Responsive Design in Adobe XD

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XD is Adobe's contributions to the world of design mockup software. And in XD, as with any concept design tool, it's really important to be able to illustrate how your layouts are going to respond at the different widths that they're going to need to be functional at. In this course, you'll learn about the specific elements of XD's functionality that can be used to help you with your responsive design processes. I'm gonna show you a couple of tricks for XD to help you with your layout, both in general and with responsive design. And then I'm gonna show you through a practical demonstration of creating a multiple artboard mockup of a responsive wireframe site. By the end of this course, you're gonna know exactly how to produce a complete responsive mockup in Adobe XD. So let's go ahead and get started on responsive design in Adobe XD. I'll see you in the first lesson. Hey, I'm Kezz Bracey for Tuts+. Welcome to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. So before we get into actually working with XD, I just wanna give you a couple of quick videos to refresh what it is that we're actually talking about when we are discussing responsive design. What does it actually mean? And when you're reading up on this topic, you can find all kinds of different theories and recommendations, but It really boils down to just two relatively simple things. When you're creating a responsive design, all you really need to think about are columns and content. And even content itself is really just more column management which is something that you're gonna see as we move on through this course. So what do I mean when I say that responsive design is just columns and content? Isn't it to do with mobile devices and making sure things are touch friendly and all those sorts of things? Well yes and no. The reason that I say that you only really need to think about columns and content is because at this point in time, mobile devices are so ubiquitous that you should always consider that every single site that you create needs to be workable with mobile. So everything needs to have touch controls, but at the same time things need to work for desktop computers as well, so everything needs to have mouse friendly controls. So you can take that as a given and sort of put it off to the side. So then in that case we're really talking about layout when we talk about responsive design. So how is it that layout can all just boil down to columns and content? Well the reason is that all websites, at least the vast majority, scroll vertically. And because we have vertical scrolling, really nobody cares how high your site is, you can just keep scrolling your content through as much as you need to to get through it. So your content being a non-specified height, it doesn't really matter, it's not really important. However, what is important is that we have a fixed width. Any given device, any given viewport is at one time a fixed width. But you don't know what that width is so that is the part that you have to manage. And when we manage width, we do it via columns, so that is why responsive layout design is first and foremost a matter of controlling columns. Inside those columns you have all of your content, so that's why the second point is making sure that the content that you have fits well inside the columns that you have. All right, so if responsive design basically comes down to columns and content, then what do we need to think about in regards to columns and content? Well, the first thing that you wanna think about is making sure that, as far as possible, your columns are fluid width. So for example you might have a column that can start at 1,200 pixels wide and it can shrink all the way down to say 300 pixels wide. That column is then useful across that entire spectrum of width. Obviously in some cases you'll have more than one column, so you might have a three column layout. Those columns can be flexible, and typically the process is gonna be that as the columns shrink in width, you leave them as they are until the content inside those columns is no longer legible. At that point, you're gonna discard one or more of those columns. So you might go from a three column layout down to a two column layout or a one column layout. That gives your content more room to retain its legibility. So the essential process with any given responsive layout is you're gonna start with multiple columns, and you repeat that process of shrinking and discarding columns until you end up with one single column and all your content stacked vertically. But in the same way that you can have fluid width columns, you can also have fluid width content. So an obvious example is you can have a block of text that's easily able to expand or shrink its width and then the text just reflows accordingly. You'll also want to make sure that your images can have flexible width wherever possible so that they continue to fit inside whatever space they have. Some content is more difficult to make completely fluid. For example, a navigation menu, a horizontal navigation menu, often has a relatively fixed width. And where this is the case, where you can't just sort of easily squash down content, then you need to think about where it's positioned, relative to the edges of your viewport, as you start to shrink down that width. So using that navigation menu example again, let's say you have a horizontal navigation menu. It's in your header, on the right side. You need to make sure that, as you're shrinking down the design, that navigation menu stays pinned on the right side of your layout. And here is where content is in a lot of ways just like your layout columns. When you don't have enough room for your content, you often need to collapse it into a single column. For example, when you have a horizontal menu layout, each one of those menu items is basically an individual column. And when there's not enough room for them anymore, you collapse those columns down to a single column and you stack your menu items one on top of the other. So, it's that same process. You start with a certain number of columns, you shrink them down when there's no more room, you collapse these down to a single column. And then the last major consideration in regards to adjusting your content responsively is changing font size to work well at different viewport sizes. Typically, this just refers to reducing the size of headings. And that's something that you're gonna see in action as we move through this course. So let's bring that all back to a couple of simple key principles. So all you need to think about when you're doing responsive design, whether it's in XD or any other platform, is just inside columns and the width of those columns, adjusting your content so that it fits inside those columns. And when there's no longer enough room for the content to fit inside the columns, reducing column counts until you end up with one single column and all of your content stacked vertically. And then boiling that down even further coming back to our key point, responsive design is all about columns and content. And if you think about those two things, you're gonna end up with a perfectly responsive website. All right, so that's Part 1 of our Responsive Refresher. In Part 2 of the Responsive Refresher, we're gonna talk briefly about implementing those two tasks that we talked about. What is the overall workflow that you should step through when you're creating your responsive design? How should you handle working with breakpoints? And do we still use the mobile-first methodology? We're gonna talk about that very quickly in the next video. I'll see you there. Hey, this is Kate, welcome back to responsive design in Adobe XD. We're kicking off our course with a quick refresher on responsive design. In part one of the refresher, we talked about what responsive design actually is. And that it just boils down to two things, and that is managing columns and content. In part two, this video, we are going to briefly talk about how to put that into action, so what you're actual workflow is gonna be inside XD. We're gonna talk about breakpoints, how you should be handling breakpoints, and the question of, do we still do the mobile first methodology? Right now, obviously, XD itself is not a website, it's not an actual website. So you're not gonna be able to create a fully functional responsive site inside the software. What you can do is create a series of artboards, and those artboards are going to deplete how the design should look at various widths. One approach that's very common here, and this is something that I do not recommend, is just picking out specific devices and only designing mock ups for those specific device widths. So for example, doing something at 1200 pixels wide to represent a desktop, 1024 to represent a tablet, and 320 to represent a phone. Even though this might seem like an intuitive way to approach responsive design, there are some problems that can arise from using that approach. The first problem with this approach is that it leaves a fairly high likelihood that your layout can break down at spots in between those arbitrary sizes. So let's say, like I said, you have 1200, 1024, and 320. Our layout then might just break down at, say, 1100 pixels or 800 pixels wide because there was just no design consideration for those in between widths. Secondly, if you think about it, it really doesn't make any sense to only be designing for device screen sizes. That makes the assumption that people will only ever be seeing a site at the exact size of the screen of their device. So what happens if someone's viewing your site on a desktop and they have your site snapped up into one of the corners of their site? So it's only using a quarter of their viewport. Or if somebody is on a mobile device and they're using a split screen mode, where they have one app on one side and one app on another. Now your site's only being viewed in half of the viewport size. So you can't assume that your site is gonna be viewed at sizes that correlate with specific devices. You need to cover every possible width in between your site's maximum width and its minimum width. And the maximum width is the widest point at which the content that your site needs to present is still legible. If the site becomes too wide, then things get stretched out too much and it becomes difficult to read. With the minimum size, you actually can think about devices because you can have a look at the tiniest device that you want to support with your site. So for example, it might be a watch. If you know that you wanna support watches, then you might need to take your site width down to, say, 270 pixels or thereabouts. Or alternatively, you can determine the minimum width of your site the same way that you determine the maximum width. You can have a look at what is the smallest possible width that your site content remains legible. So you set those two fixed points and then you cover everything in between. All right, so then if you know you've got these two fixed points, you've got your minimum width and your maximum width, where do you start? How do you actually start the design process? So if you've been looking into this questions already, then you've probably heard about the concept of mobile first. Mobile first is basically the suggestion that you start by creating a design that's catered towards small mobile devices, and then you progressively enhance your layout from there. This concept came up a fair while ago, but it's still something that we hear talked about a fair bit. And for that reason, you might be wondering if you should start your design at the maximum size end, something that you might hear referred to as your desktop layout. Or if you should start it at the minimum size end, which is something that you might hear described as your mobile layout. The real truth is that it doesn't rally matter anymore whether you start with a thin layout or you start with a wide layout. I'll explain why. The whole mobile first design philosophy came about as a way of overcoming the fact that mobile-friendly designs used to be sort of an afterthought. People would focus on creating a wide layout, thinking only about desktop machines with no touch controls and often with minimal concern for load speed or performance. Then when they'd done this, quote, unquote, desktop version of their site, they'd make another version, which would be a kind of a watered down, shrunk version of their desktop site. That added in some support for touch and direction, but would often be too bloated to run well on low powered mobile devices. So that mobile first philosophy comes from a point in time when you had a fairly clear distinction between mobile and desktop devices. Mobile devices were low-powered, small-sized devices, and desktops were high-powered, large-sized devices. But now it's very common to find a mobile device, like a iPad, for example, that has a lot of processing power and it has a fairly high screen resolution. On the flip side, you can have a desktop device that's quite small and low- powered, like a Chromebook, for example. So it really doesn't make sense anymore to have this idea of large layouts that are at desktops, and think that they don't need touch controls or performance. And conversely, it doesn't make sense to think that small size layouts are always gonna be on touch devices and are always gonna be on low-power devices. So now everything at every size needs to support touch control, and mouse control, and they all need to be performant. All right, so then if we know that touch controls are necessary at all sizes and that optimization and performance is necessary at all sizes. Then the only thing left that you could really be trying to apply a mobile first methodology to is the layout itself. And then that really boils down to a question of, do you start by designing your wide layouts first, which is what we would previously have thought of as desktop layouts? Or do you start with your narrow layouts first, which is something we would previously have thought of as a mobile layout? But realistically, it doesn't actually make a huge difference anymore whether you start with your narrow layout or your wide layout. Because you're going to be needing to think of all sizes of layouts as you create each element of a design. If you start a design thin and as you're adding in each portion of that site, you're going to need to be thinking about what it's gonna look like at its maximum width. And the same thing goes in reverse. If you layout something in its maximum width, then you're gonna need to have an idea in your mind about what you're gonna do with that content when it's shrunk down to its minimum width. So you can do either. You can start at whatever end you want as long as you're thinking ahead about how you're gonna handle each piece of content as you create it at various sizes. But for me personally, I prefer to start with the widest layout. The reason is the narrowest layout is pretty much always gonna be the same thing, it's pretty much always gonna be a single column. Like we talked about before, when there's no enough room to have multiple columns, everything has to go into a single column, stacked one top of the other. So there 's not really many variables there to consider. Your thinnest possible layer is always going to be relatively similar to every other thin layout. But with your widest possible layout, there are all kinds of different ways that you can be handling your content. You have to consider how many columns you're gonna have in each section, you have to consider the width of those columns. And you have to consider how your content is gonna be laid out inside your columns. So because there's more to think about there, I typically start with the widest, and then crunch down to that thinnest point, where I pretty much already know how everything's gonna need to be. But that said, you can totally do it the other way around if you prefer. As long as you have a plan for how you're gonna expand things out, that's totally fine. So do you need to make sure that your thin mobile-friendly layouts are awesome? Yes, of course you do. But do you need to make your thin layouts before your wide layouts in order for that to happen? No, you can make awesome layouts that work across all kinds of devices at anytime you want, in any order that you want. Just do whatever works for you. Just make sure that whatever width markup you're working on, you're always making sure that it's both touch and mouse friendly, that it's going to be performant when it's deployed. And that you know how that element is gonna look at all the different widths that you need to cover. All right, I just gave you a quick summary of what you need to think about with your workflow. First up, when you're creating your artboards for responsive design, don't just go with arbitrarily selected device screens. Instead, create an artboard that's gonna show every major layout change that you need to show in order to indicate how you're gonna keep your content legible at every width in between your maximum and minimum layout size. Don't just think about mobile first, think about mobile always. There should always be touch controls and there should always be optimization. Start with your thinnest artboard if you want, start with your widest artboard if you want. It doesn't matter as long as you're thinking ahead about how you're going to handle all the different widths that you need to accommodate. All right, so that is our responsive refresher done. Now we're ready to actually get into working with XD to create with responsive mock ups. In the next section of the course, we've got seven lessons that are gonna cover all of the XD specific functionality that you'll need in other to produce responsive designs. And in the section after that, we're gonna go through a practical example of actually creating responsive artboards for a design. So in the next lesson, we're gonna start with the quick overview of what you actually can do for responsive design in XD. XD is not a be-all and end-all for everything to do for responsive design, but there are some things that you can do really well with it. So we're gonna cover what those things are in the next lesson. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back Responsive Design in Adobe XD. In the last section of the course, we just had a quick refresher on Responsive Design so that we know what we're actually trying to achieve as we work in Adobe XD. Now, as we're getting into using the software for this purpose, I'm just gonna start with a quick overview of what you can actually do in XD and what you can't. And first up, I also wanna mention that this isn't gonna be a course on using XD as a drawing software. It's gonna assume that you're comfortable with doing things like drawing out rectangles, and creating groups, and setting colors, and things like that. If you need a primer on the basics of working with XD then check out the links in the notes below this video. I'll give you some links to some courses that can help you with the initial getting started with XD. What we're gonna be focusing on is specifically responsiveness in XD. So as we go through we're gonna skip over the process of actually laying out the shapes and text and what have you, so we can keep that focus on responsiveness. And anyway, some of the actual process of what we'll be going through can be a bunch of tweaking of sizes. And to be honest, you would get pretty bored watching me do all of that, so I will be jumping forwards from time to time to keep the focus on the pertinent points for responsiveness. All right, so about responsive design in XD. So the first thing that you need to be aware of is that you can't make a design in XD that is itself fully responsive. So if we have a look at this mark up here, this is all just done in wire frame form, by the way, rather than trying to focus on a fully fledged design. I can preview this design, and I'll get this that looks like a live website. But I can't shrink down the window and have it actually respond like a regular site, so it doesn't work like that. What you can do, however, is create a series of art boards that show how the design is going to look at every stage of the layout, where something needs to change in order to keep everything fitting nicely in the design and looking legible. So the goal of this process is twofold. One, you want to communicate with the person who is gonna be coding up design exactly how want this design to function. By creating a series of art boards like this, you have complete control over exactly how it's gonna look and whatever width it's being viewed at. So as I was saying before, if you only produce a 10/24 mark-up for a tablet and a 320 mark-up for a phone, then the coder is gonna have to guess what you want to have the design do at 500 pixels. By doing this multiple art board approach, there's no guesswork and you communicate to them exactly what should be happening across the whole size spectrum. And the other thing that you're gonna be able to do to these art boards is communicate with the client how things are gonna look at different widths. Something that I'm gonna show you later is once you've created a system of art boards like this, you can take one of these art boards and you can adapt it in about 30 seconds to any type device preview that they want. So if a client says hey, show me how this is gonna look on the latest Samsung Galaxy that's at a resolution that nobody has ever used before. You're gonna be able to cover that, because you're prepared for any width that the site needs to work at. There's something that's important to remember as you're going through this process is that this is not responsive development. This is not responsive coding, so you're not gonna be able to do everything in the mark up exactly as it's gonna be in the browser. You're probably not gonna to have spacing that's absolutely perfect to the exact pixel width that it's gonna be in the site. And some dimensions might be slightly out, compared to what they're gonna be once the site is deployed. So don't feel like you have to get caught up too much with making things absolutely pixel perfect. Because the amount of fine tuning that you're gonna have to do to get that point is gonna take you more time than it's really gonna be worth. In reality, when this is actually coded up in the browser, it's not going to be exactly the same pixel for pixel no matter what you do. So don't worry about that too much. You have three main goals that you wanna focus on when you're doing responsive design in XD. And that is through your collection of art boards, you wanna convey what you want to happen to the layout at various sizes to the coder. You wanna be able to convey it to a client, or whoever you're designing for how the layout is gonna look on any device that they might wanna see a preview for. And you wanna do both of these things in the least time-consuming way you can. So achieving those three goals is what we're gonna step you through in the next lessons of the course. And the first place we're gonna look to make that happen is XD's Responsive Resize functionality. This is a fairly new addition to XD, and it's designed primarily to help you with that third goal of making this work flow move alone in the least time-consuming way possible. So in the next lesson we are gonna check out what Responsive Resize actually is and how you can put it to work in your mark ups. So I'll see in the next lesson. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD. In this we're gonna check out Adobe XD's responsive resize functionality. This is a tool that you can use to help you speed along the process of adapting new content from one artboard into the next size artboard. So let's take a quick look at what it does. So I'm just gonna draw just a regular square, then open the right side by here. You'll see that we have this responsive resize sections, and it's automatically turned on by default. So the first thing that you'll need to know, is if you wanna turn it off, just click that little toggle there to turn it off. So to show you what it actually does, I'm going to switch from automatic mode into manual mode. And in here you can see that what we have is basically a system of constraints. These constraints are pretty much the same as constraints that you would see in other software, if you've worked with constraints before, it's really not that different. So in a nutshell, you've got constraints that control how far the object is from the edges, so that's these ones here. And you've got constraints that control the width and height of the object. So, you have the ability to fix the width to a set width, or fix the height to a set height. So the easiest way to communicate what these actually do is gonna be to show you with some example shapes. So, here we go. For example, we've got here two objects that both have responsive resize activated on them. And now if I shrink down the parent here, you'll see that the object on the right stays on the right. Or if I shrink the other way, the object in the left stays in the left. So if we go into the responsive settings for each of these by hitting Manual, you can see here, this one is being told to maintain its position relative to the right-hand edge. And this one is being anchored on the left side.. Both of them have fixed width and height. And you'll also notice that these constraints were automatically applied. The object on the left was automatically told to anchor itself on the left, and vice versa with the object on the right. And that automatic application of constraints is what makes responsive resize different to constraints in other programs. In other programs, you need to manually apply constraints depending on what's appropriate for each object. But with responsive resize, XD will do its best to try to guess which constraints are appropriate for different elements. But sometimes it's actually gonna guess wrong, and when that happens you're going to need to turn off responsive resize. So just bear that in mind that if things are not responding how you expect them to, you might need to either go in and change these constraints, or turn off responsive resize all together. All right, we'll have a look at another couple of examples to show you more about how to work with responsive resize. I talked earlier about the fact that you want to have flexible columns wherever possible. And you can actually set up your artboards in XD, to simulate flexible columns, which is something we're going to go into more later. So I wanna show you how responsive resize operates in relation to having those flexible columns. So by default what we're looking at here simulates having a single column, so the dark rectangle inside a parent container. Now, when I resize this element, put responsive resize on, everything resizes quite well. So we've got basically the same as a flexible percentage based div in a website lab for example. Where it doesn't work so well, is if you wanna have true columns side by side. Now with responsive resize switched on, if I shrink things, you're gonna get this issue where the boxes are protruding outside their parent element. So if you wanna have a layout like this where you have two boxes inside or however many boxes inside, and you want them to stay flexible, you want them to retain the ability to be resized. Then you actually need to turn responsive resize off like I have here. With responsive resize off, then when you shrink the parent, you can see that the internal shapes are shrinking down as well. And with that, you can simulate having those fluid with columns. Another thing to consider when you're setting up for a fluid layout like this is, how the box is going to respond, if you resize the whole artboard. It's probably gonna be working towards is artboards, where everything inside them can respond when you shrink the artboard down. So right now if I turn on responsive resize on the artboard itself and shrink things down, so you can see that our little two-column layout Is shrinking down nicely, but that the amount of space on the left and right is also shrinking. So you can see here this amount of space is being preserved. That may be fine, depending on whatever you're wanting to do with your layout. You might want to have spacing that adjusts along with the size of the parent. But if you don't want that, then what you can do instead is turn on responsive resize on the element like I have up here. Go into manual, and turn everything off except for the anchors for the left and right side. So what that says is to preserve the amount of space that's on the right side and on the left side. So now if I resize the artboard, Now this container is shrinking down and its internal columns are shrinking down, but it's keeping the same size spacing at the outer edges. So that may be something that you wanna do when you're working through creating your artboards. Now, one of the things you might need to do as you're going along is to vertically shrink some of your elements. So you might need to vertically shrink elements like images, for example, so that you can maintain their aspect ratio as their width is going down in your design. So with this example here, I just have a rectangle with a little place holder image here. And at the moment if I resize this image, then the little thing that I have got inside is shrinking down as well. And that's gonna happen whenever you have any object that's nested inside the object that you're shrinking down, so that's with responsive resize switched off. This is an example of where having it switched on can be really helpful. So this example, I have responsive resize switched off. I'm just letting it automatically apply the constraints that it wants to apply. And now with this image, if I shrink it down, then the internal object is keeping it's size and shape. And then there is just one more thing that I wanted to show you, and that is that right now responsive resize doesn't work on the symbols. So this is just a couple of objects that I've converted into a symbol, so you can see these little symbol arc on here shows us that this is a symbol, not just a regular group. But if I try resizing the artboard now, you'll see that that symbol doesn't respond in any way at all. And it won't matter what I do on the symbol level, I can turn off responsive resize on that symbol. And then if I shrink the artboard it's still not gonna make any difference. So what you actually need to do is ungroup the symbol, so that you end up with the same shape, but no longer in a symbol. You do that by just right clicking and choosing ungroup symbol, and then when you resize the artboard, then that shape is gonna respond just like any other shape in your layout. So for the moment that is probably gonna slow you down a little bit. The whole point of symbols is that you can reuse them across multiple artboards. You are gonna have to regroup them for now, if you want to use responsive resize on them. But Adobe have said that in a future update, responsive resize is gonna work on symbols, so you'll just have to hold tight for a little while to get that functionality. All right, so when should you use responsive resize? So you should use it at the artboard level like we have here, so that you can shrink down an artboard and have all the content inside respond to it. Similarly to how when you resize a browser, you can have the content inside respond. You can also turn it on when you have an element that you don't want to change size when the parent changes size. And another great place to use it is when you have an element that you wanna anchor according to one of the edges. So you want it to keep it's position relative to one of the edges. And you wanna turn responsive resize off, when you want to simulate a fluid width column. All right, so that is the essentials of how responsive resize works. Now you know what we're doing as we use it throughout our output correction. And process and speaking of artboards, the next thing that we're gonna cover is how to use artboards in XD in the context of responsive design. So we're gonna step through that in the next lesson. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. In this lesson, we're just gonna touch on artboards, the basics of using them, and how they relate to responsive design. There's not that much to cover, so this is gonna be a fairly quick lesson. All right, so the first thing that you need to know is the artboard tool is here. So you could just grab an artboard tool and you've got a couple of choices. You can either draw out an artboard at the size that you need it. Once you've drawn it out, you can specify width and height here. Or the other way that you can create an artboard is you can select one of the presets down here for a specific device size. So let's say that you want to show how it's gonna look on iPhone 6, 7, or 8, you just click the button here, and it's gonna automatically create an artboard for you at the appropriate size. It's actually going to automatically place that artboard wherever it feels like it doesn't really matter where your cursor is at the time that you hit one of these selections here, it's just gonna line it up next to another artboard. So you might just need to move things around after you create them. Once you do create an artboard, you also have the ability to switch it from portrait to landscape mode. So this can be really great for creating mockups to show clients on how a design is going to look in different orientations. And then the other most significant part of XD artboards is the scrolling settings down here in the view port height settings. So of course usually a site is going to be bigger than the amount you actually have it in view port. And you're typically gonna need to drag out the height so that it can fit in all the content. XD will give you this little dotted line along the bottom here that indicates the bottom of the view port, so I'm just going to just put a big rectangle in here just to demonstrate what the purpose of this is So now if I preview this artboard by clicking this play button here, it's going to allow me to scroll down past that point that I specified with that little dotted line along the bottom of the viewport area. And I can actually drag this to a different spot, And that's gonna change how much of the design is visible in that preview before you need to scroll to see more of the content. So as I've already mentioned a couple of times, even though you do have all of these different device sizes here as presets, don't start your design with picking sizes out from this list. Rather, what you wanna do instead, Is create a series a of artboards based on the layout itself, what the layout needs. So these, which are examples we're gonna go through later, these are all the points at which they layout needed to change in order to keep the content in it readable and fitting comfortably. So you wanna go through create a series of artboards like that. And then once you're done then you can take these artboards, take the content from these artboards, and then you can quite easily fit that content into device specific previews. So then you're gonna have all of these breakpoints, this is the information that the coder needs, but you're still gonna be able to go to a client or whoever it is that you're developing an interface for. And you're gonna be able to say, this is how it's gonna look in this Android tablet. And then you'll be able to show them the preview so that they have a clear understanding of what you're actually doing with the design. So as I said, that's just a quick lesson. There's really not that much to artboards, but I wanted to cover those points because they are so fundamental to the process. And speaking of things that are fundamental to the process, we've talked about how fundamental working with columns is, and how you should try to have your columns be flexible so that you can get as much life out of them as possible. So in the next lesson I'm gonna show you how you might set up a LAN in an XD art board that simulates flexible width divs in a production design. So we're gonna go through that in the next lesson. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. In this lesson, I'm gonna show you how you can use Adobe XD to emulate flexible width columns. As I mentioned, I'm not gonna go through and show you square by square how to draw all of this stuff out. I'm gonna keep the focus on showing you the most pertinent points of actually implementing this into your own workflow. So I've got a demonstration here, if I grab this outer element here and then I shrink it down, you'll see that everything inside shrinks down along with it. So what have we got? Let's look a little bit closer. So I've got a section that's set up to be a header. We've got another section that's set up here to be a hero unit. And inside the hero unit, there is a left column that's 50% width and a right column that's 50% width. Under that, we've got another section which is gonna be used to display a features type of area, this section here that's gonna be used to display an image slider. Then we've got an area here for main content. What we've got inside here is a representation of a left column and of a right column. And these actually have spacing around the outside as well. So this represents a sidebar that would be about 30% the width of the site, minus spacing and a main column that would be about 70% width. And then we also have an area for the footer. So then you saw as I shrunk down the wrapper, the column that is suppose to represent 70% stays at about 70%, and same thing with the 30% column. And the same thing is true with the 50-50 columns. They're both shrinking down automatically to go along with the parent. So there is a couple of things that go into creating a top of a layout shell like this. One is using rectangles and groups together. So a group in Adobe XD like, let's take our hitter for example. You can see that it has a width and a height setting. That width and height setting is determined by the content that's inside that group. So inside this group, I've put a rectangle and I've named it header div. And I'm giving it a specific height and width to indicate what size this part of the site should be. So if I was to increase the size of this rectangle, I just dragged it out to be a little bit higher. It's gone to 380 height. Now if I look at the group, now the group is also 380 height. So what you can do by putting rectangles like this inside groups is you can make it really easy for the coder to come along and look at each one of these sections. So we have a group representing each section of the site. And they can have a look up here and see what the dimensions should be for each one of these elements of the site. And the other function of including rectangles that represent divs is they're gonna give you something to snap your content elements to. They're gonna work like guides basically. Right now, Adobe XD doesn't actually have any guides. I'm sure they'll be coming in the future but for now, you can use this system instead. So for example, if we go into our hero unit group, you can see that I've got a main rectangle that's representing the whole section of the site. Then inside that, I have a group for the left column that has its own rectangle inside it, and the same thing goes for the right column. So now, when I wanna start adding content into this area of the site, let's say I just wanna include a rectangle and I do it inside this left column group. Now when I move it around, now you can see that it's snapping to the edges. And it's working in basically the same way as it would if you had guides running down each edge of each one of these parts of your side. You can then also use these layout rectangles that you're putting in place for alignment purposes. So if I select this rectangle that I have representing a div, and I select this rectangle that I have representing some content. And I use these alignment tools, now I can align this shape relative to the aspect of the layout that I'm working with. So it's a great idea to go through and set up rectangles like this to define each part, Of the layout of your sign. So you can see all those different rectangles there that give dimension to the groups that contain them and give you guide-like functionality. So the next thing to consider when you're setting out these layouts. That always stand again, is when you should have responsive resize turned on and when you shouldn't. So if you remember, you wanna have responsive resize turned off. So if you read from a quick overview on responsive resize, you can have it turned on when you've got a single column layout. But if you have a multi column layout that you want to reflex but you're gonna wanna turn it off. So I have responsive resize turned on for the header, which is a single column. But I have it turned off for this hero unit. Then the same thing goes down here, these are both single columns. So section one and section two, I have it turned on, but then for the main section here, double column, I have it turned off. And then finally the footer, I have it turned on. So just bear those things in mind. And then, when you resize the parent item, then everything is gonna be able to shrink and expand to fit. So there's a couple of extra quick tips I wanna give you for setting up a layout like this. One of the things that you can consider is while you're drawing things out, you might want to turn borders on, just so that it makes it a bit clearer, what you're working with. Another is that you can use mathematical functions inside Adobe XD to help you set up the right dimensions here. So this one's fairly easy. We've got two columns here, and we want them to be 50% of the available width for each one. So we just look at our overall width. I have a site width here of 1200 pixels, so that's all pretty straightforward. But let's say for example, you want to layout a five column grid. In that case, you could create a rectangle to represent a div, left align it, it will snap to the outside of one of the rectangles that you already have in your design. Set it to the full width. In this case, it's 1200. And then you can actually do maths inside these fields. So if I know I want this to be one-fifth of the overall width, then I can just enter and divide by 5. And then it would automatically do that calculation for me and shrink down the width. So an example of where I've used that is to create these elements here. And you wanted this to be 70% of the available width and I wanted this to be 30%. So I drew out a rectangle, snapped it to the left, set it to 1200, I wanted it to be 70% so I multiplied it, put in a little star to do multiplication by 0.7 so that gave me an overall 70% width. I then knew that I wanted to have 40 pixels gap on the left side here and 20 pixels on the right. So then I just subtracted that 40 and 20 pixel amount. So I subtracted 60, that gave me the width that I needed and then I was able to offset it from the left here. So the exposition up here determines how far from the left this element is, so I knew I wanted it to be 40 pixels really to the right. So then I could add 40 pixels and hit Enter. And then that gives me the alignment that I need. Then I can hold down Shift while I'm dragging the shape to keep it stuck on the axis that it's already on. Snap that up to the top and then I can do the same thing to offset it vertically. And in to the Y position, I want this a bit further down. So I'm gonna add 60 pixels, and then I've got my alignment. So that is how you can layout a series of rectangles that were like divs. And that's how you can get flexible with columns, that simulate being based on a percentage with, like they will be when they're coded up for the browser. That covers how you can create columns manually. But one of XD's coolest features is its ability to create a column system, or a grid system, rather, automatically, using the repeat grids functionality. This can be really really helpful for quickly laying out content. But after you use it, you'll need to follow a couple of extra steps to make sure that the content that you've laid out is still gonna be responsive. So we're gonna check how you can use repeat grids when you're making responsive markups in XD in the next lesson. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. In this lesson, we're gonna talk about using XD's repeat grid function to help you out content quickly. But then also make sure that it's set up in way that's still gonna be conducive to all the responsiveness that you're trying to design for. So I've taken the layout that I showed you in the last lesson and just added in some placeholder content. As I mentioned, I'm gonna be skipping over the actual design part because it's not really pertinent to responsiveness. There's nothing here that I've yet done specifically to help make this all responsive. I've just added in some rectangles and some text, and you'll get this file so you won't have to do this manually. You can just pick up from this point and follow along with what I'm doing. I'm using a couple of placeholder elements here that have come from Envato elements. So using this logo, these little image placeholders for the images in the wire frame, and a couple of these social media icons. So they won't be in the actual file cuz I don't have the right to share those, but if you do wanna grab them, the links are in the notes below this video. So I'll just quickly run through the content that I've added here. So in here, we've got a logo and title on the left, and just a straight up text menu on the right. In here, we've got a placeholder image, and just like I showed you before, this is centered inside our sort of fake div. All right, we've got some text and a button that is left aligned in our little fake div. Here, we've got just a heading and this little column. There are gonna be three of these, which we're gonna create with the repeat grid functionality. And I set up the width of these using that math function that I had told you about in our previous lesson. This section is simulating a slider of images that are gonna move from left to right. So we just got one place holder image in there. We'll repeat that out to five with the repeat grid functionality. Here we've got the main section. This would be sort of a blog area with an article on the left, with image, text and read more button. And on the right, we'll just have a little widget with a couple of different links. And then finally, we've got our footer down at the bottom with a just ordinary text navigation bar, little copyright message and some social icons. And just to quickly show you as well, because of the way that this is all being set up, the way that we set up that layout in the last lesson, if the wrapper group here, the parent group, is selected, this is already pretty responsive. There are some things that start to break and that's what we're gonna address as we go through later lessons. But you can see that that's already pretty well responsive to get the ball rolling. All right, so now, let's expand this content, this content, and this content out to multiple items by using repeat grid. So I'm gonna come up here, and I'm gonna grab this item here. It can be difficult to select things in XD. Sometimes an easy way to directly select an item that's nested inside other groups is to hold down Ctrl. And then you can hover and it'll show you which item you're going to select. So then you click to select and it will sometimes drill you down too far, but then at least you're in roughly the right place. So what I actually want to select is this column group here. Now with this column selected, I can hit the Repeat Grid button, up here, and now I can just drag this out so that I get three of these columns. By default, it's always gonna give you a 20 pixel gap in between each one of your grid items. In this case I want a 40 pixel gap between the items so I'm just gonna hover over the gap so that it goes pink and then I'm just gonna drag the right edge out until I hit 40, And so now that's that grid, it's all set up and good to go. We're gonna do the same thing down here, Ctrl + click to get into the roughly right place in the last structure here. So I'm gonna select the column itself, hit Repeat Grid, and then drag out until I get five items. In this case the 20 piece square is fine, and I can also do the same thing vertically with this item here. So once again Ctrl + click to get into roughly the right place and then I'm gonna select the sidebar snippet, hit Repeat Grid, and then drag down so I get six of these items. So now that is most of that content all set up. But right now, if I grab that wrapper again and I shrink down the sides, you can see that the grid stuff is not shrinking along with everything else. So basically, responsive resize is not going to work on elements that you've laid out using the repeat grid functionality. So to make that work, what you're gonna have to do is come in and select, The grid, then you're gonna have to right-click and choose Ungroup Grid, or you can do the same thing up here. Now if we try resizing, you can see it's still not working because there's another step that we have to take. We have to select all of these columns. And they have automatically had responsive resize activated on them. So you remember I said that sometimes it's gonna try to guess what you want with constraints but it's gonna be wrong, and then you're gonna have to turn it off. So we're gonna turn it off because we want our multiple columns to be flexible. And now when we shrink down now, everything is shrinking along with it. So then we wanna do the same thing also for our other section. So in here, we're gonna need to ungroup this grid. And then again, responsive resize has been switched on, but we don't want it. So we'll turn that off. Now if we select the parent, These items will shrink down too, and then the same thing goes here with our sidebar. We're gonna need to ungroup, in this case responsive resize is already off. It's guessed correctly this time, and now when we resize the parents. Sidebar items are resizing too. Now there's gonna need further adjustments that we'll have to make to get everything working fully responsively. But that's one of the first things that we need to do to lay the foundation. And that is how you can use the repeat grid function to quickly get columns of content later in your site. But then you're gonna need to go through and tinker around with the responsive resize functionality to get everything responding to the parent size the way that you want it to. And this one more thing, you'll notice that when we resize this parent, the images and a place holder go a bit funny. These are just place holders, so it's not a big deal. But if you want to deal with that and prevent that sort of funny resizing from happening, then you can go in and select the image place holder, turn on responsive resize, switch it to manual. Make sure all the edge constraints are off and fixed width and height are both on. I'm just gonna do that with all of them. That's all good. Then when you resize the parent, Then those little place holder images are gonna keep their size, so that's just gonna help you to keep everything looking neat. All right, so next up, you probably just noticed then that this text went funny when I resized everything. And there are actually a few different areas where the text is going a little bit weird as we shrink things down. There are a couple of different settings that you can use in XD to help your text stay more responsive. You're still gonna have to make some manual adjustments, but these little changes are gonna help you to minimize the number of manual adjustments that you need to make. So we're gonna go through handling text in responsive design in XD in the next lesson. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD, I just wanna touch on a couple of quick points that are gonna help you with handling text when you're creating responsive artboard mockups. Now, a lot of the time, when you add in a heading, like you've got here, it's going to automatically be added in Point Text mode as opposed to Area mode. And the result of that is that when the parent is resized, so like this, the edges of the heading are gonna protrude outside the edges of the parent. But what we would be better off with is something that can automatically keep itself inside the bounds of its parent. So one of the things that you can do with your text to help make the responsive process quicker and easier is, after you've added it all in, go through and set it all to Area mode instead. And then, what you wanna do is widen this container out to the outer edges of the parent, or at least to where you would have your padding around the outside. So here, I can drag the left side out to line up with this edge of the content and the right edge here. And now when I resize the parent, Now the text is always gonna stay inside. So then the only thing that we'll have to do later is just increase the height of this box and gradually decrease the size of the text in order to make it fit vertically as well. But by making that one change, you prevent it from flowing outside horizontally. So I'm gonna do the same thing up here with this heading, switch it into Area mode, and then drag out the right side. This setting here is already in Area mode, so that's already handled. So just check each one of our headings. That's in Area mode, so that's fine. And you just wanna make sure that the outside of those bounding boxes is lined up with the outermost points that you would want that text to exist at. So then what you're gonna do, as you go through and you create narrower and narrower artboards to represent different breakpoints, is you're also going to reduce the size of this text to make sure that it fits in. And as you do that, it's a really good idea to save out each one of your sizes, In the Assets panel here as a style. So for example here, we have a 60-pixel font size, and a 73-pixel line height. And that is saved up here. So that gives you two advantages. One, you can then easily reapply anywhere else you need to have the same size font. And the other thing is, As you go through and create your different size mockups, your heading text is gonna get smaller and smaller. So by saving out each one of these different styles in this list here, when the coder comes along, they're gonna be able to see exactly which font sizes they need to have accounted for in the style sheet. And then there's just one more thing that I wanna point out. And that is that unless you have a very good reason, you shouldn't shrink your normal text to a size any lower than 16 pixels. It can be tempting to start to try to shrink this down so that your normal text will fit more comfortably in your layout. But that's generally speaking a bad idea. If you go lower than 16 pixels, you might be able to read it comfortably on say a medium-sized desktop monitor. But small text is gonna be really hard to read on a little phone screen. And it's also gonna be really hard to read on a large desktop monitor, where it's such a small fraction of the overall space. So even though you're gonna be changing your heading sizes down, you pretty much wanna leave your default font size the same at the largest size as it is at the smallest size. And then there is just one more tip that I wanna give you, and that is that no matter how small your headings get, try to make sure that they're always a bit bigger than your normal size text. Because otherwise you can get to a point where it's hard to distinguish between a heading and regular text. If you absolutely have to bring your heading size down to the same font size as your text in order to fit it in comfortably, then at a bare minimum, make sure that it's a heavier weight than your default-sized text. All right, so that is pretty much everything that you need to know to handle text in your responsive design process. Just a couple of quick tips. Now, we're just gonna do one more thing before we move on to actually going through a practical example of creating breakpoint-based artboards. We're gonna take this layout that you've already been working with, and we're just gonna trim off the left and right sides so that we have an artboard that represents our site at its maximum width. It's only gonna take a couple of minutes, so we're just gonna go through that really quickly in the next video. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. This is just gonna be a really, really quick video to do the last thing that we need to do in order to move on to creating a series of breakpoint-based artboards. And that is, we're gonna take this layer that we've been working with so far, and get rid of the empty space to the left and right of it. And get it prepared to work as the base for all of the other artboards that we're gonna produce. All right, so the first thing that we wanna do is select the artboard, which we can do by just clicking on the name up here. We know that 1200 is the maximum width of our site, so I'm just gonna enter 1200 in here on the artboard. Then you're gonna need to correct this alignment. So we select the wrapper group that contains everything that's laid out here. And we're gonna go up to the X position and set that to 0. And right now if I resize this artboard, it's just going to clip the edges of the content that we have laid out. That's because at the artboard level, Responsive Resize is deactivated. Content has Responsive Resize turned on by default, artboards have it turned off by default. So we're gonna need to flick that switch, turn on Responsive Resize, and now when we shrink things down, all of the groundwork that we've done so far is gonna start kicking into action. And the reason that we do this is because here we're gonna be able to duplicate this artboard, shrink it down, and look for the first point at which things start to break, the layout says to break. Then we'll be able to make an adjustment there. Then we will be able to duplicate it again, shrink, duplicate, adjust, shrink, and so on. So now you're across everything that you need to know on the technical side of things to use the functionality that's in XD. Now I'm gonna step you through a practical example where I show you how a collection of artboards for breakpoints is actually going to look when applied to this wireframe layout. So in the next lesson we're gonna have just a really quick introduction to what it is that we're actually gonna be looking for when we're producing breakpoint-based artboards. And a couple of little things to be aware of as you're going through the process. So for that I will see you in the next lesson. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. In the last section of the course, we went through and covered all of the things specific to XD that can help you with the responsive design workflow. And now in this section of the course, we're gonna run through some practical examples of how you would use this in implementation. So I already talked about how it's not necessarily the best idea to just pick some specific device sizes to try to target your markups for. Rather, you need to cover everything between your maximum and minimum site width. And the way that you do this is by, if you're starting with your narrowest design, then you expand it. And you adjust as you expand the design, in order to make things work properly in the layout. Or if you're starting with your maximum width like this, then you shrink the design and you adjust things as you go along when you see that the layout is no longer working at that width. So you're gonna be creating a series of art boards, and each one of those art boards are then gonna represent where a breakpoint should be used in the CSS for the site when it's coded up. So the way that we're gonna do it, is with each art board, you will select the art board itself by clicking on the name of the art board. You make sure that the responsive resize is active, and then you're just gonna start shrinking until you see that something is looking wrong. And you can watch the width parameter up here so that you know at what width that breakpoint is, where it's starting to break down. So for example, I think that the first part that we're starting to see things looking a little cramped is around here. Because at this point, now this sidebar is starting to look a little too narrow, the content in here doesn't fit that well and we're gonna fix that up in the next video. But I just wanted to show you an example of what kind of things that we'll be looking for. And as we continue to shrink down, we're gonna see things like the menu not having enough room here. And eventually, it won't be enough room for all of these columns, so we're gonna correct for that as we go along. So just a couple more things to mention. One is that even though we've got a whole bunch of things automatically adjusting themselves on their width, we're still gonna need to manually update the height of certain elements. So as you can see, when I shrink in this art board, these images are keeping the same height. So you're gonna have to go in and manually reduce the height of those elements to make sure that they're retaining the same aspect ratios they started out with. So that's just something you're gonna have to do manually. Maybe in the future, there will be the ability to lock aspect ratio of elements when they're shrunk, but it's not there just yet. And another thing that you're gonna have to do, as you're changing out the width of your layouts, is you're gonna have to get into your text boxes here. And you're gonna have to expand the height so that you can see all the lines of the text. So there's just a couple of things to think about as we're going through this process. As I mentioned before, I'm not gonna actually go through and show you the process of resizing every individual box and making every individual change because that's gonna get pretty boring for you pretty quickly. I've already done these all in advance, so what I'm going to do is show you the process of identifying where the layout breaks. And then I'll jump forward to showing you how the solution to that breakage is implemented in a breakpoint art board. So the next video is gonna be our first breakpoint, which is gonna be at about 1,000 pixels wide, where we're gonna fix up the width of this column here being a little too cramped. So we're gonna deal with that in the next video, I'll see you then. Hey, welcome back to responsive design in Adobe XD. We're now about to go through a process of demonstrating what a series of Bright Point app words can look like in practice. So we're just working with our Y-frame layout that we've been looking at so far during the course. And as I mentioned in the last video, what we're doing is just gradually shrinking down the layout and then looking for the points at which the layer is no longer really working very well. And the first place that it jumps out at is around this width where there's really not enough room for these elements in the sidebar anymore. And for the sake of just keeping things round, I'm gonna say that that's 1,000 pixels, cuz that's near enough. So I'm gonna undo that width change, and then the process is gonna be just to hold down the Alt key and then drag this art board over so you can duplicate it that way easily. Rename it, we know this is gonna be 1,000 pixels wide. So then that will help to communicate to the coder that that's where that break point needs to be in the CSS. And then we can make sure that responsive resize is active and change the width to 1,000. I accidentally shrunk that too much, I'm just gonna put that back to 1,200 so we're preserving that Bright Point layout too. So now here is where we can start to implement those adjustments that we talked about. So down at the bottom here in order to make more space for this sidebar, you wanna increase the size of this column and decrease the size of this column. And because we set up our fake divs over here, the process should be relatively straightforward. So now because of the way that we have everything set up, what I can actually do is just select the group for this left column. And I can just reduce it's width. So I can just shrink that down to 600 pixels. And then that's to reduce the size of everything inside the group as well, then I can do the same thing with the right column group. We took 50 pixels away from the other column, so we're gonna add 50 pixels to this column, bring that to 300. And then to move 50 pixels to the left I'm just gonna hold down Shift and hit the arrow key five times. So then that has given us a lot healthier amount of space for these items that are on the side bar. So this is the main thing that needed correcting at this first break point, just a pretty simple adjustment. And then the other thing that's gonna have to be done is just going through and making adjustments to things like the aspect ratio of this image so that we square it off again. We need to make sure that text boxes show all the text inside them, fix up these images, their aspect ratio and then the same thing down here. Just making sure that all of that text is showing in there as well. So when you've gone through and done that you're gonna end up with a result that looks like this. So if we go this is our 1,000 pixel break point art board. We've got our wider sidebar, and everything else has been updated and corrected. All the text is showing. The aspect ratio of the images has been updated. So now that shows the coder everything that they need to see to know how this design should look at 1,000 pixels of width. Now we're ready to move on to the next break point which is gonna be required at 900 pixels, and I will show you why in the next video. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to responsive design in Adobe XD. We're now going through the process of setting up art boards to represent each of the breakpoints that needs to happen in this design in order to preserve the legibility of the layout. In the last video, we created 1000 pixel wide art board. And now, we're ready to find the next place where the layout starts to fail and breakdown. So just like we did before, we're gonna to select the art board and start shrinking in until we see things starting to break. So as we start to shrink this down, you can see if you watch the menu up here, that it's starting to get pretty cramped. There's not a lot of room in there. And that's starting to happen at around about 900 pixels. If you wanted it to be really up against the margin, you could probably close it down a little bit more. But you also have to remember that menus can contain different types of items in them as they're changed over time. So to give it a little bit of slack, I would say we wanna kick in an adjustment to that menu at about 900 pixels. And the other thing that we're seeing around here that could be adjusted is the width of the columns in the hero unit. It's starting to get a little bit cramped for the actual written content here. So it's probably gonna be a good idea for us to shrink the size of the column that contains the image to make more space for this written content instead. So then once again, just be a matter of resetting the width of the current art board that you're working on back to 1000 in this case, duplicating the art board and shrinking it down to the width that we've identified it needs to go to, and then making your adjustments inside this art board. And one thing to bear in mind here is that as you start to push down some of this content, so we're gonna take this horizontal menu. And we're gonna turn it into a vertical menu where all the menu items are stacked one on top of the other. And the increasing height of these text boxes is gonna to start to push things down. So what you're probably gonna end up needing to do is increase the size of the artboard vertically. To do that, you're gonna need to turn off responsive resize. Because at the moment, if you drag down the height of this art board, everything is gonna stretch. You don't want that, so you need to flick that switch. And then you'll be able to drag out the height of the art board without anything else inside being updated as well. And don't forget that as you go along, you also want to update the height of the wrapper_div rectangle, So that it matches the height of your artboard, or vice versa. One of the things that you might also end up doing is expanding the height of each one of these elements as you need to, then pulling out this wrapper_div rectangle for the right height, wherever it needs to be to match up with all the other content. And then, looking at its readout here and using that to tell you how high the art board size should be. And as you can see, I have a version of the 900 pixel art board that I already completed earlier. So the horizontal menu has now been replaced with a little hamburger icon. And we've just got individual menu items stacked one on top of the other. In the hero section here, We've now increased the size of this right column, so that there's more room for the text content, and decreased the size of the left column, so that it's not taking up so much space. And then, we just went through and did the other housekeeping tasks that I described earlier. So the aspect ratio of the images has been adjusted to keep it fully consistent. And the text boxes have all had their size increased to make sure that we can see all of the text that they contain. So now, that is everything that we needed to do for the 900 pixel breakpoint. In the next video, we'll move onto the next breakpoint at 700 pixels. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. We're carrying on with our process of setting up art boards to represent each one of the break points that need to exist in our layout. This is our 900 pixel art board, the last one that we made, and now if we start to continue shrinking things down, you can see that things are getting a bit too cramped down here in the main section. At this point, there's really not enough room anymore to have these two columns and have the content of them be legible in both those columns. So what needs to happen here is we need to discard a column and start stacking this content one item on top of the other. So what we wanna do is take Our left column, expand that out to be full width and then take our right column, put that down underneath and expand that out to be full width as well. So we're gonna do that at about 700 pixels. In this case actually we'll just reset this art board back to its 900. And then we'll repeat that same process, hold down Alt, drag the art board out, and set its width to 700. Now if we take a look at our main section here, we'll just temporarily hide our right column. And what we're gonna do here is just drag the width of this column out. So that's basically the easiest way that we have to just turn this into a full width column. And then we're going to need to actually increase the height. I'll just rename this to 700 while I'm here. Turn off responsive resize, and I'm just gonna drag out the height here so that we've got more room. And now we can grab the footer and just move that down out of the way for now so that we can turn our right column back on. And move this down here, so that it can be placed underneath what was the left column. Now you can see that that looks a little bit funny here. We probably don't need a whole full-width column for each one of these items. So instead, what we're gonna set up is a two-column layout for these items, with three items in the left column and three items on the right column. And to do that, what we can actually do is use that repeat grid functionality again. Just jump in here and delete all of these items except for the first one. And we're also going to drag out the size of our div to make more space. Make this about half of the width in here. This is just a rush job just to show you the general idea. You'll need to do this little bit more carefully in practice and then you can just use repeat grid. You get your, 2 by 3 layout. And then like we went through before, you'll need to ungroup those and turn off responsive resize to make sure that they work properly. Then once you've adjusted everything here then you can bring the footer back up to sit flush with the bottom of the section of the site and you can adjust the overall height of the rapidive rectangle and the art board. When you've done that, you're gonna get something that looks like this. Okay, we've got our main section is full width now, and photo is back aligned with everything. And then I've also gone through here and once more adjusted all the aspect ratios, the text boxes, etc, etc. And the other thing that you'll notice here is that compared to the previous break point, the text size has been adjusted because once we started getting down to this 700 pixel width, you can see that this heading here is a little bit too chunky for this amount of space. It's taking up too much area, and the same with this text here. Most of these headings are a little bit too big. So we've gone through and reduced the heading sizes of all of the headings and, like I mentioned before, each one of those text sizes has been added in here as a character style. So that finishes up the 700 pixel break point, I'll see you in the next video for the 500 pixel break point. Hey, welcome to back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. In the last lesson, we set up this 700 pixel break point art board. Now, let's take a look and see where the layout starts breaking down at a width narrower than this. So if we start shrinking down, And round about here. Now, this is really starting to look too cramped. I don't think that there's enough space to really warrant two columns in the hero unit anymore. So what needs to happen, here, is this image needs to be taken and put at the top of this hero unit area, and then this content should be put underneath it. We're also starting to get a little too cramped with this image slider here. There's not really enough room here for five of these images to be shown. In this concept, the idea is that the images will be sliding from left to right. So, instead, we're gonna change this up, so that it shows three images in this row instead of five. And then we're also going to treat some of the heading sizes as well. So you can this text here is looking a little bit too cramped for the amount of space in the section one heading. These column headings are also a little bit too cramped in, and this heading size, here, is looking a little uncomfortable, too. And we're also getting to a point where these columns that are in Section One are too thin. The text lines are starting to look really skinny. There isn't enough words per line. So we're gonna collapse that down as well, so that we have just one column in Section One area. And then the last thing that needs to be adjusted here is that at 500 pixels this is probably starting to get a bit cramped, too. And that could do with being collapsed down into a single column. So, as we did on all the other ones, you just need to duplicate the art board and make those changes. And when you do, you'll end up with an art board that looks like this. So we've got the image for the hero unit on top now with the content below it. So that makes it a little more comfortable for that content to fit in. We've got the reduced size heading here. And, now, we're stacking each of these features or whatever would be in this space one on top of the other. So now there's a lot more words per line, and that's gonna make that a lot more comfortable to read. And our images, here, we've reduced these down to having three visible in the row at a time, decreased the size of the heading text in the main section. And we've collapsed our two columns of little snippet items here down into a single column. So interesting to point out as well, you can see that at this point, except for these three images, here, almost the entire layout is now into a single column. So that's what we were talking about before where as you have less and less width you're going to have fewer and fewer columns until you get to the point where everything is just stacked one element on top of the other. So now we've only got two more break points to go. The next one is going to be at 400 pixels, and I'll show you what we'll be doing there in the next lesson. I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. What you're looking at here is the 500 pixel break point art board that we prepared in the last lesson. We've only got a couple more break points to go, so let's see where they need to be put. So once again, we're shrinking this down to see where it starts to break. And I'm gonna say that it starts to break fairly soon. This is something that happens as the width decreases. You're going to need a few more break points closer together at narrow widths. So here there's a couple of things that I think need to be adjusted. One, if you look at the logo here, this is now starting to be cramped, so we need to shrink this logo to make sure that it can fit comfortably. We'll fix up this alignment and everything, that's just as the housekeeping task that we talked about. There's also no real reason to keep this in two columns now, so we're gonna take these images and put them above this content. So everything in this section is all collapsed to a single column. Here, there's not enough room for three images, but I think that we can still fit two images side by side fairly comfortably. We're gonna need to make some adjustments to text sizes, again to the headings. And then if we look at the bottom, we're now actually starting to see these elements overlapping one another. So we're gonna need to take this copyright message and put it in the middle of the footer. And take this social icons and put them at the bottom. So with all that done, we end up with an art board that looks like this. So we've got our shrunk logo, everything in this section has been adjusted. Just that house keeping type of thing. We've got all of the content here is centered. So we've got the images centered, and the heading is centered. And now everything is in one big stack so that there's more room. Everything just here being reduced to two columns instead of three. And one other adjustment is here. I've centered this button instead of putting it to the left. And the reason is at this size if this button is on the left, it actually just kind of looks like it's supposed to be centered but it hasn't been done very well. So it looks a little bit more natural if it's centered at this width. And then looking at our photo, everything here is now stacked in a single column, with all of that content also being centered. And now, we are just about done. Now we're getting down into the smallest sizes that anyone is realistically ever gonna see your site at. We're already smaller than some fonts. You could arguably stop catering for devices at about 320 pixels if you wanted to. But what we're gonna do in this case is you're gonna have a look at these sizes here and pick out the smallest one which is the Apple watch at 272 pixels wide. So we're gonna put that final, smallest break point together in the next lesson, I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. In this lesson we're looking at the very smallest break point art board that this design is gonna need. As I mentioned in an earlier lesson, you can determine your smallest size either by picking a really tiny device that you wanna target. So in this case we're gonna go with the Apple Watch at 272 pixels wide, which is very, very narrow. So if you can make your site work at that width, then you're doing pretty well. Or you can look at the actual content of your site and decide, what is the minimum width that this content can still actually work for? And then just say, well after that it's too narrow and we're not really going to focus on trying to support anything smaller than that. So there's actually not much that we need to do at this stage, because everything's all ready in a single column. So I'm just gonna duplicate this art board. We all ready know what size we're gonna tag it, we want to go with 272 pixels wide. So as you can see, because of the way we set everything up, everything already looks pretty good. All that really needs to happen in here is just tweaking and tidying up of text boxes, correcting of aspect ratio on images and things like that. But there is one thing that does need to be fixed and that is that this button is now too large to fit in this space. If you have a look up here, you can see this is the icon that represents a symbol, because I've been using a symbol to place this button throughout all of my art board so far. But as long as this button is still a symbol, I'm not going to be able to resize it. So what I'll have to do instead is right-click and choose ungroup symbol. And then that's going to completely separate these items that comprise this button. So you also are probably gonna want to hit Ctrl+G to group them back up again, just to help you keep things organized. So that this is still visible in your layers panel as a button. And then we're gonna be able to shrink down the button to a size that fits for this layout. So that is pretty much it for what you're gonna need to do at this size. The rest, as I said, is just the little tweaks and adjustments. And when those tweaks and adjustments are done, you'll get this. So here a button fits well, everything is all stacked in one great big column, everything fits pretty comfortably, and no element of the layout is broken. And with that, all of our break point art boards are done. So we started out with just a basic layout, we added in the content. We then created a base art board that would be the full width of our site. Then we produced gradually narrower art boards so that everything between our minimum width here at 272 and our maximum width here at 120 is completely accounted for. So now there should be no surprises, there should be no point in between break points where anything falls over and the layout doesn't work. And the coder has all the information that they need to make the site look in the browser how you've designed it in XD. So that's all of the break points covered, in the next video I'm gonna show you how you can also make device-specific art boards. Because sometimes that's just easier for communication with a client or whoever you're building the site for. It's probably not gonna be terribly meaningful to them to say, he're the 900 pixel break point art board. But you can definitely say to them, here's how this is going to look on an iPad or here's how this is gonna look on a Nexus 7. And because you've got all possible widths covered with these art boards here, it's very easy to then pick any size device that you want and quickly just adapt one of these art boards into that device size. So I'll show you how to do that in the next lesson, I'll see you there. Hey, welcome back to Responsive Design in Adobe XD. We just finished producing a whole range of break point based art boards. So that we have our layout fully controlled whatever width it needs to be in. However, sometimes you're still gonna wanna be able to create previews for clients or whoever else to show how this design is gonna look on specific devices. So I've got the Apple tool selected here and really I can pick any one of these presets. So let's say, for example, we might start with the Surface Pro 3. Now, I'm just gonna grab that and move that around here. So as you can see, this layout is already wider than our widest, so there's no really any challenge to make that fit. So I'm just gonna turn this into portrait mode. We can see here that the width is 960 pixels, so what we wanna do is choose the bright point layout up here that is just a little bit bigger than the device that we wanna preview. So in that case, this would be the 1000 pixel layout. So we wanna get into that layout, select the wrap element and copy. And go into our device specific preview. And paste that content into the art board. Then we can just shrink it down to fit and because we've made everything to be flexible and adaptable, that's all we need to do to get that to fit into this art board. And the only remaining thing is to make sure that the art board itself shows all the content that we have in here. So for that we just need to drag out the up board to the right height. And now, if we hit this Play button. We have a preview of how this is going to look on Surface Pro. So this is actually, little bit too large, so I'll just shrink this down to show you. So that's giving us a preview of our whole site at this size. And we can do that for any size of device that we wanna show our preview for. So let's pick another one, let's go with say the iPhone 6, 7, 8, and we're gonna flip that one around as well. This one is 667 pixels wide, so let's see which of our layouts would fit best into it. The 700 pixels layout out would go pretty well, just a little bit bigger. So, we're just going to go in the layout, select the wrapper, copy the content and then just paste it straight into the iPhone. Shrink it that tiny bit to make it fit. And then just expand the art board so that it contains the whole design. And now, We have a preview of how this would look on an iPhone. So that is all you're gonna need to do whenever there's any requests to see how it's gonna look in any device at all, you're ready to go. You haven't just designed for a couple of devices, you've designed for everything. So now, you're really adaptable, and whatever anybody wants to see you can put together a demo at a moment's notice. And that wraps up our course on Responsive Design in Adobe XD. There is one more video I'm gonna quickly summarize everything you've learned so you can come back and watch the final video anytime you need a refresher on how to do responsive design in Adobe XD. So I will see you in the final video. Hey, welcome to the final video in Responsive Design in Adobe XD. I'm just gonna try to cram everything that you've learned into a nutshell. So whenever you want a refresher, you can just come back and watch this video. All right, so first up, we covered a quick refresher on what responsive actually means. It all boils down to just two things. And that is controlling your columns, and controlling the content inside those columns. As for your overall workflow, you're gonna really need to think about mobile first, because you really have to be thinking about mobile always across all sizes. And you always need to be making sure that you include both touch controls and mouse controls. And everything needs to be designed with optimization and performance in mind. So of your overall workflow, figure out the smallest fit that you're gonna have, and the widest width that you're gonna have, and start at either end. But just make sure that you cover the entire spectrum of widths in between those two ends. As far as the specifics for Adobe XD, remember that this is not responsive development, it's just responsive markup creation. And so you can't make things pixel perfect like they are in the browser. So your job, your goal is that you're trying to focus on by communicating to the coder where the breakpoints should be, and how you want the site to respond at every different size. You wanna also be able to communicate to a client how things are gonna look on various devices. And you wanna do both of those things in the most efficient possible way. One of the things that you can do is use the responsive resize function. Which is a lot like constraints in other programs, with the difference being that XD will try to figure out which constraints you wanna have applied to which elements. Sometimes it'll guess correctly, sometimes it won't. So you just have to keep an eye on it and tweak the settings as necessary. Basically, you wanna have responsive resizing switched on at the artboard level, so you can have fluid rescaling content inside the artboard. You wanna have it turned on whenever you've got elements that you wanna have anchored on the right or the left, or when you have things that you need to stay at a fixed size when their parents are changed. And you wanna turn it off when there are child elements of whatever it is that you're resizing, that you want to remain flexible, like with a flexible column layout. In XD, you can use artboards to represent multiple different widths. And you can also use those artboards to test where a layout breaks, by setting them up so that the whole design will shift as you resize that artboard. Within an artboard, you can set up an emulation of flexible percentage based columns. While you're doing that, you can also use rectangles inside groups to simulate all of the divs that are going to make up the actual design. And these can also serve the function of acting like guides, so you have something to snap to as you're trying to position your content. And you also have something that you can align your content relative to as well. You can use the repeat grids functionality to quickly produce multi-column and multi-row layout elements in your site. But you'll then need to ungroup that repeat grids area that you've set up and turn off responsive resize, if you want that space to be able to stay flexible when you're resizing the artboard that it's in. When it comes to working with text, often you wanna take point text and turn it into area text, and expand the bounds of the area that that text is in. And that will help it to resize with the width of the page. And it's a good idea to add a text style to your document for all of the different sizes that you're gonna have your text at. That helps you to be able to easily reuse that style in multiple places throughout your markup, and it also helps to communicate to the coder what font sizes need to be used in the style sheet. So then with that information about how to use Adobe XD in a responsive context, you can go ahead and create a series of artboards that represent each of the breakpoints that your layout is gonna need to have. So wherever the layout needs to be adjusted in order to stay legible, that's when you create a new artboard. So if you're starting from a wide layout, as you go along, you're going to gradually need to collapse multiple column layouts into single column layouts. So just keep going through, adjust the artboards until you see a break. Make a new artboard, change up the layout. And then keep going until you've covered the entire spectrum from your widest possible layout, down to your thinnest possible layout. And that is everything. So I hope that helps make the process of responsive design for mockups in Adobe XD a lot smoother and straightforward for you. Maybe you even picked up a couple of new things about responsive design in general. Thank you so much for taking this course, and I will see you in the next one.
Channel: Envato Tuts+
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Keywords: adobe xd responsive design, responsive design adobe xd, adobe xd, adobe experience design, adobe xd tutorial, experience design, ux design, ui design, ux design tutorials, responsive design in xd, learn adobe xd, responsive design, ux, adobe xd tutorials, ui design tutorials, learn ui design, adobe, xd tutorial, xd tutorials, learn ux design, xd, ui, creative cloud, adobe creative cloud, adobe xd cc, graphic design, ux designer, ui/ux, ui designer, adobe xd web design
Id: 0SmVgcWfmmk
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Length: 93min 7sec (5587 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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