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okay thanks for joining me for another episode of talking headstones um today we'll be visiting the locations and the grave of Anita cobby um I thought long and hard about doing this because of what happened to her and I am not going to go into the details of what happened to her I think most people already know and if you don't you can Google it and you can find out yourself cuz it's just horrific what happened to her and I don't want to go into that I just want to show where she's at what happened to her and mainly because I was watching on YouTube it was the I think the 20 or the 30y year reunion or not a reunion the 30 year um anniv AR of her death and there was a they showed an old clip of her dad saying he just never wanted um his daughter to be forgotten so this is my way of keeping her memory alive okay so we're coming up to Black Town station so this is where Anita got got off the train at approximately 1 p.m. she just come back from a night out while a day after working it's on my left here on the left of the screen so she just finished work at about 700 p.m. went out and had dinner and got the train back tried to ring her phone father from the pay phone which is one I don't know if that's the same pay phone there but it wasn't working there were no taxis so she decided to walk home and she lived on Newton Street so we're going to go to Newton Street try and find the location from where she was taken so we just turned on to Newton Street so I'm assuming this could have been the path that she would have taken from the station so she would have come out of the station viewed to the left and followed the road up I think it's flashcam Road and then she could have turned right onto to Newton or she could have come out of the station turn right on the Third Avenue and then turned left and walked up to this intersection here we're going to see if we can find the location where she was actually taken from so it could have been anywhere along here I'll put this picture up of the actual location it's a bit hard like I said it's 36 years it's a bit hard to sort of see the exact location but there's along this road that the grubs picked her up in the white HT holding then talk her over to I it's green Farm where we'll go to next okay so this is what used to be called r Road it is now Peter Brock drive so it was along here where they once they picked her up picked an eater up they took her out here like I said it was 36 years ago so a lot has changed here so I'm at the location on r Road um if you look over I've put a photo up if you look over there you can see those two Telegraph Poes which are in the photo so just beyond that is Pros break resero so back around this way hope this isn't clicking and making too much noise you can see through this fence I think this might have been part of John R's farm so there's nothing that marks where you're at here but um I'm sure it must have been in here cuz 36 years ago this road was a dead end went nowhere I think he was probably the only person that sort of came out here although lot of kids used to come out here and um party in the bush do whatever get up to no good so that's back across the road looking towards crossw Reservoir so I'll just read a bit of what um how he found so this all happened on the 2nd of February it was 2 days later that John R rank police to tell them he discovered a naked body of a young lady in the boiler padic he said it looked like she had been murdered so 2 days later after she'd been reported missing he found her body and I'm assuming it is in this bush land somewhere not sure while it was called the boiler padic maybe he had a Machinery on this bit of land so imagining this fence was not here back then must have been a smaller just a barb wire fence like waste high so they dragged her through that fence into the bush and did the most despicable acts known to mankind so there's nothing here to tell you that this is a spot but for what I can gather from photos lining up with those two um high voltage electricity Towers over there it was opposite side of the road so I can only assume it was in here somewhere so now we'll leave here um we're going to head over to Pine grve and we'll pay our respects to her grave so like I said we're at Pine grave um so I'll take you over to her grave in a second but first we'll just just a little bit of detail of what happened to her and when she was born and stu okay so I've got my glasses on they're my work glasses so they might look a bit dorky but anyway um so Anita Lorraine cobby n Lynch she was born on the 2nd of November 1959 and passed away on the 2nd of February 1986 so she was a 26-year-old Australian woman from black town in New South Wales and she was kidnapped while walking home from Blackland black Blacktown railway station just before 1000 p.m. on February the 2nd 1986 by five grubs that we're not even going to mention their names who are to spend the rest of their lives in jail and I think one's dead already so um so let's have a bit of a Wander over so she worked that day she started hope this wind isn't ruining my microphone or the audio so she started work at 700 p.m. she was a nurse she was a former um beauty queen she was Miss western suburbs in 1979 and which put her into being into the M Australia competition so she went to work as a nurse in the city started at 7:00 I think she finished at 3:00 and then um she went out with some work colleagues for dinner in s Hills I believe and from there she caught the train home to Blacktown from the city to Blacktown got in just before 10: um she tried to use the pay phone to ring her dad but um the pay phone wasn't working so then she tried to get a taxi there were no taxis available so she made the walk home which I believe was not that far half an hour walk um which I've already shown you the road the route that she took um so she started the walk she got picked up um well she didn't get picked up car pulled up the GU started telling her to get in the car uh someone that lived nearby actually heard the commotion and went out and saw them putting her forcefully into the um the car he gave Chase but he couldn't keep up with him he went back home he rang the police and then his sister and boyfriend arrived they then got in the car and followed or tried to find where they went and they went out to Greens Road where they saw a car parked on the side of the the road um they didn't think it was the car but they got out anyway he had a spotlight he sha it into the bushes where the cowards hid from him they couldn't see anything so they thought oh well let's just go back home um so they did um yeah so then 2 Days Later the uh John rine I think found a body on his Farmland in the boiler padic so we're at the site now of her grave so we'll just pan around and you can see her grave so this is her final resting place Anita Lorraine kobby 1959 to 1986 her light shines forever also here are her parents so we got the dad Gary Bernard Lynch 1918 to 2008 beloved husband of Grace Peg devoted father of and Catherine cherished Granddad of Cameron and Oliver always in her hearts and over here is her mom Grace AER Lynch Peg 1925 to 23rd a loving mother and grandmother a gentle soul and inspiration to many always in our hearts at rest with God so this is the Anita cobby and Lynch family Memorial so still flowers here I her sister must come out here along to tend her grave and her husband I think he's his name is John so like I said I didn't want to go into the details of what happened CU it was horrific um it should never happen to anybody so this is I'm doing this just to keep her memory alive like her father wanted so um that's about it from here my grandmother's buried here as well she's back straight down that way in front of us somewhere so I'm going to stop and pay my respects to my n so I hope you've enjoyed this video um if you haven't subscribed yet please consider doing so subscribe and like um and I'm going to keep making more videos different places about different people different Lo different um historical sites so until next time rest in peace Anita and Gary and your mom Grace or Peg as she was known and I'll see you next time [Music] okay so we just stopped um this is a reserve that they've named after Anita the on Douglas Road at black town it's nice that they put something here to remember her cuz that's what her father always wanted um he wanted uh to never be forgotten [Music] so it's on the corner of Douglas and Lesley Street he's the [Music] Sun
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Id: wDbAkcuSAlg
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Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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