Reneé Rapp says the thing she used to hate about herself is now her best quality

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I have read that you have always wanted to be a pop star so mission accomplished so what does it feel when your dreams come true um it feels very exciting I feel very lucky to have good people around me yeah um because it has always been my dream for sure but Renee what was the dream as a little kid what did you dream you know I've heard you described as a very emotional child as a very talkative child as a very someone who wore their feelings on their sleeve your dad was telling me so what was your dream I wanted to do a Beyonce to us really that's just all I wanted to do yeah I was obsessed with Beyonce as a kid um and I still am yeah but I was like join the club yeah exactly collaboration coming soon oh my God put it out there put it out there putting it out there so here you are your album came out in mid-august uh you're going on tour mid-september album's got millions and millions of streams what are you doing in this in between period and how are you preparing for this world tour I mean I've been doing a lot to be honest a lot of like album like roll out process a lot of it is like just talking about it like I feel like I talk about the album more time that I spent actually making it yeah which is weird um because like somebody be like so what's like the inspiration I'm like well the 10 like worst things that have happened to me over the last six months you'd like me to dive in you know it's a little so it's tough It's got it sounds like it's hard to go back but you do talk about love and heartbreak in this album 100 yeah why is that important for you to be so candid and also Renee so vulnerable yeah um you do that thanks I think that I have learned that the thing that I used to hate about myself like despise was like how much I cared and how incredibly emotionally intense I I was and like how hard I felt things as a kid and that was a lot of like what I was like shamed for whether it be externally or internally now I think that's like the best part of me so it's actually really empowering because it's something I used to beat myself up for so much you know a lot of people saw you the Jimmy Awards a competition when you won that competition a lot of fans have been with you from the very beginning and then you go viral when you look back on that time in your life it wasn't that long ago right what does that chapter mean to you yeah I I just remember feeling so like weirdly insecure and also so driven at the same time like I was I was so sad even when it was like I remember the day that it was like announced for me to do Mean Girls on Broadway and like that was like public knowledge why were you sad um I had just like gotten texts from friends that I was in high school with that like somebody said X Y and Z and it hurt my feelings yeah and I was like no that sucks mind you those are the same people now that will comment under myself and be like oh my God go girl start I mean no don't think I forgot what you said when you come into town yeah yeah yeah like Circa 2018. where were you February 2nd at 4 P.M because I know what you did right yeah yeah um but we live and we learn and we forgive and we forget all right okay Renee I have one of those June 24th I remember exactly 9 16. I remember yes exactly you know you you have this hyper awareness of your emotions and I love how now you embrace it because it serves as a superpower but I want to go back to your childhood I could probably imagine a young Renee having a moment where she's sitting down alone on a couch or in her bedroom and she has all of these thoughts in her head yeah imagine you now walking into that room putting your arm around young Renee what would you whisper into her ear I it makes me so sad but like I'm I'm just very proud for her I'm very proud of her like she was really sad and that's fine but I'm very proud of her because I like I see like so much of myself and my younger brother too and he feels like I always cry man but he feels like my baby like he feels like I just want to like protect him and I'm grateful that like he has somebody in his life hopefully me hopefully that like is able to be as open with him as like I wanted somebody for me Patty can you just mind if I give you oh my God please I cry all the time it's okay I love tears those are beautiful tears yeah we have some tissues but what are you thinking Renee that's making you so emotional I know I I I love hearing this I love hearing this I just felt very like lonely and weird I felt very lonely and weird and it sounds like silly but like I did and I like I always remember like when my friends would say like oh I just like don't care I remember like thinking like oh my God I really want to not care like I was like that would be amazing like to not care like about anything but you've always cared oh my God I care so much and there's nothing wrong with that yeah I know now I like it yeah and now I like it and the resilience I mean this album is about resilience many of the songs are about resilience and the recent years of your life have been about resilience 100 100 and also just like I like I just I spent so much of my childhood beating myself up and I'm so glad that I like don't beat myself up anymore for my emotions and I also have like good people in my life who they don't want to beat me up for my emotions but you know what's so great about this is now you were so unapologetically yourself yeah you are totally so very comfortable in your own skin totally yeah and so I think it's helpful for people to say it hasn't always been that way and look how you've come out on the other side do you know what I mean yeah it's also not to say that like I don't feel um like insecure like my dad always used to tell me like the most confident person in the room is the person that like knows they're insecure and is like aware of that and accepts that as like something about themselves that is just there like I used to think that like I need to feel like perfect if I want to feel confident and now I'm like no no I actually just need to like be comfortable with the little things I don't like about myself we're all a little flaw yeah that's okay 100 and the flaws are hot yes right that's nice I'm gonna write that in my mirror because I said you know what are you most excited about he goes I just want her to be happy and I wanted to achieve exactly what she wants to yeah he really is very special thank you so much thank you very much really really great to meet you thanks you guys I love your music and cheering you on always
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 19,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, cbs, news, singer, songwriter, renee rapp, music, artist
Id: a78F0kD2Ii4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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