Restore Your Joy | Steven Furtick

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But I think, according to Psalm 126, there are  some decisions you can make in the dry places   of your life that will lead you, no matter  where you're starting from, into a place of   supernatural happiness. "The Lord doesn't care if I'm happy." What? The  Lord doesn't care if you're happy? You take your   kids on a trip, and they're sitting there mad  and screaming and yelling and crying. Well,   you don't care if they're happy; it's just for the  experience. No. You care if your kids are happy.   You're just not willing to sacrifice their  long-term good for their short-term happiness. That's what God is like. So,  when we see in Psalm 126,   this is not happy-clappy. This is not the  shortcut to feeling good. This is actually   a spiritual path for the daily decisions  we can make in the dry places of our lives.   So, I want to give you today… Are y'all all right  if I teach? I have notes everywhere for this one.   Because the sermon came to me in the restaurant  after riding my bike, my notes were on receipts. I didn't even move them over to my iPad, because  I wanted to preach from the receipt. I thought   that would be cool, that would be hardcore.  I thought it would make it feel authentic and   gritty. "He was preaching from receipts. My pastor  never takes a break." I mean, I prided myself on   that for years, because I'm good at hard work.  Ask my kids, "Who's the hardest-working person   you know?" They'd better say me, because I'm  the one who paid for everything they call drip. If it isn't from my faucet,  they don't have any drip.   I might not be happy, but we have  central heating and air in the house,   and the fridge is full, and you're not  hungry. I prided myself on that for   years. Do y'all remember the story  of the prodigal son in the Bible? The one boy goes, and he spends all of his  father's money. He rolls around with pigs and   lays around with prostitutes and squanders  his fortune, because he just had to have it   now. He just had to be happy. He just had to  go get it. He just had to go see. We preach   about that boy, not realizing that wasn't  the point of the story Jesus was telling.   It was his older brother back  home who was home but not happy. He wasn't happy when his brother came back. He  was mad that it had dipped into his college fund   with his brother's dumb  decisions. In fact, in Luke 15,   when the father started throwing a party for  the son who came home who was lost… He said, "He   was dead, and he's alive. He was lost, and he's  found. We have to celebrate." The older brother   said, "I've been slaving for you all of these  years, and you never did any of this for me." I always thought I didn't really relate to  that story because I wasn't that wild in   college. I never had this season of my life where  I developed a horrible addiction to a substance.   The Lord started showing me recently, "You  are often like the brother who stayed home,   working for something that is already yours." I put a lot of my worth in my work.  I remember many times when we were   starting in the ministry thinking, "If I  get there, I will be happy." Legitimate.   Real. One of my buddies has a church here in the  area, and he had 2,000 people coming. I remember   going to see him one time. Now, at this point  in our church we had 20 people. Like, that row.   And five of them were the same  ones who are there right now.   "I'd be happy if I had 2,000." Since we're  taking a psalm of ascent and talking about   the lament within the psalm, I want to point  out the fact that you can be on your way up   and still have to deal with being down. Watch it in the text. I want to ground this  thought in the text so you don't think I'm off   on a tangent here. Instead of talking about truth,  I'm talking about feelings. No, watch it. He said,   "When the Lord restored the fortunes of  Zion, we were like those who dreamed." "We   were shocked." They had been in Babylon for  almost 50 years, and God brought them back. They had been captives in a strange land for  almost 50 years, since 587 when Babylon came   and got all of the Jews. The ones they didn't  kill, they deported. The ones they deported   they detained. For 50 years, the people of  God had to live in the patterns of Babylon,   but now we see that they have been  brought back. That's what he means. "When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion…"  This is a past tense event he's remembering.   "When the Lord brought us back, we were shocked.  We couldn't believe it had actually happened.   It had been so long since we  had expected this result that   when we actually experienced  it, it didn't even feel real." Sometimes you can't even be settled into  your own blessing because you have gotten   so adjusted to a negative experience. This  is it. This is a decision you have to make   in the dry places of your life if you are to  really be lastingly happy, supernaturally happy. What the Bible calls "Joy unspeakable and full  of glory in the Holy Ghost." Holy Ghost happy.   Jesus joy. The world didn't give it, and the world  can't take it away. Your boyfriend didn't give it,   and your boyfriend can't take it away.  Your ex sure didn't give it, and your ex   can't take it away. Situational happiness has no  interest in the kingdom of God. It is too cheap,   and Jesus paid too much for me to need for my life  to be going a certain way to feel a certain way. So, part of the process of coming to church  and listening to sermons and having your   mind conformed not to the patterns of this  world, but transformed to have a new mind,   is this decision. Write this down. Are  you ready? Negative is not my normal. Help me, holy angels of God. I  feel like a hypocrite saying that,   because, honestly, my first view of a situation…  I need you to raise your hand if you're like me,   because I feel awfully lonely up here. I  don't even have a collar on this jacket to   keep me company up here. I feel all alone with  y'all looking at me so judgmental right now. My first instinct in a situation is  to see vulnerabilities, liabilities,   and even sometimes hypothetical liabilities.  Oh, I am a creative finder of things to fear   and dread. Y'all pray for Holly, the happiest  person I know. This is what she has to live with.   I came by some of it honestly. I was  born into a family called the human race. My first parent, Adam, screwed up really  badly. He had the whole thing on lock,   walking around with plenty to eat and no  clothes on and a woman he said was very good,   and he had to have an apple. That was my first  father, so I came by this… I can't really be too   hard on myself, because the Bible says that all  have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The prophet Jeremiah took it further and  said, "The heart is deceitfully wicked   above all else. Who can know it?" That's why I  had you tell your neighbor, "I don't know you.   I don't know you like that. I don't know  what you cry about behind all that clapping   you do when we're in church together. I don't  know you like that." Really, it takes a while   before you know yourself well enough to ask the  question…Do your patterns match your prayers? Psalm 126 is not only a song; it's a prayer. It's  a petition. "Lord, restore to us the fortunes   of Zion. Lord, restore our fortunes. Lord,  restore us to the state we were intended for."   Now, I want to make this clear. If  you are a Christian, it is not normal   for you to be ruled by the same cynicism  you see seething from this angry world.   It is not normal for you, if you are a Christian,   to spend all your time running after solutions  to problems God is not staying up late about,   pacing the halls of heaven, wondering  what he's going to do about them. Furthermore, for those of you who  might have grown up in an atmosphere,   in a family, or in an environment where you say,  "Everything was pessimism how I grew up…" Well,   you know what? That might  have been your background.   That might be your default setting,  but it is not your destiny in Christ.   Spoiler alert. That's why I named the church  Elevation: because I think you're going up. I think if Christ is seated in heavenly places,  you are not going to spend all of your days down   here on this earth, wallowing around in stuff God  has called you to win over. I don't believe it.   I'm not settling for it, and I'm not going to be  the older son, standing around going, "Well, God,   I'm serving you, and it sucks, but one day in  heaven I'll get wings and sing and play harps,   and then I'll be happy." You  won't be happy playing a harp! "We're not supposed to be happy  until we get to heaven." Well,   if heaven is happy and they let you in with that  attitude, it won't be happy once you get there,   so you're not going, because it  would ruin the whole program.   Say it. "Negative is not my normal."   No, no, no. It might be natural, but  it's not normal, not for a believer. My Bible says, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a  new creation." That means I have a new nature.   That means the way I wake up in the morning  doesn't determine how I walk through the day.   I have to get my mind right and my heart right.  How many of y'all are over 40? Wave at me.   How many of y'all have to stretch before  your maximum capacity can be achieved? If it's true in the body, it's true in the  spirit. You really wake up in the morning   and consult how you feel in your mind to  see what kind of day you're going to have.
Channel: Steven Furtick
Views: 105,678
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Id: _7ve-YTK2nc
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Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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