Renovating The UK's Expensive Country Houses | Country House Rescue Season 2 Compilation | Abode

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laughs Kelly house has been in the Kelly Family the 31 Generations but after years of neglect this once magnificent building is and Kelly's are holding on to their Birthright by their finger we can't make it work at them at the moment the only option will be to sell the family has called in businesswoman Ruth Watson to help turn their fortunes around it's her biggest challenge yet this is the worst case I have ever had to help with after more than 900 years of History could this be the end of the line for the Kelly's at Kelly house this building is literally falling down do you feel you've been a servant to the Kelly Family oh yes definitely it's so rotten I can see the sky [Music] foreign house is a grade one listed mansion in the far west of Devon the estate and even the village itself are named after the Kelly Family generations of Kelly's have lived here for nearly 1 000 years the family has fallen on hard times and this proud house once the heart of the community now stands neglected isolated and in a severe State of Decay 67 year old Warren the 31st Squire of Kelly is at his Wit's End the stumbling block to turning it round has been simply a lack of money the advice we were given a long time ago from one of the English Heritage people was you need to win the lottery Warren and his wife Liz live next door in the converted stable block Warren took over the estate in 2007 when his mother died but over the years as the heir and not the owner Warren looked on as the house gradually deteriorated I think we've probably survived by keeping our heads down the estate once owned swathes of Devon Cornwall and Somerset are generations of Warren's ancestors have been forced to sell most of the land to keep the house going all the Farms that would have supported the estate have long been sold off so we're left really with buildings and nothing very much to support them the Kelly's circumstances reached crisis point when they were hit by crippling death duties just after the second world war when two heirs died within a year of each other my father inherited two lots of inheritance tax and sort of struggled through the rest of his life trying to sort things out with the recent death of his mother there's now a third tax bill Warren's daughter Sophie and boyfriend Chris have uprooted their lives in Yorkshire and have returned to help save Kelly far from leading a comfortable country lifestyle couple find themselves instead camping out in the main house it's not unusual to find half a ceiling on the floor sometimes as the newcomer Chris realizes that the Kelly's need more than money if they're to survive we need focus and Direction I'll be honest it's gambling really we're gambling with our family home which way do we Gamble and is it actually going to pay off more than ever before the future of the Kelly Family at Kelly house hangs in the balance one can't go on just pouring money in if there's nothing coming out at the other end we're trying to make the best of what is here there must be something something we can do Stitch attempt to preserve this important part of our heritage dead businesswoman Ruth Watson has been called in [Music] feels quite difficult to have got to this stage none of us want to be the last Kelly at Kelly [Music] hello hello good morning you're Warren I am yes welcome to Kelly is as bad as it gets um possibly it's very similar all around well we live with it anyway this is the Victorian entrance so I really ought to take you around and show you how the house was designed to be oh I'd love to because there's obviously a more fabulous view somewhere Warren's seen the sad decline of Kelly house and well remembers the time when this granddam was loved and lived in and this really is the angle this part of the house was designed to be seen from why have we sort of part painted well we're in the process of slowly painting it um we're doing it ourselves at the moment how long has this bit taken to do uh we started about 18 months ago and eventually we shall work our way around that's the interest nothing not the Millennium I hope not but probably two or three years has been a Kelly living on this site for over 900 years and its remarkable history is something that Warren is very proud of from here we went through into the main staircase area Okay so with your lovely even Nation window yes and the stars on the ceiling too very decorative a little putty in the corner this horrible vertical crack going down well it's been there for years dad seeing how fine it should be and how suppose I've lived with it so long and I just feel it's an old house you don't see it anymore no we don't I don't think we see it I'm not all that worried in a way I'm like a house which has sort of shows that it's been around for a long time and has history it doesn't fall down foreign s lived at Kelly for most of his life and has witnessed the generations of gradual decline and this is the bullseye window that's beneath the pediment that's right so we're right in the center of the house here when Warren was young this now derelict part of the servant's quarters was his playroom well I think largely through lack of money that the place has deteriorated and of course you know there are less people around in the house and that's what you know we need to tackle again Warren's daughter Sophie is desperate to see Kelly kept in the family returning to live in the main house has given her an insight into the true State of Decay we've had a rather bad attack of dry rot because the prevailing wind comes and this gets most of the weather it's sort of the water seeped through and attacked the woods and then you get the eventual dry rot which unfortunately you don't notice until the worst of the damage is done to feel your fire fighting all the time rather or dry Rock fighting maybe very much so yeah there's always the worry if you open the door is the ceiling's still up with such a long and illustrious history Ruth wants to find out from the family why they're in such trouble today [Music] now I don't want to be ruined but you've had 900 years to get this right here I mean not you personally but the Kents have had 900 years if we sort of just even go back 25 30 years do you think any progress has really been made on right and mending not a huge amount of progress no we're a family in Decline but we're still here if we can find a way out of that then all well and good I mean Elizabeth you must be a fairly sanguine kind of person and absolutely the reverse of me because I would have been nagging like crazy for 30 how many years 43 I think it just falls on deaf ears all right okay okay an attempt is being made to paint the house is there any reason why we can't get a lattice or a bit of scaffolding and actually just finished that job you can see the level you can get to with ladders above that's unfortunately um it is rather dangerous but scaffolding again there's a cost involved in getting scaffolding set up with no funds available at the house in such disrepair Kelly house finds itself again in crisis Sophie have you thought about this um team building events and things like that and um then sort of work away sort of weddings and stuff like that it's kind of variety thinks gonna be married here that's why we were doing the outside you'd have to be a Kelly right if the Kelly is at a standard chance of saving their ancestral home they'll need to raise their game or face selling it I'm not sure whether Warren really realizes the desperate Straits he's in will the Kelly's be able to meet Ruth's exacting standards it's just partly finished or should I say partly started foreign family was given this land in Devon at the time of the Norman Conquest and they've lived here ever since but despite its long history 31 Generations later the future of the Kelly Family hangs in the balance [Music] the present House was built in 1742 and formed the centerpiece of a farming estate with land in Three Counties it's a fine example of a Georgian Country Manor with a Venetian window characteristic 18th century moldings and an impressive 19th century book collection the Georgian house was attached to an earlier Tudor building that Incorporated a medieval Hall but after years of neglect many of the estate buildings [Music] at the heart of the village Kelly house used to employ most of the community but today it's seen as a forbidding place it's always been a bit of a mystery really Kelly house as to what's behind the gate and what's inside the door this always seems to be the sort of place that you you go past rather than want to go in all I knew was it was a fantastic building that looked like it was falling down around everybody's ears desperate to maintain the family's Heritage Ruth Watson's been called in to help if we can't make it work at the moment the only option will be to sell if that happened um we would certainly move a long way away and I don't think we'd ever come back no just wouldn't want to Warren's the 31st Squire of Kelly a semi-retired architect when he's not carrying out essential house repairs he's enjoying his various Hobbies he and wife Liz don't live in the main house but in the stable block which Warren converted into a flat soon after they were married [Music] this is an extraordinary building and the first thing I think is how cold must this be in the winter you've got no insulation well I don't mean was is once the temperature exterior temperature goes below 45 it starts getting very cold and you start putting more wood on and trying to catch up with it but it's hopeless when the couple first moved in there was no glass in the windows Warren planned to glaze them himself but never got round to it the windows were a mistake I've rather stupidly thought well as a compromise we could have these plate pieces of plate glass cut out and hinged in just a cover for the time being that was in 1974 he still hasn't done the windows the bottoms yes they were all earth right I said I've got two children I can't have that I'm and I hauled all the cement up and put cemented these windows yourself yes who let me do this you've been a sort of servant to the Kelly Family oh yes definitely General factosum but anyway that is a wife and a mother and what else right you know we are a very nice person I don't normally do this thank you a little bit of them here on a martyr oh dear I don't like to be forward to that but yes what needs to be done try and do it to the best of your ability okay I'm sorry I'm feeling a bit careful about this I'm just going to leave not many women would put up with what Liz has been through I only hope that her future involves not just windows that open but somebody else to do the building work for her daughter Sophie and boyfriend Chris have moved back to help save the house they hope to start up small businesses Chris selling bespoke picnic blankets and Sophie making homemade chocolates currently camping in the main house the couple want to move into a flat in the derelict Tudor wing once they've renovated it this is hopefully the part we're going to live in um the ceiling is down at the moment because it was bowing quite dramatically and we decided to take it down before it fell down what needs doing is the electrics that's already on the way a kitchen we have a good quote from a reputable companies come by by wear recommendation we're going to have to do a lot of work on it and we're going to do the work we're going to get it into into a state where there's going to be a bed roughly where you're at Chris I have to say that you're the only person and I'm sorry about this Sophie but who actually I believe might get on and do something here there does seem to be a real Kelly thing going on about just I I don't it's just not it's not even just in action it's a kind of almost a denial of what's Happening do you do you feel that I think my dad's very good at it and it sort of comes through my dad has a lot of hobbies he's built himself a canoe he's learned how to do stained glass and he's built a classic car he's built a classic car and he's let his house rocked yes I think it's very much the possibly spend enough time on the house to be able to make a positive impact now we're here hopefully it can change having met Sophie and Chris Ruth sets off to explore the extent of Decay for herself beneath the Tudor flat at the rear of the house she discovers an Elizabethan kitchen with original paneling the fireplace over here would have been the place where they originally did the cooking for the house but in it is a lot of residue from the Jack doors building their nests and I have to say they look to have been a lot more industrious than the Kelly Family [Music] one of the latest additions to the house is a Victorian Annex which has another self-contained apartment that Warren started refurbishing this area could be let out whether it's for a long-term tenancy or whether it's for Holiday let's this is a space that could be earning some money and at the moment it's just partly finished or should I say partly started with not one but two rentable Flats on site it's clear that there is potential to bring in a healthy Revenue stream at Kelly back in the main house Ruth discovers that every shower of rain threatens another Fallen ceiling or outbreak of dry rot oh dear lord it's so rotten I can see the sky through the first floor up to the second floor and all the way out so what do you do you cut in front of it Ruth's worried that the Kelly's are way out of their depth she wants to know exactly how close to collapse the house is and has asked local English Heritage official Francis Kelly to visit Francis Kelly are you related to the family no connection at all no no that's stories my goodness this my goodness you have an at-risk register don't you we do and has Kelly reached that register Kelly's been on that register since it began so here we are Kelly house so the condition is poor and their priority is C but it was bracketed a it means that to slow Decay with no solution agreed previously it was rapid decay that's Kelly house itself but I do notice that the table block which is where the Kelly's live is a a so it's been at Great risk and it continues to be a great regrettably yes it's not in good condition the real issue is that they've got a house in very serious State of Decay and stable Block in even worse State of Decay it's these are Heritage assets of immense value to the nation we've brought to try and help the family to do something or we've got to try and help the house I mean English Heritage is really our remit is to bat for the building really rather than the family without [Music] urgent action the future at Kelly house looks extremely bleak I'm not sure whether Warren really realizes the desperate Straits he's in so I'm going off to a house called Woodchester where they have a number of very particular problems which they're dealing with in an Innovative way I think this could be somewhere that he really could learn from Woodchester mansion in gloucestershire is a country house with a difference Ruth's here to meet Stephen Davies it's chairman nice to meet you come on inside two what extraordinary building when the trust was founded it had a very far-sighted and Visionary idea which was to make the Mansion available to students to train on and it was the only building in the country where student Masons could come out of their classroom and come down here and actually fix stone learn to cut it and learn to fix it on the building and you've got plenty of stone for them to play with we're not going to finish I don't think they're going to run out are they construction of the Mansion started in the mid-19th century but was never completed today apprentices get to practice their skills here on a real building while the house benefits from their work and it brings in tourists too how many visitors do you currently get a year we get between five and six thousand what kind of Revenue are they producing they're bringing us over thirty thousand pounds a year well that's not to be sneezed we don't sneeze at it although in this house we snooze at quite a lot of things [Music] the severity of the Kelly's predicament is evident having done her research Ruth heads back to Devon to present her findings to the family hello [Music] I have to tell you that this is um probably the worst case I have ever had to help with I don't know why that gives you a sense of Pride or a foreboding but anyway this is this is difficult it's quite obvious that money is the problem um I think also that really has been a lack of focus as well about how to go about doing this and I don't hold you totally to blame Warren for this I think this has been going on for probably 100 years or so it can't be left to just be talked about and to be sort of darned and patched so what we've been doing really isn't it well it is yes but the most critical problem Kelly house is on the brink of collapse having seen the scheme at Woodchester she wants Warren to focus on a major restoration program to be undertaken by supervised apprentices I know of at least two or three organizations all of which have courses and schemes whereby people who are wanting to train in all the crafts and arts that are particular to period houses have to come and work on live buildings and the obvious thing is that Chris stays behind also to learn some of these skills because you can be both laborer because there will always be some neighboring work with quad but also you can learn how to do some of these skills because they will be there and The Marvelous thing about that is that first of all you get the work done but it gets done to the kind of standard that Warren really likes and approves of and that way I think you actually could end up not having to go to bed at night worrying about which part of the house is going to fall on you next yes that would be a relief Ruth is also Keen for the isolated estate to renew its historic links with the village she wants the family to organize an event before the years out that will relaunch Kelly house and connect them with the locals once again I would suggest definitely opening the house for certain days of the week one gets people involved in the project I also think that you need to involve the village in a way that actually you're inviting them to come and help you need to investigate what labor is out there what craft skills are out there that might actually just be prepared to come into a couple of hours every week but getting apprentices in and enlisting local volunteers is only the start saving Kelly house will need a regular income [Music] what I really think needs to happen first and foremost is to complete the work that's been started on the annex and the flat above the tutu kitchen instead of just starting it doing a bit here in a bit there it's really got to be finished because that's income and you need income Sophie and Chris plan to move into one of the apartments on site but Ruth thinks this is a luxury they can ill afford coming to the flat I don't want to disappoint you but I really don't think that you two should take up occupation there that is the source of Revenue and I think what you should be doing even if it's just for the next one two three years is actually camping in this house I've got to be a speaker on a personal level here I'm I'm not very happy about not being able to live in the flat it might be a selfish thing but at the moment Sophie and I feel like we are camping it's not just camping in our own home we're camping in someone else's house I understand that emotionally but this family desperately needs income and Sophie you're not going to want to hear this either but I think in the short term you should go out to full-time employment because I think that's where you can best serve the interests of the family lastly after generations of procrastination Ruth wants to see the family pull together I really would love to see before my next visit outside of the house properly finished painting [Music] Ruth's visit has reignited Warren's enthusiasm for his ancestral home and just Weeks Later restoration work begins in earnest the prince's foundation for the built environment specializes in teaching fledgling Craftsman historic building methods because of the the importance of the house and the importance of every piece of the fabric within it we've got to conserve and save everything we can nice and gently and just work it in that's lovely the apprentices will work throughout the summer it's the first step on Kelly's road to Restoration but will the family follow Ruth's advice and finish what they've started paint Works rubbish the floor hasn't been done and will Ruth's compromise prove too much for Chris it all seems at the moment like someone else is going to be reaping the benefits and I'm not particularly happy [Music] there's been a Kelly at Kelly house in Devon for nearly 1 000 years but this historic lineage could soon end as after years of neglect this fine country Mansion is on the verge of collapse with no money to pay for Vital repairs drastic action is required Ruth Watson's been called in to help realizing the gravity of the situation she's given the family a wake-up call Liz Kelly thinks it's just what they need we're just sort of dragging our feet what should we do what should we do and I think it's given us a shot in the arm if you like or a kick up the butt got us moving with little Revenue coming in Warren has seen the house deteriorate over the years but Ruth's come up with a no-cost solution that will Herald the start of restoration a team of apprentices from the prince's foundation for the built environment has begun a regeneration program at Kelly and they've made a start repairing precious 18th century walls about ready to get this Stone back in there if we slide it in that's good backfill it with as much of the earth and water as we can as well as learning their craft the apprentices are also creating a Living Museum of historic building methods tutor Henry Rumble is delighted that his pupils get the chance to hone their skills on such a significant building the greatest thing for me about the house is that for this three weeks the house has come alive we've had these 10 or people working here and it's become livable and and enjoyable and and so it just shows by by bringing Crafts People into the house and doing this work that is regenerating the house [Music] buoyed by the progress Warren Kelly's called in a group of building surveillance students from Plymouth University to do some of the heavy work they make a start clearing years of neglect in The Tudor kitchen I think it's quite nice for the Kellys because we get really excited about things like beetles and it's probably not very nice for them but we really like sing Beatles and rot and so hopefully it makes them feel a little bit better but if Kelly house is to survive it urgently needs a regular income it's on the estate Ruth wants to see both refurbished and let boyfriend Chris and daughter Sophie were hoping to live in one of the properties Chris is far from Overjoyed in the prospect of having to give it up well it wasn't entirely happy days for me because I did want to be moving in here we're doing all the work on it at the moment and getting everything sorted out to be able to move in we just spent thousands of Sophie's savings on the electricians um and another a couple of thousand more on the um kitchen which is going to go in here eventually and uh it all seems at the moment like someone else is going to be reaping the benefits and I'm not particularly happy with that without an urgent cash injection Kelly house is doomed spider's disappointment Chris realizes that at least in the short term compromise is necessary local holiday letting agent Adam Polk has been called in to assess the Tudor flat located in the heart of Kelly's historic estate Sophie and Chris hope this will get them a premium this is going to be the kitchen area straight dining room expected yes real estate is two bedroom sleeps sleeps four to eight depending on whether they want sort of um additional sleeping in the uh in other rooms so really it's for this room I think is getting close to completion I'll have a look random we can have a child or chick that sounds good fantastic okay [Music] but Chris and Sophie are only part way through their refurbishment I mean our clients now are looking for really a minimum of what they've got at home nowadays um if not looking to pass that really and so yes uh where we are now there's still a long way to go [Music] without obviously seeing an end product but I would look potentially in the region of about 600 pounds that we would advertise the property at now obviously charging that sort of money our clients are going to be expecting a certain finish you know you haven't got a ceiling in the other room so it's quite difficult to tell us yet but we'd be there or thereabouts but you know the selling points obviously the history and so on are going to help to balance that out for you the valuation comes as a big disappointment I'm not happy with the price um I think he's wrong I'll be honest 600 pound a week is less than 100 pound a night for four people this isn't a Travel Lodge and it will never be a travel logic you know we want to this is this is a four-star accommodation five-star accommodation that's what already aiming for it's three months since Ruth's last visit with only four weeks until the Kelly house relaunch she's back in Devon to check on progress the prize to discover that change way of choice there are people working on the stonework and that is really good news because they look like they know what they're doing foreign is being made as work takes place all over the estate Chris has been busy learning new skills with the apprentices hello hello hi you're getting the master class well we can see we've prepared the background guys here we've uh we've got a fairly good key on this wall unless we want to see it all running down all right it's all running down the jumper already which way am I going to run this then I'll take it on that side on that that blade like so yeah and then in and upwards yep push it on hard and then just wipe it on yeah oh that's beautiful now take it off and that's fine that's it that's okay I'm just trying to force it in there because it seems to be coming back out again well it's a technique that uh it isn't easy to understand and to to use it is quite tricky isn't it it is it's trickier than I expected but Kelly house needs to earn its keep the suggested the family renovate and rent out two Flats [Music] again how are you work because you have to start on the Victorian Annex but Chris and Sophie have been making some progress on the tube of that they want to live in it but Ruth's hoping they've changed their mind how do you feel about the notion of camping in the house rather than occupying this flat I'm not sold on it per se I don't really want to be in there but as a means to an end in terms of getting this place rented out definitely good for you because you've moved your position and because you've been very honest about this initially this was the dream to live here I suggested the house you were very anti that so I have to give you four marks because you know it's nice that you realize that compromises have to be made in order to get where you want to be yes at the end the price that we were given by the estate agent was roughly 600 pounds a week for a weekly uh and that was with two bedrooms yes yes we're still looking at two and a half thousand pounds a month or so which is income you currently don't have ruse pleased to hear about their change of heart but like the letting agent she's concerned that the flat is far from finished I don't want to pour water on your endeavors because I I'm really impressed that you've come on so far I think you're quite away from a stage of letting this out because I do think that anybody whether it's long-term rental or a holiday rental do require Finishing Touches as well as working on the flat Sophie has been busy looking for full-time employment Sophie what about you in the job I did suggest that perhaps you went out and got paid employment yeah I've I found a few jobs that I would like to have but I've applied for about 10 so far and nothing's come back but a couple of them have still got their deadlines Ruth's becoming increasingly anxious not only are the flats unfinished Sophie still hasn't got a job and any thought of Revenue coming in is a long way off Ruth wants to find out what Warren's been up to looking at Fabrics really for possible use in the Annex in the first floor room right you don't think that's a bit the cut before the horse I mean these kind of papers go for about eight pounds for a roll retail yes you're looking at probably 20 30 bottles I mean it's it's not like doing the downstairs loo no have you got enough money amongst the family members to get the flat done and then next time we're going to struggle I think yes it's the answer Kelly house desperately needs an income and Ruth's afraid that Warren's got his priorities wrong I really would like to see that flat done because as long as that's done then you've got some Revenue coming in and I think that is really really important that's what I'm looking to see from you and from the whole family I'm looking to see that flat done perturbed by the lack of progress roof departs worried that the procrastination that has reigned here for Generations is set to continue the Kellys still seem to be pottering around too much there is no overall plan no structure no feeling that they're working as a cohesive unit to get this work done in a structured fashion so really as I leave I actually feel a combination of frustration and disappointment over the next month Kelly house undergoes something of a sea change the apprentices of restored crucial Timber and masonry while the student surveyors have brought a new lease of life to the once abandoned Elizabethan kitchen Sophie and Chris continue renovating the Tudor flat and Warren almost finishes painting the front of the house Kelly house might be slowly emerging from its Slumber but Ruth wants to see the estate reconnect with the local community the family has organized a relaunch to showcase the recent renovation program and attract much needed helpers invitations have been sent out and with a lot riding on today Ruth Watson's back to oversea proceedings foreign party at Kelly and I don't know how it's going to go I have no idea I have no idea where they've done anything at all actually um it all looks the same I can only hope the Kellys are launching their work in progress Museum putting it together until today hello I thought I'd find you in here how are you we're fine thank you this is some parts of this part of the museum work in progress Museum so we're just assembling items for people to look at these ones just putting up of the joints right because we've had the students from The Princess Foundation here doing a lot of work so we've got quite a lot of examples to show people of all the horrible problems we've found and I don't be picky when I've only just arrived but there isn't a lot here and I know you have got enormous amounts so we've got more to bring into the room for today for today why is it being taken to the last minute before the last minute is because it's only just been finishing so we've been taking photographs this morning what time are you expecting people to come and what are you going to be giving us three o'clock we're sort of doing tea and Cake yeah and um the probably the dining room and then have this on display and we're going to project the website onto it in the Next Room to bring in Revenue the Kelly's urgently need to let two dormant apartments on the estate Chris and Sophie have been redecorating the Tudor flat but Ruth discovers that it's still nowhere near finished now you see this is where I have a big problem because I was told on my last visit the flat was nearly ready and they only had to do a bit in the bathroom I don't know what they think they've got to do but it's an enormous amount the finishes are so poor the bath is stained it needs re-enammling the paint Works rubbish the floor hasn't been done the Basin in the unit problem is it needs a lot more work but above all it needs more professionalism Ruth wants to know from Chris why it's all taking so long I turn the annex are meant to be the first things to be finished and completed in order to get Revenue in in order to have some money coming in to do things yeah there's so much that is still of such poor quality I think that actually what's required is for you to go to a bath store of some description and actually tell them to come in and make a bathroom in there you know it might cost a thousand pounds but it would be done deal finished you did hit the nail on the head it's a thousand pound yeah that's a thousand pound we don't have and in order to get even close to that we need Sophie and I need to actually be working drawing an income so that either we've got the income to put that thousand pounds in as an investment or however that works or we can borrow against the the ability to repay it without a cash injection the flats will remain unfinished but Chris has come up with a timely solution to the problem we've both decided that the best way to move this forward is for us both to be drawing an income what's happening on that front have you been for interviews or have you been looking for jobs what's been happening I have a job waiting for me and that starts fairly soon it starts as soon as I want it to and in fact I started yesterday right good how is Sophie progressing with her job search believe it or not she's been offered a job manufacturing chocolates is this for Sophie to go and work with a chocolate producer chocolate supplier no it's actually a company that produces dairy products locally um and she took them some of her chocolates right and they basically said we want you to work for us manufacturing chocolates but also selling their product alongside her own while I was certainly surprised that Chris announced that he was going to go back to work and Sophie too it's a jolly good thing because really they're not achieving very much here and at least it will bring some money in with the grand relaunch of Kelly house due to begin Warren and Sophie are way behind schedule oh and a sudden storm threatens to turn weeks of planning into a washout [Music] Kelly house in its Heyday used to employ most of Kelly Village but for Generations the Mansion has been in Decline isolated from the community thanks to the help of Ruth Watson this handsome house is undergoing a Revival it is once again opening its doors to the public it's the day of the Kelly launch party and although it's wet and miserable the family is still hoping to draw in the locals in a bid to sign up volunteers but Warren Kelly and his daughter Sophie are running out of time Ruth wants to ensure that the new work in progress Museum due to be unveiled today looks professional um guys can I stop you um these look very good but let's move this right down the middle of the room this here so it's right in the center so people can go around either side of it okay you know I think we need to spread our treasure The Killers have no idea how many people will turn out but Ruth's convinced they need to make better use of the space [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the intentions are really good right I approve of that and applaud it it's the presentation which is just not great oh that leg's a bit dodgy Kessel despite the dreary weather the relaunch of Kelly house has attracted hordes of locals after years of seclusion the doors of Kelly house are once again open to the public the Mansion has been gradually falling into disrepair for years but not all the guests share Ruth's sense of urgency when it comes to Restoration you know behind there you can actually see up through the next floor and up to the ceiling and out you just sort of seal this off and go and live in the Next Room the same culture otherwise you'd have a nervous breakdown wouldn't you so you just sort of resigned to it yes you have to be addictive well no you don't family and friends are hard at work promoting the house and signing up as many volunteers as they can we're going to do tours sort of By Appointment you know for small groups I can't believe they've done it so quickly well experts I mean they're all qualified there will be guided tours which will publicize for you know groups to come Warren's going to do his short speech in a little while just outlining what it is that everyone's here this is the visitors book have you signed over to this book despite the rain nearly 200 people turn out the relaunch has proved a huge success the purpose of today's launch really is to display the start of our work in progress Museum and this is really going to record the work that we're doing on the house over the next few years there are sheets around if anyone would like to become a friend of Kelly house and receive our newsletter which is quarterly or indeed become a volunteer and we have plenty of jobs for volunteers thank you all for coming [Applause] [Music] I'm delighted to see inside the house after all these years I think it's absolutely overwhelming it's amazing how many people have turned up to support family and the house and the projects that are undergoing and it's just what the community needed support back for all the support that the Kelly's have given the community brilliant for one man it's a chance to visit the property his father worked on in the 1930s and we've always said it's a shame that a state like this had to go down like you know but you know so it's more or less if it can be rectified and you know yeah five months ago Kelly house was in peril today thanks to the hard work of the family the first steps have been made towards a brighter future so a successful afternoon lots of people yes anybody signing up to be a volunteer give money help do anything useful we've had about I think 15 people thrown up to volunteer and a reasonable more something up to be friends yes so we might be up to about 75 or that'd be good how have you found this whole experience has it been good or bad yes very good absolutely it's it's given us an incentive to get on and do something that's given us the energy as well I do think you have now got the opportunity to do this and really it is going to be down to your energy and drive yeah it is hard work Warren and you come from a long line of people who have idled their way around and now you know it's got to change because that's the only way this house and you within it will survive you can do all of these things it's just a question of whether you will do them [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] this is Heath house an imposing Gothic Victorian Mansion set in a 480 acre estate in Staffordshire John and Flavia are the latest in a long line of the Phillips Family who have lived on this site since the mid 16th century but despite their best efforts they can no longer cope with its demands and have put the estate up for sale there was no other alternative other than to to put it on the market which is what happened it's never been easy for the philipses because they've never had enough money to run it happily but not everyone in the family is in agreement if it goes and everything in the house goes with it you will never ever have anything like that again can businesswoman Ruth Watson help the Philips keep this fine part of our National Heritage in the family and find a role for Heath house in the modern world nobody's recently married an heiress which would help they don't think I can wipe my bottom you've got to stop sitting on the pot and actually start pissing [Music] foreign [Music] house is a grade 2 listed Mansion built in the gothic style in the late 1830s eleven years ago John Phillips retired from the family business and was looking forward to a quiet life but when his mother died in 2002 he and wife Flavia were forced to take on Heath house and all that it entails Heath house represents work in a big way to keep it going you don't stop you just do not stop the elderly couple divide their time between the comfortable family home in Worcestershire and Heath house 75 miles away we don't live here full time because in the winter it is extremely expensive to have the heating on but with just one housekeeper and one gardener on site most of the work tending the 480 acre estate with its 22 Lawns and countless rooms Falls to John and Flavia really by your 70s you think well let the Next Generation take over [Music] bachelor's Sons 40 year old Justin has no desire to take on the house but Ben 42 is Keen to inherit for very good reason John is not convinced this is such a good idea everything that the family has had has been spent in large measure on this house and keeping it going with this in mind John and Flavia believe their only option is to sell up it's a decision Ben thinks his parents will live to regret it is such a an emotional wrench for my parents for all sorts of reasons that it's very difficult for people to just calm down and think clearly about this thing pensions advisor Ben lives in London where he lodges with his aunt Anthea she knows the commitment that her sister Flavia has made to Heath house Flavia didn't want this house in the first place that was her wedding vows to John I will marry you as long as I did have anything to do with this house it cost seventy thousand pounds a year to run the estate and John and Flavia are fearful of allowing their eldest son to take on such a burden Benjamin is how would we describe Benjamin a cerebral he's cerebral not practical he could have good organizational abilities not Benjamin he could have struggling to keep the ancestral home going the Philips had no alternative but to put the house up for sale for three and a half million pounds it's increasingly difficult to balance the books there is no Capital left but two years later it remains unsold and the family is in real trouble after 14 Generations is this the end of the Philips Dynasty at Heath house we have run out of ideas we are lumbered with if you'd like a glorified white elephant businesswoman Ruth Watson has turned around the fortunes of numerous country houses with her straight talking no-nonsense approach who does have no idea what to do so if Ruth can produce some really workable ideas well fine let's hear them today Ruth is in Staffordshire to meet John and Flavia over the next few days she'll try and come up with a plan to make the estate pay for itself foreign Bell not working come in and Shout okay hello everything about this house is so imposing this hallway I mean is totally magnificent this was built to really show things off [Music] oh hello hello you must be safe here nice to meet you very good to meet you too hello hello yes hi how'd you do how'd you do well you do live in a stunk and great pile here don't you yes it's quite big how many bedrooms two levels I'm sorry I don't know I think that says it all there are miles of corridors but I honestly don't know well you're in a position now where you think you may have to sell the house was that forced by anything particularly well we're not getting any younger and John do you feel sad about it I feel very very sad and the 40th generation to live on this part of North Staffordshire and the fifth generation to own this house so it's a lineage that is not easily forgotten about could we go in The Grand Tour certainly come this way [Music] built between 1836 and 1840 Heath house was designed to impress on every level I'll open the doors now Ruth you can see they were made on a large scale and made extremely very very fine 160 years ago fantastic I but notice that this house has an abundance of furniture why so much I think by Victorian standards this could be nearly minimalist but I agree with you it is quite well furnished our sons are not married so nothing has been handed on ah it hasn't been sequestered by the Next Generation not quite quite well we live in Hope and you don't think your two sons could could carry on not realistically because there is not a salary here before Ruth can draft a plan of action for Heath house she needs to find out the true state of the family finances could we just go through what efforts you've made to produce some Revenue stream I do these weddings we did none in 2008 because we thought the house was going to be sold in the event we had the worst of all worlds we had no revenue from weddings and nor was a household but in 2007 I think we did about 11 weddings it's a bit faulted hard but we do get there to make ends meet the Phillips have also tried to get the 480 acre estate to earn its keep could I just ask how much do you get him from renting out the Farmland about forty thousand but the farmland and the red and the and the let properties and the let properties together yes so about 40 000 pad with annual running cost of 70 000 pounds a year and no wedding income there's a 30 000 pound shortfall did you run your own business successfully did it was it profitable perfectly straightforward we did run out of money at the end which was bad news a very bad news and that was that was uh so you're kind of used to running out of money uh it has been no yes it's a hard way that if you're losing money you've got to do something about it it's very obvious that for decades the Phillips family had been running out of steam this is why they keep coming back to the notion that this house must be sold I think it'd be great shame because for John particularly it does matter to him his ancestry and the fact that the Phillips have lived here for 14 Generations but Ruth is about to discover that all is not as it seems could it all be too late for Heath house somebody has put in an offer so is he seriously considering it Heath house is the ancestral home of the Phillips Family who have lived on this site in North Staffordshire for 14 Generations but with overheads of seventy thousand pounds a year it's become a burden for current owners John and Flavia Phillips and they've put the estate up for sale their fortunes are very different from that of their ancestors who during the Industrial Revolution built the Gothic mansion on the profits of ribbon Manufacturing John Burton Phillips and his wife Joanna demolished their fine Georgian house and in 1836 work started on the splendid mansion that stands here today the local Stone was cut so precisely that no cement was used in its construction the family set off on a grand tour of Europe for the four years it took to build the house returning Laden with Fine Art and furniture for their new home the impressive staircase dominates the grand hall but the crowning glory of the house which Joanna Phillips insisted on is the 80-foot Tower today John and Flavia Phillips rather wish that their ancestors hadn't decided to build such an unmanageable edifice they've called in businesswoman Ruth Watson to help turn the fortunes of Heath house around Ruth wants to find out more about the estate's history from Flavia family archives reveal evidence of the previous more modest residents those are pictures of the old house and this is so pretty isn't it much smaller much more practical by today's standards so do you think if that had not been pulled down and you'd inherited that with John that you might still want to be I think I could have enjoyed it and these are all his house in its Heyday yes John's grandfather on his horse looking pretty sort of statuesque you can see that nobody did anything other than enjoy themselves they sat about and I think it was John's grandmother who did a lot of the photography recent generations of Phillips have struggled to finance Heath house and Flavia is reluctant to pass on this burden you know with the sons your sons is it you really just don't think they've got the metal to do it or the business sense to do it well one doesn't want to see them fall flat on their faces nobody's recently married an heiress which would help of course I mean if they were very gifted or if they'd made a lot of money in the city or something like that but they haven't done that so far in life so you do have reservations John and flavia's eldest son Ben has come up from London especially to see Ruth they meet at the derelict stable block a site that's ripe for development looking at the house from this ankle it's incredibly forbidding I mean one could almost say it's grim yes it's it's got a kind of ghost-like quality from from this angle but did you ever I do remember as a five-year-old looking up and going wow your vision for the stable block what do you think I desperately want to see this place developed yeah would one side of that make a great recording studio for instance I think it could be fabulous as the eldest son Ben is eager to inherit the house but his parents aren't so Keen why do you think that they don't want to just say here you are Ben it's yours that is the million dollar question and I haven't been able to get through to them on that one so if a cell went ahead without you feeling that you tried your best to do something yeah it would make I would feel cheated I'd feel gutted actually what there's never been Ruth has been a long-term strategic plan and we've gone I'm very pleased to hear those words emanating from your mouth because that's entire property needs and what this property doesn't appear to have had for about 100 years exactly with no long-term plan there's little hope that Ben will become the sixth generation to reside at Heath house in its present form could this be the end of the line for the Phillips family right well this is it a big family map which goes all the way back up I love the way it says the Phillips pedigree like your dogs I'm down the bottom here and says my brother that's all blank from here on here so if this was the end yeah Benjamin and Justin how would that make you feel um I think it would it would be sad it would be sad yes um but it is remarkable that all seems to have been a male heir to take it on down so there's another burden progeny as well it's all down to you Ben yeah yeah big shoulders yes to provide an overview of the situation John takes Ruth up the tower like his ancestors he's extremely proud of it [Music] you're getting nearer to heaven with each step that's definitely so Solace gosh that's a way up when you come up here and you survey your property I mean doesn't that kind of give you the spur to carry on with this rather than sell it I think I've inherited like my ancestors and I have liked him to show off and certainly bringing upon's guests up here and I say I earn all that you can see Bow Down and Worship me um and they do and they think it's wonderful um but I think they go down the tower saying to themselves thank God it's not my responsibility yes and and that's the truth of all these houses and that's the whole point is that unfortunately it's always in the hands of one family to maintain something that's actually for the national good anyway this area is um very exalted for the likes of me so I'm going to go down false humility foreign [Music] ground Ruth takes the opportunity to explore the rest of the estate the formal part air and original Georgian orangery are in good repair and could provide a perfect backdrop for weddings [Music] but the abandoned servants quarters at the rear of the house have been neglected for decades foreign [Music] oh damn I'm in just one room of what feels like hundreds in the derelict servant swing we're down to Bear brick on the walls windows are out I mean this is really dangerous stuff because you know this is where the rot starts and the Phillips you know might be living in splendor in the drawing room but up here it's another story in a bid to find solutions to the Philips financial problems Ruth is on her way to Hardwick Hall 45 miles away it was built for Elizabeth Hardwick once one of the wealthiest women in England today it's owned by The National Trust assistant property manager Richard Heap shows Ruth around this is famous for best of Hardwick isn't it that's right best Elizabeth Countess of Shrewsbury built in the late late 1500s and just as a sheer display of her wealth from oh absolutely she has her initials well on the turrets say so she really made sure that everyone knew she found the money yes but today Ruth is more interested in a more modest residence now you've got this decision and it was decided at the time that holiday Cottages would be a good Avenue to go down oh this is really attractive this is um hi Hazel's yes very nicely done how many rooms in here our sleep's 12 actually oh my gosh like Heath house Hardwick Hall is in Prime tourist territory close to the potteries Peak District and birthplace of the Industrial Revolution this part of the country attracts millions of visitors every year it's a market the Phillips could be tapping into here we are in one of the double rooms on the first floor of the house this is obviously quite a large unit what would you say was the optimum size for a number of people around about six to eight I think is probably Optimum and and in High season what kind of rental could you expect um for a sleep six High season around about 1400 pounds fantastic and of course one of the other marvelous things is that you can actually see the big house I mean how much do you think that adds to the reason why people come I think that's a great attraction foreign having done her research Ruth has come up with a portfolio of ideas that could generate a healthy income for Heath house hello but with the property still on the market Ruth must persuade the Philips that keeping the estate in the family is a viable option the first thing I would say to you which I think should take comfort in is that because the house hasn't sold and you've had it on the market for two years or thereabouts that actually gives you a great winter of opportunity are you therefore saying that house should be taken off the market I am saying that it's entirely down to you I know you have doubts about Ben inheriting but you also feel very strongly that you know you are part of the Phillips line your sons are as well and that this house matters to you but actually you're the stumbling block the estate costs 70 000 pounds a year to run but Ruth is convinced that the Philips can achieve this by getting Heath house back in business my solution to the problems are first and foremost that you take in hand the weddings in a way that you haven't done at the moment and really try and get some proper profit out of them I think it could provide jolly good cash flow I think this is something Ben could easily do while he still holds down his position in the city that could produce an income of 50 60 70 80 000 a year if it's done properly after her visit to Hardwick Hall Ruth has also come up with a financial solution that could secure the future of Heath house for generations to come when it comes to a longer term bigger project I think that the stable buildings would make fantastic holiday lets I think you could be looking at a hundred thousand a year cash flow there as well do you think the holiday lets wood do in this area there are enough people around about you that are doing it with large houses and have got successful holiday let's for me to think so yes I mean this has been gone into in some considerable depths already and my estate agents who like have pulled buckets of cold water on the whole concept so because it's going to cost to a hell of a lot and you're not going to derive sufficient income to cover it to cover the expensive can I just finished the cost of turning those tables into let's argument's sake say office accommodation for the moment it has generally been said that it would not cover the cost that it would be but I'm not suggesting office commentation no I know you're not stupid idea because where are you going to get people to come and you know carry out business here I mean it's Madness okay fine uh the other idea that has been floated was to have tree houses up in the back of the woods which couldn't be done this is all kind of nebulous silly little bits and pieces I I think if the bank were to see a proper plan for this house I think you would get some fundings from the bank enough to do the Staples and with a captive audience on site Ruth thinks the Phillips could make more of their historic links with the Industrial Revolution it did occur to me that if you can join with other houses Wedgewood and all the various places around which are only there because of the industry that created them I could see a tour of what made Britain great I mean Americans would love it because they got history lessons I think the amalgam of all those things could provide a very very decent cash flow but before considering any of Ruth's Solutions the Philips need to resolve a crucial dilemma make a go of Heath house or sell Up Normally I ask people to do a certain amount of work before my next visit in your case I think the biggest thing has got to be a decision and I think you have actually perhaps with Justin as well you actually have just got to sit round a table lock yourselves in and work out what you're going to do yes quite fine yes I mean I'm sorry it's not music to your ears John but yeah well I've battled all my life and after a while you you get you lose steam well you just just forgot sake let's that's a piece if I give you no other piece of advice it's that you've got to stop sitting on the pot and actually start pissing not a graphic description fine it was good um it is like having a good internal flush out and and you feel better for it I think it could be tremendously exciting and very liberating and might be the making of me it is an opportunity to have to let Benjamin just start to fly I could be the hero that Heath house needs providing that we don't get a really good offer Weeks Later Ben calls Ruth with a worrying development [Music] two million so is he seriously considering it yelling in his ear it's an offer it's an offer Ruth wants Ben to tackle this head-on and suggests he calls a family meeting is Ben if I say nothing else is don't let John bully you I really think you should be trying to resist it good luck then good luck [Music] next stay Ben and his brother Justin head to their parents home in Worcestershire to decide whether to give Ruth's plan a go or sell Heath house at a vastly reduced price I mean Dad this this particular offer that's on the table at the moment where are we I don't think as yet we know enough to know whether to give any positive answer I don't even say I'm procrastinating but um that is nonetheless the fact to be honest I think that this whole business of keeping on the market just distract us from what we're trying to do which is to create a business it feels we we owe more to the place than just selling it for a song we've we've got to cross the threshold and do do these events because we get frankly to risery offers in from time to time and they are not when they're scrutinized they're they're not worth the paper they're written on then you've got to do plan B yeah but that if you're going into Plan B then you've got to stick at it yeah I suspect we'd achieve more in two years by doing this than we would by totally after this I mean this whole thing is going to take um a long time the days of talking we've had seven years of it and it's got to stop with an offer still on the table the family remains divided Justin and Ben are Keen to keep Heath house and make it commercial but aware of the family's past Financial struggles John and Flavia feel it more prudent to sell I suspect little bit of leading with Beth dripping poison into dad's ear and saying you know it's all going to go belly up well it has to act in concert with one's wife as I'm sure you know I don't truthfully think that selling it would make him happy deep time [Music] with the future of Heath house hanging in the balance it's up to Ben to prove his worth but is he fully equipped for the challenges that lie ahead it's table slaves who's opening the champagne whoa have you ever held a party before is the sort of thing that happens I suppose [Music] Heath house in North Staffordshire has been owned by the Phillips Family for five generations but this historic lineage could soon be over current owners John and Flavia Phillips have been considering an offer on the estate but after weeks of protracted negotiations it falls through it's been almost three months since Ruth Watson's last visit she's convinced the family don't need to sell the estate and can make it commercial Ruth thinks it's time to give sun and air Ben the opportunity to prove himself [Music] hello Flavia how are you good to see you good to see you the joy John is the Phillips are here to greet me not some unknown purchaser with a reprieve on the house Ruth wants to Phillips to consider short-term solutions to their financial problems and has called in entrepreneurs Mark Chichester Clark and Charlie hurt very attractive like they run stately home vacations a Brand New Concept aimed at the high-end tourist Market it's lovely it's absolutely right yeah what I thought we'd do actually probably later on this evening is if the weather holds then we'll have drinks out here on The Terraces stately home vacations have persuaded some of England's finest country houses to open their doors to paying guests each property hand-picked by Mark and Charlie um and obviously the big attraction that is the view lovely views during the summer as well just the sort of thing we're after actually isn't it um and and your bathroom is all sweet through there it's a lucrative business parties of 10 will pay up to 1500 pounds for bed breakfast and dinner with the Gentry tonight Ben is to host an overnight stay and a dinner party for 12. you're going to be comfortable right here okay great it's up to him to prove that he and Heath house are worthy of a place on the stately home vacations books Ruth is Keen for Ben to prove that he can run Heath house successfully but she suspects that Jon still has concerns he's impractical and you do need practicality with his house on the other hand he's much more cerebral than I am unconscious people have said that I've sort of bullied Benjamin you would prefer it if he did stand up to you and it is of course my mother always used to say that I sort of bullied bedroom or something I did I haven't consciously done so well I mean the last thing I wanted to do my only concern is for Benjamin himself but he has always sort of felt that his house would be where he could he could really Blossom you seem to now be willing to have been give this a go I don't think he could live with himself if he didn't give it a go I think that is what it amounts to I think it's really good that you have come round to this it allows both of you to move on because Benjamin can never hold it against you that you didn't give him a go yes absolutely we'll throw a brick I'd like you a lot [Music] with the go ahead from John all eyes are on Ben with tonight's guests due to arrive in a few hours time the pressure is on on hand to help out is stately home vacations Dawn Rudd oh wonderful that's great okay well I'm gonna light the fire now okay [Music] how's it all going hi hello Mark yeah no we're doing well that's good we must think about the plus more where we're all going to sit so we don't burn down the house before dinner the chef is busy in the kitchen as Ben makes the last minute touches in the dining room do you want to go wash your hands I will go and wash my hands I shall start most of the guests have arrived and it's time for drinks on the Terrace but nothing seems to be happening Ruth is worried I'm slightly concerned because um all the guests should have arrived and I don't think they all have yeah um all the other things table slate yeah and wine who's opening the champagne right um uh have you ever held a party before forgive me because I thought I thought Dawn was coordinating it and there's been a lack of communication as to who's doing what right do you think you ought to be asking Dawn who is doing yes absolutely we need to fill those gaps okay all right you could talk the first things we need to do first of all um get get a drink yes I'm running and obviously find out where the guests are Yeah you sort out drinks right the champagne is in the champions in the fridge was orange juice on the side okay well we can put the sort of a few things in motion and hopefully they might turn up right should we go up through here absolutely Ben eventually gets the champagne flowing I am let me top that glass because the tide seems have gone out but two guests are still missing and dinner is due to be served in half an hour so are we still missing people we're still missing two guests we got the champagne lined up in the flutes and everything else yeah I think you need to talk to the Cook right find out how they're doing because there needs to be a point where you actually say these people aren't going to arrive right okay now this is a small decision eventually the missing guests arrive just in time for dinner hello hi Ben Phillips hello this is Dawn hello yeah do come on in today [Music] I hope you all heard that yes dinner is now sir as the guests Savor the atmosphere they get a chance to find out more about the family if you're a singer and its ancestry so my my great grand my grandfather him and my great grades not a very nice person he boards with my sister has done for the last 20 years what was the surname okay so I think I think that was the connection I don't know the whole thing feels lived in and it isn't just a sort of big house it's a real home and I quite agree and um lovely Gardens and the caption is this is why mommy won't let me vacuum horrible obviously this has been an experiment and it's shown up the fact that Ben is a little unskilled at hostly duties but he is very sweet and I think it really shows that Heath house is so well suited to this kind of event people sitting around the table in the dining room eating and drinking and being interested in the history of the house interested in the history of the Phillips family I think judiciously planned this could work Ben has risen to the challenge but what do the guests think about their stately evening house for actually Charming having never met them before and that after all is what makes an evening it's got the most lovely family atmosphere it's all slightly sort of old-fashioned and it's wonderful it's a place lots of people are going to want to come to [Music] the next morning and the guests tuck into breakfast if the Philips hosted just two of these events a month they could increase their annual turnover by 36 000 pounds but has been done enough to impress the experts Mark and Charlie I think Keith house is fantastic I'm really impressed I thought the family of fantastic hosts they made an effort to get to know everybody and that's incredibly important I think Americans would love it we would certainly want to use it Heath house and Ben have made the grade and it's prompted John to make a significant decision that could see Ben permanently take on the estate the house is coming off the market so Benjamin does have a clear run my master positives that things do work out and who knows what even miss right might turn up Benjamin can't really get out of now being in the hot seat with the estate firmly off the market Ben is determined to prove to his parents that he's up for the challenge he aims to employ a company to run events but today he's hosting his first wedding reception the first at Heath house for 18 months the pressure's on Ruth estimates that weddings alone could rake in around 80 000 pounds a year enough to run the whole estate to help out fen's drafted in Aunt Anthea his London landlady whoa hang on to the wall yeah thanks Ben must ensure that the day runs like clockwork but already there are problems with the lighting system I don't know why this one doesn't work it now no you said it did it work previously when I came first came out of the front door it was on when I plugged it in nose died all right we might have to reference your father it's not her something to be undertaken too lightly with it having your own Mark Cube you need a screwdriver yes yeah I think it's good to protest him into the deep end and vulnerable mistakes will he learn I don't mean that too pompously but that's fact right I will go and um I'll go get a new bulb this is the sort of thing that happens I suppose with the lighting sorted the stage is set and Ben is front of house hello I'm Ben hello how do you do hello I'm the Next Generation down so I've met you before Oh I think we may have done actually yes oh wonderful oh how your wife looks fantastic yeah very nice to meet you I'm Benjamin I'm yeah you're in charge of the family yeah bride and groom Haley and Matt lived locally and were thrilled to discover that Heath house was back on the market as a wedding venue over the moon with the venue I say weren't proposed to me I wanted it off here but they weren't doing weddings at the time so it was an off chance that I asked if they were doing them and it just so happened you're starting doing weddings again so we jumped at the chance didn't we yeah something special yeah Ben might be running proceedings but John has plenty of wisdom to hand down to his son now you could produce the odd Kush that's those sorts of little things but um I'll go forth what meet and greet yeah [Music] sorry I'm Ben I'm I'm the son of John yeah that's right you know sorry him they're kind of handing over the um the meet and greets to me now must does kiss the bra very well those benches are chronically uncomfortable would you like a couple of cushions because I'm going to go and get a couple would that be I don't know you're right on that okay okay was it your mom Mrs Mrs Phillips yes yes well she was a lovely lady yes she she had the song character nothing wrong with that no in the fullness of time you've got to find your own style and it's it's easy to do that if if if you have another monkey on your back so sometimes one has to um just you do bite your time the odd yes yes yes oh I'm so did you get soaked I think last time it was this this end that came off when a problem with the water supply threatens to disable the poor to lose bends on the case proud aunt Anthea looks on well it seems that the Benjamin's doing quite a good job it's an opportunity for him and he just needs to um make success of something to prove to his parents that he can the old man's so tight he won't buy anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the wedding reception in full swing Ben can at last relax and reflect on his success I've really enjoyed it I was a little bit apprehensive at the beginning I think like all of these things it's time to practice and if we can get a really smooth machine up and running there's there's no reason why we can't lay on a very good show every time but despite his promise to take the house off the market John appears to be going back on his word I was accused of procrastinating by Ruth and to that extent I will perhaps go on procrastinating and keep our options open given a really good offer then um one would one would be mad not to consider it [Music] with Ben's trial period over time is running out for Heath house can Ruth persuade John Phillips that it's time to finally hand over the Rays to his eldest son what is the harm in giving it a try and has been done enough to prove that he is up to the job because they don't think I can bite my bottom [Music] Ben Phillips is determined to persuade his parents not to sell their ancestral home and give him the chance to run it as a commercial concern with the help of Ruth proved he's got what it takes but Ben's parents are yet to be convinced and are considering a new offer on the estate in a bid to unite the family Ruth Brit for the final time okay I'm not actually expecting to see many material changes at Heath house it's more about whether Ben has been able to develop the Steely resolve necessary to resist his father's plans for this house namely to sell it in her first visit seven months ago Ruth suggested the Philips celebrate their heritage Ben has started work on collating the wealth of information so this is not the same room we were in when I saw the collection with Flavia is it it's not this was a bedroom of this seemed to be a good idea to convert it into an archive bedroom for the time being I have to be very honest Ben this is pretty much what I saw the first time it it needs to have some more meaning in this do you know what I mean absolutely I do and I think if we can pull all of this together um I think it would it would really help to give the place you know a narrative and a uniqueness um that the people would take away with and how are we doing on this business of offers for the house dad told me that um there is one other person and that if that doesn't materialize then that we take it off the market and we concentrate on this can you trust him on that I I lost my temper with him because we can go on like this forever well I think the only way that your parents are going to believe in you is for you to actually do something physical you know to say right I'm I'm here I'm coming here my plan is is to move up here in the spring of next year well I think you need to declare that it is a nightmare parents and children and you need an intermediary because they don't think I can wipe my bottom [Music] impressed with Ben's Newfound confidence Ruth calls the family including brother Justin to a meeting to resolve the matter once and for all the problem really is that John to date Ben is not really getting the support from you because you keep looking at offers for the house so in effect this actually isn't a problem about how to raise money because I think that's really quite easy I don't entirely agree with you to date we have only got two bookings for next year that is all we've got but the reason for that is because there's always this caveat about is the house actually going to be in your ownership and while that situation pertains it's never going to go full thrust yes but I think that if we had a good offer did come along then um one should consider it but I don't think you can have it both ways I've find it quite baffling that you wouldn't give Ben that opportunity even if you think he's going to fail because the Jeopardy is so small in comparison with the opportunity I mean in the future Justin where I mean would you want to come and live here it's been fantastic to see the place you know operating as a successful business of course it would be in in terms of the immediate plans I mean Benjamin is Center Stage here if I get to put all our eggs into Benjamin's basket we do want to feel comfortable that Benjamin has got the necessary training and ability to handle it because you don't trust that he can do it my point that hasn't been said well I think it's very evident because otherwise you'd just be saying get on with it we need Clarity and focus here um away from the distractions of possible interested buyers because that just that just makes me feel crap to be honest because I think well am I you know am I am I investing in here or am I not you know nobody is answering the question that I really want to know what is the harm in giving it a try there is no harm so no fine um let's let Birds would have a clear run at it and I think you know Ben you have got to show the gumption to do this could we have agreement that as long as Ben is living here he gets to the end of 2011 yeah to prove what he can do fine okay gonna hold you to it John with agreement at last within the Phillips Family Ruth leaves them with one final thought the only last thing that Ben Scott to do of course is procreate somehow well I'm quite glad I haven't got that burn as well as this at the moment [Music] I think it shows that massive progress has been made inasmuch as the Phillips family have now agreed that Ben can have his opportunity of living here of making a business here and of trying to make it work I think he's going to have to show an enormous amount of stamina and robustness to stand up to his father but at least he's got his chance [Music] [Applause] River Hill House in Kent a Queen Anne Manor built in 1714 the Rogers family have lived here since 1814 to make ends meet they opened the historic Gardens to the public with visitor numbers for dwindling over 60 years Evelyn Rogers has seen the once magnificent treasured estate fall into disrepair it has gone through very hard times this for a place really it's gone down down grandson Ed and his wife Sarah are desperate to save River Hill for the Next Generation I've begun to feel more overwhelmed by the place the income coming in isn't getting any greater so you know something's got to give somewhere can businesswoman Ruth Watson secure River Hills future and persuade the generations of this distinguished family to agree on the way forward you said to me that you were proud of the fact that you kept your mouth closed you wouldn't ever say don't do it it's up to him she can be a little stubborn on certain points I just wouldn't like it [Music] River Hill House near Seven Oaks in Kent is a grade 2 listed manner built from local ragstone nestled into the hillside in 130 Acres of Splendid grounds the list of gardens are of great historic importance bearing rare trees and clouds for over 160 years Riverhill has been home to the Rogers family the current custodians are Ed Rogers and his wife Sarah a former teacher I live here with what I call my three Mrs Rogers which is my grandmother my mother and Sarah they're my sort of force on the ground four generations of the family live at River Hill Ed and Sarah live with their children in a cottage on the ground Ed's mum Jane lives in the main house and Ed's grandmother Evelyn resides in the lodge she's lived at River Hill since the end of World War II and at 86 Remains The Matriarch of the family [Music] but you see we can't manage without each other I think my mother-in-law has given her life to this place and we're actually in the sort of way I have really Ed was just 21 when he took on the crumbling estate after his father Johnny died prematurely of a brain tumor that changed the dynamic in that I sort of became more responsible it came as quite a shock really to suddenly find that you were in the driving seat just finished University and then suddenly you're worrying about block trains leaking roofs it's a lovely place to live but it's it's not easy Ed Works full-time in the city and struggles to run the 130 acre estate it's the first Rogers to earn money for nearly 200 years and it's terribly important but he works desperately hard he can't be everywhere at the same moment thank you the spring gardens only open to the public on Sundays and bank holidays for just three months of the year bringing in five thousand pounds but it costs fifty thousand pounds to keep the estate going it's a constant worry for Ed and selling up isn't an option I'd like to you know certainly give it my best shot before before one goes down that route that sounds so lame can you just give a bit of passion of why you like it why do you love it why do you really want to be here you're not going to just give it your best shot because that means it might fail you've got to be a bit of a determination Sarah might be a relative newcomer to the family but she's ambitious and pragmatic and realizes that if River Hill is to survive it needs to change the Rochester very bright people um they're very learned people but they haven't had to be money makers so we've already got lots and lots of ideas but the question is which one to pursue but Sarah knows that as the latest Mrs Rogers she needs to tread carefully I think it might lose something of its flavor of a family home if it got too big it'd be nice to get much bigger but not that big [Music] in an attempt to turn the fortunes of the family home around business Guru Ruth Watson's been called in to help today she's in Kent to meet the Rogers and secure River Hill House and Gardens for the future we're frightened of embarking on some schemes Bruce may be able to give us the confidence to do them [Music] hello I'm Ed welcome to River Health I do thank you for the very welcome umbrella it's oh hello [Music] Ruth begins her tour of the house in the grand hall this is marvelous look at this ceiling on a bit of sort of history of the family um one of our most famous ancestors was John Rogers the Martyr who was burned to the stake at Smithfield in 1555. and who lives here my mother lives here your mother lives here right and then where do you live just down the track through just the other side of the farm and you have a grandma I believe yes my grandmother lives in the lodge so can I see some more of the house yes absolutely come through to the drawing room [Music] since Ed took over the house in 1995 little has changed at River Hill so this is the drawing room there's a picture over there of what the house looked like when my family bought it for a house in such a prime Hillside location the Outlook today is very different can I just say that's the first thing that hits me is there is no View and yet there should be a few I mean what is this awful stuff outside the window well the uh was allowed to grow up I mean block the road I think it's very oppressive looking I mean one doesn't look at the Garden and think how beautiful at the moment in its Heyday Riverhill house would have been a bustling family home with 12 living servants a Dairy Maid and eight full-time gardeners today Ed's mother Jane lives in it alone and it's a very different story how much does it matter to you that the house stays in the Rogers family River Hill is very important to me I don't want to be the generation that sort of gives up on it do you come from a similar family not at all no definitely not and my father's a doctor and he's lived in so many different houses when I first met her it seemed quite strange the idea that you would stay in the same house I've come to realize how lovely it is to have that thought that our children are part of this long line of of Rogers the hairstyle is even traditional now is it an unchanged genetic it's not genetic it's very twenties I have to say race of 2030s kind of Timeless is wise Family Values are undoubtedly important to the Rogers but Ruth wants to find out more having met one Mrs Rogers she's Keen to meet the other two this is my mother Jane hello hello come is derived from the garden the garden barely at the moment makes enough to cover the cost of actually doing it do you just make the decisions Ed or are no decisions made decisions really made at the moment are they we usually put sort of one foot forward and about 20 back do you have any income change that you either contributor or are you a tenant here do you pay rent how does it work I'm just a sort of housekeeper no I'm afraid I just don't have the money to put into it right but I do try and look after it as I suppose really it's been a challenge ever since you know I've lived here and with Johnny dying and for Ed to carry on Ed's father Johnny was just 51 when he died 15 years ago but it's not the only tragedy to have hit the family my uncle my father's brother who who sadly died about five years ago he um Was A Bachelor and was very fond of the family home um and he very kindly has left some money for the maintenance of the garden not the house but the maintenance of the garden with some Capital set aside for the gardens they could be utilized to secure the future of the whole estate the question is how I've got lots of ideas but I'm not very brave Ruth give me a couple of ideas that you've had well I've had an idea of putting a wind farm on the top of the hill we've got some wonderful woodlands and I thought of perhaps having some sort of Adventure Trails for children but not done but with space for just 30 cars on site Evelyn thinks that the family should concentrate on practicalities First Imagine one of our troubles is our parking is not brilliant here we're frightened that if we have more than 30 cars we can't park them so we think oh well don't bother doing it [Music] the family have been here since 1840 and during this whole period of time all they've had to do was sit around have a lovely time collect plants and have their portraits painted the problem now is it's the 21st century whatever happens here is going to be something of a culture shock if Riverhill house and its Splendid Gardens are to survive radical changes need to be made but will Ruth be able to Spur the Rogers into action it took over 10 years to propose to me so it wouldn't there's no rushing the Rogers River Hill House is the ancestral home of the Rogers family who have lived here for nearly two centuries but current owners Ed Rogers and his wife Sarah are struggling to keep the crumbling pile and its historic Gardens going my family created everything around me here so if I give it all up and hand it on somebody else I feel I've given away 160 years of History suddenly in one in one boss overlooking the wield of Kent River Hill House is a fine Queen Anne Manor complete with two grand reception rooms antique wood paneling and ornate ceilings Keen botanist John Rogers a contemporary of Charles Darwin purchased the estate in 1840 because of its sheltered location and lime-free soil an early member of The Royal Horticultural Society he was a patron of the Intrepid Victorian plant Hunters who brought back rare and beautiful specimens from as far afield as the Himalayas it's thanks to his foresight that Riverhill has such Splendid Gardens today but over the decades the family's fortunes declined the house and its historic grounds are falling into disrepair the spring gardens only open for around 20 days a year between March and June attracting fewer than 1 000 visitors and little income Ruth Watson's been called in to help turn the estate's fortunes around so this is this year's disaster Ruth I'm afraid our walls Garden the frost got in store action caused it to just collapse so upbeat the planting here that's still your land that's our land yes through there we have a woodland Garden which was created by my great grandfather between the two Wars that's where most of the vistas goes where the color is yeah foreign used to be a primary school teacher and thinks the key to River Hill's success could be creating a more child-friendly environment watch your feet Rick yes don't worry this bit's not open to the public so this is what you refer to as the Rockery that's right um it was created by my great-grandmother in its Heyday this was absolutely magnificent it had little paths and the water gushing down and sort of the fairies Grotto yes it is full of little children's parties and having maybe clemies have a third birthday party I mean how much would you like the garden to be really approachable by children oh very much so yes I mean that's the thing I'm not really a horticulturist but I see everything in the eyes of children I think perhaps we want to retain the sort of wildness yeah and lose you know lose the areas which are sort of derelict what a job for you Ruth let's pick let's pick a wild one come on Kim come on Journey little has altered at River Hill since the gardens were established and Sarah can see that the estate survival depends on change Ed's grandmother Evelyn is less keen and wants to see the garden's tranquility and historical links maintained [Music] a letter from Charles Darwin to the John Rogers of the day but they were both fellas of the Royal Society so John Rogers who bought River Hill was incredibly brainy and I always say to people if Darwin was writing to him as you can see in the letter asking him a question referring to him he must have been pretty brand new for Darwin too would you want to ask him something what really bothers me about all of this is does anyone other than you in the family know all this not really because I mean this is actually really quite worrying because if you're the only person who has the knowledge of all these things I'm day conscious of The wingy Chariot is getting nearer all the time you know and I would love to have more time to write but one gets so bogged down with just day-to-day living which is unfortunate really at 86 Evelyn remains head of the family and Ruth wants to ensure that this won't prove an obstacle to any potential plans at Riverhill how much do you think you're still the matriarchal figure here and that that everyone is going to do what you want them I don't say what I want anymore so you're very happy Fred to have free reign as it were well he must whether I'm happy or not is another thing but he must when you hand it over it's rather like when you first send your child away to school is it going to be looked after with loving care is it going to be understood because I do think these houses have got a soul in a way when the gardens are open to the public Ed's mum Jane is in charge of catering so that's your responsibility opening that door every day it is because there's no one else who can open it and you have to man this tea room all the time we don't make enough money you need to pay someone to come here really yeah like Evelyn and Sarah Jane also married into the Rogers family and Ruth's Keen to find out more about how she fits in being in the middle of the generations with your mother-in-law still having a voice I mean does that make you feel that you can't do things um she does actually say What She Likes or doesn't like yes you know but I'd feel that Ed and Sarah are sort of young enough they're together they've got more go I think and you think the house will be all right with Ed as the owner I hope so I really hope so being the newest Mrs Rogers is something of a challenge for Sarah how do you feel about being the third Mrs Rogers I mean of the ones I've met of course slightly daunted I think the main thing is not to try and copy but to try and do one's own thing um you know it took out over 10 years to propose to me so there's no rushing the Rogers yeah what prompted it in the end well I just start my foot a bit I said would you propose I said you know now or never said likes to be quite sure I'd Rush headlong into a scheme and get my fingers burnt but somehow I think perhaps a bit of a mixture of the two would be think you're probably right I'm hoping we'll be good yeah yeah so I hope that that was um with three Mrs Rogers living on site Ruth's got her work cut out if she's going to convince them all that change is inevitable as the garden of England Kent is rich in profitable tourist attractions today Ruth's on her way to one such popular destination heaver Castle once home to the ill-fated Berlin family like River Hill Eva also has stunning Spring Gardens it attracts visitors all year round Ruth wants to know from the Castle's chief executive Duncan Leslie how they've become so successful so what kind of visitor numbers do you get annually we have just under a quarter of a Million last year that's a lot and how much are they paying per head uh 12 pounds for adults 650 for children yes and if it's just the ground at all we're paying about nine pounds so how do you keep visitor numbers up here because this essentially is a spring garden isn't it spring colors are very good but but we produce color in the summer as well and we're wanting people to come here as many times as possible not just come here once and if they come in the spring they'll see something very different from having come in the Autumn and vice versa over the summer we constantly evolve I liaise a lot with the head Garden as do the owners you know they have an interest in the garden you've got to keep interest going and I think you know visitors thoroughly enjoy seeing something new something different with this in mind Ruth's next Port of Call is Leeds Castle set in 500 Acres of Glorious Parkland one popular tourist attraction is the world famous maze constructed using 2400 U trees [Music] I'm trying to find Adrian Fisher who's the world's leading maze designer had a job here because I can't find the center and I've been working for ages Adrian hello find you oh you'll have to go back the other way the other way right [Music] so Adrian you're the creator of this evil maze you've done a lot of projects it's about 500 mazes all around the world now if you say Amaze is actually a puzzle can we create a puzzle without it being such a formal mess the whole landscape could be one enormous puzzle The Experience can be actually quite different visit by visit the maze is clearly a memorable experience for the thousands of tourists who visit Leeds Castle an attraction such as this could prove a money spinner for River Hill there are three generations of Rogers in fact four at River Hill if you include the Tiny Tots I think it'd be marvelous if you could come and meet them yeah I'd love to having done her research Ruth's come up with a plan of action for the Rogers she's back at River Hill to deliver her findings convinced that the answer lies within the historical grounds good morning Mrs Rogers Mrs Rogers Mrs Rogers and Ed good morning good morning this is all about the garden the whole problem with this Garden is it has such a short season it has very few visitors you're advertising actually speaks more about when you're not open than when you are open and I think that's all got to be completely changed the first thing that needs to happen is a car park I think you should Engage The Services of two or three car park contractors who understand about how to do this and I think that project needs to be begun sooner rather than later Ruth also wants to ensure that riverhill's remarkable history is documented for future Generations one of the most important things Mrs Rogers senior is the Fountain of all knowledge here and you know this whether it's the plants whether it's the history of the family all these things are incredibly precious both to you as a family but also to our heritage and I think you should set aside perhaps an hour every weekend and just record you speaking about everything you know yes I know if I went under a bus there's so much in my head except that will just go forever Ruth believes that the historic grounds can increase Revenue enough to support the entire estate but to do so the Rogers will have to raise their game I think you need to be thinking much we have to have the car park you have to have attractions linking from the Darwin the history of the garden through the garden itself and the plants what Ruth wants to see at Riverhill is a major children's attraction that will your visitors and revenue through the gates she wants the Rogers to research the concept my trump card is a chat called Adrian Fisher he is the world's leading designer of Mazes he works absolutely with the owners of the site to create things that are specifically good for here he can do things that are Trails he can do Adventure walks he can do exploratory things he can tie in with Darwin it's all about puzzles and Gardens which attract both adults and children and Ruth thinks the Rogers are missing a trick when it comes to plant regeneration where you need to replant I think should be setting up an adopt a plant kind of notion you can actually get people to sponsor that plant I think it makes them part and parcel of River Hill I think it would take away the family atmosphere of the garden there are various things here planted in memory of members of the family and I think to have complete strangers commemorated in the garden would to me not be the same thing I don't know what you've well you said to me that you were proud of the fact that you kept your mouth closed so I think this is a moment where you really have got to set your soul and say will I willingly let Ed take on full responsibility I couldn't stop saying a thing like I said about other people's Memorial plants but it's up to him I would never say don't do it it's up to him but I just wouldn't like it okay it's now time for Ed to step up to the mark and be the man now there's one last thing I would like you to do before I come back and I think it would be symbolic of change and that is to cut down the you hedge and I think that should be your private little Act of commitment to going forward yeah good Ruth's findings have given the family plenty to think about obviously it's hurtful to be told it's all in such a sort of state of shambles which it is I mean I know I know it is you see Sarah being New Blood On the Block sort of thing has some you know perhaps some out of the box ideas equally at the other end of the spectrum we've got my grandmother who's been here 60 years and you know I think her goal would be that you know this remains a family home but I mean it with no disrespect to my grandmother-in-law um who is a wealth of knowledge but she can also um be a little stubborn on certain points I had no idea what it will do but myself I'd have reservations on putting too much into it but I know we've got to put something into it you know but I just think it's a little bit frightening [Music] six weeks after Ruth's visit and the Rogers are already getting down to business [Music] [Music] and Sarah's wasted no time at all in calling in May's expert Adrian Fisher for advice what I really like to do is stand back as far as we can and you show me what excites you let's go and explore absolutely before Ed and Sarah can decide where to cite the maze there's a wealth of planning to consider one thing excites me about this is this is the sort of place where you could kind of put a magnet in the landscape right and you could draw people through the exciting Intimate Gardens one way yeah and then encourage them to go back another way right thus they can't help it but because they're coming to some sort of magnet here yeah yeah before you know it they've actually enjoyed a north of the gardens without even realizing they've been exploring them right well this is our um view we've got here from top of the hill one of the highest points in Kent other than the dance it's such a fantastic view it'd be crazy not to include it in there I think we've got to get people up here people love coming to the top Hills don't they it's not just a garden it's not even a garden Lover's Garden it's actually a is one of the family homes of national importance in the gardening World River Hill is on the brink of its biggest transformation in over a century but Ed's grandmother has her doubts I care for them that's all I just don't want them to get themselves into a real tank and Sarah's confidence is challenged by the sheer scale of the undertaking I was feeling quite optimistic but I think a little worried about it Ruth Watson is on a mission to rescue River Hill house and its historic Gardens from dereliction in a bid to increase their revenue Ed and Sarah Rogers are planning the first major commercial operation in the estate's history by launching an ambitious children's Woodland experience Ed's grandmother Evelyn is following Ruth's advice and recording the family's history for posterity with a bit of help from granddaughter-in-law Sarah and I thought perhaps we could talk about the trees and then perhaps go up into the wood garden I think so because I think with these three trees hold on a minute let me just start off the camera a minute okay Right Far Away talk about the Three Trees yeah because they are so wonderful and it was so incredibly lucky with the storm that they've survived right but what is interesting from the family point of view is the turkey Oak which is a big spreading right let me just get a shot of that hold on yeah the turkey out yeah because that came back as an acorn in the pocket of Ed's great-grandfather off he'd been fighting in the Crimea oh Ed and Sarah have grand designs for Riverhill and Ed's already started clearing the site but Evelyn is anxious that with the ambitious new plans the River Hills she knows and loves isn't spoiled while a lot of the public say is what they love is that it is a family home and it isn't too commercial and I don't want the atmosphere of the place to go by being absolutely overrun with people so I think you've just got to be jolly careful to keep the balance of that aware that Riverhill survival depends on change it is also mindful of his grandmother's concerns I think my grandmother has very much felt you know this has been her home for 60 years or so um and the garden and the garden opening has been very much her thing so I think that that is quite a transition um for her you know changing possibly the scale of it which is what we ultimately need to do and I think that that's possibly something that daunts her a little bit but it's not only Evelyn who's overwhelmed by the speed of change a bit daunted myself I have to say well I was feeling quite optimistic but I think a little worried about it all now hi Simon Sarah Rogers here um as a former teacher Sarah is convinced that the future of River Hill is all about attracting children and their families to the estate thanks ever so much for the designs you sent through so we wondered whether it slightly more Himalayan looking so I just wanted to really chat things through with you the gardens are famous for the rare specimens brought back from Nepal China and the Himalayas in the 1800s and Sarah's Keen to embrace this let's get this map and I've put on these I put these symbols like this and it pointed out that you can't have that because that means fur trees and he's very pedantic and apparently it's a Chestnut Wood and so I've got to change it God knows what the um symbol for chess [Music] it's the end of the summer and Ruth's back in Kent to see how the Roger's plans are progressing Riverhill only has space to park 30 cars if it's to be a success in the future the estate needs to invest in its infrastructure Ruth wants to know if Ed's done his homework well this is going to be our new car park next year hopefully and and why have you decided on this side we've analyzed all sort of access points on the estate and um this probably is still the most Optimum it's very good in sense of orientation isn't it because people know exactly where they should be heading from presumably wherever somebody's going to be taking the money will be somewhere absolutely yeah in that direction yeah on her last visit the panoramic view from Riverhill house was obscured by overgrown new trees she's Keen to find out if the Rogers have followed her advice and chopped them down [Music] lovely to see you and to see you too I know though you had well absolutely it's made quite a difference the lovely view of the iron fields at all I mean it's just and the beautiful tree Leo tree and everything I mean it just looks so much better well done Sarah you've been doing things so can we sit down and have a chat but the biggest change of all at River Hill for Generations will be the ambitious children's Adventure Park what we're proposing is that we have a Himalayan theme what could be more appropriate but we want it to be reflecting the history of the Rogers family but also making a really exciting place for families to explore together so these are just suggestions really of um ideas which we might take to uh to Rebrand us yes and I think calling Himalayan Gardens because there is nowhere like that I mean you are creating a unique brand um perhaps if I can show you the the map the car part you've seen people come from the car park to the area in front of the Tea Room yeah that is the sort of retail trading area I wondered whether we could call That Base Camp yes brilliant idea um yeah and then they go up this Hillside Park possibly with a sharper pack with your children yes um up to this area here which is where we'd like a play area so that's the Himalayan Hideout we have asked Adrian Fisher to um create one of his wonderful mazes for us I don't think I've ever been as impressed by anybody's thought and Imagination on a project as this I really am I think it's wonderful it does mean a lot to me and well I know it will to end it's brilliant I think it's just marvelous takes off We've Got Confidence now yes you've given us confidence so [Music] since Ruth was lasted River Hill Ed's grandmother Evelyn has been ill Ruth wants to make sure that with so many changes afoot she's aware of the Bold scheme I'm mightily impressed with the plans for the garden have you had an opportunity to look and hear about what they're proposing to do not very much just a little bit but I'm thrilled to hear about opening up the Woodland and that sort of thing does this imply you've been taking a back seat well I haven't been in hospital and being at home this first time I've come out for five weeks you see so um obviously I've taken a back seat but anyway it's their do you know yeah the notion of calling the Tea Room base camp because again of equity in my layers does that fill you with horror well I mean it's only Himalayan in the springtime I mean I'm all for it being open in the springtime and it's going to be open in the middle of summer people wonder what you're talking about it is essentially an English Country House your knowledge of the house and the history of it we talked about Sarah coming and recording yes of course she started with the gardeners oh end up in the Woodland a bit too and did you enjoy doing it oh yes I love talking I talk I don't love the sound of my own voice yours no no we all do yeah and I think that's one thing that I really am grateful to you for you gave the spur that was necessary to get on with that okay the maze absolutely boggles me I mean I cannot see the point of the maze I mean it is a proven model you know it's it's not something where you're just taking a straw and saying well this one to this place but I think we do get back Mrs Rogers if I may be so boldest to say is that I think you do have to let them get on with it it's their thing and you know I've got to stand back but I fear for them that's all I just don't want them to get themselves into a real tangle first bit there Sarah is Keen to show Ruth the progress they've already made in preparation for the brand new River Hill Experience just take off the top level there but this route was totally impossible um let's work well yes Ed his brother and you know some friends kindly come along to help the first friends of River Hill I think aerial walkways climbing frames and tree houses are all part of the master plan Ed's finalizing the proposals The Specialist playground designer Lyndon Davis oh hi this is Lyndon hello how'd you do hi we were just discussing the plans here for um the Himalayan High diamonds and these two big trees they're here that's what no yes lyndon's been working on them they are Ed what are they sweet Chestnut I mean this is again confirmation that John Rogers did some fantastically beautiful things because they are such fine and glorious trees and here they are I mean when did anyone last get to see these Sarah I shouldn't think anyone has stood on this spot where we're standing now for 50 80. yeah 58 years enjoying it anywhere certainly these are lovely cedar trees here as well which um were planted some of the original plantings in 1840s so it's good that people can enjoy them from this side as well as from the south yeah this looks really good fun very good fun really enjoy doing it we really enjoy unusual ones yes yeah no it's not the first plan is it Sarah and Ed are saving the best to last the scene from their very own Mount Everest summit this is our proposed Viewpoint uh here I'm is it worth the climb I mean you know it is worth the climbing this I would say is arguably the best view in Kent and the Maze is going to be here just over there so you can absolutely where that flat area is Ruth's clearly impressed with what the Rogers have achieved but she wants to see Ed and Sarah put their plans to the test I think Riverhill is going to become a very special place for people to want to come and visit and I'm charging you with on my next visit to see some kids actually trying some of this out and I think to see their little faces and to have their Sherpa packs and use them for feedback and research yeah organize a day yeah yeah I think it would be fun this is all about the younger generation Ed and Sarah taking up the Baton and really running with it I'm so impressed with what they've achieved so far they've been so thoughtful about things they've shown great commercial Acumen they are absolutely rigorously testing every thought and idea I just think that they're doing absolutely the right thing [Music] three weeks later and it's the day of the River Hill trial all the generations of Rogers are pulling together hoping to make it a success [Music] to tie in with the theme Sarah's planned a surprise Himalayan guest somewhat at Ed's expense [Music] [Laughter] [Music] children will be absolutely terrified [Music] I think it's a health sensation thing you can't do this very long isn't those thank you you might be a little worried about your hair where will you keep your comb well the thing is my product does say that it's just stays firm underneath helmets maybe we're under a Yeti hat [Music] [Applause] with two hours to go Ruth Watson arrives to oversee proceedings hello morning good morning nice way beautiful [Music] we've got some nice people to help this morning okay all these cakes yes we've got a sample menu so Jane's putting on her are you putting on the name James I'm not sure I have decided I like what you're doing and what you're about that's such a good idea everybody is always then up for going with the flow of it [Music] foreign eager local school children have been drafted in to trial the Rogers Himalayan experience the event begins with an introduction from a very proud Ed welcome boys and girls to the River Hill Himalayan Garden we're so excited that you can join us here today and Riverhill was bought in 1840 by my great great grandfather he wanted the best plants so he paid for people to go off and explore the Himalayas in South America and they risk their lives for him and sent back seeds and what we're going to do today is show you some of our special shrubs and trees here that have grown from those seeds that were sent back and maybe this has been the sighting of a strange beast in the woods here so we do have to be very careful [Music] the children are LED up into the wooded Garden by Sarah to see some of riverhill's rarest specimens now what we've got to do is we've got to spot a special Rhododendron with different no these are just normal leaves they find themselves transported back in time to the Himalayas of the 18 th can anybody spot this Rhododendron with very special leaves what what's that rhododendron's name well done full Canary so looking around today we've got all sorts of trees and and to help out Sarah's called on a valiant Victorian plant hunter called George can you believe that that one tiny tiny tiny little seed could grow up to be a tree a hundred two hundred feet tall and all from one tiny little seed now I'm gonna need a little bit of help from you now because I've got a lot more plants to gather children would you like to help George yeah he seems to have had a terrible time Sarah's so in her own Metairie here you know she is a teacher and she loves the kids and she's really going with it um she's really in character now so I think it's all great stuff and I love the Little Pony too look on this one it's there's some quite big ones oh I like that one children help Intrepid George gather interesting seeds but is there something sinister lurking in the woods at River Hill House [Music] the historic Gardens at River Hill House in Kent are in the process of a major regeneration with the help of Ruth Watson in a bid to increase revenue and save the Historical house from dereliction Ed and Sarah Rogers are transforming their estate into a Himalayan experience for children they've invited 30 youngsters to put it to the test but their mission is fraught with Danger on the way we're going to be looking out for something that's been sightings of something strange in the woods Kitty I'm not sure because no one in the world has ever caught a Yeti as the children set off on their Adventure Ruth stays behind with the parents at base camp to help Jane out in the Tea Room what sort of cake would you like carrot cake carrot cake this this is where they've gone now they've gone up to the top of this one we're hoping to have built right so we can have a new car park too in those those enormous trees there that's where we're going to hope to build the tree houses look how tall they are anyone know what type of tree that is yes well done a horse chestnut yes brilliant in our trees aren't you [Applause] would you like to go and see if you could find that Yeti yeah yeah [Music] the yeti makes a lucky escape and the children make it safely to The Summit [Music] [Applause] funny it looks like we can actually see our skull fight my favorite bit was probably climbing up the mini Mount Everest 200 feet because it made me feel like I really want to climb the proper Everest my favorite bit was getting closest to the yeti and running after the yeti trying to catch him a bit of History and some nature and bit of science too instead of our usual school work I I haven't been here before but I like it I might come here again the experience is clearly a hit with the youngsters and the parents are impressed too are you local do you live nearby I live about 10 minutes away and did you know where the hell existed I never had a clue everything the house the garden yes it's just been absolutely disappeared there's not anywhere really around here that's that's like this for them to just run around exactly don't even have a real explore so you'll come back when it's a proper going concern I like the idea that everything they're doing is natural yes so there's no no plastically things going in that look yeah yeah the trial has proved a huge success All That Remains is for Ruth to bring the family together what a successful afternoon I have to defend you for doing such a brilliant job I really I'm in all the preparation satchels the tea the cakes everything about it just wonderful we're thrilled it's gone so well yeah very relieved very relieved so do you now feel um confident that this can work yeah I I still create reservations about the maze because I can't see the point of it but the climbing frame and the walk I think is wonderful now what about um Jane your your husband Ed your your father um do you think he would approve of all of this before looking down at us saying good Heavens but you know please oh please yes because you know he loved River Hill absolutely loved it also actually Johnny and I probably would not have been brave enough and I'm probably not powerful as my daughter I'm not terrified of her as well I just hope that your generation serenade is going to have a wow of a time and that you know you will be able to leave something to your children for them to look forward to rather than to slightly dread and most importantly knowing that the house and the gardens are stabilized they're going to carry on for future Generations well that's what I've learned yes yes I think we all hope that yeah my what kit is done foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: Abode
Views: 624,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home and garden, Abode, Abode channel, home renovation, renovation, home and garden channel, home and garden tv shows, home design ideas, garden design ideas
Id: ocQ-gfVFJuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 31sec (8491 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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