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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled mom is trying to force me to change my last name after that idiot doesn't know how to use door dash and after that neighbor thinks i'm the cleaner now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen has to change her last name but i like karen reddit i always thought it had a ring to it so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day entitled mom is trying to force me to change my last name my mom got married recently and she and her husband have decided to hyphenate their names and form one family name her husband's kids and my half-siblings are all on board with changing their names to the hyphenated version i am not on board with this for me i've expressed this at least 20 times since it first came off i don't want my name changed and i will not stand up in court and consent my mom is so upset she has tried talking me around tried offering me bribes to go along with it her husband has asked me why i'm against it and i have told him straight i like my name as it is and it's my tie to my dad who passed two years ago and i don't want anyone taking or adding anything onto it my name has been my name for 15 years and no just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i'll change it when i get married so that's not an argument to use with me i also pointed out i could do the same when i'm older and get married and hyphenate and i don't want three last names and his name would be the one to go in that circumstance not my dad's both are pretty upset i won't work with them on this and agree to compromise a change my mom has told me i'm being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn and having a family name that brings us all together is nice and i'm separating myself from that her husband told me i'm making him feel like there's something wrong with him slash his name i told him that was a hymn problem and i had made my feelings clear am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk op or mom please let us know definitely the mum this is how to make your kids not want to have anything to do with you 101. idiot doesn't know how to use doordash let's be real doordash is the plague unto this world ridiculous service fees abysmal customer service bad practices few protections for the workforce and the gig economy in general is a parasite on the industry now that the end of lockdown is on the horizon its necessity has diminishing demand and should be excised for all but a few desperate establishments come out and eat everyone we're almost there end rant onto the story it's memorial day weekend graduations are in full swing and there's optimism in the air we are slam obama jammin and there's a healthy wait list phone is non-stop ringing and the annoying doordash bell tone won't stop blinging we're still running with the skeleton crew and the bottleneck of a small kitchen means we're already hitting one hour plus wait times on our to-go orders right from the outset the volume won't stop so eventually we have to put a pause on doordash orders once we hit the 90-plus minute mark one of the last orders that snuck in before we shut it down was for a modest number of dishes that the customer had opted to pick up instead of using delivery hey saves us like 20 off exorbitant fees we've got our hustle in full swing and this guy shows up to the window soon thereafter and says he's here to pick up an order for let's say karen we're a little confused since none of the ready bags have that name and no upcoming orders are listed under karen one of the hosts pulls up the doordash tablet and points at the 20th order down on the list but was it this order as she gives off the items yes he says excitedly uh i guess you showed up quite a bit early it still got more than an hour till it's ready what the app said it would be ready in 30 minutes not sure how that happened we set the timer on that one for an hour and a half oh no my wife is going to be very upset all right well it's still going to be about an hour sorry about that he leaves in a huff back in the flow until someone shows up at our window again she's got her arms crossed and hungry for a confrontation hello i'm karen my husband just told me that our order is going to take over an hour i remain stoic yep it's behind about 20 other tickets the app said it would be ready in 30 minutes i'm not sure how that happened when we confirmed the order we set the wait time to an hour and a half i pull up the tablet to show her that there's still 62 minutes left well that's bs i'm already here so isn't there anything you can do to speed up the process unfortunately no there's already several tickets ahead of you and we've got a full house of dine in service it's going to be about an hour she continues stewing okay i want to cancel my order that's fine i understand i can pull your ticket off the line but you're going to have to get in your doordash app to cancel it so that you don't get charged she stares down at her phone and angrily paces back to her car my co-workers and i are looking at each other like what the heck not even a few minutes later she's back at the window looking more livid she holds her phone out and starts jabbing her finger against the doordash app i can't log in she starts handing it over to me like she wants me to do it i step back i can't do that for you all i can do on my end is pull the ticket off the line she tries one more desperate plea i spent seventy dollars here are you saying my money is no good you can't make it faster seventy dollars is a weird flex when there's a few orders ahead of hers in the 200 to 300 range i couldn't help but chuckle which honestly is not the best customer service response she points at me sternly and says you're a jerk and wallows off guilty as charged but also her problem not mine the entire staff and i are laughing about this because it's just so absurd i give the owner a heads up and he laments it feels like doordash brings us nothing but headaches don't you know it brother five minutes later we get a phone call it's karen and she's a lot more conciliatory hi i'm calling about earlier if we still want our food how long is it going to take i'm easygoing i don't take crap but i'm also in the business of trying to make people happy so i don't take anything personal the app now says 56 minutes let's see we're still looking at roughly about an hour what i also hear her husband fully go flying on speakerphone in their car we were just there 15 minutes ago when you told us an hour is this some game where you just keep telling us an hour until you eventually close and never make our order we want our cash back i was fully on board with trying to help them out but now i give no hoots they asked to speak with a manager i skipped the line and ask the owner if he wants to share a piece of his mind he gladly accepts he's a super chill easygoing guy and after being on the phone for 15 minutes with them i see new veins in his forehead how'd it go i ask i was explaining things to them and she told me to shut up and listen no one talks to me like that he gathers himself okay forget doordash we're deactivating the account and like that our prayers were answered doordash may account for 20 of our business but 90 of our headaches good riddance have you ever used doordash and if so did you like it please let us know i prefer to go get my food myself neighbor thinks i'm the cleaner so this happened saturday morning i live in a nice brand new apartment it's great and the few neighbors i've met have been pretty chill with a few exceptions earlier in the week some new neighbors moved into one of the apartments their movers left the front door open and while they were moving furniture in a whole bunch of dead leaves from outside blew into the hallway it was a huge mess my apartment is literally the first door once you enter the building and every time i've come home since then i've been walking on dead leaves we do have the cleaners who come in about once or twice a week to clean the common areas but saturday morning as i was cleaning my apartment i decided to pop outside and sweep up some of the leaves i decided to leave most of them for the cleaners and only focus on the ones that were between the entrance and my door and a few leaves around there figured it's not my job to clean the whole place and i'd just take care of the leaves that were bothering me well one of my neighbors saw me sweeping up in my pjs with bedhead and decided i was one of the cleaners she saw that i was tying up my garbage bag and folding up my broom and dustpan they sort of fall together for compact storage crazy lady hey you're not done why are you getting ready to leave me oh hi um i am done i was only sweeping the space between the hallway and my apartment well that's just lazy do your job and sweep the rest of the hallway it's been filthy for days me yeah i know it's been filthy that's why i decided to clean the spot between the front door and my door you live here so why do you only clean once or twice a week if you live here you should be cleaning every day stop being so lazy me ma'am i'm not a cleaner i'm a resident the mess in the hallway bothered me so i cleaned the part that was annoying me if the rest of it bothers you then clean it yourself karen how dare you i'm going to call body corporate and have you fired and thrown out of this building me ma'am i own this apartment and i own my own business i do not work for our apartment's body core organization and i am not a cleaner i live here the mess bothered me so i cleaned it if the rest of the mess bothers you then you clean it i'm not your servant and not going to do it for you well then why are you cleaning the hallway you think i'm stupid no one would clean the hallway unless they were getting paid or unless they don't want to trek dead leaves into their home every time they get back well if you really are doing this on your own you won't mind sweeping up the rest of the halls so do it me yeah no had you asked me politely i might have considered it but after this exchange you can either do it yourself or wait for the cleaners to come do it i'm gonna go back inside and continue cleaning my place nice meeting you though i walked in and she started banging on my door for a while but i just threw some disturbed on my stereo and let david draymond drown out her knocks didn't end well though i went out later to throw away my trash in the dumpster downstairs this crazy jerk i suspect didn't actually see her but who else would do it had swept all of the leaves in front of my door so i grabbed my trusty broom and swept them all further down the hall to her door have a feeling we're gonna be playing this game until the cleaners show up maybe i'll borrow my buddy's leaf blower and just rev it up outside her door it is pretty loud am i the jerk for not allowing my father-in-law to have a say in my baby's name me thirty male and my father have the same initials we have the same last name but different first and middle names my wife's first name also starts with the same letter as mine she took my name when we got married so we have the same first and last initials when we got pregnant with our oldest seven male we followed the tradition of having the same initials as me as well as my dad my son shares the same middle and last name but has a different first name than myself and my father we thought it was cute when our second child was born four female we wanted to continue the tradition but she has the same initials as my wife instead of me my wife 29 is currently pregnant with our last kid this pregnancy has taken a large toll on my wife so we've made the decision for me to get snipped once baby comes my wife is her father's only kid we have an okay relationship he tries to butt in a lot when it comes to our parenting but we shut him down pretty well anyways once we found out my wife was pregnant we picked one girl name and one boy name if it's a boy he will have the same initials as me and his brother if it's a girl she will have the same initials as her mother and sister we have just learned it's a boy and have his name picked out we shared our news a week ago my wife was on a video call with her dad updating him on everything and shared baby's name he said that because this will be our last kid and his final grandkid he thinks he should get a say in the name my wife asked what he meant and he said he would want the baby to be named after him or share a middle name even suggested doing something that honors his military career like naming him after my father-in-law's favorite general my wife said that while she understands his desire we have already selected our son's name we thought that was the end of it we recently ran into a buddy of his and he expressed how upset father-in-law was over not being included in our son's name how our tradition was tacky and how we can allow my father-in-law's say in one of the grandkids names or we should just have another one after this baby if we like our current name so much we kinda just walked away but my wife is furious and honestly so am i i care for my father-in-law but these are our kids my wife is struggling enough with her current pregnancy i called him and expressed it was kind of low of him to go around spreading our business or suggesting my wife keep popping kids out if he wanted to name a kid so bad he should go have another he hung up and hasn't spoken to us since so am i the jerk edit i want to thank everyone for the nice words i appreciate all the concern for my wife and our new baby i can see that i'm not the jerk for wanting to keep our tradition going but i can see how my father-in-law may feel left out and how i should have definitely gone off on his friend instead of him so i'll be phoning him in a few days and see how we can fix this he's a great guy father and grandfather so i want him to feel welcomed in our family edit too i'm getting this a lot but some people seem to think there's some big long generational thing my side of the family did as far as initials it's literally just my dad and i who have the same initials we did this for our oldest because when he was born my dad was passing my wife requested we do this since he would not be around to see our son grow up we continued it with our daughter because it would be weird for her to have a completely different name versus myself my wife and her brother which is why we are doing this for our final kid my dad has since passed we are both no contact with our mothers so my father-in-law is my kid's only grandparent he certainly isn't being left out of their lives or anything we aren't doing this as some grand forget you like many of you are suggesting final edit guys please stop suggesting father-in-law get a dog or something he's already got two reginald and turnip he's already got a boat and a motorcycle too so he doesn't need anything else to be named and please stop suggesting he have another baby my wife will be 30 in a couple of months and i really don't think she wants to help raise our kid and her brother at the same time blockbuster scheduled me for 120 plus hours in the two weeks after i quit this happened decades ago and i'm not afraid to say it happened in a blockbuster i had a terribly uptight power hungry manager who refused to listen and hated me for standing up to her she wrote me up because she didn't recognize you could reverse an order in the system she wrote me up for a mistake another manager made and she wrote me up for not coming to a 9am meeting after closing until 2am the night before anyway the actual story in the final year of high school i put in my two weeks notice that my last day of work would be december 15th i didn't want to handle the christmas rush i wanted to see my friends new year's eve and also it was a terrible job on december 15th i go to drop off my uniform shirt and pick up my last paycheck on my way out of the office area i noticed the schedule my name is scheduled to work 8 to 10 hours a day for most of christmas break the whole week preceding christmas christmas eve until 2 a.m christmas day the intervening week new year's eve until 2 a.m and new year's day the following conversation ensued me hey manager you know i'm not working here anymore right manager if your name is on the schedule you have to work you know that me i don't work here anymore your name wasn't in the holiday time off folder so you got to put on the schedule next time request off earlier me i don't work here anymore if you're going to walk out on your shift you're required to find someone to cover for you at this point a customer is eavesdropping while pretending to browse the recently returned but not yet shelved card of movies i address him me excuse me sir are you available to cover my shift on christmas eve manager he doesn't work here me neither do i i wish i could say i threw my uniform shirt at her and everyone clapped but she followed me to my car yelling at me she then called my parents on christmas eve and told my mother she failed to raise a worthwhile kid and i had to file formal complaints bonus points after that she was put on leave and the assistant manager had to cover new year's eve unfortunately with all the drama about the general manager being too stupid to know that i had already quit there was nobody else scheduled to work on new year's eve entitled mom at a campground expects me to have a shirt for her kid to tie-dye throws world-class tantrum when i don't so my boyfriend and i went camping this weekend at a campground and we met this couple and their son who was around seven while we were setting up our tent and they were setting up at the plot next to ours we had some polite small talk and we mentioned that we bought a tie-dye kit to tie-dye a couple of t-shirts while we were there it was really just a small cheap tie-dye kit and we both brought two shirts to make the mother immediately got excited and said her son would love to do tie-dye with us later that night we were caught off guard but i was sure there'd be some extra dye and i didn't really care that much so i said sure a few hours of hiking and fishing go by and then we're ready to go back and settle into our campsite eat dinner and start making our t-shirts we round the corner towards camp and it was as if this kid was waiting for us he was right at the path and then sprinted back to his campsite once we got closer his mother stomped over to the trail and this is how this conversation went entitled mom where have you guys been we've waited hours me uh we've been hiking but he can come use it in a little bit once we set it up i was totally caught off guard that she even approached me that way but i blew it off again like did this lady expect me to alter my plans all day to cater to her kid we get to our campsite and i'm about to start dinner but this lady and her kid are just staring at us so i decided to just get the dye ready so he can bring his stupid t-shirt over and leave us alone so we can eat in peace i bring the tie-dye out and they come over to our table empty-handed entitled mom he looks great he's a small or medium me what i don't have anything for him to use i thought you had your own t-shirt that you wanted to tie-dye entitled mom no you are the ones who brought the tie-dye kit we waited all day for you to get back and now you're saying that you don't even have a t-shirt for him me i don't know what to tell you we only have four t-shirts to make for ourselves i can't believe you told my son that he could tie-dye and got his hopes up he waited for you all day can he have one of yours me absolutely not i said while laughing it's not funny don't laugh at me at that point i'm just like whatever lady and we keep snickering at her until they storm back to their campsite where she starts playing metal music full blast it's hilarious she was insane throwing a full-blown tantrum and glaring at us from afar an hour or so later the ranger comes over to our tent and said he got a report that we were drinking we were drinking but they typically don't care unless we're disturbing other campers and we were just two people sitting and eating dinner quietly i told them what happened and he thought it was hilarious and i jokingly said that i'd like to make a counter report about entitled mom's music he was like heck yeah i'll do that and went over to her she threw a fit when he told her to turn that crap down and i heard her screaming about how we're partying and drinking and how dare he confront her and not us eventually her husband turned her music off while she was mid-screech then she sulked into her tent and never came back out and the ranger came back over to our site for a beer after dark we considered calling her poor husband over for a beer too but decided not to poke the bear you can absolutely wait to speak to the owner just found this sub and wanted to share my story from more than 20 years ago i was attending grad school at the time to finish my doctoral degree which i'm only mentioning as it's relevant because the customer made a crack about intelligence while working at my father's business an auto salvage yard our yard was located in new jersey and this event occurred in august so it was hot and very humid i was generally very dirty when i was at work with grease and grime all over my arms and clothes if you washed your hands and arms every time they looked dirty your skin would just get dry and irritated so with the exception of stopping to eat i was absolutely filthy all day long our yard mostly dealt with shops and small independent mechanics who came in looking just as dirty as i was so it was completely normal another point relative to this story is this i look absolutely nothing like my father he is five foot eight and weighs at most 140 pounds and i'm six foot two and back then i was power lifting and weighed right around 220 pounds so here's my story a guy comes in to pick up something he bought when i was not there that it had to be taken out of a car i don't even remember what it was now but it was something fairly heavy for him not for me and dirty if we had parts in our warehouse they'd get scrubbed and cleaned by me before being labeled and cataloged but parts coming right off a car just had the loose grime knocked off so the guy comes in looking very out of place for our yard wearing a button-down shirt khakis and dress shoes he hands me his receipt and i tell him i'll bring it out the side door i walk out with his item on a hand truck and the only vehicle i see parked is an acura sedan very unlike the beat up shop vehicles most of our customers drove the guy is walking around the front of his car talking on his phone but the trunk is open so i bring the hand truck around and leave his item on the ground with a piece of cardboard to keep his trunk clean and go back inside a few minutes later he comes inside wanting to know what he is supposed to do with the part to which i facetiously reply install it i imagine he wants to know why the part is dirty i replied it's used he wants to know how he is supposed to get it home i reply in your car he wants to know why i didn't put the item in his truck and i point to the sign behind him which admittedly is partially obscured by the open door which says that we are not responsible for loading parts due to liability for possible damage to the customer's vehicle he turns around looking upset and shouts what am i supposed to do now genius because i must be dumb if i'm dirty right there are now two other customers by the office and i know them both well so i tell them i'll be right with them and walk around outside to the guy's car because i just want him gone i throw a blanket over the rear bumper of his car remind him that i'm not liable for damage and i lift the piece up and gently put it on the cardboard in his car to do this without damaging anything i had to put one of my hands on the side of the trunk and i left a huge greasy hand print largely on purpose while i'm loading he is standing so close to me supervising that my arm bumps his arm and his sleeve gets dirty the entire time this exchange has been going on he's been on his phone and he's now ranting into his phone about our interaction and he calls me genius again and i reply you came to a salvage yard to pick up a heavy dirty used part and dress clothes with a luxury car who's the genius at that point he also noticed the grease on his car and his dirty sleeve and he wants to know if the owner is here and i tell him bob is working out in the yard he demands to speak to him and i say fine we walk back around to the office and i point to bob who is way out in the yard on his forklift moving cars that are going to the crusher this is time sensitive because the truck will come to pick them up and block the entire street while we load so we have to be ready he starts to walk into the yard and i try to stop him and tell him it's too dangerous he keeps walking so i point out that our doberman is trotting along behind the forklift she was actually our dog from home and very friendly but we brought her with us every day because we couldn't get home to let her out he sees the dog and stops and i tell the guy he has to wait until bob is finished moving vehicles and it will be a while which he says is fine because he's going to tell bob exactly how his customers are being treated over the next 40 minutes i walk past the guy multiple times helping customers and each time i pass him he mutters something about being fired and me being sorry finally the forklift shuts down and bob stands up and my new friend seems ecstatic banging on the counter and telling me that bob is done and he wants to speak to him immediately i walk outside with my new friend right next to me climb up on a car's fender and wave my arms to get bob's attention and scream hey dad this guy wants to talk to you and with that my new buddy says forget you turns and walks out hops in his car and guns it up the street fired are you sure okay note one this story was told to me by a friend and it's about her father it takes place around 2005. no two this happened in sweden where there's no at will employment once an employee is past the initial six-month probation period you can't fire them without a cause which also requires an established paper trail so my friend's father who has since retired was a mechanical engineer he was around 55 when this happened and very experienced in his field in fact he had some skill sets that were so unique to the extent that you might be able to replicate them but at extreme costs we're talking multiple people from multiple companies from multiple countries taking weeks if not months to get up to speed with specific projects to do the same things he was a no bs kind of guy who did his job did it well but also pointed out problems and expected others to point out problems to him he was extremely solution oriented and had no time for office politics or keeping a positive attitude at work basically your everyday grumpy old engineer who really knew his thing and was always ready to help if you asked but not very forthcoming in team building exercises and so on he also ran his own business on the side doing minor projects and so on as was required by his employer he had reported this and was sure to not cause any conflicts of interest so his employer knew and accepted this he was considered a valuable employee and got several awards that he cared little for but anyway during his many years with his employer by all accounts they paid him well respected his knowledge and accommodated his style and he returned the favor by working very hard and making sure to mentor younger and newly employed engineers to make them effective co-workers then his firm was acquired by a larger firm and a new management team installed initially everyone was promised that things would remain the same but with the new management came a new office culture the new management pressured for unpaid overtime for a more american corporate culture with cheering and clapping and so on he considered it extremely cringe and refused to participate his status as a long-standing and knowledgeable employee kept him safe for some time before the new management realized that resistance to the new culture centered around him and started pressuring him to play along when he did not they turned increasingly hostile realizing that he held a lot of soft power in the company having mentored a large percentage of the engineers and resistance to their leadership centering around him they started ordering him to work overtime he answered that he was on time with his projects and that if they had identified an emergency requiring overtime they would have to bring it up with the union to negotiate the overtime and make sure it was an actual emergency the contract with a union said no overtime unless in an emergency they tried to force him to participate in the cheering and clapping by making it mandatory for him to attend and yelling at him to participate and he did but so unenthusiastically that the event turned even more cringe and people started laughing the workday turned more and more hostile and he knew that things would come to a head sooner or later being an experienced engineer and knowing how to document things he already had his ducks in a row then it finally happened they caught him answering an email for his side business on his work laptop brought him in and fired him on the spot for a theft of company resources he said at the conference table and looked the three managers in their eyes one after the other and asked are you sure you want to do this they all said yes are you really sure you want to do this he was escorted to his desk by security to leave his phone his badge and his computer at the desk and then escorted out once out of the building he phoned his union representative who immediately cancelled the firing claiming there was no just cause which meant that it would go to the labor board for arbitration you see the company had an i.t policy that it was okay to use the company laptop for personal business including a side business as long as you were on a break and compliant with it security protocols and the company was aware of and had approved his side business and he was on a break of course he had his declaration of a side business signed by his former manager and the i.t policy available and sent both to the union representative then he called his lawyer and asked him to send the pre-prepared cease and desist on two patents he had patents that were not that significant and nothing he could make any serious money out of since they were mostly for very specific things used by the solutions he designed and used at his employers but still his that he had brought with him into the employment and allowed the employer to use in exchange for a slightly higher pay all duly documented in his contract of course then he went home for some vacation and tending his side business he was always a man to prepare and had enough money saved up to last him a good time to the extent that he considered retiring entirely my friend said he had two job offers from competitors that had looked to snipe him for some time within the week basically as soon as they learned he was available he was gracious but declined but offered them to consult with his side business now that he had the time which they eagerly accepted at twice the hourly rate that he made at his earlier employers his colleagues started ringing the day after for advice since the projects he had managed could not go on without him he was perfectly polite but denied any information and help saying he had left everything he had with management and to contact them as he was no longer employed there several clients that phoned his private number were told the same thing since his private number was not on a public registry he suspected that both colleagues and clients spent some time and or money to find it it took two weeks before a manager phoned him and asked things he politely declined to answer got yelled at and replied with something like i'm sorry you must have mistaken me for someone who works for you and hung up this happened a few times and the next week hr phoned him and stated the firing had been a mistake and he was welcomed back to his job he again politely declined saying that he awaited the labor board's decision but until then he was happy to consult for them at six times his hourly pay after taxes and administrative costs of course after a few days of wrangling and trying to negotiate they had to accept and then he sprung the patent issues on them forcing them to pay for those too less than two and a half weeks after being fired he was back at his desk after roughly three months the firing came to the labor board the employer stated that they believed they had handled the issue correctly but were still willing to offer my friend's father his position back in the interest of goodwill and a reconciliation my friend's father and the union simply stated that he was now employed elsewhere his own company and no longer available the labor board ruled in his and the union's favor and he got the normal damages three months pay damage and 24 months pay severance package including pension and of course the lawyer costs of the union paid by the employer according to my friend her father continued to work there until he retired working 20 hours or so per week and 10 to 15 hours for other companies making a pretty penny continuing to charge them three times what he charged their competitors as a jerk tax the managers were not fired but they were moved into their own group apart from the rest of the department when it came to bonus calculations and the costs of her father's consultancy fees and the costs of the labor board arbitration were budgeted there meaning they were constantly over budget and thus ineligible for bonuses for several years which was a decent percentage of the incentives at that company making at least one of them quit my friend also said her father usually met any management complaints with a big crap-eating grin and what are you gonna do fire me after that cute baby turtle said to come watch this video next because you're gonna love it and please support our channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make a video for you head over to our fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 43,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: KKDmn9KWxhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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