Remote UX Design Whiteboard Challenge!

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hey everyone i'm Aliena and welcome to my  channel requested by many of you today i will   do a whiteboard challenge video and whiteboard  challenge is actually my favorite part in a design   interview because it directly showcases our design  skills problem solving skill and communication   skill well before i get started i would like to  tell you two of my major advice my first advice   is to download a template before going into an  interview and make sure to address the template   so that it fits your design habit my second advice  is to ask as many questions as possible well   without further due let me introduce you to the  interviewer of today Lenny Lenny is the founder   and the CEO of and she will be  the interviewer of today's view let's get started hey Aliana how's everything going great well it's  very nice to meet you my name is Lenny and i work   as the lead designer at so  today we prepared two questions for you and   you can choose from the two options the  first one is designing a dog working app   the second one is designing an alarm clock do  you have any preference well thank you so much   for actually providing me two options i will  choose the dot working app alright so let's   get started well we can do some sort of a role  play as if i'm the founder of this you know dog   working out company and i hire you as a designer  so feel free to ask any questions that you like   um and yeah let's have fun yeah so i would like  to learn more about the context of your company   so before i jump into designing anything could  you please tell me about your company yeah sure   so we are a small startup based in san francisco  and we're thinking about designing a dog working   app for people who are you know very busy or  are not probably not very convenient to go out   all the time but have a dog to walk on a daily  basis in our team we are all pets lovers and we   see a need here in the bay area and probably in  the united states in general where people need   to get their dogs walked great i'm also an animal  lover so it sounds like a great idea may i ask you   what is the current team in your company yeah so  we currently have four people um two of them are   software engineers one sales and marketing person  and i'm the ceo and the founder of our company   got it so could you please let me know regarding  where you are at like the progress you've made   in the startup stage yeah so basically we've  conducted some user research um and gathered   some people that are interested in the idea i i  would say like we're still pretty early you know   um and we also don't want to start coding anything  that the user don't like and that's why we brought   you in got it now regarding this project is there  any constraint like time and cost yeah i would say   we are looking for completing the mvp of  this app in three months um and it has to be   an ios app okay thanks for letting me know um let  me say you guys have done a bit of user research   could you please tell me about who might be the  user so we're targeting people who have dogs   people in the united states i guess starting from  the bay area and we're looking at people around   you know ranging from 30 to 80 years old i would  say a typical yield there would be someone with   medium income and they're either too busy to work  their dog or just have like health problems to   actually wet their dogs i see them would probably  would definitely design for accessibility because   you know there's older people um and also people  with some disability so i would like to ask you   what are the current solutions for the  problem like if the user don't have our   app what would they do well many of them ask  their friends and family and arrange the time by   messaging apps um there are other apps out  there but the design is a little bit outdated   and i would say the cost is a little bit too high  so some also bring their pad to the pet center i   think i think that's kind of all all right now  i'd love to build a persona for the challenge   having a persona will help us to get a  clear vision of who we're designing for   so based on what you've said how about a woman  named k yeah i mean k k sounds great i would say   50 years old probably having two dogs having  two kids and a husband and what would be her job   maybe a magazine writer okay now i would  like to define the problem statement so i will say Kay is let's say  Kay is a warm-hearted um 50 uh give me a second 50 year old   lady who needs to get her dog walked by just  worthy dog walkers because she is often busy   yet she wants to take good care of her dogs  does that make sense that looks good to me   now with that in mind i'd like to brainstorm some  key features of the app with you i'm just going   to brainstorm something so feel free if you want  to add anything um i mean owner and dog's profile like name type of dog age description i mean  definitely contact information if they want to   you know connect and arrange them select date  function i mean since this is a dog walking app   there will be people who want their dogs to  be walked and there will be people who want   to walk other people's dog so i guess there  can be separate design for the owner versus the job walker i guess instructions of taking care of the dog   i think notification and review those are also  very important yeah yeah yeah i think definitely   notification and review are important fully agreed  now let me note down the user flow that i had in   mind and let's discuss and work on that so kill  the flow so i will say like in the beginning   encounter the app from social media or from  other places advertisement download the app   this is for a first time user  by the way first time user and then they probably will have a landing page  or intro page that tells what does the apps do   and after that there will be a register  page you can choose owner walker or or just simply register um let's say we  are going to design for the dog owners   version first of all add a profile  this will be the profile for the user   including things like contact information and  after that they will be adding a dot profile adult profiles dog's name type age  description and then i guess sending a request so time location uh or maybe like choose  three dog workers near me to send emails i think after that if somebody  actually get back to the adult worker   then or he has to get notification um if dog workers are interested and then  they will communicate for communication i   think you know a lot of ad has this chat chat  places where you can just chat in the app   but for since you're designing uh mvp i  would say like simply by exchanging emails or   phone number what would also work so  i'll just leave communicate to here   and then get the dog swapped and  finally i guess review the dog worker yeah so this is the user flow um that  i designed based on the problem that we   defined and also the user we had in mind what do  you think about it yeah i think that looks great   um can you draw out some wireframes  to to the pages you mentioned here   sure so let me first just you know highlight  the pages that are important for the mvp   the landing intro page register  a add a profile give me a second send a request and definitely also they review the dark worker  i will try to address my camera but i would   definitely also like send you um you know a  skin after this uh for the landing intro page i think there can be like an  image of people walking dog and then welcome welcome heading lines there can be like you know three pages to to to  run through if necessary so then going to the register for the register paid i guess  just very simple username   login with facebook all those things so i guess   register headline register with email continue  and then maybe choosing google facebook apple google facebook apple okay hello guys google look  me on facebook this will be the register sign up after this we'll be adding a dog profile  actually no sorry adding a a person profile   so actually i would say if they already  registered then there is already an email in it um   and i'm not sure why they still have to do  that or not so let's just first jump into   the dog profile page i think  that's a very important page   a dog profile well there definitely  has to be like an absolute image for the dog um asking basic questions like  what's the name what's the type   you can choose heading and then  probably adding some other questions maybe also a description and next um the contact can also go in here you know what  is the best contact to to find your dog yeah well after a dog profile there will be   sending a request so probably after  that will be the home page of the app so the home page um for the home page we can do a hamburger  bar you know to add a setting things in here   and then maybe like a welcome sentence  did you walk your dog today i would say   we can do like a add button in the bottom right so  that when whenever i want to add a request it will   be shown here and for things to show on the main  page i think we can do trip history we can also do   dog workers near me we can also showcase the  dog profile here our major dog main dog let's do   a dog feature here this will be one of my dog name let's also feature like people near me you can do like three dog workers near me oh probably a bigger bigger frame will  be better for here and then trip history   or just order history and then history after that i guess the important  page which is to add a request so to add a request for the header we can have a  back bike icon adding a request we can choose a   dog i mean some people have different dog so let's  say this is our dog we already uploaded we can   also like add a profile here right just in case we  want to do the other dog and we can do the timing this is choosing the date choosing  the time adding some simple requests   maybe like a message and instructions we can also also feature like dog workers  near me so i can choose one of them   you can feature like five people give them a description and then i would  choose like sending a notification to them   and then we can go to the next  step or there will be a button   here but there's no space for  me to draw anymore after that we can preview the request just  make sure everything is done neatly still the back when you can add it so here's a dog   a happy dog and then here's a timing start  date and day things like that description and then there are three people you want to notify  maybe they are your friend maybe you know them   or maybe just you're just interested in  their location and then send a request just trying to extend the page if i have time i also do like you know the review  the dog worker page um that's also important so   that's the basic idea i have in mind i will send  you like a scan of this well great i think you   did a great job aliena now i would like to ask  you a follow-up question so let's say if i'm   no longer a startup founder but rather we are  an existing website for dog's owner community   and we want to add the dog working thing as  a feature what would you do differently wow   that's a great question well first of all  if the entire thing is a feature instead   of an independent product then its function  and style has to stick with the main product   when it comes to the user flow then it makes a  different entrance point and also if it's you   know already a dog owner's community then maybe  the user already has a profile for herself and her   dog so we will have to consider using existing  information and map that with the new feature   and if there's already a chat function for this  community website then we can also bring that in   assuming you know people who are willing to work  the dogs are also users in the website and finally   if it's designing for the web not for an app i  would design for responsive web meaning both the   desktop and mobile versions need to be considered  i think that's a great answer Aliena and that's   the end of our whiteboard challenge thank you  lenny i hope you have a great day bye and thank   you so much for watching this is actually way  more difficult than i expected because i have   to be two people in the video and i'm trying to  be responsive i'm trying to record myself i'm   trying to record my screen i'm trying to do this  and i was also trying to catch up with the script   so what actually ended up on the whiteboard  looks a little bit less than what i prepared   and in an actual whiteboard exercise you probably  will write and ask a bit more than this but   this is just the basic idea of how a whiteboard  exercise can go and i hope that you enjoy today's   video if you haven't subscribed to me please  do so you know how it is so hard to become   a ux designer and i'm still struggling so  let's support each other and have a great day
Channel: Aliena Cai
Views: 63,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UX, UX Design, Whiteboard, Whiteboard Challenge, UX Whiteboard, Interview, UX Interview, UX Career, user experience, designer, design, google, job interview
Id: oujsls1BXjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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