Relaxing Christmas Carol Music - with Lyric | 8 Hours | Quiet and Comfortable Instrumental Music
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Channel: LADOREMI 라도레미
Views: 564,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christmas music, xmas music, instrumental music, traditional christmas music, holidays music, christmas songs, holy carol, calm music, peaceful music, background music, bgm, lyrics, relax, sleep, soothing, calming, study, reading, prayer, meditation, spa, yoga, healing, lullaby, release stress, ber month, 크리스마스 음악, 성탄절 음악, 캐롤, 캐럴, 배경음악, 조용한 음악, 차분한 음악, 잠오는 음악, 자장가, 태교, 힐링음악, 노래 가사, 기도, 묵상, 수면, 공부, 독서, 명상, 긴장완화, 불안해소, 마음안정, 스트레스 해소
Id: 4Id1n6-OuLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 482min 17sec (28937 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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