Remotely Control Any Phone

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no this is not remotely hack and take control of any android devices this is more of remotely managing all these devices by being able to access their location their storage their file the text messages and everything okay but if you're looking to hack into a devices remotely and taking control of it this can be one possible way if you use social engineering attack and one of those common methods is where a hacker actually sells away used devices for you and once you buy it okay because they already have the application installed inside their phone they will be able to see everything that you're doing all your photos or your files or your passwords what websites you're going into that's part of using social engineering to be coupled with this attack method okay so big disclaimer hacking is illegal if you decide to use this software for hacking and if you get caught do not tell them that you know hacker lawyer all right so right in front of us i have lemon all right l3 mon and this is the software they'll be using and you can easily gain access to it using and by going to d3vl right l3mon so once you're in all you got to do is go ahead and install it and once you do a git clone on it you'll be able to run an apk file they'll be going through in a moment that can help you install it into any android devices and you'll be able to take control from there so the first thing you want to do is go ahead and get clone all right and what you want to do is go ahead and copy the url here right click copy go back to terminal do a paste selection and go ahead and hit enter on that and this will begin cloning all right all the repository and all the files and documents and save it into your local drive and i have already done so so all i got to do now is go ahead and cd into l3mon alright so once you're here under ls you'll see the following we have client we have screenshots we have server so go ahead and enter cd server so once you're in server enter ls and all you're going to do now is enter hate main db.json and you can see right here we have the username hacker law and we have the following password so from here alone would you be able to guess what's my password huh so this is going to be the password and the username that we use to log in into the site okay so now going back into the browser i've already started l3mon so all you got to do now is enter the username hackerloy and go and enter a password one two three four five six seven eight all right so that's actually my password that i use all the time is the most secure password of all and you'll be thinking why would a hacker a cyber secured professional use a password like one two three four five six seven eight and the answer is simple it's reverse psychology because everyone would be thinking a cyber security professional will be using a strong secure password that is like 16 characters 20 characters even 40 50 characters and with upper lower cases digits symbols numbers and so on but the truth is i'm only using one two three four five six seven eight and now that i've shared my password with you isn't it more fair that you share a password with us all so going back to the tutorial here i've already logged into the device and all you got to do now is go and click under apk builder so go ahead and click on it and once you're here you have to specify the ip address or the public url or the domain name that will be hosting this particular apk file all right so all you got to do now is enter the ip address in my case all right my call linux hackers ip address is so go ahead and click build all right and you can see right at the right side we have the port two two two two two okay so now it's compiling apk signing the apk verifying the build finalizing and that's it we're done let's go ahead and click download and it sees the following l3mon.apk click save file click ok and right here we got it okay so i have actually created a file before i can go ahead and open up the folder and once we're here i can see the following l trimon.apk and of course if you see here i've downloaded several really interesting payloads attacks software applications that we use to run all this article hacking tutorials for you on this channel so go ahead and subscribe and turn on notification if you want to be kept abreast of all the latest hacking techniques so once you have downloaded file all you got to do now is shift the file over so go under downloads all right so i'm going to my homepage downloads i can enter ls and you can see over here i have l3mon.apk so i've highlighted right here l3mod.apk and all you got to do is do a sudo all right and then you can move the file or you can copy the file whichever you want to i can enter mvl3bond.apk all right followed by slash var www.html hit enter on that and it will ask you for a password go ahead and enter a password hit enter on that and that's it we have moved the file over to var dub html so we can cd to var www.html hit ls while we have a lot of scary files right here we have php web shell virus cross site scripting and so on and so forth but for today's tutorial we are focusing on l3 all you're going to do now is enter systemctl start api 2 hit enter on that prompt you for a password go ahead and enter a password okay so we have started apple g2 alright so go ahead and check on the status for it so status and we can see that we have apple http server running and all we got to do right now is go ahead and use any device any android devices and we'll be able to download the apk file and install it directly into the device so right here in front of us i've actually already installed the device well all you got to do is open up any browser all right go ahead and enter the ip address of the machine that is actually hosting that particular file so we got here 192 168.0.192 all right slash l3mon dot apk hit enter on that and this will begin downloading the file so you can see right here we got a following do you want to download l3 mod.apk again alright so of course you can go ahead and click download and this will begin downloading process of it so we have already downloaded a file and all you got to do now is go back over here install the apk file like what i've done here i double clicked on it and that's it we can see the file called process manager so this is the app information and once we are done with this all i got to do is go back into the browser where we have user interface click under devices so i have two devices that has already installed the apk file so here we have the online devices and we have the offline devices and this software is really useful if you need to do mobile device management at scale you need to manage hundreds thousands of devices you can easily use it by using this l3 mod to help you manage all these different devices across the internet across your internet so let's go ahead and click on the first one called online click manage and we can see right here okay we have the first scene and the last scene i can click on the gps and then click request update so before i clicked on it you'll notice the following right this is a blank piece of screen right now for the gps because we are not yet all right looking into the particular information of the gps so go ahead and click request update so we're pulling the information over and we can see right here we got the location of the device as quickly as that we are in literally i can click under sms manager i can click update for the sms log oh my goodness look at that kindly transfer 5 million dollars over now i want you to send me money now please subscribe and like the video notification turn on to hackaloy right now send money over right now to hackaloy while these are pretty scary messages isn't it so within minutes we are able to install an apk file and take control of the entire mobile device as quickly as that so once again i hope you learned something valuable in today's tutorial and will like share subscribe and turn on notifications so that you can become a brass of the latest cyber security tutorial thank you so much once again for watching
Channel: Loi Liang Yang
Views: 312,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacking, cracker, cracking, kali linux, kali, metasploit, ethical hacking, ethical hacker, penetration testing, penetration tester, owasp, android
Id: 2_26Ndtt0xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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