Rest API using Express & MongoDB | IMDB API Clone | CRUD Rest API for Beginners | Tamil Skillhub

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hi guys welcome to Tamil speaker YouTube channel foreign foreign Panama basics [Music] then version 1.0.0 okay then description uh provides movie data data okay and entry point index.js so enter so test command other numbers kPa then restful rest API then use one upgrade tools on the express node.js then DB okay then license is foreign foreign [Music] uh you consumer application and AI application program interface is foreign foreign [Music] online dependencies index.js is equal to require of X Plus okay then Mongoose like Mama mongoose mongoose is equal to require of monks which is log off at localhost [Music] then you're running on the Run Point packages foreign foreign because [Music] uh terms and conditions in the databases then create then cluster name is is the name of the system Auto generated secure password then on the password on the computational then create user program s suggestions online foreign go to database so database Tamil skill then connect buttons like any applications like mobile applications like Microsoft installer and the package responding yeah then download Compass okay mongodb compass on the download for now so there were one time DMV download all right yes open manga foreign [Music] so in the configurations over there so many database success then depending on the mongodb compass password [Music] so default database name IEM DB okay uh collection name um like individual [Music] collections amdb created then IMDb being already so IMDb is on the table in the IMDb table on the radiation uh either like um [Music] foreign database URL sorry cap flow connect so you so you are looking like database you are located and copy so yeah so [Music] so you are learning English then password password gangla so then connect item databases create add-on then number dot environment failure and then I'm not available const mango string okay mango string is equal to then around the updated process Dot e and V dot database sorry data base database underscore URL okay sorry QR database like uh app configure iPhone express.js like um connect off string like under you are not changing on the connector note then like uh in the Dot connection is database dot on off er error of error is then on the console log permit like uh console DOT log of foreign such as like connected like connected and it's not even temperatures DOT log of database connected okay glasses on the default so even the database connected college now database okay cloud then if you're on the routes along the first one the Oreo router like now on the kit router foreign foreign foreign Express dot products the module in the router on the export Panic model dot exports equal to router okay router expert again um movies okay no movie of okay so request response Dot send off number like uh post APA okay um URL browse along the postman opening it uh then post money and the [Music] on the uh type like uh HTTP then local Post 3000 slash uh movie okay so moving now hit point so error cannot get post slash movie okay so yes exactly yeah Rhodes equal to require off dot slash roads slash chill index so then other than the app.use of in the middle version of around so app dot use of slash API number is so foreign foreign so first so along the model on the index.js equal to require of course database data schema foreign title title then a lot of properties like required on there required sorry red required on the countries like a title then title then here in uh foreign run foreign plot plot on the economic um so images foreign foreign [Music] string internally then IMDb rating on the string of angular so I found the model on the amount of the config upon it on then you pay in the model database schema on the radio company like around the exports in my module dot exports okay exports equal to then Mongoose dot model of so if you wonder about the database so name data then schema okay so data schema okay [Music] routes along the importance of model OKAY index that is foreign so format [Music] write actors plot then language Country Awards post result available uh amdb rating IMDb type CS that response okay title here run time director then then write then actors then plot okay so the data on the copy for making it or objective foreign foreign foreign director then write down writer replace all then practice replace of then plot okay so plot plot replacer then language Country Awards and divided images small light okay so replacer okay confidence China then requested body dot director then requested body to try to memorize then plot then IMDb rating then IMDb IED then you may discuss the same requested body dot images Okay so images IMDb I sorry rating plot then actors try to director then Channel and runtime then here okay then uh either on the routes loan then uh database database trade lock then catch catch up here okay then try black database Dot Json off status of um 400 uh dot Json off message sorry message error dot error Dot message okay foreign Json foreign so foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign runtime is required okay so runtime is current time exactly so small number and that way then evening is database title images foreign format is format between titles language Country Awards poster matters foreign [Music] numbers okay so data second data on the feeder or ID objects the response is on the database so so you know the data on the challenge so test data open a new table so now moving on the database on the test test foreign again reload data so IMDb 10 imdbs imdbs so it's down on the Avengers um so router Dot router DOT first on the yellow movies slash movies okay then uh request response okay request response then on the data on this is like uh in a feed for increditing now first try foreign [Music] status a state just of status of 500 like 500 the internet server out of the Json off uh message error Dot message okay so cancel on the error okay so message foreign request response crashed duplicate parameter name not allowed in this list okay that's why server startup database connected okay along the local post uh localhost 3000 APA uh uh foreign [Music] find by ID of uh in ID and government so idea request dot parallel okay English or a specific uh either a movie or a data up in a data movie slash all righty windows so ID okay database [Music] foreign foreign uh so and like uh on the date uh const uh data okay so result find by ID and update okay find by ID and update functions dot ID then other characters data then options options and options object then new troop obtaining important for today format document then is uh data foreign foreign [Music] age of Ultron 's problem okay from the bracket which is I mean the command Okay so response Avengers Age of Ultron database so delete it the same log so router dot put in the options router dot delete of movie ID on the channel like UHD like delete port or the update so model dot uh like find by ID and delete up delete of like any number password URL [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Tamil Skillhub
Views: 2,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rest API using express and MongoDB, Restful API Services, Rest API, CRUD Operations, IMDB API, IMDB Clone, Mongodb for Beginners, Express.js for Beignners, MongoDB Setup, Using Nodemon to restart the server, Nodemon, .env file to store properties, Created MongoDB account, Database and Schema, Added movies, Update Movie, Get Movies, Delete Movie, Restful API for IMDB, Consumable Rest API, Consumable API for Mobile and Web applications, Rest API for React.JS, Test in Postman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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