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[Music] hi friends welcome back to the channel if you are new here my name is yvon and you have landed on ginger chick rehab where I love to go treasure hunting I love to look for secondhand pre-loved items not only to decorate my home with to resell but I also love to make items over so I challenged myself this time to think what items are just getting overlooked they have good bones they're a little bit on the homely side side very much outdated and can I give them new life so I'm taking three really unwanted items that most people might have just put right into the trash and giving them a up here are the pieces that I am challenging myself with let me know would you have picked any of these up to make them over or just have added them into your own home as home decor so this one is definitely outdated with that carved in Sugar detail that's offc centered you know it's that perfectly imperfect but it is a good salad wood piece it's still very useful it just needs to be a little bit in my opinion prettier now this one I would have thought was a cute little writing desk it may be missing a drawer it may not be missing a drawer I really don't know the mirror kind of threw me off like it was somebody's makeup little area yeah you you can see that it's been painted multiple colors and it's been sitting around and yes I did pay money for it y'all that's just how things are around these parts I'm always like that the one at the end of the sale going sure for a couple bucks CU they never give anything for like less than a couple bucks so came home with me and then we have apples I'm not sure if people still decorate with apples or not but I thought this would be a good one to give an update to also so I'm going to go ahead and start off with this one only because I need to fill in the letters of the word sugar on the front of this so first of all we need to take it [Music] apart I think I would like to change out the knob in this one I think I do have one in my stash this one is actually screwed in but I'm going to see if since it's wood glued probably I'm thinking I'm going to see if I can tap it out with a hammer so I can tell that there is a layer of grease on here that's really attracted all that dust so I'm going to go ahead with some hot water some Dawn dish soap and see if I can get that first layer of dirt and debris and grease off I soaked the hinges in a bowl of hot water and dond soap and you you can really see how that just turned all Mucky all that grease that's buil up even on the hinges so I'm giving them a good scrubbing make sure that I get that off because in my design I think I'm going to use these as is if they turn out to be a nice patina underneath all this grease and dirt so now to fill in the word sugar all that engraving I'm going to be using some wood filler Bondo which is a two-part so it has the wood put and then you add a hardener to it and as soon as you start mixing in the harder it starts to harden so you have to this is not a product you can walk away from you have to work with it why you have it mixed up so cuz within like 10 15 minutes is it is hard as a [Music] rock [Music] it's been 20 minutes since I put this on it's a little bit thick in spots because of going down into the engraving of the wording and I raised it up because I want to be able to sand it flat so I have 80 grit sandpaper I told you this gets rock hard so within an hour it'd be just not fun at all um trying to sand but it is well worth it to fill in those [Music] letters then I'm also going to give the body of this little cubby box a nice sanding too that will help get any of that exterior grease that might have soaked into the wood there doesn't seem to be a top coat on it only like a stain but I can definitely feel like when I look at my sandpaper I probably have a lot of Grease built up in that sandpaper we get everything sanded we're going to go ahead and get it wiped down one more time inside of this box is in great shape I don't see any reason why to waste paint to paint it so I'm going to go ahead and take the time to tape it off and also I think I'm going to leave the bottom unpainted just so that kind of coordinates with the inside of this and probably the underneath of the door also just kind of leaving some wood features now this r wood is really raw and I'm hoping to have a cracky chippy finish I'm hoping so I'm going to go ahead and seal this in with a couple coats of slack that's going to even out their procity it's going to stop my paint from just soaking into that raw wood and if there's any of that grease left on it should seal that in of course I definitely need to seal in with some schlack where I bonded even out that procity between the wood and the Bondo filler I've had many requests to try this combination of milk paint from sweet picking so sweetie Jane and Pantry door equal parts they said this looks just like the old tiny green though for some reason I only have a small bag of sweetie Jane but I look like I have enough to do this pro project so Yep this is my first time usually I would add basil or in the pickle to it but many have suggested it so I'm going to go ahead and give it a try so equal parts Powder to equal parts water I'm doing the half and half ratio between sweetie Jane and Pantry door now sometimes I notice that the milk paint is a little grabby when I'm putting it on so all I do is just take a Mis bottle and spray it just a little bit I don't know y from mixture to mixture every I think I'm doing exactly what I I do each time but sometimes it just mixes up a little bit differently so if you feel like you're ever grabbing with your brush a little bit which is going to pull paint off just add a little bit of water to [Music] it [Music] and I am going to try to lay a heav re your coat on top of the lettering I know that the way that the paint would absorb in even though I shellacked it and I filled it in it's still you still may see a hue of the wording which is kind of neat because I think it's character especially you've seen that on older Salvage pieces so but I still want to do a heavy little area over that wording there is some beautiful cracking and crazing going on exactly what I wanted I didn't really want it to chip off and without pre-hacking it pre preconditioning this wood the paint would have just soaked in and I probably wouldn't have had any of this so well worth the time spent but I do need to do a second coat which is always so nervous like oh I hope those crackle and craz will come back well if it did on the first coat I can only pray it's going to do it on the second coat Oh Be Still My Heart would you look at that if I could have every item I did turn out this good I don't know every item turns out differently I just absolutely love it love the whole thing but I am going to add a little bit more age by distressing it getting those edges to show through so you have some wear and tear and then even un like the sides of this where it's got that thin piece of wood I want to bring out that detailing a little bit too [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah you need to seal in milk paint and I do not want to change the color the color is beautiful the crazing is beautiful and if I put any kind of dark wax on there the chances of that lettering po popping out might happen so I don't want to do that so I'm going to go right for the hemp oil by sweet Pickins and look at how it just the crazing is already there and the wood underneath is dark so it's already just gorgeous and beautiful this is just going to seal that in and really just bring it back to life oh my gosh I y'all I do love the color I will very much admit to it it's a fun very vintage green color mixing those two together oil you wipe on you let it sit for 20 minutes and then you go back in and and you wipe off any of the excess now this is where I didn't want to use anything dark just sealing it in with some natural clear hemp oil is working out just fine yes y all know that I did the sugar and covered it up so your eye will tend to go to where those areas are but most of the time most people may not even notice it only as slight but it is just that vintage character of a older piece as I'm removing moving my tape I'll have some build up of the paint will that will be hard and chunky so I'll have to go in and sand that a little bit smooth you don't want to leave you want to if I'm making this look old I want it to be worn like it look it is old even though it's not but if you have those hard chunky edges that kind of gives it the idea that you just painted it again I want this to look like a holder piece so I don't want to paint my Hardware I'm just going to use the hardware as worn as it is that is still the Vintage character of it all it cleaned up the way they cleaned up the little bit of black there's they might it might have been bronze underneath but I like that it's two- [Music] toned [Music] and for my final I am green to add a new knob I just need to find Center and of course it's like 11 and something the length it can't be like where it's like 12 in and you can just find six right it never can be that easy I but I still need to find [Music] Center [Music] [Music] so do y'all think I'm crazy that I picked up this one but I like that it was kind of a little writing station a little you know you could put your pens and your paper and your little whatnot it could be like a little file box I just I thought the character sometimes you got to look at the bones of something and that how it's painted okay so if this is going to be a writing desk I don't see any reason to have a mirror so I'm going to attempt to take the mirror off without breaking it hopefully so just loosing trying to loosen up the sides trying to test my areas to see see what is stuck and what isn't stuck and just in case I accidentally break it I probably should have a towel over it but I think I think that I have enough of the sides loosened up now if I just tap my spackling tool with a hammer it should pop right off and of course there's a little bit of Brokenness but that that's nothing a hammer and a brad nail can't fix so I get to do a whole bunch of sanding on this piece not only has it been painted the blue which is a latex which is glossy which is Gummy then we have the burgundy underneath and I need to try to get as much of it off that I possibly can so that's just going to be a lot of sanding so I'm starting off with 80 grit [Music] sandpaper [Music] the most that I could with my orbital sander now I need to go back into the corners and those detailed areas and use my mouse sander with that little tip I should be able to get a little bit closer in [Music] there [Music] the most of that I could with a power sander and now there's just those areas I have to go back in and I have to hand sand so I have a little detail area probably where you'd set a pencil I've got that little indp curve and then of course I've got the inside of the [Music] cubby it really didn't take as long as you would think I got and did the best I could in the inside of the cubby that's all you can ask all you can ask for so now I'm just going to spray it off with the air compressor to get any of that sanding dust out of the way and now we get this cleaned off with this Dawn dish so and hot water Dawn dish so is inexpensive it's multi because I use it in my house and it really is a great clean in a great [Music] Degreaser but just like before I've really got a lot of raw wood showing I do have some paint that's still on there I've got some San that's still on there so I need to even out the procity and fill this in with a couple coats of shellac [Music] for my paint color I knew that I wanted to go dark so I'm going to go ahead and do cast iron by Fusion love this stuff I love this color so Fusion is a primer paint in top coat allinone great coverage and this little brush that I use to paint y'all I absolutely love them and yes I do clean out my brushes after every painting job that I do they are an investment and I love these little [Music] brushes [Music] I did do two coats and then I do misted it just slightly to help with any brush marks even though it does it really has minimal brush marks with this brush and the way that I try to have minimal paint on my paint brush that's why I love these brushes but yes just making a nice smooth back and forth motion Spritz it just a little bit with the Mis bottle and then brush it one more time to help with brush Strokes thank goodness the same company has a long handled brush because painting inside a cubby is not the funnest thing by any means but it needed to be done cast iron is just a great color it is what it is it's cast iron it's not a gray it's not a black it's just a nice rich color so I am going to distress it this is just a look that I like I love seeing that natural wood and I want my pieces to make them look like they have been worn and they've been used and they're they're older than what they are now Fusion paint is good and on there so I'm going to go with a 150 sandpaper to have to distress the edges it'll kind of gum up a little bit but you know that I mean I'm working with this all in the same hour of me painting it so I'm going to go ahead and get all those edges distressed and then I will take 200 sandpaper over the rest of the area along with some steel wool the finest grit steel wool that there is which is a double four and make sure that everything's sanded nice and [Music] smooth [Music] know you could just leave Fusion paint as is because that is a top coat but I like to sand I just have a finished feel feel and look that I'm going for so after getting it all sanded blown off with an air compressor make sure that there's no sanding dust I'm going in with Jolie's black wax it's going to be one more level of protection it's even going to Rich up that cast iron paint a little bit more so that's where the sanding came in that was important of doing steel wool and sanding every area so that there was something for the black wax to grab onto and get in there so it's a wax on and then wipe off the excess this is such a great side by side you can just really see how it richens that cast iron right up again I want this to look like an older piece so I'm not going to spray paint or paint on the hardware I am going to add a little bit of patina to this to give it actually a little more more age they actually cleaned up better than I wanted them [Music] to I use a common ination a little bit of the gilding wax this is the patina turquoisey color and then a little bit of the rust cuz you know I'm a rusty crusty girl just to give it a little bit more age especially around that middle swinging hinge [Music] part [Music] [Music] so now for the update on this one we definitely need to get the Apple Hardware off first of these [Music] drawers since they were kind of just like a dowel just a just a slight little Dow that left a hole I'm just going to fill it in with some [Music] spackling we have a couple price tags that need to be removed now remember this is press board MDF board it's so I don't want to I I got to try to be careful so I'm going to go ahead and heat up those tags with the heat gun to reactivate that sticky so hopefully it comes off a little bit easier I'm going to go ahead and use some 200 sandpaper to scuff sand this entire piece I don't want any heavy sandpaper because this is just that thin [Music] board [Music] [Music] sanded we're cleaned and now I'm going to go ahead and seal this in especially the door drawers too I'm going to repaint those drawers you can see all that wear or that's how they're painted I don't really know but yes I want to get this sealed in with a couple coats of shellac it's just a great primer for [Music] this here's a little closer look you can see all the wear you can see the uneven painting job on these drawers themselves so I don't really like to paint drawers I don't really like to paint Cubbies but it just has to be done so for these I'm just going to spray paint them since they're already black with some black rustoleum enamel paint in the flat [Music] Sheen it's nice to have the inside freshened up just as much as freshening up this outside so I absolutely love this Fusion heirloom blue color oh my goodness it's just absolutely beautiful so this is not going to be a distress piece this is just going to be a clean painted piece because nothing underneath there I want to show through this paint so we're just going to proceed on painting a couple coats of this gorgeous blue color let me know down in the comments below do you think this is as amazing it's almost like a robin's egg blue it's just a gorgeous [Music] [Music] color [Music] [Music] yes not all paint jobs have to be a ton of steps I still like to sand my piece I still like to make sure that it is nice and smooth I'm just using that fine grit Steel W I can't emphasize that enough that it is the four zero the finest steel wool that they make that's just enough to get any texture any like brush marks that may be on there and just Smooths the entire piece down then after I get it all sanded I'm just going to recat it with another top coat of Homestead Natural clear [Music] wax you can see using that softness of the steel wool when I go over those hard edges the corners and that it doesn't distress him it does not take that paint off it just Smooths everything [Music] down [Music] so thank you so much for watching today's video and what did you think did I give these some love are they Treasures now will somebody want to add them into their home decor so give me a quick comment down below do you have any of these items in your stash you're like you saw the good bones when you bought it but then you're like oh my gosh this might be a little bit too worse for wear let's get those saved so thanks again for watching today's video and as always if you're part of part of our YouTube family thank you so much and if you're new and you're checking out this channel for the first time and you want to become part of our YouTube family please hit that subscription button along with the notification Bell so you know when be uploaded a new video and we will see you next time guys and you can see what we're up to [Music] bye a
Channel: GingerChickRehab
Views: 39,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, TRASH TO TREASURE, FARMHOUSE DECOR, UPCYLING, Thrifting, secondhand shopping, shop with me, makeovers, salvaged, repurposed, yard sales, garage sales, estate sale, haul, diy, home decor, home decorating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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