Republicans Accidentally Show Footage of Russia in Ad, Bernie's 2024 Plans: This Week's News

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-Thank you very much for being here. Welcome to "The Tonight Show," everybody. You're here. You made it. Thank you for watching at home. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ Let's get to some news. Well, guys, with all the holiday travel being planned, President Biden has proposed new rules that would require airlines to show consumers the actual price of plane tickets, including baggage fees and other extra costs, before they buy. Yeah. Of course, the airlines all responded by adding an "able to see the full cost" fee. But besides that -- Yeah, airlines will have to show all their hidden fees. Right now, every credit-card company is like, "Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact. He's walking right by. Don't look at him." Of course, out of spite, now the airlines are being too honest. Today, pilots were like, "Well, folks, this turbulence is something to worry about." Listen to this. A new poll found that, in a potential 2024 matchup, Biden and Trump are essentially tied. Keep in mind the poll has a 3-point margin of error and a 10-point margin of "These guys are like 80, let's not get ahead of ourselves." [ Cheers and applause ] Well, everybody is talking about this. Rihanna just announced that she is headlining the 2023 Super Bowl halftime show! [ Cheers and applause ] Rihanna! But it's Rihanna, so she was like, "Wow. This is one of the top-10 honors of my week." You can tell fans are excited because at the beginning of every game, the announcer is like, "And remember, the winning team advances to the Rihanna concert." And it was just announced that Apple Music has replaced Pepsi as the sponsor of the Super Bowl halftime show. And just like with Pepsi, the NFL was told, "We don't have Spotify. Is Apple Music okay?" Of course, if it rains, Rihanna will stand umbrella. ♪♪ Or she'll have to be submerged in a bowl of rice for two days. Since it's Apple. That's the way Apple... During -- Speaking of the NFL, during yesterday's game -- I don't know if you saw this -- between the Miami Dolphins and the Buffalo Bills, Miami's punter had his kick blocked in a pretty unfortunate way. Watch this. -I don't know. This is risky. And it was blocked. -Oh, my goodness! Blocked, indeed. Let's see if we can get a... Oh, it hit the personal protector, Sherfield. -Ooh, yeah. The refs ruled it a safety but said it was very close to a sack. -Oh! Whoa! -Very close. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ] Well, hey, everyone, this is very interesting. I saw that a school in Australia banned a student for having an inappropriate mullet. Good thing we don't have any rules like that here at "The tonight Show," right, Higgins? -Right on, brother! Can't lock down these locks. Bottom up, homey. -I hear that, brother. The administrators at that school need to take a chill pill, brother. -If I went to that school and they tried to tame my mullet, you know what I'd tell them? -What? -I'd tell them this, brother. [ Cheers and applause ] -Rock 'n' roll, brother. Hot damn, brother! -Come on! Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ] I heard that grocery prices are skyrocketing due to a nationwide butter shortage. -Ooh! -It's bad. At CVS, they moved the Land O'Lakes behind a locked display case. I'll be honest. Biden might have survived the gas crisis, but there's no way in hell he's going to make it through a butter shortage -- no way. Due to Hurricane Ian, the January 6th Committee just postponed its public hearing that was scheduled for tomorrow. Yeah, all day, Trump was praying for a rain delay like a pitcher facing Aaron Judge. He's like, "Please." [ Laughter ] Yep, the hearing is postponed. This morning, Trump woke up like Kevin in "Home Alone." He's like, "I made my hearing disappear." [ Laughter ] Some political news -- Senator Bernie Sanders said that he hasn't yet decided whether he will run for president again in 2024. Yeah. People were like, "President of what?" [ Laughter ] Yep, Bernie still hasn't decided. Meanwhile, everyone else is like, "How many times do we have to decide this? No." [ Laughter ] Right now, Biden is thinking, "Please run so I look like the hot, young stud. Please." [ Laughter ] Yeah, well, ahead of midterm elections, House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy and other House Republicans put out a new ad promoting their agenda. But there was one problem -- some of the footage in the ad that was supposed to be America was actually footage from Russia. [ Laughter ] That's real. And that wasn't the only mistake. Take a look at this spot. [ Laughter ] -Yeah, there's so many -- -Wow! Not even close. -Riddled. Riddled with errors. -Speaking of Russia, I just heard that they announced they're boycotting next year's Oscars. Mm, that's a tough break for Russia's biggest movie this year, "I Actually Have A Lot to Worry About Darling." [ Laughter ] You guys see this last night? NASA intentionally crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid to see if it could stop one coming towards Earth in the future. Go, NASA. [ Laughter ] Meanwhile, the Space Force was like, "Cool, cool. So what exactly is our role again? Like, what -- what do we do?" [ Laughter ] Hey, listen to this -- I heard that the CIA just launched its own podcast. The CIA was like, "After 75 years of listening to you, now you can listen to us." [ Laughter ] Well, guys, everyone loves TikTok, but sometimes you just want to skip through the boring parts of a video and get right to the good part. Well, it turns out you can with this new thing that we're doing on our show. For instance, if you're watching a video here, you can skip this part... ♪♪ ...and go right to this part. ♪♪ [ Laughter ] Let me give you another example. You can skip this part... and go right to this part. [ Thuds ] [ Audience "Ohhs" ] [ Laughter and applause ] The fish tank! The final example -- you can skip this part... -I'm doing a part two to the treadmill video I did just recently. -...yeah, and just go right to this part. [ Laughter ] -There you go. Perfect. Just so you know that's available. Switching gears -- ahead of the holiday season, Macy's announced plans to hire more than 40,000 new workers. So divide that between the remaining Macy's locations, and you have 40,000 per store. [ Laughter ] Some more business news. In an effort to fight theft, retailers like Home Depot are now locking up items. I'm not sure I trust Home Depot on security when they can't even keep birds out. [ Laughter ] Some TV news -- the other night, there was a new -- There's always birds in Home Depot flying around. -Come on, there are. "What's this bird doing in here? Come on. It's not a bird store." -Some TV news -- the other night, there was an all-new episode of "Celebrity Wheel of Fortune," and one of the contestants -- Snoop Dogg -- had a little trouble with some of the puzzles. This is real. Check this out. [ Bell dings ] -Snoop? -"Swallowing the -- the knot"? [ Laughter ] -That -- no, that's not right. [ Bell dings ] Snoop? -"Airport teacher." -No. [ Bell dings ] And Snoop? "Toilet Atlas." [ Laughter ] -I have no idea. [ Bell dings ] -And it's Snoop. -"Baking onions." [ Laughter ] [ Rimshot ] [ Applause ] -Something was baked that night. It wasn't onions. Well, guys, this should put you in an even better mood. Today is National Drink Beer Day. [ Cheers and applause ] I understood when some of my writers stayed home Monday and Tuesday for Rosh Hashanah, but today was pushing it. It was like, "Really." Yeah, it's a day that always starts off fun, then ends with, "No, Officer, you have the right to remain silent." [ Light laughter ] Yep, National Drink Beer Day, and, of course, for all those who don't celebrate, there's Coors Light. Yeah. [ Laughter, scattered applause ] Let's get to some news. Thank you. Well, guys, today, former president Trump said that the war between Russia and Ukraine would have never happened if he were in office. And even -- He even offered to lead peace talks between the two countries. Yeah, Trump said, "I'm an expert on foreign affairs. I've had affairs with many foreigners. [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] I should talk." Speaking of Trump, according to a new book, at one point during his presidency, he nearly fired Ivanka and Jared over Twitter. [ Laughter ] Meanwhile, Eric and Don Jr. were like, "Wait a minute. He follows you guys on Twitter?" [ Laughter ] Well, listen to this. Apparently Democratic insiders are impressed with Gavin Newsom's recent criticism of Republicans, and some think that he's gearing up to run for president. [ Cheering, booing ] It's int-- Ooh. [ Laughter ] -Meow! -Yeah, that was great. It was like -- 'Cause everyone was on this side of the crowd, and then -- Just very odd, yeah. I think it's just very interesting, 'cause if you put Newsom in one of those aging apps, you pretty much get Joe Biden. And I just thought that's very interesting. Very similar. [ Cheers and applause ] A little tweak up. [ Cheers and applause ] Hey, guys, I heard that Kia recalled 70,000 Sorento and Sportage S.U.V.s after multiple reports of fires and localized melting incidents. [ Light laughter ] Kia was like, "Look, on the bright side, you now have the world's biggest panini maker." So that's pretty good. I mean... Apparently, the tow hitch in the back could melt. My question is, who's towing something with a Kia? [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] "Want me to move that tricycle for you? Hook her up to the back. Let's go. Move that -- Let's go, ant. Let's go. We're gonna go down the..." Well, get this -- McDonald's just announced that they're going to start selling Happy Meals with toys for adults. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ [ Laughter ] Yep. Happy Meals with adult toys. What could possibly go wrong? [ Laughter ] Some more business news. For the first time in 10 years, M&M'S are adding a new character to the mix, a purple peanut M&M. Here she is. [ Cheers and applause ] Yeah. A purple peanut M&M. Yeah, I guess the blue and red M&M'S date went really well. [ Laughter ] ♪♪ -Adult toys. -Alright, alright. -That's not Grimace. [ Rimshot ] -Switching gears, Pokémon just unveiled a new character called Wiglett. Take a look at this. [ Laughter ] That's one of the toys in the adult Happy Meal. Yeah, that's exactly right. Yeah. -Oh, my God. -Did you guys see this? Last night at a concert in D.C., Lizzo played a never-used crystal flute that once belonged to President James Madison. -Ooh! -No one had played it in 200 years. So it was about damn time. There you go. ♪♪ New York City is buzzing tonight because last night in Toronto, Yankees superstar Aaron Judge hit his 61st home run of the season, tying Roger Maris' American League record. Yep, Aaron Judge did the impossible. He made non-Yankee fans root for the Yankees. It was a special moment. New Yorkers haven't cheered like this since Bill de Blasio left office. It was really amazing. Fans waited 61 years for this to happen. That's right -- six decades of waiting for one exciting moment. That sums up baseball pretty well. It was a historic night for Aaron Judge, and you could tell the announcer was pretty excited, but I'm not sure about his home-run call. Take a listen to this. -Swung on and drilled deep left field. It is gone! He's done it! Move over, 69! The new hot thing to do in the bedroom is 61! Its bom to the bom-bom. He's rounding the bases like a senior on prom night! He's about to hear something I never heard from my dad, which is, "I'm proud of you, Son." Man, oh, man, that ball left faster than my wife with the pool boy. Oh, baby! -He had weeks to practice that. Wasn't even appropriate, I thought. -Very emotional for him. -Yeah. I thought -- Of course, a lot of people went from the game hoping to catch the home-run ball. You go the game, "Oh, my gosh. If I catch this..." It was worth a quarter of a million dollars if you caught the ball. And one guy came pretty close. Here he is. Look at this. Look at -- Less than 1 foot away. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. And then every guy who showed up to the game with a fishing net was like, "Well, who's laughing now?" And get this -- the guy -- This is real. The guy who almost caught the ball was a Toronto Blue Jays fan named -- and this is real -- Frankie Lasagna. -What? -Yeah. -Frankie Lasagna? -Frankie Lasagna is that fan right there, yeah. Frankie Lasagna -- it sounds like a name you get from the Olive Garden Witness Protection Program. Frankie Lasagna sounds like the name Robert De Niro checks into hotels to avoid paparazzi. He's like... -Hey! -Frankie Lasagna sounds like the name of Trump's next lawyer. He's like, "Frankie Lasagna is the greatest." Speaking of Trump, it was just revealed that during the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, they seized 200,000 pages of documents from the former president. 200,000 pages. He's like a grandpa who prints every e-mail. He's like... Yeah, if the FBI delayed their search another day, the TV show "Hoarders" would have beat them to it. Some more news. I read the Nord Stream pipelines, which funnel gas from Russia to Europe, has started leaking due to underwater explosions. And the U.S. and Europe think that Russia is responsible. -Ooh! -Yeah, a leaky pipeline. Today, President Biden was like, "Oh, I have a great urologist for that." Hey, guys, listen to this. A new poll shows that more Democrats are now saying they want Biden to run for re-election, and if he doesn't, Vice President Harris is their top choice. That poll was conducted among two people -- Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Meanwhile, I saw that Bernie Sanders is leaving the door open for another presidential run in 2024. He'll be 83 years old. When other members of the House heard about this, they had some thoughts. For example, first up, Congressman Ken Buck said... Next up, Congressman Jim Banks said... And Congressman Tom Cotton said... And Congressman Colin Allred said... And Congressman Virginia Foxx said... And Congressman Dusty Johnson said... "My full name." -His full name. ♪♪ Oy! -And, finally, Senator Roy Blunt said... There you go. Well, guys, there's a lot of buzz around the new horror movie "Smile." Did you hear about this movie? Everybody -- This is going to be the big movie this weekend. It's expected to be such a big hit, they're already planning on making a franchise out of it. Yeah, take a look at the trailer I just saw. -This Friday, don't miss the premiere of "Smile," and then be sure to catch all the heart-stopping sequels... -Wow. Very interesting. [ Cheers and applause ] Well, some business news. I saw that Hefty just released new pumpkin-spice-scented trash bags. Right now, all the raccoons are like, "I know it's basic, but I still love it, okay? Can I just say?" Well, this is interesting. According to new research, the pandemic may have changed people's personalities forever. I'm not sure I've noticed anyone acting differently. I mean, what about you, Higgins? -Wouldn't know about that, Jack. [ Jazz music playing ] I've always been the same. Take it from Baccarat Steve. All Baccarat Steve has ever cared about is the click, click, clickedy-clack of the roulette wheel, seeing those triple cherries come up on my favorite slot machine, and shoplifting crab legs from Circus Circus buffet. Mwah! Come on! Lucky 4s. -Quest, have you noticed Higgins has been acting differently? -[ Chuckles ] [ Rock music playing ] I don't pay mind to anybody but me, my leather jacket, and my Hog. [ Chuckles ] She's a '78 Harley Shovelhead, and there's nothing more than I love in life than a little whipping her down the South Dakota prairie, hitting 80 miles per hour while the old lady sits behind and feeds me meatballs from Olive Garden. -James, do you think people's personalities changed because of the pandemic? -You know me, Jimmy. I've always been the same, a fan of all things science fic-- [ Laughter ] Science fiction and geek culture. I'm the biggest fan of "House of the Dragon" this side of Westeros, LOL. [ Cheers and applause ] I've even learned the language spoken by the elves on the show, High Valyrian. Check this out. [ Clears throat ] [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -What? -I had no idea. -Okay. Thank you. -Yeah. -Thank you, James. -Wow, I guess. -I don't know. -Wow, man. -That's odd. -Wow. Finally... [ Laughter ] ...a new survey found that over a quarter -- I should let everyone at home know that James never saw those cue cards or wore that wig until just now. He had no idea. We just surprised him on the spot. [ Cheers and applause ] Finally, a new survey found that over a quarter of Americans have been so hangry that they've actually eaten out of the garbage. The most common explanation they gave, "For some reason, the trash bags smell like pumpkin spice." Well, this is nice. Today, President Biden hosted The White House's first-ever Rosh Hashanah party to celebrate the Jewish new year. Yeah. I think Biden was confused because he ended his speech by saying, "Now let's watch Ryan Seacrest do the countdown." And you go, "No." Yeah, they celebrated today, even though Rosh Hashanah was Monday. That's like setting off fireworks on the Ninth of July. You know what I'm saying? It's fun, but is it... But it was a nice party, although it got awkward when Biden was offered challah and said, "You want me to speak louder? I want that bread you're holding. Holla at your boy, Jack." Then, a few hours later, the president hosted a reception for Hispanic Heritage Month. Biden's staff was like, "Hey, might as well knock out all the cringey gaffes in one day. You know what I'm saying?" Biden held events for the Jewish New Year and Hispanic Heritage Month. Staffers watched Biden the way Aaron Judge's mom nervously watches his at bats. Like, "Come on, buddy. You can do this. You can do this. Don't mess..." Meanwhile today, Putin illegally claimed four regions of Ukraine as part of Russia. And to celebrate, Putin and a few other leaders had a pretty interesting handshake. Take a look at this. [ Applause ] -Oh! [ Laughter ] -What? -Oh! -Rest easy, Russia. That guy's coordinating your war. That handshake looked like a sandwich made up of tiny white sausages, didn't it? -Ew! -Well, this is big. Earlier tonight, Elon Musk hosted Tesla's Artificial Intelligence Day, and he was expected to unveil Tesla Bot, a humanoid robot designed to help with boring, repetitive tasks, stuff that humans don't want to do anymore. For example, Tesla Bot can... or it can... It can... Then it can... [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -Wow! [ Laughter ] -Some movie news. Today, 29 years after the original, "Hocus Pocus 2" premiered on Disney+. [ Cheers and applause ] The movie looks great. It's about three witches who come back to life after Lizzo starts playing a 200-year-old flute. [ Laughter ] Hey, did you guys see this? Tomorrow is former president Jimmy Carter's 98th birthday. -Ooh! -Yeah, and this is exciting. He's also going to run for a second term. -Oh. -Yeah. It's always nice to hear about a famous Jimmy who doesn't host a late-night talk show, isn't it? And, finally, I read that a group of paleontologists just found fish teeth that are 14 million years older than any teeth found from any other species. We actually got in contact with the paleontologists responsible for the find. Here's what they had to say. The first one said... This next one said... And, finally, the last scientist said... I'm really happy for those guys.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 279,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, This Week's News, Ukraine, Russia, Trump, house, Florida, former president, classified documents, fbi investigation, criminal investigation, fbi, news recap, news of the week, bernie sanders, peace talks
Id: N5n2YD_DB4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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