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hi everyone welcome back to the channel and a new video on the audi a1 that is seriously damaged guys the comments in the last video some of them was you know people was i think it was their first time watching the video i know that because quite a lot of you jumped on there and said like you you're getting it a bit wrong you don't realize what it is they're gonna do i think i was assuming we was gonna pull this straight and actually panel this car up and use that chassis leg guys we won't be using that chassis leg it's far too damaged and it's it's all creased up and you're right if you pulled it straight it wouldn't never be as strong as it was before so we will you only pull it straight before you remove it so these chassis legs have got to be pulled straight and obviously removed so straight back on it today the most important thing for us is to get the replacement parts i have spoken to a breakage yard not ken autocell which is another one and he's actually got a flood damaged one that he stripped last year and the front of it was perfect and we're actually going to be buying the front end off of it so i'm going to head over there with the truck and hopefully pick it up so that we can start the process of getting the bits removed just to aid us when we're repairing this have all of the bits in place you know in the last video we've got a complete front end airbag kit and all the other little bits and pieces we're gonna need but we need to get the front end and chris also said because that car was flood damaged and it ain't never been damaged we can get all of our measurements from it as well so let's crack on and get over that we sound a bit like a wind tunnel guys i had absolutely no intention of recording this bit it's going to be in the video somewhere but i actually came over here to get something else and asked about an a1 and he said rob just come and get that on your truck take it take whatever you want off of it and bring it back he said you won't find a better car to use to get all your measurements off than any ear chassis than this one because it was actually flood damaged it's never been in a real hard shunt so look at those chassis links that's going to be perfect they're going to get it down for me and i'm going to whip over and pick that up so guys that little bit of video that you did just watch there i actually recorded quite a while ago and i've been over there and picked it up they had quite a lot of stuff to move out away and of course it was on a pallet and actually use a forklift to get it down so i strapped it on made sure there was nothing loose put everything really in the boot apart from these couple of bits but like i say this car has not been damaged the chassis legs are perfect and we're going to be able to get everything we need from it i don't want to keep this car hanging around for too long so my plan is actually cut through the a-pillars cut through the floor and actually just keep the front end here the rest of the car can go back so that is going to be me for the next few hours i think quite a lot to remove carpet center console you don't want anything that's going to catch fire so and of course you don't want to try and cut through here and you end up with not enough i just i'm going to cut back as far as i can so that we've definitely got enough of what we need but yeah fair bit of work now it's still got the exhaust on it plastic tray so hopefully we've got a good few discs for the disc cutter and i should get that out all right no definitely no time for any waffling today let's get on with it [Music] so [Music] so guys it's actually a good probably a good week later now and i stripped all this car out took all the carpets out sent a console and then kind of got sidetracked and had to go off and do something else like you know just like we normally do and i went out this morning to actually mot the peugeot what is that it's a boxer in it the peugeot boxer van so you would have already seen that video and while i was here chris done a couple of little bits he needed to do and he's actually cut the front of the car off so he's just should we leave this running chris yeah i'm just going to stick a shackle lift it off yeah all right we'll leave this running it uh it should look quite good guys i am as close as i think we can get do you want me around the other side [Music] there's your strength right here does he chat foreign hey golly that's what you call if you was gonna work that in guys that is what you would call a cut and shut we will not be doing that we're only gonna be using parts of it but like you always say you're better off having too much than not enough because yeah and you can always take a bit more off but you can never put any more on that's right let's get that in the workshop quite a lot going on there guys while i was uh after chris unloaded this i actually went off picked up another vehicle and he's cracked on and you've got both of these the measuring system this is set up exactly where it needs to be yeah that's right so guys this point here is actually that bolt so these are floating [Music] that one oh yeah that one's in there and then if you go to the rear you've got the rear ones in there as well yeah i can see that so this ultimately needs to come around so that this can actually be on that bolt and of course this side we knew was the worst side anyway there's not actually any damage on that leg is there well it doesn't look like see this is rolled under yeah probably as we pull that leg out that will come back into place but this one is definitely toast what chris also did you didn't time-lapse any of this did you he has been cracking on actually stripping out everything out of the way what he needs and he took the measurements from this front end all of the measurements for that car exactly the same and you took all the measurements of every point that you can on there so that when that car is pulled before i know i'm going to mention actually quite a lot of people was worried chris in the last video i thought was going to pull this round panel it up and send it out the door because we've that's not something that we're ever going to do this does need replacing so you're just going to get set up mate right yeah we're going to pull it in situate we're going to pull it out a little bit uh well i've pulled it out a bit right so it's okay where it is a bit more room actually to work on it round here yeah and nice bit of room around that front end there like i said i know there's a lot there guys but it's always best to have a bit more than not enough so we'll let chris get set up and then we should be able to start pulling it right right yeah let's crack on [Music] [Music] so guys we are set up chris is just finishing his coffee and i can't decide where best to have this that's probably too far out chris now let's have a look have you finished your coffee sorry mate yeah that's too close for now i don't know i mean yeah we're trying like that i'm gonna stand over here anyway and then uh i finished your coffee chris where paul's at you sure yeah he might as well yeah go on in mate morning reset it might be of course moving a lot already i've got an air leak from the old foot pedal [Music] [Music] [Music] i think we yeah need the chain to go down a notch as well yeah leather off has come back a long way without going back in there yeah [Music] yeah guys this is just tied up here out of the way [Music] [Music] no yeah stopped out of secrets you're a creepy yeah but you know there's not loads in there because the pump slows right down and starts yeah when you've got max you know what that shocked me that really has shocked me so that is exactly where it should be but when chris lets that go in a minute we'll have to shorten the chain you're looking down here guys at the ram and you can see it's quite extended so we'll have to actually shorten the chain but you'll see when chris lets that off i'm zoom right in mate you're ready to let it off we could probably go a little bit more yet [Music] see how much more it moved over guys so it still moved back i'll tell you what though i didn't expect that to come out yeah with one pull that is soft what we do now to prevent that from yeah [Music] we're changing it so that's really the point really is there right we're changing the chassis length so we're going to try and save all this switch this is funny for us guys because we're sitting here right next to each so chris has gone down another couple of notches on the actual chain itself not the not the round the actual chain hold it a little bit if you just put a shorter one on or if you just no we needed originally we had to have two chains one wasn't long enough right but now it's pulled it it's uh you can reach with one you can hear the pump slowing down a little bit now i'm gonna leave that there yeah and i think i'm gonna have a little tap about so i think you're gonna turn that i'm not too worried about the chassis because we're changing that yeah it's the inner wing really i wanna actually try and get it in shape but it's quite noisy so what turn that off for a minute yeah we've got a time lapse actually while you're doing that [Music] [Music] chris was doing a bit of time lapse there goes well popped out and uploaded i know someone's gonna ask now why don't i do it here when it's connected to the wi-fi it takes too long so i drive to my house where i get 4g uploads very good so chris has got that leg pretty much where it needs to be obviously we know it's got to be cut off but we are saving all of this and if you can see that loop there that's because all of this you can see is up too high so it's bolting down a plate onto the jig and then we've got this clamp you've called it yes clamp isn't it pulling bar and then you're putting a wheel on the bottom yeah so put a pulley pulley wheel on the bottom the trainer come through here and then it'll obviously pull that down so i'm going to let him finish setting that up we're trying to record a bit of that as well we're actually quite safe to be quite close here guys because that chain can only go that way so [Music] so you kind of get the idea of what just happened there guys with the the wheel at the bottom there i called it a wheel didn't i yeah the pulley block so we've pulled down but you have to obviously pull out with that but that pulled that lovely there didn't it there was a tension on it when i and people always ask chris basically what you're tapping is the imperfections that it's got to try and take the stress out of it coming back up and landing in the position it was just that isn't it yeah and and also you know get the shade back in it really it's like you can see there that that ridge line's meant to be in there i don't know if you want to show that on that blue one that also that little loop i just said about a minute ago supposed to be there right but um yeah i'm not going to recall why chris is tapping guys because it is very very noisy i don't think there was ever any doubt guys just pulled it out of the park you've completely saved the inner wing there he dressed it up a lot with a hammer the hammers and all of this is back nine you know i need a tie yeah but this bit is not quite right yet right that's because that chassis has rolled slightly let me just zoom out back you probably see it but it's not perpendicular it's rolled slightly yeah we can see that that's gone over slightly so it's not allowing this to sit flat right but we've got to remember it's all coming off it's all coming off and once you do any dressing up here is going to be made a lot easier anyway i will take this once this chassis is undrilled and cut out yeah there'll be no tension in this there's a bit of tension in it because of that and then we'll get that back where we want it and uh obviously replace the chassis so that's all good this video is going quite a long while ready but i'd love to get that chassis leg round so that we can all see it straight in this video yeah yeah i mean that's again there's a bit of a dolly and hammer work here where that's rolled under there yeah there that's actually quite deep we are hoping that quite an element that this does come out when we pull this leg back around because we think it works we've got yeah we yeah we got a long long way to go there so we get us what we do even if we can't get to see that dressed up in this video chris to get that leg round yeah i think people are going to want to see this both sides a bit straight if that's all right i mean i just know it's getting on a little bit it's getting quite late in the day isn't it so all right let's do it guys i'm going to live film chris pulling that i'm actually going to time-lapse it on his phone because it looked really good before didn't then look at that bottom leveling out already let me zoom in a little bit more you see it there guys [Music] it's actually coming around really nicely that one isn't it hear it breaking yeah [Music] that's it that's where it needs to be a little bit more i'm gonna do a little bit of dolly work again don't forget a long way around yeah i'll stop them if you're gonna bring me trolley rounds right so i will i will stop [Music] guys check it out one poll we did time lapse on chris's phone and you will see i slowed it down a little bit then we both watched that back and forth yeah it looks brilliant on time lapse when you slow it down but that was one pull and it is bang on the mark isn't it yeah exactly where it needs to be do that again that's lovely isn't it so yeah and we'd get the same that size when we put the new pc yeah definitely i don't know if i've not watched it back well you've watched it but i guys don't forget we always say we always keep trying to say it don't worry about the time lapse the three little dots in your top right hand corner you can hit those dots and slow the time lapse down quite a lot it was really really interesting i actually zoomed in on a bit of this you could see it all popping back into place yeah which was unreal all of these little marks that's where chris has been um dollying it up with the but there's a little bit more to still to do with yeah so these two creases are supposed to be there but this one here is actually meant to be more predominant this way that's right but i can't believe that's fine that's immaculate that isn't it yeah so she's straight there is a lot of um a lot of forgiveness in these isn't that yeah they're not they're not the boar on steel ones definitely not because they're just mild steel we also just said didn't we that was a lot of bar yeah that was very very easy to pull wasn't it that one was a tiny bit creaky but that's because of the amount of damage it had on it but that all pulled back together lovely and it's so nice to see those chassis legs back exactly where they should so guys that is all we're gonna have time for it's actually gone five o'clock now and i've got my dinner sitting on the side i already was out till late last night and never got my teeth picking up the subaru video which yeah you'd have already seen that video really really nice to have that car back straight where it should be you know from the previous video we've got all the parts for it in color we're not 100 whether they're going to be in color but they are white which is going to save a lot of even if it is the wrong color because you won't have to spray all the shots and under the bonnet etc so we are really cracking on with that still a lot of work to do obviously drilling out that chassis leg and if we'd have carried on we'd have been here till 10 o'clock tonight just drilling that out because it's drilling it out it's quite time consuming chris isn't it but the whip whippy wheeling all of that sealer off twice because we're removing that one as well and all the seam sealer with that whippy wheel takes a long time doesn't it yeah and you've got to be so careful especially with the new one that he doesn't drill through certain places so that when it all welds back together guys you've all seen us do it before so that is going to be the end of today's video on the audio one drop your comments in the comment section let us know what you think follow us on instagram for a little sneak peeks throughout the day at salvage rebuilds like subscribe and share and we will see you all very very soon in the next one
Channel: salvage rebuilds uk
Views: 110,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Ac52elyVAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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