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now i like my bmw 635 csi but it also seems so does rust built in 1989 and then stored in a barn for over 20 years this car's had a rough life to say the least but i've set it as my job to restore this thing which i've never attempted before whilst also throwing in the old upgrade here and there [Music] now despite the rust and the fact the car hasn't been on the road for such a long time we still managed to get this thing running oh there she goes but that's not without a new ecu and a core plug which helps it run to temperature but unfortunately with this project that's the least of our worries there's a lot of work we need to do to get this thing in top shape the engine has to come out the rust needs to be fixed the automatic gearbox needs to be thrown in the bin the brakes need to stop the car and that is just the very start of it [Music] so how about we say we start by getting that automatic gearbox out so here we go my first ever attempt at taking a gearbox off a car although i've not done this before i've watched plenty of youtube videos and the first thing that's going to be in our way is the exhaust and as this thing is covered in rust i can't even begin to imagine how many bolts are about to snap so freshly lubricated with wd-40 i went at the front pipe bolts which snapped i then went to move the exhaust from the exhaust hangers which also broke and because the front pipe bolts were snapped i just had to get the angle grinder on it but a brand new exhaust system is going to be needed anyway when we put this car back on the road that's if it ever does get back on the road last thing to undo was the rear exhaust hanger and then i can lower down this extremely heavy exhaust to the floor i had to improvise a bit on the front pipes and it wasn't the prettiest but it's off next thing that's going to be in the way is the prop shaft and the heat shield is covering this [Music] and as i expected all the rubber on this car has completely perished now there are some bolts at the back of the prop shaft connected it to the diff which i undid first then i moved over to the gearbox side before i did anything i drained all the fluid out of the gearbox then remove the oil feed and the oil return pipe leading to it as well next thing that's in the way is the anti-roll bar again all crusty and rusted up so a pair of mold grits were needed to clamp the other side of the drop link [Music] and down comes the anti-roll bar then there's a sort of brace which needed to be removed underneath the gearbox and then after that a shifter cable this connects to the gearbox from the shifter so you can move it from park neutral and drive this also snapped when i removed it then i'm on to the bell housing bolts these are the actual bolts which connect the gearbox to the engine i'm just going to undo the ones that i can see for now but there are plenty of us just above it which are going to be very difficult to get to then the gearbox bracket can come off whilst it's being supported by a gearbox stand and with that out of the way i can then access the prop shaft bolts which connect it to the gearbox and the last thing holding the prop shaft in place is two more bolts connecting it to the car and then the prop shaft is removed after that i can just lower down the gearbox the engine will tilt with it then i had to make this super extension contraption to get to the top bolts which connect the gearbox to the engine there was also an electrical connector which i assume is for the reverse light as well then me and hannah slowly worked away at trying to pry the gearbox away from the engine but it just seems there was something else which were connecting it turns out there's two 10 mil bolts which are right at the top of the gearbox so out came the ladders so i could undo those 10 mil bolts with them out the way we can start moving the gearbox away from the engine it's coming out the door converter [Music] but that wasn't without having a joint shower with gearbox fluid not quite the shower we had in mind but then finally the gearbox came free okay we did it the gearbox is finally out and this is what's left the torque converter now i thought there was normally a drain plug on torque conveyor so you could drain the fluid that's actually inside there but it turns out on this one i can't seem to see it and we got absolutely drenched with transmission fluid but the good news that dirty horrible automatic gearbox is finally out and that won't be going back in this is what will be going back in now this probably just looks like a pile of rust to some people and if i'm honest it looks like a pile of rust to me what we have here is a five-speed manual gearbox with prop shaft light and flywheel the clutch yes obviously will be changed and also a pedal box all of this has came out of a bmw e125 series and it should be a straight bolt on onto that six series engine when i say straight bolt on that's a little under exaggeration the gear shifter would need to be changed and of course the prop shaft as well and underneath the six series already you can see it already has brackets for the manual shifters because well this card did come in manuals in some specs but if i'm honest we're far from putting anything back on the car just yet because we need to strip it down to sort out all that rust so the next thing to come out is the engine [Music] now the engine is the heart and soul of the car just like a website is the heart and soul of your business now they didn't have websites back in the 80s but if they did i'm sure this chat would have used squarespace to build his that's because they do everything from websites to online stores to marketing tools and analytics squarespace truly is the all-in-one platform to build and run your business just take a look here how easy it is to build a website anyone can do it when you go into squarespace and create your account there's loads of templates to choose from so you can find one that suits your style once you've got your template you can go in and edit it edit any text drag and drop your logos drag and drop your photos in there and then you can add your products whether you're going to be selling physical products a digital download selling a service or even a gift card you can do it all using squarespace so if you need a website like me or when you do you can click the link in the description box below or head to and when you're ready to launch use code matt armstrong and that's going to give you 10 of your first website or domain name back to the e24 [Music] so to take this engine out we've got to remove anything that's connecting the engine to the chassis of the car or anything that's going to stay in the car so first thing is the engine's wiring loom this is obviously connected to the ecu inside the car so i'm going to be removing all the wiring off the engine so i can push it out the way when i lift the engine out after that you've got things like the aircon pipes the radiator pipes the power steering pipes and that really should be about it that is attached to the engine [Applause] okay small issue it's not as straightforward as i thought so as i probably mentioned this wiring loom has got to stay in the car whilst we pull the engine out because this well it goes off everywhere because it comes down here along there and goes into the ecu in the car but then it also bridges off to all the little components that are in the engine so it's just easier to actually take this off from the engine and pull that out rather than disconnect it from the ecu and unplug everything else with it but one of the places it branches off you can see just down there the wire goes straight through the inlet manifold and then on the other side of it are these so this part here is like all the obd1 connections and they've got a pull through and go through that little hole there which just obviously is not going to happen so the only way of me getting this loom out the way is to take off this inlet manifold and then i should be able to lift it out once i've disconnected those power steering lines not the easiest of jobs but when do we think anything was going to be easy on this car so it's on to removing that inlet manifold and the first thing blocking that are the injectors with the fuel rail again all of this is going to need to be replaced whether we choose to rebuild the engine or change it and the injectors look pretty cruddy i'd be surprised if they've ever been changed once we've got the fuel rail and the injectors out the way i can then start hacking away at the bolts which hold the inlet manifold to the side of the engine there's about two bolts for every cylinder so 12 bolts in total and once i've got them all out i can remove the inlet away from the car [Music] which gives us much better access to that wiring loom and now we can move it nicely out the way and clear for when we pull that engine out of the car but there was a few more places where it was connected like to the starter motor and a few connections around the gearbox you'll see that a little bit of red tape i put on a connection because there was two connections which looked really similar with the same pins so i just wanted to make it easy to identify which plug goes where when i'm putting this thing back together and i'm getting the same kind of feeling that i got when i took apart the aston martin dashboard and that feeling is will i ever be able to put this thing back together there's only one way to find out and that's to take it apart first now i've lifted the radiator out the way that should give us a bit more clearance to lift the engine out of the car and the next thing that's attached to the engine that we need to take off are the power steering lines well they're not actually attached to the engine they're attached to the power steering pump but the power steering pump is attached to the engine so hopefully that makes sense there's two lines to the power steering pump a feed and a return i disconnected both of them and then another thing i noticed is that the torque converter might be a little too big to maneuver out of the car so i'll remove that as well [Music] and the engine looks just about ready to be removed the last thing connecting it to the subframe are these two engine mounts one on the right hand side and one on the left hand side so the plan is to get a strap around both of these engine mounts to hold the engine and then i can undo these engine mounts from the subframe and lift it up with the engine crane that i've never used before trust me i'm going in with confidence [Music] okay so i've taken off the air con condenser the power steering pump and now we should have just about enough clearance to get this thing out without damaging this fan here which i can't remove because i don't have the little clutch thing to do so let's see if we can get this out we're looking much better ish this does feel like the sketchiest thing in the world though but it's coming it's coming out looking good looking sketchy i think we've done it oh oh my god we did it the engine and gearbox is out of the e24 come on [Music] now when the six cylinder 3.5 liter engine is removed like this it really actually doesn't look like much the inlet manifold has obviously been removed so we could get the wiring loom out then we've got this huge big clunky starter motor which again we know works and i think we'll be reused on the manual gearbox we will have to change this flywheel so we can have the new flywheel which is on the manual box and really there's not much to it there is obviously a few things i had to remove from the front of the engine to get clearance i removed the power steering pump which was mounted around here and also the air con compressor which was mounted to this side as well and that just gave me a bit more leeway so i could tilt the engine and get it out from the car but again on this side there's really not too much the exhaust manifold is really rusty and that's where we had to cut the uh front pipe on the exhaust to get it out but that is it an e24 3.5 liter straight six engine out of the e24 [Music] the 635 is actually off the ramp now and you can see how much higher the suspension is sitting without the weight of that engine on in fact i bet the play in the suspension is like an american low rider but now with the engine out we've got so much more access to inspect parts change parts clean them up and we can also check out the rust on this chassis leg remember this chassis leg runs all the way underneath the car and that's what i had that huge hole in and in fact this is looking pretty bad here so this is probably going to have to be a full replacement of the leg or even some kind of repair on that and not only that with the engine out i can decide what i'm gonna do with this thing my original plan with this car was maybe to do an engine swap but i don't know if i have the sort of knowledge or the ability to be able to do that to a modern day engine which is what i'd want to change it for but wouldn't say no to stripping this engine down trying to rebuild it and perhaps adding a turbo i don't know you guys should probably let me know my best route here because i'm still 50 50. but regardless what we do to the engine we need a good body and chassis to put it in and to do that we need to strip all of the components off the car like the front subframe and the rear subframe but this would mean that i'd have to leave the car in the ramp which would then compromise all of the other builds on the channel like the porsche that you can see behind me so we pushed the e24 out of the unit attached the tow bar to the range rover thanks to tow bar express for fitting that and then towed the six series to a brand new location and as a lot of you guys may know this whole journey started off around three years ago rebuilding cars on my driveway which then slowly progressed into me having a unit and then one car another car appeared till we had a full fleet and now we are truly hitting the next stage of this journey [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have myself another unit space this may not seem much to some people but for me this is another huge step in this car rebuilding youtube journey which never would have been possible without all of you guys watching and subscribing to the videos now this doesn't mean that we're losing the other unit this is another additional unit for big projects on the e24 already we have the flooring sorted out the unit sorted out and we have a ramp ready to go up here the next thing will be the lighting so we can equally get as good lighting as we do in the other unit to this unit but as i mentioned this is going to be the big project unit so this now means i can get the e24 in the ramp here once it's all been installed take the sub frames off get the whole underneath of the car powder coated welded and i can leave it in the ramp without compromising with the other builds and the best part about it this unit is next door to my other unit so now you guys all know the next steps with the e24 project i can now crack on with this without worrying about the time that is spent on the ram i still cannot believe how quick we've moved from a driveway to a unit and now another unit i'm truly am living the dream right now i was so worried when i took on that first unit whether i was even going to be able to afford it whether the space was just too big for me whether the channel was even growing i just honestly i just didn't even know and now look we've just expanded it one step further i was so glad i took that original risk at the start and on that note we've got so much more to crack on with so thanks so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up button and i'll see you in the next video peace out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] giving me the best time
Channel: Mat Armstrong
Views: 384,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw e24, bmw 635csi, bmw e24 restoration, bmw e24 635csi, bmw e24 build, barn find, classic car, bmw e24 m6, bmw e24 modified, bmw e24 exhaust, bmw e24 engine swap, bmw e24 turbo, bmw 635csi exhaust, restoration, bmw, rebuilding a car, rebuilding, manual swap, automatic, matt armstrong, mat armstrong, bmw 635csi engine swap, bmw e24 635csi engine, bmw 635csi restoration, bmw e24 widebody, bmw 635csi straight pipe, bmw 635csi race car, bmw e24 635csi restoration
Id: 6MszGH-QR1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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