Renovating an Old Cottage Bedroom...Update and Good Morning!

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it's a very very good morning to you ah I'm going to show you the progress in the bedroom in a few minutes but I just thought I'd come out into the sunshine and just share this with you I've lit the stove I'm obviously still on my jim-jams you know the form now and I've just had to come out because it's just so beautiful it's quite cold you can tell that there's a real autumn happening now you know the very beginnings of autumn it's barely noticeable those of you who are outdoors and connecting with Mother Earth will notice those early signs so it starts off quite slowly there's a slow gradual progress to it and then suddenly it all seems to come together the colors start to appear everywhere and if it's not colors then it's berries and oh I've just seen mrs. Robin up that you see if I can just get a close-up she's right up there at the top branches of the birch tree singing well that's not a bad little shot I can just hold the camera steady sorry it's it's very difficult holding the camera steady you know when you've got when you've got the zoom going on because every little movement its noticed so just go out and have a look at the goddess in the morning sunshine and then I've got a very special thanks it's two lovely ladies got a piece of a palette they're been using pallet wood in the new bedroom which I'm going to be showing you although that's not finished just yet so here we go there she is in the Morning Sun and of course the Morning Sun now rises in a slightly different place lower on the horizon so you get these beautiful shadows happening so I've got to say a massive thank you to a beautiful lady called Brittany Buxton and Brittany lives in Charlottesville in the United States of America and thank you so much Brittany because you've sent me by posts by snail mail as they call it a lovely donation and I thank you most sincerely for that and along with a beautiful card and the message little note then I got another little snail mail letter under card under note this time from Susan Patton and Susan lives in the isle of bute and Scotland thank you so very much Susan thank you for your donation also thank you to those of you who have purchased the book of the map or indeed pre-ordered the goddess book which is coming on in leaps and bounds the first edit has been done and has come back to me so I've got a few things now to sort out within that because it takes a fair bit of work to get a book out and my editor is pretty good but he doesn't like putting anything into the text or taking anything out so he sends me copious notes which I read through and sort through and take all his advice and in some cases then rewrite paragraphs so you get a little little peek into the world of editing there now course this is the last month of Luna sir Luna sir covers August September and October and I think today is the 1st of October so it's the last month or it could be tomorrow's the first I have to check on my computer screen when I go in one day is merging into the other at the moment because of the sheer volume of work that I'm doing I'm trying to juggle all the physical work with the writing and organizing other things as well in fact I've got a massive amount of organization to do but anyway I'm not gonna rock and boy ever thought I've just seen these um these slows the slow berries of course you put them into slow Gin but they're not much good until the first frost gets to them and that's when they sort of soften up a little bit and the fruit itself begins to break down and as it breaks down and then you get a lovely release off you know fruit and juice and flavors come on Jack so you can see there's lots of leaves falling and just seen are the ash trees of course the very first to lose their leaves your child so we'll go back up and into the cottage and I'll share with you the progress made in the bedroom which I'm delighted with but of course there's been a massive amount of work even just keeping up with the dust you know and keeping everything clear and and then I had an old mmm had an old mattress in the bed which is stored here in the shed and I managed to find someone then who would take that to the recycling depot for me so that was done yesterday so the little she shared now is got a lot more room in it you see all the beautiful colors here that's the birch tree just above that's the ash tree and in between the bamboo is the field maple getting some beautiful colors on that [Applause] I treated myself to a new pair of slippers I'll just show you and this of course is my lovely my lovely woolen alpaca shawl which I wear in the morning much better than the dressing on this is still a few bits and pieces out here to tidy up and clean up as the work comes to almost manage it's lovely and warm in the cottage did you know um it takes about three years to warm up a stone cottage and that's through living in it and keeping a fire going in the stove over the grit and the stones slowly slowly warm up so even if I left this place today the cottage would remain fairly warm and fairly cozy for quite a long time so look at this let me just put my glasses on so I can talk to you see what I'm doing here so I slept in here last night because again those of you who know me are getting to know me I'm a pretty single-minded woman quite a stubborn person and it's through having those strengths I think that's got me as far as I've got but the one thing that I had said from the very beginning of this project that the last Friday in September I would be sleeping in here come hell or high water have scurvy sleeping in here so mmm you can see of course that the rest of the room is still unfinished because obviously there's work to complete but not not an awful lot now until this project comes together completely so you can see the paneling around the bed I stained that mmm and I used a color wash which only just kind of skimmed the surface and dries pretty quickly because it's water-based no chemicals in it and so that allows the grain of the wood to show through and then I colored that down a fair bit and made it a fair bit darker then to do the bed because the bed of course it's an old pine bed it had got very grubby you know it had got very say I don't know but the overhead lights on because I think the natural light is better but um so you can see some of the hues of the pine still visible but it just gives it that rather sort of antique look of course you can have great fun with color and my advice to anyone using color washes is to water them down so if you make your own and there's lots and lots of recipes up on the internet you know for that but fail in making your own get one you know you buy commercial one and there's lots of eco-friendly ones around and then water it down so the first application gives you an idea of what it's going to look like and sometimes you just want to stop at that point and say okay I don't want the color any deeper than this I just want this sort of you know gentle wash so you can see the base of the bed there as well so I did have to end posts on which continually gotten away and don't know if you can see that but I actually start them off so you can just see you know the bedspread which is cotton and very very old very old it's 20 years minimum I actually bought I didn't even buy this new I bought this in a charity shop in North London and I'm just going to see if I can fight oh yeah look so you can see little holes in the third look it's actually quite delicate it does need a little bit of mending this has been used as a curtain a throw a bedspread as it is now a wall hanging so it really has been ruined the houses and back but it's such a beautiful beautiful piece of work you know just some things you can you just can never get rid of because they're just too beautiful so it's got another - ah here in the room and I think I think the colors I chose I think the colors are chosen here were in a way to kind of complement this but didn't really think about it you know because I don't sit and chew the cud what I do is I just left ideas wash over me like a color wash and um and then things are pulled together somewhere within that end product this is a Michael Kennedy lamp and again you've got this beautiful color something I'll just switch it on so that's the Michael Kennedy lamp and you can see that you've got these similar colors happening okay that lamp I bought well I bought that here I've been here 13 years was the lamp base that is I bought at a burn away it's um most of my most of my worldly goods are pre-loved like a paid about five euros or something forward but it is a beautiful piece of work I mean it's almost like a knob shade are so and Michael Kennedy's work is just amazing he is a ceramicist who works artist like oh so he's quite local and a lot of the beautiful ceramic pieces are have here in the cottage or his or his work which I've managed to procure as pre loft items so see all the tools and nails and stuff there on the window so um what I also liked about the color that I used in here I'm just going to show you when I'm sort of sitting in bed and looking at look there's the same colors on the outside of the porch and I love this little sheltered area almost like a little secret area outside the cottage because you see that the sastra Formosa that beautiful shop that's covered with beautiful berries that all the little birds come to so in the early morning I can hear them outside the window that's beautiful so and of course look except in the bedroom this bit has nice my loyal friend my darling Jack yes and he has this little bed but we may have to make you a new cover for that bed so it's color matches the room Jack yes this is a good father mum don't bother with all that so mmm kind of remodeled this corner as well this is just gonna be shelves and in the end then I said to Nick well you know if we can have like a recessed sort of wardrobe no I've still in its early stages it's not finished it's going to have a carton on it but I actually got a nice little rail in there and you can see it's a lot of finished enough to be done but all that's gonna be color washed as well so that will come together quite nicely and shelves here and I have decided to put the door back on so I think that's going to work well now and what I'm going to do on the inside of the door I'm gonna color wash that so what I will do now is either you can use you know sometimes you can use the same color wash and it just comes out in different shades of that color depending on the word that your isn't it on now here's the big project now once I get the wall painted over there because as you can see it's showing through previous lives orange and blue but the look of it but once I get that painted the idea just stay steady with this that's better don't try to focus I'm going I've got three boxes of broken mirrors which have been collected from a local hardware store and what I'm going to do you see the two corners going up either side of the bed I'm going to start at the top and work down in some sort of organic shape in each corner which is going to come down on either side of the corner so the recess but at the coroner is going to be mirror tiled mosaic ie with broken bits and coming right down to that shelf above the bed I don't know if you noticed but on the top of the paneling as a shelf you can see that so I'm going to run the mosaic along the back of the shelf and down to either side so I'm not too sure exactly what was going to focus again there I'm not too sure exactly the ships and gonna go for whether I'm actually going to copy a shape of something or just simply go for an organic flow which is basically what I did here above the fireplace I'm not sure and I won't even know until I started so we'll see where where the energy takes me on that so there we go that's of course the floor has turned up beautifully absolutely love it really love it so there we go that's how things are progressing there's little modern men she's had her breakfast always good to get her in and then that way those little birdies outside are quite safe and I'm not taking this camera into the launch because it's a bit upside down but Sammy beckons in there he's in the lodge so on that note on this beautiful morning and once and once again Thank You Brittany Thank You Susan and thanks to all of you who support the belt in a project and myself here inside Belton a cottage have a lovely day everybody blessings to you all
Channel: Bealtaine Cottage
Views: 18,855
Rating: 4.9580421 out of 5
Keywords: bedroom, cottage, renvating, renovation, decoration, wood floor, larch, Colette O'Neill, Ireland, morning, autumn, goddess, Bealtaine Cottage
Id: pSWjQO-ebG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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