rest in peace...

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hello everyone tjv here and today I'm going to be talking about um some pretty sad news bear with me for just this video um I do think it's important for people to be caught up on why I've been gone for a week my last stream and video I did was me debating with toy Bounty Hunter and then toy and Scott got into an argument and it was all about the lizards the cats and Delirious and Scott drama and what's going on with his son and is his son being kept away from him it's a bunch of drama bunch of news there and then Louis caliber joined the call at the very end of the stream just chit chat for a bit there's a lot of crazy stuff that happened and I didn't really get to talk about any of that this week besides make a small recap video the next day and the reasoning wise that I went to the Iowa State Fair um with my family uh for my dad's birthday my dad had his birthday this last weekend and when we got back from the state fair and his birthday weekend we found out that my dad's mom my grandmother was lying on the floor of her home and not responsive so we rushed to um the hospital in town some of us got to see her still alive before she ended up passing but she had to get airlifted to another hospital and at the end of the day it was her decision if she wanted to live or not and she thought it was her time to go my grandmother was 69 years old she was a huge truck driver when she was younger did a lot of truck driving and really did not get to see my dad all that often but the moments that they did get to see each other um they definitely spent a lot of time together and loved each other very much so yeah my grandmother passed away shortly after my dad's birthday which really stings but what stings even more is the very next day after my grandmother or my dad's mom passed away a very close friend of my dads he's a huge family friend to everyone in our family he's like an uncle to me and my siblings um his name is Woody Woody passed away the very next morning in his sleep and yeah so back to back deaths um it's not good it's not pleasant to feel at all it's been a really rough week for me and my family and that's the reason why I took the week off some people thought that I was taking the week off because I was embarrassed by my last stream or my encounters with toy or I was just too scared to talk about something or I just lost interest and I'm just stalling it out some people think that I don't want to upload until this next week in order to make more money I've seen a bunch of comments and a bunch of people trying to think on why I'm going dark for just a week and it's understandable I had a really crazy stream happen and I didn't really talk about it much and I said I was going to move on for the weekend but not the week so I understand why people are maybe making assumptions but I'm making this video to sort of update people on what's going on but at the same time explain why I was gone and why I didn't really feel the best at the time to be able to work I did really try I tried for maybe an hour to try to work and try to upload something during the week that's not related to any of this IRL family death thing but I I just couldn't after hearing people cry upstairs um didn't make me feel all that good either so it sucks it really does suck but um I told myself I would make this video when I felt better and I do feel better I mean I'm I'm kind of like teary-eyed right now I feel like I want to cry right now talking about it but again this is me telling you guys for the first time what's going on if you want to know a little something about my grandmother besides she's a truck driver she's a big reason why I'm into faith and I wear this around my neck a lot um so it really does Sting but you know for those who are huge Believers in God and stuff like that and you know you've maybe read the Bible once or twice or something like that you know when it's people's time to go it's people's time to go and she thought God wanted her at that time um so no one's mad or angry about it it's just it's a lot of upsetness it's a lot of mourning over the death of someone um both of them both my grandma Becky and Woody and something about Woody is that he's a huge Outdoorsman sort of guy um he was a vet as well um and again he was just really cool and really close to a lot of you know my siblings and my family and really stepped in kind of like an uncle figure when the there we just don't have that many uncles at all or anybody else who came over as often as Woody did when we were younger besides seeing my grandma Becky at the hospital in really bad condition the last time I saw her was probably a few months ago I stopped by her her place with my girlfriend and um my girlfriend had a really good connection with my grandma they got along very well and the last time I saw Woody was probably last October when he threw a costume party and was cooking fish and shrimp and a bunch of other stuff for everyone and I got to see him then besides that though um both my grandma Becky and Woody were still incredibly young um they weren't in their 20s or anything like that but they were still really young for their age and the fact that they passed this is really upsetting I think the worst thing for me is just I had to see people in my family my dad my mom my siblings I had to see them cry and show a lot of pain through their emotions and I think that's the hardest thing is thinking of the people closest to you in that pain and you don't want to you don't want to think about that ever really but when you see it you feel incredibly bad and you feel like you want to do something but there's just nothing you could do besides me there and so I took the week off from YouTube Just to be there for my family but I'm fine now I know it might seem like I'm about to cry or something like that but it's just talking about it and bringing up those things is going to hurt for a long time regardless you know but I I truly am fine I told myself I was gonna make this video when I felt like I was fine and when I was ready to come back I will have this video up for like a day or two and then I'll start uploading other videos on the regular and talking about stuff um so yeah thank you truly to everyone for any support and thank you guys for very kind words but yeah my grandma back and Uncle Woody he uh very very sad that they had to go but it was their time I know they're going to be looking back down on me and the rest of my family so I'm gonna do my best not to disappoint them with what I deal with in my life you know so I'm gonna try to be a good person mostly because that's what they really hounded to be a good person and Woody probably would want me to go fish and do some outdoorsy stuff instead of working on my car because that's really all I do when I go out just Outdoors so I'm gonna try to do more stuff like that but yeah anyways thank you guys for watching the video um I'm not going to talk about anything I'm gonna do in terms of drama or the regular content it's just this was an update on where I've been for a week and and why and all that thank you guys for watching the video and I'll see you guys all next time peace foreign
Channel: TJV
Views: 9,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trevor, Jean, Volentine, TJV, Valentine, New, Official, Studio, Studios, vid, vids, video, videos, channel, channels, yt, you, tube, youtube, rest, in, peace, rip, r.i.p., r.i.p, grandma, grand, ma, becky, uncle, woody, family, friend, friends, passes, passed, pass, away, died, die, dies, death, 2023, past, pasts
Id: qB08ij1rlZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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