Remake It! Sonic's Smash Moveset

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this video is sponsored by Atlas VPN check the description for a chance at an amazing deal more on that in a bit has it really been almost 25 years since the start of smash it was such a massive roster the series has built up over time getting each of them to stand out Echo Fighters aside required no shortage of Creative Design especially smash's ever-growing number of third-party Fighters most of whom have special traits or mechanics designed to help them feel like they walked right out of their games but sometimes things don't go according to plan look no further for an example than one Sonic the Hedgehog added a brawl's project plan part way in his development was rushed to get him ready in time and its shows with certain awkward animations and half redundant moves that he still has and somehow his optimal fighting style has him use his incredible speed to run away from opponents avoid interacting with them and play as lame as possible until time expires that's right Sonic's best strategy is to slow down the pace of the match but what if we could fix that give the Blue Blur a rework from the ground up to make it more fun to play as less toxic to play against and capture the feel and spirit of playing his games better than ever before not an easy task I know but I think we can pull it off so without further Ado let's remake it we begin with Sonic's base appearance Core Design Etc the good news is we don't need to change too much if this isn't where his problems are the style the shoes the right shade of hedgehog blue they all carry over from his games just fine personality wise he's also pretty good but my inner perfectionist says we can do even better what if Sonic's attacks had even more movement and Flair to them and maybe throw in some break dancing or parkour techniques where it makes sense to like his getup animations the more of a sense of flow and flexibility we can give to the Blue Blur the better because it will definitely add to the moveset changes he's getting Sonic's all colors need work well actually it depends on why his current alts have so little color variants if it's possible I wouldn't mind changing the colors so they resemble some of his many friends and allies more closely but that also runs the risk of looking like a stereotype of Sonic fan characters and Sega might be trying to avoid that so we'd have to work with whatever they're enforcing behind the scenes but I think there are still ways to vary his costumes better even if we can't change the colors much what if some alts could include keepsakes from Sonic's friends as a way to keep them on his mind a wrench-shaped clip from Tails a bracelet from Amy maybe taking Silver's gold cuffs from the yellow wall and putting them on the one that actually resembles silver Etc could also use more upgrade accessories from the adventure games you already have one odd using a knockoff Crystal ring so maybe another could have the flame ring or bounce bracelet from Adventure 2 maybe even the sunglasses Knuckles gets in that game as a double reference see the endless possibilities here speaking of possibilities this video is sponsored by Atlas VPN the crew at Atlas have whipped up a virtual private Network that protects the data your computer or phone sends out every day by using sophisticated Tech to encrypt it before it's sent makes it so your personal information can't be read by outside sources whether they be nefarious or just intrusive with no sense of personal space this can come in handy if say you want to search around without worrying about third-party programs tracking your movements so they can send you uncomfortably targeted ads about that weird thing you looked up last week out of curiosity and with over 750 servers worldwide you can change your IP address whenever you want Megan it seem like you're just about anywhere helpful if you I don't know want to search old shows from the 90s you're nostalgic about but your favorite streaming service 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unexpected ways in fact not interacting will actively hurt him we'll get to exactly how later for exact stats a lot of subtle changes here but not to his size or weight still a light weight of average height Sonic can only take so many hits before he's in danger ultimate toning down his weight was a smart move that I think should be kept but his Mobility stats that's where things get interesting Sonic may be the fastest thing alive but we need to stick some limitations on that so his keepaway game isn't overpowered for that I turned to his 2D outings Classic Sonic isn't just about speed it's about momentum his unique physics takes him getting used to but once it clicks and you tear through stages in record time there's nothing else like it to better capture that feeling I altered Sonic's ground mobility in a few key ways a slightly worse initial Dash means he starts out slower like in his games every other fighter has a run speed kick in right away after their Dash but Sonic now needs to accelerate from it to reach his top speed meaning instead of being blistering fast right away he merely has top 10 Mobility for about half a second there is a workaround but we'll get to that later and you know how Sonic has that long skid animation in the 2D games we're bringing that in too taking longer to hit the brakes than anyone else since he cannot Shield while skinning this leaves him vulnerable to long-range attacks while retreating if he's not careful these should help keep his speed in check but in case it's too much of a Nerf I compensated elsewhere Sonic's walk speed and air speed are both faster now letting him make small adjustments to his spacing more easily though the airspeed buff also comes with a cost even less air control than before and a shorter double jump both to bring him more in line with his more recent outings another big change Sonic's damage output is taking a hit with less damage than before on most attacks he's more reliant on seizing openings and racking up damage over time instead of getting one or two big bursts then forcing opponents to play cat and mouse indefinitely however not only has his knockout power been left intact new Tools in his kit give him more combo routes than before which means more opportunities to do flashy stuff that Wows the crowd in oh so in character fashion time for the main event how do we change Sonic's moveset to modernize it and avoid the pitfalls of his current one let's start with his most basic attacks Sonic's got a new jab inspired by his basic combo from Frontiers punching with his right hand then kicking with his left foot then pivoting downward and kicking with both feet it still does three hits not five like in Frontiers while it's similar in function to the old one this version is more intricately animated puts more movement in and just feels good to use and his forward tilt keeps it up a somersault attack based on the one from Sonic Adventure 2. Sonic spins forward to strike anyone in front of him then wheels back to where he started this one gets an opponent's faces quickly but lacks range since he's attacking with his body harder to punish than it seems though since he backs up to where he began the move Sonic's up tilt I kept as is a useful two-hit anti-air that can also start combos I think it still works his down tilt is also the same but I think we can touch up the animation a little instead of just you using his hand to Pivot what if he propped himself up with it and made the kick look more like a break dance move and his Dash attack is still a kick but in a different style based on the slide attack from Frontiers Sonic can go a very long way with it if you hold the a button down an amazing Landing trap on stage is lacking in platforms but the hitbox gets smaller the longer it's held out and if you hit a shield or obstacle you stop dead and you're left wide open don't overextend stupid so how are Sonic's smash attacks looking well to start his forward smash is mostly the same this wind-up punch from Sonic the fighters works well enough though maybe we can tone the stretchiness down a little I know the source game had very cartoony animations but he'll have plenty of other ways to catch bad spacing it can keep its power though for Sonic's up smash we're giving him something new from Frontiers a spin maneuver so fast it kicks up a cyclone around him dealing multiple hits to anyone in range before a final kick sends them Skyward mechanically it's like a combination of Sonic's old up Smash and wolf stuff smash better at pulling people in than the former but takes longer to reach its Max height and for Sonic's down smash yeah this one can stay an ultra flexible split kick is perfectly in character so no need to swap it out for an awkwardly Place reference or something like that all right Ariel's next Sonic's current neutral air is pretty basic but all it needs is a touch-up to bring in a move that I'm surprised isn't here now this recurring ability from the 2D games lets Sonic surround himself with a shock wave of wind for a brief moment with more range in his old mirror and an actual disjoint it also hasn't taken a hit to its damage but it also wasn't out for nearly as long anymore interesting trade-off isn't it now for another swap out Sonic's new Forward Air comes from Sonic Advance 2 propelling himself forward with a series of spinning kicks or only a little forward unlike the original version for balance reasons but you get the idea with four hits total in meteor more accurately placed hit boxes it's a worthy replacement for that weird head spin he's been stuck with okay so I've seen a certain move get thrown into a lot of fan made Sonic move sets and while ignoring it felt wrong I'm taking some liberties with this one compared to the original version of Sonic Eagle this one has more startup and a faster kick to give it more oof startup wise it'd be about the same as his current back air it is a moderately strong Spike but only if you hit the sweet spot right on his foot sour spots a regular hit with moderate knockback this makes it fun to use when timed right while definitely avoiding the issue of giving the fastest character in the game an equally super fast forward-facing Spike who would do that right Sonic's up air is the only one I kept as is a unique animation that deals damage and juggles people won't be able to get right up near the blast zone with it as easily anymore though you'll see why and for his down air I brought in a key part of his modern kit Sonic's old dive kick is replaced by a straight downward Style up dealing damage on the way down and when you hit the ground while its Landing lag is substantial you can cancel out early by performing a movement option to give him even more fluidity can't attack for as long as the lag would have lasted though if this is getting a bit much don't worry Sonic's grab game has fewer changes his grab animations and Pummel are the same as before Reaching Forward with both hands to catch people's shielding and kneeing them for extra damage maybe we could speed up the Pummel even more would be weaker to compensate but it'd be in character and help unstale as other moves Sonic's throws got a couple changes instead of a simple punt now his forward throw has him kick his opponent with enough Force to rupture the air as this version doesn't create a projectile but it would create a satisfying crack like miniature Sonic booms in real life Sonic's back throw is oh come on I wasn't going to replace that a Cornerstone throw for sending people off stage it can still kill at the ledge if opponents are getting high up in damage his up throw is a new one the backflip kick from Sonic battle pops a opponents up with low base knockback it's a less awkward animation than his old quill stab thing and it still combos into stuff then his down throw is also the same as before slamming people onto the ground and revving up on them still looks cool as always and it sets up Tech Chase opportunities one last thing Sonic's regular taunts have the same animations as before the front flip into one of his signature poses from Sonic Adventure the super peel out with the mocking voice line and the stylish break dance maneuver are all in character as always though I'd be out for getting multiple voice lines for the latter two if it was possible but there's more Sonic impressed taunt inputs in the air to perform a unique set of stunt animations inspired by the moves in Sonic colors and Frontiers they don't provide any extra benefit but they sure look cool they also shift his hurt box a little based on the direction you press use one of these to narrowly dodge and attack for the ultimate disrespect we already shook up Sonic's moveset so what could his specials look like now let's see we're going to keep things simple starting off the only special with minimal changes hey no need to replace the homing attack right it's a staple of Sonic's 3D moveset that pops up in 2D sometimes we will make one notable change though you know that targeting reticle that pops up when Sonic does the actual attack part now it'll appear while he's holding the move before that showing who if anyone will be targeted by it this small change has further reaching effects than it sounds an earlier reticle makes the move more reactable if opponents are looking for it refocusing homing attack into the role of a mix-up tool and no longer something to just throw out sometimes and see if it hits but the Sonic player benefits too having a clear tell for what your attack will Target or if it won't Target anything and we'll just go flying off should make it easier for them to respond to whatever happens too if still underpowered it could get buffed somewhere to compensate maybe lower base knock back so it can combo a lower sense here's where things get interesting Sonic's old side and down specials overlapped a lot so I thought what if he had something new in one of those spots don't panic when you see this one because I found a way to make it not broken a recurring mechanic in Sonic's games since Sonic Rush and the DS the Boost mechanic could work in Smash to give Sonic's movement even more fluidity at first we need to talk about the resource tied to it I know I know trust me as Sonic deals damage to opponents the arrows on his boost gauge fill up each Arrow corresponds to one use of his side special a key part of Sonic's new gameplay loop loop is keeping the pressure on his opponents to keep refilling his meter and give himself more charges to use and it's a very important move to have because on use Sonic launches forward at mach speed going even faster than running normally while bypassing any and all need to accelerate first this incredible burst of speed lets him mix up his movement approach in a Flash or cross the stage or a set distance in the air without breaking a sweat you can even cancel it into some attacks in certain situations so what's the catch well while the visuals would draw inspiration from Sonic General generations and forces the Boost functions like it does in Frontiers in other words it doesn't deal damage but don't let that scare you because boosting adds so many layers to Sonic's movement that it's still worth using even if it loses to any enemy attack or its other drawbacks like how Sonic winds down to his regular run speed or air speed pretty quickly afterward complete with his long skid animation in the former's case or the fact that you have to use it or lose it because not only do you only build the boost gauge by inflicting damage on opponents if you go too long without hitting someone the Gage starts depleting as Sonic loses his mental momentum it's an incredible tool but to use it best you need to fight like the Hedgehog himself would whew that was crazy what's next Sonic's got a new up special too and this one also ties into his new mechanic wild Rush is one of Sonic's new moves and Frontiers one of a handful of high damaging cinematic attacks he picked up we're using the animation as a starting point for a new recovery move simply press up and B and Sonic propels himself forward in whichever direction you hold while covered in blue energy that damages anyone in the way it's fairly fast but the distance is pretty meh good thing it's not the only version if you have at least one boost Arrow filled holding B has Sonic expend one Arrow to build up even more energy then launch forward in a zigzag-shaped string of three dashes more closely resembling its source move this version goes twice as far deals greater damage and is much better for recovering with wild Rush gives Sonic something flashier more synergistic to his kit and a less infuriating a deal with than the old spring the flexible aim and sheer distance it can go while charged lets Sonic recover from more angles than before and lets him go deeper off stage to Edge guard people since he can still make it back while making his offstage game more Dynamic since running off and dropping Springs on people while bouncing away safely isn't a thing anymore combine it with a boost first for even more recovery Mix-Ups but remember if you aren't actively refilling the boost gauge by fighting aggressively this move and Sonic's recovery as a whole is much weaker in other words trying to Camp with this version of him makes his disadvantage State worse too down special now wait a sec you might be thinking did you get rid of his spin dash earlier you can't just throw that out to which I say who says I did I just decided to combine his old side and down specials since they were both based on variants of the same technique anyway for something more streamlined and hopefully better balanced on use Sonic curls into a ball like always and starts to rev up mashing the B button here builds up extra speed like in Sonic 2 many games since or his old down special Let it Fly once you're ready and Sonic rolls off at high speed dealing a single hit on contact like his old side special still works as a combo move at low percents and combos for longer low charges which are harder to hit with so there are meaningful decisions to make here and it hypersense the fully charged version can be a surprise kill move but the biggest change is what happens if Sonic is in the air use it there and he comes to a near stop horizontally as he falls revs up on his own without extra inputs required and once he hits the ground off he goes yep we're working the drop Dash from Sonic Mania onward in here too giving the Blue Blur a landing mix up that makes up for some of the cheesier stuff we took out speaking of which there's an extra catch to all of this you know how ultimate tweaked bayonetta's neutral special so it fires on its own once it's been held long enough we're sticking that on here too to make absolutely sure it's impractical to cap with and unlike its counterparts in Smash 4 and Ultimate Sonic isn't Invincible for a few frames once he starts moving and he can't cancel out of the dash for over half a second unless he hits something all of these changes should make spin dash a more comprehensive take on one of Sonic's signature moves while toning down the stuff that has made it so toxic in the past in theory this should give Sonic even more flow to his offense than he already had while making it harder to play Lane because that's not how he would want to fight so is there anything we can add to Sonic's Final Smash you bet there is mixing in a technique from Frontiers Sonic gathers the chaos emeralds and transforms like usual but now he starts by dashing forward in the blink of an eye if anyone gets caught by the Dash Sonic pulls in all the chaos energy he can muster causing the surrounding air to crackle with lightning then he dashes right at his helpless foes striking them from all sides with punches and kicks at such blinding speed that he appears to teleport around them and leave after images in his wake that also keep attacking then Sonic backs up revs up and plows into them with so much force that they're sent flying a finishing blow as powerful as it is awesome looking and there a revamped take on Sonic that fine-tunes his moveset and overhauls his specials to hopefully make him true to character and more fun to play as and against while he could use his speed to mix up opponents before this version tones down the keepaway elements that often overshadowed them now he has more reason to wear his opponents down physically instead of wearing down their players mentally and with updates to his kit using moves both new and old he should feel more like a true embodiment of his games and not just a rush job from brawl who hasn't had the chance to catch his breath so Sonic fans how'd I do with previous episodes in this series I tried to keep the character's current play style intact or add to it but this one had such deep-seated problems that I focused instead on the playstyle he was intended to have one that lines up better with his actual personality figuring out what and what not to use took a lot of trial and error ended up pulling less from Frontiers than I expected I did consider a siloop special at first but it ended up being a bad fit I'm also not fully confident on giving Sonic a meter mechanic with how cliche those are but it ended up being the best way to steer his playstyle in the right direction special thanks to these people here for helping make this video happen thanks as well to my patrons for their continued support and hey if you're new to these parts and enjoyed this video check out my other smash content I've done a few remakes before this one and I have a signature series that does full fighter designs for characters who haven't made it in yet and thanks again to Atlas VPN for the sponsorship don't forget to check out their special offer so until next time keep on running
Channel: Delzethin
Views: 190,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Smash Bros, Smash Bros, Smash Ultimate, Smash Bros Ultimate, SSBU Delzethin, Remake It, Smash Bros Sonic, Smash Ultimate Sonic, Smash Bros Sonic Moveset, Smash Ultimate Sonic Moveset, Smash Bros Sonic Moveset Remake, Smash Ultimate Sonic Moveset Remake, Smash Bros Sonic Moveset Revamp, Smash Ultimate Sonic Moveset Revamp, Smash Bros Sonic the Hedgehog
Id: UGq6Ik2WqPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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