Resolve Git MERGE CONFLICTS: The Definitive Guide

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This is your definitive guide to merge conflicts, why they happen, how to fix th em, tips & tricks to make your life easier and we're going to do it all with motion graphics and code samples like you're seeing on the screen to demystify the tricky world of merge conflicts. Whether you primarily use the command-line or a code editor like VS Code this is the video you've been looking for. Let's get started. The most common type of Git merge that results in conflicts are what's called a 3-way merges. As you can see in this example, a commit has been introduced to main branch after the feature_branch was created. This means that when I pop open my terminal to run merge, Git will need to compare the tips of both branches here and here, plus take into account their common ancestor here to attempt to resolve any conflicts. 1, 2, 3 and that's a 3 way merge. As you can see, this is how a 3-way merge is suppose to work, and in this case we didn't get a merge conflict, but there are a lot of moving parts, so let's rewind and look at a scenario that would result in a conflict. Conflicts typically occur when branches modify the same part of a file that exists on both branches. If I examine the files in each of these commits we can see they both made changes to the index.html file. And further more, I can see they both modified the same part of the file. When I attempt to perform a merge, Git will try to automatically merge those index.html files. If Git still doesn't know what to do, and can't automatically perform the merge itself it will throw a merge conflict. It's also worth mentioning that Git can usually merge files on it's own, even if those files were both modified. Conflicts occur when this auto-merging breaks down, but you can actually customize what algorithm Git uses to do this auto-merge. It might be worth reading about if you get a lot of conflicts. But, that's neither here nor there because once we have merge conflicts we have to fix them. Let's take a peak at what that might look like. I'll run merge, and boom conflict. The first of the two most common types of merge conflicts. In this case, Git didn't even try to start the merge operation because it noticed I have uncommitted changes in my working directory. If I run status to reveal these local changes, you can see I've actually been working on the index.html file which explains why Git was reluctant to start the merge process. This error is easy enough to bypass, simply set your local changes aside for later using stash like this. This sets the changes aside and clears your working directory so none of the local files interfere with the merge. But stash is pretty interesting on it's own, so if your curious to dive deeper check out my other video. Now that we've restored our working directory to a clean slate, I can attempt my merge again. But, dang it, another merge conflict. This time, Git actually tried to merge the branches, and failed. This is the second and more common type of merge conflict. Getting this message is a little intimidating, but trust me, merge conflicts can be solved in a straightforward manner as long as you know the steps. But speaking of steps, it's pretty nice to take steps to improve your Git knowledge... especially when those steps involve comprehensive motion graphics, coding samples and other intuitive learning methods. If you're looking to take your understanding of Git to the next level, check out at the link in the description. It's everything you love about this youtube channel and whole lot more. If you've struggled to understand Git in the past, is what you need. Ok, back to the video. The first step is to start by illuminating our path forward by getting some more information. It can be helpful to know which commits are in conflict. You can do this with the log command by passing the --merge flag like this. As you can see, it's these two commits here that contain the conflict. That's cool and all, but what's really actionable is what file or files need conflict remediation, and we can find that out by running Git status. As you can see, even though our branches and commits may contain a large amount of files, it's rare that you have merge conflicts in all those files. In fact, typically you'll only have a few files that require manual intervention and you can clearly see what files they are in the output of status command under the "Unmerged Paths" header In this case, I only have one merge conflict in the index.html file just like we saw in the animation. You can also see the other files that will be part of this merge, but don't have conflicts. And they'll be in this section here. But before we dive into fixing the conflicts, you might just realize at this point you're in over your head and want to abort the merge all together. If that's you, no worries. Just run `git merge --abort` and Git will return your branch back to it's state before the merge. But, in this video we press on. So now that we know which files have conflicts, we can dig deeper and figure out what the conflicts actually are. Fortunately, Git has also already done this work for you. To start, we need to open the conflicted file, either in a command line text editor like VIM, or in your normal IDE like VSCode. For this example I'll just use vim but later in this video, I'll show you a cool trick with VS Code too. Once your file is open, look for a section of your file that has these funny markers. These are called conflict markers and are added by Git in the exact spots in the file that it couldn't merge automatically. At first glance, this looks confusing, but let me show you how easy it is to read this. After the <<<<<<< marker you'll have the name of the branch. The first marker will be labeled with HEAD, in this case HEAD indicates the latest commit on the main branch. This means anything between that line and the divider ====== is what was added by the main branch. Then anything between that ======= divider and the closing conflict marker is what was introduced by our feature branch. Now that we know what part of the file Git couldn't merge automatically, how do you go about resolving this conflict? This too is straightforward. Simply edit the file and replace this entire section with how these lines should look like after the merge. That could mean keeping the changes introduced by main, or keeping the changes introduced by the feature branch. In my example here there is some confusion about the contact me section of my website. I want visitors to check out my youtube channel but to email me with more specific inquiries, so I'll update the section to reflect this. And that happens to be a combination of both the main branch and feature_branch changes. After that, save the file and repeat this same process for any file with a merge conflict. Lastly, stage the files you edited with `git add` and run `git commit` with a commit message to finalize the merge. This commit will be the merge commit so remember to provide a descriptive message. That's it, you've successfully merged your branches and resolved your conflicts! But wait, that wasn't as hard as you thought right? But can it be easier? Yes! Let me show you a trick. Let's rewind to right after we tried to run the merge. Instead of opening my conflicted file in my terminal text editor, I'm going to open it in VS Code. As you can see, VS Code has some built in features that make resolving merge conflicts really easy. First, the conflict area is clearly marked with these bright colors, and it's really easy to see what change came from which branch. then to resolve the conflict, I have these handy buttons. Clicking these will automatically update the conflict area in the way I choose. For example, if I wanted to keep the change introduced by main and throw away the one from my feature branch, I'd click this button. But for this example, I'll just click keep both, then modify to my chosen outcome. I'll just save, then return back to my terminal to complete the merge in the exact same way as before. First staging, then commiting the files. And that's it. Let's review: You'll start with a merge where you'll see a conflict. If you've got a conflict that starts with "error: your local changes will be overwritten", stash your changes then continue Next, if you have a conflict that looks like this, start by using `git status` to get information about which files have conflicts. Next open those files and remove the conflict markers. Then save and commit those files. That's it, you've fixed all your merge conflicts. And that's it for this video as well: merge conflicts de-mystified once and for all. If you found this video useful, I'd be extremely grateful if you were to share it with someone who would benefit. These videos are a labor of love for me, and seeing comments from folks who unlocked their Git understanding by watching my videos makes it all worth it. Plus if you're looking for more Git videos, I've got those too. thanks again, and I'll see you next time. [Bloopers] ... the tricky world of merge co... *messes up the line* *drinks water loudly* *water drinking intensifies*
Channel: The Modern Coder
Views: 17,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: git, github, git rebase, git rebase tutorial, version control, learn git, gitrebase, git tutorial, rebase, merge vs rebase, fast-forward merge, git merge
Id: Sqsz1-o7nXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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