Rep. Ilhan Omar Grills Elliott Abrams Over His Questionable Past

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hey fan I want you to like share and subscribe to our YouTube channel forward slash rollin s Martin and don't forget to turn on your notification so but what am I go to my computer my paying Henry so mommy was she was seeing in tweeted this representative Ilhan Omar in no mood to talk about her controversies this week first she said no thank you but asked to comment on Trump saying she should resign second time I saw her she yelled are you serious one tried to question her now others have said she wasn't yelling but again when you put this out that she yelled she said black woman she snapped and she said I've already addressed it and she's moving on but again this is sort of you know what they focus on as opposed to also what she actually does and so this happened today Ellen Abraham's of course the man who was convicted to lying to Congress in the iran-contra scandal as being a point to a new position now today congressman Omar began to question him on some areas issues want to play for you what took place on Capitol Hill they're not gonna be talking about that comes to represent Omar thank you miss Omar thank you chairman thank you all for being here and thank you for your testimonies mr. Adams in 1991 you pleaded guilty to two counts of withholding information from Congress regarding your involvement in the iran-contra affair for which you were later pardoned by President George HW Bush I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful if I can respond to that it wasn't a question I'm on that was not that was not a question that was my I reserve the right to my time it is not it is not right that was not a question you can who is not permitted to report that that was not a question thank you for your participation on February 8th 1982 you testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about US policy in El Salvador in that hearing you dismissed as communist propaganda report about the massacre of El mozo TA in which more than 800 civilians including children as young as two years old were brutally murdered by us trained troops doing that massacre some of those troops bragged about raping a twelve-year-old girl before they killed them girls before they killed them you later said that the u.s. policy in El Salvador was a fabulous achievement yes or no do you still think so from the day that President Duarte was elected in a free election to this day El Salvador has been a democracy that's a fabulous achievement yes sir no do you think that massacre was a fabulous achievement that happened under our watch that is a ridiculous question yes or no no I I am NOT going to respond to that kind of personal attack which is not a question yes or no would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes crimes against humanity or genocide if you believe they were serving US interest as you did in Guatemala El Salvador and Nicaragua I am NOT gonna respond to that question I'm sorry I don't think this entire line of questioning is meant to be real questions and so I will not reply whether you under your watch a genocide will take place and you will look the other way because American interests were being upheld is a fair question because the American people want to know that any time we engage a country that we think about what our actions could be and how we believe our values are being farther that is my question will you make sure that human rights are not violated and that we uphold international and human rights I suppose there is a question in there and the answer is that the entire thrust of American policy in Venezuela is to support the Venezuelan people's effort to restore democracy to their country that's our policy I don't think anybody disputes that the question I had for you is that the interest does the interests of the United States include protecting human rights and include protecting people against genocide that is always the position of the United States thank you I yield back my time Joseph a few times you are about to come out your chair was respond what did the arrogance is just breathtaking I mean you know - I was thinking up number one he doesn't really like being questioned by a woman who looks like her number two he has a record a record in which this stuff is clearly established that that this is a very legitimate line of questioning and number three you have a woman who is at war refugee who you were disrespecting in front of the entire Congress is ludicrous it's absolutely ludicrous and I think that Abraham's if he has a a shred of integrity will take himself off for just that line of questioning alone so the reality is he lied to Congress in the iran-contra scandal what she hit him with he actually did he turned his back on Human Rights atrocities in those countries it is undeniable and to now go I'm not even gonna answer that question I don't even see how that's even relevant what she is saying is why are we going to seeing you to Venezuela when you have a track record I'll turn your back on human rights abuses yes kind of fair to me no I think we're line of questioning is fair I'm confused though whether you're tying this with whether or not should she should have been censured or slashed punished for obnoxious kind of childish tweeting beginning you said well the whole thing is a conspiracy to get her no no no no that's not what I see right-wing media was one who this is what I see no sue you're wrong first of all she's on the committee right it has not been taken off I get what I said is is that media will be focusing on her tweets and not this exchange which I'm about to play right that's what I say it all right I know exactly what I see oh no I'm very clear I'm never unclear you know the fact is that this man was so profoundly disrespectful of a member of Congress that's what we have to deal with she is a member of Congress she was duly elected by her constituents whatever she tweeted is immaterial she apologized for whatever I don't I would not have apologized but that's another story but here's the point she is asking legitimate questions legitimate questions about Abrams track record and he basically dissed her and frankly some of her colleagues should have jumped in his head dude answer the question sue you wrong she's sober I wasn't to uestion it wasn't gonna be factual her initial statement she says that was not a question it was a statement later she asked him specifically it said yes or no on two different occasions that she asked additional questions go Roland the other thing is that he interrupted her and said that was not a question she said I haven't gotten to my question yet yes so I'm talking about in terms of profound disrespect it is customary in Congress for members to bloviate before they go to the question we've seen it I don't know how many times you make your statement then you asked a question he did not give her the basic respect of allowing her to ask her question he used white male privilege to essentially attempt to eviscerate her comment her statement and her presence and that's just wrong well first of all the fact that Donald Trump what even out of all the people out here in this world that he would decide to appoint somebody yes who was who admitted was convicted of lying to Congress and it required a pardon that's the person who should never be serving in a u.s. foreign policy position again but that's but that's his can't get there easy I mean that's mr. Trump's contempt for Congress is his contemporary truth that we've seen two years the same neo-cons who have no problem with the United States meddling in other nations I would not be surprised if john bolton i was involved with this and and and to her point and she's absolutely right whether we want to own it or not if you want to you should actually go to look at stephen kinzer x' book overthrow the reality is this nation has indeed played a significant role in the overthrowing of numerous countries the reason the congo today is still struggling with democracy it's because in this country shortly after he gained his independence from Belgium was responsible for the death of Patrice Lumumba because we did not want him buying guns from the Russians didn't want to sell them guns because they say we must protect our country this nation you know damn well would happen with Linda in Chile we put Pinochet in control we know exactly what happened with the Sandinistas we know exactly what this we cannot deny the reality America has overthrown other nations and we say it for our interest and we didn't give a damn about the people in those countries well not to mention the fact that the president United States has said on multiple occasions military options are on the table in Venezuela also has some u.s. mischief was involved oil period award oil at all I mean again all I'm saying this here she's a member of Congress she had the right to question him and it was his arrogance yes his absolute arrogance and understand si I'm not gonna answer that question and that to me is where the chair the ranking Democrat who was the chair should have said sir when you asked a question by a member of Congress you will and you will answer the question they did not back her up and that should have happened well I think there's a common thread through all of this I mean if we go back to the Israel tweet I mean and to these you know to Abrams is a refusal to treat a member of Congress with respect there's a threat here I mean and the threat to me seems to be a bit of arrogance and and racial animosity towards me for one of the first Muslim women to serve in Congress I mean it seems easy to me to see that that you do have a member whom however are in our ticket Lee she tweeted about her disrespect or her dislike of Israel US policy she was roundly censured and yet there's still more pylon hold a stop stop first note she wasn't sinful not such a year was attention that's an actual process that's correct they critique criticize and they made her apologize sister this year right no what'd you say I said her age accept the fact that she was doing I don't give a damn how young she is no but no but that's the vision that is a problem they're disrespecting her face because she's a Muslim woman period and they don't like having to face questions from her and that I don't care how young she is I don't care how young ok zeal quarter see it they got a pen they were elated and you give him the respect as a member of cop just one moment all right folks work for one of our partners are you desperate for a good night's sleep man I should have done this last night cuz I could not go to sleep then listen up studies show lack of sleep causes stress your inability weight gain and even early death but you already know how bad it is when you don't get enough sleep and you try sleeping pills what they're annoying and potentially dangerous side effects maybe you wasted money on the latest miracle pillow that promises a good night's sleep but that's all bs if you've done all of that here's a solution it's convenient inexpensive has zero side effects so if you want experience deep restful sleep starting tonight visit WWE he's already helping thousands of people around the world experience better sleep deeper rest and half of your morning's and with a full 90-day money-back satisfaction guarantee what have you got to lose all you got to do is visit sleep music calm see how this amazing sleep solution can help you just use the promo code radio to get 10 bucks off just go to WWE using calm and use the promo code radio to get $10 off and so trust me I'll be trying it tonight because I ain't get much sleep last night all right back to your rollin mark not going
Channel: Roland S. Martin
Views: 49,413
Rating: 4.6687899 out of 5
Keywords: Roland Martin, #RolandMartinUnfiltered, Ilhan Omar, Elliott Abrams
Id: g1km9c3I0ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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