interested in a vehicle to veteran detective Damen Meritt it's Vital Information this is so important because they didn't just say a car they said a damaged car it's so specific so was that damage caused with this incident or was that damag uh because somebody saw a damaged car leave but both Daman and Valentine Smith believed the role of a vehicle is more likely to remove man's body from the scene I note that it's a 7 1/2k Mark turnaround point I would be very surprised if it didn't take place on or very close to a roadway which would indicate a vehicle and that she's been removed by at least obviously one person and that there'll be more than that one person that knows what's happened as we've revealed the area where Samantha was taken is also pitted with thousands of old M shafts any one of them could be hiding her body if Samantha Murphy is in a m shaft in this region what are the chances of finding her probably buley a n police have said all aspects of Samantha Murphy's life are being examined including we believe the car repair business she and her husband Mick own and all theories are on the table we look into absolutely every Avenue of inquiry and uh we will continue to do so until we find some answers our experts agree this case could well be cracked by the public and police have received over 500 tips so far just one of those could provide the final clue investigators need CIA you're from this community all of this is grim but resolution is important for your community isn't it yeah and I think that in terms of having a position on what could or couldn't have happened to Sam I'm in no position to you know um to have a strong one in that but I am in a position to hold hope think where there's a community that's driven by hope there's still hope out there to bring Samantha home whether it be a resolution that's um you know not something that we that we would love but a resolution that finds you know peace in in our hearts and allows for healing but I still um yeah I still hold hope and so does with majority of the ballat community Damen Meritt agrees but he's seen hope dashed in too many cases and he fears with the weeks that have passed Samantha Murphy's Fate has already been sealed I think we're looking at a homicide that occurred sadly on the uh 4th of February and I think uh through the data police have a very good idea of exactly what happened and how important is it to find a body oh very important to find a body it's always important and it's important for the prosecution case but it's also more important for the family to be able to you know get some closure that little hope of oh they might still be alive is like torture yes so to have closure by a farewelling um a loved one is yeah I mean it's everything to that family well we're hoping tonight's investigation will assist police by prompting you our viewers to report anything you might know if you have any information something you've seen something you might have heard that day CCTV or dash cam footage please call Crimestoppers on 1 18003 or you can contact us at underinvestigated [Music] .com. thank you all very much for joining me tonight and I thank you I'm Liz Hayes good night hello I'm Liz Hayes and thank you for watching under investigation subscribe to our Channel now for exclusive clips and don't miss out on full episodes of under investigation on 9 now and the 9 Now app
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 501,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Tara Brown, 60Mins, Amelia Adams, news, world news, news australia, investigative journalism, 60 minutes australia youtube, 60 minutes youtube, 60 minutes episodes, 60 minutes australia episodes, 60 minutes australia, 60 minutes, Adam Hegarty, Dimity Clancey, Nick McKenzie, samantha murphy, sam murphy, ballarat, ballarat missing persons, missing persons, cold case, what happened to samantha murphy, vanished without a travce, crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 18sec (2718 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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