RELENTLESS! │ Extreme BeamNG Drive Police Chase

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All units, please get ready for an imminent assault. I repeat, assault is imminent. Wait, what!? Tactical Unit moving in now What did you say is in the back of that truck!? We have to stop them! Good morning, everyone. It is 5 a.m. on this gorgeous Monday here in our Paradise, New Haven Isle. And you're listening to Truckers Radio. The vibe for all them lonely truckers out there. If you can hear me now, please stay with us on this channel. As I can guarantee you, you will not regret it. Today we have Ed on the line. How are you, Ed? Hello, Maria. I need to talk with you about guilt. I've done something awful and I feel incredibly guilty for it. All right, focus. That's the truck full of pricey construction gear. Perfect! Hehe, I love to be evil. Ed, is everything alrigh?! Attention, all units in the vicinity. This is a stolen vehicle alert Again!? A truck belonging to a company called Critical Freight Solutions has been reported stolen in the Tanglewood Flats District. The vehicle is an orange Gavril T cargo truck with license plate number BBK392. Please be on the lookout for this vehicle. Charlie. Isn’t critical freight solutions that company that is building this massive hotel tower? Yep. They've expanded into construction and are now buying up the entire island. I guess that's certainly more exciting than conducting speed checks around here. Wow, I guess be careful what you wish for Dispatch! Unit five here. We got eyes on the suspect. Suspect vehicle appears to have an illegal engine modification. Oh yes, he most definitely has! Unit 5, what is your current heading in the pursuit? We are heading northbound towards the East Gateway of New Haven at a very high speed. We need immediate backup - repeat, backup is urgently needed! Oh crap! Suspect has entered New Haven City Limits! wait what ?! Dear God .. All units, please get ready for an imminent assault. I repeat, assault is imminent! Holy mother of .. no way! Central. This is unit 2. The truck is currently driving through Town Hall Square, heading west, requesting immediate backup over Acknowledged. I'm deploying a roadblock ahead of the truck's current route. God damn it. Christ! Central, we need everything we got - the situation is dire! Central, truck avoided the roadblock, joining the pursuit. Acknowledged. Ed Monroe, the original driver, is currently being questioned. Stand by for updates on the cargo of the truck. Holy crap! Okay, Ed, I'm going to ask you one more damn time. Oh god... What is in the cargo of the truck? And do the thieves have a clue what's in there? I feel so guilty! Come ON, Ed! Okay, okay! First, I'm sure the thieves don't know what they actually stole. Second: we're all screwed!!! Oh man, you kidding me! Oh God! Dear God, have mercy with my gentle soul! Code RED to all units! Oh great ... The initial truck driver, Ed Monroe, has just made a full confession. The cargo truck you are currently surrounding is illegally carrying a highly explosive cargo of ammonium nitrate. I repeat, the stolen truck is filled with ammonium nitrate. We do not know how much shock the chemical has already endured and how unstable it may be at this point. Any direct contact with the vehicle must be avoided at all costs! Please wait for further instructions. Oh my .. this is bad news! What are these idiots waiting for? I don't know. Drive. Drive! God damn it. Dear Lord, HAVE MERCY! Central Unit 2. I'm back in pursuit. Unit 2, we explicitly told you to wait for further instructions. Taking action, Central! What is it honey? I am so freaking sick of people that can't drive, mom. Oh, God. I know. These peasants terrible! Seriously! Ever since you got me this car, I feel like I attract stupidity on the road. Leighton? Leighton?! Are you still theeere? Central Truck is currently heading towards the highway tunnel. Where are the other units? I need backup. John, we're currently coordinating tactical resources. JESUS CHRIST! Other units are close behind. Proceed with caution. Oh, God damn it. I am requesting immediate EMS at the highway tunnel entrance. Warning all units. Deployment of tactical equipment has just been authorized. We will establish a strategic neutralization zone to stop the truck carrying ammonium nitrate. Roadblocks and detours will be put in place. All regular units converge to the New Haven overpass now. Looks like we're in for a ride... The driver in the orange truck. You are carrying highly explosive and unstable ammonium nitrate. Do not break suddenly. Oh, my. He might be right, man! The beeping thing! RELAX! It's an indicator! They're bluffing, this is a set up! Driver, your cargo is highly unstable!! NO! You gotta listen! That's why it is beeping all the time. You got to slow down. SLOW DOWN! Shut up your mouth! WATCH OUT! Central this is Tactical Unit, I've arrived at the objective Affirmative. Civilian vehicles are currently being redirected to exit 45. Primary objective is to neutralize the truck if and only if necessary. If the truck does not stop in front of the two SWAT units, you have clearance to neutralize the truck with that precise shot. the truck with a precise shot affirmative Central?! No sign of the truck stopping! He actually got faster. Way faster!! Jesus monkey! Man, please watch out. Okay? I don't want to die. QUIET! All units, the target is approaching at a very high speed. E.T.A. 10 seconds. Prepare for possible impact! Oh my god - we're doomed! SHUT UP!! Target just entered neutralization zone. He's not stopping! He's not stopping! Shit! Central. I cannot engage. Target is behind a sound barrier and too close to civilian traffic. God damn it!! Come on .. Come on! Come ON! Stop! STOP! Please! This is not good. This is not good!!! Central!! Truck is in the express tunnel, send EMS. HA! What did I tell you? We made it. I guess you're right! Oh, you bet! And that thing. I don't know what it is, but it's not what the police told us. They just wanted us to stop the truck. Man, $20 for selling and delivering a sofa. And I get a traffic jam? Honestly, like, emergencies are fake news anyway. Oh my gaawd! Central! We need backup and emergency services now!! Come on, start, please! Oh, God. Come on, come on, come on! Don't let me down!! Oh, shiiiit!! Help. I'm badly hurt. Everything hurts. John, everyone's on their way and should be on the scene within minutes. We totally messed up. Didn't we? Huh! I wish all of this was just a film. In which case I'd hella subscribe and share this film with my friends. Wait what? But it's not a movie, John. Or is it. Central? What are you talking about? I don't know.
Channel: Crash Frontier
Views: 4,187,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng drive, beamng drive police chase, beamng drive movie, beamng drive rollover crashes, car crash compilation, soft body physics, car explosion fire, beamng off road crashes, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng drive crashes, fatal highway crash, beamng epic crashes, beamng crashes, pileup car crashes, highway explosion, highway police chase and crash, highway police chase, truck chase, truck explosion, police car chase, truck fire, wild police chases
Id: 4qaXHU-qo2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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