Reparación general de un parlante o bocina de 8 pulgadas

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Repair of a speaker of 8 inches We present as a speaker restore shabby, of simple and practical way. This video shows our first approach the theme of the speakers. Proceadure The mission is to clean the basket of the speaker until it is bright and shiny. The first thing to do It is to remove the dust cap and check the status of the coil. As the coil is in poor condition, It is burned coil, we must make full reparation speaker. we cut the cone with a scalpel.­ Then we cut the spider, also known as membrane. We cut the voice coil lead wire We remove the set and we show that the coil is completely destroyed. Now remove the cone press using the scalpel. This should be done carefully, to avoid scratching the speaker basket. We remove waste of the spider Be careful when using the scalpel,, any carelessness can cause an accident. It is important cover the slot where will go coil, with masking tape. In this way We isolate this area of liquid and waste, while we are washing the speaker. As the idea is that the speaker basket not mistreat, Toluene must apply over waste that they have been attached in the suspension surround and the glue in the speaker basket. The same we do with waste spider. We waited a few minutes for the toluene to dissolve the glue and then remove with ease. That way there not to scratch the speaker basket. The scalpel is used smoothly and only to remove debris and unattached by the action of toluene. Apply more toluene And we continue cleaning until the speker basket is completely free of glue or fragment of cone or the spider. It gives the last bath of toluene and clean completely with a dry cloth or a napkin. We removed the masking tape of the slot where it is located the coil. The speaker terminals also they should be cleaned. They are heated whit soldering iron and removed pieces of the speaker flex lead wire. It should melt all possible welding, for that we give small thuds, until the terminal is clean. The terminal holes They should be open. because the slot where the coil is located is filled with metal particles And even when the coil is burned, It must be cleaned by hand, using a small trowel or strip of acetate paper of radiograph, of such a width which fits into the groove of the coil. Then cut a strip of masking tape width the same of the acetate paper and should be wrapped on the acetate paper strip, with the glue toward outside. then passed the palette with masking tape by into the slot, forming circles, collecting dirt and others who are there.. This is repeated as often as necessary, until no no dirt on the masking tape. In our speaker We use a 4-layer coil in aluminum support and an impedance of 6 ohms, which it is very similar which originally had the speaker. as we see the coil fits perfectly into the slot; by gravity, without trancarse when released. Now we make the "centralizers" with strips of acetatepaper of radiography. For this case cut strips 1.5 cmts wide. Then cut transversely. The length of the strips must be equal or should be greater than the height of the coil Now we measure the width of the area where the wire is wound in the ring coil. This value is divided in 4. So a quarter of the coil, It should be left out of the slot in the speaker basket. Now we place the strips of acetate or centralizers. They are placed one after the other, but they unmounted one above the other. We put the coil directing their wires to the terminals. The coil is pushed gently to certain determined depth. We measure the spider hole; Generally should enlarge so that the coil between adjusted. Adjust the edges using the scalpel. Then we measure the cone and we find the surprise that the coil does not reach into the cone. Therefore we are forced lengthen the collar of the coil. Then we proceed to prepare epoxy resin. are mixed equal parts of components, and stir until a homogeneous paste. We use abundant resin in the collar of the coil, on the role of reinforcement. Then we apply resin in the Kraft Paper, which serve to extend the collar of the coil. It sticks the kraft paper wound two turns around the coil collar, making sure it is tight and well straight. applied resin over the kraft paper, to give rigidity and let dry. Now re-test the height of the coil, we see that it voice coil enters the cone and achieving the perfect height. apply abundant yellow contact cement on the edge of the spider. This glue is the same used in the shoe workshop. We apply the same glue on the edge of the speaker basket, which it is the site where the spider rests. Let dry the contact glue enough time, as for their gases evaporate. This is verified to the touching the glue with your finger, without being daub. We put the spider, pressing the edges of the hole with the scalpel. The spider must come down without deforming, Note that if you press too much or too little, will move the correct location of the coil. sticking area with a scalpel or a thin object is pressed. This is essential to ensure good adhesion. now stuck spider to the speaker basket, We proceed to paste it to the coil. This is done using the quick-drying epoxy resin. To stick the coil to the spider we should spread the glue around these, with a thin wooden stick. The glue should be even and without spilling. When finished applying the resin, we must flip the speaker with his front down, to prevent the glue go into the slot, gluing the coil with the speaker basket, this ruins our work. We proceed to measure the cone suspension surround and determine the limit; as far as applying glue on the speaker basket, so it does not look like a stain. apply abundant black contact cement on the verge of sorround suspension, It also applies contact cement on the edge delimited in the speaker basket, where it shall adhere cone suspension. Once the glue is dry Carefully place the cone that the suspension is well centered. Then with the fingers pressed both sides, turning the speaker, to paste the entire suspension. To stick the cone with the voice coil, we must apply epoxy resin in their union. Practice makes the master. Every day our finishes should be better. The glue should not be much but enough, the idea is to achieve a molten bead between the two elements to be joined. As a plastic cone and the speaker will be used as subwoofer, the speaker will have a heavy workload, why we must strengthen bottom, at the junction of the cone with the collar of the coil. After the glue has dried, We take the wire ends of the background coil, YAnd remove the strips of acetate or centralizers. Pressing the cone with thumbs, must move smooth up and down, if we have assembly alright, the coil will not present any friction. With a hot tip, proceed to make a couple of holes, where they will spend the the wire braids. Through a hole cross the wire braid. from back to forth and return it by the other hole. tinned both ends of the wire braid to cross easily through the holes in the terminals. Cut the tinned part, we introduce each end tinned in its respective terminal hole. the wire braids are placed in the open position, to not have friction with cone or the spider, generating noises. being inclined is welded to the terminal. On the front of the speaker we cut the wire braid in the center. returned a bit the wire braid We take the tip wire ofthe voice coil and we twist the wire braid. we tin-plate cut the surplus wire, and the wire braid surplus. Shrink back the wire braid, undergirding the wire at the cone. We do the same with the other wire and the other wire braid. We prepare epoxy resin, To protect the splice, cover with epoxy resin. Let dry for 10 minutes. bottom of cone we apply resin at the outputs of the wire braids. the wire braids should be loose so that when moving the speaker, not present tensions and then break Nor they should be very long lest friction with spider or cone, generating annoying noise. Finally place the dust cap. Applies black cement contact in the edge of the dust cap,, paying close attention, sticks well centered over the cone. Then we put a heavy element, for further tightening. The glue we use in this work, require a minimum of 24 hours to reach its maximum strength; ensuring quality. Therefore any soundcheck You should expect this reasonable time. Now we hear the sound test live. howdy friends! Here the speaker that we have repaired In this speaker we did an overhaul we did a change everything the cone, the suspension, the voice coil, and wire braids. We see that the speaker is well It does not have any friction in the coil And let's listen to see how its sound. Here teneo a audio signal, From an amplifier To achieve a sound as it should be We must put it in a acoustic box Now the speaker the sound should give If tightens obviously going to sound better As no high frequencies Us accompany with a tweeter To have a more balanced sound well Here you can see then A speaker is recoverable and before it has been found in very bad condition Watch suggested videos We invite you to subscribe to our youtube channel Go to the tool Botton And check the box, send me updates Join us on Facebook And follow us on twitter Visit our website
Channel: Ampletos
Views: 4,690,345
Rating: 4.7428527 out of 5
Keywords: speaker fix, paso a paso, como reparar un parlante, sonido, sobwoofer, parlante, proyectos electronicos, rockola, jukebox, mantenimiento parlante, voice coil, enconado parlante, Videorockola
Id: aMCLgVcbtdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2016
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