Relaxing Blues Music | Best of Slow Blues/Rock | Electric Guitar & Piano
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Channel: JAZZ & BLUES
Views: 2,606,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blues music, whiskey blues, blues, relaxing blues music, blues songs, slow blues, blues mix, blues playlist, blues guitar, electric blues, blues rock, blues rock music, jazz blues, modern blues, piano blues, sad blues, best of blues, music, music playlist, jazz music, relaxing, chicago blues, blues jazz, jazz guitar, Jazz, electric guitar, whisky blues, relaxing blues, relax music, background music, blues whisky, dark blues, rock blues, jazz lounge, lounge music
Id: 39vz1A1BhoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 342min 22sec (20542 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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