Renault 5 history - This is a story of Renault 5

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I in 1972 a car was unveiled that broke the mold made big news in small car design and set the template for others to follow looking back one might think this little hatchback was a shrewd piece of industrial planning the product of calculating design committees an endless market research but it's actually the story of one moment of inspiration that set many millions of wheels in motion wheels on a car that people needed the people wanted but above all the people could have this is the story of the Renault five rising from the ashes of world war ii renault had played a crucial role in getting a traumatized continent back onto its feet and behind the wheel with modest robust cars like the four cv in the decade that followed it was joined by bigger more sophisticated models the dough fiend and it's glamorous sister the flaw he'd but these cars all shared a layout that by the late 50s was starting to become dated for many many many years runner had persisted with the kind of what looks quite a quite a kind of anachronistic rear-engine format and indeed they were criticized at the time for persisting without format even though that the car is in question continue to sell quite well but there was a seismic change in 61 when they introduced the Renault 4 which as well as being deliberately and indeed brilliantly utilitarian and functional was also front-engined and front drive overloaded a little cappuccino sweaty poses like why a mechanic a dodgy Asador estate business in year the new engineering organist at image in future is in killed website ug twin corner police horses like a lot of post-war cars that motorised Europe the mini the Fiat 500 the 2cv all these cars help put Europe on wheels economical and reliable wheels were very welcome but by the mid-60s momentum was building for a change of gear with pop culture and social politics capturing imaginations like never before young people were growing up with great expectations this dynamic new generation would soon be needing cars that reflected their modern lifestyles the British Mini had embodied the spirit of the 60s but for the decade to come it would be a Renault that would capture the imaginations of motorists across the globe however the seeds of this project were to be sown in a most unconventional way usually marketing and product planning come up with a dossier if you like or a document called acai a discharge excuse my poor French but which is kind of a document specifying what this car should be and from that the designer has the challenge of trying to sort of spark some creative life out of these words and produce a sketch but that's not how the Renault 5 happened instead of senior executives it would be a young designer called Michel Bowie who in his own spare time after his normal work was finished would set the Renault 5 ball rolling he had a photograph of a Renault 4 and just sort of started sketching on top of it Renault historian eager portal now looks after all of the original artwork Michele Bowie made was working on the 5 there drawings that betray rare vision Michel boo us on set Eva fair sedessa well our messes on set ESO de situs extraordinaire pass Canio - deja - lazily mo post intuitive durable Oh sack voice Avila for general liquid port Mousavi lip ashokan polyester liver he evolved a LUMO cuckoo la la la facade Oh conv pathos Odessa is only Calvo sweet Hawaii after that you get the impression that this project took off a great pace because everyone who saw it must have thought it was marvelous and that they were they were on something that was really new apparently the bosses that ran out at the time just looked out it went yeah that's good we don't need to change that we don't need to fiddle with that and that is deeply unusual in the car business indeed buoys design caused such a stir in the boardrooms of Renault that a small scale model and then full-size mock-ups will rush through then on photos of these buoy worked on designing the new cars all-important face battousai concrete recipe no phenyl no very vague official tracer in guaranteed appellate remedy eco vaporizer on port of Essex at maquette de su floor ESS ha la forme definitive level move over - Almo yacht rapido modification FET a commercial solution our purpose was eat oats Olaf a servo Laura's a lavatory Cosima Fiji it's a ca6 ordinaire please Coco infer in eco quelqu'un qui se passe Judaism so the Renault 5 had begun its journey and the project was given priority status in eight short weeks Michel Bowie and Renault had managed to catapult small car design into the middle of the next decade if you look at what its contemporaries like the most European manufacturers are still producing cars which aped de troyes in the 1950s there was still a lot of chrome around our vestigial tail fins that existed and what the 5 was it actually looked extremely modern I don't even think you need to be a design student to kind of look out and go they got that right I think the best ideas are the ones that that you don't labor too long and hard over so by 1971 the full weight of Renaud's industrial and marketing might was driving the 5 rapidly towards its launch but sadly with the cruelest of timing illness would deprive the man who'd sparked the entire project of the chance to witness his creations debut Michel Bowie must have been very excited to see his project taken up so swiftly by Renault and developed with such zeal unfortunately contracted cancer and actually didn't live to see his car hit the showroom nevermind become the massive runaway success that it did indeed the five wants to be the great legacy of buoys short career but this modern looking car that Renault had created belied its tried and tested mechanical workings as manager of Reno's historic car collection genre TOEIC takes care of many fives including one of the first only Bianca's Asda Richard Avedon okay telenosis episome said commandeer it a suitable birth year presence early to report a telefónica deliciousness of a perineum piss Cunha Auto exact mmm a plantation mechanic at a blob or tea services applies more to tree functions on a common condition glass una de Commander so fazer isso Contras excessive takauji veracruzano kappa a via suit kappa ing on rupees colleges could blame mechanic Bionic baby oil dissolute remodel or of lemon plantation chrono cats the dialog wat 11 la comando a total of all mo tae-bum dog ah no no no Cisco irritation Pasadena Freeway dog su una preocupación a mechanic on sex Ava marche de potosí lagos difference noted papa as computer lejano God set a such a cheap is Co norica presentation monocoque Cecil ago solution piperonyl Katya advances optic neuropathy guaranteed said Reggie oh so true super shock on composite the protects terminology aussi oh no no develop a diabolical T it will cease its functionality pisco desert a virgin Selena on a fatal treat a possible I click on magnifique polypore resources on high school Emma on the design modular modularity and hiya with this mix of lifestyle friendly features and dependable engineering the new Renault fives were loaded up and shipped across Europe ready to begin a new era in modern motoring in 1967 a rare moment of vision had launched Renault on a spontaneous journey into uncharted territory but a harmonious marriage of proven engineering and head-turning looks meant when the small hatchback hit the showrooms in 1972 it was big news in fact for some seeing the renault 5 for the first time remains an unforgettable image salary a massive scale approach to go Marsha windows and on it Asia VW abide supremely ctk tomorrow no psychic in sofia e la première fois drivers addwaitya a latecomer poundin jackson effect among social inclusion world elusive n wa yo gimme pura besakih to in sochi emil appropriate AOC Oh enough I saw my first one in the plaka in Athens in Greece that I was just happened to us backpacking student when I saw one on an early advertising shoot and I remember being just astonished that anything could look so smart but I didn't like all the best French cars it had that visual sheet with an extraordinary level of comfort it actually had great ride it was also one of the first cars were plastic was used expressively you know their NFI was the first one to do that bumpers the lights were fitted flush you know into the bodywork and it was an extremely functional package it wasn't just these simple elegant solutions to age-old problems that set the v apart from its peers interior space was incredibly flexible giving its owners can't blush to use it as they pleased and to drive they would have found a car that was a world away in some ways from a lot of the small cars they'd been up to then so for example compared with a rear-wheel drive it had fantastic high speed stability an exceptionally comfortable ride I mean which would stand up today as as exceptional also perhaps a little unexpected it was surprisingly quiet the engines were very smooth and eager and but such a practical car to not cost all that much money was a small revolution back then so here was a car that was both desirable and useful Renaud's factories struggled to keep up as demand exploded however world events would soon darken the mood as simply driving a car became a huge challenge if you think back to the nineteen seventies in many sense the early seventies was that was the hangover from the 60s and by 73 I think all that optimism and all that free lovin all the rest so it all brought to a shuddering halt by some very difficult things geopolitically and ultimately a dreadful energy crisis an oil crisis prompted by serious unrest in the Middle East and driving a car became and a virtually impossible task and indeed even in Germany for example they passed legislation where you weren't even allowed to drive your car at the weekend that's how tough things were it was all quite a shock and even once the dire fuel rationing came to an end petrol prices remained stubbornly high suddenly car drivers had a new set of priorities huge swath of people in Europe and elsewhere where were they were kind of forced to abandon larger less fuel-efficient cars luckily for them there was something as appealing as a Renault 5 to dine size into so sales of this frugal little car were much less affected by what was actually a catastrophic decline in car buying across the world it was all in Renaud's plan of course maybe we were lucky but maybe we have just the right thing to do to have the right product just to prepare in advance for the circumstances a little posh replay but economy wasn't the only reason the five kept on selling it seemed to have a character that was universally inclusive it was soon clear that here was a car that appealed that most elusive of market niches almost everyone yeah pajama party polos modo de la voce Oh gasps ooh al saud ra cenc a hotel città di Biasi orsn tota feminine me final musicality son tell calivita adoptive Ottoman cruises wadiya whoo-hoo this your band Asian they viewed at rated is active to Monboddo is about you it quite quickly developed a sort of classless aura about it didn't matter what role you played in life you could turn up in a Renault 5 and people wouldn't look down their nose at you we have done a lot of surveys afterwards to to to understand why it was so used success and in fact when you present the car to do two people surveyed oh the Renault 5 the reaction was not this is a beautiful car no not at all this is a sympathetic car like that even you you can breathe this guy in your living room here and sort of very personal relationship with the the window five you can have some affection of the car like oh no only Tonko shells while renault couldn't have predicted such an emotional reaction to the five it had designed the car with one fast-growing type of motorists in mind women drivers you want to do some shopping with me shopping with the most popular car in europe today a small renault that was chic was actually a novelty i mean that the four was a very lovable car but in no way could you call it chic as a consequence women liked the renault 5 a great deal young women and it was seen as a trendy and fashionable thing to have it was available in quite interesting color schemes and a wide range of colours that made it more more than a utility car i laugh it was the first car for them or their personal car the success of the real files was to follow the increase of working ladies and the need for the seventh car in the family in that occasion while the world of five was like a symbol on the new freedom for for women and this is probably the the social point of view probably the main reason of the success of the Renault 5 in 1973 a young woman from po was among the first to fall for the fives charms ma fille for zest enough is now a leading motorsport journalist Sudeten virtue a provision in present a ticket a facility looted Romania by a decree no Bisceglie feminine Pavelec Raymond and pastor confirm a tow Oprah tsunami on Jay City to innovative Kiko Hezbollah perfect ma la fábrica solar farm sporty olefin BC vision reserve epoch to polish a series on follicle como Polydor in suave OC mundane sweat a novel new sank AT&T pillow lavas on the draggy unforgiving the cessation of key you understand now why I love my so exciting run apply bye see you soon while it was this seductive combination of looks and feel that women fell for it was a much more raw macho quality that meant Renault could really let the five rib fifty-four events in nine different European countries the Renault 5 cup both spectacular and exciting is the sister race of all major competition renault strong racing heritage meant that it was only a matter of time before the 5 was tuned up and raced in a 1 make series where up-and-coming drivers entertained motorsport fans with some white-knuckle racing it was all action but Renaud's long tradition of building cars that protected their occupants meant it was safe as well so Sunday were jerky ex-criminal and parodies for prosecutor new neuron Shanta thing about you're not strong enough a shaman with you something nearby the text reading now solar security absolutely ho de parler CH buckle extender if le AV tsuki prevent harm attic to follow mansion so compare honking police of the la pista the this accident analysis if you don't miss it is revolted Pippin the girls remember on tonnage evidence II don't yes the Renault Cup was just the beginning of what was to become an illustrious racing career for the five we're in its most fierce incarnation the little hatchback would become a world beater by the mid-1970s the Renault 5 had staked its claim to the roads of Europe winning hearts and minds with its playful style and serious practicality even a global fuel crisis had failed to dent its momentum and it was this strength the persuaded Renault that this car should become Luca American cars had never majored an economy but gas prices have become a burning issue so it wasn't long before the 55s could be seen cruising on and above many famous American thoroughfares while the car achieved cult status stateside the American influences were soon filtering back across the pond in the shape of some surprising new fives via Ronnie DeVoe in particular I teach in virtue and probity true yeah especially to news anchor Liu Chavez Tommy Delk a tape on a Polish girl Syria's second virtual destination city of origin theodore luscom Opel constitute a mojit a calico company ownership or transport a Cal Poly Luke's water champagne use hallelujah cosmetic Judea voila I see Santa I've acre seperti Chitra I see characteristic the pollution vandal epic electrons open all charm of helmet what driving a distinctive Luca van would have been a perfect sign of the times as individuality became the watchword for 1976 skateboarding was a new no rule Street sport and punk rock the nasty new music and the long hot summer would see the birth of a new type of car with attitude the hot hatch and guess what the Renault 5 was leading the charge once again by the late 70s the car that in the early 70s was a kind of slightly roly-poly fairly slow good fun comfortable car had morphed into the original road rocker sporting a 1.4 liter engine pumping out almost double the power and with tighter and more responsive suspension the Renault 5 Alpine was a pioneer of this new raucous way to have fun I mean the idea of on the face of it over performance Renault 5 at the time might have seemed a bit silly except that Renault had a tradition of producing performance versions of its budget cars so you know there was a Renault Dauphine Gordini tuned by Anna de Gordini and there been other sort of if not hot then slightly warmed over Renaud's that were fun to drive and were quite good in sort of lower order motorsport so the company had a tradition but on top of that that there was a broader trend to movement to the idea of putting a big and powerful engine in a small car I mean it's almost invariably a recipe for fun it goes faster than it looks like it should in 1978 there was one particular Renault 5 Alpine that was going a lot faster than it looked like it should it was rally prepared and it was being driven by a pint-sized Frenchman with buckets of talent experience Renault team driver Johan yachty was entered into the legendary Monte Carlo Rally but his five Alpine was at a huge performance disadvantage to the powerful group run cars canto language emoticon mrs. Rosen is visited by turkeys chali pappan little mini until I became a plus see David Coffey goliad e / avec de poutine moi in virtue of do le so bad a conduit Coco de Ville competition yellow on a party freaking easy on me to come Amazon have antigen people pass kookaburra on a second Pina a tuna jerky treats a mandibular a vague linear very rooted water to some ammonia beetle on a nature that it fit a bond the second passage on a new TV at wadi impressive Hekla Monte Carlos on the street Vera Verto dismal extraordinaire Sarita static lava curate a canoe given public on avoidant an alpha state economy Oliver the International Revenue booka booka new attack etc similar so an emoticon lausanne is it that legendary drive may have taken place over 30 years ago but as Jean takes the wheel of his famous car once again it's clear there's no rust on either of these old warriors of the road no no no one does they can't be there yo Holly Holly porque ya vipada direction assistance physical novelty alfred difficile accordion we Pacifica there will be plenty more heroics at the wheel of a Renault 5 rally car for Giovanni Otte to look forward to the Hummel sank sank but back on the roads ordinary mortals were finding as much as they love their fives growing families meant the five needed to grow with them and Renault obliged lejano sang sang but in gand with you it was almost the end of the 70s but incredibly Michelle Bowie and Renault had planned a five-door 5 over 10 years earlier the claim for the no fibers we want to have a small car not to be a reduction of a huge car but a specific design and that wasn't why they decided to launch the car with only two doors but it was not so certain so we were been anxious about the success of the car with only two doors because it was so unusual that there was a risk so we have prepared all the tooling for the Ford all to be ready - to reduce the minimum the time to launch a photo if the the launching of the tools was not not a failure but some things also and in fact we only launched the photo version seven years later it had taken until 1979 for a full-blown five-door to appear but there was one corner of Europe that hadn't been able to wait that long and two doors wasn't all the Spaniards added back in 1974 Jacques Renault Seto luminosity dongsik inverter created on da Vila who knows on specific mobile annachi espanol Anana fabric a producer millisecond pollution demolition theater disco a parallel circuit Corrado yep efficient become honorable done no partial compressed air only dozin partial kamesh Brazil granado's on a homogeneous platform on appearance a functionality to blanket habitat in a coop and well with horizontal side not city in Europe alone uni mm-mean pretty cop Cipriani vitamin C just report another yo se parte 2d web Yonkers Cebu Kurukshetra to the main opposition magnifier when I pretty Tapatio true leader a very W Magette a calico finish or Apple pre-order yeah by the early 80s whether it had five doors or three the Renault 5 still looked as fresh as the day of its debut in 1972 but underneath cars were changing fast and to keep up the faithful little five would be needing a complete mechanical makeover in the decades since its launch the renault 5 had transformed small car design its ability to appeal to drivers from every corner of life meant it was being exported to every corner of the world this colorful car was sometimes regarded with such warmth that it was seen as one of the family but in 1980 Renault unleashed a much less cuddly v a family car it was not Randall operates in this kind of twin-track approach it can build fairly conventional cars that appeal to as wider possible audience you know car making is about selling cars and heading the right kind of target audiences but the sport guys and the chassis guys reveal themselves pretty quickly to know exactly what enthusiasts drivers were after Renault Sport guys knew their stuff all right it was expertise that saw a period of incredible achievement at the very pinnacle of motorsport adler mall in 1978 a turbocharged renault took the checkered flag for the first time in the company's history and 1979 was even more historic after two seasons of struggle a Renault Formula One car with jean piaget boy at the wheel claimed not only Reno's first Grand Prix win but also the first ever win using turbo power this potent engineering marvel pioneered by Renault in motor racing was to become the company's signature component in performance versions of many future road-going Renner's but in 1980 when building a performance version of the five renault did a little bit more than just fit a turbo to the engine rama produced the most extraordinary version of the five with a mid-engine so it moved the entire engine and gearbox assembly behind the front seats threw away the rear seats the wings were stretched around much bigger wheels I mean it really wasn't quite an odd looking car but bizarrely appealing Toyota party to you the doctors GOP flashy encore une fois avec des Demona kohaku party - year I'll pass Jerusalem or second Russia for me pal excels in what you evade the Kawasaki so bad open Magnifico gate blue is still a sabbatical polly pocket i mean just look at it no a phenomenal car and what ten years after the arrival of the original car another car that kind of seemed to capture the era si trabajo Mario's a 2.0 univ o concepto nuovo moto moto moto Digitas servants Allah knows a globose a set eaten Pavitra Erdogan difficile are kvf Pascal virtual the Toyota funnels heavily treatise mammalian Paradiso ferritin co o imitation retest if you're a highly skilled driver it was fabulous fan like any supercar really a Ferrari or a Lamborghini it was a car you have to treat with respect you had to understand what it could do if if you pushed it too far what it could do was spin but if you knew what you were doing it was a absolutely exhilarating car to drive it just look absolutely spectacular and those marked ones are hugely collectible in fact I saw one advertised just the other day 25,000 pounds for an immaculate one there are plenty of them survived because they're so treasured of course Renault hadn't given the turbo five bizarre looks and racecar handling just for fun World Rally Championship rules meant that 400 cars had to be made in order to qualify for entry at its first World Championship rally in 1981 was Johan yachty at the wheel the crazy-looking little car was about to make a very big first impression khatola peter defazio re de Monte Carlo minna-san capybara say ok labaki of attempt a CD boo-yan de tiempo en caso notch ability so dear so Somoza mm solo pillow top asked a stent official also Vasari pakka a deli pony hace poco de metrio sofia silk Lovato finalement ITT Castle Anderson SEC security to Japan a vehicle of jitter difficulty on proteges Oscar Levant and Aleppo solo dr. Walton muchacho Masako DB loss connects a real official Sunnyvale Pepita Europe situate your kids income asipi salsa step ocula y'avait prescott a social video sonic at initial a law school science only practice the glass epistles limiter physical cough acid is icky when people are watchin me Anita Libya a goddess or agouti Yaga Yakuza setec - ah ooh Monte Carlo of Examiners anchor it in Uganda levels for inaudible pisco salicornia for Sheila Bernie said to virtualize Victor Akana all sweet tones on the dock let me Libby Norma annuity or no saying why OT evah no no Jamie DOJ inevitably the turbo v was soon being overpowered by the new four-wheel drive Audi's but ran yachties dramatic style and approachable personality meant his and his car's popularity continued to grow as one La Laguna central were able to succeed under the psychic traumatically captain el loco significant silver just practically our Lovisa beaucoup una Allah knows most autopilot Yama del ruido so purty metronidazole extremist Apache Toledo's ADRA's Atul moon ave coeur La MaMa decimos a Toledo soul in efficacy taeho to tap a Salwa Tassajara mo her autopilot in virtuosity actually Monica Sakina watcher k-keep follow public Sammy's enemy mandarava pass a dandy position tipo de feces de Foix me over emotional music tsunami galley Yamanote Angela gallery Rica Panama Pacific the contactor until Kubrick illa Allah sent over if you've ever said Sofia in the fight back against the four-wheel drives Renault produced the ultimate version of its rallying v with the awesome maxi turbo but it was in the original road-going v that Renault was really looking to the future by 1984 after 10 years as france's best-selling car nearly five and a half million Renault fives had rolled off the production line but when it came to creating its successor it was this popularity that meant Renault had rather a lot to lose my new of a huge success we are afraid to replace the car and and we were so afraid that we have chosen a design looking at like the the first car even everything was completely new under the hood and because the the location of the engine it was transaxle and everything is different topic new platform but with not the same designer something looking very close bonus on design set total Manu Huia pencil please come in may kiha pal Sevilla one o Sai Baba's array LED sidorov's on dude so2 lucky hotel Sachin super sankarsana dick surgeon sampras cossack ido cohort of the surgeon statistic to ski effects 11 also may canadian president ronald epic set angle a new pony but it was a very consistent success for the second 105 but we were very scared before and very anxious that I had the launch but the success and the volumes of the new verse of the old one such was the enduring class of Michel bouys original design that despite being longer wider and lower the new 5 was hard to distinguish from its predecessor it was unmistakeably part of the 5 family and now renault sports tuning experts had a brand new toy to play with by 1984 the renault 5 had seen 12 eventful years roll by from the dark days of fuel rationing to a new dawn of personal mobility eye catching looks and unmatched practicality meant the little 5 had played its part with aplomb having successfully replaced the original with a completely new but very familiar super 5 renault had recognized that this car was born into a new different era an era that bore little resemblance to the decade just gone an era with quite different demands I mean it's a fascinating thing it's how you can use the car industry and what happens in the car industry to reflect what's happening in society at large and by the early eighties which you know what there are all those kind of cliched ways were kind of taking it off you know you had the Filofax whose yuppies suddenly wears this whole new generation of incredibly powerful but affordable hot hatches and in the vanguard of that was the Renault 5 GT Turbo I mean connected and related to buiiets original car which was just a you know simple little runaround for for anybody suddenly you had this kind of seriously potent hot hatch some of its acceleration times where were quicker than a Ferrari Testarossa once once the turbo was spooled up it was just phenomenally fast but more than that it had a superb chassis and so it could really handle the power in a way that many small turbo cars have not managed to do before became hugely popular had race series devoted to it there were again hugely popular to take part in and to watch their very spectacular la Chronos Angie teachable Louis ECT put a sportive pascal's Oh Ruby sweetie damaged NS value Sporto mobile Johnny face offical karahi calcoast Lakota quelque Zeppelin Siri vishwas machete please Damon Dillman journalism cursory global Caliphate veteran a freshman to Manitoba specialty that car really put the Renault on the map as a very serious maker of affordable performance cars as the 80s turned to 90s Renault kept the five so fresh with both luxury and economy models but it continued to build the outgoing five alongside its replacement the all-new clear but inevitably in 1996 when the nine million 200 thousand 600 305 quietly rolled off the production line it was actually the final word in what had become an epic story the story of a design that had become not only the most popular French car ever made but also a car that had taken both Renault and the whole automobile industry along an entirely new road I think it's fair to say your no.5 was the original super many so in that car we got an entirely new genre of car and it's the most successful genre of car to this day the Renault 5 has been hugely important to the French car industry and also the wider car industry obviously there was no car like it that's the whole point it was unique in France when it came out but it caused Reno's competitors Persia and Citroen to basically to copy it automatically a former General Phil oh my god Ilana Bhairav even sell you a book with virtue you said for generales Pierre DeVaughn OSAC Katmandu do the batteries diesel etc so to presume is you little miserable and the success with zinc not only to the success of the of the design meant to fund the right concept consistent with devolution of the society konasana Asaka c.difficile imagine MA Honora psoriasis a avenues include area Sarah Nelson Twingo so Congo it's a trial inside of a tech company different setups women play Lhasa per may Avenue de otra Dahlia under atomic indeed the Renault 5 successor the clear was in many ways an extension of the five even though the new car could boast all new mechanicals bodyshells and next-generation refinements much of the research and development design excellence wit and charm that had made the five such a success was carried across to the clear ensuring that it would be a fitting tribute to its predecessor a fact celebrated when the Clio was crowned European Car of the Year the popularity of the Clio and the explosion of the super mini as a motor in genre is testament to the fires giant contribution to small car making if la cabeza had been designing a car might have looked a little bit like the Renault 5 dr. Busey said of architecture house should be a machine for living and this was a brilliantly modern little machine for driving it indeed it was living their lives with their Phibes that for so many millions of people was and still is the reason why it transcends the mundanity of something that is after all simply a car Nevin Tina said virtuix in the form of a jacuzzi pure passer memorial near our Minnesota home and Okinawa a beige or fax envelope do you know - sometimes in the district recommend the actual sustainer finalized in the snow on a quarter come to offer now Oh Felicia platonically shows do some time why should God Dickson's - what really mumbles any it's my work of the buku buku present satisfaction we visit virtual network includes an eco say what was happened I went back home to Northern Ireland in this summer and my mother said oh you haven't seen these for a while and she opened up this big box and they were all my little model cars from my two-year-old son went bananas when he saw them all and he wanted to say I mean there were hundreds of them I thought well I can't take them all home I've got some shelves in my office at home with model cars on them and so I did it did in editing exercise there was a Lamborghini Countach a Porsche 98 a Porsche Turbo and the only other little matchbox model that I brought home with me was an original Renault 5 you
Channel: automotorbgcom
Views: 354,213
Rating: 4.8683448 out of 5
Keywords: history, renault 5, auto, Automobile, car, desing, france, automotive, icons, cars History Auto Rickshaw
Id: cmrtQDFCgXY
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Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2012
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