Resource Leveling and Resource Smoothing | iZenBridge

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how friends I'm socket Bertha and in this video I am talking about the difference between resource leveling and resource smoothing now I get this query quite frequently in my forums and sometime during my classroom sessions that because both these terms look looks quite similar in project time management knowledge area under the process develop schedule we have tools and technique called resource optimization technique and in this tools and technique to type of options or to type of techniques has been discussed one is resource leveling and another is resource smoothing so tell when the test taker reads the description they get confused because both of them looks quite similar so let's look at how they are different let's look at resource leveling first now during project develop schedule you end up preparing a network diagram where you Ana Phi various activities and their dependencies on one another now when you are creating the schedule a tour diagram you are primarily focusing on is this activity dependent on that Duty a or B now you may have only one resource who can work on both of these activities but when you are doing this sequencing you may not consider that fact and the resource optimization is all about considering that particular fact making the optimize these uses of resources in your schedule network diagram now if you end up assigning the same resource a at both these activities you may end up having a resource histogram which may look resource histogram is a diagram where you have allocated hours at one dimension for a given resource and time or or days as another dimension so you may end up having a resource histograms which might be having spikes which are going beyond available hours in a given day you may have situations where on some particular day given resource maybe coming as as 24 hours or 200% allocated so this could be your first resource histogram they are after developing the schedule now by applying a resource leveling technique we identify that ok 8 hours a day is a constraint we cannot allocate anyone beyond that 8 hours so I need to bring down these Peaks I need to settle them out I can't work with this shit'll and that is worst resource leveling is all about but when you are working on these Peaks you may end up changing your network diagram because here you were running these two activities in parallel but since you only have one resource who can work on these two activities you need to make them serial so while doing resource leveling the network diagram get impacted and as a result your project and date will also get impacted because in this particular example you may end up making these 4 activities as a sequential activity because you have only one resource who can work on these two activities and at a given point of time he can work only on one so by doing a resource leveling we implement V and force the resource constraints to our project schedule because we don't have these many resources we cannot work with this one now what is it so smoothing then so you can think of that after doing a resource leveling you get rid of these Peaks you still have 8 hours as a benchmark and after doing a resource leveling you may get something like this kind of resource histogram now everything is beyond is less than 8 hours because that is the constraint but you may want to smooth it up you may want to furnish it in a way that that at the place of 8 hours let me have some buffer let me try to bring down everybody's a Shinto seven hour a day but I may not be able to do it for the complete project duration but I should try as much I can do so that there is less risk the individual has some some buffer time where he can do some other activities so we identified a desired level of allocation and we try to smooth it up now while they are doing smoothing up it is not magnitude it is not possible to smooth up the complete project duration and we don't expect that this network diagram or project schedule which we have prepared after doing resource leveling get disturbed because of this smoothening activity the smoothing activity primarily take cares of slacks so if you have some slack you may want to should shift some activity by by the slack duration so that this smooth effect of resource can be achieved so after doing resource leveling we do resource smoothing in resource leveling it is mainly to enforcement of these constraints that we don't have that much time in resource smoothing it is something like we achieve a desired level of allocation as much we can achieve without impacting the project scheduled time so this is how these two techniques are different from each other and but in in goal as a objective they try to optimize the resource allocation to a desired level of of allocation for for a given project schedule and both look for optimizing the resource allocation thanks for watching our video on resource leveling and resource smoothly in case you have any query related to PMP certification feel free to post them at our forum forum dot isin bridge comm thank you
Channel: iZenBridge Consultancy Pvt Ltd
Views: 127,056
Rating: 4.5545025 out of 5
Keywords: pmp, project time management, Project Management Professional (Profession), pmp online training, Resource Smoothing., Resource leveling., Resource Optimization Techniques
Id: 2cN0xcjZEI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2014
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