Renting a Thor Vegas 24.1 // Preparing to go full time RVing

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all right so it is the next morning and that's a good beginning Mary Jody I told you last night it was an armadillo and you tried to tell me it was a possum [Music] hi everybody this week on Jodi's journey I wanted to take you along as I rent an RV for my spring break as you know I want to retire in August and I'm gonna get an RV and so I've pretty much decided on a Thor Vanegas axis I wanted 25.5 but this is a 24-point one was the closest one I could fight or rent I got it through RV share if you're interested in that so I'm in Missouri I rented it out of Oklahoma City and so we're headed just for a few days we're gonna be in houma Lake Eufaula then we're gonna go to Table Rock State Park and see my brother and show him off I wanted him to see this Eureka Springs and who knows part of the joy is just kind of stopping along the way I picked it up on Saturday and I don't have to take it back to the next Saturday and so I thought I'd maybe start off this video by showing you around the RV a little one of the first things I want to show you though might as well my sister is videotaping this for me and one of the first things I want to show you though is where there's a shade that comes down and because of the lighting in here I think I'll start off by showing you that one of the neat things about this is the big windows but at night time what you can do is there's a little thing called a night shoe that you can lower and honestly my sister and I've just been using the Night Shade we don't even put the side wing shades up because usually there's nothing there shoes well you know what in the campsites we've in it but this isn't really nice just blocks off that Sun so you don't see it so bad when you're sitting in here or somebody can't see you when they walk by so what I'd like to do now is to show you some of the features up here in the cockpit and then we'll walk around and we'll show you the kitchen and the bedroom and the bathroom and things like that what I love again about sitting up here is I like on the thoraxis Vegas is like a Class A so you set up you have these chairs that rotate those kind of things but it's short or narrow like a Class C one of the reasons I fell in love with the Thor Vegas axis is this right here you can move your chairs around like this and there's a little table that comes up here and we can sit and this is perfect size for my sister night and have lunch or something like that so really here a few times plus we just like it up to have our drinks and stuff another thing that's kind of nice is over here on this side for my sister suits copilot is there's a little work table that flips out get to it here kinda short-armed but you can clip this out so if you wanted to work on a computer or something here and you're like one person could be working on this table one here if you didn't want to put the table up you can have this table here so I really like that and there's USB and plug this and stuff up here for that alright so now I'm gonna turn you around and we're gonna take a look at the living room and the kitchen area then over here we have the sofa and it's on a slide out it's covered because me yeah my dog stays here there's also on the floor here you can see a couple places so you could put a table here we never use that table we just find that the little one up front is fine so I probably put it out I'm a rug over that lots of storage up here right now we have that's some of his stuff the guy that I rented it from but we have our food up here stored up here sort of my food and my sister's food because we both kind of just are snacker like small things for lunch and stuff we we buy some stuff that we make together but comes around there's a mirror which is okay I guess I would probably put a picture there or something that's my phone then over here in the kitchen we have the sink and that has this little pop-up thing which we used a couple times but the sink and then if there's some storage we've been using this for our dishes and paint pots and pans and stuff like that down here we have more storage in the 25.5 there's no middle shelf and maybe later to 24-point ones I don't know there's no middle shelf so you can put your trash can in here right now the trash can is behind the driver's seat but just some nice stories and they catch really good so they don't pop out you know when you're going down the road and stuff like that we have a three burner stove as you can see with that automatic layer which is nice so that's been nice propane and then we have a microwave convection oven which we've only used the microwave maybe yeah and they might want to search hilly with that mmm in a can so anyway so that's here a couple big nice stores down there for things and I have Mehas food and water down there on the floor later oh and if you turn around you can see if some of you are familiar with the thoraxis has a drop-down bed which we have not used it's just I don't think it's big enough mattress for anything and then over here on the right is the is the TV which we haven't used yet either we don't have any Wi-Fi at the camp so we just kind of read books and stuff like that so as we go back to the bedroom you can see we also have a nice refrigerator and freezer with our kitchen and so it's not huge but it's really been sufficient for what we need in fact we're starting to learn that we don't need to put everything in there that we can put a few things at a time you know and then we have a nice freezer up here I love my ice and my sister loves our ice so we didn't have any ice cube maker so we just about a bad guys right place for ice cream back here is set of twin beds and my sister's over there on that side and I'm on the other side I like to have the the middle stand on my right we have we have a step stool because I'm too short to get up in those overhead bins or even to get in the bed like my sister and I have to launch ourselves up under the bed at night so if we bought that little step stool it's a little high but it's really helped stick it up on the beds lots of overhead storage in fact we don't really have those full and again my sister's got her stuff over her bed and I've got my stuff over my bed and the back is like my camera bag and my youtube Tyla trees I have more than my sister so and that's my stuff over there and then there's a TV back here as well plus the here which is come in handy especially at night and then between the two beds you can see that there is a take down there that we put our underwear okay I'm gonna have kids gonna back it up and we'll show you the the Wardrobe and then we'll do the bathroom it's very hard to get in this bathroom area okay now I'm going to show you the bathroom and it's a little tight in here to show you so anyway you have to push down on this little thing and this again this is the 2015 the newer models are not like this they have doors that open this way but on the 2015 you push down on this little thing and then you pull it out and it cooks up here on the ceiling and that creates what I do like about the Vegas is is by doing those either George this way or the door like that is then it opens up the bathroom to be much bigger than what it is because one of the problems with the 24.1 is how tiny that the bathroom is a little bitty sink a little bitty the shower is tiny and that but you can see that by opening that up it does make it a lot better I can't see this I'm going to take this and I'm going to show you up here is cabinets and we don't really have anything in there there's some toilet paper and stuff like that and I don't even know if I can back up and off though he over here has the shower and you can just see that it's tiny we have a tub in there so you can kind of get a sense of how small this thing is but it's a tiny tiny shower that's where I think one of the reasons I went to 25.5 is that I mean this is completely sufficient for weekend or week vacation but it's tiny and then here's a sink next to it which is fine so anyway inside of this area is our wardrobe and it's a pretty nice I mean the 25.5 kind of has a double but I have some hanging clothes we have a place for our dirty clothes down there and towels and then down here below is we each have a drawer and right now we just have like our toiletries and stuff like that and our drawers and stuff like that so you can see outside of our four vegas 24.1 as you can see we love the big windows it's just so fun to us we went through the Arkansas countryside it was gorgeous it's got these little wipers are okay they're not the best but we'll come around here to the side and that windows I'm going to come around here we have the big windows here they're both adjustable this one's adjustable on the inside the top ones are just full on the inside this one you can do out here and then these are side view mirrors that there's a thing inside that will let you see if you turn your left single on this one will come on or the right signal the other one will come on it has one slide-out which is the living room which is great that's what we want because if we go boondocking or spending that lot docking one night or something like that we don't want to have to put the beds out or anything like that but it's amazing the amount of space that you get with that little slide out right there so it's really really nice right here our electric we're getting a little spoiled we do like our electric we don't have to have water but we do like our Lincoln so just goes over here and that's stored in this big out outdoor storage here yes Hank if we had TV but we're not big communal TV watchers anyway and then over here just city water connection and an outdoor shower if you wanted that this is just your black tank and some oh your propane under there comes with a hatch I think Caesar was five thousand four seven thousand I can't remember five maybe at seven thousand pound hitch ladder key front up there just have a backup mirror up there you can see on the inside and again it's got some outdoor storage over here nice actually I think the 2421 has some of the best storage common axis the reason I like over the biggest the reason I like on the 25.5 though is because it has more inside space and I'd rather have more inside space as much as outside space and then there's a nice awning which we have not put out because it's been a little too windy and you never want to put that out although it's not too bad right now but so that comes out and there's an outdoor TV which the door isn't working great on that but again we don't watch a lot of cable so we don't need it and it's been a little cool to watch TV outside so it's more storage down the end - door so it's not huge but that's what I like about it it's not too big just the right size there's no door on steps that come down so you don't have to worry about that working parts on your steps I decided to rent biggest 24.1 mostly a trap the driving I'm a little nervous about making sure that I can drive something a little different than a Class C and it drives like a dream it really just drives like a big van so I didn't really have any problem with that although we had quite a bit of wind with it which I've mentioned before many times during this video I mentioned that I was wanting to buy the 25.5 as you can see by this layout that I'm showing you looks pretty identical to the 24.1 except that the bathroom has move to the back and by doing that you you get a much bigger shower as you can see here that twenty four point one I think is like 24 by 27 in addition to a bigger shower you get a double wardrobe also by putting the bathroom in the back you're not splitting off the bedroom in the front and my sister and I found on a few occasions where that was sort of an issue in the sense if somebody was stuck up thread while someone might have been in the bathroom when they wanted to go to the back or something like that so and it's not that much bigger the 24 point one is 25 and a half feet and the 25 point five is 27 feet but otherwise they're the same width the same height than so that's what I like about the thorah Vegas ten access as I mentioned it's just really easy to drive it's smaller feeling than a Class A and yet it's gonna have everything we need unfortunately during this trip I received word that my school had decided responsibly to move its classes online because of the kovin 19 quarantines that were going on and so when as soon as I got back I needed to spend the next week focusing on moving all four of my classes onto an online environment I've taught online before but not for some of these classes so a couple that our computer software classes so that's been a little challenging this week we started our last week I mean this week we started teaching online and it's going fine but anyway so I thought that amidst all of this that you might enjoy taking a look at our trip I will be having some other videos coming out hopefully about soon hopefully about our trip that included like I said Oklahoma and Arkansas and Missouri
Channel: Jody's Journey
Views: 10,881
Rating: 4.952096 out of 5
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Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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