Removing the Safety Lock From a Dishwasher

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today we're gonna see what happens when you run a dishwasher with the door wide open [Music] this is our new dishwasher new yeah by new i mean it's not even a little bit new but we didn't own it yesterday so we've done stuff with dishwashers before we tried laundry in a dishwasher that was great uh we put a lego pirate ship in a dishwasher that was fantastic so we've had cameras inside of a washing machine before and that's cool dishwasher yes both but i do mean dishwasher this time you're right we've had cameras inside the dishwasher to see what's going on but that only gives us part of the picture we want to see everything so today we're going to run this new dishwasher with the door all the way open and just see what happens we assume that this dishwasher actually works because we got it from the store they said it was gonna work so we've hooked it up to our water we've hooked it up to some electricity we really don't actually know what happens can you run it with the door open here's the basic idea we're going to trick a dishwasher into thinking it's closed while the door is actually open we want to see what happens inside and how much water leaves the machine now the machine does know if the door is open because at the top where it latches there's actually an electric switch in there telling it if it's connected uh on this particular dishwasher at least this the latch comes out it was fitted right in here and i i removed it so now what we can actually do is we can still put the latch in its spot it's just not connected to the rest of the machine the rest of the machine isn't connected to anything either so i gotta be careful when opening that door it's very precariously balanced so what we're gonna do now is load up a few dishes and turn it on and see what happens start says it's washing oh there's water pouring in good all right so water's pouring in so far no water pouring out onto the ground now i'm pretty sure it was mythbusters who made a plexiglass front so they could see how their dishes were being washed this is probably the only way to get a clearer view just no door in fact this may be worse because the water may be hitting you in the face if you're actually trying to watch it and that'd be harder to see so my other thought is that it may be trying to to fill water up until it's submerging that coil uh-huh and then the coil would heat the water i don't think it can sustain good yes that much water well it's not just doing that we also may confuse the machine a lot because it at some point it's going to be like hey haven't i put more water in than this where is it all so hopefully the systems aren't talking to each other too much i'm hoping it's not that smart of a machine so it's just like oh need more water throw more water in all right good cycle that was fun dishwashers take 30 seconds did we break it i don't know i have no idea what it thinks is happening right now maybe it's heating or something yeah i think it just goes through cycles a little bit a little this makes me very happy i like that there was definitely some residue like of soaps yeah we're getting some soap and detergent bubbles and stuff that weren't there and now is the water hot right now no so if it ever gets hot i do think it's because it fills up enough to get to that heating coil and the heating coil gets the water hot the water coming out is so not clear looking like i don't know if that's dishwasher detergent or air bubbles or what but it just air bubbles it just looks so foamy dishwashers aren't quick it's probably going to run for a good while so we are going to let it run and then we'll we may come back and like watch some of the footage sped up so we can see more of the process in less of the time because unless we just got some camp chairs and sat here for a couple hours sounds entertaining hope that it actually keeps running and doesn't freak out at some point for a lack of a door all right the door is now full of water completely full starting to actually like drip out the heating element is is fairly hot at this point if i splash some water on it you'll hear it hiss oh yep loudly so i think it's trying to heat up the water right now but because it has so little water in there oh see there you go see now it's spraying higher so it was so low on water that it couldn't do its job i'm just going to pour water in there you go so now it's spraying and the water is getting heated up more so it does not have a good constant sensor of the quantity of water in it it just knows how much to put in at once still kind of cold water yeah the water has not heated up yet as it sprays around normally it would be hitting that heating element a lot and getting hot i always thought the dishwashers used hot water so this is interesting for me this is why it's a problem if something plastic falls down because it can land on that heating element and burn and uh i actually did that in the last apartment i lived in me and my roommate thought that our apartment complex was burning down at about 2 a.m no no it was the dishwasher [Music] well our machine is is still on sort of we think it is oh it no longer even says washing it had a green light oh resume did we stop it somehow i'm being chased by a bee guys it's not part of the video nate is squatting a bee it's a not a bee it's a wasp it's a wasp i still i don't want it near me so yeah the machine was just running it's normal cycle yep uh the washing light was lit up turned off the dishes do look cleanish they do we just ran for water they're cleaner i think there was some residual soap detergent and stuff in there um but then it just kind of stopped like the pump stopped running and it wasn't bringing any water in the hose is still on to it i checked um so we don't know if we broke it or if there's just normally a long lull in the cycle where nothing happens um also the heater like the heating element was on for a while but now yeah now it seems to be back off like it's not warm at all this may have been the quickest machine we've ever broken and we don't know if it's really broken we can also just like why don't we just turn it off yeah turn it back on turn it on again oh cancel did something okay i think that's the sound of the drain pump again there's nothing left in there to drain oh guess there's a teaspoon of water to drain so canceling it's now trying to just evacuate everything i think it still works i think it's just something was weird with the cycle or maybe that's just normal is that it's got like a break in there for a while but we got to see i think mostly exciting because after the washing is just the drying and i think that's just it heats up in there a little bit it was pretty cool to see uh i like it guys we have a dishwasher that we can now just run cycles with it open what do you want to see us put in here just a heads up eventually we are planning to fill it with the most bubbly dish soap that we can that's gonna happen yep we just have to wait till we have a good place to do that so just know we'll get on that but and everybody wants to see that probably not with the door open either i think we'll just run a normal cycle but with like whole bottles of bubble bath not even just this show bubble bath whatever the bubbliest foamiest stuff we can find we want to try that and just explode it out everywhere it's gonna be great but that's not step one or maybe it is you just have to wait a while it's coming guys that's not all you know we've always got more fun content for you to see if you like these kind of videos hit that box so you can see what youtube suggests next we'll see you in the next [Music] you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 331,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dishwasher, dishwasher not draining, dishwasher inside, dishwasher drain hose, dishwasher repair, dishwasher air gap, dishwasher open door, safety lock, disabled safety lock, overflowing dishwasher, broken dishwasher, safety lock dishwasher, washing dishes, water jet, water jet dishwasher, how do dishwashers work, what happens inside dishwasher, king of random, random happens, grant, nate, calli, tkor, king of random dishwasher, king of random washing machine, tkor safety
Id: NvpvHHT9GFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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