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what is going on everyone welcome back to my channel today we're looking at some more entitled parent stories let's get into them entitled mother throw shells of food to the floor because I didn't break a rule for her and now her baby will starve so as stated in my past few posts here I work at Tesco which is a supermarket in the UK and it's in a pretty bad area if I'm being honest I'd never live there and thanks to Christmas picking away at people's pockets a lot of people have started attending the reduction shelves a lot more than normal so my job has been pretty hectic as of late normally it's the occasional pushy customer who barges past me to get something off the shelf and I don't mind that too much it's to be somewhat expected to be honest but today something happened that actually made my blood boil it all started after I was just finishing off the first reduction of the day there are three normally and today I was working late so I ended up doing all three when I saw an arm reach over my head and grab a leg of lamb off the bottom shelf I then heard a loud sigh followed by an excuse me I turn around to me eyes with the woman late forties with typical caring haircuts holding her hand is a young girl who looks around six or seven years old so I say yes can I help you the lamb is only one pound 45p cheaper than normal you need to make it cheaper because I want to buy lots of them and freeze them all my little girl loves her lamb don't you sweetie so I know there were around 15 lamb legs on the Shelf left over from Christmas the little girl nods I smile and respond with unfortunately that's as low as it will go for now I won't be doing the next review until around two o'clock she does one of those weird fake smiles and asks and how much will it be then I tell her I didn't know as the price normally varies from between thirty to fifty five percent off depending on how many have been sold since the first reduction she then smiles again and says well I don't think that'll be cheap enough either can you do any better I then explain it at around six o'clock we will do our final reduction and anything that's left gets around 75% knocked off and this seems to please the entitled mum and as she was walking away she shouts back to me so if you saved me about five of those lamb legs I'll be back at around 7 o'clock sorry mom but I'm not allowed to save stock for anyone it's first-come first-served that's the rules I shout back the entitled mum laughs and repeats the fact that she'll be back at 7:00 and then walks with her daughter around the corner so I continue with my work I was about halfway done with the final reduction of the day and by this point it's around 6:45 and all of the mention lamb legs are already gone they were picked up the shelves almost instantly and this is when I see the entitled mum coming down the aisle towards me basically dragging her poor daughter behind her and I can already see the fire in her eyes where is all the lamb I told you to save me some I take a step back and try to explain I'm sorry mom but like I said earlier we aren't allowed to no I don't hear your excuses we needed that loud for our meals we don't have a lot of money after Christmas and that was going to feed my baby now she's going to stop I was almost certain at the entire took mum was exaggerating but to try and calm the situation down I offered her some of the other food I had introduced yet at a slightly better rate the entitled mum then look through the trays that the rest of the food was stacked in I like to take it off the shelves and keep it next to me so I know what I have and haven't done yet but when she had finished she started screaming again we don't want any of this trash we want our lamb guess I'm off the shelf and give it to me now you have to or we will starve I really am sorry but I'm not allowed I cut myself off when I saw the entitled mama put her hands on the stack of trays of food that I was stood next to and she pushed them onto the ground the food went everywhere yogurts meat milk pasta dips all over the floor me and the other customers some of they even went on her own daughter at this point I'm furious and I want to scream at the entitled man I want to throw the food back in her face and shove her to the ground a few members of staff including my manager have now run over and I'm making sure everyone is okay the entitled mama then begins to walk away without even checking to see if her own daughter was okay my manager followed after her and left me any other stars to clean the mess I ended up staying around 45 minutes late to clean up the floor and myself around a hundred and fifty pounds of food had to go to waste tonight all because I didn't break a rule for someone oh man imagine getting so worked up and ruining so many people's days just because something is a little bit more expensive than you'd like to have paid for it like literally I don't know if you guys have reduced things in America or across the globe but in England they go down by about 50 P literally half a dollar that sort of money is not gonna make the difference between starving and not like come on I really hope this inside to a mum face some consequences because you can't get away with that ruining a hundred and fifty pounds worth of food what the heck moving on to our second story Karen decides to wreak havoc to me and my family for months she gets arrested so some backstory I live in a suburban area I am no means rich but I'm a best lower-middle-class and I've been living in the house I'm in for almost 11 years now we were lucky we got it off foreclosure back in 2009 when I was a teenager so we finally got to move out the trashy trailer home I grew up in I've seen some neighbors come and go since including one old lady who was the predecessor of the Karen she was mean and seemed to have it out for me sometimes calling the police for noise complaints from the house however I never truly got in trouble since my neighbors always backed me up the most they were scared of was my pit bull but my neighbors know her well she's partially blind and totally deaf but she can still do some tricks because she can read lips she's a smart dog what that's insane she's also naturally very protective of us so while she'll bark it's anyone who comes near us she'll never harm a soul she even got out a few times and just cuddled with some of our old neighbors even though people kept insisting she was aggressive because pit bulls are naturally aggressive and so on and so forth I heard it plenty of times already but she's never going away until she goes from old age around mid-july this year it turns out the old neighbor was completely incapable of fending for herself anymore due to her age and she was put in a retirement home a few miles down from where we live the house was in her kids names but they decided to put it on the market instead it was vacant for several weeks until early mid-august she came of the Karen Q intense piano solo Thunder crackling and wicked witches laughing I don't know how long she was scouting the house for but around early mid-august she officially moved in day 1 she goes around the neighborhood seemed normal until she came to our door instead of greeting us she begins to make demands from us insisting we remove our tree and the plants in our front lawn since they'll blow leaves on my lawn and my lord has to be maintained and you and your plants are going to hurt in the long notes she was literally the streets away from us a total of eight houses apart on the other side of the streets we told her no and that she'll be fine but for the next 10 minutes or so she kept pushing it until finally my stepmother slammed the door on her apparently later on from what I learned she made similar demands to our other neighbors and some demanding that they either move out entirely because they'll scare her son with their appearance and with some threatening to call the cops I still don't get her reasoning behind this but whatever day - I'm off to work around 7:00 in the morning when I begin to unlock the car Karen saw me and ran across to me seemingly fuming you stop right there you have a pitbull in that house I'm confused oh yeah but don't worry she's a total teddy bear she's just no I demand you get rid of that hex porn now pimples are the lapdog of the devil and all they're good for is killing they're super aggressive and I bet that she's been dreaming of biting your head off many times already and as it stands she's a threat to my son and the neighborhood I'm taking a bag but after a few moments I reply mom as I said she's a teddy bear I know you're scared pitbulls have a bad reputation but I swear she's been trained well and she wouldn't hurt a fly I've been living with her all my life and not once did I see her attacker soul I swear you and everyone else is safe that is bull you're lying if you don't care and pound it or put down today I'm calling the freakin cops on you saying you and that devil dog assaulted me who are they gonna believe someone like me or a low-life POS like you I was very much annoyed at this lady so I just got in my car and began to drive off she slammed her fist on the roof of my car several times but eventually I got to work luckily she didn't leave a dent when I came back home around 5:30 that afternoon there were two police cars near my house and Karen's standing there giving me a trash eating grin and giving me the middle finger I got out and the moment I went inside I see my dog sitting on the chair with two policemen sitting on the couch and my mum and stepmom in the living room from what I got my dog was trying to protect my mum and stepmom once the police came in but luckily my stepmom managed to calm my dog down and things were well she even came and licked one of them after talking to them for a while they decided to drop the case then and there but keep an eye out on with my dog and Karen she got off without any trouble I don't think even a warning the next day she does it again and threatens to call the cops on us if we do not get rid of my dog then it came the incident to the incident that nearly ruined my life I was at work in early November and I was through my normal thing out in the shop when she came in and asked for me specifically my boss figured that we knew each other Oh trust me we did and brought me over she wanted me to get a part for her and my first thought was okay but you could have literally asked anyone else but I complied and did it anyway figuring it was going to be only a minute of being near this demon what she wanted was on the top shelf and when I got it she got angry saying why did you touch me and I just looked confused I just said sorry I'm trying to get your things sorry if I bumped into you and got it she looked like she wanted to kill me and walked away a few hours later I'm called in and apparently she filed a sexual harassment claim against me saying I touched her butt and called her dirty names and when I told them to check the cameras to where we were they found out there was no contact whatsoever but the police were there so I asked she's been harassing me in my family for months is there anything I can do they just told me unless you have proof we cannot do anything no proof no charges I was furious when I drove home for the day and decided to talk to a friend of mine who knew law much better than me he recommended to record her in the act and that my state was a one-party consent state so I figured next time she did her trick I'd have her well it turns out I never had to do anything weird I know a few days after Thanksgiving I walked out of my house to go to work and I saw a police car across the street and cowered in the back of the car in handcuffs well I couldn't see exactly but I figure she was and then I saw her son her son looked like he was near death bruises everywhere and cuts across his legs and chests I froze but one of my neighbors let's call him mark brought me back down to earth and told me what happened apparently she started something with him earlier that day and she threatened to kill him and his entire family he called the cops and that was it later on I figured out she was charged with possession of drugs child endangerment / abuse and a few other things like harassment and destruction of property I don't know how long she's going to serve but I don't care I'm just glad she's gone the house is vacant now and it probably will be for a long time I just hope if the house is able to be saved to the next one to move in we'll be left to the butt hole than Karen oh wow okay this sounds like the plot of a Lifetime movie you should try and pitch it to them you need to get John Rik involved in this one Wow can you imagine John wick Ford be entitlements I've said it before I'll say it again it's a shame that Karen's that are this extreme even exists I don't really know what you can do about them they just need to be locked up I'm sorry to you I'm sorry to her kind dog and I'm just sorry to her son man child endangerment and abuse that is just no joke that is just horrible anyway guys that is gonna do it for this episode of our slash entitled parents I really hope you have enjoyed it if you have don't forget to like the video comment your opinions on the stories down below and subscribe for daily videos on my channel if you want more content straight away make sure to click the video on screen right now it's a good one trust me with that all being said I will see you guys tomorrow with two brand new videos on the channel
Channel: Redditor
Views: 293,351
Rating: 4.941678 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, entitled parents video, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, reddit top posts, funny reddit posts, reddit cringe, r/entitled parents stories, entitledparents posts, entitled parents fail, funny reddit storytime, reddit storytime
Id: Y-gsJuyH720
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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