RETIREMENT INCOME IDEAS: If You Haven't Saved Enough

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What can you do if you don't have enough income  to meet your financial needs in retirement?   In this video I will give you some practical  ideas and possible solutions. [Music]   Welcome to the Financial Fast  Lane my name is Lane Martinsen.   If you are concerned that you will not have enough  income to meet your financial needs throughout   your retirement years, You Are Not Alone. As you  think about your financial situation you may feel   a little anxious and unsure or your situation may  feel overwhelmingly difficult or even impossible.   But just because something seems to be impossible  does not mean that it is impossible. Now I'm going   to give you several ideas and share some stories  of what others have done to turn things around and   improve their financial situation. The purpose  of sharing these ideas and stories is to get   you thinking creatively. The power of creative  problem solving should not be underestimated!   Now, before I share some of these ideas  I have four important prerequisites.   Prerequisite number one is to be willing  to explore a wide range of possibilities.   If all you can see are the obstacles before  you and you can see no viable solutions   then you're going to feel stuck and discouraged.  To get unstuck will require some out-of-the-box   thinking, it will require shifting your focus  from the obstacles to the exploration of potential   Solutions. With a fresh perspective and some  determination you will be free to brainstorm   new ideas and discover new solutions. Prerequisite  number two, don't reject or accept ideas quickly.   It is really essential to keep an open mind, give  ideas time to marinate and to develop. Ideas that   may seem completely implausible for you, may  grow into surprising innovative solutions.   Rejecting ideas quickly will  hinder the creative process.   Albert Einstein said we cannot solve our problems  with the same level of thinking that created them.   Prerequisite number three, remove any  self-limiting beliefs. Don't hold yourself back,   we are limited only by what we allow ourselves to  be limited by. You are not too old and it is not   too late. Prerequisite number four, brainstorm  improvements for both ends of your budget,   income and expenses, the inflow and the outflow.  Ideally we want to add additional sources of   income to increase our income but equally  important is the managing of our expenses.   Be sure to explore creative ideas on both ends of  your budget. If you make a million dollars before   lunch and you spend a million and one dollars  before dinner you go to bed broke and in debt.   Now I'm going to share with you three big income  generating ideas along with several stories and   suggestions. Again these ideas are just to get  you thinking creatively. Okay big idea number one,   create an Accessory Dwelling Unit or an ADU.  An Adu is a self-contained living space or a   secondary living space located on the same lot as  your primary residence. For example, if you have a   house with a basement you may be able to convert  the basement into a basement apartment, find a   good renter, and establish a new stream of rental  income. Affordable housing is in high demand.   Another example would be to create an apartment  out of a space above your garage if you have one   or maybe even to convert your garage into a small  apartment. If converting a basement or a garage is   not a viable option for you, another popular idea  is to build a detached tiny home in the backyard.   These are sometimes called a Guest House or  a Casita or a Backyard Cottage. There are   many people looking for affordable housing that  would be very happy to pay you rent every month.   A Casita or a Backyard Cottage can be  made very nice and very comfortable.   Let's take a quick look at one of these tiny  homes this is a short video clip provided by   Minimal Living Concepts a great company located  in Phoenix Arizona that specializes in building   these tiny homes. All of our units are built on  a concrete slab foundation fully sealed in this   standing seam metal exterior, it's actually  a metal roofing material the same thing that   you would see on a lot of new luxury homes that  are built with metal roofs. All of our kitchens   feature this glass window backsplash in them. All  of our units are priced to be as all inclusive   as they could possibly be of a finished  unit, just a pretty normal size but fully   livable bathroom that we try to make the most  of and make people feel really comfortable in. I will also provide a link below if you want  more information about Minimal Living Concepts.   Rental income can be a very welcome additional  stream of income in retirement. You can consider   long-term rentals or possibly short-term Airbnb  rentals that may be more profitable depending   upon location and other factors but something  that you could consider. Now, to make an even   bigger financial impact, I know people who instead  of renting the basement apartment or casita they   move into the smaller unit themselves so that they  can then rent out the larger home for more income.   With that method you are simultaneously increasing  your income on one end and decreasing your   expenses on the other. I know a single lady  that rents out her basement as an apartment.   She also has a casita in the backyard, and a  garage that she converted into a livable space,   and she is collecting rent on all three units,  and she is very much enjoying the rental income.   If you consider converting or building an ADU  you want to make sure its done properly and   safely. The laws vary so you'll want  to check with your local government.   In the United States most municipalities require  you to obtain a permit. Big idea number two,   generate additional income with a home-based  business. The possibilities really are endless.   Remember it is not too late and you are not  too old. Let me share a couple of stories   you may know the story of Anne Mary Robertson  Moses, she had a unique career as an artist that   didn't start until she was age 78. She had never  tried painting before, she had no prior training   or experience. She picked up a paintbrush  for the very first time at the age of 78,   and she painted every day for the next 23 years!  She sold her paintings for extra cash in the   beginning but the demand grew quickly and she  was making thousands of dollars per painting.   Her paintings gained International interest  and have sold in the millions of dollars.   Every one of you at some point have probably  purchased a product from Duncan Hines.   Duncan Hines was a man that retired after a long  career as a food critic. He didn't start selling   his own line of food products until age 73.  You may know the story of Colonel Sanders the   founder of KFC. He sold his first KFC franchise  at age 65. The company grew incredibly fast and   just eight years later by the time he was 73  there were over 600 KFC locations. He sold   Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation for millions  of dollars. Now you don't need a super successful   business like these folks, I just want you to  see that age is not a reason to limit yourself.   Most of you just need some supplemental income to  add to your other retirement income and assets.   If you feel like your ship has already sailed and  you weren't on it, I would say it's time to find a   different ship! There are countless opportunities,  I would encourage you to not give up.   You just need to discover a solution that will  work for you. If you don't have any ideas as to   what type of home business you could maybe  do, consider your strengths, what are you   especially good at? What unique experiences  have you had that others could learn from?   What would you enjoy learning about? What  skills would be fun to develop or share?   Do you have a hobby that you could turn into a  business? You want to brainstorm. Now let me tell   you about my wife and her new home-based business.  Tara and I met in college and got married young   and we started our family young. We raised five  kids and Tara has always been a stay-at-home mom.   She did not finish college and she has never  had a career outside of being a homemaker   which is the ultimate career, right. C.S Lewis  famously said, the Homemaker has the ultimate   career all other careers exist for one purpose  only and that is to support the ultimate career.   I love that quote. As our kids grew and we started  to approach the empty nester phase of life,   Tara found herself with some extra time on her  hands. She has always loved anything that has to   do with childbirth and expecting mothers. She has  always had an interest in labor and delivery and   thought that someday she would consider going back  to school to become a labor and delivery nurse.   But our oldest daughter graduated from nursing  school and Tara realized that there were some   aspects of being a nurse that did not really  appeal to her, and so she became a certified   birth Doula and a certified Childbirth Educator  and she absolutely loves everything about it.   She's self-employed and she is hired directly by  expecting mothers and couples. She gets to be an   active support to these mothers as they labor  and give birth as well as the anxious fathers.   It's incredibly rewarding for her and she  averages about two births per month, and   she's also teaching some classes online as well.  She is really only working about four or five   days per month and she's generating additional  income doing something she's good at and that she   thoroughly enjoys. I'll put a link below to her  website if you have interest in looking at that.   The Internet really opens up a ton of  possibilities for home-based businesses.   Retirees can offer tutoring consulting  services in areas that you're knowledgeable,   maybe it's mathematics language, science,  music or a million other possible topics.   We met a couple at our church that told us how  they started an online store unintentionally.   One day the wife is out shopping and she came  across a store that was going out of business   and was having a huge going out of business sale.  As she was looking at the lower than normal prices   she had the thought, I bet I could sell  some of this online and make a profit,   so she bought a dozen items and then listed them  for sale on eBay. She sold all of the items and   made a nice profit. She thought, wow! I think  I'd like to do that again. And so she started   looking for discounts on items that she thought  she could mark up and sell. And as they did this   it just kept growing and growing, and her  husband also who helps now, are making as much   money they said now in retirement as they were  making before retirement with their home-based   online store. There was a story in the New  York Post about a man that was earning 120   thousand dollars per year by walking dogs while  the pet owners are away at work. He charges like   twenty dollars for a 30 minute walk. And after  he had gained about a dozen loyal clients,   he was making about 240 dollars per day he  retired as a school teacher and has continued   to grow his business by hiring others to take  the dogs out each day for a 30 minute walk.   Big idea number three, finding a home-based  part-time job. So if having your own home-based   business isn't a good fit for you then  maybe a home-based job will be the answer.   These days many companies allow jobs to be  done remotely from the comfort of your home.   Working is only a burden when  you don't enjoy the work.   Now, many of you will have Social Security income  as a foundational component of your retirement   plan. If you are approaching retirement age,  you'll want to be sure to have a good Social   Security strategy and a good tax strategy. My  financial planning team at Martinsen Wealth   Management offers a professional social security  analysis and strategy report customized for your   specific situation. For more information on that  please visit I will also   include a link down below. So, first and foremost  you want to protect and maximize the income and   assets that you already have and that comes with  good financial planning. And then, if additional   income is needed you could consider some of these  other income generating ideas. Again these ideas   and stories in this video are to get you thinking.  I'm not suggesting that any of this is easy   they all require hard work, dedication and a good  plan. You have to take the time to do the research   and to develop a viable business plan if that is  what you want to do. And as a word of caution be   very careful about spending or investing in a  business idea that you're unfamiliar with. Make   sure you do your homework consult with skilled  professionals before making any investment. Any   new business idea should be tested and verified  with little to no money if possible. Thank you   for liking and sharing these videos I really do  appreciate it! I welcome feedback and comments   below and I look forward to seeing you in the  next episode of the Financial Fast Lane. [Music]
Channel: Financial Fast Lane
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Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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