Resin & Wood - Turning a Segmented Vase
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Channel: StudioJLT
Views: 720,605
Rating: 4.7725005 out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, wood turning burl, woodturning bowl, woodturning tools, woodturning pens, wood turning 101, woodturning resin, woodturning vase, wood turning machine, woodturning ideas, woodturning a bowl, wood turning a ring, woodturning a vase, woodturning art, woodturning a pen, wood turning asmr, woodturning accidents, wood turning a top, woodturning a lamp, wood turning baby rattle, wood turning blanks, woodturning box, studiojlt, studio jlt, Wood and resin
Id: drrIglsNNnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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