Resurrecting The “FREE” Toyota 4RUNNER 3RD GEN

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foreign hey guys here we are back with another project I got this 2000 Toyota 4Runner with the V6 engine the original owner told me that they're no longer interested in it they're going to send it for scrap so uh I asked and they said I could have it so a free Toyota 4Runner it's been sitting for about five years you can actually see it's getting pretty buried in leaves and everything let's check it out yeah like I said it's been sitting for about five years or so like not really driven daily for even longer than that I'd imagine tires aren't terrible both the back ones are flat on either side the body condition itself doesn't look too bad like I haven't found any rust when I walked around it still got the original running boards I'd say it's the original paint uh both the front and the rear bumpers have a little bit of rust coming through you can see they tried covering it up with some tape yeah but overall the condition isn't terrible [Music] foreign 's not even ripped uh 2000 model non-limited like uh nothing really special about it pretty base automatic manual transfer case it does have the cup holders though that's a bonus Bass radio heat I'm not sure about AC oh yeah it does it does have AC yeah I'm guessing by the oil change sticker 257 it probably has 270 on it right now kilometers power windows yeah look at that here no rust definitely gonna have to lift it up and check out the frame hopefully there's no rust on that yeah power windows in the back yeah apparently people were pretty fond of these little trucks I guess they're an SUV they go for decent money too yeah fold down back seats pretty spacious actually considering how small it is I guess they got yeah rear cup holders heat in the rear [Music] look at this paint it's just covered in like I don't even know pollen sap oh legendary 3400 four cam I think they're a 3.6 timing belt you always got to check those I think that's one of the biggest issues with these motors is the timing belts no battery and all those leaves yep yeah they never stop driving it from mechanical issues they just live out of the country so they only drove it in the summer sometimes when they'd come down and uh aren't coming down anymore so here we go you know it's all there I guess these also get pretty bad leaks on the valve cover gaskets say it drips onto the manifold and smokes quite a bit this one doesn't look too wet other videos I've seen they're just completely soaked in oil [Music] on this side's actually even drier they always tell you you got to check for that strawberry milkshake I guess that the coolant from the rod will mix with the transmission fluid and then it will turn it all like a strawberry milkshake that one looks pretty clean I guess they say you can tell if the Rod's been changed or not the original rad because they're so old will start turning gray I guess or like brown I don't know this one looks more like a flat black might have been changed at one point in time [Music] cool foreign V6 Toyota 4Runner look at that it's even got decent shocks carpet a little side compartment cool yeah since it's got no battery and even if it did it probably would have been bad by now I picked up a brand new one three five six two five I paid 125 bucks for this so uh yeah so far we're 125 dollars into the Forerunner not bad let's get that in here [Music] flimsy looking ground I wonder if that's stuck it's like a piano wire that's positive on this side [Music] there we go yeah I'll tighten these up and then I'll uh check the oil and everything maybe I'm trying to start it right after that [Music] that's pretty clean actually surprised it's full of engine oil yeah I already checked the rad [Music] I should have seen a I had to kill the biggest dog spider under here disgusting disgusting probably more taking away their home I'm actually surprised uh I don't know maybe Toyota has like the best headlights on them or something but these housings are like crystal clear so I don't know they must have been changed or else like they've seriously lasted this long like that's surprising yeah I decided it'd probably be smart to pour some fresh gas in this considering it's been sitting for so long I even got 91 octane that's what I had laying around perfect yeah I thought to myself it's probably also a good idea I checked the air filter to make sure there's no mouse nests that will just get sucked into the engine the moment I started up oh oh this just loosens and twists well actually looks really good surprisingly yeah all clean perfect perfect yeah I'll put this back together hop inside and then we'll try and start it and price cycle the key quite a few times to get the fuel system primed up [Music] all right yeah I just checked over all the fluids everything got the battery gas check the air cleaner let's try and start this I guess lots of these models the fantasy thing is having this uh there'll be a button here for rear differential electronic locker and this one doesn't have it probably because it's such a base model I guess it's an option you could get it on almost anything except for the newer limiteds I guess they dropped it and then they came with a center locking differential foreign [Music] 257 200 oh yeah it's only got like 400 kilometers on an oil change if they're going for 5 000. turn off all this yeah let's try and start it [Music] I got half a tank [Music] oh there we go squeaky belt [Music] oh the alternator is seized okay yeah my alternator is seized so uh that's why my belt was squeaking I could actually smell it before I even noticed yeah belt was just spinning on the alternator pulley gross at least I know it will be a well-dressed belt now yeah I'll get some spray on that and try and break the pulley loose I bet it will seeds from sitting right on well it runs good though other than that [Music] sounds great yeah fill up the back tires next and try and drive it out of here okay I've just been letting it soak I threw the pipe wrench on there it's hard to video and use the pipe wrench but I put the pipe wrench on the pulley and slowly spun it around and around and it broke free pretty easily actually it wasn't that stiff I also sprayed a bunch of other random things when I was under here because it was looking pretty dry I definitely sprayed the throttle linkage to make sure that none of that would bind up sprayed all the little like these things and there's a whole bunch of other stuff that was just metal and looking like super dry so I just sprayed it while I was under here why not right but yeah I'm gonna go in there and fire it up and hopefully the alternator spins uh freely with the engine if it doesn't I'll just keep spraying it and uh yeah go from there all right yeah it took me a while to actually get that uh alternator freed up I had to end up removing the belt and I moved the alternator to a spot where I could put my impact gun on it and I just kept spraying the penetrating Lube onto it while hitting the impact gun on and off and took quite a while let it soak in and it still felt like kind of tight like one spot you could feel it in the bearing I couldn't tell if it was the front or the rear bearing but I ended up doing that I cleaned the belt off with some brake clean so that it would be dry and wouldn't just slip on the pulley anymore hooked it back up tightened it pretty tight and then um yeah start started it up it's made it quite a squeal actually for quite a while I I think it was working the bearings back in and then it uh smoked and then stopped smoking and then now it spins freely and it's charging so uh yeah job well done runs awesome now that I can actually actually leave it running for more than like 10 seconds at a time and uh yeah smooth went to an idol and I'm actually pretty impressed with it I'm going to fill up these rear tires now and uh try and drive it out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign all the tires and I've looked it over I should be ready to drive it out of here I'm just going to set up the camera and then uh pop in it and see if we can back out [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Trail to get out of here I had to back up it took me a couple minutes not terrible I had to avoid some stuff like this lathe all those rims lots of junk [Music] yeah I've shifted every gear in it so far I went and drive and then reversed and it shifted like no problem cool yeah probably gonna go pressure washing now start cleaning the interior get some of this leaves and branches off of it yeah we'll do a Little Ride Along here I'll just keep backing out onto the main road I can barely see out of this windshield it's got so much stuff on the outside [Music] actually rides pretty decent too [Music] high too high Force back then I let it neutral and low force all the way up cool I wonder if that works look at that the e-brake even works I'm rolling e-brake stops me that's impressive for how long it's been sitting sweet [Music] well thanks for watching everyone I'll do some more videos when I decide to finally wash it clean the interior and then we'll just do some more videos as we drive it around and have some fun not looking to spend any money on it you know already 125 dollars in that's a little bit much for a 23 year old vehicle so yeah keep it cheap and keep it on the road see you later
Channel: TraxNTires
Views: 477,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toyota, 4Runner, 3rd gen
Id: BIf8WVijul8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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