Rescue by a Being of Light - an interview with Mr. Charles Martin

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[Music] Charles as a child you were kidnapped by a man would you tell us what the circumstances were which brought about this Misfortune well I grew up in an unusual environment in Basel Switzerland I was four years old at the time of this event and I had always experienced my mother as being mentally ill often she didn't even leave the house but every now and then there were some highlights especially when we went to a lovely park in Basel to have a picnic but no one thought that such a beautiful event like having a picnic would bring about such a problem neither my mother probably nor myself we were alone my mother and I my father in fact had died shortly before I was born and somehow presumably this situation triggered my mother's mental illness she suffered from schizophrenia and it was often very difficult to get in touch with her emotionally so I really enjoyed these joint excursions very much that is when they did take place then came this day as I said I was about four years old and it was in the summer of 1964 although I don't remember a lot of things strangely enough I remember this event as if it had been yesterday well it was around noon and it was as I said summer the sun was high in the sky I was somewhat bored and I lingered on the edge of the nearby Forest breaking off branches there for a castle I had built in the meantime my mother was talking to someone she probably had just met quite spontaneously and only from time to time did she concern herself as to her son's whereabouts and at some point there was a young man my mother said he was around 20 years old and strangely enough I can remember his face very well he almost had a boy's face with fuzz on his face so not really a proper beard and he offered to help me and to play a little with me and that was of course exciting for me I was very happy because there was finally someone who took an interest in me and so this was about me and my castle now and first of all that was a really good experience for me and then he started telling me about beautiful places that he knew of very close by but I was unsure I still remember that feeling today I kept looking to my mother who didn't bother much about me and at some point this man suddenly grabbed me and put me on an old military bike that he had with two saddlebags and when I said to him that I have to tell my mother first he said to me oh no I'll bring you back in a minute and by then he had already set off I could just barely hold on underneath the saddle where these Springs are but it was an unpleasantly strange feeling and I suddenly felt that something wasn't right but I was only four years old and couldn't do much I was so surprised and then he drove into the forest I still remember that we drove on a pretty bumpy road and now and then it hurt my fanny quite a bit and then at some point he stopped lifted me off the bike and continued walking with me on foot a little further into the Fairly dense undergrowth and in the midst there I'd say presumably he had already prepared this space was a kind of narrow clearing not very big probably as I said I was a small child and so everything looked bigger than in fact it might have really been and there he spread out a blanket I hadn't seen it before so presumably the blanket was already there previously and then he took my clothes away in detail it's probably not all that interesting what happened then all I still remember is that I suddenly had the spontaneous idea of distracting him with a question so to speak saying that my mother would always use an ointment to help soothe the reddening of my bottom and he then threatened me and said very clearly don't you dare move away you stay here I'm just going to my buy to get some ointment and thereupon when he was out of my range of vision something happened that I have never forgotten and that even today I still cannot explain I heard a voice calling me by name and this voice said Charlie get up run and I am convinced that I wouldn't have moved an inch away from there I would have let everything happen to me that was going to happen and luckily I didn't know what would have happened then but it certainly wouldn't have been a lot of fun so I'm happy that this particular event then occurred so I stood up naked as I was walked through the forest in the opposite direction and I saw well it's really difficult to estimate as I said I was a small child but what I saw was located near the lowest branches of the trees to the right maybe 10 feet away if I had to estimate it today and there was a very bright light there and the light was so bright that at first I thought it was the Sun and out of this light came the voice urging me to keep running and at every moment when I slowed down out of sheer curiosity and started looking at the light to see what this actually was I was then repeatedly asked to run about three or four times and I can remember that when I walked around some trees thereby probably changing the direction a bit the light stayed all the time in the same place so the whole time it was a little bit diagonally and to the right of me pretty close to the forest floor I don't know if I saw outlines every now and then I'm not sure anymore but I heard a wonderfully warm voice but which left no doubt that I had to do exactly what it said and maybe it was also because I was called by my name that I just had confidence and I came out of the forest to a place where my mother seemingly was looking for me together with this strange man and a few other people she had organized and this was a kind of playground they were all amazed of course when I suddenly came running naked out of the forest and then I told them what had happened but I didn't say anything about this special experience I only told them about the incident with this man because I was somehow so impressed by this supreme experience that I never spoke of it for a very very long time my mother didn't know about it either for a long time when you first heard the voice did you see the light then no it came from behind me I was lying on the ground and saw this man running away and the voice was behind me and this was then the direction in which I ran the voice was like a kind of guide but I only saw the light when I turned around toward that direction thereby breaking through the undergrowth there only then did I see the light before I didn't see it could this light figure be described as a kind of Guardian Spirit that's a good question I thought about that too there was a time when I thought that it might have been my father who was sent to save me from this awkward predicament that was one idea I had about that and later on another idea I had was that it might have been an angel who helped me so I can't say for sure the only thing I know is that the feeling I had was really of being surrounded by love at that moment and by an authority that I would not have dared to contradict because I knew that this was for the good without my being able to grasp it intellectually at the time well what has always impressed me most of all is the strong feeling of being sheltered that I was not alone in that moment because previously I had felt completely alone there on the forest floor and actually I even felt alone with my mother because she mainly and primarily were self-absorbed also considering her illness and then on that day she primarily devoted herself to this man she just met instead of me and then someone came along promising me that something was good and that something will be beautiful today but he then turned out to be a villain but surely this voice I heard and this light I perceived and this warmth I felt as well as this Clarity making me understand that I must and may obey and then finally conveying to me that this was good did you find out later what had happened was this Criminal Court I don't think my mother ever reported this case to the police because she was so preoccupied with herself and I think she was also afraid of opening official investigations because then her role in the whole story would also have been questioned as well as her health as I said mostly she locked herself up I had to sell the wedding rings so that we had something to eat and I also bought some clothing for her I bought the food provided my own birthday and Christmas presents she didn't leave the house for months just every now and then and this was then for a longer period of time I don't think she ever tried to report this incident which actually would have made sense but for me this thing was done and gone I was saved as a rule memories of the time when you were four years old are not so strong so why do you remember this so well well I think because it was such a powerful experience it has forever been the most Sublime experience I had up to them forever standing above all it was so memorable something so exceptional that you can't forget it as time went by I even remembered more and more details and so in the beginning it was just the light and the voice I remembered first I thought it was the sun later my intellect told me clearly that it couldn't have been the sun because the sun was up there high in the sky and today I'm just not quite sure but I think I saw a small silhouette but I can't swear to it but one thing I know for sure this voice was so clear so distinct and this light so beautifully bright so if the the sky looks like this emanating this life I will surely feel comfortable there what impact did this experience have on your future life well I need to give a little bit more detail on that as I said my mother was very ill and at some point she had to undergo medical examination she was then picked up and taken to a clinic she was diagnosed with schizophrenia and paranoia I was then taken to a Christian Home for Children and that's actually where the real impact of this experience on My Life Begins apart from the fact that I had been saved what was of course the primary effect but this home was compared to the fact that my previous experience with my mother was not the best because I wasn't looked after very much by her and I was often outside and as a street child I experienced almost everything from sexual abuse from older boys for example to violence well I sometimes thought it was really an adventure that we only know from India but this happened in Basel in the very center of Basel and there was no one who would have helped nobody who was there until suddenly just this Authority that then came to pick up my mother thereby tearing us apart and of course that was bad for me despite everything because she was my only caregiver over those years thereafter I was taken to a home that was bursting with human coldness I was locked up can you imagine that and I don't know why chastised with leather straps when someone wet the bed for example and I mean as an eight-year-old you are in a bit of distress when you no longer have your mother nor any worm not knowing what would happen and that's when this special experience started to affect me so I held on to the thought that there is someone watching over me and I think this was salvation for me to have survived this time these few years in this Christian Children's Home reasonably well it left traces yes one way or another I'm still frightened in the dark today and there is nothing I can do to change it I always need some light and I've thought about a thousand times why I might have been confined in this dark room in this chamber but I don't know why there's no clue In My Memory that is my memory has largely erased it there are individual memories from that time about 12 or 15 and all of them very dark but this one feeling that there is someone watching over me and if necessary saving me that has remained and that has helped me as I see it to get through this time reasonably well it's interesting that precisely because I was in a Christian Children's Home one might think that I no longer have anything to do with faith but also in this respect this experience did affect me in a very special way for some reason I was able to differentiate early on what people do and what the divine does and the Divine protected me saved me it was watching over me people did the opposite and even if they were Christian oriented it was then no problem for me to separate that and despite all this still to this day I turned to God In Prayer again and again entrusting myself to his guidance and this is also related to this experience and it is always impressive for him how something like this could have shaped an entire life and despite all the obstacles and despite the rigors I had to face and this gives me a strong feeling that life continues when it is finished on Earth and that there is more than this Earthly life that there is meaning and purpose in life and that's what this experience taught me in particular Charles thank you very much for the interview [Music]
Channel: Afterlife Experiences
Views: 11,958
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Id: Zd5fwBi7X3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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