Relume AI Website Builder | Create your site in minutes!

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guys what's up long time no see again I was busy with Ramadan and I actually am right now as well which is why I haven't been able to do much videos but I do want to make a video of this particular tool which is pretty freaking insane it's relume most people who have worked with workflow have heard of it or they actually use it but now they have ai integration directly with webflow as well so what you can do is you can obviously install the application uh reles site Builder and it can actually import your sites that you're creating here so what is the relume site Builder I'm going to create a new project so when I am in a new project as you can see on the on the right it actually shows me the sit map so at the top we have tabs for sitemap and wireframes so I can decide okay what website am I actually building let's say if I'm building my own website or my agency's website so an agency that offers SAS design and development services along services along with AI marketing or something along those lines right I can decide the number of pages that I want to have and I can click on generate sitemap that's all I need to do and it's going to actually start generating the number of pages and the sit map based on the content that I've provided here the sit map that I've provided so it's going to generate that and as you can see we have a bunch of different things it also have some of these other pages I can decide okay let's have a look at some of this particular stuff hero section feature section then we have another feature section Maybe I don't really want this feature section so I can just go ahead and actually remove it delete and it's done similarly maybe I want to say hey I want to have the how it works section above so on and so forth so okay that's good I feel like okay now we have the About Us section we have the uh Services we have the blog we have the blog post now I can just click keep on clicking the generate content to generate basically content for these Pages similarly if let's say I decide that maybe some one page let's say is not present here I can also just click on the plus icon I can say this is going to be my contact us page and I'm going to just click on generate content and it's going to start generating content for that as well so we have a header section just um as an intro an introduction to what we are the contact the contact form the application form Early Access newsletter if we want it and we can obviously remove it as well we can also customize this text to actually Define what is going to be contained in it so once we're done with all of that once we're happy with the site map I can just go and click on the wireframe I click on wireframe at the top and it's going to start generating these Pages magically in front of you obviously these are wireframes relume is particularly popular for wireframes and let me just go ahead and actually rename this project to ageny wireframe or something along those lines now as you know I can actually just directly go ahead and import this inigma but that was something that was previously done as well and I can go ahead add the images I can can update the text so on and so forth but let's say you're not really familiar with figma you're just a founder or you're just a developer looking to create this particular site so you can also just go ahead and um let me actually generate the pages that I did not generate the content for so I'm going to generate these two pages as well so once you're happy with everything and you like what this layout actually looks like and obviously you can do these customizations directly here as well I can say hey I want to add a new section and it's going to add this section so on and so forth so I can do a bunch of the these different things but once I'm happy with where my wireframes are and it's actually still generating some content so let's just wait for it to generate once I'm happy I can just directly go into my site on webflow and just go to my applications here on the left and go to the relume side Builder and I want to launch this application and I want to say I want to include my agency wireframe here so it's going to I'm going to select my primary site map and it's going to ask me hey to achieve the best results we need to clone the style guide and import it into the newly created project but let's say if you don't want to do that obviously you can go and click on clone style guide you can clone this particular style guide to your workspace and then do that but just to make it shorter I can just directly go ahead and import things as well and it's going to start creating those pages for me obviously on the free plan I think you just have a limitation of a few pages um not all pages so it probably wouldn't be able to create everything but it's creating these Pages live directly from relume to webflow and it's importing them and I can can now go ahead update the text update the images create the components if I want to so on and so forth so it is pretty insane let's just close this and see some of the pages that are created so we have the homepage we have all of the content on the homepage and now for for the most part I just need to fix some spacing paddings like for example here so that's something that you can obviously do yourself as well but yeah it is freaking insane I definitely want you to go ahead and check it out
Channel: AM Design
Views: 679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai website builder, amdesign, asaad mahmood, asaadmahmood, learn ui design, learn ux design, modern ui design, relume figma, relume library, relume site builder, relume webflow, resume ai, website design course, website design ideas, website design in figma, website design process, website design tips
Id: vGI5vRWeoFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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