Relining Sewer! Almost Complete Disaster!!

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thank you not today [Music] Charleston yeah we're back again yeah we are this time we're doing what we're gonna do because of with the development the counter won't let them touch the trees yeah now we have to do the sewer okay so it was a bit more difficult because you can't dig so we have to go down the vertical okay so that's about it's a meter down the vertical to a square connecting Junction yep then it runs up the side of the house to new PVC drainage which we have to line two so we need a liner to start on the lateral line at the beginning of that Junction and lines straight up to and it's six inch it's not four inch six inch so it's a bigger pipe yeah Justin is going to go from the from the square down how far down oh it's the meter 1.1 meters a rope which is a guide rope which will go through the liner it will pull it into the square you'll be able to see that okay as as you know as we invert it in all right cool yeah and then that's going to go all the way up to the is there an i o up there there is an oil I'll go and have a look at the io okay so here's our roof they're going to pull it all the way through this will film with it as it comes off through here hello Lolly how are you today good that's good Justin is uh he's measuring the what's this thing calibration tube which will inflate the liner so this is a different process than the last one completely different so this is the liner we're going to use okay that goes inside it so the calibration tube will go over this and as it inverts will become into the inside of the pipe to hold it out okay inside this we will have the guide rope yep which will join to the Rope what's in the drain and that will just it's only necessary to get it around that corner okay where we don't you know because we don't want liner we'd have to cut out it and you still use the um the what's that product epoxy epoxy yeah yeah okay same process yeah all right but inside that yeah same process holiday how hot is it today 38 38 . Brian did I say hello hey guys g'day Ryan oh yeah Ryan's pretending to work not funny [Laughter] all right so we're gonna roll this baby out so we've used the camera to get the measurement oh Ryan Ryan takes the small one and he still loses the rice outside this will be the 1.15 from ground level to the connection underground right okay so this is the start of our liner uh-huh that's going to be closest to the street yep measure once cut twice say right hibiscus flowers all the way from Hawaii oh and this looks like a cowry tree correct me if I'm wrong that's a fig tree and there's some lorikeets up there the rainbow bird could be a red cedar tree yeah that's probably red seed off all the way from America [Music] so Justin and Ryan are going to use these rods to pull the inside through the sleeve work on it there we go all the way through I think oil so you have to also glue in between the Cali and the liner oh my God and then here's the visual oil for that hey veggies yeah veggie oil I would type in the insert for the rod so we can pull through because you don't want to get halfway up the Kelly yeah yeah all in the liner Maggie oh The Magpie left something on here a blocked on your liner compliments of tomato what are you running sir Beauty aren't y'all that's sliding in pretty good that's amazing yep stop some more Lube maybe that Magpie pool help we're going yep [Applause] yeah keep it going thank you close close you ready yep you're on yeah I can cut this now lock Us in the rod through for the road yeah yeah questions I'm just gonna send it through again yeah to pick up the uh the full Road the guide rope okay so you gotta pull the guide rope through now gotcha let it come to me 100 Mil taping up the Rope Pull the Rope through and we're ready for business okie dokie yep do you wrecking Lolly there we go we're through now just have to glue this to that for the remote start okay we can get it on the vacuum and wet it out yep foreign ER I know with this we're going to use this to inflate it so it forms to that when we glue it on okay because we need to yeah gotcha thanks oh this one [Music] applying the super glue you don't need a lot for this Foreigner [Music] so as you blow that up the glue is going to stick here yeah beautiful this is a this is made from what we normally would use as a calibration tube for steam which is the airbag okay yep so that can handle high heat and high pressure right wet discard it the orange stuff can't handle as much as this [ __ ] at this kind of job a remote start this glues to the liner easier than that okay all right so we might have a quick look down the drain quickly before we reline it just to make sure it's all clear we will see this little fluoro rope down there just ignore that that's what's sitting at the bottom so we're going to Clay in a minute and we'll see what sort of state to Clay is in for those that don't remember when I cleared it yeah it's pretty pretty ordinary [Music] all right oh and we're down to the boundary trap where we're going to be doing the uh sleeving from the bottom up looks like they're pulling the uh the Rope up now ready foreign ER through the bend normally you wouldn't have a tree okay yep all right so we're all set up ready to go let's just go to uh without the liner without the liner I get the liner in the drum wrapped around the front connected to the guide rope and shoot it in okay so we uh do the liner yep that's all right I'll just pull my camera back out okay bucket on the scales Ryan's going to mix the chemicals 16. 16 kilos space for four kilos one two three five five seven eight one ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen it's the only time for these scales I don't even see it on my side thirteen six overview game one three four five six four five so what's this one gonna go up to take it up to 20. four kilos foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you nice and cold [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah that's good we need it because there's a lot up there okay yep bring some of this back yep again perfect just the right amount just have to wet it out right up to you though yeah we'll do this by hand look at that soaking it right off amazing so it's used it said 20 kilos uh was for one meter more than we're doing okay and we put 26 kilos in yeah right so sometimes the old calculator this is a bump steer yeah what I'll do I'll pull it to here and I'll run it all back so just make sure foreign [Music] Justin's going to massage it in soak it up all the way to the end ready for the uh inversion holy [ __ ] it's only one was that the old bucket the same bucket new one all right do you want more I know it's hot okay this is good it is Justin's anime it is [Music] all right except for this day man yep keeping it back on with Justin's special and a tool Bandit tool two of them just done two yeah oh wait [Music] everything going according to plan except for the resin yeah right yeah usually it's just one swoop yeah it's like yesterday three kilos too much today kilos two left yeah ah that was because of Ryan [Music] [Music] okay with a lot of weight here it sounds faster no for this bit [Music] okay get that tight pull that yep more load and we need to live this has no Lube on the outside all right because it goes in yeah okay so you don't need thieves Justin's Wheeling it onto the inner frame of the um inversion drum while I'm lubricating Mr lubricator lubricates so doing this way it is heavier like because you're doing converting two bits at once and this is a stick material okay and that orange material stays in there right no it comes out does it yeah this is just for inflation really okay yeah can you use it again you're sure we usually use it just to fill up the shed as rubbish okay the inverter hold off this drums packed out come on Mr Luby you missed a bit there without losing this straight um foreign type so that's the end that's going up yeah yeah [Music] what a process if you miss a step everything goes wrong okay yeah no room for error So Justin's pulling that in through now down here with his rope yep [Music] for a sec [Music] Justin's just got the end of it out foreign that's just when you feed it through yeah I think we're gonna cut it after okay [Music] our Bangles on so this is a cap which likes Steam I tried fixing already today yeah Dustin's put a bit of uh put that stuff here T-Rex that might make a little difference uh other way keep coming right now I'll just get that marked that's good that's all right uh now come back a tiny bit to you yep yep that's it thank you [Music] foreign thank you around we go so we're gonna pull the camera at the same time you pull your camera up pull my camera off things all right well there's um there's Justin's camera [Music] so we just got to wait for Joss to pop it in Justin's pulling the Rope uh sorry Brian's pulling the Rope okay that's tight now that's tight keep going full it's tight he's pulling oh here we go here we go hey Justin you can you get pull back a hundred mil just Justin pull back a hundred pull back a hundred so we've gone down instead of in so we've got to pull it in keep pulling silver fly better get out of there that's why you get run over is he going to be able to pull back a bit I don't know [Music] can you pull back clockwise on the drum to pull it back we can tell you it's all right I can't see it moving hey I can't see it moving pull back pull back you can tell him yeah he only has to pull back a hundred yeah maybe you can't say anything because he's underneath the Rope done no all right hang on come on [ __ ] oh yeah you're right let your rope off as well just in case let's go on the other boundary do you need a hand do you need a hand ready yeah all right foreign I am I am okay that should be good over there Justin we're in no we're not so the problem is the cow tube right this will look like donkeys okay so what do you suggest unless you pull it yeah I haven't seen how it's going in well that's the end of it there isn't it oh I couldn't get Wi-Fi on the phone it's not a smart thing to do but you don't like full on it yep sorry mate helpful I thought and the camera yep okay it's coming in we need to pull that he's gonna get pressure as well all right it's coming thank you yep by pulling you're right there it's coming it should be coming up to the junction soon I've got some on the screen oh my thank you clean the string [ __ ] down stop stop let's run over the Cali I mean the boat okay we've run over the Rope pull it back so we can get that robe keep going that's it okay pump it again yet [Music] it's right there yep we're coming into the uh okay we're into the penis now it's I think it's just finished making the game going sound I'll just double check all right [Music] you know I gotta go slow towards the end here that's where it stopped there sort of where it steps out you hear it breathing hi Justin all of us just gonna put the camera back down and have a look [Music] hey Josh do you want to pull it down pull it back like a hundred and I can try to pull it again take your camera yeah yeah it gets very milky down towards the uh your end quiz all this water coming from that full tab no [Music] how far is our water coming down I know I only noticed at the end when it came up well you got up on you've got up into sorry that's right into the PVC did you see the liner everything yes so that's all right oh so you saw the liner finish here yeah so West Coast scenario dig down and open it up there yeah it's sort of like it stepped up and when it stepped up at Blue but no no further it's like it was too short but we didn't see orange I don't know if it's run over the Rope or not [Music] oh you think that might have happened ah Chuck's a rag okay if I just cut I might just cut it yeah all right [Music] yeah it's run over hang on hang on so this is gonna happen oh you know what what so hey did you did you have you cut that rope yet hang on daddy up it doesn't matter here I've got to cut this out right let me just meant to come you want me to pull though what I'm going to do is get the steaming through I need a um oh yeah it's coming [Music] oh beep ah too much that's burning all right that's all Pole that's not coming beep okay remove these parts all the way do you want some uh moldy grips oh my God he's 500 Degrees because if I got the Cali come to the other bar I'll pull it out [Music] it's reacting now sitting okay yeah twist back spin it spin spin spin flip the bar up his way up there all of this the problem is be going rock hard watch that same doesn't get you oh no I haven't got this is the reaction I haven't even got the Steam on yep steamer's not even turned on that's just the chemical reaction going on there [Music] where to now just are you sure you want to cut the Kelly no no I'm not gonna I don't want to cut the calories okay I just want to cut around it we want to try why do you want to come around to get this to somehow but we need to cut this all away a bit Yeah but it's reacting right so it's so that the color can come all the way out if we could get this Kelly out then it would Breathe we could cure it just cut out that section okay well then let's let's work on on just cutting this out then then we can get full access to it I'll just cut this off [Music] all right yeah and then we have yeah I'll see if I can get it with this Justin no we'd smash this better off carefully [Music] I'm not that way [Music] you can see that on the inspection though no oh well I gotta come on all right oh yeah it's beautiful okay oh the resin [Music] yeah oh yeah oh yes it's coming slowly slowly no no no we're just gonna get it out come on yes okay now oh look at that right that's good that means it's all blowing yeah now our problem yeah doing this we need to get rid of this pipe here yeah so we can pull a bit of Cali out thank you because then I'll let you take it out a cure this okay [Music] without damaging yeah yeah anything [Music] yeah see that's where it's rock hard in there but if we can open this up I reckon and get a chance to be able to just pull out [Music] very good all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on what's that [Music] oh yeah right I'm gonna bleed that steam yeah pop it out yeah great lady time steamer on he's going to steam it for half an hour then he's going to cure it and that's going to be hopefully it once this goes to Green we're good gotta go to green and we're good tie the Kelly back on then give it a bit of air because what happens with the Cali uh if it doesn't have air behind it it concertina's and if it gets stuck okay on the way out so it's um so you're going to pull the pull it from here yeah yeah but we need to rejoin open up there rejoin onto the Kel tube and then reverse it under a small amount of pressure okay this will be cooked here we're out as it will be done peep [Music] oh I just gonna turn the steam off it's been going for a good 45 minutes foreign [Music] block all right yeah that's a blocky that's a block off yeah this is where it's gonna get I need to work out where the stream end is okay um well you reckon if you drill a hole here you'll see it's still solid block there yep no yeah [Laughter] [Applause] all right [Music] [Applause] well okay oh no no no we've got a fault going in that ah geez it's yeah this has stretched I'm gonna cut this off oh water yeah water Pizza oh you guys are going to be eating like kings oh and there's your Coke too wow good hmm Justin yeah thanks thank you [Music] okay foreign [Music] [Music] everything's solid it's failure resistant to impact as you can see Justin Teddy's Pizza he's got a second burst to wind oh look at that yeah this is bad just cooled up on itself hey so there is uninverted liner through that is good there no oh yeah to put pressure in the powder get it out yeah hang on one second all right that's nice [Music] all on it all right pull that Cali you want to break it walking down [Music] there you go three minutes there yeah now that's a super block solid yeah so that's the steam end so that was way further down yes so this has stretched over 13.6 meters it has stretched four meters okay on this double inversion with just because of this this there was so much stress on it trying to input which is yep all right so now that's madness Okay and then I'll tie it onto this yeah try and get a um yeah try because then we can reverse it okay with our concertina um here wow that means we busted that up pretty good okay the lining looks pretty good though oh yeah no the liner will be Immaculate from here on in excellent and let's run and I'll see if it'll just pull out [Music] don't worry all right [Music] so they're going to pressurize it now and Justin's going to pull it out from that end at the front there it goes see you later yep laughs [Music] any idea what that sound is no no some more people yep that'll do give me some pressure foreign [Music] foreign not a good sign all right we'll have a quick look with the camera see what's going on [Music] well the reline looks really good very good that's where the junction was which is not in use anymore oh that looks like a snake that's just the muddy water going down look at that okay so there's there's our inflatable and for some reason it's getting stuck there but they reckon they'll be able to pull it out they just got to blow more air it's coming back up pushing a whole heap of water with it blowing it up come on off we come I reckon we'll come back tomorrow and pull it out all right so I've returned the following day Justin's here he's dug a hole um it's turned into a little bit of a disaster because um the remote start I want the measurement move the drum must have moved wrong because of the when we did the test we did a two meter test run with our tab start and it worked perfect so we over measured too much too much liner by by a meter or two and this is the consequence um now we've got to try and pull this Cully out Justin's grabbed the uh the Kelly's concertina so it's become a disaster this has just compounded one thing onto another on to another okay um because the relining's all right the liner is perfect oh that's that's the main thing as long as the Milan is perfect it's prefer here so we'll cut this out yeah we'll cut this out we'll pull this out Justin's taught it to his truck he's gonna try and reverse it out without taking the wall out we're going to try and pull back see if we can because the cow tube has holes in it if we can get to a part where we could join a drum onto it yep um then we could repressurize it shoot it back in the line and just it would slip out okay all right so what do you want me to do uh just make sure I just do it don't want to damage this so not too much pressure right if we can set the bar up somehow or behind the tree on one side yeah yeah because then it won't pull out and then yeah we've just got to make sure this bar doesn't move into this okay we don't want to cause any more issues and we want to slide straight over that so you tell me if we're getting movement okay yep guys pull on yeah we got movement movement right that's pretty tight have we got pressure on it that's all right let's have a look there's pressure it is pulling out it is a little bit but only tight yeah because it's so bunched up because it's a straight liner and it needed that liner needed to start in that in there so nice Okay that's gonna rip that's gonna tear because there's a hole there yeah so was it slowly moving yeah dude why about that much yep I'm wondering if we cut that out it'll pull out once that's open yeah yeah we could try that yeah I'll uh I'll bring the car yeah if you come all the way forward to the curb I can't leave behind it [Applause] laughs very nice yep okay there's a bit of a railway all right that might come now that's going to help that was bunched up quite a bit let's pull again with the truck yep okay that just pulled out a bit didn't it it was bunched off I came out about that much okay it's the problem if it concertina in the pipe okay oh there you go the thing is the rope's still a bit yeah yeah part of it stuck so I'm gonna so we're falling out the bunch section and the roof is at the end probably in a ball it's very oily because of the lube man and he's at Tafe today so he escapes all of this fine but it out than in as they say Justin will be happy to see this coming out he might get some sleep tonight [Music] oh boy yeah see if that rival free off actually yes let this loose off [Applause] or I can just pull okay just pull just because we're running out of all right uh well we cut this what is it stuck on the Rope inside it shouldn't be so tight though right okay still coming goes like it's full of surge because you tell them I could use it last night We're Not Gonna we made a mistake okay that's all right don't you go anywhere hang on yeah it's written that out okay we're gonna have to cut this Kelly I'm just gonna have to tie on again all right she's coming there we go very good beautiful and just we just have to cut this away and uh you're in business Yeah well yeah cut this right out and then how do you cut that we could cut that with the chains with the Rope which it's going to be easier with a overshot cutting chain all right so Justin's job now is to chain knock cut out this sleeve in the shaft tidy it up and it's good to use Justin's going to be using this chain knocker here those teeth will cut you know perfect yeah and it should hopefully come out we'll Cut Above below it's only a little Stumpy that's gonna spin like that and that's going to cut away though the sleeve that's in the shaft where do we put that down you'll see what will happen right up above the joint let's do the top bit first so just that leap yeah yeah ready yep it'll stay in the what we need it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] the people who do cutting yes it's an unknown isn't it because it's so new masks oh yeah looking good just that last bit eh just needs to be cut there yeah grinder yeah probably your little grinder straight down on that angle around the other way that's it [Music] oh it's not on the uh foreign quick uh or phone code connector um we have to cut it all the way through and then dig underneath so we can encase it in concrete because they're just rubber and um you know over time Roots could get through that rubber so encasing it in concrete it'll stop the roots [Music] [Music] an hour down the liner we'll have to cut through that all right so that's the liner within the clay pipe beautiful I'm gonna cut that out two way yep [Music] beautiful so that's the pipe within a pipe good job all right so we're gonna put the camera down all the way to the end Justin's going to Jet up the line we're going to clean it just that's all the relining a few bits of rock in there that's gone down from yesterday Justin's going to drag all that back with the uh high pressure jet now okay we are there I'll just grab the camera and give it a clean on that side there's our camera I'll just give it a bit of a clean [Music] [Music] looks like Justin's uh materials have arrived thanks mate filming yeah yeah special delivery thank you sir watch your head there yeah thanks Mike cheers mate okay so now we're just waiting for just the clinky's nozzle in there we go he's just clinked it in he's going to turn it on we're going to follow him up as it cleans and then reinspect the pipe after he's cleaned it I'm just going to turn it on now stop stop yeah I'm pulling out come up then just all right Justin's going to come up first all the way and then we're going to follow him down [Music] foreign [Music] foreign way down into the boundary trap that's Cleo and this line Looks magnificent after all the pain it looks like it's a Sweet Success in the end but it was a bit of a disaster but not all was lost it's not a bad reline after all that's where the old Junction used to come in that's been uh deleted would have been a crack and a break up there that's been fixed with the relining and the disjoints look much better the water should skip over that nicely well all in all pretty good looks great yeah yeah the main reason Justin realigned this whole section is because the council wouldn't let them touch these trees and these trees are smack bang on top of the sewer so they didn't have any choice but to re-line both sore and stormwater with the development application like they will have specific guidelines or whatever you know in the trees darling hello boy what you doing yeah you know we're digging that's a nice face you got there boy yeah hi I'm digging roughly oh probably six o'clock you're Frozen with your tongue out I'll prepare this for Justin because he's a bit of farmer than me you can put the parts together that way no one can laugh at my workmanship what I'll do I'll jump in and I'll just push some dirt backwards I've got a straight run to that jump up hey Carl hi Justin oh how are you not too bad I oops I understand I read it the toilet ah does it what isn't flushing or something uh like it might drop water yeah that's on solid that's hard connect a bit out of shape yeah it's just there [Music] thank you president this is we are doing yesterday [Music] okay it's arriving [Music] probably come up quite a bit higher bye it's like a spigot your delivery what's lunch quick lunch break with Lolly hey oh yeah oh that's good she says loves her chips that's that potato he's never met a carbohydrate she did she didn't like [Music] lettuce and all she loves her greens we've got to finish this [Music] laughs I can go [Music] now we're gonna glue one two three joints four joint three joints at once oh foreign we're coming [Music] all right [Music] all right is that in yeah push up beautiful what do we got where's the tape measure make sure now all that's left is a toilet paper flush test do the um bring the Riser up yeah boundary trap Riser yep all right I'm gonna do a toilet paper flush test with you if you can do the honest Place mate I'll fill the bucket yeah and then I'll watch down that end when it comes through yep toilet paper order foreign [Applause] what's this one here that's a relief Gully is that okay heaps of Paper Mate heaps of paper good one just you may have to that'll be good all right I'm going down the other end I'll give you a Hoy okay [Applause] all right can you hear me just yeah all right flush away on the count of three one two three would you believe four five it is [Music] loud and clear beautiful that's what we like to see happy with that all good sort of it was a uh it was a hard job especially for just but he got there in the end so it shows that things don't go smoothly every time even with relining good job just all good mate all good very much okay so Justice is going to raise the uh boundary trap to the surface here this one up to about that height there special coupling put a lid on it um and fill it back in and we're all good all right Justin's just going to quickly test the dunny the Yard House it's going to come through here through that plastic temp this line Ferry temp flush away on the count of three Oliver we've got a block drain here do you want to take a look at this oh what have you done look drain Nana come in here you better get a view from here I see it's come apart not good yeah all right I took that back to that off is that on light up light up it keeps on wanting to come out we're going to chalk it off over here [Music] is that is that on the back all right when you're ready just give it a flush on the count of three washing Flushing all right yeah that's coming through nicely [Applause] very good you fix the pipe in there
Channel: Drain Addict
Views: 121,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blocked drain, blocked sewer, blocked drain pipe, drain blockage, drain clean, blocked toilet, drain cleaner, blocked pipe, blocked sewage, pipe unblock, clogged drain, drain jetter, jet drain, drain, sewer, drain cleaning, clogged, toilet
Id: Cr7CDBeXotM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 33sec (6573 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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