Rescuing a Great Horned Owl

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are you injured you there he is hey bye I know I I don't see any obvious injuries so I don't know if he's just old or what's going on I mean he's acting fine he's alert he hasn't been aggressive with me or anything you know normal wild bird of prey behavior I suppose I've never had an owl before I don't know if I've said this but this is a great horned owl he was about 15 feet off of my fence out in the woods when I got home from work I figured he was still there because it was really quiet if you have chickens you probably know that when there's a bird of prey around the wild birds get really really quiet so and there were no wild birds chirping so I figured he was still around I had to look a little bit for him because he was moving a little bit with the use of his wings on the ground just kind of shuffling around trapeze meet you wanna try some chicken no chicken you're trying no--you're then drop it no that's kitty I know you don't like kitty kitty needs to go away I had Kitty locked in her thing but she's escaping did you drop it or did you eat it he dropped it okay thank you but in trouble you know open that mouth that makes a little easier for me try eat that I'm trying to eat I know yeah okay well this is what we're gonna do we're gonna hand feed him or her and get the boy I think you look like a Lucifer you look kind of Angry not so sure you like me I know you don't like the cat all this excitement that one out feel like I'm feeding a sick chicken but you are definitely not a chicken tired there's a low bite no bite okay I got other animals to feed so I'm gonna finish up with him another drink you know look here show me your pretty eyes chug by your pretty eyes and then we're gonna go night-night and hopefully if we're lucky the game warden will come in the morning but he said it most likely will be at earliest tomorrow night good morning everybody I think we might be feeling a little better today I still got the kitten here pestering me [Music] probably here her part mm-hmm we've seen a little bit feisty er this morning a little feisty this morning you're sitting up nobody can see ya No [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you got one [Music] I'm shakin we shake [Music] is that wing hurt is it that wing I can touch this side oh yeah you know like that side touched no I wish they were [Music] again I okay I'll let you alone you rest you
Channel: Ashley Myers
Views: 203,907
Rating: 4.8629761 out of 5
Keywords: rescue, owl, great horned owl
Id: orZh2rrgb8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2017
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