Retracing the English Victory at the Battle of Crécy | Hundred Years' War

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at dawn on the 12th of July 1346 as the sun rose and the first light illuminated the sea off the Normandy Coast a terrible sight would have greeted anyone who stood looking out of the haze loomed a massive Fleet almost a thousand ships strong the landing craft beached and the first wave of men scrambled out and waded towards the shore they were expecting the worst above their heads crossbow bolts fizzed they returned a volley of Longbow arrows of their own and continued their surge up the beach this wasn't a Liberation it was an invasion foreign these men were at the spearhead of 15 000 soldiers fifteen thousand soldiers who would unleash hell on anyone and anything in their path a small band of French militiamen tried to stop the Invaders but they were hopelessly outnumbered all they could do was fall back take the road heading south and warn everyone they came across the English are coming at the head of the invasion was King Edward III of England and this campaign his Cressy campaign would go down in history as a great English Triumph heralding England as a powerful Nation on the world stage and Edward himself as a masterful Lord of War [Music] I'm Dan Jones and I'm following in the footsteps of this campaign learning not just about the Lords giving the orders but the ordinary men following them too and discovering that the traditional story doesn't quite match up with what actually happened so Chef is a campaign of total Destruction yes robbing raping destroying he says look the king of France is not able to defend his Lance and his subjects it's absolutely astonishing to look out on this landscape and imagine what it must have looked like in mangled corpses and blood the summer of 1346 was truly extraordinary with acts of tactical genius and utter brutality of total luck and terrible misfortune and it all came to a head here with one of the most defining battles of the Hundred Years War the Battle of Crescent [Music] I've always been fascinated by Edward III 1346 campaign it's full of traditional heroic stories of king Edward and his eldest son the black prince as well as Deeds of gallantry and chivalry by the French nobility and that campaign provides the backdrop for my latest project a book called Essex dogs which tries to recreate life among the ordinary men of Edward's Army and that campaign and my story both start here on the long sandy beaches of some valook in Normandy the wide flat Sands of the kotentam peninsula are perfect for an invasion so perfect in fact that they were chosen for another 600 years later [Music] in 1944 the beaches just to the south of here were codenamed Utah The Landing point for thousands of U.S service Personnel on D-Day thankfully for the men of the 1346 invasion they didn't have to deal with concrete gun emplacements and machine gun fire in fact their Landing saw almost no resistance at all apart from that band of local militiamen Edward's Army came ashore unopposed they couldn't have wished for a better start to the campaign things didn't begin quite as well for the king himself Edward's own Landing was far less auspicious this is an illustration from jean-posar's 14th century Chronicle and it shows the king taking a tumble as he stepped off his boat and face planting onto the beach now that could have been pretty embarrassing but Edward was a masterly propagandist and he said this just proved the land was ready to receive him others may have interpreted this as something of a bad Omen but with the French nowhere to be seen and English troops flooding onto French soil and into the port of some value any thoughts of evil portents were quickly pushed to one side and in any case for the average Soldier on campaign there was work to be done as usual there are lots of stories of kings and princes but to get inside the experience of the ordinary Soldier we have to read between the lines of the sources we have available now here I've got an excerpt from a proclamation issued in Edward's name explaining how the Army was supposed to behave it says no house or manner is to be burned no church or holy Place sacked and no old people children or women are to be harmed or molested nor are they to threaten any other people except men who resist them or do any kind of wrong on pain of life and limb but unfortunately for the local French population there was a bit of a gap between instructions being issued and being obeyed Edward clearly understood the types of men he'd brought with him the dogs of war men who are either so poor they had no choice other than to join the campaign or were in too much trouble with the law to refuse within hours sanvalogue was an English outpost on the continent the supplies of War flowed through the harbor the town itself had been all but abandoned and while the men weren't unloading the ships they were filling their own pockets the town was stripped of everything of value nothing like an easy bit of Loot on the first morning of the campaign the Looting of log might sound to us like petty crime but actually it tells us a lot about the men in Edward's army they weren't all rich Aristocrats out to defend the honor of their King and their country most of them were just ordinary guys here to make a bit of money to find out more about the men of the English Army and the amazing logistical feat that Edward achieved I'm meeting historian Professor Michael Livingston who spent the best part of the last decade working on Edward's campaign of 1346. Edward III brings 15 000 men to Normandy that's a big army by medieval standards it's a very big army it's a huge Army especially by medieval standards as you said so it's hard to support Logistics and it's hard to transport across the English Channel which is a big barrier in a pre-modern context we've got this number 15 000 fighting men come to France with Edward but give us some context how big is that yeah it may not seem like a lot when we think about the size of stadiums you know for football today but it is a big number in terms of what it was like back then we're talking about something potentially a quarter of population alone in wow and that's just the fighters just just the fighters essentially you have to have a city on the move something that can feed itself as best it can get its own clothes make repairs everything that's needed I mean you got to have people to mend tents you have to have people to you know Drive the carts to fix the carts to everything that you kind of don't think about we just think about army fighting man there's an enormous number of sport here I've written about the ordinary men in Edward's Army but what's the sort of composition I mean how many Nobles are there how many nights how many archers what what is the rough composition of the army it's it's quite varied and it's awesome that you've done this and like brought the common man into this because too often we simply focus on Edward and the main Lords and they're not very many men compared to the 15 000 that are there so you have about 15 000 men 7 800 or more are archers you then have a couple thousand mounted archers and then kind of a Motley of minute arms and knights beneath that what's in it for the ordinary guy in Edward's Army I mean why are they are they getting a salary are they getting like bonuses what's the what's the point some of it is salaried which is surprising to a lot of people some of it is salaried but a lot of it is also this is a chance to actually enrich yourself through looting through something you might accomplish ransoms there's a chance of making money making a living essentially at going to war are there guys who put their hands up every time the call to war goes out oh yeah there's guys who enjoy this work they're good at it and they're ready to do it they're going to find work wherever they can get it and potentially even make their own how long is Edward planning to bring this Army to France this kind of thing takes months so the French knew it was coming spies people knew there was an Army being prepared they just didn't know where it was going that's the big secret being kept from the French now in most people's imagination the beaches of Normandy are associated with the 6th of June 1944 with D-Day absolutely there are advantages natural advantages throughout time to the the this this spot on the coast there are there are advantages and disadvantages Advantage wonderful beaches for a landing terrific terrific at that point the kotan peninsula is pretty marshy there's really only one way in and out now that's an advantage and a disadvantage it means it's going to be difficult for somebody to stop you once you get yourself a beachhead right but before that if there's gathered up a distance you're gonna have to fight all the way through it and that can be a problem for him now when Edward arrives on the constant Peninsula on the on the Normandy beaches there's a little bit of resistance but it's not it's not D-Day is it you don't have these ranks and ranks of French why why not so most of the French army is in the South down in gascony and so there's really only local resistance and not much at that there's sort of one guy who tries to sort of organize resistance but he knows look I only have a few hundred men I can't stop 15 000 Englishmen so he starts kind of like making a delayed Retreat just trying to slow them down in the hopes of more forces Gathering behind him in order to finally bottle up the English the English have got to just move fast to outpace that Edward's got 15 000 men and not all of them are sort of chivalrous Knights by any means so how's he going to control this law well some great he's not going to I'm not even sure the chivalrous Knights are that chivalrous there's a lot of this that is sort of you know we're going to pretend that we're one way we might have to act another way and that's expected so yeah things are going to happen that are going to be bad on the campaign he knows that but he's going to issue edicts saying not to do that but yeah his orders keep getting ignored just routinely disappeared just routinely disobeyed you know he walks and I'm not going to burn this city he turns around it's on fire it is just constant this rampaging and pillaging and looting it's hard to control this many men it's just simply hard to do even in a a modern age we have difficulty controlling Armed Forces on campaign and Edward's not stupid he must have known that this was a likely thing to happen I think he thought it was inevitable to some degree it's good for him if this happens the men are getting paid and he's not necessarily having to do it like this is a win-win situation as long as it can look like I disapprove that was terrible I took care of those men they won't do that again that's the position he wants to be in in an army such as the king of England was leading it was impossible that there should not be plenty of Bad characters and criminals without conscience in 1346 the Hundred Years War was still in its infancy several skirmishes had seen the men of Edward III of England and Philippe VI the France Clash both on land and at sea but make no mistake England was still a small island nation France was the superpower of Europe but the Cressy campaign in the summer of 1346 would turn that narrative upside down and finally the two kings were going to be at the heart of the action clearly this was a huge invasion exactly why Edward landed an Army in France has been the source of debate from almost the day of the invasion itself and to begin to understand it we need to look back at when Edward III came to the English throne when Edward III became king of England in 1327 the Royal houses of England and France were well and truly intertwined so in 1328 when Edward's Uncle Charles IV of France died Edward had a good claim to the French crown and the French nobility had a decision to make would they go with Edward or would they go with his cousin Philippe valois well they chose the latter and Philip became Philippe VI now in 1337 Philippe confiscated all of Edward's French lands and that's the beginning of what we now call the Hundred Years War it escalated quickly in 1340 Edward quartered his arms of the three English leopards with the fleur-de-lis of France he was claiming to be the French King so in 1346 when Edward invades he's not just on some chivalric Adventure he's coming to claim his land and his crown foreign along the Norman Coast sacking and burning Villages and castles pillaging and killing without opposition but of course samvar was just the beginning the English began their move South along the road that ran down the spine of the kodatam peninsula heading through verlonia on the 18th sancom Dumont on the 19th and Carrollton on the 20th the speed of the English Advance was nothing short of frightening French could do nothing to resist [Music] the local populations have heard the English army coming from miles away and by and large they've done the sensible thing and fled none of the towns was defended the gates were hanging open Edward's men just marched on in but despite their King's instructions they ransacked buildings and put them to the torch the Army's bloodlust was beginning to rise foreign [Music] within a week of Landing the kotentan peninsula had been left a smoking wreck and now the rest of the kingdom of France lay wide open to Edward and his army he could easily now Head West into Brittany where he had allies or else he could continue marching through Normandy either swinging East towards Bayer or South to sanlow it didn't take long for him to decide that he would continue his March South it was probably a move motivated by nothing more than good old-fashioned greed Sam Lowe was a thriving Merchant town and it was firmly in the English Army's sites now Edward might have officially denounced the Looting but he would be able to cream off the profits of the pillage and that wouldn't hurt with paying back the loans he'd taken out to finance the war and in any case the French was still nowhere to be seen [Music] when we saw that our enemy did not desire to come and give battle we burned and devastated the surrounding Countryside praise be to God but Edward's confidence in the lack of a French reaction was perhaps misplaced the militiamen who had faced off against the English army at samva had been desperately breaking Bridges to stop the English advance and now the men under the command of Robert bertrong decided to make a stand hoping for support from King Philippe and they would do so behind the huge walls of Salo Bertrand was confident that his delaying tactics would have slowed the English Advance along the peninsula and that he his militiamen and whoever else he could raise from the local population would be able to hold sanolo until Philippe could raise an army and come and rescue them after all it was much easier to defend a city than it was to attack one behind these massive walls the citizens and population of sanlow would be safe it was a reasonable enough strategy stop the English at San Lo and they would be bottled up in the kotentam peninsula or forced to Head West to Brittany crucially the path of Paris would be cut off but when Bertrand learned of the speed of the English army and that they were already rebuilding the final Bridge Over the River via to San Lo his blood must have run cold the English army was moving much faster than Bertrand had anticipated there was no way he could make provision for a long Siege and there was no help that could possibly get to him quickly enough so he made the gut-wrenching decision to abandon the city there was no time for the citizens to escape they were left to the English [Music] on the morning of the 22nd of July the English army Drew up in battle formation ready to storm the city but with bertrong gone it wouldn't be needed word that sound low had been abandoned by The Garrison obviously reached Edward and the Army but still the city wasn't spared the chronicle Jean LaBelle recorded what happened he wrote not many alive would ever believe the wealth of booty plundered there a great many wealthy burgers were taken prisoner and a lot of the common folk were killed when the town was first entered a good number of the town's women and their daughters were raped this wasn't War it was Terror Edward himself refused to enter the city he knew his dogs would Burn It To The Ground despite his orders that night the sky would have glowed Orange for over a week Normandy burned finally as San Lo was being put to the torch Philippe VI who was still in the outskirts of Paris received news of the invasion he would need to react and fast but Philippe had a problem his biggest army was hundreds of miles away in Aquitaine with his son John Duke of Normandy so Philip came here to sandini and raised the sacred French battle standard known as the oriflam it was a call to arms if his army in Aquitaine couldn't be here to resist the English Philippe would raise another one instead [Music] with sanlos secured the English army could continue their Rampage across Normandy we can never know what Edward expected when he landed with his army perhaps he wanted to face Philippe immediately or maybe he thought he could march on Paris to claim the throne he thought was rightfully his either way the treatment of the French population and their towns in the campaign left most people in no doubt Edward was now waging a violent destructive campaign one that became standard during the Hundred Years War he was leading a Chevrolet [Music] Normandy was an abundant landscape perhaps the richest region in all of France and in July the Harvest was starting to come in perfect for a Chevrolet I'm meeting Dr Ella de Gia who can tell me more about what this meant in practice and they did tell me what's the purpose of a Chevy the purpose is to destroy a land completely to destroy the villages destroy the crops to terrorize people to make them feel that they're insecure at that their King their own King cannot protect them and whoever's commanding the Chevy is the more powerful Lord yes so this is really old school warlord tactics right yes it's old school that's it's also the best way to make war for Edward because it's it's the cheapest way to make war the Middle Ages Kings could not payday men really efficiently so the destructions the cities it was a way of paying men and it's not it's it's not difficult anyone can do it yes anyone can do it can you fire something sharp that's it and a bad attitude so Chef is a campaign of total Destruction yes destroy everything yes take everything yes terrify people yes rubbing raping destroying yes once Edward lands at samva every town seems to be empty the gates are open the people are gone the gates are open the people are gone and it happens pretty much throughout the first week of his Shabba show right of his campaign is that just because people were scared why did they run away they were scared and they knew that they couldn't fight against an army they they couldn't and the Lords were not there right it must have been pretty horrifying to be sitting somewhere like this in Normandy and hear the sort of of English horses the Hooves the cries of men the smell of smoke yes what about the people on the Chevrolet is this normal guy you know when I've been writing about this I'd try and put myself in the mindset of guys on the English side being sent into a village to rape and murder and kill and burn and inflict all of this Terror seems really hard to imagine was this just sort of normal part of war in the Middle Ages more part of War are a normal part of life sometimes we said we live in a in a violent Society but the Middle Ages Society was really violent this man there were maybe I don't know maybe from they were Craftsmen from a village in England or something and they were going in France and doing and what they were told to do there's a tension there isn't there in the campaign because on the one hand you have Edward issuing orders to his own troops saying don't kill don't break don't burn these are my subjects don't go killing them please but on the other hand he's got to know hasn't he that he's got 15 000 kind of thugs and murderers and people who are just here because they want to make a profit how does that work I mean how can he expect that this strategy would work it doesn't expect it doesn't expect no he doesn't expect it but it's a Christian King so is gut to show something is get to to deal with their violent service troops and it's got to tell them well don't do it you've got to behave like that Etc and because I don't think that he wanted to kill a lot of people no he wanted to to make them feel that it was really the powerful one [Music] now the Lord King continuously progressing and going forward took all the large towns through which he passed no one resisted and all the people fled Edward's campaign so far had been smashing through wealthy Merchant towns and huge swathes of Countryside Jean LaBelle suggested that the path of Destruction left by the English army measured 40 miles wide for the ordinary Soldier the scale of the devastation must have been incomprehensible even for Edward ransacking at this level was exceptional but on the 25th of July a new prize loomed into view one that could make or break his campaign the Magnificent city of com foreign was a glittering prize for the English filled with Wealth Beyond the imaginations of almost every man in Edward's Army and for Edward it had great symbolic resonance as well this was where his ancestor William the Conqueror was buried and nowhere captures the magnificence and the importance of Carl quite like one of the Abbeys William founded the Abbey ozone [Music] foreign or men's Abbey was part of the Improvement works that William made to the city in the 1060s when he made it a dual capital and when William became king of England in 1066 the power and the wealth of Khan was turbocharged it was now no longer just a dual Capital but the preferred seat of the king of England this is still William's final resting place he chose to be buried here in Normandy the duchy where he was born rather than in England the country that he ruled and I don't think the significance of that fact can possibly have passed Edward by so we can imagine him and his army marching ever closer to Kong seeing this glorious Abbey looming on the horizon his determination to take this place must have grown by the second but taking the city was going to be easier said than done because William didn't just build a great Abbey when he improved the city in the 1060s but also one of the great Castle complexes of Western Europe if Edward wanted to capture the city of the Conqueror he would have to crack the castle too [Applause] for Philippe and the French what happened here at com was pivotal in the city and its Castle held out if they bogged the English down in a long Siege Philippe would be able to bring his new French army here and drive the English back to the coast but if con folded then the English Chevy show would continue and ruong even Paris would soon be in Edward sites Philippe was now commanding a northern French army one that was growing continually in strength but rather than committing them immediately to the aid of Kong he waited unfortunately in practice Philippe's wait and see policy looked quite a lot like dithering although he moved his troops north of Paris he wouldn't bring them any further until he heard positive news from the siege for the time being the people of Kong were on their own [Music] the defense of Kong was left to the count of UR but just like at San Lo the speed of the English Advance left the French Defenders with little time to organize medieval archaeologist Alban gottfar is an expert on the castle at com I'm meeting him to discover more about the fate of the city in July 1346 as the English army swept through what's the significance of Kong to Philippe and to the kingdom of France it was quite a big city maybe 20 30 000 people and it was quite a rich city they traded Stones wine and drapes drapery there was a harbor so it was quite a quite a big big important city one of the most important in the Kingdom after Paris and and it would be humiliating if it fell that was kind of the point because uh Edward tried to weaken Philip to weaken the lands he devastated the lands and also he tried to send a political message he said look the king of France is not able to defend his lands and his subjects so yeah it was very very important his corn today what would it have looked like in 1346 in 1346 there was the castle which was built in stone there was the old town of broleroa over there um The Abbey of it was labeouzam there there was also labeou Dam on the other side of the city and there was Lil sanjon which was the the new town with a more wealthy population it was surrounded by Rivers lorno the river odong and the canal and the river Odom split the city in half it separated the new and the Old Town so the new town was effectively protected by rivers and a canal the old town did it have walls I mean the castle had stone walls yes surely the Old Town had walls as well yes uh it did there was some protection some differences which were constructed by William the Conqueror but those were a bit old it was made of us and Timber and it was like 300 years old so um it was vaguely protected on the other hand was protected by the rivers but no no fortifications whatsoever how did the people of Kong react when they heard the English were coming this way well I think they were probably terrified that was what was coming first they tried to improve the defenses of the city especially the old town which were whose protection was quite old so they tried to make some quick patches to some walls where it was needed as much as they could the set of barricades in the streets especially in the IL sajan which was not protected by fortifications and they dug ditches also but they didn't have a lot of time why didn't they all just run inside the castle surely this was the safest place to be the castle was well protected it was probably the safest uh safest strategy but I think they also tried to protect the city itself so that's why to protect their homes enriches their their possessions The Assault on the city began on the morning of the 26th of July despite his better judgment the count of uh had been persuaded by the wealthy citizens of the city to deploy their troops outside the city walls in their wealthy suburb of ilsanjong it was a decision that would have Bloody consequences so we've now taken a walk along the ramparts of the castle and we're looking out over what would have been the new town in 1346 just tell me what it would have looked like well the new town begins behind the church there was the river Odum flowing behind behind that church but you can imagine you had houses wealthy houses for the inhabitants of car we were imagining a river running along here a fortified barricaded Bridge with access to the new town was this the only way in to the new town there were more bridges to the new town and also the water was quite shallow at this time of the year so even if the bridge was still protected they could still cross the river when the attack began it most of the soldiers didn't wait for a command from the King they just attacked absolutely they must have been really excited the ordinary soldiers about the prospect of the rich pickings over there absolutely yeah first of all they they captured the Old Town quite easily probably they were there weren't even one single defender in it probably and then then they assaulted the Ilse which was the wealthy parts of the city so yeah the soldiers didn't even wait Edward's orders and they just flooded the uh this part of the city to try and grab as much loot as possible [Music] bypassing the castle completely the English smashed into the barricade over the bridge leading to ilsanjong it became a gruesome front line as the French desperately tried to hold off the English hounds but it was quite disorganized so it allowed the French to defend themselves a bit more efficiently I suppose because the assault was so disorganized at first but then later since the English were more numerous they eventually conquered the this part of the city so we've got really pandemonium there must have been smoke rising from the old town people assaulting the barricade people wading you know waist deep in relatively shallow water to swarming it must have been Panic inside the news yes because it was there was many casualties from both sides but especially from French side and yeah you can just imagine probably yeah buildings being burned down people being slaughtered some women were raped some sometimes they were killed as well so it was quite a violent episodes of the history of Normandy absolutely terrible episode was [Music] fight was very Fierce and prolonged but praise be to God the town was at last taken by force without losing any of our men [Music] the sacking of con was truly Dreadful the chronicler Jean LaBelle wrote it was a great Slaughter the people of Khan didn't know which way to turn the houses smashed open and all their belongings plundered and images like this from jean-posar's Chronicle which shows English infantrymen stabbing the citizens of Khan with Spears and blood flowing in the streets we'll never know for sure how many people were killed but it's been estimated that by the time the English finally left half the population of the city lay dead watching com burn from the safety of his Camp the king must have been basking in his own success within weeks of Landing in France he had not only set a light one of the richest regions in the Kingdom but had captured one of the most magnificent cities in western Europe the city of his ancestor William the Conqueror for the ordinary men in Edward's Army it was the ultimate payday they took everything they could gorging themselves on food and drinking as much wine as they could manage the sack of Kong and the terrible Chevrolet the English launched across Normandy wasn't some anomaly in the Hundred Years War it was the essence of Edward III's campaign and that's weird because the traditional history is one of heroism and chivalry and the brave English overcoming the perfidious French but even when you look at Medieval images like this one of The Butchery that took place at Kong you can't help but think that if Edward III did this today there'd be calls around the world for him to be convicted of war crimes foreign [Music] he sent back a letter to England giving detailed instructions for a new English Fleet filled with supplies and men to be sent to the French Port of lecro toy in piccadi for some historians this finally marks a moment where Edward shows his hand clearly he had no desire to stay in Normandy and he also didn't have his eyes on Paris at least for the time being we can only guess that with two weeks of complete success behind him he wanted to continue to reap everything he could and head towards his Flemish allies in the Northeast presumably this is a decision taken at Kong otherwise surely orders for a reinforcement Fleet would have been sent out before the invasion even left but I think we can sense a growing confidence among the English Edward knows the Chevrolet is the best use of his men's time and energy so after four days of rest and Recovery the English fan out again across the French Countryside spreading fire and Terror [Music] so was the good fat land of Normandy ravaged and burned plundered and pillaged by the English Edward's forces had sacked Khan but they couldn't hold it the French troops who had stayed in the castle soon retook the city once the bulk of the English army had left but this was no longer a campaign about territorial control after all the English were destroying nearly everything in their path Edward was challenging Philippe's very status as the king and protector of France and Edward was now driving his dogs of war on towards an even bigger prize than Kong the Undisputed second city of France rule [Music] in 1346 Rome was a city fat with riches Merchants traded textiles wine and wheat across Europe its Skyline was a sea of Glorious spiers and it was here that Philippe finally made his move at the end of July 1346 he marched his troops into the city Cole might have fallen he couldn't allow room to suffer the same fate Philip must have been distraught to the sack of Khan but quietly relieved he'd held his army back in reserve even better he'd beaten Edward to ruin and his men now stood in the English Army's way finally Philippe held some cards in his hand [Music] the source of ruin's great wealth came from the mighty River Sen trade from deep within France could make it out to the Sea and to the rest of Europe easily through the city but the river would now also play a crucial role in her defense the city may have bristled with the men of Philippe's Army but crucially it sat on the right Bank of the river while the English were on the Left Bank any potential assault on rule would have to cross the river first but for the English this was a future nut to crack they were still a week's March from Rome and for Edward seemingly confident that Philippe would not come and meet him in pitched battle it was another week to wreak havoc on French lands but despite Philippe's indecision to this point he now finally had a plan of his own I don't think anyone would describe Philippe VI as a military genius but even he knew what he needed to do as he moved his army here to ruin he reinforced the garrisons at every river crossing and ordered the dismantling of every bridge between Paris and the Sea there was now nowhere that Edward III could safely get his army across the same the English king was walking into a French trap or Philippe needed to do was buy this time then struck thanks for watching this video on the history Hit YouTube channel you can subscribe right here to make sure you don't miss any of our great films that are coming out or if you are a true history fan check out our special dedicated History Channel History hit dot TV you're gonna love it
Channel: History Hit
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Keywords: history hit, history hit youtube, hundred years war, hundred years war documentary, battle of crecy history, battle of crecy documentary, dan jones medieval history, dan jones battle of crecy, dan jones historian, dan jones documentary, hundred years war crecy, hundred years war battles, hundred years war battle of crecy, agincourt and crecy, Edward III, edward iii of england, edward iii death, longbow history, longbow history england, essex dogs dan jones, essex dogs film
Id: PoPNdCA-0zg
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Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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