Researchers say there's evidence that consciousness continues after clinical death
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Channel: CBS News
Views: 2,205,730
Rating: 4.8030643 out of 5
Keywords: video, live streaming, live video, cbsn, Sam Parnia, Brain, NYU Langone
Id: WnoIf2NwaRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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Interesting. As I think about it makes sense that as the body dies the part of our brain that holds our consciousness would be the last to go. It sounds like that part is able to survive in a low energy state, without blood flow, for a period of time. I'd love to talk to someone who has experienced that.
Thanks for posting!
wow, this is kind of the thing that I've feared in a way. But maybe it's best to just have a moment to deal with it all, to contemplate what just happened on some level at least ;other than just leaving
There are many other possibilities he seems to skip over. If only 10% see the light, then maybe that 10% are imagining it. At the end when he defines it as those that have the experience and those that might not due to medication completely erases the fact that maybe the 10% are simply wrong. From a scientific perspective, you can say what they saw is valid and then form conclusions supporting that they are without first proving it.
This may be slightly nsfw depending. During the French revolution 1000 decapitations in as many days let some doctors do a few weird experimental observations. It would appear the head is alive for at least 30 secs.
This reminds me of 'driving on fumes' :)
Yeah, I’d take these pop-sci click-bait videos with a grain of salt. Not that it’s not interesting, but it could be misleading & thus partially false speech.
Heart stoppage hasn't been considered "clinical death" for many years now.
this is very cool but I wanted to choke the people in the background making all of that noise to further test the theory. :-0
Maybe this is when the consciousness is being uploaded into the universe.
This is really interesting! Thank you for posting it! The continuity of consciousness is always been one of the main teachings in Buddhism and here is scientific proof, it seems. Thank you.