Respiratory | Spirometry: Lung Volumes & Capacities

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hi and engineers in this video we're going to go over spirometry so it's gonna be little bit a graphical representation again let's try to make the best of it alright so here we have on the y-axis right so here in the y-axis we're going to have basically the volume of air that's moving in and out of lungs right so whenever we're just sitting here like me just sitting here breathing okay I'm just normally just breathing in slowly quite inspirations and I'm breathing out that expiration right so just normal breathing in breathing out I'm not not I'm not bringing any extra air I'm just normally breathing when I'm just normally bringing breathing and bringing air in and out that's called tidal volume right now tidal volume on average if we take an average individual it's approximately about 500 milliliters but when I say tidal and we're talking 500 milliliters that are coming in and 500 milliliters that are going out so let's say I represent here on this actual graph and again this isn't volume let this is all in milliliters so this is volume right here on the y-axis so volume specifically in milliliters so now here if you imagine here on the x-axis it's going to be just occurring over time so it's basically the amount of volume of air that is moving in and out of the lungs in a certain time period so just imagine here that we have the x axis here and that's going to be time now watch what happens whenever the air is moving so let's say I have here my tidal volume right and it's going to come up here and it's going to move down and I'm going to move up here and it's going to move down up down up down what happens is as this is actual air is coming in then after this is my tidal volume inspiration as it goes down that's my tidal volume exploration so now what I'm going to do is I'm just just to give it a representation of a different color watch this I'm going to come up and I'm going to stop there at the peak point there that is my tidal volume inspiration so right here at the peak this is my title volume inspiration so from this baseline here up to that top point that's my title volume inspiration then what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring this line down from here to here at that bottom point the amount of air from that top point of the title volume inspiration back down to baseline that is my title volume expiration okay so let's do one one more just to make sure it's clear again we go up that is title volume inspiration so title volume inspiration here at the top and then as I go back down I move back down and I'm exhaling the air out just normal quiet breathing this is my tidal volume expiration okay now let's say I'm breathing in normally right I'm just breathing in normally just taking normal breasts in normal breasts out what did I say is the average volume it's about 500 so right here is 2,000 right here's 3000 let's say right here in the middle approximately is right in the middle 2500 so this is about 2500 milliliters right if I go from the base line of this point all the way to that top point what is that that's 500 milliliters this right here is my tidal volume so what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to kind of put it in a lot like a dashed line here to kind of just show here that this point here going up and down up down up down up down all these points here this is my tidal volume now let's say that I decide I'm going to take my normal inspiration so just the normal inspirations I'm just breathing and I take in as much air as I possibly can beyond my tidal volume inspiration so I breathe in normal I take in the normal 500 milliliters and then I bring in a forceful inspiration so now watch what happens here let's say I come to this time of lime exploration right I bring in normal air so title volume inspiration and then look what happens I decide I'm going to go ahead and suck in some air and I start skyrocketing this puppy up all the way up here so now I look it goes the way to that point there and then eventually as that air is brought in will come right back down to this point here so now let's go ahead and put a line right here at the top and then we're going to bring it back down to the base line so again this right here is my base line the peak point for title volume so now look what happens bring a normal-type normal tidal volume inspiration right just breathing normally once I bring in my normal breath I forcefully inspire some breathing that point in which I'm inspiring is going all the way up here I'm forcing inspiration forcing a certain amount of volume in this point here is called my inspiratory reserve volume so what is this volume up here called the amount of air that I'm bringing in forcefully beyond the tidal volume inhalation it's called inspiratory reserve volume so inspire to area reserve volume this is the total amount of air that I'm bringing in Beyond tidal volume inspiration so let's just calculate that okay well I'm at 3,000 that's when it's really occurring right so at this point right here right at that 3,000 it's going all the way up and it looks like it's going about let's say let's say it's about 5,800 about 5,800 milliliters okay so what's the difference between 5800 milliliters and 3,000 that's 2,800 so this volume here the amount of air that I'm forcefully inspiring beyond my tidal volume inspiration this volume here this point from here all the way up so look from this point to this point that is my inspire torria reserve volume this is on average about in an average individual it's approximately 3,100 milliliters but in this situation it's 5,800 - what we go 1,500 - 3,000 at 2,800 so in this situation is approximately 2,800 milliliters but understand that in a normal individual usually male it's approximately about 30 100 milliliter okay so let's say that we have a forceful inspiratory reserve volume okay then as that happens what happens we have our normal title volume expiration so we bring in the Immaculata bear that we can and then after do after we do that what do we do we exhale we exhale we exhale and then we have our normal title blow match elation so this is the amount of air that we're forcefully inspiring then some of the air is going to go out just normally and then after we hit that point of the max amount of air that we brought the on tidal volume in inhalation then we're going to have this little tidal volume exploration so let's go down with our title volume expiration so this is our title volume expiration then let's say that we do it again let's say that we come back over here and we have another tidal volume inspiration and let's say that I bring another title volume expiration but then I'm like oh you know what I want to forcefully exhale let's say I'm doing I'm trying to be able to do abs right or whatever it might be and I try to breathe out as much as they possibly can so for example it's am breathing I'm exhaling as hard as I possibly can I'm forcing as much air as I possibly can out from this normal tidal volume exploration so look here I'm going to bring this down to about right here let's that comes about right here and I go back up so if I come to this point right here let's do this distance here I'm taking from my normal tidal volume expiration and I breathe out as much as I possibly can be on that title volume expiration look I come from this distance here to this distance here I'm going to try to match this up here if I match it up it's right around about 1200 okay so that's about 1200 milliliters what is this called what is this total volume of air that I'm expiring as hard as I possibly can beyond my tidal volume expiration this is called my expiratory reserve volume okay and this works out perfectly because on average the expiratory reserve volume is in a male usually approximately 1200 milliliters okay now we have our inspiratory reserve volume we have our expiratory reserve volume and we've said what is our normal tidal volume our normal tidal volume is going to be approximately what do we say we said it was from 25 to 3 thousandths let's write that one down and again we have to be very very particular the tidal volume is the amount of air that's going in and out so the title volume inspiration is five hundred mils but that same amount of air is coming out that is going to be five hundred mils so technically tidal volume as a whole is approximately five hundred milliliters in this scenario and it's five hundred milliliters on average in a mail now we have our title volume inspiratory reserve volume expiratory reserve volume there's always a certain amount of air so whenever I forcefully exhale as hard as I possibly can when I did that K right there's always a certain amount of air remaining in my lungs so no matter how hard I try to breathe there has to be a certain amount of air that remains inside of my lungs why because if I could breathe it all out my lungs would collapse so I don't want my lungs to class so I always have to have a certain volume of air that's remaining in the lungs to keep my alveoli open let's say we come to this point here right there from this point here to this point here so from this point here to this point here this is called my residual volume my RV okay so let's fix this up again it's going to be my residual limb and why do you need to have residual volume because the residual volume is the volume of air that remains in the lungs to keep the actual alveoli open if we didn't have that our actual lungs would collapse right so our normal ERV which is this forcefully expiratory volume is 1,200 mils and then you can imagine here if I come here this is about 1200 all the way to about zero what would you expect my residual volume to be approximately 1200 and in an actual average adult male this is the same thing approximately 1200 mils so now quick recap of these and we're going to do some capacities tidal volume what is it again by definition it's the volume of air that's coming in and out of the lungs during normal quiet breathing I'm not I'm not doing any forceful events right that's approximately 500 milliliters what is this one inspire to our reserve light it's approximately 3,100 mils of average in males right in this case it was 2800 how do we find that if the total volume air that's coming that we're taking inspiring forcefully beyond what beyond the tidal volume inhalation so think about like this I'm breathing normal and I bring in as much air beyond that tidal volume inspiration okay then what is this one expiratory reserve line my expiratory reserve volume is the amount of air that I'm forcefully exhaling beyond my tidal volume expiration so in other words I'm breathing normally I breathe out as much as I possibly can as much as I possibly can that amount that I breathe out beyond tidal volume exhalation is called my expiratory reserve volume that's on average about 1200 but if you notice I couldn't just keep breathing and breathing a breathing there has to be a certain volume of air in my lungs that it has to stay there to keep my actual alveoli on my lungs open and Peyton and that's called residual volume now that we know that we can calculate certain capacities to kind of give us an idea of lung function okay so again we got all that title volumes normally five hundred mils because you go from the distance here 2500 to 3,000 good and if they might have air going in and out inspire to a reserve line we go from this baseline point here all the way up here move it over and again you go from this point we said was about five thousand eight hundred - three thousand gives us about twenty eight hundred but on average it's about thirty one hundred then we say we go from this baseline here which is about twenty five hundred and we go here to about we said 1200 now twenty five hundred minus twelve under this should actually be thirteen hundred okay this should be thirteen hundred but on average on average is normally twelve hundred milliliters okay that's the average okay and then last thing we said was if we go here from this point here we follow it over to about twelve hundred and then go from twelve hundred down to zero that's the residual volume now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and determine capacities determine pulmonary function okay so we have a couple different capacities that we have to calculate here we're going to go over inspiratory capacity which I'm going to denote as IC we're going to go over expiratory capacity which I'm going to denote as EC we're going to go over a functional residual capacity which is FRC we're going to go over vital capacity which is VC and we're going to go over TLC which is total lung capacity okay so these aren't that bad okay we're going to we're going to really try to make sense of them inspiratory capacity is defined as the total volume of air that you can bring in total so think about it I'm bringing in air my tidal volume inspiration and I'm bringing in air with my inspire toy reserve bleh that's it that's always I'm just taking my tidal volume which is this point to this point so 500 milliliters plus mine splash sorry reserve line which was twenty eight hundred milliliters so all it is it's just tidal volume plus IR V well if it's just tidal volume plus my IR V and if you really want to be particular you could say tidal volume inspiration if you really want to be particular plus my IR V this we said was again about what it was this is title volume is 500 ml plus the IR V which is about 2800 MLS and if you do the math for this bad boy which I'm not always great at so I got to do it here for this part here 0 0 3 1 3,300 MLS so in this situation this person has an inspiratory capacity of 30 300 milliliters so 3,300 milliliters after inspire toward capacity not too bad if we do expiratory capacity it's the same thing it's the amount of air that I can breathe out okay so I can exhaling my tidal volume exhalation is this point here and I'm forcefully exhaling from that title volume expiration all the way down to this point where I can't exhale anymore that is their ERV and tidal volume expiration so if that's the case then all I'm doing is I'm taking my tidal volume expiration and I'm adding that to my II our V if I'm being very particular it's the tidal volume expiration we said tidal volume is approximately 500 Mills is 500 Mills going in and 500 Mills going out in this situation the ERV here was about 1300 s now we can add that in so 1300 MLS and that's going to give us about 1800 mm I can actually do that math alright now we'll go to functional residual capacity functional residual capacity now think about this when I'm just normally breathing I'm not forcefully expiring all the time I don't want to look like a goof all the time of them you know but that's the whole the whole concept is you're not doing that the whole time so if you think about just a normal amount of air that's in your lungs without even forcefully expiring that's technically this ERV and this RV because I'm not always forcefully exhale so technically the amount of air that's in my lungs during just normal breathing there's normal inspirations normal expirations is my expiratory reserve volume which is always there like think about I don't even have to do anything I can just that's already there remember I told you I have to have a certain volume of air remaining in my lungs so they don't collapse so my functional residual capacity is the ERV plus the RV okay so this is my ERV plus my RV and again ERV is thirteen hundred plus twelve hundred so it's going to be thirteen hundred mils plus twelve hundred MLS and this is going to equal approximately about 2500 MLS okay cool and again these are just going off of this graph obviously the the true average values will be dependent upon the standardized numbers that you would get from a male or female but all of ours can differ a little bit okay vital capacity by the capacity is going to be defined as the total volume of air that I can bring in forcefully and the total volume of air that can exhale forcefully okay let's think about this I always have to account for my tidal volume no matter what here so I'm going to have to have my type of volume here in this situation because I'm airs coming in but then I have to account for the air that I'm forcefully bringing in so I have to account for the air coming in there normal inspiration then I have to account for the normal amount of air that I'm inhaling beyond that tidal volume inspiration then I have to account for the amount of air that's actually being forcefully expired so I have to add my ERV plus my tidal volume plus my IR V so from this point to this point here this whole point from the IRB all the way down to the ERV that is my viral capacity because the amount of air that can bring in normally during normal inspirations plus the amount of air that I can force the inspire and the amount of air that I can actually what forcefully expire right so not a very normally inspired forcefully inspired and forcefully expired that is my vital capacity so in other words what is the whole calculation I'm gonna have to do tidal volume and again some people will be like well don't you have to add the title volume inspiration exploration no because it's going to be the same amount air going in going out so we don't have to do that we just say it's one whole title volume here and we just say title volume plus ERV plus IR V so tidal volumes about 500 MLS so we're going to do is when under so 500 MLS right plus ERV which in this situation was 1300 MLS plus 2800 MLS boy I got to do all this math here okay so 2800 plus 13 hundred plus 500 so 0 0 8 plus 3 is 1 1 plus 5 is 6 sorry guys and then 2 plus 1 is 3 so this is 4,600 MLS all right so 4600 milliliters is the total volume that I can bring in normally plus the amount of air that I can forcefully inspire plus the amount of air that can actually forcefully expire that's my old hole vital capacity last but not least is the total lung capacity total lung capacity is the total volume of air that can be occupied in your lungs so accounting for the residual volume the amount of air that's always there the amount of air that I can forcefully x-pyr the amount of air that's normally coming in and out in the amount of air that I can actually forcefully inspire so if that's the case then I have to add all these puppies I'm not going to do that because I'm just going to think's here simply I'm gonna go from 0 all the way up to this top point here which I said was 5,800 but I can already cheat now I don't have to do all that math and look like a goof so it goes like this right tidal volume + e RV + i RV plus the residual void because i told you it's the total volume of air that your lungs can occupy so from an ir v all the way down to the residual volume so it goes from 0 to the top of the IRB which we said was about 1,500 so i'm going to cheat a little bit and i'm going to do 5,800 MLS which I probably could have made it myself easier and done a lot for a lot a lot of them but alright Julie for that so we got our capacities now so now we understand how we get the capacities we understand what these volumes how you can gains from the graph and we understand what they mean now that we understand that we have a good concept of what this actual pulmonary function can lead to but you know this isn't the greatest at determining pulmonary function there's another test that we can use to determine pulmonary function it's a lot better and that's what we're going to talk about the next video I'm just going to mention it for right now it's called forced spirometry and in this situation we're going to go ahead and monitor the person's pulmonary function by them you know taking an apparatus breathing as hard as they possibly can into that apparatus so taking as much air as they can in as much air as they can flowing out and we're going to monitor that at one second and until they can't until they stop actually expiring and that's going to help us to determine that if this person has normal pulmonary function if they have an obstructive pulmonary disorder or if they have a restrictive pulmonary disorder aren't engineers I hope you guys enjoyed this video I know it was a lot of math and I was a lot of graph and stuff like that I hope it made sense I hope you guys did enjoy it if you guys did please hit the like button comment down the comment section and please subscribe all right ninja nerds until next time
Channel: Ninja Nerd
Views: 600,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirometry, lung volumes and capacities, respiratory
Id: mNadr6bGEMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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